Anonymous mail. Create disposable email addresses. Methods for receiving disposable email, the best services for creating temporary email

If you are a more or less advanced Internet user, then you should be familiar with situations when you need to register on some forum or service site only once. After all, many sites now require registration both to send a message and to work, but it often happens that in the future there is no need to use this e-mail. For example, you need to download a file on the site, and to download it requires registration on the site. Sound familiar? Or you need to leave the question, and then just watch the answers. Or registration in different catalogs. In general, there can be many situations. For such purposes, disposable (temporary) e-mails (mailboxes) have long been invented. You can use them to instantly receive your mailbox, register on a website, get an activation link (and sometimes you don't even need it) and you can forget.
To create such boxes, you do not need to come up with a name and password, as well as any additional questions and enter a phone number. In general, you can create it in a second.

Why do we need temporary mailboxes?

In addition to what was described above, these e-mails will help you not to "shine" your main (permanent) e-mail. After all, as often happens, after such a regular registration with an indication of a mailbox, you may begin to receive a lot of letters with mailing both from the site on which you registered, and completely left - spam. I think very few people will be well from the fact that letters with advertisements or some kind of links will come to their mail.
In general, you yourself can understand what you need mailbox at one time.
The main disadvantage in such boxes is that in the future you will not be able to access it (after deletion). And this can come in handy when you have registered for some and forgot the password from it. But this is no longer a case for one-time use and you need to decide in which cases to use such a temporary mailbox, and in which not.

Now let's go directly to the services that allow you to create and use temporary mailboxes (e-mail).

The most famous and popular disposable email service. And this is justified. After all, you just need to follow the link and you will immediately receive your (randomly generated) temporary mailbox (the duration of existence is 10 minutes). In the same tab, you can immediately see the list of incoming messages, and, if necessary, extend the term for another 10 minutes right there (if there is not enough time). In a special field, you can immediately select and copy your address, and then paste where you want and do your business.

When using, you should be aware that this service blocks attachments and if you answer letters, then Russian letters will be corrupted and unreadable.

Good post service disposable e-mail. The same as the previous site, only a nicer design and the ability to redirect mail to your (real) postal address.

Why is the redirect function good? Yes, the fact that you "shine" somewhere out there during registration only a temporary and unnecessary address, and all information is needed (as it was written above, for example, a login and password for forums) is sent to your existing mailbox and saved. It turns out that spammers will get a box that no longer exists, and you will receive only the information you need. Conveniently.

Nice, nice, comfortable, modern. Initially it is created for 2 hours and the remaining time can be monitored from above

Pay attention to the left panel - in it you can immediately copy the address, update letters, change the mailing address (indicating your username, choice of service and time), extend the period (1 hour per click) and delete the mailbox.

Automatic generation of the mailbox name, the storage time of letters is 60 minutes, the lifetime of the mailbox - until a new session is created.

A bit "crooked" in terms of design (for me personally), but allows you to store up to 5 days and supports attachments

A simple English-language service translated into Russian. Supports Cyrillic, you can create it with your name (login) and domain (which comes next @). Created for 15 minutes

Several English-language services that will help you create a temporary e-mail. They are distinguished by simplicity and asceticism. You just need to select a login (name), enter in the field, select the time of existence and get the address:
Finally, I want to note that some services and sites do not allow you to register using these services and write that they need normal ones - from Rambler, Gmail, Yandex, Mail, etc. I advise you to either use another service (or domain) or create one mail specifically for spam.

Address email nowadays it is a popular way of communication, the practicality and other advantages of which can hardly be overestimated. But if earlier e-mail was used exclusively for communication, today many network resources, sites, programs allow you to activate your account or license solely by sending a test letter to your e-mail address.

At first glance, it might seem that this should not be a problem. After all, what is difficult in entering an e-mail in the required field? However, no one will ever guarantee that an e-mail address entered anywhere will not be used by anyone to send unsolicited emails, which are called "spam". Of course, the prospect of receiving such correspondence by e-mail cannot please their owners. But what about this situation? The answer to this question is simple - your assistant will be a temporary mail that is currently open in front of you.

The main advantage of temporary mail

What is this service? This question may arise from each of you. After all, temporary mail, if you do not want to use a personal e-mail, can be registered within a few minutes and the question will be closed. In fact, everything is not as simple as it seems. If you created your e-mail address many years ago, then you probably do not know that today, on many postal services for registration, you must specify a different, valid address, and on some, it is mandatory mobile phonethat will be used to confirm registration and restore access.

While disposable mail works without registration. Just by going to the service page, you can already see the email address at the top. It will represent your individual temporary e-mail, which you can indicate to activate accounts on various resources and for other purposes. And at the same time, you do not have to waste time creating a new mailbox, since you can do without registering one.

Rules for working with temporary email

The one-time mail was created by the development team so that anyone who urgently needs mail for 10 minutes can use it, while saving their time. Everything is very simple, easy and understandable.

  • By opening the site, you have already received a personalized email address.
  • Copy it and specify it to register an account, activate a license, or perform any other task in front of you.
  • Your temporary mail will display all incoming emails on home page, under the indicated email address.

Disposable mail works within 60 minutes. Not intended to be sent. And it is issued individually for the device from which the site is visited.

Nothing complicated! And you can always complete authorization, activation or registration without showing your personal email address to any resources on the Internet.

Enjoy! We hope you enjoy our service.

Quite often, you need to register on some site that you plan to use only once. Forums, blogs, file sharing and even some general wi-Fi points asking for your email address. Then you find that your inbox is full of spam, promo messages and other crap that is being sent to you from wherever you register.

Temporary email services are designed to solve this problem. With the help of disposable mailboxes, you can register where you need it without worrying that you will be annoyed with unwanted mail.

Please note that some sites and forums do not allow temporary email when registering. You can work around this limitation by trying a different mail domain.

Popular disposable email service. To use it, you need to specify your real postal address where messages will be forwarded. The number of messages forwarded can be configured. In addition, you can choose how long the temporary mailbox will last.

Registration with TrashMail is optional, but registered users can create multiple temporary addresses. You can choose from 16 mail domains.

If you need many disposable mailing addresses, you can register account TrashMail Plus for $ 21.99 per year. A paid account allows you to create up to 5,000 temporary email addresses with an unlimited number of forwarded messages.

TrashMail has extensions for Chrome and Firefox that make it easy to register quickly.

Guerrilla Mail is one of the oldest disposable email providers, operating since 2006. Unlike TrashMail, Guerrilla Mail does not allow you to create multiple email addresses and does not ask for your real email address.

The received address will be valid for one hour only. But Guerrilla Mail is much easier to use and completely free.

Besides the web interface, there is an Android app.


nada is a disposable mail service from the creators of the popular mail client for Mac and iPhone. nada does not require registration or a real address. Moreover, the service is completely free.

nada allows you to create up to 10 addresses at the same time. You can use a randomly generated email address or create your own by choosing from ten email domains.

The service stores received messages for a week. The number of attachments in incoming emails is not limited.

The mobile version of the nada web interface allows you to work with the service on any smartphones under android and iOS.

Easy to use disposable mail service. The working time of the created mailbox is not limited, the address is available until you refresh the page. In addition, you can create an infinite number of mailboxes.

DropMail has a built-in forwarding function, so you can make your temporary address permanent if needed. DropMail is very fast and does not require registration.

Mailinator has one special feature. When creating a disposable mailbox, you can enter any address. If it's already taken, you can still use it. You can read all emails in mailboxes created by other users. They will also be able to read your letters. So Mailinator shouldn't be used when registering on really important sites and forums.

If necessary, you can register on Mailinator, making your temporary mailboxes private and inaccessible to other users. In addition, the service provides special tariff plans for developers and business, but for personal use the free version is enough.

It is a popular and free disposable email provider. Fake Mail Generator allows you to come up with your own mailing address and choose one of ten domains. The mailbox is valid for 24 hours.

Like Mailinator, Fake Mail Generator allows all users to read messages in any disposable mailboxes if their address is known.

Temp Mail is a fairly well-known disposable mail service. It is very simple and practically devoid of settings. Just open it and copy your temporary mailing address. Your mailbox is valid until you delete it, but all received messages disappear within an hour.

In addition to the web interface, you can interact with the service using extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Opera, as well as through applications for Android and iOS.

10MinuteMail differs from most similar services in that it has the ability to respond to messages received. In addition, they can be sent to your real postal address.

You don't need to register to use 10MinuteMail. Just open the service in a browser and copy the generated URL. It is unique for each user, so no one else can read your emails.

As the name of the service suggests, mailboxes live here for ten minutes. But if necessary, you can extend this period. The service is absolutely free.

Would you like to provide your real email address? Tired of endless spam in your inbox? Temporary mail for 10 minutes will be the solution to these problems.

Our reliable and free service, allows you to create a quick temporary email anonymously and without registration. Temporary mailboxes have a short lifespan - from 10 minutes to 10 days. Use them when registering on sites, create multiple accounts on social networks and do not worry about security and anonymity.

Who needs a temporary mail service and why?

There are many advantages of the service. You yourself know about them or guess, once you are on our site.

But, it will not be superfluous to clarify that temporary mail is badly needed:

    If you work in the field of SMM (social media marketing), to create multiple accounts on social networks.

    If you do not want to "shine" your real Email address on various Internet resources.

    If you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, but access to some sites and services requires registration.

    If you do not want to receive spam and annoying mailings to your main mailbox.

    If there is a need to correspond with the respondent, while remaining anonymous.


Thanks to temporary mail, you can remain anonymous anytime, anywhere. For example, you wanted to register on any forum or portal, but you do not want to “shine” your real Email address. Then Crazymailing is perfect for you.

Spam protection

By creating accounts on various sites, there is a potential risk of becoming a victim of an attack by hackers who can instantly steal your personal data and use it to your detriment without your knowledge. There is nothing easier to bring a virus through a letter to your computer or mobile, even if you have good antivirus... A temporary mailbox minimizes the risk of losing personal data and ensures the safety of your computer and mobile device. Temporary mail will be the best solution to this problem, which will protect you as much as possible from unwanted spam while maintaining complete anonymity.

Forwarding letters to a real email address

We have provided the possibility of sending a letter from a temporary address to your real mailbox. This option is useful for users who want to receive letters from different sites without showing their real postal address.

Chrome browser app

Install the application in your browser and use temporary email addresses without visiting the site itself. Just click on the Crazymailing icon in the right upper corner browser, as in a second a window will appear with a new temporary Email address. In the same window you will receive notifications about received letters.


Temporary mail may not only accept lettersbut also send them! Nobody except you can view the contents of the letters! Your safety is under control.

1 account and 20 Email addresses!

Log in to the site through the site convenient for you social network (Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, etc.) and get access to manage up to 20 temporary email addresses. Delete old ones and add new ones, extend the periods of activity of mailboxes, redirect letters to your main mailbox - customization exclusively for your needs!

By the way, the service is absolutely free! Use it!

Many Internet services and applications require you to register using mail. It is not necessary to compromise your address and then rake in endless spam.

Previously, it was possible to create a new mail account each time on Yandex or Now the procedure has become a little longer, and many resources do not work with Russian domains.

You can use one of the services to fast creation temporary address - registered and forgotten.

1. Mailinator

The service allows you to create free web addresses generated upon receipt of messages. The principle of operation is disgracefully simple - enter any word in the main window and press “GO”.

The service generates two addresses that can be used to register on other resources. And a complete list of all letters that came to the address for the day.

After a day, the mail and virtual address are deleted. By the way, registration is not required in Mailinator itself.

Unfortunately, it only offers one domain with its own name.

Anonymous email service with a large selection of domains. The principle of operation is standard - come up with a name and click “Create”.

Inboxes are stored in a common mailbox or on a page like /

Letters are stored for up to 8 days, but there is a possibility of self-deletion. There is a full-fledged Russian version.

3. Hide My Ass!

Free anonymous mailbox that can be used to receive email. Requires registration without entering personal and real data: just come up with an address name and password.

You can turn on notifications about the arrival of new letters that are sent to your real mailbox, or even set the time for "self-destruction" of this account.

4. Crazy Mail

Unlike competitors, it allows not only receiving, but also sending letters. The mailbox lives for 10 minutes, the maximum message size is 10 MB, and the largest number of recipients is 3.

To combat spam, it adds a header with your external IP address to the message. That is, the provider's address is not suitable for secret correspondence.

And for a one-time registration on an unimportant resource - what you need. Moreover, since Crazy Mail there is a great Chorome extension.

5. "Anonymizer"

Allows you to create anonymous addresses for any mail accounts on

All emails sent to an anonymous address will be delivered to the main mailbox (the main address is not visible to the sender). You can write letters from your main mailbox, but send them on behalf of an anonymous recipient.

If necessary, you can create several addresses to choose from, and get rid of it at any time.

In addition to the standard set of options (automatic creation of an account upon receipt of a letter), it offers its users automatic confirmation of links.

It will be especially useful function for those who often register with various web services.

NotSharingMy.Info will provide you with a permanent anonymous email address to receive emails without you having to provide your personal information.

The only thing you need to enter to register is your real e-mail address. All received anonymous letters are automatically saved in your valid email.

Which service should you choose?

It is rather difficult to single out a certain leader from the described services. Each has its own advantages that you need to evaluate for yourself. Sometimes it is impossible to single out one universal one. For example, I use

  • "Anonymizer" for registration on the resources, suggesting a possible exchange of correspondence,
  • crazy Mail extension for Google chrome if you need a quick registration,
  • Mailinator for testing and surfing.
  • What services of anonymous email addresses do you use?