Arrow in the upper right corner on android. What do the icons on Honor phone mean. Status bar management

The upper status line is an invariable attribute of a mobile phone that appeared at the dawn of its formation cellular communication... Initially, the battery charge and signal reception level were displayed on top, but over time, new icons and indicators were added there. They continue to this day, because new technologies and standards appear. And then we come across an incomprehensible icon near the battery and puzzle over its meaning. We will discuss many of the icons below.

The icons you see in this text are standard for Android. However, many smartphone manufacturers are making changes to the operating system, including icon design. Perhaps, it is on your smartphone that some icons will be different.

In total operating system Android has thousands of icons, most of which are found in menus and basic applications. In the top status bar, most of the icons reflect the operation of cellular communication and wireless modules, power and system restrictions.


A well-known signal level scale for many. The appearance of an exclamation mark indicates no Internet access. Next, the type of network through which the Internet connection is made is also indicated: 4G, 3G, H + (this is a type of 3G), E and G (types of very slow mobile internet based on 2G networks).

For Wi-Fi, there are also several specific icons designed to inform about the absence of a signal, a long wait for a connection to an access point, or the absence of an Internet connection from a connected router.


There are not so many icon options for Bluetooth, and it is useful to know them if you often connect accessories using this technology.


The geolocation system is indicated by an unpretentious sight and would hardly deserve attention, if not for one thing: it is such a standard option that is rarely found. Almost all smartphone manufacturers use different icons.

Blocks and restrictions

Some of the icons in the center of the status bar will never be seen by most smartphone users on the screen of their device, but, for example, we see the Wi-Fi internet distribution icon much more often.

Power and charging

Even with the battery, each intermediate state is stored in memory with a separate icon. The far left is a direct call to remove the unsafe battery. How, you ask, is a smartphone not separable? We don't know. But the badge is there. The meaning of the rest of the icons, we are sure, is already familiar to you.

The left one is the most cluttered - part of the status bar no longer shows the signal reception scale, but you can still find a tiny clock from the days of monochrome Nokia there. And there are also icons for notifications about new events. Received a message - hold the icon. Missed call and next update apps - a couple more icons flaunt at the top, next to the tiny digital clock.


Did you really think these speech bubbles are the same? Android has its own icon for every type of communication!


The real adventures of the handset across the vastness of icons. There is nothing to supplement the qualitative schematic descriptions with.

The interfaces of modern phones are replete with different pictograms. These are application icons, as well as icons that appear in the status bar and are located in the notification bar. If everything is more or less clear with icons, then with graphics you should understand in more detail.

How are the icons used in the notification bar and the status bar different?

The panel where notifications are stored and the status bar are similar to each other. However, these are two different things. The status bar is the area located in the upper right corner of the screen. This place always displays the time, battery level and icons for active connections such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Here, but to the left, icons of applications installed on the Honor phone (as well as on any other smartphones) appear, which signal the user that messages have arrived, program updates from Google play or there are other notices. Also, the icons of the current state can be placed here. If, for example, music is played on the phone via google service Play Music, the corresponding icon will be displayed on this line. The sequence of icons is not random. It is strictly ordered: recent notifications are on the far left of the line.

Icons displayed on the right side of the Status Bar on HUAWEI smartphones

Icon Icon Description
Network Signal Strength: The more bars, the better the cellular signal.
No Signal: No cellular service available.
Current time
2G network connection
3G network connection
4G network connection
Connecting to the HSPA network
Connecting to the HSPA + network
LTE connection
LTE + network connection
No SIM card: The device cannot see the SIM card or it is missing.
VoLTE (HD Voice) enabled: Enhanced voice quality is enabled over LTE networks.
Airplane mode enabled: Offline mode, in which you can not make outgoing and receive incoming calls, there is no mobile Internet.
Roaming: communication is provided outside the service area of \u200b\u200bthe "home" operator
Wi-Fi connection: Wi-Fi is connected and data is being transferred.
Wi-Fi network available: There are Wi-Fi networks available.
Bluetooth On: Bluetooth function in active mode.
GPS function active: Receiving geodata from GPS satellites.
Silent mode on: The sound and vibration on the phone is turned off.
Vibration mode is on
The battery is fully charged. (LED color when charging)
Charging: The battery is in the process of charging. (LED color when charging)
Battery discharged: The battery is less than 4% charged. (LED color when charging)
Alarm on
NFC enabled: NFC function in active mode.
Wired headphones connected
Traffic saving mode is on
Power saving mode is on
Eye Care is on (Eye icon)
Do not disturb mode is on

Icons displayed on the left side of the Status Bar on HUAWEI smartphones

Icon Icon Description
Missed Calls: An incoming call was missed.
Email: New message received.
Voicemail: New voicemail received.
FM radio: FM radio is on.
Loading data: Loading applications or files in progress.
Uploading data: An outbound file transfer is in progress.
Upcoming events: Calendar event reminder.
VPN Connected: Connect to a Virtual Private Network.
Synchronizing data: The device and application data are being synchronized.
Synchronization failed
Phone memory is full
Login or sync error
Other notifications
Number of messages on the Notification panel

Notification panel

This panel is hidden from the user's eyes, it can be opened by sliding your fingers across the screen from the top border down. The panel is small but displays a lot of information. Here you can take a look at the image (screenshot, for example), read messages from instant messengers, or see the update of the Facebook feed. After this preview, you can decide whether to open the application or delete the notification by swiping it from right to left. Notifications are smarter than ever since Android Nougat. Now, from the notification panel, the user can send replies to messages without even opening the main application.

In addition to notifications, the panel also has quick settings... With their help, you can turn on and off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and change various options, for example, adjust the screen brightness, sound volume, etc. A long press on the icon will open a menu with settings for the selected option.

It is very good that the user has the ability to customize the notification panel, that is, choose which icons will be displayed on it, arrange them, arrange them beautifully. Annoying or uninteresting notifications can be turned off by long pressing on the message. A menu will appear offering choices regarding how to receive notifications from the app.

What the icons mean

All icons used by the android operating system fall into several categories:

  • Act
  • Alert
  • Audio Video
  • Communication interaction, data exchange
  • Content
  • Device
  • Editor
  • Device modules
  • Picture
  • Cards
  • Navigation
  • Notifications
  • Places
  • Social networks, communication
  • Switches and buttons

A few words about customization

By customization we mean add-ons that many manufacturers install on stock Android as a proprietary shell. According to experts, the EMUI shell from Huawei is one of the best today. In particular, in EMUI 8.0 (such smartphones as Honor 7X, 8, V8, Note 8, 8 Lite, 9, 9 Lite, V9 and V10 work on it), it is possible to change the notification panel by simply dragging and dropping the necessary icons onto it. You can change the location of the icons, and remove unused icons. To open the entire panel and you can customize it, you need to click on the edit icon (in the form of a pencil), which is located in the upper right corner of the screen next to the gear icon.

System UI Tuner

Problems in how to customize the control panel to suit your needs usually do not arise. But how to remove this or that icon from the status bar is a more difficult question. Although he is also being resolved.

In order to access the status bar tuning, you need to activate the menu called System UI Tuner. In fact, starting with the Marshmallow version, this tool fine tuning is part of the stock android. However, most smartphone manufacturers who add their own add-ons to pure android hide the System UI Tuner by default. And there are good reasons for this.

The set of options collected in the System UI Tuner application are useful tools that can be used to experiment with the system. And these experiments, in turn, can adversely affect the stability of the Android. But for curious users, this "System UI Tuner" (as translated into Russian "System UI Tuner") provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the new functions of the system.

If System UI Tuner is not locked on your smartphone, it's very easy to enable it. Just tap the notification shade twice. The quick settings menu will open, then hold your finger on the gear icon for a few seconds. You will see how it first starts rotating, then a small wrench icon will appear next to it. The wrench is an indicator that the System UI Tuner application has become active.

Scroll to the bottom of Settings to check if the menu is enabled or not. In the list of options, "System UI Tuner" will be designated either the penultimate or the last item, depending on which android version on the phone. The experimental menu will also depend on the version of your android. But in any case, it has an item "Status bar", and options will be listed whose icons can be added or removed from this line (Bluetooth, do not disturb, volume, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Cellular data, etc. etc.)

If the inclusion in a simple way The System UI Tuner was unsuccessful, which means that the manufacturer has removed access to it. But you can activate the "tuner" forcibly. For this, ADB is used - the Android debug bridge. To work with ADB you need special program and the driver that are installed on the PC. By entering several commands through the console application, the "tuner" is turned on on any android smartphone.

Chapter three

Getting started on your tablet

Features of working on a tablet computer

The main features of working on a tablet relate to the process of entering information and managing programs.

To type text messages on a tablet, as on a smartphone, a virtual keyboard is used. It pops up in text blocks. Language switching buttons on the keyboard are usually located at the bottom right. There are also buttons for switching from letters to numbers and signs 3.1.

Virtual keyboards may differ slightly on different operating systems. But there is only one principle used. There are always buttons on the left that switch case, language, numbers and letters. And on the right are the Delete buttons and the Enter button.

A distinctive feature of a tablet and a smartphone is small screens, so many buttons in programs and applications are not signed. These are info icons and are intuitive.

Three horizontal line icon or three dots - a menu.

Clip - attach a file to a message.

Arrow - go to another page or return to the previous one.

Down arrow - download button. Such an icon in the left upper corner the tablet screen shows that a file is being downloaded.

Camera image - the ability to attach a photo or take a photo.

Basket - the "delete" button.

Cogwheel - button for setting the program or system.

Question mark - help or the opportunity to ask a question.

Pencil image - "write" button.

A tube - Call button.

Pay attention to the icons and learn to read them. Their appearance may differ depending on the operating system or application.

Getting started, registration in the system

The work on the tablet computer starts with turning on the device.

Turn on / off the device

Turn the device on and off with one button long pressing, from 3-4 seconds. In this case, when you turn off, a window appears where you must confirm your action. In the example below, to turn off the tablet, you need to select the line "Turn off the power" 3.2.

When you turn on the tablet for the first time, you need to go through the standard procedure for activating the device, set the date, time, select the language, Internet connection. In some cases, when activating the tablet, a mandatory Internet connection is required, since the data on the registered tablet is automatically sent to the developer company, and if errors or any problems occur, the developers will receive a report and correct the device's operation.

Also, when you turn on the device for the first time, you may be prompted to register in the system of the tablet manufacturer. You can do this later in the Settings section.

Registering your account in the manufacturer's system allows you to view the tablet data on another computer or smartphone. To do this, you will need to go to the manufacturer's website and enter your data: login and password, that is, go to your account. This is convenient if you decide to change the tablet and want to transfer all data from the old device to the new one.

It also makes it possible to apply for online support on the operation of the device to the company's specialists.

In addition, you will need to register (create an account) in the operating system itself installed on the tablet. Only in this case will you be able to access the stores of programs and applications, which means that you can install them on the tablet.

AT android system ("Android") is registration mailbox on (ji mail dot com), for Apple products ("Apple") - one system register Apple ID (Apple ID) on mail server (icloud dot com), for Windows - registration at any email address, phone number.

Main screen. Basic buttons

When the tablet is turned on, the main screen... It, as a rule, consists of several pages that you flip with your finger to the right or left. The main screen displays the most basic and frequently used program icons. It also displays the time, date, weather, sometimes - a search string on the Internet 3.3.

At the very top of the screen (or at the bottom, it depends on the tablet model) there is a row of icons. Their set may vary, but you need to remember the basic notation 3.4.

In the example above, at the top right are displayed:


battery charge level;

connected SIM card;

wi-Fi internet connection icon. If it is not colored, then Wi-Fi is not working. On a tablet or smartphone, this icon is most often located at the top left or right.

Also icons will be displayed here: Internet connection by mobile network 3G or 4G, alarm icon, bluetooth (bluetooth) -connection, silent mode, if you have activated these functions.

At the top left, there are notification icons from the operating system (for example, about the need for an update, about the security status), from various programs and applications.

To view the details, swipe your finger from the right corner to the center of the screen. A list of notifications will open. You can either remove them by swiping the line to the left, or touch your finger on the desired message and see the details of the content of this notification 3.5.

Likewise, you can open the quick settings menu on the right. Swipe your finger from the top right to the center of the screen. A list of settings will open. To control them, just touch the desired square with your finger. The icon turns blue when the function is enabled. So you can quickly turn on or off Wi-Fi, adjust the volume, brightness, turn on auto-rotate the screen (in this case, no matter how you turn the tablet, horizontally or vertically, the screen will immediately adjust to the viewing format you have chosen) 3.6.

At the bottom of the screen are the tablet control buttons. They are usually touch-sensitive and are always on the screen, even if you are working in programs or applications. Sometimes their appearance may change, they may look like three dots, but the functions are the same 3.7.

By touching the button "Back", you will return to the previous screen. When the on-screen keyboard is displayed, the button changes to a downward-facing arrow. Touching her lets you hide onscreen keyboardwithout returning to the previous screen.

Button Home Screen or "Home" use to return to the home screen.

Button Recently Used Applications allows you to view all open applications on the tablet. Scroll through the list and tap the desired application to open it. To remove an app from your recently used list, swipe right.

Also at the bottom of the screen are the icons of the most popular applications. So, in the example below, we have six application icons (shortcuts): electronic services of the Pension Fund of Russia, interactive television of Rostelecom, an application for watching videos, a Yandex browser, a calendar, email 3.8 .

The circle with dots in the very middle is the menu button for switching to the main desktop or the second screen, where you can see the entire list of programs and applications installed on the tablet 3.9.

Application "Settings

application "Settings" allows you to control the capabilities of your tablet device. You will often refer to it to adjust certain functions. Most often it is a gear-shaped icon.

Find the settings shortcut, open it with a touch of your finger. The menu has several sections, suggesting setting up wireless networks, devices, personal data, accounts and system capabilities. 3.10.


In the settings, they connect the tablet to the Internet, change the picture (wallpaper) of the screen, adjust the sound, brightness, manage applications and programs. For example, by clicking on the "Memory" section, you can see how full the memory of your computer and SD-card (memory card) is. In the sections relating to personal data, you can correct registration data, security settings. For example, you can specify mandatory scanning for all installed applications. To do this, check the box 3.11 in front of the desired line.


The System section has a useful Accessibility section where you can adjust the font size, auto-rotate the screen, turn on titles or voice assistant 3.12 .


Here you can see detailed information about the tablet itself.

In the "Device" section, you can change the wallpaper on the tablet screen. Tap the line "Screen", select "Wallpaper" 3.13.


Then choose the place where you want to take the new picture for the screen: from the downloaded files, from the photo gallery, or choose from the options that are already preinstalled by the developer 3.14.


For example, we can flip through the proposed design options and immediately see how they look on the screen.

And, having made your choice, touch the inscription "Set wallpaper" 3.15.


Also in "Settings" in the "Device" section you can manage applications. Go to Applications. Scrolling through the pages, you can see the list of running applications and programs downloaded or stopped 3.16.


Here you can also uninstall downloaded applications and programs, and stop preinstalled and unused ones by making them inactive.

Internet connection to tablet computer

To connect your tablet computer to the Internet via Wi-Fi, you need to enable this function. To do this, go to the "Settings" application. In chapter " Wireless networks»Next to the line Wi-Fi, move the slider to the right. It will turn blue. The function is enabled.

Then you need to choose Wi-Fi network and connect to it.

Click on the line Wi-Fi, a list of available networks will open 3.17.

To connect your tablet to a Wi-Fi network:

  1. Turn on Wi-Fi in the Settings app.
  2. Select the required network name from the list.
  3. Enter a password if required.
  4. Click "Connect".


Select the desired one, touch this line. If necessary, enter the password and click "Connect".

If there is a lock icon next to the Wi-Fi network icon, then you can connect to it only by entering a password. If there is no lock, then the network is not secure and a password is not required to connect to it. In public areas, Wi-Fi networks are generally open to everyone. But it happens that in cafes and restaurants, the Wi-Fi connection is closed, and the password and login are given only to the customers of this institution.

To connect your tablet to the Internet via a mobile network, you need to insert a SIM card, activate data transmission using a mobile network, and specify the data of an access point mobile operator.

To do this, go to the "Settings" application, select the "More" line in the "Wireless networks" section. Tap the inscription "Mobile network" 3.18.


The network setup menu will open. Check the box next to "Data transfer" 3.19.


After a while, check if the tablet is connected to the Internet. If not, it is likely that the access point data will need to be entered manually. Go to "Network Settings" again. Open the "Access Point (APN)" item. Select an internet connection and then enter the hotspot details.

These data can be found on the operator's website or in the instructions for the SIM card. Also, the settings can come as an SMS message when activating the SIM card in the tablet.

It is not always necessary to enter access point data manually. Most often, the connection to the network is automatic. In addition, your tablet connected to the Internet can itself distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi to other computers and work as a mobile modem. To do this, in the "Wireless networks" section, activate the "Wi-Fi access point" function.

Working with embedded bluetooth module

Bluetooth (Bluetooth) is one of the wireless communication formats between computer devices that allows you to exchange information and data. This is convenient because no wires are needed to transfer data. Today the bluetooth (Bluetooth) module is installed on mobile phones, tablets, laptops and stationary computers... Also available are bluetooth (Bluetooth) keyboards, mice, headphones and headsets, watches, scanners, printers, digital cameras. The devices can communicate with each other at a distance of 10 to 100 meters.

That is, if you do not have a wire, but you need to transfer a file from a tablet to a laptop, you can turn on bluetooth (Bluetooth) and transfer the file to another device. In the same way, you can connect a keyboard and mouse to a computer via bluetooth (Bluetooth). And control the computer by wireless connection... You can listen to music in wireless headphonesconnected, for example, to your tablet via bluetooth (Bluetooth).

Even if the computer does not have a bluetooth connection module, you can always purchase a special adapter and install the program, and then it will also support given view wireless communication.

To connect the device to the tablet via bluetooth (Bluetooth) communication, you need to activate this function on the tablet and on the device and establish a connection.

In the Settings app, select the Wireless & networks section, then move the slider to the right in front of the Bluetooth line. It will turn blue. Wireless connection included. The Bluetooth 3.20 icon will appear.


To connect a Bluetooth device to your tablet:

  1. Turn on Bluetooth on your tablet and other device.
  2. In the list of found devices, select the one you want.
  3. Click Pairing.
  4. Enter the passcode if required.

Turn on Bluetooth on the device you want to connect to your tablet.

On the tablet, open the "Bluetooth" item. Select the required device from the list of detected devices. Open it up. Then click on the inscription "Pairing" 3.21.


If you connect via bluetooth, for example, a smartphone or tablet, usually a message appears on the screens of the devices with an access code and a field for entering it. This is a security code so that access to information on your tablet is not open to other people's devices.

Note that you can quickly turn Wi-Fi or Bluetooth off and on from the quick settings menu on the home screen. To do this, slide your finger from the upper right corner to the center of the screen. Then in the window that opens, click "Bluetooth".

Move app icons and widgets to the home screen

Two methods of working with a program or application shortcut:

  1. Long press allows you to move or delete the program icon.

On a tablet computer, programs and applications are indicated by icons (shortcuts, icons). There are two main methods of working with them:

  1. A single touch opens the program.
  2. Long press on the program icon allows you to move it around the screen or delete it altogether.

These techniques work for all operating systems. The ability to drag and drop app and app icons allows you to customize your Home screen the way you like, keeping your most used apps close at hand.

Go to the main (second) desktop by clicking on the menu button at the bottom of the main screen.

Select the icon desired program or the app you want to put on the home screen.

Click on this shortcut while holding your finger. The icon will stick to your finger, and the image on the screen will change. A picture of the main screen appears.

Without lifting your finger, slide it left or right, flipping through the pages of the main screen. Move your finger with the stuck icon to the place where you want to put the program shortcut and lift your finger from the screen 3.22.


If you want to remove the application icon from the main screen, just click on the application icon. At the top there will be an inscription “Delete”, “move” the icon there with your finger 3.23.


The icon will be removed from the home screen, but it will still remain on the primary (second) desktop.

You can also place widgets that are useful to you on the home screen. A widget is also a shortcut, but it gives access to a specific action, to an element of a program or application, for example, the weather in a certain city, the situation with traffic jams, a translator from Russian to English, a browser search bar, etc.

The algorithm for adding a widget to the home screen is almost the same as for a program or application icon.

In the Android operating system ("Android") on the main (second) desktop, select the section "Widgets" at the top. Scrolling through the pages, select the desired 3.24.


To remove an app icon from the home screen (Android):

  1. Tap the application icon with your finger.
  2. At the top, “Delete” will appear.
  3. Without lifting your finger, drag the icon to the word "Delete".

With a long press, move the widget to the desired location on the home screen.

Perhaps the application will open and ask you to choose what action you want to create a widget for (for example, select a city in the weather application, select a language in the translator application, etc.).

Data exchange: tablet - computer - smartphone

There are several options for exchanging data between computer devices.

Options for exchanging data between a tablet, a smartphone and a computer:

  1. Bluetooth wireless communication.
  2. Through a wired connection.
  3. Via the Internet (email, social networks, cloud storage).
  4. Using portable storage devices: memory cards, flash drive, hDD HDD.

Also, for data exchange, you can upload data (photos, videos, music) to cloud storage. These applications are most often already preinstalled on the tablet. In the Android system, this is Google. disk. But you can install Yandex.disk applications or cloud storage Cloud Mail.Ru. It all depends on which option you are used to using.

Then select the one you want from the list of options. In our example - "Save to Disk" 3.28.


Information Technology develop rapidly, new data exchange formats appear. For example, Apple in its devices offers the AirDrop function (a data transmission system based on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth).

Control questions

Icons on the screen of a smartphone on Android are displayed on the panel above. They help you figure out which notification has arrived, and get information about the signal strength, battery charge, and so on.

There are no well-established standards for these icons - different developers put different icons in different Android shells, which are not always intuitive. In our material, we will look at what icons are and what they mean.

What does the "vo lte" icon mean?

The mysterious VoLTE icon appeared not so long ago - in 2014. His homeland is distant progressive Singapore, where a new service has been developed that allows you to transmit the sound of your own voice with great convenience and quality.

When VoLTE appears on the screen, it means that they support Voice over LTE technology, which is used during calls. It saves you time on switching from 4G to 3G and helps to improve the sound quality. All is well, except that VoLTE is greedy for battery power.

What does the letter "E" mean?

Another unobvious guest is the letter "E". It stands for EDGE, but not the guitarist of U2, but data transmission technology. It works in 2G networks at a speed not exceeding 474 Kbps.

What does the eye icon mean

Another obscure symbol is the sign of the eye. This does not mean that Big Brother is watching you, but that the smartphone has carefully activated the eye protection function. It can be activated either automatically or manually. It reduces harmful screen radiation and adds a warm tone.

What does the "H" mean?

This unobvious and unremarkable icon is the letter "H". It symbolizes HSPA technology, that is, High Speed \u200b\u200bPacket Access. This is a high-speed data transmission technology. There is also H +, but the meaning remains the same.

What does 4G mean

What does the NFC icon mean

NFC, or Near field communication, is the ability to transfer data to short distance - usually up to 10 centimeters. Most often it is used for contactless payments, or for reading information from transport cards.

What does the "R" mean?

An R above the network indicator means that you are roaming. This usually happens abroad, or outside the home zone. In the settings of the mobile network, you can turn off roaming if you find the item "data in roaming". Then restart your phone.

What does "lte" mean

The LTE icon indicates that the phone supports Long-Term Evolution, or LTE. LTE supports high-speed network access, up to 326 Mbps. So far LTE is not available everywhere, but it is gradually becoming more and more widespread.

Important: sometimes the same means a completely different icon. Huawei smartphones can display the HD icon, which means roughly the same thing - improving sound quality using LTE.

What does the tube icon mean?

The handset icon can mean very different things depending on the situation.

  1. A "neutral" handset means that a call is in progress.
  2. The red handset symbolizes the missed call.
  3. A green handset often indicates that the speakerphone is on.
  4. A handset with an arrow means forwarding.
  5. The red tube and the letter "A" with a "brick" symbol confirm the blocking of all numbers on the blacklist.

Other types of icons on different phones

Smartphone manufacturers often slightly modify familiar icons, and therefore “moving” to a new device may be more painful than we would like. Especially if the phone has its own unique icons that you just can't make out.

On a Samsung phone

Samsung gadgets have their own character set. Most of them look unremarkable, but there are also unique icons that are worth mentioning separately.

This is the logo for Kies Air, an application that helps transfer data from your device to your PC. It's convenient wireless syncing. The program is peculiar only to Samsung phones and tablet computers.

This icon, which looks like Skype, indicates that a Samsung account is being created.

Your phone is connected to the DLNA network.

Saving internet traffic is included. If you don't unlimited tariff, so the phone helps to save money.

On the Huawei phone

Have huawei smartphones its own characteristics. For instance:

LTE is usually displayed with these three letters, huawei phones also support HD Voice, high-quality sound transmission using VoLTE.

With such an interesting picture, Huawei shows the traffic saving mode. There are some similarities with Samsung, but not essential.

Energy saving mode. The phone does everything to extend the life of the battery.

On Honor's phone

Honor phones are popular due to their low price. But despite the different lines of models, they are little different from Huawei. These devices use EMUI skin and the icons are the same for both Huawei and Honor.

On the phone Asus

Asus phones do not differ in particularly incomprehensible symbols.

Comic Bubble stands for Unread Messages.

A leaf in a circle means that the energy saving mode is activated.

The crescent says that the Do Not Disturb mode is on.

On Phillips phone

Philips phones do not have any incomprehensible symbols. If any of them are not clear, we advise you to refer to the text above. These phones use the Philips UI shell of the Android system.

Icons on the screen of an android smartphone are designed to inform users about events in any applications or the operating system itself. These two types of notifications are the most common:

  • Messages from other users (messengers, sms, mail).
  • Timely and informative reminders of tasks and changes in the system (updates, download, screenshot, memory status, etc.).

The “Anatomy” of notifications in any gadget based on the base looks like this:

  • Title area.
  • Content area.
  • Scope.

How can you notice notifications? Depending on the device model, there are several options, with which the phone will inform you about the pending message:


Status icons and notification bars change with each major android update, sometimes changing appearance or disappearing completely.

There are a lot of notification signs, each of which carries specific information about the phone for the user. So, let's see what the icons mean on the smartphone screen.

Status bar

The status bar and notification bar are very similar, but they are actually two different things. The status bar is at the top right of the screen. It displays the time, battery status, and current connections such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

On the left side of this strip you will find application icons (they will inform you about any changes) - private messages, email notifications, updates in Play Store etc. In addition, this line may contain so-called "current notifications", messages from any messenger. For instance, if you are listening to music via Spotify or Google Play Music, the corresponding icon will be displayed continuously. The sequence of icons indicates which applications are new or old.

It is important to know

The most recent notifications are displayed in the far left corner.

Notification panel

The notification panel contains information that you can open by swiping your finger across the screen from top to bottom, just like pulling down a curtain or curtain. This makeshift box scrolls down to display a lot of information in a small space. Here you will be able to view screenshot, Facebook updates, read whatsapp message, and much more. Then you will already decide whether you want to open the application or remove the notification with a simple swipe to the right on this very message.

Will be useful

Starting with the Android version of Nougat, these built-in notifications are smarter and more informative than ever on previous versions: Now you can directly reply to messages without even opening the program itself.

In addition to notifications, there are also quick settings. You will be able to quickly and efficiently change the basic parameters of your smartphone. This panel allows you to enable or disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, flashlight, call mode, alarm and other options.

If you press and hold the icon, you will get into the settings of this function or you can change its parameter if the setting is not provided. Most manufacturers modern gadgets also put here direct access to the screen brightness setting (which is very convenient).


The most relevant information for the user at the current time should be displayed under the notification shade. If a notification you sent earlier is no longer valid, you can automatically dismiss it so that it never appears on your smartphone again.

Here are some of the best known and most requested icons:

  • volume mode;
  • time / date;
  • signal level;
  • battery charge;
  • type of connection;
  • connected devices;
  • editor;
  • files;
  • hardware;
  • overview;
  • cards;
  • screen rotation;
  • bluetooth;
  • navigation;
  • notification;
  • places;
  • social networks;
  • lantern;
  • internet (Wi-Fi).

What does an asterisk mean on a smartphone screen? Quite simply, it is an alert mode meaning "important message". Although it does not look like this on all phones. Many manufacturing companies change the panel and icons on it at will, trying to make specific model more unique.

Therefore, there are always several options here, it all depends on the manufacturer and brand of the phone. For example, the icons on the screen of a Samsung smartphone will never look like those on the screen from HTC.

Fortunately, the selection can be personalized to suit your taste and habits, so the user always has access to change the most important settings. In addition, in this area, you can always turn off annoying or uninteresting notifications by simply clicking on the warning symbol (small exclamation mark) in the upper right corner of the annoying app. After clicking a small menu will open where you can choose how you want to receive notifications from the app.

The notification bar on Android usually displays the received brief informative messages in reverse chronological order, while their adjustments depend on several parameters:

  • The stated priority of the notification or its importance.
  • Whether the notification was recent warned the user with sound or vibration.
  • Users attached to notification whether they are favorite contacts (applies to call log and social media).

How to remove the dual SIM card icon on Android?

For many users, displaying a second SIM card in the notification bar is a very unacceptable option, especially for older versions of android (5.1 and below). This icon takes up a lot of space and, in fact, is not too informative to be constantly present on the main screen.

There are several options for removing such an identifier:

  • . This method suitable only for experienced users who can independently enter these settings and disable the dual SIM card display function there.
  • Settings in the SIM card management menu. Some versions of Android OS support the function of disabling the display of mobile operator card signs in the settings themselves for each individual slot. But be careful not to turn off the card itself, otherwise it will not be able to receive phone calls.