What can be done on Instagram. How to maintain a pink profile on Instagram? Free packages bonus

The number of accounts on Instagram is growing, so users are becoming more selective about content. Hundreds of "faceless" photos flicker in their feeds. At the same time, most of the pictures are not associated in any way in the minds of subscribers with specific pages. By creating a consistent style for your posts, you will increase brand awareness and stay ahead of the competition. Just a quick glance at your photos will be enough for the user to understand who their author is. Here are some cool tricks for creating a consistent account style that make you want to subscribe.

So, in today's realities, the content should be:

  • catching attention;
  • unusual;
  • associated with your account.

That is, with posts you win the interest of users, and they start looking for your publications in their news. The result is increased reach and engagement, which in turn leads to better brand visibility in the feed. Therefore, each picture should evoke associations with you. A consistent style of account management is also important because it creates a positive first impression when visiting your page, and this greatly affects the conversion of visitors to subscribers.

# 1 - Color design

One or more of the same colors are used in all photographs. The repetition of shades in each photo after a while involuntarily begins to be associated with your page among subscribers. It is advisable to use this technique from the very beginning of maintaining an account and maintain a single concept constantly. The colors you have chosen for all the photos can be present in your logo. In this way, the connection of posts with the brand is strengthened.

This account is dominated by the color scheme of white, pale pink, brown and green shades, which can be traced partially or completely in all posts:

Here blue, brown and black intertwine:

Bright accents on black and white or pastel photographs look unusual.

# 2 - Single object or character

It works great on brand memorability by creating a single object or character that becomes a favorite of the general public. A prime example of how you can win universal love is the @thetravelingmrfox account. A funny plush fox against the background of various world sights clearly evokes genuine sympathy.

Characters from the feline family seem no less attractive on a blog dedicated to the relationship between humans and predators (note the number of likes and comments):

# 3 - One and the same filter for all photos

If for some reason the first two methods do not suit you, choose one filter for all publications. You can use the option from those suggested by Instagram, or choose a more professional processing. Filters also increase the visibility of your content, without having to take them from the social network. There is a much larger selection of options offered by third-party mobile applications... If you want all your photos to really turn out unique, ask a designer for help. Interesting effect can be achieved using artificially aged photographs.

# 4 - Unified photo format, unique idea

The trick is to use the same form for all or most of the photos. To understand how the trick works, let's look at a couple of examples. So, today selfies are popular, which can be seen, for example, in the Gopro company account.

A very original and memorable idea is brought to life in the @muradosmann account. High-quality photos and videos with women from different parts of the world who lead a man by the hand to various sights of the world will not leave anyone indifferent.

# 5 - Unity of text design

This approach is applicable to most businesses. On the photos, you can give explanations, place quotes or names that reveal the essence of the posts, put brand hashtags, and so on. Pick one font, use one text design all the time. Gradually, people will begin to associate it with your brand.


When you have already found your style, or have come to a certain idea, it is important not to stop, but to move on. Most important for developing your Instagram profile is, of course, the consistency of the published content.

When we developprofiles our clients, we try to make as many posts as possible, at first it can be 1-3 posts per week, then1 post daily , and then you can go to 1-3 posts per day... This is to increase the reach of your posts. After all, as you know, inInstagram operates in the feed, therefore not all of your posts are visible even to your own subscribers.

To be successful regularity is critical publications according to the content plan. But human nature is such that we cannot adhere to clear plans for a long time and soon we begin to "cheat".

To avoid this, use automatic posting publications. There are many cloud servicesthat allow you to publish in advance. Such services make deferred posting to yourInstagram no matter where you are now and what you are doing. They just won't let you forget or miss a post.

Of all the variety of services, we can safely recommend the most reliable and simple serviceParasite:

Allows you to do not only postponed posting, but also analyze your account statistics. For example, to more accurately understand the activity of your audience and post content in right time... You can try the service free for 7 days .

Also a huge plus, especially for those who accept applications and orders from customers through direct, there is remote control your inbox messages from Instagram.

Now, when working with Instagram publications, you can write posts at one time for a week, or even for the whole month, when the "muse" found you, and then just reap the benefits of your work and admire the content with your subscribers.

I registered on Instagram back in 2013, when I still had little idea what kind of network it was, I subscribed to all famous personalities and just friends. At some point, it struck me sharply that I want the same beautiful Instagram as one blogger, but could not understand how she does it? Each photo looked harmoniously with each other, and the photos were clearly not of the same quality as mine!

As a result, I completely immersed myself in this whole topic, now I no longer had a girl with photoshopped figures in my subscriptions, only profiles flaunted, which aesthetically attracted my attention)

And so what we have at the moment :

  1. Number of photos: 249
  2. Subscribers: 496
  3. Subscriptions: 171

The general appearance of the account is very important to me, so I really try to make them in the same color scheme and correspond to a certain theme

Idea for my photos:

I love taking pictures of food and, in general, great layouts. Many do not understand this, others, on the contrary, admire and want to photograph in the same way)

How to create a beautiful layout and cool photo?

Everything is very simple:

  1. Light (well, how can it be without it, this is exactly what the photo will definitely not work without. Light is very important, you yourself will understand it later)
  2. Background (I have either a white sheet or a table in a coffee shop)
  3. Details (magazines, books, coffee, food, etc.)
  4. Processing (plays an important role, but more on that later)

Actually, if you are just starting the path to creating a beautiful account, you can limit yourself to these rules

Now I will show examples of such photos:

And so, if you are still with me and you are also sick with instagram like me, then we continue

The next step is treatment :

Processing is a very important component, I share a screen of applications without which I can no longer do:

1. VSCO : Definitely best app for photo processing! Of the downsides, I can single out the fact that many cool filters are paid (just below we will process photos with you in this application)

2. Afterlight : paid application (75 rubles), I brighten almost all the photos here and I love the effects that make photos "antique"

3. Snapseed : Color correction, contrast, saturation, etc.

4. AppForType : a godsend for those who love to write on photos.

5. Adobe sketch : makes the most beautiful "strokes" in the photo.

6. Facetune : Paid application (399 r), a favorite of Insta girls application Reducing the nose, waist, removes acne, I use it purely in order to whiten my photos.

Having decided on the applications, we proceed to photo editing:

I will show you how you can change the general appearance of the photo using vSCO applications

Many people ask me:

How to make your Instagram beautiful?
How to make a profile that people will like and collect more subscribers?
How to turn Instagram into an art page?

I decided to reveal some secrets and write you some tips for maintaining an insta profile:

1. Try to keep the photos in the same style, scale. Keep track of the order of the photo, it's beautiful if they all match in tone and smoothly go one after another with one shade, for example, blue / blue. Or, conversely, take a dark / light shot alternately. But, all the same, it will look perfect if they are all in the same tones and shades.

2. Minimalism attracts the eye

3. Do not use the built-in Instagram filters.

4. Shoot more in natural light

5. Never make vertical / horizontal frames in preprocessing. This distracts the eye and the general appearance of your IG becomes disordered, fragmented and does not look like one whole. Instagram was originally designed so that the photos in it were square. This is his feature and his design.

6. Try to do the processing in one style and one program to make the page look beautiful. There are many good filters in vsco cam, both paid and free. They were developed by professional artists, as you can see right away! And there is always an opportunity to correct your photo.

7. Make shots with contrast, but always soften them when processing. Find unusual angles and interesting details.

8. Don't be afraid to lay out food. Photos with aesthetic cakes always get the most likes.

9. Don't be afraid to experiment with shots and composition! Especially if you run an insta with your own pet, try to come up with interesting "tricks")

10. Communicate more with your subscribers) do not forget to wish them good morning or a good day!

11. Subscribe to beautiful profiles, see beautiful pictures every day, be inspired and learn beautiful things!

12. I don't know how to promote and advertise Insta profiles. And I do not advise buying useless bots, likes, etc.
I can only give a few tips: take pictures, strive for beauty, create a beautiful page, participate in contests, sfs, read the @instagram profile, put hashtags, keep an interesting Instagram blog and you will definitely be noticed! And the most beautiful profiles will definitely be found and added to the recommendations!

In their subscriptions ( @i_love_inspire) I have collected more than 1000 beautiful profiles, you can choose from them those who will inspire you to new shooting!

And here I want to show you some interesting profiles:

LINDALAUGHS- girl Linda from the Netherlands. In her profile you can find beautiful nature, fogs and horses

XUZZI - Guy from Mexico, a big lover of delicate pinks!

KIRILENKOPHOTO- Alexey Kirilenko, a photographer from Minsk with an excellent artistic taste!

JULIE_CALI- Girl Julia living in the United States. Always creates a very beautiful atmosphere!

TEAFORBEAR - Original symmetry and beautiful photos!

ACMILOOK - Ekaterina, blogger, lives in California. Very gentle minimalist profile

DARINASHEVCHUK - Darina, photographer from Minsk

IRENCAKE- Lovely girl Irina from St. Petersburg who makes incredible cakes and cupcakes.

VIRINKA- Irina, a designer from Minsk and her cat Asya

AMKOTE - Mikhail Kumarov, a photographer with a very interesting vision of everything around him

DARIABORONINA - Dasha, a food photographer from Moscow. An example when food can and should be photographed!

ILYASIZ- Ilya, a photographer from Brest. The most beautiful landscapes of Belarus in one profile!

MASHA_ZACHAR - Marusya Zakharova with her son Zakharka from Krasnodar Territory... This is an example of how beautiful it is to lead a simple family IG.

ONLYMINIMAL - Dima, a photographer from Ryazan. Very nice profile with pictures of nature and people. Minimalism Forever!

Wonderful Belarusian Jack Russells - Canvas and Mona Lisa

THEDAYDREAMINGHS- Victoria - student and blogger from Germany

MZATULIVETROV- Mikhail, photographer from Moscow. Lots of creative landscape and architecture shots

ROMCORE - Roman's profile contains a lot of beautiful pictures of nature!

CALIVA - Camilla and her incredibly beautiful photos from Denmark

ANDDICTED - Andrea - photographer from Milan

This is a thematic material that is dedicated to the topic - Instagram in the same style. The topic is revealed for our Instagram subscribers who would like to know a little more about Instagram in the same style. And also see ideas and examples, styles that are specially created by designers and help to simplify the problem of choosing a single style for your account. The material will be small, due to the fact that the site, which, we will tell you about, contains more than 650 pages, with elements of a variety of thematic areas for instagram. Including ready-made templates, photos, examples for maintaining an account in a single style.

In order to plunge into the world of Instagram in one style, more precisely, templates and examples, we need to go to a huge portal of English-speaking origin. Again, this is just one of the options and examples where you can get ideas, buy templates and use them. Leading your Instagram in the same style. We will consider several pages, since it is simply unrealistic to transfer 650 pages here and describe each of them.

creativemarket is a creative marketplace, one of the titles in the title of this website and it really is. A huge portal with templates for websites, fonts for work in photo editors, and so on. We are interested in Instagram, so you can register right away or just see examples. To do this, enter the word instagram in the search bar, in the English layout. After that, you will be presented with a page with all the references in the description, designers and their works, which are posted on the site.

What you can find for Instagram in the same style

On the first page by search query instagram is waiting for you;

Instagram templates for contests, discounts, promotions. These are incredible examples of how to post for online stores, cafes, restaurants and any commercial instagram account.

Instagram fashion and everything connected with it, the next package, which is called fashion pack. These are 40 unique templates in three colors and scales. And there is a lot more, sometimes you can't even get out of there, your eyes run up from the variety.

Let's see the third sentence, it's instant hipster... It is immediately clear in principle that this is a set of filters for photos that will be in the same hipster style. For photographers and selfie lovers, super, offer.

You can add a description of each package ad infinitum, it is almost infinite, from thousands of designers who sell their work relatively inexpensively. From 10 to 20 bucks, that's less than a thousand rubles, even cheaper than a month of mass following.

Who is it for

For design studio accounts on instagram, typography, atelier, dry cleaning. Restaurants and their accounts on instagram, cafe, bar. Fitness clubs, gyms, sports schools, individual teachers with their own Instagram pages. And also dance schools, tourism, hospitality, celebrations, children's animators on Instagram.

Any commercial accounts on Instagram, from rental services, car service, sale of clothing, jewelry, to DIY jewelry, shoes, sports shoes, classic. Categories of all representatives on Instagram who have the opportunity to present their products, stories, videos in the format of visual content.

Free packages bonus

On the site, you will find in top menu, a tab of free items per week. These are 6 very different packages that the developers put in free accessfor download. There you can find fonts, business cards in psd format, templates for websites, including themes for instagram. In any case, it's all free, for those who are registered every week a letter comes with the 6 most different proposals... Which you can download and use to register your account.

Already have juicy photos inside your profile? That's not all. Do you want your account to be truly engaging to your audience? The next level is to pick up a concept and learn how to keep Instagram in the same style.

The quality of the photo content is just as important as the harmony of color, mood and frame compatibility.

From the material, you will learn the main ways of how to beautifully design Instagram, including business accounts.


These are versatile, beautiful and uncomplicated Instagram posting styles. Their strength lies in compatibility and logic.

Checkerboard effect

Alternate images that are close in meaning and color gamut through one image. It retains its shape when posting a single post, so it is convenient to implement.

The main idea is order.

The checkerboard effect can be achieved with filters or initial planning

By going through a quote or text.

Do you want to Instagram in the same chess style for the company? You can alternate between product photos (shot in uniform) and text information for clients and from clients (questions, reviews, news, useful).

A magical visual example by @ktotutbeauty

An adaptable option for business: content with products is always in the same colors, the rest is in black and white or in dark contrast.

Rows in line or design by columns

Main idea: all attention to the row.

Clothes by @batnorton and their linear approach

As in the previous version, you need to be careful and publish a well-thought-out series at once, or the design will be broken.

The rows fit perfectly into the design concepts of insta stores, the beauty sphere, craftsmen, designers. Their ability is to create a complete image of a product or service by presenting the winning sides.

"Take yourself into ... the framework"

The design within the framework is specific, but interesting. It is difficult to say for sure which brands and profiles it will suit and who will not. But ... this style stands out from regular accounts. And it is very easy to implement through special applications. For example Snapseed

The geometry of the frame design's shapes is limited only by the number of shapes.

Experiment with the size. And the form. Remember the matching tones and the mood your profile creates.

An example of a combination of background pattern, borders and shape geometry from @fishhunt_fest
It looks stylish and professional.

Apps to help push the boundaries of a photo with frames:

  • Instafit
  • Squaready
  • Whitagram
  • Diptic
  • Frame swagg

Tiled concepts

Attention. These are complex execution techniques, they require the use of third party applications, programs (for example, "Photoshop") and imply taste in design. But the good news is, there are free and paid templates for these designs on the internet, but they are still for use in Photoshop.

Instagrid is an application that makes it easy to work in these areas.


When you implement this unified style on your Instagram, you will become a real magnet for a new audience. If the logic is built correctly, and the harmony is not lost, each element of the collage will take its place, complementing the overall story.

Such a profile will definitely be read by a new visitor. If we talk about commercial sites, then this is a good choice for an agency with expensive services, an SMM agency selling a blog, an information businessperson, a specialist.

Layout and production are complex and time-consuming, must be laid out immediately to maintain the overall concept
- when you upload a collage, the current subscribers will have the whole "mess" in the feed
- if the photo has a text component, this will lengthen the creation of the collage
- I'm not sure if you can pull this format from month to month

Puzzle or mosaic

A simpler version of a tiled design. Cut one photo into 9 or 12 pieces using instagrid, photoshop or any suitable photo editor.

The result can be informational, whole, or a combination.

If you do landing page on Instagram for commercial traffic and do not plan to actively maintain it - this is a good option. This is also called insta landing.

@imperia_sumok makes a fairly high-quality inlining of concept combinations into general management.
Difficulty: 10 out of 10

If your brand already has corporate colors, use them in the design.
Or choose the ones that better reflect the essence of the strategy being implemented, the mood and are perceived by the audience.

Quick Cheat Sheet for Compatibility

Mood and tone

A uniform tone and emotion can be set by general filter settings when processing photos.

Brightness and contrast or air and weightlessness?

Our goal: to convey the right emotion through content. Remember this.

We sow goodness and comfort - keep air and warmth.
We are strict and important - sign for minimalism and reduced saturation
Harsh and aggressive - contrasts and bright colors

To categorize content into groups into groups, publish three photos in the same scale, the other three in a closely related one - it will be easier for the viewer to perceive.

General Instagram style through filters

When we introduce strict color schemes to our profile, difficulties and limitations can be encountered in producing content. It's much easier with filters. Choose one or more your and use.