Installing ultravnc. Setting up a free remote access (support) system based on UVNC. Installing Teamviewer on Windows

For a long time I had the idea to manage the home server remotely. But also for a long time there was still no idea which of my home computers was a server at a particular moment. However, I recently acquired new tv from network connection Samsung UE40D5000, then I bought a tablet on the Android Pegatron Duke 3G. Both are wonderful devices worthy of a separate article. As a result, the concept of a home media server had to be completely rebuilt. As a result, I implemented the same remote control of the home server using free software.

In addition, my entire network has been sitting behind a router for a long time, this added new facets to the UltraVNC configuration process. I had to forward ports. Everything worked, I think my instructions will help a lot.

About choosing a VNC client

I chose as VNC clientand the server free UltraVNC program... There was no reason to choose it. I just hit it first. It seemed easier to configure than radmin (perhaps the most popular VNC client). And so it turned out - UltraVNC is very easy to set up... Plus UltraVNC has portable version client. This is useful to many.

There will be no revelations here. The installation process is pretty trivial. Downloaded, installed. Registered ports and passwords. The main thing in my case is that the server is sitting behind the router - to register the ports. In this case, you cannot select "Auto".

Setting up UltraVNC behind a router - port forwarding.

There were no immediate difficulties with connecting to the installed UltraVNC via LAN. But when I tried to connect from an external IP, nothing worked. It is understandable. In order to see the UltraVNC server behind a router from an external IP you need at least.

Attention! Came out a new version UVNC - Declared windows support 7, Vista and Aero!

Consider the following situation. Remote office, available the local network to several computers, NAT router. One of the computers must be accessed remotely to provide remote assistance. The computer runs under windows management 7.

Launch the UltraVNC installer. The first few screens are the usual blah-blah, familiarization with the license, etc. Important points start from the installation type selection screen:

Several options are available:

  • Full installation - full installation. Server + client is installed.
  • UltraVNC Server Only - only the server is installed.
  • UltraVNC Server Only "silent" - only the server is installed in the "no questions asked" mode.
  • UltraVNC Viewer Only - only the client is installed.

Our pick is UltraVNC Server Only.

Next, we are invited to download add-ons for Windows Vista (they are also relevant for the Seven). The most important of them is: cad.exe - without it, the client will not be able to send a CTRL + ALT + DEL command to the remote computer. Check the option "Download Vista addons files now".

In the next window we will be offered to download the capture driver. Personally, I prefer to install the driver manually, so the Download mirror driver option is NOT checked:

Next screen:

We mark the options:

  • Register UltraVNC Server as a system service - register UltraVNC server as system service.
  • Start or restart UltraVNC service - start / restart UltraVNC service.
  • Create UltraVNC desktop icons - create shortcuts on the desktop.
  • Associate UltraVNC Viewer with .vnc file extension - open files with .vnc extension using UltraVNC Viewer.

Click Next, after downloading the add-ons, complete the installation. Reboot if necessary.

The contains several folders corresponding to different versions OS. To install under 32-bit Windows 7, open the Vista folder (this driver works fine under Seven too). Next, run the install.bat file. When asked by the system: "Install software for this device? " we answer Install.

Now you can proceed to configure the basic parameters of the UltraVNC server.

Setting up UltraVNC.

In the tray, right click on the UltraVNC icon and select the Admin Properties item:

Learn more about settings. Incoming Connections section - incoming connections.

  • Accept Socket Connections - accept incoming connections. For normal operation, this item must be checked.
  • Display - display number.
  • Ports - ports. Main - port for connecting the uvnc client. Http is the port for java client connection. It is best to leave it at Auto.
  • Enable Java Viewer (Http Connect) - allow java client connections.
  • Allow Loopback Connections - allow reverse connections (connections to addresses from the 127.х.х.х range). it should be noted if a repeater is installed on this computer.
  • Loopback Only - allow only reverse connections.

When Last Client Disconnects section - when the last client disconnects.

  • Do Nothing - do nothing. We leave this option.
  • Lock Workstation (W2K) - lock the session (you will need to enter a password to enter).
  • Logoff Workstation - log off a session.

Query On Incoming Connection section - display a query when a new incoming connection is received.

  • Display Query Window - show the query window.
  • Timeout - the time until the default action is performed.
  • Default action - the default action. Refuse - reject, Accept - accept.

Keyboard & Mouse section - keyboard and mouse.

  • Disable Viewers Inputs - disable input from the client.
  • Disable Local Inputs - prohibit input from the server.
  • Japanese - ??? Perhaps I mean support for the Japanese keyboard ... Sometimes it helps with glitches with the Russian layout.

Section Multi Viewer Connections - simultaneous connection of several clients.

  • Disconnect all existing connections - disconnect all current connections. Only one client can be connected at a time. The last one to connect wins.
  • Keep existing connections - keep current connections. Several clients can be connected at the same time.
  • Refuse the new connection - ???. The meaning is not clear. When this option is set, several clients can be connected ...
  • Refuse all new connections - deny all new connections. Only one client can be connected at a time. The first to connect wins. We choose this option.

Authentication section - authentication.

  • VNC Password - login password. After installation, you need to come up with new Passwordotherwise it will not be possible to connect.
  • View-Only Password - password for entering the view mode. With this password, the client will connect in view mode (client and server settings are ignored).
  • Require MS Logon - use Windows authentication (computer and user must be in the same domain).
  • New MS Logon - activates MS-Logon II (cross-domain authentication).

Misc section. - different.

  • Remove Aero (Vista) - disable Aero (3D, transparency and other gadgets of the Vista interface). Recommended.
  • Remove Wallpaper for Viewers - remove the desktop wallpaper. Recommended.
  • Enable Blank Monitor on Viewer Request - disables the server monitor at the request of the client (a picture is displayed on the full screen). Strange, but the option also covers the client's screen with a picture. This bug can be worked around by disabling the use of the capture driver (Properties -\u003e Video Hook Driver).
  • Disable Only Inputs on Blanking Request - prohibits only input from the server console, while the screen does not close.
  • Enable Alpha-Blending Monitor Blanking is another option to disable the server monitor. Use if with the first variant of the problem.
  • Capture Alpha-Blending - enabling this option allows in SOME CASES the client to "see" the video running on the server in a video player, for example Windows Media Player (depends on the codecs installed on the server computer).
  • Disable Tray icon - remove the icon from the tray. If the user is curious, it is better to remove it.
  • Forbid the user to close down WinVNC - prevent the user from closing the uvnc server. Recommended.
  • Default Server Screen Scale - default screen scale.

File Transfer section - file transfer.

  • Enable - enable file transfer.
  • User Impersonation (for Service only) - ???

DSM (Data Stream Modification) Plugin section - plugins connection (currently there are several plugins available to encrypt data stream).

Logging section - creating a log file.

  • Log Debug infos to the WinVNC.log file - writing data about uvnc operation to a log file.
  • Path - path to save the log file.

After setting the parameters, click Apply and then Ok. Each time Windows will ask you to confirm the change.

The next step is the screen capture settings. Right click on the UltraVNC icon and select Properties.

  • Poll Full Screen (Ultra Fast) - ??? I did not notice much difference when turning on / off.
  • Poll Foreground Window - ??? When using this and the next three options, some parts of the screen may freeze and stop updating. This information is just my guess ...
  • Poll Console Windows Only - ???
  • Poll Window Under Cursor - ???
  • Poll On Event Only - ???
  • System HookDll - This option makes sense on Windows 9x.
  • Video Hook Driver - use a video capture driver. Provides best performance on Windows XP / Vista / 7. This option provides the best performance.
  • Low Accuracy (Turbo Speed) - gives an increase in speed due to a decrease in accuracy (I personally did not notice the changes, perhaps this option is for slow connections).
  • Share only the Server Window Named: - show not the entire screen, but only the window with the specified name. No matter how much I tried, I never succeeded ...

The Check the Video Hook Driver button is used to check the functionality of the capture driver. You need to use it only if at least one client is connected to the server. Otherwise, a message will always be displayed that the driver is not active. This is what the message that the driver is installed and functioning looks like:

This completes the basic configuration of the UltraVNC server.

For the server to be accessible via the Internet, the tcp 5900 port forwarding must be configured on the router. This port must also be open in the server's firewall. If only the built-in is used windows firewall, no additional action is required, the required permissions have already been created during installation.

Server connection

Launch UltraVNC Viewer (client):

Basic parameters of UltraVNC Viewer:

  • VNC Server - server address.
  • AUTO, ULTRA, LAN, MEDIUM, MODEM, SLOW, MANUAL - depending on the speed of your channel, the program optimizes the quality settings.
  • View Only - connect in view mode. Interaction with the console is prohibited.
  • Auto Scaling - automatic setting scale. Check this box to eliminate the possibility of scroll bars appearing.
  • Confirm Exit - confirm the exit. When you close the client window, a dialog box will be displayed.
  • Use DSMPlugin - use a plugin.
  • Proxy / Repeater - use a repeater. Here you also need to specify the address of the repeater.
  • Save connection settings as default - save the current settings as default settings.

Additional parameters of the uvnc client (Options button):

I will not describe all the options, I will note only the most important ones:

  • Track remote cursor locally - show cursor / mouse pointer.
  • Don’t show remote cursor - do not show cursor / mouse pointer.
  • Show button's bar ("Toolbar") - show or not the toolbar.
  • Full-screen mode - full screen mode.
  • Viewer Scale - scaling settings.
  • Disable clipboard transfer - disable clipboard sync.
  • Number of times the reconnect is attempted - The number of times the reconnect is attempted.

Installing and configuring the repeater.

Download There is only one file in the archive - repeater.exe. I recommend immediately moving it to the C: \\ Program Files \\ UltraVNC \\ Repeater folder.

Run repeater.exe. An icon will appear in the tray. We make a right click on it and select the Settings item in the menu:

Check the values \u200b\u200bof the following options:

  • Listen port Viewer - value 5901.
  • Enable Proxy (443) - disable.
  • Enable Mode I - enabled.
  • Enable Mode II - disable.

Leave the rest of the options unchanged. Save - save the settings and close the window.

The next step is to open tcp port 5901 in the firewall. In the settings of the router, you need to create a rule to forward the tcp 5901 port to the computer where the repeater is installed.

To connect via a repeater in the client settings, do the following:

  • In the VNC Server field, specify not external, but internal address server on the local network.
  • Check the Proxy / Repeater option and specify the external address of the router with the port to which the repeater is configured (for example :5901 ).

Finishing touch. In order for the repeater to be constantly available, it must be started as a system service. To do this, open command line as administrator, and run repeater.exe with the -install parameter. The repeater_service will be created (it is not started by default, so start it manually or just reboot).
To uninstall the service, run repeater.exe with the -uninstall parameter.

UltraVNC SC (Single Click) - remote assistance without installing UltraVNC server.

How it works. On your computer, you run UltraVNC Viewer in listen mode. Forwarding (by e-mail or something else) to a remote computer archive with a pre-configured UltraVNC SC server. The user unpacks the archive, launches the program and connects. As a result, you get access to the console of the remote computer. Because the connection is initiated by the remote computer, there is no need to configure the firewall and router on the remote network.

Now more about customization. First you need to configure the UltraVNC SC.

We will need following files: winvnc_SCII_100.exe and Next, create a folder with an arbitrary name (for example UltraVNC SC). It contains a subfolder data. We transfer winvnc_SCII_100.exe to this subfolder and unpack the contents of there.

Now you need to edit the helpdesk.txt file. This file is responsible for the connection manager interface:

Each section of helpdesk.txt is responsible for a text field (see screenshot below):

Here's an example of my helpdesk.txt:

Remote help -connect -noregistry // instead of you need to specify your ip address or domain, it is better not to change port 5500 Select connection Use double click to start connection Close Connection ... Connection established!

If you will create your helpdesk.txt based on mine, do not forget to remove comments starting with "\\\\".

The rc4.key file is not deleted, it is needed for encryption.

We return to the UltraVNC SC folder. To prevent the user from getting confused, let's create a shortcut to launch winwvnc_SCII_100.exe directly from it. To do this, right-click on winwvnc_SCII_100.exe and select the "Create shortcut" item. We transfer the created shortcut to a higher level, in UltraVNC SC. Now open the shortcut properties. Field " Work folder»Clear, it must be empty. In the field, write the following command:

% windir% \\ system32 \\ cmd.exe / C start / B / D. \\ data. \\ data \\ winvnc_SCII_100.exe

All this magic is necessary for the shortcut to use a relative path to launch winvnc_SCII_100.exe, and not an absolute path as is the default.

Finally, we pack the UltraVNC SC folder into an archive and send it to the user.

It remains to prepare your computer to receive a connection. UltraVNC Viewer must be run in listen mode. To do this, use the Program shortcut -\u003e UltraVNC -\u003e UltraVNC Viewer -\u003e Run UltraVNC Viewer (listen mode) or run vncviewer.exe with the -listen parameter. It is also unforgettable to open tcp 5500 port in the firewall and set up forwarding of the same port on the router (if, of course, one is present on your network).

Please note that connection parameters (quality, etc.) are still configured in UltraVNC Viewer (right-click on the uvnc icon in the tray -\u003e Default connection options ...).

  • How to save connection settings to a file?
    Connect to the server (you can save the settings only during connection), then click CTRL + ALT + F5.

AT everyday life quite often a situation arises when it is necessary to install or configure programs on computers that are located in a neighboring office, office or in another city. Running around offices and offices is certainly good for your health, especially if you have to serve over 30 computers :)) but we will not mock ourselves like that, we will organize and configure remote access to a PC. Programs for remote access a lot and each one stands out in its own way.

For more advanced users

Consider UltraVNC... Why did you choose this particular program ?:

  • Free,
  • Supports Client Server mode.
  • Supports file transfer
  • Multi-client mode
  • Works under windows, Linux, Mac OS X
  • Encryption implemented
  • The ability to deploy to the domain through policies.

Installing and configuring UltraVNC

Below I will describe the settings for the especially curious

Incoming Connections - incoming connections

  • Accept Socket Connections - allow incoming connections.
  • Display: display number.
  • Ports - ports used by the program.
  • Main: The default port for UltraVNC client is 5900.
  • Http: port to connect via the web interface, At the initial connection, the program will offer to download java plugin, it is needed to connect via a web form.
  • Enable Java Viewer (Http Connect) Allow Http connections.
  • Allow Loopback Connections - allow connections to the return line, leave a check mark yes.
  • Loopback Only - only allow reverse connections.

When Last Client DisconnectsWhen the last client disconnects, the actions

  • Do nothing- translated as, do nothing. Let the checkmark be on it :)
  • Lock Workstation (W2K) - Locking the workstation for (W2K).
  • Logoff workstation - workstation output.

Query On Incoming Connection Request for incoming connections

  • Display Query Window - show the request window.
  • Timeout - Time out.
  • Default action Is the default action. Refuse - reject, Accept - accept.

Keyboard & Mouse - keyboard and mouse.

  • Disable Viewers Inputs - disable computer control, current viewing will be allowed.
  • Disable Local Inputs - disable local input.

Multi Viewer Connections - actions when connecting multiple users.

  • Disconnect all existing connectionsallows only one user to connect, and disconnects all other clients.
  • Keep existing connections - keep the current connection. Several clients can be connected at the same time.
  • Refuse the new connection - deny new connections
  • Refuse all new connections - refuse new connections.

Authentication - authentication.

  • VNC Password - password to enter. After installation, you need to come up with a new password, otherwise you will not be able to connect.
  • Require MS Logon - if the computer is in the domain, then you can use the login and pass Windows

Misc - optional

  • Remove Aero (Vista) - disable Vista visual effects. We leave a check mark.
  • Remove Wallpaper for Viewers- disable wallpaper. For a fingerless entry to the PC, it is better to uncheck the box, since the wallpaper will disappear when connected to the user. But if we need high performance, enable this setting.
  • Capture Alpha-Blending - we allow to view the video on the client's side. Although this option does not always work.
  • Disable Tray icon - remove the icon.
  • Forbid the user to close down WinVNC- prohibit closing the UltraVnc server.
  • Default Server Screen Scale - default screen scale.

File Transfer - file management.

  • Enable - allow transferring files.

Connecting to UltraVnc server

Launch UlnraVnc viewer (vncviewer.exe) a window with settings appears:

  • VNC Server: - the address of the computer to which we are connecting
  • AUTO, ULTRA, LAN, MEDIUM, MODEM, SLOW, MANUAL- connection mode, select depending on the connection speed. Leave AUTO
  • View Only- allows current viewing
  • Auto scaling - auto-scaling
  • Confirm Exit - we confirm if we want to close the session
  • Use DSMPlugin -selection and use of additional plugins
  • Proxy / Repeater- we indicate a proxy or repeater, if we have one.
  • Save connection settings as default - we save the current settings and use them by default.

  • Track remote cursor locally - display mouse cursor
  • Don’t show remote cursor - do not display the mouse cursor
  • Show button's bar- show / hide toolbar
  • Full-screen mode- open in full screen
  • Viewer Scale - open to% of the screen
  • Disable clipboard transfer - disable shared clipboard
  • Number of times the reconnect is attemptedThe number of times an attempt is made to recover compound

VNC is a system remote control computer desktop. User VNC client sees the desktop image VNC server and controls it with mouse and keyboard just like its own computer.

The VNC server can be run on a work computer, and if necessary, go to it from home. Or vice versa. To connect, you need to make sure that the TCP port used by the server (by default 5900) is available for incoming connections from the client.

UltraVNC is taken on. Other notable VNC implementations are RealVNC and TightVNC, more options can be found. In theory, they are all compatible with each other, although some special functions (clipboard or file transfer) may not work between different implementations.

Helping newbies

VNC is also handy for helping other users. Helping by seeing what is happening on the screen is much easier.

However, very many have routers and firewalls, and it is unrealistic to require a beginner to be able to open the right port for incoming connections. Comes to our aid reverse connection (reverse connection). In this mode, the connection is initiated by the VNC server.

An experienced user starts a VNC client in listening mode (vncviewer.exe / listen) and makes port 5500 available from the outside. The beginner can only download and run the VNC server and connect to the client at the specified IP address.

Here is a dedicated beginner instructions page. For an experienced user, I think detailed instructions Not needed. I will only note that during the connection, the clipboard becomes common, and that if the beginner has a screen resolution greater than yours, then in the client you can scale the image to an acceptable size.


The advantages of VNC are multi-platform and free. If you have Windows XP everywhere, then the built-in tools - Remote Desktop or Remote Assistance - are probably suitable for remote access. It seems that they can also be connected via a reverse connection.

If you have a dynamic external IP address, it is convenient to make yourself a (free) Dynamic DNS, for example at A small program will run on your computer (and some routers have such built-in functionality), notifying the DynDNS service of changes in your IP. As a result, your chosen domain, for example, will always point to your current IP address

If you are a professional technical supportthen you may be especially comfortable. This is a special lightweight version of the VNC server, which can only make a reverse connection and only to your pre-configured IP addresses. Of course, then you must be authoritative enough for the user to agree to download and run this configured VNC server from your own site.
(Who am I kidding here ... Many users will launch whatever they are offered anyway)

Attention! A new version of UVNC has been released - Windows 7, Vista and Aero support announced!

Consider the following situation. Remote office, there is a local network for several computers, NAT router. One of the computers must be accessed remotely to provide remote assistance. The computer is running Windows 7.

Launch the UltraVNC installer. The first few screens are the usual blah-blah, familiarization with the license, etc. Important points start from the installation type selection screen:

Several options are available:

  • Full installation - full installation. Server + client is installed.
  • UltraVNC Server Only - only the server is installed.
  • UltraVNC Server Only “silent” - only the server is installed in the “no questions asked” mode.
  • UltraVNC Viewer Only - only the client is installed.

Our pick is UltraVNC Server Only.

Next, we are invited to download add-ons for Windows Vista (they are also relevant for the Seven). The most important of them: cad.exe - without it, the client will not be able to send the CTRL + ALT + DEL command to the remote computer. Check the option “Download Vista addons files now”.

In the next window we will be offered to download the capture driver. Personally, I prefer to install the driver manually, so the Download mirror driver option is NOT checked:

Next screen:

We mark the options:

  • Register UltraVNC Server as a system service - register UltraVNC server as a system service.
  • Start or restart UltraVNC service - start / restart UltraVNC service.
  • Create UltraVNC desktop icons - create shortcuts on the desktop.
  • Associate UltraVNC Viewer with .vnc file extension - open files with .vnc extension using UltraVNC Viewer.

Click Next, after downloading the add-ons, complete the installation. Reboot if necessary.

The archive contains several folders corresponding to different OS versions. To install under 32-bit Windows 7, open the Vista folder (this driver works fine under Seven too). Next, run the install.bat file. To the system question: "Install software for this device?" we answer Install.

Now you can proceed to configure the basic parameters of the UltraVNC server.

Setting up UltraVNC.

In the tray, right click on the UltraVNC icon and select the Admin Properties item:

Learn more about settings. Incoming Connections section - incoming connections.

  • Accept Socket Connections - accept incoming connections. For normal operation, this item must be checked.
  • Display - display number.
  • Ports - ports. Main - port for connecting the uvnc client. Http is the port for java client connection. It is best to leave it at Auto.
  • Enable Java Viewer (Http Connect) - allow java client connections.
  • Allow Loopback Connections - allow reverse connections (connections to addresses from the 127.х.х.х range). it should be noted if a repeater is installed on this computer.
  • Loopback Only - allow only reverse connections.

When Last Client Disconnects section - when the last client disconnects.

  • Do Nothing - do nothing. We leave this option.
  • Lock Workstation (W2K) - lock the session (you will need to enter a password to enter).
  • Logoff Workstation - log off a session.

Query On Incoming Connection section - display a query when a new incoming connection is received.

  • Display Query Window - show the query window.
  • Timeout - the time until the default action is performed.
  • Default action - the default action. Refuse - reject, Accept - accept.

Keyboard & Mouse section - keyboard and mouse.

  • Disable Viewers Inputs - disable input from the client.
  • Disable Local Inputs - disable input from the server.
  • Japanese - ??? Perhaps I mean support for the Japanese keyboard ... Sometimes it helps with glitches with the Russian layout.

Section Multi Viewer Connections - simultaneous connection of multiple clients.

  • Disconnect all existing connections - disconnect all current connections. Only one client can be connected at a time. The last one to connect wins.
  • Keep existing connections - keep current connections. Several clients can be connected at the same time.
  • Refuse the new connection - ???. The meaning is not clear. When this option is set, several clients can be connected ...
  • Refuse all new connections - deny all new connections. Only one client can be connected at a time. The first to connect wins. We choose this option.

Authentication section - authentication.

  • VNC Password - login password. After installation, you need to come up with a new password, otherwise you will not be able to connect.
  • View-Only Password - password for entering the view mode. With this password, the client will connect in view mode (client and server settings are ignored).
  • Require MS Logon - use Windows authentication (computer and user must be in the same domain).
  • New MS Logon - activates MS-Logon II (cross-domain authentication).

Misc section. - different.

  • Remove Aero (Vista) - disable Aero (3D, transparency and other gadgets of the Vista interface). Recommended.
  • Remove Wallpaper for Viewers - remove the desktop wallpaper. Recommended.
  • Enable Blank Monitor on Viewer Request - disables the server monitor at the client's request (a picture is displayed on the full screen) Strange, but the option also covers the client's screen with a picture. This bug can be worked around by disabling the use of the capture driver (Properties -\u003e Video Hook Driver).
  • Disable Only Inputs on Blanking Request - prohibits only input from the server console, while the screen does not close.
  • Enable Alpha-Blending Monitor Blanking is another option to disable the server monitor. Use if with the first variant of the problem.
  • Capture Alpha-Blending - enabling this option allows in SOME CASES the client to “see” the video launched on the server in a video player, for example, in Windows Media Player (depends on the codecs installed on the server computer).
  • Disable Tray icon - remove the icon from the tray. If the user is curious, it is better to remove it.
  • Forbid the user to close down WinVNC - prevent the user from closing the uvnc server. Recommended.
  • Default Server Screen Scale - default screen scale.

File Transfer section - file transfer.

  • Enable - enable file transfer.
  • User Impersonation (for Service only) - ???

DSM (Data Stream Modification) Plugin section - plugins connection (currently there are several plugins available for encrypting the data stream).

Logging section - creating a log file.

  • Log Debug infos to the WinVNC.log file - writing data about uvnc operation to a log file.
  • Path - path to save the log file.

After setting the parameters, click Apply and then Ok. Each time Windows will ask you to confirm the change.

The next step is the screen capture settings. Right click on the UltraVNC icon and select Properties.

  • Poll Full Screen (Ultra Fast) - ??? I did not notice much difference when turning on / off.
  • Poll Foreground Window - ??? When using this and the next three options, some parts of the screen may freeze and stop updating. This information is just my guess ...
  • Poll Console Windows Only - ???
  • Poll Window Under Cursor - ???
  • Poll On Event Only - ???
  • System HookDll - This option makes sense on Windows 9x.
  • Video Hook Driver - use a video capture driver. Provides the best performance on Windows XP / Vista / 7. This option provides the best performance.
  • Low Accuracy (Turbo Speed) - gives an increase in speed due to a decrease in accuracy (I personally did not notice any changes, perhaps this option is for slow connections).
  • Share only the Server Window Named: - show not the entire screen, but only the window with the specified name. No matter how much I tried, I never succeeded ...

The Check the Video Hook Driver button is used to check the functionality of the capture driver. You need to use it only if at least one client is connected to the server. Otherwise, a message will always be displayed that the driver is not active. This is what the message that the driver is installed and functioning looks like:

This completes the basic configuration of the UltraVNC server.

For the server to be accessible via the Internet, tcp 5900 port forwarding must be configured on the router. This port must also be open in the server firewall. If you are using only the built-in Windows Firewall, no further action is required, the required permissions have already been created during installation.

Server connection

Launch UltraVNC Viewer (client):

Basic parameters of UltraVNC Viewer:

  • VNC Server - server address.
  • AUTO, ULTRA, LAN, MEDIUM, MODEM, SLOW, MANUAL - depending on the speed of your channel, the program optimizes the quality settings.
  • View Only - connect in view mode. Interaction with the console is prohibited.
  • Auto Scaling - automatic scale adjustment. Check this box to eliminate the possibility of scroll bars appearing.
  • Confirm Exit - confirm the exit. When you close the client window, a dialog box will be displayed.
  • Use DSMPlugin - use a plugin.
  • Proxy / Repeater - use a repeater. Here you need to specify the address of the repeater.
  • Save connection settings as default - save the current settings as default settings.

Additional parameters of the uvnc client (Options button):

I will not describe all the options, I will note only the most important ones:

  • Track remote cursor locally - show cursor / mouse pointer.
  • Don’t show remote cursor - do not show cursor / mouse pointer.
  • Show button’s bar (“Toolbar”) - show or not the toolbar.
  • Full-screen mode - full screen mode.
  • Viewer Scale - scaling settings.
  • Disable clipboard transfer - disable clipboard sync.
  • Number of times the reconnect is attempted - The number of times the reconnect is attempted.

Installing and configuring the repeater.

Download There is only one file in the archive - repeater.exe. I recommend immediately moving it to the C: \\ Program Files \\ UltraVNC \\ Repeater folder.

Run repeater.exe. An icon will appear in the tray. We make a right click on it and select the Settings item in the menu:

Check the values \u200b\u200bof the following options:

  • Listen port Viewer - value 5901.
  • Enable Proxy (443) - disable.
  • Enable Mode I - enabled.
  • Enable Mode II - disable.

Leave the rest of the options unchanged. Save - save the settings and close the window.

The next step is to open tcp port 5901 in the firewall. In the settings of the router, you need to create a rule to forward the tcp 5901 port to the computer where the repeater is installed.

To connect via a repeater in the client settings, do the following:

  • In the VNC Server field, specify not external, but internal address server on the local network.
  • Check the Proxy / Repeater option and specify the external address of the router with the port to which the repeater is configured (for example :5901 ).

Finishing touch. For the repeater to be constantly available, it must be started as a system service. To do this, open a command line as administrator, and run repeater.exe with the -install parameter. The repeater_service will be created (it is not started by default, so start it manually or just reboot).
To uninstall the service, run repeater.exe with the -uninstall parameter.

UltraVNC SC (Single Click) - remote assistance without installing UltraVNC server.

How it works. On your computer, you run UltraVNC Viewer in listen mode. Send (by e-mail or otherwise) an archive with a pre-configured UltraVNC SC server to a remote computer. The user unpacks the archive, launches the program and connects. As a result, you get access to the console of the remote computer. Because the connection is initiated by the remote computer, there is no need to configure the firewall and router on the remote network.

Now more about customization. First you need to configure the UltraVNC SC.

We need the following files: winvnc_SCII_100.exe and Next, create a folder with an arbitrary name (for example UltraVNC SC). It contains a subfolder data. We transfer winvnc_SCII_100.exe to this subfolder and unpack the contents of there.

Now you need to edit the helpdesk.txt file. This file is responsible for the connection manager interface:

Each section of helpdesk.txt is responsible for a text field (see screenshot below):

Here's an example of my helpdesk.txt:

Remote help site -connect -noregistry // instead of you need to specify your ip-address or domain, it is better not to change port 5500 Choose a connection Use a double click to start the connection site https: // www .... Connection established!

If you will create your helpdesk.txt based on mine, do not forget to remove comments starting with “\\\\”.

The rc4.key file is not deleted, it is needed for encryption.

We return to the UltraVNC SC folder. To prevent the user from getting confused, let's create a shortcut to launch winwvnc_SCII_100.exe directly from it. To do this, right-click on winwvnc_SCII_100.exe and select “Create shortcut”. We transfer the created shortcut to a higher level, in UltraVNC SC. Now open the shortcut properties. We clear the "Working folder" field, it should be empty. In the field, write the following command:

% windir% \\ system32 \\ cmd.exe / C start / B / D. \\ data. \\ data \\ winvnc_SCII_100.exe

All this magic is necessary for the shortcut to use a relative path to launch winvnc_SCII_100.exe, and not an absolute path as is the default.

Finally, we pack the UltraVNC SC folder into an archive and send it to the user.

It remains to prepare your computer to receive a connection. UltraVNC Viewer must be run in listen mode. To do this, use the Program shortcut -\u003e UltraVNC -\u003e UltraVNC Viewer -\u003e Run UltraVNC Viewer (listen mode) or run vncviewer.exe with the -listen parameter. It is also unforgettable to open tcp 5500 port in the firewall and set up forwarding of the same port on the router (if, of course, one is present on your network).

Please note that connection parameters (quality, etc.) are still configured in UltraVNC Viewer (right-click on the uvnc icon in the tray -\u003e Default connection options ...).

  • How to save connection settings to a file?
    Connect to the server (you can save the settings only during connection), then click CTRL + ALT + F5.