What does the lock on the iPhone screen mean? IPhone and iPad screen icons - what do they mean? Lock in a circle on an iPhone

Today everyone uses the Internet at personal computers... It is worth noting that without the browser interpreting the web pages, users could only see pieces of site code. That is why the entrance to world wide web without a browser is pointless. It is worth noting that all people use different browsers: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Yandex, IE and so on. But no programmer will be able to open perfectly without the browser interpreting his code.

Safe website visits

Today, the question of the safety of visiting certain resources on the Internet. At first glance, a non-professional will not be able to say about the security of this or that site. But here the browser itself comes to our aid, even if there is no anti-virus software on the PC. The security indicator of the connection to a particular site is located on the left of the browser address bar. It looks like a castle, which can take on different colors.

1. Strikethrough... The site connection protocol uses SSL cryptographic certificates. This is a sign that the site has expired the security certificate and the browser cannot establish a secure connection with it. In this case, all of your personal data transmitted to the resource may be intercepted.

2. Open... Your connection to the site is not secure. This icon appears on most common sites on the web. THEIR owners do not bother to create a secure connection for resource users.

3. Closed... This is a sign of a secure connection. Usually large online stores or portals with internal registration can boast of this. Within the framework of such an HTTPS protocol, your data cannot be intercepted by any intruder, since it is transmitted in encrypted form.

It is worth noting that the castle in address bar could be like grayand green... The color change is characteristic only for the closed version. When the icon is green, it means that the information about the security certificate is confirmed and up-to-date. If it appears gray, we can say that the current version of the security certificate was not found. But in both cases, this infographic suggests that this site can be trusted with your personal data. Now you know what the lock in the browser address bar means.

Articles and Life Hacks

Users of older firmware versions did not know what the lock on the iPhone meant simply because there was no such symbol on the phone. But, starting with iOS 4.0, devices appeared new function lock screen.

For example, you are lying on the couch and looking at photos on your favorite smartphone ... and everything would be fine, but the images sometimes turn over, and this spoils all the impressions received.

To avoid such situations, this trick was invented.

  • To temporarily lock the display in iOS 4, press the "HOME" button twice, scroll to the bottom line and click on the lock icon, which is displayed as a lock.
  • In older versions of the phone's firmware, to prohibit display rotation, it was necessary to perform a jailbreak - a modification of the current firmware that allows you to put on your smartphone something that is not allowed to App Store, and install a dedicated app.

Lock in iOS 7

  • After update operating system until the seventh iOS version the procedure for blocking screen rotation has become easier and more convenient. In this firmware version, the display lock is performed in a new menu called Control Center.
  • To activate it, pull your finger up the bottom of the screen, if it does not work the first time, then press just above the "HOME" key and stretch your finger up.
  • You should get out a panel with icons. The last padlock icon with an arrow in the first five areas indicates the phone screen is locked. Click it and get the mode you want.

How to disable blocking

  • If your smartphone refuses to flip pictures, videos, messages or contacts, then this means that the screen is locked. In this case, a lock-shaped icon should be visible in the status line.
  • To animate the display in iOS 7, pull down the Control Center menu located at the bottom and click on the lock with a circular arrow.
  • The following inscription will appear: “Block. portrait orientation: off. " Now you can rotate images on your smartphone as you like.
  • The only drawback of this function is the ability to lock the screen only in a vertical position. That is, you won't be able to climb the Internet while lying on your side with a horizontal browser.
  • The iPhone will automatically flip the browser and lock it vertically.

If you are the owner of an iPhone and still have not figured out what this strange lock in a circle means, then you have come to the right article. This is a very useful thing and now we will analyze in detail what it is for.

Perhaps it would be worth starting with the fact that this icon is directly related to such a device in the phone as an accelerometer. It is very easy to give an example clearly, if you turn the phone over, then the picture in it also changes its orientation to horizontal.

As soon as touch smartphones appeared, the accelerometer was in them by default. The phone can be used for many purposes: viewing photos, convenient use Internet, games and much more.

Lock in a circle on an iPhone

The iPhone is no exception and also has this device. Sometimes it starts to piss off when the screen flips at an unnecessary moment. Or you just lie in bed and want a vertical orientation.

It is in such cases that we must click on the lock in the circle. If it is active, it means the screen rotation lock on your smartphone.

The operating systems of the iPhone change quite often and now, to see this icon and use it, you just need to swipe your finger from the bottom up at the bottom of the screen and an additional panel will appear.

If the icon is highlighted, it means that it is active. Made very convenient and practical, I myself began to use this function only with the advent of this panel.

Starting with firmware iOS 4.0, in iPhoneand iPad the function of locking the screen flip appeared, very useful feature, which will help, for example, lying on the couch, to fully use the device and not to suffer with unexpected rotation when viewing photos or writing SMS.

To temporarily disable screen rotation, press 2 times and scrolling through the bottom line you see the lock iconsuch as shown in the image above. A lock means a block, in this mode the screen will not turn over.

IN previous versions firmware, to complete the screen lock, it was required to jailbreak and install third party application... If Apple's policy goes in the same direction, then soon (with the advent of new firmware versions) the need to perform the jailbreak procedure may disappear altogether.

Lock screen rotation in iPhone with iOS 7

If your iPhone doesn't flip the image, be it a photo, video, contacts or browser, it means that the phone's display is locked. In this case, a lock icon in a circle will be displayed in the status bar of the iPhone.

Liven up the display, i.e. Turning on screen rotation in iOS 7 is simple, pull out the control center widget from the bottom and turn off the lock using the same icon that shows the lock in the circle. On iPhone screen (in the control room) the following message will appear:

Block. portrait orientation: off

Now the iPhone can again rotate a photo or video - both horizontally and vertically. The flip of the screen will also apply to other applications, for example - Contacts, Safari and others.

The only inconvenience new blocking rotation of the iPhone screen and iPod touch the fact that the display lock is mainly done only for portrait orientation, i.e. you cannot lock the display with Safari in horizontal mode, the display with the browser will turn over and lock vertically. Accordingly, lying on its side to climb the Internet in horizontal mode for the iPhone and iPod will not work. But in the iPad you can, the screen lock in the tablet works.