Cons and pros of iphone 5. Non-standard screen resolution. For the first time iPhone in a "gold" case

In this article, we will consider the Apple iPhone 5 with reviews, its characteristics, pros and cons.

Design, body materials.The iPhone 5c looks nice and neat. Plastic in it is very impractical. Streaks and fingerprints remain on the entire case.

Micro scratches appear quickly, after a week of use, their number gradually increased.

The branded cover in practice turned out to be impractical, since it is made of soft rubber and quickly becomes covered with dust. It sticks to the fabric of pockets of clothes, and it is difficult to get an iPhone in a case.

Dimensions. There are no complaints about this item. The dimensions of the iPhone 5c are perfect, neither thick nor thin. It is convenient to hold and use it with one hand, it is convenient to carry in pockets.

Screen.No flaws were found on the screen. The ideal proportions are maintained.

Control.A convenient button with which you can return to main screen, unlock, call the manager of previously launched applications.

The lever for switching to silent mode is very convenient.

Disadvantages: despite the fact that the tray for the nanoSIM card is made neatly, dust and dirt gets clogged between it and the case, which looks sloppy.

Performance.Experience using iOS on iPhone 5 c showed that this is not a lightning-fast system at all. Sometimes programs open in a couple of seconds, sometimes they freeze, there are delays in displaying the interface. The system is no different in terms of speed from Android on HTC One.

Working hours.In active mode of use (calls, SMS, chat, music), removed from charging Apple iPhone 5 sec, at 10 am, was discharged already at 15 pm. After turning off geolocation, the operating time increased by a couple of hours, which is the level of bad Android smartphones.

Camera.The camera of the iPhone 5 c is excellent and fast. Always well defined white balance, excellent image quality in any time of day and weather.

iOS 7.The main screen is a menu of programs and everything else, which is very convenient.

The notification shade located at the top is of little use. Notifications are accumulating and you need to perform additional actions to remove them

The address book in iOS is simple, there is no way to quickly find a phone number using the numeric keypad.

The iOS lock screen is very simple and difficult to get used to after Android.

Gmail works fine on iOS, but Chrome is very slow. In the native iOS-Safari, the browser literally "flies".

iOS is a neat, polished system in which everything works, but it seems that you are using a phone with additional functions, and not a smartphone.

Keyboard.On iOS, the keyboard is very fast. But it turns out to be inconvenient, since there is no vibration response when touching, no quick access to symbols, even for setting a comma, you have to make unnecessary movements.

Conclusion.The advantages of the iPhone 5c are: good camera and sound, easy to understand OS. Everything else is questionable. Disadvantages - low resolution screen, impractical body, low battery life offline... Its price is greatly overpriced.

Today we are starting a new column about the pros and cons of iPhones. The first model for this section, I decided to choose the iPhone 5S, because it is the most successful in the history of Apple.

I will tell you everything that I think about this smartphone and I will speak only to the point. The article was written in 2017 and as you understand, the further in the future you read, the less relevant some points about the advantages and disadvantages become.

Benefits of the iPhone 5S

As you can imagine, if the model was very successful, then of course it is worth starting with the pros. Enough time has passed to analyze everything thoroughly.


When the fifth iPhone model came out, in principle everyone was delighted, but they realized that something was missing in this model. With the release of the iPhone 5S, everything fell into place.

Colour. Well, for starters, the changes in the color scheme had a very positive effect. Now the choice has become a little more, because Gold has appeared.

The black color also disappeared and for the first time Space Gray was introduced instead of it, which later became the most popular among this line.

We also fixed the problem with the paint and now the smartphone has ceased to lose its presentation as quickly as it was with the iPhone 5. Even after a year of careful use, everything looks more than.

Design. It would seem that it is already 2017 and four years have passed since its release, but the design is still relevant and people want to buy such a smartphone.

Where have you seen this with Android phones. After the first year, the flagships are forgotten and almost no one remembers them.

The compact four-inch phone is made just perfect. Both the front and the back look very harmonious and modern. Glass inserts at the back are only a plus.

IOS Optimization

Four years later, iOS 10 can be found on board the smartphone and I think that version 11 can also be updated. Thus, the old man can do much more.

Of course, you will not get the newest chips, which may require 3D Touch and others. modern technologies... But the main new features and design changes, you can feel personally.

Despite the outdated filling, everything flies quickly enough and there are no global problems. Not as fast as at the start, but you definitely won't get a nervous breakdown.


The gadget market is getting more and more expensive every day, and when you have a relatively small amount of money in your hands, you just don't know what to buy, especially if you are an Apple fan.

I would not recommend buying a new iPhone 5S in 2017. But if money is so tight, then buying this phone, you can get a little bit of Apple magic.

At the moment, this is the most affordable smartphone from Apple, which has the most current iOS. And if we consider the restored options, it will be even cheaper.

Disadvantages of iPhone 5S

We quickly reached the disadvantages, but this cannot be avoided. Now let's talk about the weaknesses of the smartphone, because in the courtyard of 2017 and after the release date, a lot has changed in the world.


First of all, today people look at this very point. Mobile photography has developed significantly in recent years, which has badly affected older iPhones.

The front camera is 1.2 MP and if you are a selfie lover, then the phone can be discarded immediately. The light still makes good shots, but when you compare it with newer models, it's very bad.

8MP rear camera, dual LED flash, f / 2.2. All this is very little to surprise today. In daylight, everything is quite good, but no more.

If you want to start getting carried away mobile photography, which is very fashionable today, then this phone model will definitely not suit you.


S-models usually stay afloat longer and in fact this is the lifebuoy for the iPhone 5S today. We have dual core processor Apple A7 1.3 GHz with 64-bit architecture and 1 GB of RAM inside.

Thanks to this, the device will still be able to experience iOS 11 and this is where the privileges of such characteristics end.

I now have this smartphone in my hands and I definitely will not update to version 11. I had a bitter experience with 4S, and despite iOS 8, it was very sad there.

After a year, the phone will no longer be supported and I think not many people will want to buy a smartphone that has so few years of relevance.

New technologies

The nicest thing that can be found here is perhaps the first generation Touch ID and probably the ability to shoot Slow-mo video.

In fact, there is nothing modern here that I would like to see in a modern device. Just a normal smartphone that performs standard functions.

You will not find touchscreen here. home button, 3D Touch technology, dual cameras, dual speakers and much more. This list can be continued for a long time.


That's basically all the basic information that I wanted to share about the pros and cons of the iPhone 5S. If you think otherwise, then of course write it in the comments.

It turned out more like the relevance of a smartphone. But in fact, if you are not considering this option for buying, then I don't even know why else to read an article of this nature.

Recently passed apple presentation, to which the attention of all fans of electronic devices and IT sphere was riveted. They presented there new model iPhone, which a huge number of people already want.

In this article, we will understand why all people love the iPhone so much and whether it is worth paying such attention to them at all. So let's take a look at all the pros and cons of an iPhone.

Cons of iPhone

The first minus is the price... This is the main barrier for new users. A new iPhone costs more than a very powerful computer - this is often discouraging. Yes, what to say, even a used car can be bought for this price. And at the same time, smartphones for android, for example flagship smartphone Huawei Honor 7, with similar characteristics, can be bought much cheaper.

Considering these comparisons, a reasonable question arises, and is the iPhone worth its money? Although consistently high sales hint at what it's worth. This also includes all related products, for example, the price of which is greatly inflated, not to mention repairs.

The second minus is closeness. File system the iPhone is closed for free work with it, that is, you cannot use the iPhone as a flash drive if you just want to connect the device and drop a couple of files. In order to transfer a document, video or audio to the iPhone, you definitely need iTunes, which is not installed on all devices, which means that if you are not at home, you will have to install it and waste extra time.

And connecting an iPhone is not easy if you forgot the cord from it. An extra USB can always be found in everyone's closet, unlike the iPhone cable, which has its own connector, which, as already mentioned, costs a lot of money if the wire gets damaged.

The third minus is the choice... This can be both a strong and a weak side, now we will analyze why. Each phone model came out in one variation, well, with a couple of colors, and today also in two sizes, but otherwise the choice is not given to users. Many love appearance iPhone 5s and they don't like the course in the top six. But, if you want new iphonethen you simply have no choice because there is no alternative.

Even if you don't even talk about the appearance, but approach from the other side, then many users would be happy to use AIVS with everyone iPhone services... For example, in a simpler configuration. It is known that both of these directions of expanding choice, that is, shapes and parameters, would deprive the iPhone of some elitism, but nevertheless, the fact that customers are not allowed to choose is considered a kind of disadvantage.
These were the main disadvantages of the iPhone. Agree with them or not - it's up to you, but in the meantime we'll move on to the pluses.

Pros of iPhone

The first plus is quality... When buying Apple products, you can be sure that there will be no malfunctions in work - this is just natural and. You will not come across a curve assembly with backlash. Even if this happens, the company's policy allows you to exchange such a phone for a new one. You will never get a pig in a poke. iPhone is always quality and high level execution... Stable, smooth phone operation, optimization of applications and related devices - this is what you can expect from buying an iPhone. This is the biggest advantage of Apple's smartphone.

The second plus is support... All iPhones have long-term support. You will receive updates for at least three years. During all this time, you will have the most current version of the firmware and it will not turn out that you hang on some old version... This problem is common to almost everyone. For example, the most latest version Android Lollipop 5.1 only 5% of all devices have switched. Even last year's flagships can hang not only at 4.4, but come across at 4.3. In the case of an iPhone, your phone will become obsolete much later than the competition. Well, if you have one, then you most likely will not find it by purchasing new version.

The third plus is the trend... All the technologies that Apple introduces into the iPhone immediately become trending, they are picked up by other developers. If, for example, Lenovo introduces a more advanced Type-C connector to its smartphones, then this will not force all other companies to adapt to it, and with this new smartphone it will simply stall.

At the same time, the same innovation from Apple could reshape the market and make it more convenient. This also applies touch screens... At one time, even before the iPhone, many believed that a phone without buttons was a stupid idea. Needless to say that the release of the iPhone has denied it?

Plus, screen technology on the iPhone has made its way to capacitive displays with Multitouch, which is many times better than resistive displays. Today, new technology Coming to the new iPhone, 3D Touch could revolutionize classic touch control.

The fourth plus is compatibility... IPhones have a huge number of gadgets, devices and other accessories that are fully compatible with it. And the point is not only that there are not so many models themselves, they are simply ready to make products for smartphones from Apple. You will never find yourself in a situation where you cannot find a cover, film or some kind of smart bracelet on your phone, windows users Phone is very familiar.

In conclusion, we can say about the applications. No, we will not talk about their number or exclusives, it is simply impossible to imagine a situation in which someone important application or service will not be on the iPhone, while they will be on other platforms.

So, there are more pluses than minuses. This phone is certainly not perfect, but still, in many ways, compared to its competitors, it has more advantages. And although the top-end Android smartphones are already catching up with Apple's products in many ways, nevertheless, at the moment, the advantages can be considered quite justified.

Video about the advantages of IOS over Android:

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It's safe to say that the iPhone 5 is the best smartphone Apple today, however, its developers have not yet reached perfection. Noticeable improvements in the new smartphone are presented in parameters such as weight, speed, screen, and plus some useful functions.

In contact with

We (almost) will not find fault with or with the battery life, because with this the iPhone is stable, of course, it could be better, but given the reduced thickness, the battery life remained about the same as that of the iPhone 4S, that is - acceptable.

Therefore, let's take a look at the main flaws of the iPhone 5 that we would like to see fixed in the next iPhone versions (most of them concern iOS 6, so they can be distributed to iPad, iPod Touch).

New Maps

- the weakest link of the iPhone 5, and with it iOS 6. They need to be improved first of all, because now in many regions of the planet the application is practically useless. Many labels on the map are not true. Apple is already aware of this problem, because since the debut of the new smartphone, the topic has been discussed more than once, and the company realized that it hastened to abandon cards. Google mapswhich were the "native" stable application in previous versions iPhone.

Scratches on the black iPhone 5

Looks new smartphone just stunning, but there were a lot of complaints about the fast. FROM lineup no such problems were observed in white. In the meantime, the owners of the black model will have to come to terms with this problem and carry the smartphone all the time in a case, or buy a white iPhone 5.

New Lightning connector

is certainly very convenient, however it forces users to buy new cables and adapters to use accessories with the old 30-pin connector. In addition, there is currently not a sufficiently wide range of accessories for the new smartphone. Accessories are either not created yet, or they cannot be found, therefore, it is necessary that they become inexpensive and affordable.

ITunes purchases

In this application, it would be worth improving access to all purchased content. The user should be able to see all video files, music and books without constantly launching the almost hidden "Shopping" section in App Store and iTunes. It would be useful to create a semblance of the so-called Cloud storage in the Amazon Kindle.

Improving the App Store and iTunes Store

The newly designed versions of the main online applications of iOS 6 look a little awkward and strange. Also worth noting is the incomplete search function in the App Store. In addition, it is necessary to create a separate section for new and updated iPhone applications 5.

Notification Center

By increasing the screen diagonal, additional space could be used more efficiently. For example, add a view of Promotions or Weather or any other services to the Notification Center. Of course, this is unlikely to happen with the release iOS updates 6.1, but the company may think about hosting other applications.

Passbook app

How to use this application remains a mystery to many. Basically, Passbook was originally created as a virtual wallet. But it would be worthwhile to explain the operation more clearly of this application or provide some kind of test sample. Most likely, for users of Russian-speaking countries, the service of this application will be unavailable for some time.

Work in landscape mode

With such a truly widescreen display, using landscape mode on the iPhone 5 is a pleasure. But, unfortunately, in this mode it is impossible to enter either the App Store or iTunes. Why doesn't Apple provide such a pleasure to the user?

Of course, Apple has done a decent job on improving the iPhone, and perhaps in the future will listen to the many opinions of users and eliminate the identified shortcomings.

There are a lot of conversations and disputes about Apple devices. In my review, using a specific example, I analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages of the company's flagship. Of course, we will talk about the famous IPhone 5.

I decided to become the proud owner of the fifth "Yabloko" a month ago, which I do not regret at all. Before that there were devices on Android, but in the end I decided to try something new. I don't want to paint specifications new iPhone, or write an essay on the topic "White or Black" \u003d) - this kind of information on the Internet is full. I will try to reveal what becomes obvious to the owner after some time of use, all the pros and cons as they are. I say in advance - I'm not an ardent fan of Apple, but also not a hater of it. Just a person who more or less understands the pros and cons of this smartphone and who wants to objectively and impartially tell others about these pros and cons. So, on the points about the "pluses":

1. About 600,000 applications in the AppStore, which will always be supported and work without glitches in your phone;

2. Absolute absence of phone freezes. Switching between applications is instant;

3. Perfect assembly both inside and outside. In your hand you hold a piece of glass, which is very unusual after plastic phones. Not a single backlash;

4. Complete absence of viruses due to closed iOS operating system Apple;

5. The clearest and brightest display (Retina) of all existing today;

6. Camera - makes great pictures both day and night, in my opinion, the video takes about the level of SONY HD camcorders;

7. A very powerful processor, with good OS optimization (almost zero battery consumption in standby mode);

8. Convenient synchronization between Apple devices;

9. If you lose your phone, there is a high probability of finding it using programs that track its location. You can send a message to the finder with a request to return for a reward);

Now I will write about what I noticed during the use of the shortcomings:

1. iTunes: it is extremely inconvenient to upload music to your phone, you also always need to convert the video;

2. Very weak video support. You have to install additional software to watch regular avi. In general - the Stone Age;

3. Lack of flash. Keep in mind those for whom full-fledged Internet surfing is especially important - the iPhone simply won't show you half of the Internet content;

4. Limited possibilities of operations with files, affected by a closed operating system;

5. Putting your ringtone on a call without dancing with a tambourine will not work. There are certainly ways to get around, to install software, but ... my God, why is it so difficult ?;

7. Mini SIM. I had to carefully cut the SIM card to insert it into the phone;

8. Can't expand memory;

9. "Break" on the Internet for any little reason and without)

Summing up, I want to note that the iPhone 5 is a well-assembled, carefully balanced and fast-working smartphone. This is not a workhorse like Windows Mobile or Android, but it still successfully performs such important today functions as playing HD video without brakes, music, easily pulls heavy 3D games, quickly surfs the Internet, pleases with an intuitive, convenient and a simple interface. Of course, it is unlikely to be suitable for working with office documents - it will not work to move files freely due to the closed operating system - for this it is better to use Android. But what iOS is superior to Android is more stability, better optimization and, therefore, less power consumption.

Before buying, you need to understand why you need this smartphone. If what you are looking for is ease of use, stable operating system, stylish design - the iPhone 5 is the perfect choice. If you need a pocket computer with many settings and ample opportunities customize the device "for yourself" - your choice is definitely a smartphone based on Android.