Hohhot - what is this city? Hohhot: headquarters of Chinggis Khan Hohhot Inner Mongolia

Name of the city: Hoh-Khoto ("Milk Capital of China")

Location: The city of Hohhot is located in the center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and occupies an important strategic position.

City Mayor: Tang Aijun

CPC City Committee Secretary: Han Zhizhan

The address of the city hall: Hoh-Khoto, st. Xinhuadongze, 1

Website: http://www.hhinfo.gov.cn/

Mayor's phone: 0471-4608999

City hall office phone: 0471-4606538, 4606363

Mayor's e-mail: http://www.hhinfo.gov.cn/chinese/mayor/mayor2.asp

City Hall e-mail:

Territory: total area of \u200b\u200bthe city - 17,224 sq. km., in particular, 81.1 sq. km. urban areas.

Subordinate counties and districts: 4 districts - Xincheng, Hoimin, Yuquan, Saihan; 4 counties - Dokdo, Qingshuihe, Uchuan, Linger; 1 aimak - Tumote zuoqi

Geographical parameters and landscape: Hohhot is located on the Tumochuan plain in the central part of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region - between 110 degrees. 46 minutes and 112 degrees. 10 minutes. east longitude, and between 39 deg. 35 minutes and 40 degrees. 51 minutes north latitude. From Hohhot to the border town of Erlian-khoto - 490 km., To the coal deposit Chzhunger - 100 km., To the port city of Tianjin - 800 km. Hohhot plays an important role in China's economic construction. The Yinshan Mountains rise to the north of Hohhot, and the Yellow River flows in the south. The average level above sea level is 1050 meters.

Climate: Hohhot is located in the continental part of the middle temperate zone, which has a continental character typical of the northwestern part of the country. The change of seasons is clearly expressed here, there is a large difference between day and night temperatures. The average temperature is about 6 degrees. The average level of insolation per year is about 3000 hours. Average precipitation is 350-600 mm.

Demography: As of the end of 2004, the resident population in the city was 2.6 million, the population with registration was 2.139 million, including 1.097 million in urban areas. In 2004, population growth was kept at 5.8 ‰.

Transport: More than 20 flights connect Hohhot with Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hailar and other large and medium-sized cities of the country. The Beijing-Baotou railway line runs through the Hohhot area. Railway lines to Beijing, Tongliao, Lanzhou, Wuhai, as well as the international line to Ulan Bator pass through Hohhot. The Hohhot-Baotou advanced high-speed highway has already been built and put into operation. In addition, 6 auto routes were opened that lead to the border regions of Mongolia and Russia. From the city center, in a radial plan, there are about 20 auto routes to different regions of Inner Mongolia.

Monuments and tourist centers: Wanbuhuayan canon preservation pagoda, Xilituzhao, Usuzhao, Qingcheng Park, Manduhai Park, General's Chambers, Grand Mosque, Princess Palace, Lamatongzhao Cave, Dayao, Dazhao, Summer Palace in Daqingshan Mountains, ecological park Xiang Baiting Park in the Nanshan Mountains, Nantianmen Botanical Garden, Beyerye Shaba Dam, Wanjiazhai, Feilei Monastery, the area near the Huanghe River in Tuoxian County, Hadamen State Forest Park, Usutu, Hasuhai Base, Jinguo Pagoda, Yingppogodzhai Gorge ...

Shopping streets and department stores: Tianyuan Trade House, New Age Square, Tunda Department Store of Inner Mongolia, Parkson Square.

Hotel: Neimenggu Hotel (0471-6938888), Hohhot Hotel (0471-6962200), Bayantala Hotel (0471-6963344), Caoyuan Mingzhu Hotel (0471-6608800), Zhaojun Hohhot Hotel (0471-6962211 )

Education: University of Inner Mongolia, Pedagogical University of Inner Mongolia, Industrial University of Inner Mongolia, Medical Institute of Inner Mongolia, Agricultural University of Inner Mongolia, Financial and Economic Institute of Inner Mongolia

Twin Cities: Okasaki (Japan), Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)

Economic parameters:

Regional GDP: In 2004, the city's total GDP was 60 billion yuan, an increase of 47.6% over the same period in the previous year.

Industry: In 2004, industrial value added of 17.5 billion yuan was created for the full year, an increase of 36.7%.

Agriculture: In 2004, the total grain yield was 1.155 million tonnes (an all-time record).

Construction industry: no data available.

Budget: In 2004, the total budget revenue was 6.09 billion yuan, including 3.67 yuan of local revenue. The corresponding growth is 50.4% and 72%.

Foreign trade: according to customs statistics, in 2004 the total volume of foreign trade turnover reached USD 1.871 billion, an increase of 65.66% over the same period in the previous year.

Use of foreign investments: in 2004 foreign funds were attracted in the amount of 240 million US dollars with an increase of 127%.

Foreign economic and technological cooperation: no data available.

Tourism: In 2004, value added of 1 billion yuan was realized, an increase of 45% over the previous year.

City Income: In 2004, the average income of the urban population and the net income of the rural population was RMB 10,166 and RMB 4,005, respectively. The increase is 23.5% and 26.4%.

The Chinese city of Hohhot was built back in 1581. Almost from the first years of its existence, it has become a place where different cultures have united. The Chinese themselves also came up with a beautiful name for him. "A city where you can't hear the whistle of the wind" ... This already speaks of this area as one of the most calm and peaceful corners of China.

It is now the center of Inner Mongolia. However, there is nothing to be surprised at either - the city has been closely associated with the Mongols since the fifteenth century. If the Chinese have lived here since the reign of the emperors of the Ming dynasty, then the Mongols settled here in the fifteenth century. The city was named Huhe-Khoto. The Blue City almost immediately became an important political, commercial and even religious center.

Knowing about the rich history of this town, you come here with great expectations. Visitors expect to see many interesting sights and unique places. And their expectations are fully justified. The city is incredibly beautiful and interesting.

One of the largest attractions that we immediately advise all tourists to visit is Dazhao Temple... It is one of the largest centers of Buddhism in all of Tibet. It began to be built almost immediately after the founding of the city. In fact, the Hohhot as we see it now was formed around this temple. The Dachjal Temple is a large wooden structure, which, despite its age, is surprisingly well preserved. It is worth visiting for everyone, moreover, not just passing through, but really delving into the history of the building. It consists of several main rooms - the main gate, the Buddha Hall, the Hall of Insight, the Heavenly King's palace and several more, slightly less significant rooms and annexes.

Another similar structure - the great monastery of five pagodas ... It was built in 1732. It is a brick monument of the Qing Dynasty. During its existence, the Monastery has changed slightly. Now, of the five pagodas conceived by the architect, only one remains. The foundation of this amazing architectural structure is decorated with religious texts of Buddhists. They are written in three languages \u200b\u200bat once: Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese. And the upper part of the panels is decorated with gold Buddha figurines. Another interesting part of the monastery is a huge astronomical map that occupies the entire northern wall of the building. You will definitely not see such a miracle anywhere else.

Just a hundred meters from the Dazhao Temple, there is another beautiful building. it silitu temple... It is amazingly beautiful and occupies an impressive area. It took 52 years to build this religious building. Another notable point is that the abbot of this temple was for a long time the mentor of the fourth Dalai Lama. And after his student fully “took office,” he certainly did not forget about his teacher and invested in the expansion of the temple. The building is made almost entirely in traditional Chinese style. The only exception is the Dajing Hall, which is already decorated in the Tibetan style. Silitu Temple is also known to many as a place where Chinese Buddhists come to the traditional festival every year. But the Dalai Lama is forbidden to visit the territory of China due to "political differences" with the Chinese authorities.

By the way, as already mentioned, Hohhot is a place where different cultures coexist calmly. Therefore, in addition to Buddhist monasteries in the city, you can find a real Muslim mosque, built in 1639. Against the background of other buildings, the mosque with its traditional prick and Arabic script decorating the walls looks very unusual.

Many buildings in and around the city are dedicated to individual great personalities. So, for example, just nine kilometers from Hohhot there is a tomb where she was buried beauty Wang Zhaojiong ... This girl was to become one of the many concubines of the emperor. Like other beauties, she had to wait for her turn. She was very beautiful, and perhaps the emperor would even have a chance to fall in love with her. But due to the meanness of the courtiers, everything went completely wrong. They provided the emperor with a distorted portrait of the girl, and he, without hesitation, married her to a representative of one of the militant clans. The emperor thought that he was giving him a mediocre girl who would be useful at least in order to establish peaceful relations with neighbors. The leader of the Xunyu clan appreciated the emperor's generosity, and there was no more enmity between them. And they built a luxurious "green tomb" for the beauty, surrounded by green spaces and flowers.

Another great personality you must have heard of is Chinggis Khan... Since the influence of Mongolian culture is clearly felt in the city, due attention is also paid to this ruler. Whatever they say about him, he was really talented in his field. He managed to collect wild Mongol tribes, which until then could not coexist peacefully, and turn them into something united and invincible. His empire at one time was one of the greatest. If you expect to visit the tomb of Chinggis Khan after arriving in Hohhot, then you will not succeed. The fact is that in those days, the rulers themselves could choose the places where they would be buried. After the invincible Mongol was still killed in battle, he was buried in a place whose location is now unknown to anyone.

But a great Mausoleum was built in his honor. It is not in the city itself; you will have to get to the mausoleum for a few more hours by car or one of the tourist buses. The mausoleum itself is so majestic that it can be seen from afar. Approaching it, you will immediately notice both the traditional two-tiered roofs, painted in blue, and the huge five-meter statue of Chinggis Khan. The mausoleum contains sarcophagi with the remains of the great khan's relatives. In addition to them, you can look at various things belonging to the ruler, and just some valuable artifacts that have remained from those times.

And after visiting the mausoleum you can go to Xilamuzhen ... It is a very small town that looks very authentic. Coming here, a person seems to travel in time, being transported to the times when nomads rode horses across the desert steppe for many months in order to find a place like this, and settle here with their wives, children and their yurts. There are many "traditional Mongolian" entertainment here. For example, you can ride a horse, watch a traditional song show, or watch a competition. Or you can take part in such a show yourself, or just relax by tasting local dishes and strong wine.

As in a small Mongolian town, and in Hohhot itself, you can buy many interesting souvenirs. It sells accessories made of ram's horns and other original crafts that you will not find anywhere else.

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Hohhot - a city in the north of China, the administrative center of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the economic and cultural center of the region.

Hohhot is the administrative center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

There are few historical and tourist sites in the city.


Dazhao Temple (Dazhao) is a major center of Tibetan Buddhism. Ancient Hohhot appeared around this temple. The entire ensemble stretches from south to north and consists of the main gate, the palace of the Heavenly King, the Hall of Insight, the hall of canons, the Buddha hall, a building of nine rooms and eastern and western side buildings. Dazhao is currently the largest and best preserved wooden temple in Hohhot.

Monastery of five pagodas is a monument to the Qing Empire. The height of the brick-built monastery is 16.5 m. It consists of three parts: a base, a vajra pedestal and five graceful pagodas. The back wall of the temple is engraved with a diagram of six metapsychotic circles, a Sumeru diagram, and an astrological chart in Mongolian. The Mongolian explanatory map is unique and of high scientific value.

Tomb of Wang Zhaojun is located 9 km south of Hohhot. The grave dates back to the Han era. It is a mound, 33 m high, with a base area of \u200b\u200b13,000 sq. M. The grave was overgrown with dense greenery, for which it received the name "green grave".

The great mosque (1639) - the oldest and largest Muslim building in the city. It features a traditional Arabic dome and exquisite carvings. In Hohhot, it is also worth visiting the Museum of Inner Mongolia with a collection of household items and works of art of Mongolian nomads.

Xylitu Zhao (Xilitu Zhao) - The largest Buddhist temple in the city and the main site of Buddhism in Inner Mongolia.

Last changes: 17.11.2009


Since the era of the Ming Dynasty, the Chinese began to settle here, who gave this place the name Guihua. In the 16th century (around 1580) Altan Khan founded the Mongolian city of Huhe-Khoto (which translates into Russian as "blue city" or "blue city"), which soon became an important political, commercial, religious (Tibetan Buddhism) and a cultural center.

G. o. Hohhot is located in a. R. Inner Mongolia. It is translated from Mongolian as "blue city". Population: 2.6 million inhabitants. There are many ancient temples and parks in the city. Consider the sights that, in our opinion, will most of all interest a Russian tourist.

Yuquan District

Da Zhao Monastery (Ih Juu Temple, 大 召 寺)

Coordinates: 40.798832, 111.647086

Attraction No. 1 in Khuh-Khoto, because it was this monastery that gave the start for the construction of a city around itself in 1581. The monastery itself began to be built in 1557, and was built in 1579. At the end of the 17th century. the Qing emperor Kangxi visited here, so many frescoes are dedicated to him here. It also houses many ancient sculptures and musical instruments.

The main attraction of the temple is the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni made of silver. For her, the Kangxi Emperor gave the medal "In the Name of the Emperor".

Guanyin Temple (观音 寺)

Coordinates: 40.791987, 111.647794

Located next to Da Zhao Monastery. Built during the Jiaqing period (1796-1820), and rebuilt under Daoguang (1820-1850). The main value in the court buildings, which have remained intact since those times.

Bao'erhan Fota Pagoda

Coordinates: 40.789431, 111.646264.

Built in 2006. The pagoda houses holy objects for Buddhists: relics, scriptures, statues, etc. It is part of the Guanyin Temple.

Xi Li Tu Temple (席 力图 召)

Coordinates: 40.798425, 111.657543

The largest temple in Hohhot. Has a unique architectural style. Built during the Longqing (1567-1572) and Wanli (1572-1620) periods of the Ming Dynasty. There is a pagoda on the territory of the temple, which is the tallest in Inner Mongolia.

Zhaojun Tomb (昭君墓)

Coordinates: 40.708313, 111.676596

It is a mound dedicated to the concubine of the Han emperor Yuan-di, Wang Zhaojun. She is one of the four beauties of Ancient China, along with Xi Shi, Diaochan and Yang Guifei. According to the legend, the goose, upon hearing Wang Zhaojun sing a sad song, fell down dead in grief. She is the heroine of many books and films.

There is a museum next to the tomb, where the atmosphere of that time has been restored with the help of wax figures.

Mongolian Folk Custom Garden (蒙古 风情 园)

Coordinates: 40.718381, 111.672480

Here you can enjoy the picturesque view of the meadows and ride horses. There are many museums dedicated to nomadic culture in the park, as well as a memorial museum of Genghis Khan. There is an electric car rental service.

Saishang Old Street (塞上 老街)

Coordinates: 40.796969, 111.644447

Street with the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The image of that time has been completely recreated, down to individual elements and people, which are presented in the form of statues.

House of the Qing Princess (Qing Gu Lunkejing Gongzhufu, 清 公主 府)

Coordinates: 40.836845, 111.647187

About 300 years ago, it was the residence of the six daughters of Emperor Qing Kangxi to strengthen their influence in northern China. Now there is a museum where the atmosphere of that time has been fully restored.

Five Pagoda Temple (五塔寺)

Coordinates: 40.798559, 111.657507

Its construction began in 1727 and ended in 1732. The main building of the temple complex is decorated with five pagodas. On the walls of the temple, 1563 images of Buddha are carved, slightly differing from each other.

Nanhu Wetland Park (南湖 湿地公园)

Coordinates: 40.757218, 111.646846

Nice place for fishing and barbecuing. In Mongolian yurts you can taste the national cuisine and spend the night. There is an excursion boat with picturesque views of the meadows.

Xincheng District

Inner Mongolia Museum (内蒙古 博物院)

Coordinates: 40.841430, 111.730799

Built in 1957 on the tenth anniversary of the founding of Inner Mongolia. Fossils found in the region are stored here, including prehistoric ones: mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and dinosaurs. You can also see artifacts related to ancient local tribes. An entire floor is dedicated to Genghis Khan. There is an exhibition of Mongolian costumes.

Suiyuan City General Government Office Site (绥远 城 将军 衙署)

Coordinates: 40.825041, 111.680567

Built during the reign of Emperor Qing Yongzheng (1723-1735). At that time, the city of Suiyuan was built to strengthen the north-western border (not to be confused with the province of the same name). It was here that all the power of the city was located, including the generals. Now this building has turned into a museum, where the atmosphere of that time has been completely restored, from renovations to people who have been recreated with the help of statues.

Genghis Khan Park (成吉思汗 公园)

Coordinates: 40.862054, 111.706049

Green landscape with many artificial reservoirs. The park has many frescoes and stone statues dedicated to Genghis Khan, as well as weapons from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

Taiwan Ski Resort (太 伟 滑雪 场)

Coordinates: 40.949847, 111.819142

It has been operating since 2006. The total length of the track is about 1.5 km. Maximum slope: 24 degrees. There is an eighteen hole golf course nearby.

Huimin District

Islamic Customs Street (伊斯兰 风情 街)

Coordinates: 40.807320, 111.647914

The length of the street: 1150 m. The houses on it are decorated in a special Muslim style. There are many restaurants, shops and entertainment pavilions along the street. A special beauty opens up in the dark.

Great Mosque (清真 大寺)

Coordinates: 40.807969, 111.649408

Located on Islamic Street and is its main attraction. Has a Chinese style of architecture. Built in 1639, rebuilt in 1789, overhauled in 1923.

Wu Su Tu Zhao Temple (us 素 图 召)

Coordinates: 40.827357, 111.559207

The temple complex in a picturesque mountainous area. Some of the buildings in the complex are over 250 years old. The architecture combines Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian styles.

Qingcheng Park (青城 公园)

Coordinates: 40.806344, 111.659462

Ideal for families. It has a zoo, a children's playground, attractions, a lake for fishing and boating, pavilions with local cuisine and beautiful landscapes.

Daqingshan Wildlife Park, 大 青山 野生 动物园

Coordinates: 40.873002, 111.620296

A huge park where you can visit the zoo, in which conditions are created for animals close to their natural environment. From time to time, there are various exhibitions dedicated to the domestication and reproduction of animals.

Wu Su Tu Forest Tourism Development Zone (乌 素 图森林 旅游 开发区)

Coordinates: 40.845722, 111.576155

Nature lovers will like it: the equipped trail will lead you through all the picturesque places of the forest. Fruit trees bear fruit in the fall. You can see the ruins of ancient cities.

Horingar County

Nanshan Park (南山 公园)

Coordinates: 40.366760, 111.822659

A large park (5 sq. Km) with a picturesque landscape with various pavilions: from restaurants with Mongolian cuisine to religious buildings. There is a lake with a well-equipped beach. On holidays, various festivals are held here.

Hoshun Tumad-Zuqi

Hasuhai Wharf (哈 素 海 码头)

Coordinates: 40.620611, 110.988931

From here there are excursion boats on Lake Sukha. It is famous for its crystal clear water, which is rare in China, and many species of waterfowl.

Yili Industrial Park (伊利 工业 园区)

Coordinates: 40.789730, 111.559419

Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd produces milk and dairy products. Popular in China. Sponsored the 2008 Olympic Games. The park is a museum where you can see the milk production process from pasture to packaging.

Lama's Cave (喇嘛 洞 召)

Coordinates: 40.800645, 111.287368

Represents a Buddhist temple complex with a cave. Built in the 1570s, expanded in 1658. There are 124 steps in front of the cave.

Qingshuihe County

Laoniuwan Village (清水 河 老牛 湾)

Coordinates: 39.942411, 111.477436

A picturesque place in which the ancient Great Wall is bordered by the Yellow River. An excursion boat runs.

Togto County

Shenquan Ecological Tourist Attraction (神泉 生态 旅游 景区)

Coordinates: 40.182897, 111.219501

Here you can visit teahouses, cafes, go on a cruise on the Yellow River and ride camels in the warm season, and ski in the cold season. Thrill seekers can cross the Yellow River by cable car.

Wuchuan County

Hadamen Plateau Pasture (哈达 门 高原 牧场)

Coordinates: 41.004709, 111.570986

The main tourist value, in addition to the picturesque view, is the restored ancient nomadic city of Darlinghal, from which the equipped resort was created. Here you can spend the night in a yurt, participate in ancient rituals, enjoy local cuisine, etc.

Saihan District

Manduhai Park (满 都 海 公园)

Coordinates: 40.814640, 111.681855

The park has an attractive landscape design, entertainment pavilions, children's playgrounds, lakes and fountains. Locals come here for sports.

White Tower (万 部 华严 经 塔 (白塔))

Coordinates: 40.836852, 111.879844

Brick-and-wood structure 55 m high with a revolving staircase inside. Built at the end of the 9th century. The outer side is decorated with brick carvings. In the interior there are many hieroglyphs left by different nationalities: Han, Mongols, Tibetans, Kidans, Jurchens, Uighurs and others.