A device for determining the noise level. Noise research. Instruments for measuring noise. Professional noise level measurement

The main instruments for measuring noise are sound level meters. In the sound level meter, mechanical sound vibrations perceived by the microphone are converted into electrical ones, which are amplified and then, passing through corrective filters and a rectifier, are recorded by a pointer device. The range of measured total noise levels is usually 30-130 dB with frequency boundaries 20-16 000 Hz.

To determine the noise spectrum and its levels in octave bands, the sound level meter is connected to filters and analyzers.

Domestic sound level meters Sh-71, PI-14, IShV-1, complete with octave filters, are used for measurements. Acoustic equipment from RFT (Germany) and Brüel & Kjерr (Denmark) has become widespread in our country.

Noise measuring devices consist of a sound level meter (in accordance with GOST 17187-71) and octave electric filters that pass a certain frequency band of electrical oscillations.

The operation of the sound level meter is based on the conversion of sound vibrations by a microphone into electrical vibrations, which, after amplification and passing through octave filters, are transmitted to a measuring device - a dial indicator.

In practice, measuring systems of the ISHV-1 type (with built-in octave filters) from the Vibropribor plant (Taganrog) or the ShVK-1 (with separate FE-2 type filters of the same plant) and 00017 type (with built-in filters) from RFT are used GDR.

To measure only the sound level without frequency analysis, sound level meters of the Shum-1, ShM-1, Sh-63 or 00014 types from RFT (GDR) are used.

For ultrasonic noises (frequency more than 11.2 kHz), the normalized parameters are established by GOST 12.1.001-75 “SSBT. Ultrasound. General safety requirements ".

Vibration is measured with instruments based on mechanical and electrical methods. Electrical measuring instruments provide higher measurement accuracy in a wide range of vibration frequencies of high and low intensity. They allow recording vibrograms at a considerable distance from the vibration object, which ensures safety and convenience in carrying out measurements.

Vibration measurement is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.4.012-75 "SSBT. Means for measuring and controlling vibrations at workplaces. Technical requirements". These requirements are met by the ShVK-1 sound level meter equipped with a vibration sensor.

For stationary equipment, vibration measurement points are selected at workplaces. The vibration sensor is attached to the work platform or worker's seat. Local vibrations transmitted to the arms when working with hand-held machines are measured by vibration velocity in geometric mean octave bands from 8 to 1000 Hz. The vibration sensor is mounted where hands come into contact with vibrating surfaces. Manual machines must comply

the requirements of GOST 17770-72 “Hand-held machines. Allowable Vibration Levels ".


The factors considered in the lecture - noise, vibration, infrasound and ultrasound - are harmful, negatively affecting performance, causing occupational diseases and other adverse consequences.

Noise is a wave-like propagating mechanical vibrational motion of particles of an elastic (gas, liquid or solid) medium. Its effect on the human body is mainly associated with the use of new, high-performance equipment, with the mechanization and automation of labor processes: the transition to high speeds during the operation of various machines and units. Long-term exposure to noise and vibration on the human body leads to the development of chronic overwork, contributes to the development of general and occupational diseases, hearing loss, disorders of the central nervous system and the human cardiovascular system.

Infrasound is mechanical vibrations propagating in an elastic medium with frequencies less than 20 Hz, which are below the human hearing threshold. In contrast to noise, infrasound propagates over long distances due to low absorption. Under the influence of infrasound on a person, changes in the rhythms of respiration and heartbeats, indigestion and central nervous system, headaches occur.

In the prevention of the harmful effects of factors, preventive and current sanitary inspections and medical prevention are of great importance.

The main measures to combat noise: elimination of the cause of the noise or its significant attenuation at the very source during the development of technological processes and equipment design; isolation of the noise source from the environment by means of sound - and vibration protection, sound - and vibration absorption; reducing the density of sound energy in rooms, reflected from walls and ceilings; rational layout of premises; the use of personal protective equipment against noise; rationalization of the working regime under noise conditions; preventive measures of a medical nature. The most effective means of noise reduction is the replacement of noisy technological operations with low-noise or completely silent. Personal protective equipment (anti-noise) includes earbuds, headphones and helmets.

Means of protection for reducing the level of infrasound: increasing the rotational speed of the shafts to 20 or more revolutions per second; increasing the rigidity of vibrating structures of large sizes; elimination of low-frequency vibrations; making constructive changes to the structure of sources.

Measurement of noise levels is carried out at workplaces or in working areas to compare with the requirements of sanitary standards, as well as to assess the noise characteristics of machines and equipment in order to develop measures to combat noise. Instructions for the measurement and hygienic assessment of noise are given in GOST 12.1.003-76 and GOST 20445-75 “Buildings and structures of industrial enterprises. Method for measuring noise at workplaces ", as well as in the Methodological Guidelines for the Measurement and Hygienic Assessment of Industrial Noises 1844-78 of the USSR Ministry of Health.

For this purpose, the frequency spectrum of the measured sound pressure level in octave frequency bands is used, which is compared with the limiting spectrum normalized in GOST 12.1.003-76 (Table 6.1 is given with abbreviations).

Table 1. Acceptable sound pressure levels and sound levels


Sound pressure levels, dB, in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz

63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 4000, 8000

Sound level and equivalent sound level, dBA

Premises of design bureaus, laboratories for theoretical work

Office rooms, work rooms

Observation and remote control cabins with voice telephone communication, rooms and areas of precision assembly

Experimental laboratories

For an approximate assessment of the noise situation at the workplace, it is allowed to use a one-number parameter (independent of frequency) as a characteristic of constant noise, the so-called sound level in dBA, measured without frequency analysis - on the A scale of the sound level meter, which approximately corresponds to the frequency response of human hearing.

The characteristic of intermittent noise at workplaces is the equivalent (in terms of energy) sound level in dBA, also determined by the A-scale of the sound level meter.

The human hearing aid is more sensitive to high-frequency sounds, therefore the normalized sound pressure values \u200b\u200bdecrease with increasing frequency.

A characteristic of constant and non-constant (except for fluctuating in time) noises at workplaces are the sound pressure levels in the octave frequency bands from 63 to 8000 Hz.

A characteristic of noise fluctuating in time at workplaces (for example, during the operation of a metal-cutting machine with a variable mode of operation) is the equivalent (in energy) sound level in dBA, determined according to GOST 20445-75 and having the same effect on the hearing aid as a constant noise of the same level.

Main literature:

1. Karakeyan V. I., Nikulina N. M. Life safety. Textbook. - M. - "Yurayt", - 2014

2. Kholostova EI, Prokhorova OG Life safety. Textbook.-

M.- "Dashkov and K", - 2013

Additional literature:

1. Alekseev V.S. Life safety. Lecture notes / V. S. Alekseev, O. I. Zhidkova, N. V. Tkachenko. - M .: Eksmo, 2008 .-- 160 p. S.24-26.

2. Devyasilov V.A. Labor protection: textbook / V.A. Devisilov. - M .: FORUM, 2009 .-- 496 p. S. 145-168.

3. Mikhnyuk T.F. Labor protection: textbook for students / T.F. Mikhnyuk. - Minsk: ITC of the Ministry of Finance, 2010 .-- 320 p. S.111-133.

A sound level meter is an electronic device designed to measure the loudness level in decibels. This equipment is widely used in everyday life and has a high degree of accuracy. It has a relatively low cost and does not require complex settings. To use the device, you just need to turn it on without the need for complex manipulations and studying the instructions in several pages.

Where is the sound level meter used?

Sound level meters are primarily used to monitor the effectiveness of sound insulation installed in a room. They are used by builders to determine the level of sound insulation of objects. On their basis, it is possible to check how the used building material corresponds to the parameters declared by the manufacturer.

There are noise standards that are acceptable in residential premises during the day and night. In case of violation of these norms, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine or confiscation of sound equipment and instruments that emit noise. To bring the culprit to justice, you need to document the level of sound that he makes. A sound level meter is used specifically for this purpose, which allows accurate data in decibels to be obtained. This device is at the disposal of law enforcement officers who go out on complaints of violations of living standards by noisy neighbors. Using this equipment, you can determine whether they fall under administrative responsibility for violating the rules of silence.

Sound level meters are also used to monitor working conditions in industries, since the noise level of various equipment is limited by labor legislation. Exceeding the permissible sound level poses a danger to human health in the form of partial hearing loss. In this regard, the control of this indicator is very important, and it is impossible to do without the use of a sound level meter.

The principle of operation of the device and its structure

The Sumerians have a relatively uncomplicated design if you equate them with high-tech electrical devices. At the heart of the design is a conventional omnidirectional microphone whose diaphragm vibrates with sound waves. The signal taken from it is passed through several filters and enters the indicator device, which is designed as. The noise generated corresponds to the voltage level of the electrical current in the device. In this regard, the indicator of the electrical signal fully corresponds to how loud the output sound is. A mechanical scale or electronic dial displays the volume in decibels.

If we consider the sound level meter device in more detail, then we can distinguish its following components: omnidirectional microphone, amplifier, filters, detector, integrator, indicator.

The presence of filters makes it possible to cut off the readings of sound waves from the measurements, which are not perceived by the human ear. This makes it possible to conduct an objective assessment, focusing on those indicators that really affect others. Sounds that the ear does not perceive are eliminated by filters.

Noise standards

To use a sound level meter and make the right conclusions about the data obtained with its help, you need to navigate what kind of noise is dangerous. If a person is faced with a noise level of 70-90 dB for a long period, he develops a disease of the central nervous system. He becomes irritable, suffers from insomnia and reflex disorders. Such noise is observed in many industries, so employees of such enterprises use protective headphones.

Increasing the sound level to 100 dB leads to partial hearing loss. This deviation can be both short-term and permanent. If the noise is increased to 200 dB, serious damage to the central ear is observed, up to cerebral hemorrhage. This level in some cases is fatal, at best it leads to concussion with hearing loss for life.

The optimal level of noise in rooms is up to 40-50 dB during the day. This is a safe sound level that does not pose a hazard to the hearing aid. At night this rate is lower and amounts to 30-40 dB. It should be borne in mind that in different countries and individual cities, the upper level of the permitted volume may differ.

How to use the device correctly

It is important to use the sound level meter correctly to obtain accurate data. The device does not require special attention or long-term training before use. You just need to bring it closer to the noise source and turn on the power. After that, his microphone will start sending data to the pickup element. Depending on the model of the sound level meter, measurements may take several seconds or more. After that, the device stops fixing the indicators and displays the level of the strongest sound wave that was read during the measurement.

When working with a sound level meter, make sure that the microphone is not covered. To verify that the instrument is working, it can be tested by taking measurements in a quiet room. In a domestic environment, it is almost impossible to create conditions in which there are no sound waves. In this regard, it is impossible to achieve that the sound level meter showed the loudness level at the minimum boundary of its sensitivity. If the room is really quiet, then the noise level produced by the device will be close to the minimum mark. A damaged sound level meter will record too high values, so you can determine the unsuitability of its filters or other elements.

Noise Measurement Mobile Apps

For modern smartphones, applications have been written that, after installation, allow you to measure the noise level using the technical capabilities of the phone. They are released for Android and iOS operating systems. It should be noted that such applications in some respects can replace household sound level meters, but it should be understood that the accuracy of the data obtained remains in doubt. It all depends on the quality of the smartphone. If we consider how accurately such applications work on Apple hardware, then of course we can judge the sufficient accuracy. As for the cheaper range of smartphones, their accuracy of sound level perception is in doubt.

The applications can be used to measure approximate volume levels within the talk rate, that is, up to 60 dB. The hardware capabilities of smartphones and tablets are limited as they are not designed for loud sounds. The task of their microphone is only in the perception of a person's voice, which usually sounds in the range of up to 40 dB. Waves in excess of this indicator are perceived by applications with an error or are ignored, so smartphones cannot serve as a device for taking volume indicators.

Classes of sound level meters

The Sumerians are divided into classes depending on the accuracy of the issued research. Class 0 covers the most accurate laboratory instruments that serve as a reference for the control of other equipment. Such devices are the most expensive and give a very small error due to the fact that they use expensive materials, complex filters and other elements that affect the accuracy.

The next in terms of accuracy are Class 1 devices, which are used for sanitary and hygienic research. With their help, working conditions are assessed. This equipment operates with almost laboratory precision, so it can be used as a reference to monitor the efficiency and measurement accuracy of lower grade instruments.

Class 2 devices are used to take indicators when passing vehicle inspection, to assess the loudness of operating equipment, when it is not a question of sanitary working conditions. Class 3 appliances are household appliances. They are most often found on the market and allow you to get approximate indicators of the loudness level, which may differ from the data taken from the reference equipment by 1-4 dB.

It should be noted that the class of equipment also affects the measurement range. Sound level meter with class 0 and 1 is capable of recording sound signals in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 18 kHz. Class 2 operates in the range from 20 Hz to 8 kHz. Grade 3 takes sound waves ranging from 30 Hz to 8 kHz. Also, devices differ in the decibels that they can fix. Household appliances operate with a volume range of 30 to 130 dB.

Differences between devices

When choosing a sound level meter, you should pay attention to its class, the level of error, as well as the range of sensitivity in decibels. As for the power source, it's a matter of taste. In some cases, it is convenient to use network devices that connect to an outlet, while in others it is better to buy devices for or. Also, devices differ in screen size. Expensive models can display a graph of the strength of sound waves in addition to numbers.

Modern devices are equipped with an attached microphone, and display the measurement data on a digital screen. They are much more convenient to use than the older gauges equipped with an arrow. Earlier equipment had a disadvantage, namely the convenience of capturing the highest received audio signal. As a result of the absence of an automatic stop, the resulting indicator depends solely on the professionalism of the operator who takes the indicators. If you blink and do not notice in time how much the arrow has deviated, then you can skip the maximum noise and write down a lower indicator. Such equipment is now found on sale only from hands, since manufacturers have abandoned such a design. When choosing a device, you should avoid pointer models without automatic fixation of the upper measurement value.

Noise measurements are carried out to control the compliance of actual noise levels at workplaces with permissible ones according to the current standards according to the methods according to GOST 12.1.050-86, GOST 12.1.012-90 and MU No. 1844-78.

Noise measurements should be carried out when at least 2/3 of the units of technological equipment installed in a given room are operating in the most frequently implemented (typical) mode of its operation.

Ventilation, air conditioning equipment and other noise sources commonly used in the room should be switched on during measurements.

Sound levels are measured with sound level meters of the 1st or 2nd class of accuracy. The enterprise uses sound level meters of the "Oktava-101A" type.

Octave sound pressure levels are measured with sound level meters with electrical octave filters connected to them.

Equivalent sound levels should be measured with integrating sound level meters and noise integrators.

The equipment is calibrated before and after the noise measurement in accordance with the instructions for use of the instruments.

The microphone should be positioned 1.5 m above the floor or platform level (if the work is done while standing) or at the height of the ear of the person exposed to the noise (if the work is done while sitting). The microphone should be oriented in the direction of the maximum noise level and at least 0.5 m away from the operator taking measurements.

To assess noise in permanent workplaces, measurements should be taken at points corresponding to the designated permanent locations. To assess noise at intermittent workplaces, measurements should be carried out in the work area at the point where the worker is most frequent.

When measuring octave sound pressure levels, the frequency response switch of the instrument is set to the "filter" position. Octave sound pressure levels are measured in bands with geometric mean frequencies of 63-8000 Hz.

When measuring sound levels and equivalent sound levels, dBA, the frequency response switch of the device is set to position "A".

When making measurements of sound levels and octave sound pressure levels of constant noise, the time switch of the instrument is set to the "slow" position. The values \u200b\u200bof the levels are taken according to the average values \u200b\u200bwhen the instrument needle fluctuates. The values \u200b\u200bof sound levels and octave sound pressure levels are read from the scale of the device with an accuracy of 1 dBA, dB.

Measurements of sound levels and octave sound pressure levels of continuous noise shall be carried out at each point at least three times.

When measuring the equivalent sound levels of time-varying noise to determine the equivalent (in energy) sound level, the time switch of the instrument is set to the "slow" position. Sound level values \u200b\u200bare taken according to the readings of the instrument arrow at the time of counting.

When measuring the maximum sound levels of time-varying noise, the instrument's timing switch is set to the "slow" position. Sound level values \u200b\u200bare taken at the moment of maximum reading of the device.

When measuring the maximum sound levels of impulse noise, the switch of the instrument's time characteristic is set to the "impulse" position. The values \u200b\u200bof the levels are taken according to the maximum indication of the device.

The sampling intervals of the sound levels of the noise fluctuating in time when measuring the equivalent level with a duration of 30 min are 5-6 s with a total number of counts of 360.

When measuring the equivalent sound levels of non-constant noise, the time-response switch of the instrument is set to the "slow" position, the sound levels and the duration of each step are measured. /12/.

Vibration measurements are carried out to control the compliance of actual vibration levels at workplaces with permissible according to the current standards according to the methods according to GOST 12.1.012-90, and MU No. 3911-85.

Vibrometers of the "Octava-101V" type are used at the enterprise.

The averaging (integration) time of the device when measuring the local vibration should be at least 1 s, and the total vibration - at least 10 s.

Measurements are carried out continuously or at regular intervals (discretely).

For discrete measurement of spectra and frequency-corrected values, the interval between readings should be at least 1 s for local vibration; for general vibration - not less than 10 s. The counting is carried out at the end of the selected interval.

Discrete measurements begin with an initial number of observations of at least 3. The required number of observations, ensuring the required accuracy of the results, is determined based on the results of processing the measurement results.

With continuous measurement of spectra and frequency-corrected values, the measurement duration should be: for local vibration - at least 3 s; for general vibration - not less than 30 s.

With continuous measurement of the vibration dose or the equivalent corrected value of the controlled parameter, the observation duration should be: for local vibration - at least 5 minutes; for general vibration - at least 15 min. /eleven/.

A noise level meter reads sound waves and converts them to a digital value. When choosing a model, consider 3 main characteristics:

  • Measured sound volume: 20 to 140 dB.
  • Measurement accuracy: frequency range from 20 Hz to 8 kHz.
  • Measurement speed and duration.

According to sanitary standards, the noise level in the places where you spend the most time should not exceed 55 dB during the day and 40 dB at night. This is the volume level of the conversation. Above 70 dB, the nervous system begins to experience overload and stress. At 100 dB, physical hearing impairment appears.

The sound level meter picks up sound waves and displays their digital value on the display. The more the sound affects the membrane, the more voltage the sound level meter shows.


  • microphone;
  • signal amplifier;
  • filters;
  • detector and indicator;

Filters are needed to form a frequency that is identical to the human auditory perception (the ear perceives sounds with different efforts).

There are 4 types of filters:

  • AND (low volume 20-55 dB).
  • B (average noise level 55-85 dB).
  • FROM (for noise 85-140 dB).
  • D (a special filter for working with very loud noises).

The accuracy of the instrument depends on its class:

  • 0 - exemplary measuring instruments (frequency range from 20 Hz to 18 kHz).
  • 1 - models for laboratory measurements (frequency range from 20 to 18 kHz).
  • 2 - technical measurements (range from 20 Hz to 8 kHz).
  • 3 - approximate measurements (range from 31.5 Hz to 8 kHz).

In addition to sound intensity, sound level meters also measure its duration:

  • F (fast) - for measuring constant noise.
  • S (slow) - intermittent noises.
  • I (pik) - pulse.

What to look for when buying:

  • When choosing a noise meter, determine exactly what approximate noise level you will be working with. There is no point in buying a professional expensive model if you are not an engineer doing it all the time. The best option for domestic needs is the 3rd class model.
  • The basic set of the noise level meter includes a tripod, an additional microphone, protection from the external environment (if you work outdoors) and a case.
  • The function of comparing indicators and results will not be superfluous.
  • It is also very convenient if readings from the device can be instantly dumped to a PC.

Multimeters can be distinguished as a separate group - this is a "compact laboratory" for environmental assessment. They find static electricity, test circuits, and determine amperage, voltage, capacitance, and frequency. The multimeter is a thermal detector, noise, humidity and light meter in one housing.

On the 220 Volt website you can buy a sound level meter by paying for it in a convenient way: cash, card, webmoney or bank transfer.

Measurement of the noise level at the workplaces of enterprises and institutions is carried out in accordance with GOST 20445-75.

According to the rules, in order to assess the noise levels at workplaces in the premises of industrial enterprises, at least three points must be measured. The microphone that picks up noise should be positioned 1.5 m above floor or platform level (or at the same height as the head of a seated person).

The measurement results should characterize the noise exposure during the work shift. Therefore, noise measurement is carried out during operation of at least 2/3 of the installed technological equipment at least three times per shift.

When measuring, general sound pressure levels, spectral composition of noise in octave bands, as well as equivalent sound levels in decibels A (dBA) can be determined, which are standardized by Sanitary Norms - СН 2.2.4 /

The maximum permissible noise level is the level of a factor that, during daily (except weekends) work, but more than 40 hours a week during the entire working experience, should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health detected by modern research methods. Compliance with the remote control does not exclude health problems for highly sensitive persons. A sound level meter is used to measure noise levels.

The device and application of sound level meters

Sound level meters are instruments designed to measure noise in a free field. For example, an office with carpeted floors, curtains and partitions is a free field. A basement room with concrete walls, no furniture, and a high level of sound reflection is already a reverberating sound field.

The sound level meter device must comply with special state standards that regulate the requirements for such devices. In particular, the range of frequencies captured by the device is regulated, but the device itself may differ.

In the device of the sound level meter, certain solutions are laid that allow you to create an unambiguous relationship between the readings of the device and the sound pressure that are perceived by the hearing aid. The noise level is proportional to the electrical signal.

The sound level meter is used to measure the noise level outdoors and indoors. Physically, the sound level meter consists of a microphone, an amplifier, equalizing filters, several detectors and indicators, as well as a voltmeter and a device for displaying measurement results (for example, a display).

Range of sound level meters TESTO

Testo 815 sound level meter

The testo 815 sound level meter is factory calibrated. To check the accuracy of the instrument, it is recommended to recalibrate, especially when the instrument has not been used for a long time. The testo 815 sound level meter must also be checked with a calibrator before and after measurements under harsh conditions, such as high altitudes, high levels of humidity, and where special requirements are imposed on measurement uncertainty.

The Testo 815 sound level meter has the following advantages:

  • Accuracy class 2 conforming to IEC 60651
  • Easy adjustment (adjustment screwdriver included)
  • Frequency weighting according to curves A and C
  • Memory of maximum and minimum values
  • Tripod socket (1/4 inch)
  • High level of accuracy (class 2)
  • Switchable Time Weighing Fast / Slow
  • Frequency weighting
  • present value
  • Weighing by time
  • Switchable range
  • Good price / performance ratio

Sound level meter Testo 816.

Noise level meter, accuracy class 2, with microphone, windproof cap, battery, headphone jack, in practical carrying case

Compared to the testo 815, the testo 816 is equipped with a number of additional noise measurement functions that make it ideal for experts who measure noise levels in the workplace, during production, and background noise.

The Testo 816 sound level meter has the following advantages:

  • Uncertainty class 2 up to IEC 60651
  • High level of accuracy
  • Automatic switch of ranges of measurements of noise level
  • Backlit display
  • Operation from the power supply
  • Display with graphic pointer
  • AC signal output for connection to recorder or amplifier
  • Output with DC signal 10 mV / dB for connection to recorders and recorders
  • testo 816:
  • Time estimate
  • Setting the measuring range
  • Frequency estimation
  • present value
  • Automatic range switching
  • Display backlight
  • Connection to the mains power supply
  • Displaying a histogram
  • AC output for connection to recorders and amplifiers,
  • DC output with 10 mV / dB for connection to recorders and data loggers
  • good ratio of price - quality and price - functionality

Portable sound level meter Megeon 92130

Portable sound level meter Megeon 92130 is a unique combination of technical characteristics, practicality and ease of use. All necessary control elements are located on the front panel of the device. The listed functional features allow using Megeon 92130 and measuring noise parameters in almost any conditions. The device has an integrated light sensor, on the signal of which the display backlight turns on if you work in a poorly lit room. This sound level meter is used by engineers in many industries, safety and health professionals, and to assess the noise environment in offices, transportation and the environment. It should be noted that the Megeon 92130 sound level meter operates in a wide range from 30 to 130 dB and complies with the generally accepted international standards ANSI S1.4 (type 2) and IEC651 (type 2).

Sound level meter Megeon 92131

The new Megeon 92131 sound level meter is a high-precision measuring instrument used for accurate and fast determination of sound parameters in indoor and outdoor areas. This device is very popular among technicians and engineers because it offers excellent technical characteristics and is lightweight and compact in size. Sound level meter Megeon 92131 makes it possible to measure noise in a wide range: from 40 to 130 dB.

It should be noted that the measurement error does not exceed 2 dB. The device has a built-in connector for connecting a frequency analyzer, thanks to which the user can observe the noise under investigation in the form of a graph. Megeon 92131 is equipped with a simple user interface. The display simultaneously shows the level of the sound under investigation in the form of a histogram and in digital form. All controls are located on the front panel of the device.

The device can be additionally equipped with a USB cable, which makes it possible to transfer the obtained results to a PC for further analysis. Simple operation, low weight, as well as compact dimensions make this measuring tool an indispensable assistant, both in everyday life and at industrial facilities.

Model range of sound level meters MEGEON

It is profitable to buy sound level meters

You can buy reliable sound level meters at a bargain price in our company. A large selection of sound level meters from leading world manufacturers is always presented in our company Qualified specialists of our company will help you choose the sound level meter that best suits your task for measuring the noise level in your environment.

We will deliver sound level meters within one or two days to the cities: Taganrog, Novocherkassk, Azov, Shakhty, Volgodonsk, Salsk, Krasnodar, Tikhoretsk, Timashevsk, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Yeisk, Maykop, Armavir, Volgograd, Elista, Astrakhan, Stavropol, Nevinnomyssk, Mineralnye Vody, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Cherkessk, Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Makhachkala.