Passage of games what tags to write. What are YouTube tags and how to choose them correctly? How to Use Long Tail Keywords to SEO Optimize YouTube Videos

Hello everyone!

When adding a video to the largest repository of YouTube videos, there is one among the fields for filling called "tags".

If everything is clear with the fields "name" and "description", then questions may arise with it.

Moreover, if you are not yet a professional in this matter and.

Today I will tell you what tags in YouTube are and how to write them correctly.

What are YouTube tags and what are they for?

By uploading a video to YouTube, we, of course, want to gain a lot of views and thereby earn popularity, and sometimes money. That's what tags are for.

A tag is a word (phrase) that can reflect the whole essence of your video, the so-called keyword.

Search engines find the information they need by keywords. Of course, you don't have to fill in the search words field. In this case, the system will select them automatically, based on the name. With the correct keys, the number of video views will instantly take off. If they are not there or they are automatically displayed, do not expect a lot of views.

If the keywords you specified do not correspond to the essence of the video, you can not even dream of any popularity. People will not watch them, because they were looking for something else.

All tags can be added and edited at any time. Now that it has become clear what it means and why tags are needed, you can begin to understand in more detail how to write them correctly.

How to write keys correctly?

As a rule, all keys are written as a list, separated by commas. If you do not put punctuation marks between words, the system will perceive them as one long sentence.

There are popular high-frequency keywords that are most often entered into searches. It is them that it is desirable to use. But do not forget about less frequent requests: although they will bring fewer views, the competition is lower here.

How to choose the right tags?

You can select the keys yourself, but this process will take a lot of time and effort. It is much more convenient and faster to take advantage of the fruits of progress. For the selection of keywords and phrases, many online generators have been created.

The generator automatically selects the most frequently used words in queries based on the title of the video. Such services are available both on Google and Yandex. In order to use them, you need to have the appropriate e-mail. But I would recommend using the online generator.

How to find out the keys of competitors

If you want to see the keywords of competitors' videos in your topic, you will have to do a number of manipulations, because other people's key phrases are hidden. If earlier they were visible, now everything is not so simple.

You need to press the right mouse button on the page with the video of interest and select "View source text" in the context menu (In the google chrome browser, use the Ctrl + U hotkeys).

In the window that opens, find lines with text (it is more convenient to search using the built-in search, just press Ctrl + F)


"Key_pages" - these are the key phrases of competitors' videos you are interested in.

The opinions of experts were divided on the number of words in keywords. Some argue that the more one-word keys (HF), the better. Others say that the more accurate the phrase, the more views will be.

In general, both are right to some extent. It is best to use both methods, starting with single-word keys and ending with key phrases that are semantically appropriate. And the most important thing is that you need to enter search words correctly. By making one grammatical mistake, you run the risk of letting all your work down the drain.

Of course, just without having any experience behind you, it will be very difficult to do this. As in any business, it is necessary to "fill your hand" here. As a rule, it takes a lot of time and it is unlikely that you will be able to make money right away.

I wish you success! Share the link to the article in any social media. networking with friends. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. See you on the blog pages!

Respectfully! Abdullin Ruslan

Greetings dear readers. Today we'll talk about how to properly promote videos on YouTube. Every blogger uses video for their articles, and if this is your video, then it needs to be treated more responsibly.

If you blog in order to earn money, and not get a penny, then in addition to placing contextual advertising, like Google Adsense, you must monetize your videos. If you think that this is all a penny, then tell this to video bloggers who have become fucking popular on the network like NEMAGIA and other authors. And in order for your video to be really visited and to be in the TOP of YouTube, it is necessary not only optimize SEO correctly, but also to select the necessary key tags, which we will talk about.

If you are writing an article for a blog or any announcement, then you are constantly faced with the need to enter a list of tags for YouTube videos or a list of keywords. It's the same with YouTube videos. You upload a new video, create a description and a title with the necessary keys, and then we need to conduct a thorough analysis of competitors and see by what tags their video reached the TOP, and I just want to burn one very interesting tool that can be used with ease for their own purposes. But don't think that just writing a bunch of tags will take your video straight ahead. It must first of all meet the following criteria:

  • Be useful and interesting to users;
  • Have a catchy headline that creates intrigue;
  • The title should correspond to the content of the video itself.

Useful: If you use someone else's video downloaded through a browser using a special plug-in, then it can also be displayed in the TOP, but the main thing is not which one can be thrown to you and closed the channel.

In general, everything is the same as in search engines. Violated the requirements, then get the filter on the site and fuck you.

List of tags for YouTube using the VidIQ plugin

VidIQ Is a very useful plugin that you will find in the list of extensions for your browser. Go to the extensions and search through the search and put to yourself. I will not describe trivial things here.

Its most important purpose is to open tags for Youtube videos of absolutely any video that is open in front of you. Now you just enter a keyword in the YouTube search and analyze the tags of the entire list of videos and choose the ones you need (Images are clickable).

If you open this or that video, you will be able to see what requests the video is for in the video hosting issue.

Very cool done. I found out about this plugin not so long ago. I hope you also learned something new and can now optimize your videos much faster and easier. But don't forget, of course, about the quality of your videos. This plugin is just that addition to manual video optimization.

For more detailed statistics, you will have to pay for the paid version. But for me personally, free is enough. Also, when you upload a video to your channel, the plugin provides recommendations for additional lists, tags that you can also add to yourself.

Advice: If your video is really a bomb and will hook a large audience after uploading to the channel, then it may well get to the TOP without any meta tags and cool descriptions. The main thing is to make a catchy headline.

But I do not advise you to just stupidly take and copy all the tags and description of the video, but edit everything a little for yourself so that everything is a little different. It is important to take TOP videos from the TOP-5 and the main keys, including the video title and description for it.

So let's summarize and take a step-by-step look at what to look for to properly optimize your video, which you should be aware of:

  • We make an interesting video for our audience;
  • The video may not be copyrighted, but your own, of course, is better;
  • We copy the list of tags for YouTube top videos and dilute it with our own;
  • We take the title and description of the first videos and edit it a bit.

Repeat these rules and your videos will rank very high. Now tags for videos on YouTube have become easier to select, and whoever found out about it first will be in front. I also advise you to start your own channel and constantly upload your videos from which you will then receive clean traffic to your website or blog for free.

Tags are keywords that briefly describe the essence of what is shown in a particular video. At the same time, they play the role of a powerful means of promoting the video - most of the promoted video channels owe their popularity to the correct selection of key words.

Tags for YouTube: popular

The list of popular requests of Russian video hosting viewers (based on them, video bloggers prescribe tags) can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • The most popular are humor, practical jokes, funny stories, Ivangai. The keys here look like this: eeoneguy, Ivan Rudskoy, vlog, blog, comedy, humor, funny, funny, trolling, Ivangai, challenge, Ivangai and Maryana, Ivangai "rap", Ivangai and Maryana Ro, Ivangai songs, Ivangai new video, Ivangai kissing Maryana, etc.
  • The following list of tags for YouTube is for letsplay creators. We list all the popular censorship keys: simulator, game, game, electronic music, highlife, alcohol, delirium, not frenzy, funny, diggers, online, "tutor", how to shoot letsplay, which program is better to shoot letsplay, how to make letsplay, girl matured, student review, very bad reviewer, like, dislike, etc.
  • List of tags for YouTube related to bloggers: vlog, blog, beauty, vlog, fashion, blog, shopping, makeup, look, make-up, makeup, shopping, style, fashion bloggers, review, leisure, fashion, cosmetics, clothes, gifts, beauty, Moscow, Sochi, "bloggers", city, TSUM, shopping, work, husband, blogger mom, child development, how others live, family video, home video, reality show, etc.

As you can see, popular tags won't work for every video.

Tags for "YouTube": list of questions

Questions for tags are also very popular. We will divide them into several groups: The so-called strange questions. What position do you fall asleep in? What are your pros and cons? What did you do a year ago on this day? What historical era would you choose to live in? What word is difficult for you to pronounce? What is your name at home? Is your weird phobia? What always annoys you? What do you do when you are very happy? What tricks can you do? Questions about yourself. The purpose of your life? What are the most striking traits of your character? What is the most memorable moment of your life? What do you want to fix in the past? What can inspire you? What are the most important words for you? What did you eat today? Is it easy to deceive you? What were you afraid of as a child? "If I". If you were a product (animal, director, doctor, president, wizard, villain, millionaire), would you be (did, didn't)? About school. What's your nickname at school? Favorite lesson? Do you like going to school? Are you late for school? What do you do when class is boring? Bloggers and subscribers. Who is your favorite blogger? How many channels do you have in your subscriptions? How old is your channel? What's your first video? Which blogger don't you follow? As a rule, questions are selected, to which everyone has something to answer, this explains their "virality".

The secret of popularity

Of course, you shouldn't blindly rewrite all popular YouTube tags. A comma-separated list is a failure. You just need to specify 10-15 keys, which will accurately reflect the essence of what you are showing. They should not only be generic, but also necessarily reflect each unique content. Think about what query you would enter if you wanted to find what you captured in your creation. Combine the tags "books" and "interesting" into "interesting books." Develop the thought: "interesting books - 2017". Go through the queries with popular typos in your head: add “expresso” to espresso, add “blogger” to blogger. Observe how your popular competitors name their videos (the list of tags for YouTube itself is hidden - only a search engine robot “sees” it). Use a trick: while on a competitor's page, right-click to call "View page code", and in the window that opens, find tag. All! Your YouTube tag list is ready!

Selection of tags

Many bloggers advise using Keyword Planner (Google AdWords) for tag selection: In the line “Your product, service”, write the topic of your video, preferably in one word. On the left side, select "Show only close variants" - enable "Only closely related variants". Click "Get" and use the first tags from the list for yourself - you can also "run" them through Keyword to search for additional actual keys. Tags are an important tool on YouTube and beyond. These key words not only help the user find what he needs, but also the blogger bring his creation to the coveted top.

Video hosting YouTube is as popular as the search engines Yandex and Google, and therefore many began to create their own video blogs. In this article, we will figure out where to get keywords for YouTube or how to search for tags by spying on them from competitors.

Keywords will help you put together the right title, description, and tags to show your video in the right column of YouTube recommendations.

Selection of keywords for YouTube

In 2014, YouTube closed its Owl Keyword Tool and replaced it with a new service, Keyword Tool.

In the free version, you can get up to 750 keywords for YouTube without frequency, CPC and competition. The cost of the paid version starts at $ 38 / month. when paying for a year ($ 460) or from $ 48 if monthly.

Enter the desired word and the service will show you all the keywords for YouTube.

In addition to the keywords in the title of the video, YouTube can show your video for other requests, if you have tags for the video that are relevant in his opinion.

You can use as tags both the same keys found above and simply similar queries from Yandex Wordstat.

Well, a very convenient toolkit for selecting tags for YouTube is copying them from competitive or from similar videos.

To search for tags, go to the VidIQ website, switch to Russian in the lower left corner and register. After that we install google Chrome browser extension and log in.

Now we go to YouTube and drive in the key phrase we are interested in to search for a video and open the video one by one in a new tab. To the right of the video, the VidIQ extension, after authorization, will display all the information about this video.

In addition to viewing YouTube tags that can be copied to your video, you will see:

  1. How good the video looks for YouTube promotion according to VidIQ.
  2. Views per hour.
  3. The total number of views for this video.
  4. Number of pages where it is embedded.
  5. Number of subscribers on this channel.
  6. Shares on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
  7. The number of characters in the description.
  8. Number of relevant videos from this channel and other channels shown on the right.
  9. Estimated income per year.
  10. Popularity in countries.

Use these tools to find keywords and tags for your video channel and you will be happy 🙂.

Good day! In this article we will talk with you about how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool.

Until recently, almost no one knew about this service, but after the official service for selecting keywords from YouTube ceased to exist, users had to look for some alternative to it. Of course, the selection of tags for YouTube could be done through, for example, Yandex Wordstat, but in this case, the video would be "sharpened" for the search engine of Yandex, and not YouTube, which does not suit all users. Accordingly, the ranking of such a video took place not on YouTube itself, but in Yandex. Therefore, for proper YouTube video optimization, you need to use services that are "sharpened" for YouTube, and not for other search engines.

Today you will learn how the selection of tags for YouTube is carried out using the service Keyword Tool... The article will be presented in the form of step-by-step instructions for using the service. Keyword Tool, after reading which, you can easily navigate the site and select keywords. Well, let's get started!

Selection of tags for YouTube. How to find tags using the Keyword Tool service

First of all, go to the service itself by the link: "Keyword Tool", after which you will see the following window:

This is the main window of the site, which contains information about the service, how the service works, and so on.

The search bar is located at the top of the window. (1) , in which you need to enter the keywords you need, and it is in which the selection of the necessary tags for YouTube takes place. On the right side of this line, you can see two drop-down lists. What it is?

In the first list, you can select the country, depending on which you need to select keywords (tags). This is the so-called "geotargeting" of keywords, which allows you to filter keywords by specific countries. For example, by selecting the country " Russia", and by entering the required query into the search box, you can find out the keywords that users from Russia enter into YouTube (or the search engine) and use them as tags for their videos. This is very convenient if your channel is focused not on the whole world at once, but on some specific country.

The second list selects the language in which the keywords will be displayed.

To the right, with the help of the red button with the magnifying glass, you can start the search for the entered keyword.

So let's now move on to looking at the tabs that are above the search bar ( Picture 1):

First tab (2) is designed to select keywords from the Google search engine.

Second tab (3) is intended for the selection of tags from YouTube. This is the tab we need.

Using the third tab (4) You can match keywords entered into the Bing search engine.

Well, the last tab (5) , which is called the App Store, is intended for the selection of keywords from the search engine of this application.

Click on the " Youtube", then in the first and second lists to the right of the search line, select the country you need for geo-targeting keywords. Done! Now you can start the very selection of tags for YouTube.

To do this, enter the query you need in the search box and click on the red button located to the right. You will see a list of similar keywords and phrases, from which you can choose the ones you need.

Here is an example of entering the keyword "tea":

At the top of the window (1) . You can see the number of keywords found for the entered query. In my case, there are 152 of them.

A little lower (2) there are letters of the alphabet by which you can sort the found keywords. By clicking, for example, by letter " and", You will see a list of those keywords that begin with this letter and so on.

Lower (3) lists of similar keywords themselves are located. Depending on the entered request, there may be a different number of them.

To quickly add all the keywords to the clipboard and download them to your computer, click on the " Copy all", which is located slightly below and to the right of the search line. If you do not need all the keywords, but only need to select some specific ones, then you can easily and quickly do this by clicking on the button with the plus image, which is located to the right of each keyword.

After you select the keywords and phrases you need, click on the button " Copy"which you can find at the bottom of the window. This button looks like this:

By clicking on the button, open a simple notepad and using the keyboard shortcut " CTRL + V", paste the copied keywords there. You can now save these keywords on your computer and use in your YouTube videos.

That seems to be all that I wanted to tell you. Today you learned how the selection of tags for YouTube is carried out using the service Keyword Tool.

Finally, I advise you to read my article on how much they pay for 1000 views on YouTube and what the income on YouTube depends on using this link.