The main factors that affect the possibility of making a profit

My last post on this blog is the most popular. But it was written back in 2015. Therefore, I myself even became interested, and what has changed over the past three years?

Next, I will give a layout specifically by country, because I cannot say by my own example how much they pay me for one million views, since my traffic is too mixed, half of the USA, and half of the cheap Asian countries, so the spread, on average hospital, it turns out to be very large and does not display any general picture, except for the statistics of my particular channel.

Please note that the data below is the current (July) yield per million views. Moreover, at the beginning of the calendar year, it always less, and at the end - more... Please note that I have children's entertainment traffic. Adult and target pay more, for blurry and all sorts of jokes - less.

USA traffic: 1 373,12$
Traffic India: 157,04$
Traffic Brazil: 173,82$
Vietnam traffic: 81,59$

These are the top countries by views on my channel. Hopefully it is now clear why I do not want to do general statistics of my experience. Further:

Traffic Mexico: 179,13$
Traffic Indonesia: 159,29$
Traffic Thailand: 206,79$
Traffic Argentina: 185,02$

Now we turn to a very (for us) interesting question - how much is paid per million views on YouTube for Russia and Ukraine? Important! For the first one, below the actual statistics for 1 million, for the second, I just don't have as much traffic for 2018. Therefore, I contributed there a return for 1 million, which accumulated for the entire time and until July of this year, and for 100 thousand, which gathered in 2018, so that you can compare.

Traffic Russia: 215,72$
Traffic Ukraine: 93,74$ / 10,65$

Which countries are the most expensive?

Naturally, traffic from the United States is quite decent, on average, it turns out more than $ 1 per 1,000 views on a ten-minute video. But there are also countries where views from which bring in much more money than American ones. However, it is very difficult to get such traffic.

But maybe these numbers motivate you at least a little!

Norway: 287,88$
Denmark: 209,54$
Canada: 207,61$
Australia: 162,30$
Japan: 127,28$
France: 103,45$
Germany: 98,30$

Finally, let's compare the data for this year and. It turns out that three years ago, Russian traffic, on average, cost 20 cents per 1000 views... Now it is 21 cents, so stability. Well, you yourself know what a wonderful country we live in. Ukrainian traffic cost 8 cents per 1000 views... Now it's 10 cents.

In addition to idle interest and everything else, such statistics show the current economic situation around the world as objectively as possible.

Oh yes! Here's another thing. If you want, then do not forget to go to my humble YouTube channel , where sometimes videos on our Internet topics are released.

YouTube video hosting is familiar to every Internet user. It is used by millions of people: here you can not only watch countless videos, but also post original videos on your YouTube channels yourself. And although most people perceive YouTube as a purely entertainment resource, for the owners of many popular channels, it is a source of stable and high income.

In this article, you will find out how much it costs 1 000 000 views on youtube and how much money is needed to buy back 1 million real views.

In addition, we will tell you about 4 sources where you can buy inexpensive views in such a large number.

By the way, be sure to see how much can you earn per 1000 viewsif you connect to youtube affiliate program, or one of the affiliate networks that advertise in videos. So you can easily calculate the approximate profit - if you buy views cheaply and earn more from advertising than you spend on video seeding.

We call this technique video traffic arbitration.

What YouTube pays for

YouTube is developing very rapidly and actively uses advertising: it is logical to assume that a lot of money is involved here. So what do you need to do to start making profit using YouTube? How much is 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 views on this channel?

People who are far from this topic do not always understand what kind of earnings it is? What is being sold on YouTube and who pays for it? How much do you need to work for a high result?

Channel owner earnings is 68% of the cost paid by the advertiser for the same views or clicks; the rest is YouTube commission. Below we will consider what types of advertising exist on YouTube, how exactly they are paid, as well as other options for earning money on this resource.

There are several factors that affect the possibility of making a profit.

The main factors that affect the possibility of making a profit

  • number of ad views and ad clicks. If a person, while watching a video, has watched the ad insert to the end, the viewing is considered commercial and is paid for by YouTube. If you pressed the button "skip" - not paid. For other types of advertising, only clicks on advertising links are counted.
  • cost per view or click. YouTube sets this price independently, depending on the topic of the channel, its audience and other factors. For example, foreign traffic may be charged more than Russian-speaking traffic.

Additional factors

  • Thematic direction of your channel... The price of each ad click depends on the topic: topics such as business, medicine, construction are considered “expensive” and pay better than humor. On the other hand, it can be much easier to attract a lot of users to a humorous channel than to a construction channel.
  • Number of video views per month... The more views you have, the more earnings you will receive. Although views are not paid for themselves, the number of views is usually proportional to the number of views of the ad on your channel.
  • The audience... If you are watched only by schoolchildren or retirees, that is, people with low purchasing power, all other things being equal, this channel brings less profit than a channel that is watched mainly by businessmen or at least ordinary people of working age. And again, the country of residence of your subscribers matters, since advertising is more expensive in the US and Europe. For this reason, Western YouTubers earn more than their counterparts from Russia and the CIS.
  • Number of subscribers... YouTube also pays nothing for subscribers, but the channel rating is determined precisely by this indicator. And then, subscribers, unlike casual visitors, are your “army”, which will return to the channel and watch your videos more or less regularly, thereby providing the channel owner with income.

YouTube is becoming a global information machine. It offers pay for content that is in demand and of high quality. And he really pays for it.

Types of advertising on YouTube

  • InStream. One of the most popular types of advertising, which takes into account the number of views of ad inserts in front of the video. Almost all users of this channel see such ads: before the start of the video, an ad is played, which can be turned off after 5-10 seconds from the start of viewing.
  • Overlay - it “rolls out” under all the videos in the form of a banner located at the bottom of the video. This ad is not paid for by YouTube video hosting. Payment will be credited only if a person clicks on it, goes to the site provided by the advertiser and stayed there for a while. If, having entered the advertiser's website, the user immediately left it, the YouTube channel does not pay for this, no matter how many such visits.
  • Ordering ads directly from the advertiser. In this case, earnings do not depend on YouTube itself - you directly negotiate the amount and receive it from the advertiser. Someone shoots completely commercials, others make small advertising inserts in their video, another option is to use the advertiser's symbols (a cap, a mug with a logo), or put advertising links in the description under the video.
  • E-mail newsletter. Quite an exotic way, but it can also be used. Subscribers leave their addresses to the owner of the channel - these addresses can be used to send letters advertising a particular product or service.
  • Placing banners on your page. This method also has little to do with YouTube. But from the channel, you can lure people to the desired page of your site, and there you can place partners' banners. Billing can be billed per thousand impressions or per clicks.
Grow your YouTube channel wisely:Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and make money on it from $ 10,000

Cost of 1,000 and 1,000,000 views

Here the dependence on the thematic direction of the channel can be traced. If the topic is fairly common, the number of advertisers grows and the price also increases. In simple terms, the broader the topic of the channel, the higher the cost per click.

The answer to the question of how to calculate the cost of a thousand views does not exist - probably there is a certain calculation algorithm, but YouTube does not disclose it. Some people manage to earn a dollar per thousand, others more.

On average, revenue per thousand impressions is between one and four dollars.

The amount is insignificant, but if the channel has more than 10 thousand subscribers, earnings per month can be decent.

Simultaneously with the popularization of YouTube, services began to appear that help to collect statistics on their channels in one place. Including financial. For example, the SocialBlade service can show profits from any channel. Foreign bloggers, according to statistics, receive $ 250-4,000 per 1,000,000 views

If you enter the name of the channel into the search bar in SocialBlade, the service will calculate the approximate amount of earnings. These are the statistics provided by SocialBlade on the channel of the world's most famous YouTuber, the Swede PewDiePie, which has:

  • more than 57 million subscribers on YouTube,
  • 217M views in the last 30 days
  • The total number of video views for all time is 16 billion.
  • Income per month - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

It is impossible to determine a specific amount of earnings on YouTube, but in order to earn decent money on this resource, you need to gain at least a million views within a month.

Youtube Affiliate Program

To start making money on views, you need to connect to the channel's affiliate program. This can be done if the channel has existed for at least 10 days and at least 5 videos have been uploaded to it.

You can activate monetization in the Creative Studio of your channel, by connecting to the YouTube affiliate program

How to increase your income on YouTube?

Remember that any success is a combination of many factors.

  1. High-quality and interesting content. Do good quality video, choose interesting stories.
  2. Regularity. Videos should be posted regularly, preferably at least 2-3 times a week.
  3. Optimization. Come up with original headers and write descriptions for the video.
  4. Advertising and promotion. Without them, you will spend a lot of time before you get at least the first thousand subscribers.
  5. Choice of topics. The more profitable topic you choose, the more income you can receive from the channel in the future. On the other hand, you must understand this topic, and it must be interesting to you yourself - without this you will not be able to post interesting videos.
  6. At least occasionally shoot long videos (10 minutes or more) and make small commercials.

Video seeding: how to buy many views for little money

Sometimes channel owners need to get a lot of views for their videos. In this case, views can be bought - this is called video seeding. There are several options for video seeding:

Do you want to know how to bring your channel to the top without paid advertising?get a plan to jet launch your money machine on YouTube on your own and others' videos!

You need to understand that sometimes the cost of such a video seeding can be more than the potential earnings from YouTube.

And if the moderators of the service suspect cheating, they can turn off monetization or even block the channel.

This method can be good at the initial stage, when you need to collect a certain number of views / subscribers in the first weeks or months of the channel's existence, in order to facilitate the promotion of the channel in the future, because people are extremely reluctant to subscribe to newly created channels. If you want to use video seeding to make money, it is important to carefully calculate your expenses and measure them against the amount of earnings from YouTube.

If you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other ways to make money on the Internet, here you will find the most useful information. 50 ways to make money online

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Good day, my dear friends and guests of my blog. I know that many today are interested in such a question, how much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views, and how much for 1,000. I just really noticed that many are striving and hoping that they will turn around in millions. But I hasten to take off your rose-colored glasses. Far from it.

Dollar per 1000 views

There is an opinion on the network that for 1000 views the famous video hosting service slobber one dollar each. That is, if you do some simple calculations, you can get $ 1,000 per million views. Not bad huh? And for ten million already ten thousand dollars. It's a dream!

I don’t know if it’s because of this, or because of something else, but in the domestic YouTube there was a sharp jump in shit content (I apologize for the expression). Everyone imagines himself to be a powerful and original YouTuber who will create a channel, subscribers will fall on him and he will live "in chocolate". Therefore, we have so many low-quality videos, but I would like to talk about this in another article, since the topic is really global.

But in the end, even when these people recruited 1,000 or 10,000 views, it turned out that there could be no talk of any dollar or 10 bucks. Someone got 20 cents, someone 6 cents, someone half a dollar, but the rumored results were not there.

And now, for the sake of interest, let's take a look (now I take into account Russian, not world ones) and look at the total number of views for some channels in the top. For example, let's take the same +100500. He currently has 1.5 billion views. Divide this number by a thousand and we get one and a half million dollars in earnings.

Even if this indicator is for the entire existence, but do you really think that this is possible? Earlier, a couple of years ago, this was quite possible, but the crisis played its role. Advertising prices are falling, which greatly reduces the income of youtubers and webmasters.


In reality, no one will ever tell you the exact figure, because everything depends on many indicators:

By the way, you also need to remember that greedy YouTube takes 30% of your earnings. The tax is) But when working with affiliate programs, you will also be charged taxes, so don't worry.

As a result, it turns out that in reality, for one million views, on average, people earn only $ 100-150. Sometimes it is more, sometimes a little less. But you are unlikely to get a thousand bucks for this amount.

Many will think, they say, well, how is it, for such a number of views, only 100 bucks. Well, don't despair. After all, you can make money on YouTube not only with the help of contextual advertising, but also with the help of direct advertising. That is, you are asked that in your next video you would advertise some other channel, product or service, and in return they will give you tasty money. Plus, you might be paid money to even click like their video.

Russian traffic VS Foreign traffic

As you probably already understood, a lot depends on the country from which the views are coming and in which the ads are broadcast. In the Russian segment, as well as in the CIS countries, the price of advertising is very low, so you have to work hard and hard to gain many subscribers that will give you millions of views.

It's another matter if you are from the USA, Canada, Germany, England, etc. In these countries, 1 million views can easily cost 1000 or 2000 dollars. But there the prices for advertising are different. Recently, one person from the United States came to my social project, clicked on an advertisement and I was immediately credited with 6 dollars. Just a person clicked the mouse once and I got 6 dollars. And in our country, 100 clicks will not give $ 6.

Therefore, if you want such earnings, which you have heard a lot about in myths and legends, then go to America or Europe. There they are dancing real money for watching on YouTube. But in other cases, you will have to sweat a lot). But still, I repeat that there is no specific figure, and you can earn this thousand bucks. But this will be sooooo rare.

I know that many people even like to ask how much 1 view on YouTube costs. And what can you answer to this? It costs nothing. Pshik is full. So develop a normal and interesting channel.

But if you want to have a source of income thanks to youtube, but do not want to create your own channel, then you can try yourself as a relatively new online profession - youtube manager. You can learn more about this profession and how to acquire it at this free marathon.

Well, I hope that now you roughly understand how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views and you decide whether you want to go into this business or not. Well, for today I will finish my article. I hope you enjoyed it and you will certainly visit my blog again. Until then, I wish you the best in all your endeavors. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Many Internet users are reasonably interested in the question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views. After all, this is perhaps the most popular platform in the network, on which, according to various sources, from 500 million to 1.5 billion videos are posted. Here you can find material on any topic, from cartoons, music videos to various educational programs and socio-political talk shows.

I must say that there is also enough fake on this resource, and there is an explanation for this: people earn on YouTube both for watching their videos in which there is advertising, and for links to goods or services of so-called partners. That is why many unscrupulous users do not hesitate to give intriguing names to their videos posted on their channels, although in fact they have nothing to do with them.

Below will be described in detail what the profit is related to.

How to choose the topic of the channel?

I must say right away that no one will pay simply for views of the material posted on your channel. The opportunity to make money always comes down to advertisers. You can interest them and involve them in cooperation if your video channel has regular subscribers and regularly gains, albeit not the largest number of views on YouTube, but at least necessary for cooperation. Videos should be useful, interesting and original.

Themes are designed for different strata and groups of the population:

  • finance and economics;
  • children's entertainment programs;
  • humorous channels;
  • cars;
  • films and reviews of novelties of cinema;
  • sports and much more.

The most popular views on YouTube are usually humorous and music videos, but this does not mean that they are the most profitable.

Do not forget about the legislation governing the field of copyright protection. Please read it carefully before starting to create a channel.

How do you make money on YouTube for views?

First you need to create your Google account, under which you need to log in to the aforementioned resource. Now you need to connect channel monetization. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on your avatar and select "Creative Studio" from the list that opens.
  2. From the menu on the left under "Channel" select "Status and Features".
  3. In the "Monetization" section, enable this feature.
  4. After reading, accept the terms of the Youtube affiliate program.

Now you need to link your channel to your Adsense account. All information on how to do this is detailed on Youtube. You can get acquainted with it in the process of connecting all these functions. You need to create an Adsense account on YouTube, otherwise you won't be able to link the two accounts.

Go to and follow the instructions. After you are redirected to the Adsense site, check to see if the email address is the same as your channel's account address. After confirming the linking of one account to another, provide your contact information and send a request.

After that, you will be notified that the connection has been established.


Foreign advertisers, in particular European or American, pay much more for information posted about them than Russian ones. An important point: only clicks or clicks on ads are monetized. The more popular the video or channel as a whole, the more chances you will have to conclude an agreement with reputable partners. For example, YouTube's record for views will certainly not go unnoticed by advertisers. Hence the difference in cost. Among people who talk about how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, some earn 300 euros for 400,000, while others - 100 euros for 1,000,000.

  • Monetize all videos on the channel.
  • Select the appropriate ad format and save the settings.

Similar projects

Besides Adsense, there are other affiliate programs. For example, such as Air. This media network actively promotes your videos in Similar Videos and really helps a lot. The difference between this analogue and AdSense is that the user will be charged a percentage for the services.

By the way, it is easier to make money on this platform if you additionally have your own website and you are developing it. You just need to leave a link to it under each video or insert an excerpt with its address into the video.

The QuizzGroup media network, for example, will take 20 to 30% of your ad revenue. The rest of the affiliate programs work, as a rule, at the same rate and on the same conditions.

Pros and cons of media networks

Media networks have their positive aspects:

  • in case of disputable situations with YouTube, they will always be on your side and provide all kinds of support;
  • track those who plagiarize (in simple words, copies your videos) and blocks stolen videos;
  • withdraw the earned money, starting from $ 5, while Youtube makes payments only when it reaches 100 conventional units on your balance.

The disadvantages are that third-party programs take a part of your profits and one of the terms of the contract that you enter into with them is an annual cooperation. That is, within 12 months you will not be able to terminate the contract with them.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

To answer this question, you need to understand some of the features that shape your earnings.

For example, depending on the age of the audience of your subscribers and the type of their activity, the channel can bring $ 10 per thousand views (ads!), Or maybe $ 1. Bloggers covering the events of the global economy and the like, of course, win in this sense. Even though their videos clearly do not have the highest number of views on YouTube. Entertainment and music channels have a hard time competing with them in terms of percentage rate per click on ads.

On the other hand, channels targeting children and young people often get thousands of times more views than the aforementioned ones. Here you can already make a choice using simple arithmetic.

It turns out that in one case you will receive $ 1000 per million views on YouTube, and in the other - $ 10,000.

Keep your finger on the pulse

One way or another, it is necessary to make an interesting and high-quality product in order to succeed in this direction. The promotion and development of the channel will take time and, possibly, financial investments.

YouTube videos are constantly updated. Some videos become outdated and start losing average views, while others are gaining momentum. Therefore, it is important to regularly add something new and original. There are many ways to promote your Youtube channel. There is a lot of video material about this on the platform itself. Read it, analyze it, be patient and act.

New record

In 2017, the YouTube record was broken for the views of the video for the song by the Korean artist Gangnam style, which gained 2,894,479 views. This time, Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth with See you again. The video clip for their song was seen by 2,895,552 viewers. The current leaders have overtaken the previous one in terms of the number of likes placed under the video. At the moment, this particular video is the absolute winner on the platform.


Over the past few years, blogging has become popular all over the world, including in Russia. People who run their own channel dedicated to a certain topic regularly shoot new issues. In them, bloggers talk about certain events, news that interest niche subscribers. Today, a blogger is a full-fledged profession, since many devote all their time to this and have no other income except from the channel. Someone makes travel stories from different parts of the globe, some prefer to delve into politics, which is already enough on television, others make sports stories, acquainting viewers with the latest results or predictions. Basically, you just need to pick something that you are really good at, and you can try yourself in this genre. The main condition here is that you should also be interested in this. The question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views in this case fades into the background.

Returning to television, it is worth noting that it has been losing ground recently. Youtube played a leading role in this, according to many, and continues to strengthen its position, gradually displacing television channels from the position of the main media.

If you still have any questions about how much is given per views on YouTube, read the article again. Do you want to try yourself in such earnings? Then "YouTube" is waiting for you!