Information information symbol. Alphabetical approach to measuring information. Evaluation of the weight of informational messages

Alphabetical approach to information measurement

With an alphabetical approach to determining the number of information associate from the content information and consider the informational message as sequence of signs specific iconic system.

All many Used in language symbols We will be traditionally called alphabet .

The total number of alphabet characters is called called power of alphabet .

We will designate this value of the letter N. .

Power of the Russian alphabet:

  • 33 letters
  • 10 digits
  • 11 punctuation signs
  • brackets
  • space

Information information symbol

The information weight of the symbol depends on the power of the alphabet.

information information symbol - The amount of information that one character carries.

The smallest number of characters in the alphabet: 2 (0 and 1) - binary alphabet.

The information weight of the symbol of the binary alphabet is taken per unit of information and is called 1 bit.

With an increase in the power of the alphabet, the information weight of the symbols of this alphabet increases. So one character from the four-grains alphabet (n \u003d 4) "weighs" 2 bits.

Using three binary numbers, you can make 8 different combinations

Therefore, if the power of the alphabet is 8, then the information weight of one symbol is 3 bits.

Character sequence number

Two-digit binary code

Character sequence number

Three-digit binary code

A four-digit binary code can be encoded by each symbol of 16 characters alphabet. And so on.

Find the relationship between the power of the alphabet (N), and the number of signs in the code (B) - the discharge of the binary code.

Note that 2 \u003d 2 1, 4 \u003d 2 2, 8 \u003d 2 3, 16 \u003d 2 4.

In general, this is written as follows: N \u003d 2. b.

Table The dependence of the power of the alphabet from the information weight of the symbol

Symbol information

Symbols of alphabet

Power of alphabet

00000000… …11111111

The discharge of the binary code is the information weight of the symbol.

The information weight of each symbol, expressed in the bits ( b.), and the power of the alphabet ( N.) related to the formula: N \u003d 2. b.

The alphabet from which the "computer text" is compiled, contains 256 characters. Almost all the necessary characters can be placed in the alphabet of this size.

Since 256 \u003d 2 8, then one symbol of the computer alphabet "weighs" 8 bits of information is so characteristic that she even assigned their name - byte.

1 byte \u003d 8 bits

It is easy to calculate the information volume of the text, if it is known that the information weight of the same symbol is 1 byte. It is necessary to just count the number of characters in the text. The resulting value and will be the information volume expressed in bytes.

,;, #, &) b \u003d 8 bits \u003d 1 byte n \u003d 256 \u003d 2 8 n \u003d 2 b 1 byte is the information weight of one symbol of computer alphabet \u003d \u003d 1024 byte 2 10 bytes 1 KB 1 kilobyte 1 MB 1 megabyte 2 10 kb 1024 kb \u003d \u003d 1024 MB 2 10 MB 1 gigabyte 1 gb \u003d \u003d \u003d 10 "width \u003d" 640 "

Units of information

Computer symbol alphabet

  • russian (Russian) letters
  • latin ( Lat. ) Letters
  • numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0)
  • mathematical signs (+, -, *, / , ^, =)
  • other symbols (", No.,%, , , :, ;, #, &)

b. = 8 bit = 1 byte

N. = 256 = 2 8

N \u003d 2. b.

1 byte is the information weight of one symbol of the computer alphabet.

1024 byte

1 kilobyte

1 megabyte

1024 KB

1024 MB

1 gigabyte

1 MB (megabyte) \u003d 1024 KB (2 10 KB or 2 20 bytes)

1 GB (Gigabyte) \u003d 1024 MB (2 10 MB or 2 30 bytes)

1 TB (Terabyte) \u003d 1024 GB (2 10 GB or 2 40 bytes)

But in the near future we will be waited for the following units:

1PBB (Petiable) \u003d 1024 TB (2 10 TB or 2 50 bytes)

1EB (exam) \u003d 1024 PBBIT (2 10 PBB or 2 60 bytes)

1 ZBIT (Zettabayte) - 1024 Evt (2 10 Evail or 2 70 bytes)

1 (Yottabyte) - 1024 ZBITA (2 10 ZBIT or 2 80 bytes)

Information volume text


A book prepared using a computer contains 150 pages. On each page - 40 lines, in each line - 60 characters (including spaces between words). What is the amount of information in the book?


The power of the computer alphabet is 256, so one character carries 1 byte of information. It means that the page of the book contains 40 60 \u003d 2400 bytes of information.

[Number of characters in a string] [Number of strings] \u003d [Page Information]

The amount of all information in the book (in different units):

[Page Information] [Number of pages] \u003d [Information Volume]

2400 150 = 360,000 bytes / 1024 = 351,5625 KB / 1024 = 0,34332275 MB

Task 1.

The message recorded by letters from 128 -Simvol alphabet contains 30 characters. What amount of information is it carries?

N. = 2 b.

b \u003d 7 bits (weight of one symbol).

The message contains 30 characters, therefore

7 × 30 \u003d 210 bits

Task 2.

How many bytes is a message containing 1000 bits?

1 byte \u003d 8 bits

1000: 8 \u003d 125 bytes

Task 3

An informational message volume of 5 KB contains 8192 characters. How many characters contains an alphabet, with which this message was recorded?


N. = 2 b.

5 kb \u003d 5120 byte \u003d 40960 bits

The message contains 8192 characters, therefore

b \u003d 40960: 8192 \u003d 5 bits (weight of one symbol).

Task 4

The text scored on the computer takes five pages. Each page is located 30 rows of 70 characters in the row. What amount of RAM does this text take? Does text on the CD fit?


30 × 70 \u003d 2100 characters

2100 × 8 \u003d 16800 byte

16800: 1024 \u003d 16,40625 KB

Task 5

What amount of information in a message from 10 characters recorded by letters from a 32-character alphabet?

N. = 2 b.


Amount of information

I. \u003d 10 * 5 \u003d 50 bits

Task 6

The text storage requires 84000 bits. How many pages will take this text if there are 30 lines of 70 characters on the page?


1 byte \u003d 8 bits.

84000/8 \u003d 10500 characters in the text.

The page is placed

30 × 70 \u003d 2100 characters.

5 pages.

5 pages.


Task 7

The tribe "Chichevokov" in alphabet 24 letters and 8 digits. There are no punctuation and arithmetic signs. What is the minimum number of binary discharges them need to encode all characters?

N. = 2 b.



5 bits

The first letter consists of 50 characters of the 32-character alphabet, and the second - of 40 characters 64 - the symbol alphabet.

Compare the amounts of information contained

in two letters.

Task 8

We define the information container of one character in each of the letters:


2 B \u003d 32, B \u003d 5 bits - for the first letter, 2 b \u003d 64, b \u003d 6 bits - for the second letter

We define the amount of information in each of the letters:

50 * 5 \u003d 250 bits - for the first letter,

40 * 6 \u003d 240 bits - for the second letter.

We will find the difference between the information volumes of two letters. 250 - 240 \u003d 10 bits.

Eclipse really found on me. However, under the ready leadership colleagues pythonchik. I realized my misconceptions and got on the way true.

However, the presentation of the material according to the link above, I consider it very confusing.

This is how this material would have expanded.

Theme lesson: Encoding information and calculating the message information.


1. All messages consist of alphabet characters. For example, this text consists of the symbols of the Russian alphabet.

2. The symbol is the minimum indivisible particle of the alphabet. For example, the symbols of the Russian alphabet are the letters "A", "B", "B" and so on.

3. The power of the alphabet is the number of characters from which the alphabet consists. For example, the power of the Russian alphabet is 33 characters.

4. Theoretically, any alphabet can be used by itself, without any coding. In this case, each symbol of the alphabet means itself and has an independent meaning. For example, in a paper book, each letter means itself, no coding.

5. But in practice, it is often necessary to encode one alphabet using another alphabet. For example, in the computer, in fact, there are no letters, only numbers. Therefore, that the computer understand the letters of the "human alphabet", they need to be encoded using a special "machine alphabet".

6. Thus, when coding uses two alphabets - encoded and encoding.

7. One symbol of the encoded alphabet is encoded by several symbols of the coding alphabet.

8. The power of the alphabet is determined by the formula N \u003d M i, where M is the power of the coding alphabet, and I is the number of encoding alphabet characters, which encoded the encoded alphabet.

9. Special reservation! If there are no separate instructions, it should be assumed that the power of the coding alphabet is 2 characters. All modern computers work with two symbols, unit and zero, so all calculations are made on the basis of this fact.


As already mentioned, the computer knows nothing about the letters. To write letters on the computer, they must be encoded. As a coding alphabet, two symbols of the machine alphabet are used - 0 and 1. Thus, the power of the machine alphabet is two characters.

Most often, although it is not necessary, the eight symbols of the machine alphabet is used to encode one character of the human alphabet in the computer. This is how it looks inside the computer:

These eight zeros and units encode one character - & .

And how many symbols can be encoded using eight zeros and units? The answer can be calculated by the formula N \u003d M i. The power of the coding alphabet is 2, the number of coding characters is 8.

Those. Using eight zeros and units, you can encode 256 characters. In other words, with the help of two symbols of the machine alphabet (coding alphabet), 256 characters of the human alphabet (encoded alphabet) can be encoded. These 256 characters are perfectly placed Russian letters, Latin letters, punctuation marks and all sorts of different signs, such as mentioned above & .

Now let's solve a simple task

The volume of a message containing 4096 characters is 1/512 of the MB of MB. What is the power of the alphabet, with which this message is recorded?

The power of the alphabet n \u003d m i. M is known, it is always equal to 2. So we need to know i - the number of encoding alphabet characters, which are encoded by one symbol of the encoded alphabet.

To do this, 1/512 MB of the symbols of the coding alphabet are divided into 4096 characters of the coded alphabet.

The volume of 1/512 MB is 1024/512 \u003d 2 KB, \u003d 2 * 1024 \u003d 2048 byte \u003d 2048 * 8 \u003d 16384 bits.

So i \u003d 16384/4096 \u003d 4 bits per character.

Hence the power of the coded alphabet \u003d 2 4 \u003d 16 characters.

And now we will solve a complex task

The uncle Stepa policeman wants to transfer the message to his colleague at the nearby crossroads using a traffic light. How many traffic lights need uncle steppe if he wants to use all the letters of the Russian language?

In this case, the alphabet encoded is Russian. In Russian, 33 letters, it means the power of the encoded alphabet is 33 characters.

The coding alphabet will be traffic lights. The traffic light has 5 signals: red, yellow, red-yellow, blinking yellow, green. Therefore, the power of the coding alphabet is 5 characters.

We remember how the power of the encoded alphabet is calculated: n \u003d m i. Unlike a simple task, here m will not be equal to 2. In the case of traffic, M will be equal to 5. So, n \u003d 5 i.

We know that the power of the Russian language is 33. So, n \u003d 33. Then the formula will be 33 \u003d 5 i. Calculate i.

If you take i \u003d 2, then 5 2 will be equal to 25. Those. Two traffic lights can be encode 25 characters. 25 less than 33, which means that two traffic lights will not be enough to coding all the letters of the Russian language.

If you take i \u003d 3, then 5 3 will be 125. Those. Two traffic lights can encode 125 characters. 125 more than 33, which means that three traffic lights will be enough to coding all the letters of the Russian language.

Even a lot of extra characters remains, so with the help of three traffic lights, Uncle Stepa can not only encode the letters, but also insert a bunch of emoticons in its message :)

When stored and transferring information using technical devices, information should be considered as a sequence of characters - signs (letters, numbers, color points of the image points, etc.).

A set of symbols of the iconic system (alphabet) can be viewed as various possible states (events).
Then, if we assume that the appearance of characters in the message is equally, the number of possible events N. can be calculated as N \u003d 2 i
Number of information in the message I. You can calculate multiplying the number of characters. K. on the information weight of one symbol i.
So, we have the formulas necessary to determine the number of information in the alphabetical approach:

N \u003d 2 i i. Information Symbol, Bit
N. Power of alphabet
I \u003d k * i K. Number of characters in the text
I. Information volume text

The following combinations of known (given) and the desired (found) quantities are possible:

A type Dano To find Formula
1 i. N. N \u003d 2 i
2 N. i.
3 i, K. I. I \u003d k * i
4 i, I. K.
5 I, K. i.
6 N, K. I. Both formulas
7 N, I. K.
8 I, K. N.

If these tasks add tasks to the ratio of values \u200b\u200brecorded in different units of measurement, using the presence of values \u200b\u200bin the form of detects two we get 9 types of tasks

Consider tasks for all types. We agree that when moving from one units of measurement of information to others, we will build a chain of values. Then the likelihood of a computational error decreases.

Task 1.. A message was received, the information volume of which is 32 bits. What is this volume in bytes?

Solution: In one pate 8 bits. 32: 8 \u003d 4
Answer: 4 bytes.

Task 2.. The amount of information is 12582912 of the bits to express in kilobytes and megabytes.

Solution: because 1box \u003d 1024 byte \u003d 1024 * 8 bits, then 12582912: (1024 * 8) \u003d 1536 KB and
since 1MB \u003d 1024 KB, then 1536: 1024 \u003d 1.5 MB
Answer: 1536Kibytes and 1,5mb.

Task 3. The computer has a RAM of 512 MB. The number of the corresponding bit of the bit is more:

1) 10 000 000 000BIT 2) 8,000,000 000BIT 3) 6 000 000 000BIT 4) 4 000 000 000 BIT

Solution: 512 * 1024 * 1024 * 8 bits \u003d 4294967296 BIT.
Answer: 4.

Task 4. Determine the number of bits in two megabytes using for numbers only degree 2.
Solution: Since 1BIT \u003d 8bits \u003d 2 3 bits, and 1MB \u003d 2 10 KB \u003d 2 20 bytes \u003d 2 23 bits. Hence, 2MB \u003d 2 24 bits.
Answer: 2 24 bits.

Task 5. How many information megabytes contains a message of 2 23 bits?
Solution: Since 1BIT \u003d 8bits \u003d 2 3 bits, then
2 23 Bit \u003d 2 23 * 2 23 * 2 3 bits \u003d 2 10 2 10 byte \u003d 2 10 KB \u003d 1MB.
Answer: 1MB

Task 6. One symbol of alphabet "weighs" 4 bits. How many characters in this alphabet?

i.=4 According to the formula N \u003d 2 i Find N \u003d 2 4, N.=16
To find: N.- ?

Answer: 16.

Task 7. Each alphabet symbol is recorded using 8 digits of binary code. How many characters in this alphabet?

i.=8 According to the formula N \u003d 2 i Find N \u003d 2 8, N.=256
To find: N.- ?

Answer: 256.

Task 8. The alphabet of the Russian language is sometimes estimated in 32 letters. What is the information weight of one letter of such a reduced Russian alphabet?

N.=32 According to the formula N \u003d 2 i We find 32 \u003d. 2 I., 2 5 =2 I.,i.=5
To find: i.- ?

Answer: 5.

Task 9. The alphabet consists of 100 characters. What amount of information is one character of this alphabet?

N.=100 According to the formula N \u003d 2 i We find 32 \u003d. 2 I., 2 5 =2 I.,i.=5
To find: i.- ?

Answer: 5.

Task 10. The tribe "Chichevokov" in alphabet 24 letters and 8 digits. There are no punctuation and arithmetic signs. What is the minimum number of binary discharges them need to encode all characters? Note that the words must be separated from each other!

N.=24+8=32 According to the formula N \u003d 2 i We find 32 \u003d. 2 I., 2 5 =2 I.,i.=5
To find: i.- ?

Answer: 5.

Task 11. The book scored with a computer contains 150 pages. On each page - 40 lines, in each line - 60 characters. What is the amount of information in the book? Answer in kilobytes and megabytes

K.=360000 We define the number of characters in the book 150 * 40 * 60 \u003d 360000. One character takes one byte. According to the formula I \u003d k * ifind I.\u003d 3600,000b 360000: 1024 \u003d 351Kibytes \u003d 0.4 MB
To find: I.- ?

Answer: 351kbB or 0.4MB

Task 12. The information of the text of the book scored on a computer using the Enicode encoding is 128 kilobytes. Determine the number of characters in the text of the book.

I.\u003d 128kb, i.\u003d 2B. In the Unicode encoding, one character takes 2 bytes. From formula I \u003d k * iexpress K \u003d i / i,K.=128*1024:2=65536
To find: K.- ?

Answer: 65536.

Task 13.An information message with a volume of 1.5 KB contains 3072 characters. Determine the information weight of one symbol of the alphabet used

I.\u003d 1.5 kb, K.=3072 From formula I \u003d k * iexpress i \u003d I / K,i.=1,5*1024*8:3072=4
To find: i.- ?

Answer: 4.

Task 14.The message recorded by letters from the 64-character alphabet contains 20 characters. What amount of information is it carries?

N.=64, K.=20 According to the formula N \u003d 2 i We find 64 \u003d. 2 I., 2 6 =2 I.,i.\u003d 6. According to the formula I \u003d k * i I.=20*6=120
To find: I.- ?

Answer: 120bit

Task 15. How many characters contains a message recorded using a 16-character alphabet if its volume amounted to 1/16 part of the megabyte?

N.=16, I.\u003d 1/16 MB According to the formula N \u003d 2 i We find 16 \u003d. 2 I., 2 4 =2 I.,i.\u003d 4. From formula I \u003d k * i Express K \u003d i / i, K.=(1/16)*1024*1024*8/4=131072
To find: K.- ?

Answer: 131072.

Task 16. The volume of a message containing 2048 characters amounted to 1/512 part of the megabyte. What is the size of the alphabet, with which the message is recorded?

K.=2048,I.\u003d 1/512 MB From formula I \u003d k * i Express i \u003d I / K, i.\u003d (1/512) * 1024 * 1024 * 8/2048 \u003d 8. According to the formula N \u003d 2 iwe find N \u003d 2 8 =256
To find:
  1. Each alphabet character is recorded using 4 digits of binary code. How many characters in this alphabet?
  2. The alphabet for writing messages consists of 32 characters, what is the information weight of one symbol? Do not forget to specify the unit of measurement.
  3. Information volume of the text scored on a computer using Unicode encoding (each symbol is encoded with 16 bits) - 4 KB. Determine the number of characters in the text.
  4. The amount of the information message is 8192 bits. Express it in kilobytes.
  5. How many data bit information contains a message of 4 MB? Answer to give in degrees 2.
  6. The message recorded by letters from a 256-character alpavit contains 256 characters. What amount of information it carries in kilobytes?

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint with the concepts: "Measurement of information", "Alphabet", "Alphabet Power", "Alphabetical Approach In Measuring Information", teach measurement of information of messages, taking into account the information weight of the characters.

Type of lesson: explanatory-demonstration with workshop elements.

Visualine: Presentation "Measurement of Information" (Appendix 1).

Tutorials: Textbook "Informatics". 8th grade (Basic course) I.G.Semakin, "Informatics" The task-workshop (1 part) I.G.Semakin.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

Students should know:

  • what is "alphabet", "Alphabet Power", "Alphabetical Approach in Measuring Information";
  • how to measure the information volume;
  • as determined by the unit for measuring BIT information;
  • what is byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte.

Students should be able to:

  • give examples of messages carrying 1 bits of information;
  • measure information text;
  • represent the amount of information received in various units (bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes).

Lesson plan

  1. Org. Moment - 1 min.
  2. Checking homework - 2 min.
  3. New material. Measuring information. Alphabetical approach - 25 min.
  4. Fastening studied - 14 min.
  5. Summing up the lesson. - 2 minutes.
  6. Homework - 1 min.

I. Org. moment.

II. Check your homework.

Task-workshop number 1. p. 11 № 2, 5, 8, 11, 19 *.

III. New material.

1. Introduction.

The process of knowledge of the surrounding world leads to the accumulation of information in the form of knowledge.

How to find out, a lot of information received or not?

It is necessary to measure the amount of information. And how to do this today we will find out.

Receipt of new information leads to an expansion of knowledge or, as otherwise, it can be said to reduce the uncertainty of knowledge.

If some message leads to a decrease in the uncertainty of our knowledge, then we can say that such knowledge contains information (Figure 1).

2. How can I measure the amount of information.

To measure different values, there are reference units of measurement.

For example:

  • The distance is measured in millimeters, centimeters, decimeters ...
  • Mass are measured in grams, kilograms, tons ...
  • Time is measured in seconds, minutes, days, years ...

Consequently, their reference unit must be introduced to measure information.

There are two approaches to the measurement of information:

b) alphabetical. Allows you to measure the information of the text in any language (natural or formal), when using this approach, the volume of information is not associated with the text content, in this case, the volume depends on the information weight of the characters.

3. Alphabetical approach to measuring information.

Let's remember what is the alphabet?

  • The alphabet is the entire set of letters, punctuation marks, numbers, brackets and other characters used in the text.

* Alphabet includes a space (pass between words).

What is the power of the alphabet?

  • The power of the alphabet is the total number of characters in the alphabet.

For example: the power of the alphabet of Russian letters and the characters used is 54:

33 letters + 10 digits + 11 punctuation marks, brackets, space.

The smallest power has an alphabet used in the computer (machine language), it is called binary alphabet, because It contains only two signs "0", "1".

The information weight of the symbol of the binary alphabet is taken per unit of information measurement and is called 1 bit.

Try to determine the volume of the information message:

Information recorded on the machine language weighs:

01110 - ... bit

010010 - ... bit

010 - ... Bit

0111111011110 - ... Bit

With an alphabetical approach, it is believed that each symbol of text has an information weight.

The information weight of the symbol depends on the power of the alphabet.

With an increase in the power of the alphabet, the information weight of each symbol increases.

To measure the volume of information, it is necessary to determine how many times the information is equal to 1 bit contained in the definable amount of information.

For example:

1) Take a four-digit alphabet (invented), (Figure 2).

All symbols of the original alphabet can be encoded by all possible combinations using the digits of the binary alphabet.

We obtain the binary code of each alphabet symbol. In order to encode the symbols of the alphabet of which the power of which is four, we will need two symbols of the binary code.

Consequently, each symbol of the four-digit alphabet weighs 2 bits.

2) Each character of the alphabet, the power of which is 8 (Figure 3) with a binary code.

Output. The entire alphabet, the power of which is 8 can be encoded in the machine with three symbols of the binary alphabet (Figure 4).

What do you think, what is the information volume of each symbol of the eight-digit alphabet?

Each symbol of the eight-digit alphabet weighs 3 bits.

3). Exercise with a binary code each alphabet character, the power of which is 16.

What can be concluded?

Alphabet from sixteen characters can be encoded using a four-digit binary code.

Decide the task.

Task: What volume of information contain 3 characters 16 - symbolic alphabet?

Since each symbol of alphabet with a power of 16 characters can be encoded with a four-digit binary code, each symbol of the original alphabet weighs 4 bits.

Since 3 symbols of alphabet with a power of 16 characters were used, therefore: 4 bits 3 \u003d 12 bits

Answer: The volume of information recorded by 3 alphabet signs of 16 characters is equal to 12 bits.

We write the table of matching the power of the alphabet (N) and the number of characters in the code (B) - the discharge of the binary code.

Find a pattern (Figure 5)!

What conclusion can be done?

The information weight of each symbol, expressed in bits (b), and the power of the alphabet (N) are related to the formula: n \u003d 2 b

The alphabet from which the text (document) is compiled on the computer consists of 256 characters.

This alphabet contains symbols: lowercase and capital latin and Russian letters, numbers, arithmetic operations, all sorts of brackets, punctuation marks and other characters.

Learn how the volume of information is contained in one alphabet symbol, the power of which is 256.

Decision. From formula N \u003d 2 B follows 256 \u003d 2 8.

Output. It means that each character of the alphabet used in the computer for printing documents weighs 8 bits.

This magnitude was accepted as a unit of measurement of information and gave the name byte.

8 bits \u003d 1 byte

Task. The article contains 30 pages, on each page - 40 lines, in each line 50 characters. What amount of information contains an article?


1) on each page 50 40 \u003d 2000 characters;

2) in the entire article 2000 30 \u003d 60,000 characters;

3) because The weight of each symbol is 1 byte, therefore, the information volume of the entire article 60000 1 \u003d 60000 bytes or 60000 8 \u003d 480000 bits.

As can be seen from the task of the byte "small" unit of measurement of the information volume of text, therefore larger units are used to measure large volumes of information.

Units of information volume:

1 kilobyte \u003d 1 kb \u003d 210 byte \u003d 1024 byte

1 megabyte \u003d 1 mb \u003d 210 kb \u003d 1024 kb

1 gigabyte \u003d 1 GB \u003d 210 MB \u003d 1024 MB

Try to translate the result of the task, in larger units:

    60000 bytes 58,59375 KB

    60000 bytes 0.057 MB

IV. Fastening learned.

Task-workshop No. 1. S. 19 No. 19, 20, 22, 23, 25.

V. Summing up.

Vi. Homework.

Task-workshop number 1. p. 20 № 21, 24, 26.

Information volume of text and units of information measurement

A modern computer can handle numeric, textual, graphical, sound and video information. All these types of information in the computer are presented in binary code, i.e., only two characters 0 and 1. It is connected with the fact that it is convenient to present information in the form of a sequence of electrical pulses: the pulse is missing (0), the pulse is (1).

Such coding is called binary, and the logical sequences of zeros and units are machine tongue.

What length should the binary code be so that with it can be encoded by a computer keyboard symbols?

In this way, the information weight of one symbol of sufficient alphabet is 1 byte.

To measure large information volumes, larger information units are used:

Units of measurement of information:

1 byte \u003d 8 bits

1 kilobyte \u003d 1 kb \u003d 1024 byte

1 megabyte \u003d 1 MB \u003d 1024 kb

1 gigabyte \u003d 1 GB \u003d 1024 GB

Information volume text

1. Number of characters in the book:

60 * 40 * 150 \u003d 360,000 characters.

2. Because 1 Symbol weighs 1 byte, the information of the book is equal to

360,000 bytes.

3. We translate bytes to larger units:

360 000/1024 \u003d 351,56 kb

351.56 / 1024 \u003d 0.34 MB

Answer: Text Information 0.34 MB.


The information volume prepared using a computer is 3.5 KB. How many characters contains this text?

1. We translate volume from MB to bytes:

3.5 MB * 1024 \u003d 3584 KB

3584 KB * 1024 \u003d 3 670 016 byte

2. Because 1 Symbol weighs 1 byte, the number of characters in the text is equal