How can I get a certified letter. How to get a certified letter. Custom order with a list of attachments

In the event that the post office employee did not find the recipient of the letter at home, he must leave a check with the neighbors or in the mailbox. This receipt must be filled out clearly and without blots, because any corrections will entail a defective document. The relevant authorities must clearly understand how to find out who received registered letter... When filling out the receipt, you must enter the data from your passport.

After complete filling, you should check all the fields as carefully as possible. Basically, the question of how to get a certified letter by mail is asked by rather inexperienced people in this field. For those new to this business, there are certain text prompts on the form, written small print... Be sure to pay attention to these marks.

After filling out the receipt, you must go to the post office. Only after going through all the necessary formalities (when a registered letter is considered received) will you be able to familiarize yourself with all the nuances when sending it

When visiting the post office, you should take the following items with you:

  • a pen (in case you have to write down additional information; usually, post offices do not have specialized ink for each of the clients);
  • passport (required document to confirm identity).

A visit to the post office is advised to be made in the early morning, and more specifically, 5-10 minutes before the opening of the branch to take the line. You can also come after your lunch break. Such breaks between the opening hours mean a shorter queue.

After arriving at the post office, you should take a specific queue, depending on what you need to know (not every window is engaged in issuing ordered goods and letters). For example, you are wondering how to get a certified letter for another person. In this case, you must clearly understand for what purpose you are applying to the point of issue of letters, and have all the necessary documents for you and the person for whom you receive the parcel.

In order not to be mistaken in this matter, it is best to get advice from some of the employees. In some cases, people may be interested in how to get a certified letter for a deceased person. In no case should confusion be allowed as this negatively affects the functioning of the post office manager. As a result, they are less productive in serving customers.

If you are wondering how to find out if a registered letter has been received, you should carefully analyze all the data that will be supplied to you in post office... Be sure to make sure that the letter is addressed to the correct recipient. In some cases, employees of the post office may issue other people's letters.

Thus, you have learned how to find out if the addressee has received a registered letter, as well as other nuances characteristic of operations for sending parcels.

Not everyone knows how to send a certified letter on their own, despite the fact that most have received it themselves at least once.

In vain, because this type of shipment allows you to make sure that it has reached the addressee, in contrast to a simple postal shipment, the further fate of which cannot be traced.

Postal calculator

What is a certified letter

This is a mailing containing written request to the recipient and is characterized by such features as:

  • the presence of a track number with which you can track delivery;
  • handing over to the recipient in person or to another person only with a power of attorney.

The maximum weight in the Russian Federation is 0.1 kg; abroad - 2 kg.

Among the custom ones, the following varieties are distinguished: ordinary, with a return receipt, with a list of attachments.

Since sending is paid, this can be done only by mail.

How long does it take for a registered letter by Russian post

How long does this departure take? Delivery speed depends on the location of both parties: the sender and the recipient.

You can determine it using a postal calculator, which, in addition to the cost, is determined maximum term delivery.

To do this, you must specify 2 addresses: where the correspondence is sent from and where it should be delivered.

Take note: if you want to reduce the time, it is better to send correspondence to the main post office, so as not to waste time on delivery from regional post offices.

How much does a certified letter cost

The cost is directly related to the weight of the content and whether you want to use additional services, such as return receipt or an attachment listing.

It is easy to find out the cost of sending on the official website of the Russian Post using a postal calculator.

To do this, you must indicate the weight of the shipment, its type and additional servicesyou wish to use. The total cost is calculated based on the provisions of the Order of the FAS Russia dated 20.02.2018 N 208/18.

Thus, the cost of a registered letter weighing less than 20 g is 46 rubles. In addition, for every next 20 g (no matter whether they are full or not), 2.5 rubles are added to the cost.

Certified letter with a list of attachments

The attachment list is a description of the contents of the mail item. Therefore, by opening the envelope, the addressee can immediately make sure that nothing was lost during the delivery process.

In a special form (form 107), the sender indicates the list and number of documents, papers or other items to be sent, as well as, if desired, their declared value.

The last characteristic can be left blank by putting a dash. The form is filled out twice: one copy is sent to the recipient, the second remains for the person who filled in.

The envelope is presented to the postal officer unsealed. The employee checks the contents against the inventory. Then he affixes the stamp, post office code and his signature.

The addressee can open it immediately after receiving it at the post office. If something of the content is not enough, you should immediately inform the mail employee. He will draw up an act for the investigation within no more than 2 months.

Based on the results of the investigation, the addressee can receive the value of the lost items if their price was indicated.

Certified letter with notification

A return receipt is a document through which the sender receives information that his letter has reached the addressee.

The system works as follows: when the recipient receives the correspondence, a notification of delivery is immediately sent to the sender.

To do this, you need to fill out a form that is issued at any branch. It is sent to the specified address together with an envelope. When it is delivered to the addressee, the employee will fill in the blank fields of the notification and send it back to the sender.

There are 2 types of notification: simple and customized. A simple one will be immediately left in your mailbox. The return of the registered notice will in turn come to mailbox a new notification, you can pick up the form back at your post office.

A simple notification costs 22 rubles, a custom notification costs 52 rubles.

How to fill out a return receipt form

Form 119 is used as a form. It is issued free of charge. You just have to ask him. A sample of filling is presented below.

The form must be filled out on both sides: front and back. The front half contains information about:

  • type of postal item;
  • Name of the person to whom the notification is to be served;
  • the address of that person;
  • the form of notification.

On the other side, you need to write:

  • once again the type of postal item;
  • Name and address of the recipient.

What can be in a registered letter

In this way, any document is sent, which is usually delivered personally to the recipient. They usually come from government agencies.

For example, from the court, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, customs authorities, etc.

Also, answers to appeals to various organizations are sent by registered mail. But, as already clear from the article, ordinary citizens can send it with any correspondence.

Sending registered letters

So, you decided to use the described method of sending messages.

Let's consider step by step the procedure:

    1. Decide what you want to send. Choose an envelope that fits, but no larger than 22.9 x 32.4 cm.
    2. Fill in the blank fields with any requested information about the sender and recipient.

Helpful advice: do not forget to indicate the index so that the letter reaches its destination sooner. You can find it out from the mail operator or on the Internet on special sites that contain information about the streets of the city and the corresponding indexes.

  1. Tell the post office employee that you are going to use the service of sending a certified letter. Buy the required number of stamps. You need to glue them on the envelope yourself.
  2. Receive a check. The check contains a special code that helps track the location of your shipment on the website. For example, AS710485047CN.
  3. If you plan to send a notification letter, ask the operator for a free form. Fill it out, indicating all the requested information about yourself and about who the envelope is sent to.

Class 1 registered letter - delivery time

Using first class certified mail speeds up delivery by airmail.

The speed increases by about 27-30%. In this case, the speed also does not depend on seasonal restrictions.

To send a message in this way, you need to buy a special envelope with a yellow stripe on it. The maximum weight is 0.5 kg.

How much is a certified letter in the mail

It is kept at the post office for 30 days. The storage period can be increased up to 2 months by additionally paying for the corresponding service.

When the deadline expires, the letter is sent back to the sender at his expense.

If the sender also does not pick it up, then it is stored again for 30 days. After this period, it is considered unclaimed. It is destroyed six months after it was declared unclaimed.

Notice of registered mail

If the postman does not find the addressee personally, he leaves a notice in the mailbox. Now it must be received at the post office.

The preliminary notification must be filled in correctly, the necessary data must be entered about yourself. This is best done at home in a relaxed environment. You should come to the post office with the completed paper.

In addition, it is possible to use the track number instead of the notification. It is enough to tell the number to the postal worker. In this case, the notice is issued by the employee and filled out on the spot.

How to get a certified letter by mail

To receive a letter by mail, you must present an identity document (usually a passport), as well as a notice left by the postman or the track number of the mail item.

As mentioned earlier, not only the addressee, but also his authorized representative can receive the envelope.

In this case, in addition to the listed documents, you must present a power of attorney certified by a notary or by the organization where the principal works or studies.

How does a certified letter differ from a valuable one?

In addition to registered ones, valuable letters are sent by mail. Both types are registered mailings.

When choosing the type of shipment with a declared value, it is mandatory to draw up an inventory of the attached items.

In this case, the sender independently estimates the value of the investment. In case of loss, the mail is obliged to reimburse the indicated cost.

It is permissible to send a customized order without specifying an estimate of the investment value.

How to send documents by mail

The choice of the type of postage depends on the purpose and the items to be sent. And also whether you want it to be delivered faster or not.

If you need a guaranteed delivery of documents in person, choose a registered letter. Use an additional option such as a return receipt if you want to make sure that the correspondence has reached the right person.

Compiling an inventory of the enclosed papers will allow the recipient to make sure that all the contents have been preserved in transit.

If you are sending valuable documents, then choose the appropriate type of shipment - with a declared value.

Thus, at the post office, you can send mail for a fee, which are tracked using a track number, then handed over personally to the addressee.

The cost and speed of their delivery can be calculated with a special postage calculator. Additional options help reduce the risk that your message will not be delivered at all or will not be delivered safely.

Now many people receive parcels, parcels and letters (dispatches) at the offices of the Russian Post (the official name is FSUE Russian Post). According to the postal rules, only the person in whose name it is addressed (addressee) or his representative has the right to pick up the correspondence. The right to receive any registered item (that is, with a track number) can be entrusted to another person if you give him a power of attorney to receive it at the Russian post office.

Let's first understand why the other person cannot receive correspondence without written confirmation of authority. Issuance of a shipment to an outsider is a gross violation of postal rules, and a communications worker who commits such a violation can be severely punished and fined. Handing over the letter to an outsider will lead to the disclosure of the secrets of the correspondence, and the delivery of the parcel will lead to property damage. Therefore, in post offices there are requirements for the issuance of items to “non-addressees” only after verification of credentials. The rule about the need to check the document with powers applies, among other things, to spouses and close relatives living with the recipient.

Delivery rules

The mail delivers different items and for each of them there are certain requirements for the power of attorney:

  • Simple shipments (letters, simple parcels, postcards) do not have a track number and are delivered to the recipient's mailbox. No authorization document is required to receive such items.
  • Registered shipments (registered letters, registered parcels) have a unique track number. They are received personally by the addressee or his authorized person. You can receive registered mail by a power of attorney certified by a postal employee or certified at the place of work, study or treatment, or certified by a notary.
  • Valuable items (valuable letters, valuable parcels and parcels with declared value) also have a track number. They are delivered personally to the recipient or his representative. Valuable correspondence can be collected by a power of attorney certified by the post office or certified by a notary.
  • Remittances, benefits, subsidies, pensions, monthly payments and compensation for the addressee, only a representative has the right to receive a power of attorney issued by a notary.

For ease of perception, information on the possibility of obtaining different types shipments under various forms of powers of attorney are summarized in the table:

Rules for execution and certification of powers of attorney

Let's take a closer look at how to make a power of attorney to receive mail:

- notarized power of attorney... It may contain the maximum possible authority to receive any letters, parcels and funds. For registration, the principal must contact a notary with his passport and passport data of the authorized person. The notary will independently prepare a draft document based on the data received from the principal. The notary will charge a fee for registration services.

- power of attorney certified by the post office... Allows you to receive any mail, except money. You can draw up such a document yourself in a simple form () based on a filling sample. After filling out the form, you will need to go to the post office with him and ask the employee to assure him. You must have a passport with you. The ability to certify a power of attorney directly at the post office is provided for by the Working Instruction, which is an internal document of the Russian Post. This service is provided free of charge. In this order, you can issue a power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail from China from the aliexpress website (

Sample filling:

When a citizen applies with a request to certify a power of attorney, the post office employee must act in the following order. Before starting the provision of certification services, the head (or deputy) of the post office checks the client's passport. After that, he performs the following actions: checks the correctness of filling out the document form, makes an inscription on the power of attorney "I have verified my identity", enters his position, surname, name and patronymic, signs and puts an imprint of the department's calendar stamp postal service... When applying with such a power of attorney to the branch in which it was issued, the authorized person can receive all postage without exception (except for pensions and money transfers).

Power of attorney to receive mail, certified by the organization in which the principal works, studies or is undergoing treatment. To draw up such a document, an employee can contact his employer, a student can contact the administration of an educational institution, and a patient who is in hospital has the right to contact the administration of a medical institution (hospital). The power of attorney is drawn up in a simple form (), after which it is transferred to the head of the organization to certify the signature. Considering that it may not be easy to get to the head of the organization for a personal appointment, it is advisable to first contact the organization's lawyer with the prepared draft with a request to assure it in the manner provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 185.1. Of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A lawyer will tell you how to sign a document with the head of the organization and help you comply with the internal rules of the organization. The certification service must be provided free of charge.

Sample of registration:

A power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail or a letter can be issued for any period. If certification is required, then you need to be prepared that the principal will have to sign the document in the presence of an official (head of the employer, educational or medical institution, notary, postal employee).

Directly at the branch, the representative will need to present his passport and power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail or other type of shipment. Legislation does not oblige to leave the original or a copy of the power of attorney with the communications organization, but employees often make such a requirement. Therefore, in order to save your time and nerves, it is better to have a copy with you.

Power of attorney to receive mail from a legal entity

The power of attorney from the organization can be drawn up in the usual form and does not require certification. Such a document is signed by the head of the addressee's organization and can be issued to any adult citizen, even if he is not an employee of the company. Powers can be given to one or more representatives. With this document, you can receive any correspondence and parcels arriving at the recipient's organization. It is recommended to affix the seal of the organization on the signed form. The design rules are described in detail.

If you believe the Internet, "Russian Post" is a "corporation of evil." Her credo is chaos. Break everything and lose for your money! One compartment - one window. Took a turn? Write your will. So, just in case. “There are many of you, but I am alone” is the most polite thing that you can hear from a postal employee. And why do they still not hang the portrait of the "Hamla of the month" in a prominent place?

But maybe not everything is so bad? Not everything is lost?

Shifting responsibility is convenient. But what if we create some of the problems with Russian Post ourselves? What if we just don't know the rules and pump non-existent rights?

Calm down! Do not rush to be indignant in the comments: “They don't know the laws! Stand up for Russian Railways! " Just read to the end. We will tell you how to interact with Russian Post without unnecessary spending and hassle.

Learning to distinguish a parcel from a parcel

According to Federal law No. 176 "On postal services", postal items include:

  • letters;
  • postcards (postcards);
  • money transfers;
  • periodicals;
  • small packages;
  • parcels post;
  • parcels.

In the 21st century, many of them seem irrelevant. We read not newspapers, but news agency tapes. We communicate and build a business by email. And we send money from card to card. But even geeks have to deal with small packages, parcels and parcels. What is it without them?

Small package - an international postal item containing small items. The maximum weight is 2 kg. No special packaging required.
Parcel post - postage with an attachment in the form of printed publications (books, magazines, newspapers), business papers, manuscripts, photographs. The maximum weight is 2 kg. For parcels consisting exclusively of books - 5 kg.
Package - postal item for sending things. Minimum dimensions: 114 × 162 mm or 110 × 220 mm.

All shipments are divided into simple and registered... Plains are accepted and delivered without any receipts or signatures. I bought a stamped envelope, sent a letter, and the addressee will look into the mailbox and receive it. In the second case, everything is documented: a receipt is issued to the sender, and a notification is issued to the recipient.

Registered postal items are:

  1. Customized (letters, postcards, parcels, small packages) - delivered against signature, if you wish, you can order a delivery receipt.
  2. Valuable (letters, parcels, parcels) - when sending, the value of the investment is estimated, sometimes an inventory is drawn up.
  3. With cash on delivery - postage is charged to the addressee upon receipt.

Why all these details? It's just that the conditions, terms and cost of shipment depend on the type of shipment.

Pechkin knows his business! That's just, as you understood, according to the current rules, you cannot send a poker by parcel post (only written correspondence and documents), and the parcel may weigh less than a kilogram. For example, you decided to send your beloved grandmother a book (500 grams) and a box of chocolates (300 grams) as a gift. Because of the sweet content, the shipment will be considered a parcel: it will be packed in a special plastic bag or cardboard box. And if there were only a book, it would pass for a parcel.

But sometimes "non-standard" attachments are made out as a parcel post. For example, magnets, cosmetic probes or seeds. This is done when the investment is not heavy and every minute counts.

First class vs EMS

There are the following methods of forwarding postal items:

  1. Ground - letters and parcels are delivered by rail, road and other land transport.
  2. Air - delivery by air.
  3. Combined - part of the route travels on the ground, and part of it flies.
  4. Accelerated - delivery times are reduced by several days.

In the internal postal message air forwarding is almost not practiced. As a result, shipments take a long time. The further, the longer. For example, the time it takes for a simple letter to travel from Ulyanovsk to Moscow is five days. Do you want it faster? No problems! Choose first class.

First class shipments - these are accelerated domestic mailings, delivery times of which are 25-30% lower than usual. In addition, handling and collection of first class items is always a priority and their delivery is not subject to seasonal restrictions. True, they are more expensive.

In other words, first class shipments are delivered quickly and anywhere. The main deadlines for their shipment are in a special table.

But only letters and parcels are sent first class. Not parcels! And this is where the time comes for exceptions.

Solve the problem. You need to send the seeds of rare plants to your uncle the forester. But in the fall, the road to his taiga village is washed away so that the only available transport is a helicopter. Arrives once a week. Question: how to deliver seeds to my uncle without waiting for winter, when the thaw is over? Solution: ask the post office to arrange the parcel as a first class parcel post. Uncle will receive seeds with the first helicopter.

First class shouldn't be confused with EMS shipping.

EMS (Express Mail Service) is an express delivery service. It is handled by a branch of the Russian Post - the EMS Russian Post service. Domestic express delivery is carried out throughout the country, while international delivery operates in more than 190 countries around the world.

EMS is door-to-door delivery. The courier will pick up the package directly from your home or office and deliver it anywhere. EMS Russian Post has its own transport network, here they guarantee safety and provide an opportunity to insure the shipment against damage or loss. Express shipping is more expensive than expedited shipping.

How to determine the cost

Shipping costs are influenced by:

  1. Sending type: letter / parcel / parcel; registered / valuable / simple / with cash on delivery.
  2. Shipment method: regular or expedited.
  3. Value.
  4. Distance.

In the case of a customized parcel post, the fee is taken only for the weight, the distance does not affect the cost. The cost of a valuable parcel, as well as other valuable items, depends on the distance, weight and amount of the estimate plus 4%. So, if you estimated the parcel at one hundred rubles, then another four rubles will be added to the tariff for distance and weight.

Passport and other documents are sent only by valuable letters (parcels) with a mandatory list of attachments.

Senders often deliberately underestimate the amount of assessment. If there is no difference, why pay more? But there is still a difference. When the package is lost, the sender will be reimbursed the amount of the estimate, regardless of the actual value of the investment. One hundred rubles is a hundred rubles.

Do not swear if the operator calls a different amount: this is not a whim. The calculator does not take into account the regional specifics of shipping, the cost of packaging and other additional services (more on them below). It is unlikely that you will be "cheated": the calculation of the shipping cost is performed by a computer, where the operator enters all the necessary parameters.

How to send correctly

Step 1. Determine the type of shipment

Parcel or small package? Custom or Valuable? Regular or expedited shipping?

It is worth dancing from what you want to send. Be careful: some items are prohibited from shipping individuals... Here is a list. For example, sending a humidor with Cuban cigars to a friend in a nearby town is no problem. And the same set for a friend abroad is no longer possible.

Step 2. Making out

Parcels sent across Russia without an inventory of attachments can be assembled at home - put things in a box, put them in a bubble wrap. They will check everything at the post office, glue the parcel with branded tape and put down the details. If you want to make an inventory, then it's better not to worry about packaging at all. It is more convenient to collect the parcel directly at the post office: anyway, the operator will carefully check each attachment and enter it into the inventory.

By sending fragile fragile things, you can additionally protect yourself. Ask the employee to put a Warning label on the package. Then, according to the rules, it must be carefully packed and passed from hand to hand without throwing it away. You will have to pay extra for safety - plus 30%.

It is very important to write the recipient's address correctly. How to fill out the "where / to whom" form, read.

Packing postal items, filling in accompanying forms, for example customs, compiling attachment inventories, writing addresses and written messages - all these are additional services. They are paid separately and are not available in all post offices.

In other words, the operator is not obliged to write the address for you or fill out a customs declaration. If you cannot do it yourself, they will help you, but you will have to pay extra.

How to track

The movement of registered postal items can be monitored. In the international message there are track codes for this, in the domestic one - a 14-character identifier.

It is on the check issued by the post office. By entering the identifier in a special form on the website, you can find out where the package is.

You can also track postal items using the Russian Post application. Yes, they have an app!

The application is very convenient. You can find out at any time where the parcel is, and if its status changes (“I left sorting center"," Received by the addressee "), the application will beep. You can also find the nearest post office, check the zip code by address, and even chat with support! There is also a "unique" service for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. But more on that later.

Russian Post has one more service that few people know about. These are SMS notifications about the arrival of a registered mail item or its delivery. To activate this service, you need to fill out an application by mail, indicating your phone number. The cost of one SMS is 10 rubles. You can pay for the service upon receipt of the parcel. Fly in the ointment is a one-time service.

How to get it right

Step 1. We receive a notification

If a registered mail item arrives at your name and address, you will know. A piece of paper with the good news will be dropped into your mailbox - a notice. From it it will become clear what kind of shipment was sent to you, when, from where, and also how much it weighs.

Notices are primary and secondary... The primary is written out, as a rule, the next day after the parcel arrives at the department (take this type of shipment for example). That is, if the parcel arrived on the 1st, then the notice will most likely be written out on the 2nd. This is due to the fact that correspondence usually arrives at the offices after lunch and it takes time to process it.

From the moment the initial notification is issued, the countdown begins during which the recipient must pick up the parcel. This is five business days. If for some reason you did not have enough of them and you did not take the parcel (left, got sick, there was no time), then a secondary notice will be written in your name. It also happens that a person did not come because he did not receive the initial notification. After all, it can fall out of the mailbox, it can be stolen, it can go unnoticed, sticking to the wall of the mailbox.

If you come for the parcel on the day of receiving the secondary notification or the next morning, then the storage fee will not be charged. But if you show up only on the 15th or 22nd, you will have to pay 5 rubles for each day of "downtime".

Step 2. We go to the mail

The recipient must fill in the reverse side of the notice, indicating his passport details, surname and putting a number and signature. At the post office you will need to present a notice and passport.

By law, the main document proving the identity of a citizen Russian Federation on the territory of Russia, is a passport (birth certificate). A temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation (Form No. 2-P) has equal legal force. An international passport, driver's license, record book, retirement certificate, and the like are not identity documents.

The postal officer will check the correctness of filling in the notification and the correspondence of the passport data. Then he will bring the parcel, weigh it in front of you (the permissible error is 70 grams) and hand it over.

Many people mistakenly believe that they can open the parcel on the spot and, if something is damaged inside, immediately demand compensation for damage. De jure, you can open a parcel at the post office in two cases:

  1. Sending with a list of attachments. In this case, the operator, with the consent of the client, must open the box and check that all items are in place.
  2. The outer shell is broken. If there are "traces of hacking", you can ask to open the parcel. In this case, the head of the post office is invited and a special act is drawn up. If it turns out that something is missing in the package, an investigation begins.

We write a power of attorney

You can receive a registered postal item in person or through a trusted person. But, of course, the parcel will not be returned to the post office for no reason, even if it is your wife / mother / son and even if they come with your passport. You need a power of attorney.

The power of attorney must be in writing. Write: “I, such and such, living there, the data of the passport is such and such, I trust such and such, who lives there, the data of the passport is such and such, to receive registered postal items coming to my name”.

It is better to write exactly "registered mailings". If you specify a parcel, then a small package or letter will no longer be given and the power of attorney will actually turn out to be one-time.

The power of attorney must be certified. You don't have to go to a notary! You can certify the power of attorney to receive mailings at the place of work or study, the place of treatment. It is important that the document is crowned with the main seal of the institution (organization) and endorsed by the signature of the head with a decryption. A power of attorney with a "stamp for information" and a stroke of some accountant will not work.

Will they bring you home?

People who value their time and hate queues can use this paid service "Russian Post" as home delivery. There are two possibilities.

  1. Delivery of small packages. If the package weighs less than two kilograms, you can call the number indicated in the notice and order delivery. Delivery is made during the postman's working hours at the address indicated on the shipment. The recipient must present a passport. The cost of the service is 100 rubles.
  2. Delivery of parcels by courier. Remember when we said that residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg who use the Russian Post application have a privilege? So, using the application, they can order a courier (!) Delivery of a parcel. Delivery will be carried out within two days from the date of application (every day from 9:00 to 20:00). The parcel is handed over to the addressee upon presentation of the passport. The cost of the service is 199 rubles.

I will complain!

The life hacker has already written about what to do, and. Articles are detailed - read, do not be lazy. Today we will tell you how to complain about a postal employee if, for example, he was rude to you (oh horror!) Or provided services in an inappropriate manner.

Method number 1

Each post office has a book of statements and suggestions. You can safely roll the slander right there. According to the rules, this book should be checked daily. When a new record appears, a copy of it is made and sent to the Russian Post control and reference service. The person in charge writes an explanatory note on the application.

Method number 2

Contact the Help Desk directly. Control and reference service "Russian Post" considers applications of citizens, gives background information, is engaged in the search for postal items. Phone: 8-800-2005-888. Email: [email protected]

A little advice: before you write a complaint, remember that there is a person on the other side of the barricades with a very unenviable salary. But if your rights are really violated, be sure to defend them!

There is a great joke about the Russian Post. But not everyone gets it.

Russian Post is more than just an organization. Nobody denies that there are problems. Big problems. But before you scold the mail, try to make friends with it. As you can see, the rules are not complicated there. Master it and you can save time, money and nerves.

Anything to add? Write comments!