In public services, the inn is not confirmed. How to find out your Inn number via the Internet using your passport. Individuals with the status of individual entrepreneurs can obtain a TIN in two ways

You can find out your TIN on a single portal public services and on the FTS website. To do this, you do not need additional registration and authorization in these services, you just need to fill out a simple form and complete the request. If you are registered with the tax authorities with the assignment of a TIN, you will receive a response with a number.

How to find out the TIN on the portal of public services

In order to send a request for a TIN, you must fill out the form, indicating your personal data (full name, date of birth, place of birth) and the data of an identity document (series, number and date of issue). Additionally, you need to enter a verification code. We send data for verification by clicking the Check button.

If all the data is entered in your personal account, in a few seconds you will receive a response with your TIN.

How to find out the TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service

The link will open the page of the “Find out your TIN” service. We fill in all the fields of the section "Information about the applicant": name, date and place of birth, document indicating the number and date of issue. Next, enter the code and click the "Send request" button

The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) is developed in accordance with Federal law from 27.07.2006. № 152-ФЗ "On personal data" (hereinafter - ФЗ-152). This Policy defines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data in the service (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen when processing his personal data, including protecting the rights to privacy , personal and family secrets. In accordance with the law, the service is for informational purposes only and does not oblige the visitor to make payments and other actions without his consent. The collection of data is necessary solely for contacting the visitor at his request and informing about the services of the service.

The main provisions of our privacy policy can be summarized as follows:

We do not share your personal information with third parties. We do not share your contact information with the sales department without your consent. You independently determine the amount of disclosed personal information.

Collected information

We collect personal information that you knowingly agreed to disclose to us in order to obtain detailed information about the company's services. Personal information comes to us by filling out a questionnaire on the website In order to receive detailed information about services, costs and types of payments, you need to provide us with your email address, name (real or fictitious) and phone number. This information is provided by you voluntarily and we do not check its accuracy.

Use of the information received

The information you provide when filling out the questionnaire is processed only at the time of the request and is not stored. We only use this information to send you the information you subscribed to.

Providing information to third parties

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Data protection

The Site Administration protects information provided by users and uses it only in accordance with the adopted Privacy Policy on the Site.

TIN is a unique taxpayer number that was introduced to facilitate accounting and control over the payment of tax fees. For organizations, it has been used since 1993, for citizens - since 1999. It is assigned to everyone who is somehow connected with any kind of activity and receives income from it.

Each digit that is part of the taxpayer number carries a specific characteristic. The first 2 digits for all taxpayers indicate the region, followed by 2 digits - the number of the tax office in which the TIN was assigned. For individuals, the next 6 digits are the number itself, and the last 2 are the verification settlement code. For organizations, signs from 5 to 9 indicate the taxpayer number, the 10th digit is the check number.

Important! The taxpayer number is assigned to both citizens and organizations once ().

What a TIN may be required for

TIN is assigned to both individuals and organizations. You should know under what circumstances a TIN is required.


  1. Whenever you get a job, along with a passport and work book, a future employee in the personnel department is usually asked for a TIN. The obligation to present a certificate is not legally established. By Labor Code of the Russian Federation article 65 in the list of documents that are required for employment, the TIN is not listed.
  2. Filing a tax return, obtaining a loan or applying for a refund of a tax deduction requires information about the TIN. For example, if a citizen has received a loan or mortgage, then he or she is entitled to a refund of a certain part of the money.
  3. The easiest way to get information about tax arrears is knowing your TIN.
  4. If an individual decides to become an individual entrepreneur, then in this case one cannot do without a taxpayer number.

Important! Not only the adult population requires a TIN. In some situations, the child may also need it. For example, when receiving an inheritance.

Legal entities

When registering any enterprise, it is assigned a 12-digit TIN, which will be required:

  • when drawing up contracts;
  • when submitting reporting documents to the tax office;
  • when participating in tenders;
  • when receiving loans.

Video - How to find out or get a TIN

How to issue a TIN

All types of legal entities should deal with registration of TIN independently. For individuals, assistance in obtaining a taxpayer number can only be obtained upon admission to the first job.

You can issue a TIN:

  1. At the tax office... It is required to fill out an application for assignment of a taxpayer number. Its form is standard (download). You can get it from the tax service or download it on the Internet at the website ( You also need to have a passport with you, where you must have a residence permit. If there is a temporary registration certificate, it should also be brought. In 5 working days, the taxpayer will be registered and receive a certificate.
  2. By RF mail. When this way it is required to send the completed application and copies of the passport pages, which must be notarized. The shipment must be processed by registered mail... It should be noted that receiving a response will be slightly increased in terms of the time spent on mail.
  3. On the website of the Federal Tax Service. For registration, you must fill out the proposed form No. 2-2 in the official website of the tax service in electronic format... Then choose the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence and send the completed application. You must first register on the website In your personal account, it is proposed to track the readiness of the certificate, for which you need to come to the tax office in person.

How to find out

In practice, there are 3 main ways how you can find out your identification number.

Website Taxi.Ru

Requires a device connected to the internet.

You need to enter the official website ( Find in the "Electronic Services" section "Learn TIN".

A short questionnaire should be filled out.

Information with a taxpayer number will appear on the screen.

Important! When sending a request in the columns where passport data is recorded, you need to enter the information of the passport on which registration took place. If the document has been changed, then it will not be possible to find out your TIN using the new data.

State Service website

You should enter the State Service website ( Choose from the catalog the category "Taxes and Finance" and click on the section "Find out your TIN".

You will need to fill out an application: enter your full name, passport data, date of birth. If the entrance to the State Services took place through personal Area, you do not need to fill in any information. The result will be provided in a couple of seconds.

The taxpayer number will be displayed on the screen.

Through the tax office

other methods

There are other ways to find out the taxpayer number on the Internet. For example, Tinkoff Bank ( invites everyone to get information about the TIN by name, passport number and series.

In order to prevent the question of TIN from arising later, it is better to make a mark on page 18 in your Russian passport. This procedure performed in any branch of the Federal Tax Service according to the Government Decree RF No. 32 of 22/01/2002, article 14... The whole operation will not take more than 15 minutes.

TIN is an important requisite for any citizen and organization. You cannot do without it when applying for a job, drawing up important documents: a loan, property or inheritance. It will be impossible to calculate the pension.

The question " how to find a person by TIN»Is asked quite often on the Internet. Why exactly this document becomes the object of close attention and is considered as an opportunity to search for personal data? The answer is simple - because the TIN is assigned to everyone. The main source of data is the tax office. But how to search using it if a person's data is confidential?

Let's understand in more detail. And at the same time we learn what such a document as a taxpayer identification number looks like.

TIN of an individual

It is issued to each person and contains a certain set of numbers that encrypts data about the taxpayer. Set digital value individual and not repeated within the territory of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, since the rule of confidential information is in effect, it will not be possible to find information freely available on the Internet without bypassing the rules.

Check by TIN number

Legal entities and "idiots" as well as individuals with an INN are issued. But you can somehow find information about them by number. About activity, about various encodings. And if an individual is not engaged in business, then there is no data about him for everyone else.

It is important to understand the difference here. If you have lost your own TIN, then even this level of document recovery will not be a problem. We just write an application to the federal tax service and wait for the due date.

But if the object of your "keen interest" is another person, then the tax authorities will only look suspiciously at you.

What can be learned from the TIN number of an individual

As we already wrote, the TIN number is a 12-digit cipher behind which data about a person as a taxpayer in the Russian Federation is hidden. First, the easiest thing is to find out the last name, first name and patronymic. This is not yet classified information. There are even many electronic services, which cope with the task of issuing a full name by TIN.

But what else can you find out with the numbers on your hands:

  1. First, the region in which this document was issued to the citizen. The first four digits in the number are responsible for it.
  2. Secondly, if you look at the next six digits, we will get the access number to the personal data of the citizen. Yes, this is not the data itself, but already something.
  3. And the last two digits of the entire twelve-digit document number are the access number to simplified data of the same type.

Check the TIN of an individual on the official website of the tax inspection

What is required for this? First, go to the site itself. On this site (we are talking, recall, about the official electronic resource of the Federal Tax Service), we are looking for a special form to fill out. What will it give us? That we can see how a citizen relates to the payment of their taxes. That is, whether he has any debts. In some cases, such a banal check can give a lot, and at least save you from the wrong choice in terms of trust. When it comes to finance, it's best to know who you're dealing with.

But in more detail:

  • We go to the tax site and register (read more about full registration).
  • We go under our data (this is the date of birth, and the SNILS number, and registration, and passport information).
  • We fill out the form for requesting data by TIN. Here you must definitely indicate your email, since the answer will be received within five days from the date of the request.

In the case when the TIN refers to the person who is the applicant, there will be no problems. You won't even give money for it.

Check TIN of an individual online

As mentioned earlier, the situation with entrepreneurs is much simpler. It is more difficult with individuals, especially if you are looking for data that is not your TIN. There are some simple tips.

  • Do not use unverified sites. And it's not even about viruses. If you do not resort to official resources of departments, you can get a situation where your data gets to a third party who can use it for, let's say, unacceptable purposes. Therefore, only the FTS portal.
  • There are many pages that offer to give you a person's data by TIN number, provided that you pay a symbolic amount for this. Again, don't be fooled. What you get on your computer screen may just be a bunch of random data. And the online format of the Federal Tax Service will at least protect you from information leakage.
  • Sites that ask you to enter your phone number for information. The same as the previous point, only after entering the phone number, and then the access code that came to it, you with a probability of 99 percent will lose part of the funds from the account. And get the data as a result, or not - the question is open.
  • The only portal besides the Federal Tax Service, where you can definitely get this service, is the government service portal. How to work with it - read our separate article. However, it also allows you to enjoy all the privileges.

But the question of how to find detailed data about an individual using the TIN number remains open. This is because at the moment it is impossible. More precisely, it is impossible with the help of the Federal Tax Service. As we have already written, the information (except for the full name) is all confidential and cannot be disseminated.

The only thing that remains for you is to take advantage of possible connections in government agencies, or purchase pirated content. But both methods are illegal!

Therefore, it remains to be content with the fact that the full name and the number itself will be known, by the numbers of which you can learn something (but little).

Another situation occurs when the taxpayer number does not belong to an individual, but to an individual entrepreneur or company.

IP search by TIN

Once again - what are legal entity data usually searched for? The main reason is to check the reliability of the partner. If you are an entrepreneur and are planning to conclude any deal, whether it is a deal with a business partner, or simply adding a new counterparty to the customer base, you better be safe. After all, tax accounting in the field of entrepreneurship is extremely important factorthat affects the well-being of your company.

If you know the TIN of the organization, you can request an extract from the register of legal entities. In addition, the following data will be available:

  • OGRNIP and the date of receipt of the certificate.
  • Full name of the owner.
  • Date of liquidation or termination of activities (if any).
  • The city and the direct branch of the department that processed the registration.
  • Real activity data (see also).
  • Normative acts.

Again, data on the Internet will have a certain level of privacy. And although you can find out all the basic details of an individual entrepreneur, to get more, you will have to go to the tax office (in person or by proxy).

Well, and the main thing that this will give us is that we can check for tax debts. To do this, on the FTS portal, we are looking for the section "check yourself and the counterparty." This phrase can be entered into a search engine on the site.


It is possible to find basic data on TIN. But in the case of an individual, it will only be the full name. And in the case of individual entrepreneurs - the main details and possible debts for unpaid taxes. You can get more personal information only by illegal methods. But often, more is not needed. Knowing whether your future partner is conscientious about paying taxes can help you make better decisions.

TIN of an individual according to passport data and full name can be found online using the service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia "Find out your / someone else's TIN". As a reminder, individuals are assigned a Taxpayer Identification Number at the time of birth and remain unchanged for life. And although individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs may not indicate their tax ID when submitting tax returns and other documents, there are cases when this information It can be useful.

The service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia will allow you to find out your TIN by name and passport data. To do this, you must fill out the form below. If all the data is correct and you are registered with the tax authorities with the assignment of a TIN, your TIN will appear in the result line.

To use the service "Find out your TIN", you need to and log into your account.

How to find out your TIN on the website

Since the service "Find out your TIN" provided by the Federal Tax Service, then the form that you will have to fill out on the website of state services is no different from the form from the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which is presented above.