Unified industry system of reference information. Unified management system for regulatory and reference information (nsi) Custom reference books and classifiers

In the 21st century, we have entered a period of development when to imagine life without electronic computers and software it is completely impossible to them, which help us in everyday life, increase the productivity of an individual specialist, accelerate the passage of time.

In our sacred and information age, it is of great importance to quickly search for all the questions of interest to us, from the method of opening a can without an opener and ending with a request for a federal regulatory document.

In our sacred and information age, it is of great importance to quickly search for all the questions of interest to us, from the method of opening a can without an opener and ending with a request for a federal regulatory document. Any legal action is accompanied by appropriate documentation. Therefore, there are even more such documents in the state document circulation, because this sphere is quite large-scale.

Any reference and information base can be combined into one general name - normative reference information... Of course, the system requires the presence of such employees who would work with it. Especially for this, a department is created in the company, the work of which is entirely devoted to the fact that employees manage the reference data. Maintaining regulatory and reference information is a rather responsible business that requires mandatory attention and high professionalism.

Reference information is a complex of all informational questions and answers to them that appear in various spheres of human activity. Such a system consists of a huge amount of information that conveys all the necessary information from various areas of human life.

A good example for understanding NSIs is special reference information bases, which is a list of regulatory legal acts, decrees and laws. This work should be handled by a special department.

As a rule, such a guide is needed by every specialist and institution that directly and on ordinary days is faced with the problematic issue of obtaining any legislative act. Absolutely all legislative acts are stored in reference books, there are quite a few of them and it often happens that finding the necessary one is problematic. And the availability of reference books for reference data (in addition, their classifiers) simplifies matters to a greater extent. Take, for example, the most common directory of diseases, in which any person, based on specific symptoms, can approximately get the name of his disease, as well as methods and methods of its treatment. Also, NSI is actively used in order to solve various problems with a narrow specialization and intended for specialists in a narrow profile. In other words, any organization should have a special department of the NSI with it, which, in turn, will deal with such matters as maintaining information, managing information, etc.

The NSI usually includes the following information and analytical components:

  • reference books
  • classifiers, for example, such as OKDP, OKATU, etc.
  • various dictionaries

All of this data as a whole is a powerful tool capable of solving complex and multi-level problems.

Features and advantages of NSI

The set of regulatory and reference information is a rather powerful tool for storing and high-quality systematization of information included in its components.

An important advantage of the reference data system is the ability to create reports of any complexity, which contributes to the satisfaction of any, even the most complex user requirements.

In conclusion, it can be added that NSI systems are a powerful tool of work, which are simply necessary in any labor processes of each enterprise, as well as in the processes of work of federal and municipal self-government bodies.

H4 class \u003d "g-subhead"\u003e Definition of normative and reference information (NSI)

Reference information an enterprise is a structured in a certain way conditionally permanent information intended for the formation and description of business objects and business processes of the company.

Most often, regulatory and reference corporate information consists of reference books, regulatory documents, dictionaries, classifiers and other varieties of concepts designed to form a united corporate information space.

The organization's NSI is based on three main groups:

  • Information component. This includes classifiers, reference books and regulatory documents.
  • Software and hardware. This includes a set of software and hardware that are designed to collect, store and edit information. They are also designed to provide access to data.
  • Organizational support. This includes a system of regulations and an organizational structure for maintaining, controlling and supporting procedures for analyzing and transforming data.

The systems used to support reference information are currently in high demand from customers and project integrators. Russian large companies are trying not so much to acquire such systems as to take an active part in the development of their software solutions this question. Perhaps, the acquisition of such a system will seem quite expensive to you, but believe me, it is worth it.

NSI in organizations and firms

Companies that initially drew attention to the high importance of systems for supporting regulatory and reference information and invested their funds in their development are already making good profits today.

There are several main reasons why leaders of large companies try to use regulatory information systems in their organizations:

  • The need to integrate information systems, which, in turn, will significantly reduce the costs of the organization for a variety of processes of maintaining reference data;
  • The ability to use a single system of reference information codes - this will automate the generation of corporate reporting;
  • The ability to significantly increase the level of reliability and quality of regulatory and reference information by eliminating the possibility of data duplication;
  • Reducing the cost of obtaining and processing reference information without losing the quality of this information.

Since Rosatom unites many enterprises and organizations, the creation of industry-wide directories is a prerequisite for the centralization and transparency of procurement activities and relations with suppliers, as well as for organizing working together IT systems of industry enterprises. That is why the project on the creation of a unified sectoral system of regulatory and reference information (EOS NSI) was included in the "Program for the transformation of the financial and economic block and information technologies»State corporations. The EOS NSI system will cover the organization of the blocks "engineering and construction of nuclear power plants", "operation of nuclear power plants", " life cycle nuclear fuel ". As a result of an open tender, IBS was involved in the implementation of the project, and a specialized SAP solution was chosen as a platform.

To date, a pilot project for the creation of the NSI EOS has been completed. Within its framework, a number of reference books have been created: "Counterparties" (debtors / creditors, legal entities, residents / non-residents), "Material and technical resources" (MTP), "Elements of industrial facilities", "Unified chart of accounts", a set of all-Russian reference books and classifiers ... The most popular are the directories "Contractors" (currently contains about 70 thousand records), "MTP" (about 150 thousand records) and "Unified chart of accounts". Already in the course of the pilot project, 215 enterprises were connected to the EOS NSI according to the "Contractors" directory, and 35 enterprises - according to the "MTP" directory. In total, more than 4 thousand users work in the system, their access is provided using the portal service.

Now work is underway to replicate the system. It is expected that by 2012 the total number of users of the EOS NSI will reach about 10 thousand people. Thus, this project in the field of organizing regulatory and reference information on the SAP platform will become one of the largest in the world and the largest in Europe. The results of the project and the capabilities of the EOS NSI will be used in a number of other IT projects of ROSATOM. Among them are the creation of a unified sectoral procurement system, a unified sectoral system for integrating corporate applications, a unified sectoral workflow system, a property asset management system, the introduction of a unified settlement center system, etc.

“The centralization of processes for maintaining regulatory and reference information and the use of an appropriate information system, firstly, will increase the quality and reliability of information provided by IT systems. Secondly, it will reduce costs and time for the formation of consolidated financial statements. Thirdly, it minimizes the risks due to incomplete or incorrect data for payments. It will also allow to optimize and ensure the transparency of procurement processes and work with suppliers, reduce the time for planning procurement and supply of materials and equipment, optimize the process of maintaining the reference data by organizing a unified management environment, ”noted kirill Sukovykh, head of the NSI program at Greenatom CJSC.


The Gazprom headquarters hosted a regular meeting of the Informatization Coordination Committee chaired by Andrey Kruglov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee - Head of the Finance and Economic Department.

The meeting was attended by members of the Informatization Coordination Committee, heads of Informatization Projects Steering Committees, heads and specialists of structural divisions of OAO Gazprom and specialized subsidiaries OOO Informgaz and ZAO Informgazinvest.

The meeting reviewed the results of work on projects for the creation of:

  • sectoral databank of documentary and factual regulatory and reference information of OJSC Gazprom;
  • the internal corporate Internet portal of OAO Gazprom;
  • information system "Transport, underground storage and use of gas, energy facilities" JSC "Gazprom".

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of functional, informational and technological integration of target information and control systems created as part of the Gazprom Informatization Strategy implementation.

As a result of the meeting, the project management committees were instructed to ensure that the systems are put into permanent operation within the timeframes set by the Gazprom Informatization Strategy Implementation Plan.


Gazprom's informatization strategy was approved by the Resolution of the Gazprom Management Committee on January 17, 2008. The strategy defines the key directions of development of information technologies in OAO Gazprom, ensuring the achievement of the company's strategic goals.

As part of the first stage of the Strategy implementation, work is proceeding in accordance with the plan approved at an expanded meeting of the Informatization Coordination Committee held on June 20, 2008 under the leadership of Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee.

The purpose of building the Sectoral Databank of documentary and factual normative and reference information (OBD NSI) in OJSC Gazprom is to create a basis for the formation of a unified information space through the use of a unified methodology, regulations and tools for maintaining NSI. The implementation of the OBD NSI was based on the use of specialized software products SAP MDM, SAP XI, SAP Enterprise Portal. The main result of the creation of the OBD NSI will be the provision of an integral and consistent NSI for the formation of corporate reporting of the Gazprom Group.

The objectives of the project to build an internal corporate Internet portal for OAO Gazprom are: creation of a unified environment for access to information and control systems implemented on the basis of various software platforms and information and reference systems of OAO Gazprom; providing users with access to information resources, regardless of their location, in accordance with the access control regulations; creation of a unified technological platform for ensuring collective work of various user groups. The implementation of the Internet portal was based on the use of the specialized software product SAP Enterprise Portal. The main result of the creation of the portal will be the technological integration of the components of the target system architecture and the integration of access to their resources for users of OAO Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

The purpose of the project is to create Information system "Transport, underground storage and use of gas, energy facilities" OJSC "Gazprom" is to increase efficiency information support Department for Transportation, Underground Storage and Utilization of Gas of OJSC Gazprom and reducing the labor intensity of the process of collecting, processing and storing data on the activities of subsidiaries and organizations of OJSC Gazprom in the field of transportation of gas and gas condensate. The implementation of the system is based on the use of software products SAP BI and SAP Enterprise Portal. The result of the project should be the solution of the following tasks: automation of the process of collecting, processing and storing data; clarification of methods for filling in templates of reporting forms and regulations for the provision of data.

Regulatory reference information - a conditionally permanent component of corporate information, which is the basis for the unification and normalization of data accompanying ongoing business processes, as well as the regulation of the organization's activities. In other words, regulatory and reference information is information resource companies, formed internally and received, as a rule, externally. It contains standards, requirements, rules, regulations and other information that regulates and systematizes the company's activities.

The requirement to ensure interaction and unification of various applied systems of business processes occurring at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_oriented_architecture enterprises and in various organizations, consolidation of reporting documentation, leads to the need to build a system of regulatory and reference information. The system of normative reference information is formed by groups of objects built on all-Russian, industry and corporate (internal) [classifiers] and reference books.

The main problems of NSI in corporate information systems:

  • The All-Russian classifiers and reference books developed by state services and approved at the federal level, designed for the actual content of information with its regular updating and verification, are not fully used:
  • All-Russian classifiers, partially represented in the systems, are not updated and normalized;
  • Information, in the aggregate, is a single whole, divided into several parts, collected in separate directories;
  • System directories are duplicated in terms of information content and functional use;
  • The bulk of these directories is not normalized, the maintenance of reference information is not regulated, as a result of which there is a duplication of information when replenishing the directories. There is no sufficient information in the directory entries (the entries are not fully described);
  • The main share of the classifiers presented in the systems has a weak structure according to the characteristics of the grouping of information, and is one-level, which is not provided by the flexibility and information content of the classification.

Information Systems Regulatory Reference Information.

The corporate reference data system provides storage, processing and providing constant and conditionally constant information to users of the system.

NSI systems are designed to maintain corporate data up to date, ensure completeness, eliminate errors, control the integrity and consistency of data.

Modification of the data stored in the reference data system and their structure is allowed only by system experts. All data modification actions are strictly regulated. Information users are other enterprise ISs that receive data through predefined interfaces.

This approach ensures the correctness of data within the enterprise, regardless of the number and variety of IS used, eliminating duplication of information by different departments and simplifying the construction of summary reports.

The term NSI is of Soviet origin, although no clear definition was introduced in the USSR. In the West, a more suitable analogue of the NSI is Master Data or Master Referenced Data, the essence of which is non-transactional normalized reference information (catalogs) and classifiers (hierarchies). Thus, Master Data can only be viewed as a subset of the NSI concept.

Directory Management Systems can be equated with the international concept of Master Data Management (MDM), which can be considered as part of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

It is fundamental that dictionaries, standards, rules, regulations, which are usually included in the concept of reference data, are not objects of MDM systems.

see also

  • Blog on NSI Sabir Asadullayev
  • SAP Master Data Management


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