There is no button to close the profile in classmates. How to close a page in classmates. We close the profile in OK from unauthorized persons

Many people who regularly use the Odnoklassniki social network often face such a question as the page's publicity. That is, any unfamiliar person can freely visit your page, see all photos, videos, statuses. The question arises: how to make a profile private in classmates?

For such users, it will be interesting to know about one setting that will allow only friends to view and see all the information on your page. Information about you will be hidden for other users.

Service activation is paid - about 20 rubles (if topped up from a mobile phone - 39 rubles).

More detailed instructions on how to make a closed profile in Odnoklassniki:

  • Log in and go to the main page of your profile.
  • In the menu under the avatar, click "change settings".
  • Next, in the proposed list, click "Close profile".

  • A window pops up with a suggestion to "close the profile".

  • Then we press the button “Pay for the service”.

Choose one of the payment methods:

Bank card;

Mobile phone;


Electronic payment systems QIWI, WebMoney, PayPal

  • We pay in any way convenient for you and once again confirm the closure of your profile.

That's all. Setting up the service is not at all complicated and will not take much of your time. Now, after activating this service, only friends will be the only visitors to your page.

In Odnoklassniki, and touched on the topic of a closed profile in OK.

In this article, we will tell you how to close your page on Odnoklassniki from outsiders, to whom this function is useful and why.

If you do not like the excessive openness of social networks, and would like to close the profile from other users, it is possible to do this with the "Private profile" function in OK.

Despite the fact that this option is paid, it can be useful for those who wish to hide their profile data from unfamiliar users. The page information will be available only to friends.

Some sections of your profile will only be available to you, and some will only be available to friends.

There is no function to hide friends from friends in Odnoklassniki, but you can hide followers.

New privacy settings will be available in the closed profile. For example, you can hide your feed, photos, notes and more from strangers.

How to close a page on Odnoklassniki

Step # 1

We enter the OK profile.

Step # 2

We go to my settings in the menu on the left:

Step # 3

In the main settings, at the very bottom there will be an option "Close profile". Click on it:

Confirm the actions in the window that appears:

Step # 4

The next window will ask you to buy the feature. Click on the "Buy" button.

Step # 5

We buy a profile with the help of shackles in Odnoklassniki. If you do not have them, you will have to purchase by paying for the purchase with a credit card.

Step 6

If the payment was successful, a message will appear that the profile is closed and you can go to the settings.

Step 7

Customize the profile as you wish.

Now none of the outsiders will see the information from your page, when they click on you, users will see a message that the profile is closed.

You can close the profile from the public settings:

You can also close the profile using the settings at the top of the page:

Thus, you will protect yourself from intrusive attention and strangers on your page.

By the way, only friends will be displayed in your guests. And if an invisible person came in, then you will know for sure that this is one of your friends.

What is a closed profile on Odnoklassniki? It is used when you need to hide most of the information about yourself: photos, messages, groups. Only friends can view a profile that has been assigned this status. In addition, you can make sure that this profile is not displayed in the search engine of this site.

Close the profile

Step-by-step instruction:

How to pay

Now let's figure out what payment options are and how, in fact, to pay:

Payment is made by Okami (OK). Usually for 35 rubles they offer to buy 20 Okov. But sometimes there are promotions when you can pay 1 ruble for one OK. That is, the same 20 Okov will cost 20 rubles.

How to make a private profile for free

Unfortunately, this feature is not free. However, in the settings, you can make it so that strangers can see only part of the information.

Also, we have a video for you that shows in detail how to close a profile on Odnoklassniki.

Your profile in classmates will be available for viewing by users of this network. Odnoklassniki is a very popular social network, especially among the older and older generation.

The information that you fill in about yourself in your own profile will be available for review. This also includes your photos that you uploaded to your page, albums you created, statuses, your groups and other information.

But many users of classmates want to close their profile from everyone who wants to contemplate it, and have that right. And the right to view their profile is given only to selected members, who are usually friends with them.

So that you can close , you will need to go to the profile settings. Here I will now explain to you step by step how this is done correctly.

  1. On home page your classmates account, click on the "more" button.
  2. Then click on "change settings".
  3. And after that, click on "Close profile".

See figure, buttons to be pressed are indicated by arrows.

After you have pressed the last button, you will see a new small window on your monitor, which will look like this:

Which states that information about you will only be available to your friends on the classmates website.

After that, a new window will pop up to pay for the service to close your profile.

How to close a profile in classmates for free?

Many users of the site classmates want to know how to close a profile for free, and this is understandable in principle. What can you do if we have a passion for freebies since childhood, is there a mentality like that? - So, I will answer your question simply and briefly.

It is impossible to close a profile in classmates for free !!!

In the previous figure, you can see that the site classmates charges 20 OK for this service (OK is the internal currency of classmates), or 12 hryvnia, for residents of Ukraine. For residents of Russia, this amount will be 35 rubles. The money, of course, is small, but, nevertheless, not every user of social networks will want to pay it. Please note that the payment amount may change over time, inflation, and so on, so please note that the amounts shown are valid at the time of writing. Maybe you will read this article five years after writing, and be angry with the author for the implausibility of the information.

The only thing I can advise you about the freeness of this site, if you participate in viewing various photos of the site's users, then you are credited with OK. And with a sufficient number of them, you can pay off the site that paid you them himself.

This is such a cycle in the nature of the Internet.

But we digress a little from the topic, so we will continue our steps to close your profile in classmates.

Help site classmates:

You can close your classmates profile for money in the following ways:

  1. Using a bank card.
  2. Through your mobile phone.
  3. Through terminals for replenishment of the account.

As you can see, the most profitable replenishment is to replenish through the system electronic money... Through the telephone, the most expensive. Payment terminals are also a good option for closing a profile in classmates for money.

Creators social network OK made sure that users set their own privacy and determine who can access their profiles. Thus, two different functions in the service, these are publicity settings and “Close profile”. In this article, you will learn what it means to close a profile on Odnoklassniki, how to do it and how this method differs from the settings in the "Publicity" section. Also read on our website about, and whole line others useful tips and recommendations.

Close a profile on Odnoklassniki: what is it?

First of all, let's figure out how it differs this function from publicity settings:

  • firstly, with its help you can completely hide your profile from all users in just two clicks;
  • secondly, this option is paid. However, the payments are one-time, that is, if you purchase this option once, then in the future you will not have to pay money again to hide the page.

How to find out that a profile in Odnoklassniki is closed?

If you go to someone else's page and see nothing but an avatar, and a large lock "hangs" on a white background, then this profile is closed from unauthorized users. If the page owner has configured privacy so that only friends can write to him, you can try adding to his friend list.

What does a closed profile in Odnoklassniki give?

We talked about what it is. Now let's move on to the opportunities that will appear when you purchase this option on the OK social network:

  • access to your profile is received either by friends, or only by you;
  • no one will be able to comment on your posts and put classes under them;
  • now no one will watch your photos, videos and any other content that is on your page;
  • and the last (probably, for many, this is the main reason for the purchase) - none of the outside users will be able to send you private messages until they are added as a friend. And it's up to you to accept the application or not. Thus, you can weed out unnecessary and annoying people, making your stay and communication on the network as comfortable as possible. Also you can annoy people.

Now you know what it means to close a profile on Odnoklassniki. Let's figure out how to do this.

Connection instructions

To activate this service, follow these steps:

Also read on our website detailed instructions on how to close a profile on Odnoklassniki.

What does it mean - closed profile