How to set up a camera in contact. How to call VKontakte. How to take a photo from a Vkontakte webcam

Not so long ago I wrote an article on how to call. And having learned that the administration of the VKontakte site also "screwed" such a function to their site, I decided to figure it out and explain to you how to call VKontakte.

I want to say that I only tested the spoken option. At the time of this writing, the project is in alpha testing, which means that you may have great difficulties in communication. However, I managed to call and talk to my friend.

So, let's begin. To call, we need a VKontakte account. The next step is to update adobe flash player. We wrote how to do this in the article.

And so, after the operations done above, we can finally try to call. To do this, go to the page to the person with whom we want to contact.

We are interested in the send message button under the photo. Next to it has recently been a button with the image of a webcam, when we click on it, a window pops up in which we need to make some settings. (If you read a similar article about classmates, then you can do it yourself)

We make the settings as shown in the figure below.

Click allow and remember, and then close.

After all the settings, you should start connecting with the interlocutor. If it goes well, then you will hear, and maybe even see each other. The chat window is very similar to the video viewer. It displays, in the middle of the video or photo of the interlocutor, and below: the off button. microphone incl. or off. video, volume control, and on the right side expand to full page.

Now I want to show you what the window will look like if you get a call.

Window view "you are called"

It displays a photo, as well as two buttons to answer or reject. Click to answer and enjoy!

That was all with you was nik-tut.

Ask questions in the comments.

Recently, the administration of the social network does not cease to delight users with various innovations, useful and not very useful. In any case, expanding functionality is always good. Until today, the webcam on the VKontakte social network was the tool with which you could communicate with your friends via video communication. Just yesterday, she expanded her capabilities. Now you can use the new options for uploading photos to Contact, and your camera will help you with that.

Today it is integrated into any laptop, and is also present in absolutely every desktop computer, as an additional device. The developers of the social network cannot but pay attention to this fact, and try to integrate the webcam into the VKontakte social network as much as possible.

So, yesterday we were pleased at the same time with two innovations that relate directly to uploading photos. As for the first update, it allows you from now on to quickly and easily take a picture from your VKontakte webcam and attach the photo to messages or to the wall.

How to take a photo

  1. Open the attach menu.
  2. Select "Photo".
  3. At the top right, you will notice an icon that was not there before. It looks a lot like a webcam. Feel free to click on it with the left mouse button.
  4. All that remains is to take a picture, before that, smiling or making a funny grimace.

If your webcam isn't working?

And what to do if she in VKontakte, for some reason, does not want to work? Try this:

  1. Check if the camera is connected to your computer (it's trivial, but it often happens that this is the problem, so it's worth starting with this).
  2. Make sure that drivers are installed on your computer or laptop specifically for your webcam model.
  3. Allow the webcam to work in the internet browser. Perhaps it is he who blocks access to it?
  4. Update your internet browser to the latest version (and for God's sake, don't use Internet Explorer).
This is about the camera insocial network. Now let's talk about the second innovation.

Second innovation

Not so long ago we told you in VKontakte. You can now attach photos in dialogs directly from the clipboard! Fantasy? No - the reality of VKontakte. As far as you know, before it was enough to throw a link to an image in the chat, and it appeared in the conversation. Now you can just click on any image on the Internet with the right mouse button and "Copy Image", and then with the usual key combination , paste it into the text entry field. Unfortunately, it is impossible to move pictures from a computer to Contact (for now). However, you can make a print screen in the same way (the key of the same name on the keyboard) and also insert the resulting picture into messages. Try it, it's oh-oh-very convenient!

So, from our article you learned not only how the VK webcam is used, but also what to do if the webcam does not work, as well as how to quickly and conveniently share photos and pictures on a social network by simply pasting them from the clipboard exchange.

So, today we will talk with you about how you can set up a video call in "Contact". This is actually very simple to do. Especially if you've already made video calls on other social networks. True, do not be upset if you still have no idea about this case. Everything will be extremely simple and easy. Let's see how to make a video call in "Contact".

When can I?

True, before the implementation of the task, we will have to talk about some of the nuances of our process. For example, an important point here is the fact that we cannot always make calls. Thus, let's see when you can make a video call in "Contact". We'll talk about how to set it up a bit later.

The first thing that needs to be paid attention to is that, of course, our interlocutor must be registered in the social network. In addition, he must have permission to carry out this operation in the settings. If there is none, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to realize our task.

The second point: if you want to make a video call in "Contact", then you should pay attention to the fact that the interlocutor must be online. Otherwise, you will have to postpone a personal conversation until better times. So now that we already know two key points required for the operation, let's take a closer look at the task at hand.


Of course, if we want to make a video call in "Contact", then we need to log in to this social network. In cases where you do not have a completed account, you will have to postpone this lesson until you correct the situation. In fact, registration is very quick and easy. On the main page, just click on the button we need, then fill out a short questionnaire and confirm the actions being taken. That's all. Fill out your profile, add an avatar, add friends - and you can chat.

If you have a work account, then just log in to it. Best of all, by the way, is to work with a computer. It can be very difficult to accomplish the task from mobile devices. Well, when we are logged in, let's start a video call Now we will find out about it.


Naturally, you should not rush and immediately log into the social network. The fact of the matter is that you cannot bring today's idea to life without some equipment. The first thing we need to make a video call in "Kontata" is a microphone.

You will have to pre-select, install and connect this equipment to your computer. If you use a laptop, then, as a rule, it is enough just to install the necessary drivers - the microphone in such "machines" is built-in. After you understand this equipment, you can start to rejoice - we are almost ready to carry out the task at hand. True, you will have to suffer a little more. In particular, with the settings and the very process of the conversation. Now you will understand what this is about.


And here is another rather important point that should not be overlooked. Especially if you want not only to talk to a person, but also to see him. A video call can only be made with a webcam. Without it, unfortunately, you will not succeed.

You will have to acquire this equipment as well. To be honest, nowadays it is very difficult to imagine a modern user without a "webcam". However, there are such cases. Buy the right hardware and then connect it to your computer. Install the drivers and check their functionality. If everything is in order, then you can approach today's issue a little closer. More precisely, let's now start implementing the project. This is not as difficult as it might seem.

Get to the point

After all the equipment is connected, you can start making calls directly. However, first install Flash player on your computer. This utility will help you play videos on the world wide web.

Authorize your profile in "Contact" and connect all equipment to the computer. Now select the interlocutor. Remember, it must be online. After that, go to his profile and look at the inscription under the avatar. To the right of the personal message button should be a small camera image. Click on it. A small window will pop up in which you will need to confirm permission to access the microphone and camera. Do this and then wait a while.

When the other party confirms the call, the video conference will begin. Everything, you can communicate and see each other. It is worth noting the fact that the comrade must also have a camera installed. Without it, your request will simply not work, a message will appear stating that the call cannot be made.

Now I will teach you how to take photos from a webcam to publish them on Vkontakte.

What do we need

A computer with a connected webcam, or a laptop. Almost every model has a built-in camera. After that, all that remains is to go to the social network, and you can start working.

How to take a photo from a Vkontakte webcam

Let's look at two options - they are very similar.

Updating your profile photo

Go to your page and hover your mouse over your avatar. An additional menu will appear. In it, select the item "Refresh Photo".

You may be asked to manually launch Adobe Flash Player - do so.

Now you need to activate access to the camera. To do this, put the switch in the "Allow" item and close the pop-up window.

We catch a suitable angle and press the button "To take a photo"... The photo will be created. If it suits you, click "Save and Continue"... If not, click the "Remove image" button. And we do it again.

Now from the final image, select the area that we want to use for the avatar (see). Select the desired area, then click "Save and Continue".

In the next step we do the same for the miniature. When done, click on the button "Save changes".

The webcam photo will be taken and placed in the album "Photos from my page".

We take a photo from the webcam and send it in a message

Open a dialogue with the required user (see). At the bottom of the screen, hover over the paperclip icon. In the drop-down menu, select "Photo".

The fact that you won't surprise us with Skype is understandable, and even our grandparents who get up early flood in the morning with their evening grandchildren who live in America using practically free video communication. But not everyone knows that the same can be done on the VKontakte social network using the VK video call function.

In 2012, a new beta function "video call" appeared for the first million VKontakte customers. After successful testing, this service became available to all users of the service. Of course, functionally it is much weaker than Skype, but maybe the task of surpassing the competitor was not at all.

For video communication you will need a video camera and a microphone with any interfaces. Also, a flash player must be installed on the computer, preferably the latest version.

To establish a video call, your interlocutor must have a video camera and a microphone installed, and the video call function is enabled in the VKontakte program settings.

If you are using a laptop, then you can use the built-in devices accordingly.

How do I set up the hardware?

First, we connect the video camera.

There may be three options:

  • web-camera with USB interface;
  • IP-video camera wireless, or with RJ-45 connector;
  • video camera with analog or SDI output;

The easiest way is to connect a USB camera. Just plug the camera's USB connector into the corresponding jack on your computer.

Note that if your camera has a USB 3.0 interface, it is unlikely to work through a USB 2.0 connector. These connectors are compatible and similar in appearance, but have different colors. USB 3.0 is marked in blue, very rarely in red.

After connecting, the operating system will detect the new device and if the corresponding driver is found in its database, then nothing needs to be done, it will automatically install the device software itself. You may need to restart your computer.

If this does not happen, then you will need to install the driver from the disk that comes with the camera. If this is not the case, then you need to find it and download it on the Internet.

You can check the performance of the camera using the popular Skype application. Select the "Tools" tab, then "Options" at the top of the program window. You can use the hot key combination CTR + ,. And select "Video Settings". If you see an image from the camera in the drop-down window, then everything is in order.

In Windows XP, the camera connection can be checked by standard means of the operating system.

Connect and identify the IP camera in a slightly different way. First, you need to install the IP Camera DirectShow Filter driver, which will emulate the IP camera like a web. You can also use VH Multi Camera Studio.

Connect the camera with an RJ-45 network cable to your computer. If the camera even has wireless connectivity, the first activation for setup must be done via a cable.

It may turn out that your computer has only one network connector, which is already being used to connect to the Internet. In this case, you will either have to sacrifice the Internet during installation, or install an additional network card.

To see the image, you need to enter the camera's IP address in the browser command line.

If you would like to use a conventional video camera, you will have to use boards or external video and audio input modules. For example, Mini Recorder Blackmagic Design for SDI and HDMI interfaces. For an analog camera, you need to purchase a composite to USB converter.

A bit pricey, but the best in this regard is the Blackmagic Design Intensity Pro 4K device. Although you can choose something simpler like EasyCap DVR, which costs only $ 15. If you do not need to recount the hairs on the beard of your interlocutor, then this device is quite suitable.

But in any case, connecting an analog video camera to the VKontakte service will depend on the compatibility of the software that comes with the device or is supported by it. There is only one piece of advice, even for engineers who despise those who read the instructions before installing the equipment, still read it. You will find many interesting things there.

The microphone integrated into the camera will connect without any problems. But if you have a separate device with a USB interface, then you may need to install a driver. An ordinary microphone with a mini Jack can be safely inserted into the pink jack next to the headphone output.

How to make a video call?

If the camera can be connected and it works, then we are on the way to complete success. To get started, go to the VKontakte service settings under your own account. Below the logo, find two words: "My Settings". Go to the "Privacy" tab. It is located at the top of the screen and look for the line “Who can call me by video link” in the “Contact me” section.

Set in it any variable that suits you, but it is better to set "All friends" first.

Done! Go to the "My friends" tab on the left side of the screen, and look at the screen. If in the lists, next to the name, someone has an icon in the form of a camera, it means that your subscriber, like you, has everything correctly configured for video communication.

If no one has such an icon, then this means that your friends are not on the video call or your friends do not have a camera connected. Write to them in text, for now.

If someone has a camera icon, then click on it and after a few seconds your friend will appear in the window.


To make it easier, we summarize the above information into a protocol:

  1. We register in the VKontakte service, if not registered yet.
  2. We connect the camera and microphone.
  3. We install additional video conversion devices, if necessary.
  4. We install drivers and software according to the above recommendations.
  5. We check the performance locally.
  6. We launch the VKontakte service.
  7. We are looking for friends with cameras;
  8. We get in touch.

Video calling from phone / tablet

When you set up video communication through the VKontakte service on mobile devices, the problems become much less. You don't need to connect any devices, because both the tablet and smartphone have both a camera and a microphone.

There is some inconvenience that not all phones are equipped with a camera on the side of the screen, which means that your interlocutor will not see you, but your knees, for example. Just sometimes wrap your smartphone upside down and say: "And this is me!"

But seriously, just to make a video call to a friend, you need to go to his VKontakte page and click on the button with the camera image, it is located to the right of “Send messages” under the avatar.

And if your friend is able to receive the video signal, then he will see you.

If there are problems with the connection, whether there is no sound, or video, try first to check all the functions of a video call on Skype, if the Skype connection works, then VKontakte should also be attached. If not, then look for problems in the device and its software.

Do not forget that video communication requires a stable connection with a speed of at least 1 Mbit / s, which cannot be provided by the GPRS protocol. This means that you can only connect to your boyfriend or girlfriend using a WiFi or 3G connection.

Check if this communication protocol is available in your area.