Open the left-hand menu near Elbrus. About the city of Elbrus Elbrus Cheget ski

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Elbrus - the highest peak in Europe, is an extinct volcano and consists of two peaks. The western summit is 5642 m high, the eastern one - 5621 m. The distance between the summits is approximately 3 km.

Elbrus is included in the Seven Peaks - the seven highest peaks of the seven parts of the world.


Terskol is a village in the Elbrus region of Kabardino-Balkaria, part of the rural settlement of Elbrus.

The village was built to house the maintenance personnel of the Elbrus recreation area. This is the main ski center of the former USSR and present-day Russia. In the center of the village there is a control and rescue service, which is one of the strongest services in the structure of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

The Terskol tourist base is located in the village and belongs to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

A number of travel companies carry out regular bus routes "Moscow-Terskol-Moscow".

Regular bus tourist and sightseeing trips are also organized from Nalchik (133 km) and Pyatigorsk (155 km) and other cities.

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Polyana Azau

Glade Azau is the highest inhabited point of the Elbrus region. It is located at an altitude of 2300 meters between the slopes of Elbrus and the village of Terskol.

Azau is not only the name of the glade, but also the famous Elbrus glacier. There are many versions of the translation of this word. The first version says that Azau is translated as "a place where there are no people." And the second variation sounds like "a place where people rarely cross the mountains." In any case, both meanings of this name are shamelessly outdated. People often come here to visit the mountains, go on walks or just relax in nature.

You cannot go further than this clearing. Here, running into Elbrus, the asphalt road ends, which passes through the Baksan gorge. Already at the entrance to Azau, along the road, there are dozens of hotels and tourist centers. In the clearing itself, they are lined up along the perimeter, forming a square in the center. Cafes, kebabs and restaurants are neatly located between the hotels. Naturally, there are rental points for mountaineering and sports equipment. So you can safely leave all bulky equipment at home.

The Baksan gorge is one of the most famous not only in Kabardino-Balkaria, but in the entire Central Caucasus. According to statistics, the purely travelers who come here every year are two to three times the total population of Kabardino-Balkaria. This popularity has two reasons. First, the Baksan Gorge is the road to the foot of Elbrus and Cheget. Secondly, it is an incredibly beautiful and unusual place.

Named a gorge along the Baksan River, which starts from the Elbrus glaciers and flows into the Malka, a tributary of the Terek. This is the largest river flowing from Elbrus. The river accompanies the traveler all along the road, makes noise, rolls over numerous rapids, overturning huge boulders. It is impossible not only to swim in it - even to cross is almost unrealistic.

Mount Cheget

Chege "t is a mountain of the Caucasus 3769.3 m high near Elbrus, a popular tourist destination and center of skiing. It is located in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic of the Russian Federation.

At the moment there are 4 lifts and three lines on Cheget Mountain. On the first stage there are two-seat and one-seat lifts, on the second one - one-seat lifts, and on the third - a drag lift (ski passes do not work on it, skiing for a fee). The speed of the lifts is not high, and queues are common.

Cheget offers a beautiful view of the Baksan gorge, the village of Terskol, the two-headed Elbrus on the one side and Donguz-Orun, Kogutai and Nakra on the other.

On the slope of Mount Cheget, on the second stage, at an altitude of 2719 m, there is a cafe "Ai" and a convenient observation deck. The main hotels built in recent years on Chegetskaya Polyana offer a decent level of service, but in snowy years it should be borne in mind that only two - "Cheget" and "Ozon" - are safe in the event of an avalanche.

Baksan river

Baksa "n - a river in the North Caucasus in Kabardino-Balkaria, the right tributary of the Malka (Terek basin). The length of the river is 173 km, the area of \u200b\u200bits catchment basin is 6800 km & sup2.

Baksan originates from glaciers in the Elbrus region. In the upper reaches of the Baksan and its tributaries, there are climbing camps Baksan, Dzhan-Tugan, Elbrus and others, the Elbrus National Park, and the Terskol observatory.

The food is glacial, snowy and underground.

The towns of Tyrnyauz and Baksan are located on the Baksan River, opposite the confluence with the Malka - the city of Prokhladny.

Water is used for irrigation (Baksan irrigation system), the Baksan hydroelectric power station is located on the river.

Cafe Ay

Climbing Mount Cheget begins from a meadow, where there are numerous hotels and cafes. Here is the starting point of the two-chair lift that will take you to the famous café Ai, which means Luna.

The cafe is located at an altitude of 2750 meters. Its round building, perched on an artificially created site right on the mountainside, has been welcoming skiers and snowboarders for many years. Built in the 60s, it was the first and perhaps the only alpine cafe in the USSR. His image, replicated by numerous postcards, photographs and badges, has become the hallmark of the Elbrus region.

This place is truly iconic. The cafe is inextricably linked with bards and bard songs. They say that Yuri Vizbor liked to stay in a hut near the Ai cafe. Here the texts of his new songs and stories for stories were born. In the 90s, the Ai cafe served as a set for the film Breakfast with a View of Elbrus, an adaptation of Vizbor's novel of the same name.

They say that in this cafe they serve the most delicious khychins - flat cakes with potatoes and cheese or meat. From the observation deck of the cafe, while enjoying a cup of fragrant tea or fragrant mulled wine on a sunny day, it is pleasant to admire the two-headed summit of Elbrus and the picturesque Baksan valley stretching into the distance.

Elbrus cable car

Mount Elbrus is extremely loved by skiers from all over the world and it is no coincidence. Firstly, the mountain is covered with snow and ice 12 months a year, which allows you to ride at any convenient time, not excluding autumn and spring, which is rare. Secondly, in general, the slopes of the mountain are gentle, and a total of 15 kilometers of trails are laid on them. The longest one is "Old Horizon - Azau" 2500 meters.

The summit of Mount Elbrus is at an altitude of 5.642 meters. The cable car rises to 3.850 meters. And yet, up to an altitude of 4,800 meters, you can climb with the help of snow groomers (cars on wide tracks).

Lifts on Elbrus consist of three sections of the cable car. Stage 1: Azau - Krugozor, as the name implies, runs from the Azau station (2.350 meters) to the Stary Krugozor station (3000m). On this section there are 2 parallel roads: the old ("Elbrus 1" - pendulum-type road, travel time 15 minutes) and new ("Elbrus" - gondola road, travel time 5 minutes. The capacity is 2400 people per hour. At the stations there is where to eat and drink tea or coffee.

Stage 2: Horizon - Peace. It also consists of an old pendulum road (Elbrus - 2) and a new gondola road (Elbrus). It runs from Stary Krugozor station (3.000 meters) to Mir station (3.500 meters). The travel time of the new gondola road is 5 minutes 13 seconds.

Stage 3: road Mir - Bashi's Gara. On this section there is the Elbrus ropeway. The road starts from Mir station (3.500 meters) and goes to Gara-Bashi station (3850). This is an old 1 chair wide lift.

Glacier "Seven"

Russia / Kabardino-Balkarija / Elbrus / The Seven Glacier is one of the most picturesque glaciers in the Elbrus region. The glacier got its name "Seven" in a shape reminiscent of the number "7".

Narzan Valley

The name of the valley, located in the foothills of the Rocky Range of the Greater Caucasus, speaks for itself. Here, in a picturesque place along the Khasaut River, almost 20 springs of mineralized water of the Narzan type come to the surface. Their water belongs to the carbonate-bicarbonate-chloride sodium-calcium water with mineralization up to 3.3 g / l and carbon dioxide content up to 2.2 g / l. Highly carbonated.

The Narzan Valley is closed on all sides by high ridges. Its peculiar isolation and solitude, of course, affected the local atmosphere. The grandeur and inaccessibility of the mountains, the colored carpet of subalpine meadows, forests of slender fir trees, the purest air - such places, as a rule, affect a person in the most favorable way, cleanse, inspire. And here they also heal. In addition, Elbrus is visible from here, and this is one of the best views of the famous mountain.

Through the Narzan Valley, there is a way to the warm mineral spring Dzhily-Su, located at the foot of Elbrus. From here you can also walk to the waterfalls on the Khasaut and Musht rivers. Favorable climatic conditions make it possible to make hikes and excursions to the Narzan Valley almost at any time of the year. There is also a camp site of the same name, a cafe and a shop.

Monument to the first conquerors of Elbrus

If you, someday, decide to visit the Elbrus region, your path will pass by the monuments to the first two conquerors of Elbrus. The Karachai Khilar Khachirov and the Balkarian Akhiya Sottayev stand against each other - as the personification of human courage and courage.

The official date of the conquest of Elbrus is considered to be 1829, when an expedition was organized, led by the head of the Caucasian fortified line, General G.A. Emmanuel. The expedition was of a scientific nature. It consisted of more than 20 people. Elbrus conquered at the cost of great efforts: many participants showed signs of altitude sickness, which could lead to death, and therefore at an altitude of 4270 m, it was decided to go down.

The ascent was continued by the Karachai athlete Hillar Khachirov.

On July 10, 1829, he was the first to set foot on the top of Elbrus, fixed a pole on it, surrounded it with stones and, as proof, left his hat. The news of the first ascent of Elbrus spread throughout many countries.

The most popular attractions in the Elbrus region with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of the Elbrus region on our website.

This time our path lay through the capital of Kabardino - Balkaria, the city of Nalchik. It took about two hours from Nalchik to Terskol. The road is good, picturesque, especially in summer, when there is a lot of sun and greenery. Before reaching Terskol a couple of kilometers, we turned to the Cheget glade. Don't get lost, there is a pointer there.

The purpose of our trip was to climb Mount Cheget. Translated from Balkar means "northern" or "in the shadow". The weather was wonderful, the sky without a single cloud, just what you need for beautiful photos. In anticipation of vivid impressions, we arrived at the ski lift at 8 am.

There were still few tourists, the cable car worked from 9, and we had an hour left, which we decided to spend in a cafe over a cup of coffee.

Cheget is famous for its ski slopes in winter and hiking trails in summer. Skiers - beginners have nothing to do here, the tracks are designed for experienced athletes.

Look at the diagram, the tracks are mostly red and blue.

Both professionals and amateurs climb to the top on foot, but if you spent a year on the couch, it will be hard. The rise is quite serious. Local guides take those wishing to climb Elbrus here for primary acclimatization before the hike.

Any equipment can be rented. There is everything you need in winter and summer.

In fact, Polyana Cheget is a small town with its own tourist infrastructure. Lots of hotels, hotels, cafes. The place is quite popular with foreigners. English and German were heard everywhere.

There is a market and shops. You can buy almost everything, both clothes and food and souvenirs. There is a Sberbank ATM in the hall of the Cheget boarding house, a pharmacy, a first-aid post.

It is better to book hotels in advance, there is a chance of not finding a suitable room. Moreover, the flow of holiday lovers in the Elbrus region is increasing every year.

Closer to 9 in the morning, the glade began to revive noticeably. Groups of tourists walked to the top. The number of cars noticeably increased, the barbecues in the cafe started smoking.

Finally we waited for the opening of the cable car. The price of one ticket is 700 rubles. Cards are accepted, but there are problems with the bank. What we did, it's good that there was cash.

Chairlift, open. On the first stage - Cheget-1, double chairs, lifting length 1600 meters. And so we started up.

It makes no sense to write about the views that are gradually opening up with each meter. See the photos, or rather drive yourself!Elbrus can be seen at a glance. Fascinating impressions, in fact, that's why we went.

Stop at Cheget-2. We walked a bit near the famous cafe Ay. The height here is 2720 meters, the height difference is about 650 meters.

A little lower is the observation deck, overlooking the Baksan gorge and the Cheget glade.

Surprised by the girl who stood on the stone below the cable car and took pictures of everyone. Looking ahead, keep in mind that you will find your photo on the wall with magnets as you go downstairs. You can buy it for 100 rubles. We liked the surprise. So do not skimp on smiles for the girl!

The forest was replaced by rocks, the first glaciers appeared.

So, enjoying the pictures of Cheget and Elbrus, we reached the final point of the ascent.

Climbing a little higher, we reached the snowfield. They were photographed on the cliff, against the background of Elbrus.

Far below the village of Azau was visible, and opposite we saw waterfall Maiden Braids where we climbed on foot this year. The road to the waterfall was clearly visible, and we recalled our journey with pleasure, looking for familiar places.

Do not rush to descend back. Make a little effort and go to the other side of the gorge. There is no need for special equipment, only comfortable shoes.

The view from here impressed no less. We saw the famous glacier Seven. Unfortunately, we do not know the names of all the mountains and gorges.

There was a lake below. Moreover, the water in it was multi-colored. We urgently need to study the geography of these places.

We witnessed a photo session of a beautiful young couple for a wedding album. Mount Cheget is ideal for photo tours. We have not come across more spectacular locations for pictures.

After taking a huge number of photos, we went down to the cafe. They offer branded berry tea, in fact, a hot compote, very tasty. And sweets - baklava, brushwood, buns. Prices are slightly higher than below. Tea, coffee cost about 100 rubles, a slice of sweets about 150.We climbed to drink tea on a huge stone. It tastes better!

What we would like to advise for a trip to Cheget in the summer. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, small stones crumble under your feet, you can fall. Use a protective sunscreen for the face, at altitude you can burn very quickly and imperceptibly. It is better to choose clothes with long sleeves and be sure to have something warm with you. Sunglasses are desirable.

I really didn't want to leave, but I had to go down. The brightest emotions on the way down! Especially if you are afraid of heights!Baksan gorge at a glance.The last photos, and here we are below, in a clearing.

Many tourists prefer to dine here. They even come specially from Azau and Terskol. Prices are the same everywhere. Shorp 150-200 rubles, khychins 60-100 rubles, shashlik 250-300 rubles for a small skewer. For 300-400 rubles, you can have a very hearty lunch. We always order shorpo, after a dry meal on the road, a liquid rich lamb soup seasoned with garlic and pepper is what you need.

Finally, we walked around the market. How can you leave without a souvenir. For 100 rubles we bought some kind of shaggy creature. They said that he (or she) protects the house, like our brownie.

We went to Terskol to spend the night. After the last trip, when we were looking for a hotel room for half a night, this time we were ready in advance. Booked for hotel "Kupol". A standard double room cost 2000 rubles.

We lived on the fourth floor, with a view of Cheget from the balcony. The construction “landscapes” around us spoiled the impression a little, but this is all temporary. Parking for as far as cars. Downstairs there is a cafe with traditional local cuisine. The room is very comfortable, the bathroom and shower are clean. There is a refrigerator, TV. WI-FI access.

I didn’t like that the room had neither a kettle nor a cooler with hot water. There are no options to make tea or coffee in the morning, and the cafe is still closed at 8:00. Had to have breakfast elsewhere.

We book a hotel in advance on or on both services are tested, on the second you can find the price below.

The Prielbrusye ski resort is one of the largest and most popular winter recreation areas in Russia for active sports tourists. Located in the Caucasus, in the depths of the Baksan Valley, it united two whole mountain slopes - Elbrus and Cheget.

How to get to the resort "Elbrus"

You can get from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Prielbrusye by plane and train. Let's talk about the ways of moving in more detail.

The ski resort is located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic of Russia (the capital is Nalchik). The nearest large cities are Nalchik, Mineralnye Vody, Essentuki, Prokhladny, Pyatigorsk. And the villages that are in close proximity to the "Elbrus" and to which, in fact, you need to drive up - Neutrino, Elbrus, Tegenekli, Terskol, Baidaevo... All of them are located along the main road that leads directly to the recreation area.

By plane you can fly to the two airports closest to the resort - Mineralnye Vody and Nalchik. Moreover, it is more convenient to the airport of Mineralnye Vody (there is a wider choice of airline carriers), although it is located further from Prielbrusye than the airport of Nalchik. So which "air gate" to choose is up to you.

You can see the prices of plane tickets on the website

You will have to get from the airport to the resort by taxi, buses or minibuses... Local public transport runs irregularly and rarely, so the ideal option is to book a taxi transfer in advance. Travel time from both airports is approximately 2.5-3.5 hours.

If you prefer to move to train, then from Moscow (or St. Petersburg) you can get to Pyatigorsk, Nalchik, Prokhladny, Mineralnye Vody.

From the railway station to the Elbrus ski resort can be reached by public transport (bus, minibuses), but they rarely go. It is best to use a taxi service by ordering a car in advance - this way you will save time and you will not have to freeze. Travel time - 2.5-3 hours.

Lift pass: cost and other details

Elbrus resort (or Elbrus-Azau)

The resort has two cable cars... One is an old pendulum, the other is a more modern gondola (the third is under construction). Ski passes for both lifts are sold for one day only.

Please note that when buying a ski pass for a gondola CD, you will have to pay a security deposit of 300 rubles. (it is refundable if you return the ticket on time and without damage).

You can use the cable cars free of charge (by providing the relevant documents confirming the benefits):

  • participants of the Second World War;
  • disabled people of group I;
  • children under 7 years of age (under the supervision of elders).

Gondola CD

Pendulum CD

From the station "Mir" to the station "Gara-Bashi" you can go up by snow-compacting machines, snow groomers, the estimated cost of the trip is 400 rubles.

Resort "Cheget"

There is one chairlift on "Cheget". The cost of a ski pass for the whole day is 800 rubles, an excursion ticket is 500 rubles. Benefits are valid for the same category of citizens as in the Elbrus-Azau resort.

Ski season in the ski resort "Elbrus"

The skiing season lasts in the Elbrus ski resort from November to May. It should be noted that some parts of its slopes are full-fledged snow slopes literally all year round.

Weather and snow availability by month

The climate of the Elbrus region is formed by the high-mountainous terrain and its contrasting relief. On the plains, it is continental, however, climbing the mountains, you almost always find icy cold. True, there are surprisingly many sunny days here. Frost and sun are ideal companions for a ski resort.

Trails (trail map, trail information, length, snow quality)

Elbrus is also visited by beginners who are only striving to learn the delights of skiing, and by riders with many years of skiing experience behind them. The slopes here are mostly wide and gentle "blue" for confident skiers with short "red" sections. Beginners are awaited at the Azau glade, where a “green” (flattest) track and a rope-lift are prepared for them.

The Elbrus-Azau resort consists of 7 tracks with a total length of 11 km. Excellent snow cover and, accordingly, the skiing season is established here from October to May.

There are several stations on Elbrus: Stary Krugozor (3000 m), Mir (3500 m), Gara-Bashi (3780 m) and Priyut-11 (4100 m). There are small hotels, "high-mountain shelters" - here those who ride and climb Elbrus can rest, sleep and refresh themselves.

Resort "Cheget"

Slopes for extreme lovers, descents running through a pine forest, silence and unity with nature - all this is about Cheget. The total length of its tracks is 20 km. There are 15 of them in total, with elevation differences from 2100 to 3050 m. The dense snow cover here occurs from November to May (sometimes to June).

Descending on "Cheget" is an indescribable pleasure for lovers of adrenaline sensations. Skiing is desirable in a group equipped with the necessary equipment, as snow avalanches are not uncommon on its northern slope. The Cheget hillocks, natural training footholds for maintaining balance, will add to the sharpness of impressions. But for fans of snowboards, it is better to go straight to the southern slope, the slopes there are wide and rather steep.

The lightest track (marked in green on the map) is also the highest (3070 m, from the Cheget-3 station on the tow bar). Its length is incredibly small - only 350 m. Below there are black and red slopes for professional skiers.

Entertainment at the resort

How to entertain yourself and friends at the Prielbrusye resort, except for skiing and boarding? There are a lot of options:

  • Go for a walk in the natural national park "Prielbrusye" - a unique area, rich fauna and stunning views.
  • Go to the village Terskol - a real sports center "Prielbrusya". There is a well-equipped paintball court and all conditions for helibiking (mountain biking). And if paintball has long entered the hearts of gambling team players, then a few words should be said about helibiking. Skiers are lifted to hard-to-reach places by helicopter, and experienced riders are descending on bicycles.
  • Horseback riding - horseback riding on horses of the Karachai breed will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs.
  • Visit "natural" excursions, admire the local gorges, see with your own eyes the Blue Lake, waterfalls, hot springs, the Narzan Valley.
  • Visit local shops - stock up on souvenirs and edible treats (like local wine and cheeses).
  • Break away in disco bars and nightclubs - and have dinner and dance. They are located in the glades of Cheget and Azau (for example, "Captain Pit", "Chegebar", "Balkaria" "Deep Purple")
  • Going to the bathhouse or sauna is the best relaxing winter vacation! They are waiting for you at the Zimnyaya Skazka Hotel, Sky Elbrus, Ozone 7 Peaks, Povorot and others.
  • Play billiards - almost all hotels and boarding houses invite amateurs to friendly matches.

Services at the resort (ski schools, etc.)

The ski resort "Elbrus" is equipped with rental points for the equipment necessary for a rider - clothes, skis, snowboards, boots, helmets, sticks, backpacks, even tents, cats, carbines and glasses. They are located in the glades of Azau and Cheget, as well as at most hotels and inns.

The experienced instructors of the resort are waiting for beginners-skiers and those who have already “made their first steps”, got their dose of adrenaline and want to improve their professional level. The estimated cost of an hour of individual lessons is 1000 rubles. On the official website of "Elbrus" you will find the phone numbers of the coaches, you should sign up for them in advance.

Where to stay: list of hotels

The main question that interests those who want to relax at the Elbrus ski resort is where to stay? On the territory of the complex and in neighboring villages, there are a lot of options for every taste and preference - from modest economy-class hostels to hotels with luxury rooms. Read more about accommodation options in our article.

You can find accommodation options on your own on

Hotels on the map:


You can move around the resort and to nearby settlements by public transport (buses, minibuses), cars and snow groomers (special snow machines) - about this in our article.


You can also take a taxi inside the ski resort - cars will comfortably drive you to your desired destinations in the Elbrus region and the surrounding area, and to the airport and railway station.

You can order a taxi or transfer from Mineralnye Vody to your hotel on a large and reliable website for ordering a taxi KiwiTaxi. Just fill out the application and they will find you a transfer for any number of people at the best price.

Facts you need to know about the resort

  • Having decided to spend a vacation at the Elbrus ski resort, you need to take into account its climatic features - you may not have enough oxygen at high altitudes, but the sun's rays are abundant. Stocking up on sunscreen is the least you can do.
  • Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus and Russia, but also in Europe itself (the western peak is 5642 m, the eastern one is 5621 m).
  • Toponymists offer various translations of the name "Elbrus", each is beautiful in its own way: "Rising Mountain", "Snow Cap," Shiny Peak ".
  • Mount Elbrus has two peaks, two peaks - western and eastern. The craters of extinct volcanoes are covered with snow and ice all year round, which is why the ski season in some parts of Elbrus does not stop even in summer.
  • If you choose between Cheget and Elbrus, we recommend the latter: experienced riders, novice skiers, and snowboarders ride here.
  • In the famous round cafe "Ai" (translated from the Balkarian "moon"), which is at the station "Cheget-2", the bard Yuri Vizbor liked to stay.
  • In clear sunny weather with a local, simply amazing, air transparency, the viewing range from Elbrus reaches 300 km. So, if you wish, you can see both Nalchik and Pyatigorsk.
  • Going to Elbrus, do not forget to put the time forward four hours (in comparison with Moscow and St. Petersburg).
  • Skiers who have chosen the resort confidently declare that Elbrus is the highest mountain for skiing in the world. Check it out too!

Want even more interesting facts about the Elbrus ski resort? ...

Elbrus resort webcams

The images broadcast on the Elbrus' webcams, which allow online observation of its active resort life, can be found in our article.

Elbrus in summer

Did you know that you can come to a ski resort not only during the "cold season", but also in summer? Read about what to do in Prielbrusye at this wonderful time of the year in our article.

Resort in numbers (highest and lowest points, elevation difference, longest run)

Elbrus resort (or Elbrus-Azau)

The longest track of the Elbrus-Azau resort (length - 2.5 km, elevation difference - 650 m) is “Stary krugozor”.

Resort "Cheget"

The highest point is the Cheget-3 station (3000 m), the lowest point is the Cheget glade (2100 m), the elevation difference is 1140 m. The length of the longest route of the Cheget resort is 5 km.

Safety at the resort

The resort with a half-century history is a recreation area, which many skiers speak of warmly from year to year. Its safety and reliability are confirmed by the competent services of the Russian Federation. The slopes are protected by special mesh fences. The resort has a 24/7 emergency response mine rescue service.

We have told you about the “Prielbrusye” resort, which is dynamically developing and which has managed to fall in love with many skiers. We hope that our advice will be useful to everyone who has decided to test in practice the stories about its natural beauty and uniqueness. Great travel and easy descents!

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