How to set up msi afterburner. MSI Afterburner - Overclocking Your Graphics Card Correctly! Sliders are at their maximum and do not move

Multifunctional program to control the video card. It works with graphics cards from AMD and NVIDIA, allows you to overclock, enable data monitoring functions in games and more. As part of this publication, we will consider the question “how to configure MSI Afterburner»For the correct operation of the video card.

Program setting

Important! For full operation of the program, do not uncheck the boxes of RivaTuner Statistics Server. Install bundled with MSI Afterburner.

MSI Afterburner basic settings are opened by clicking on the gear. At the first start, 7 tabs are available in the menu:

  1. Basic and Monitoring.
  2. Capture Screenshots and Videos.
  3. Profiles and Interface.

To begin with, in the "Basic" tab, set:

  1. "Synchronize settings of the same GPU" if your PC has two graphics cards.
  2. "Unlock Voltage Monitoring" to access the use of the Core Voltage slider.
  3. "Run with Windows" to integrate some functionality and run with the operating system.

Click OK and restart the program.

Cooler operation

In the program, you can change the rotation speed of the coolers, which depends on the heating temperature of the video card. Unfortunately, this feature is only available for desktop PCs. Open the "Cooler" tab in the properties. You can change the parameters by dragging points on the graph.

Setting FPS in the game

To configure the monitoring mode, in the "Monitoring" tab, select by pressing and set the "frame rate" values \u200b\u200band click "Show in On-Screen Display Overlay". Besides, you can display other parameters in the same way. In the game, the necessary monitoring data will be displayed on the screen.

Working with EDI

In this tab you can set hot keys and set additional settings displaying text on the screen in computer games.

When you click the "Advanced" button, a new window with settings is displayed.

Saving screenshots of the game

In the "Capture screenshots" tab, you can configure the key that will be used to save. In the "Capture screenshots" line, click with the mouse pointer and press a key or key combination. In the future, pressing the indicated keys will save the imprint of the image from the screen. You can also drag the folder where screenshots will be saved.

MSI Afterburner allows you to control graphics cards from red and green, namely, adjust the speed of coolers, monitor, overclock hardware, capture video, and many others. The program works with graphic cards from any manufacturer. The user just needs to install MSI Afterburner on his computer, after which he can fully use the program's capabilities.

This article will show you how to enable in-game monitoring using MSI Afterburner. Let's consider not only how to use MSI Afterburner, but also what monitoring settings are best to set. And also pay attention to how to configure the monitoring parameters in the game, for normal display in games, so as not to distract from the game.

Users are looking for how to download MSI Afterburner from the official website in Russian. There really is such an opportunity, since you can change the localization of the interface right in the program. It is also recommended to choose a more convenient skin for the program, since the standard one is not suitable for every user.

It is worth mentioning before installation that you need to be careful when using MSI Afterburner. Since the overclocking functionality of the hardware and the ability to adjust the fan speed can harm the computer, especially in the hands of beginners.

  1. Go to the official website of the MSI Afterburner program and in the section Downloads push the button Download Afterburner.
  2. Next, open the downloaded file and follow all the steps of the program installer.

The main thing is to make sure that MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner Statistics Server are selected at the step of choosing the components of the program to be installed. Since RivaTuner Statistics Server extends MSI Afterburner by adding the ability to enable FPS monitoring.

After installation, we immediately start changing the language of the program interface. It is enough to open MSI Afterburner and go to settings by clicking the gear at the bottom of the program. Then go to the section Interface and in paragraph Regional settings choose Russian language.

In the monitoring tab, you can also enable other parameters that the user considers necessary to be displayed on the monitor during the game. Please note that various boot parameters for graphics core or temperatures are available in MSI Afterburner without the additional RivaTuner Statistics Server component. If you do not have settings for monitoring frame rate, then make sure RivaTuner Statistics Server was installed with MSI Afterburner.

The last step is to set up appearance overlay on-screen display. You can choose one of the available styles, or simply customize the fonts and colors for yourself.

Style settings are available in MSI Afterburner properties. Just go to the bookmark Monitoring and highlighting the required monitoring schedule press the button Selecting an On-Screen Overlay Style in the form of three dots near the point Show in EDM.

In the window that opens, just select the active display style you like or customize the current style by changing its properties.

As well as additional settings for OSD Overlay display, please refer to RivaTuner Statistics Server utility. It is enough to open the RivaTuner Statistics Server utility directly or go to the tab in MSI Afterburner properties OED and press the button Additionally.Here, in another interface, you can adjust the color, font, size and select the position of the text. And also many other parameters are available and the ability to immediately view the configured text parameters.


MSI Afterburner is a powerful tool for managing and monitoring graphics adapter parameters. The user just needs to download and install the MSI Afterburner program from the official website. You can choose the Russian interface language immediately after installing the program.

MSI Afterburner allows you to enable game monitoring, namely to enable the display of frames per second (FPS). Previously, we looked at, although MSI Afterburner did not make the list, but it can also display a counter of the number of frames per second and more. Also look, as it is more suitable for beginners and also control the speed of the coolers connected to the motherboard.

Hello! Do you play tanks and everything slows down? - do not rush to throw away your computer ... real tankers do not cry, but are looking for a way out of this situation. In this case, we will consider an example of a program for overclocking a video card (and as you know, jokes are bad with overclocking - so read the article carefully to understand the seriousness of your manipulations with the video card)

Overclocking (or overclocking) is a useful thing, but you need to use it wisely ... the fact is that initially the components of your computer are not designed for use in such operating modes - therefore, everything we do - we do at our own peril and risk, moreover overclocking is a powerful argument in the waiver of warranties.

So if it was not calculated, why is it done then? - The answer is quite simple ... for example, a video card can be operated both in a cramped case and in a spacious and well-ventilated case, all this is taken into account by engineers. One of the main problems with overclocking is heating. The more we drive, the higher the heat dissipation, and if you overdo it, then you can very simply burn the video card in the literal sense of the word.

However, if the temperature regime allows, then you can cheat a little ... (some video cards with a good cooling system can even be slightly overclocked directly by the manufacturer, since the temperature regime will be normal)

Afterburner MSI: how to use the program?

I don't think it's worth reminding that overclocking is very demanding on the stability of all components in a computer ... whether it is a power supply or motherboard... Overclocking the video card increases the load on the power circuits, and excessive heating can easily increase the temperature of all components in the case, which, of course, is very bad for the computer.

However, if you have an excellent case, top-end components from well-known manufacturers, then overclocking is no longer just a necessity - but a sporting interest, so to speak. I remember in the days when I had a GeForce 2 MX 200 of 32 megabytes - in order to play GTA 3 without brakes, I had to drive this old woman a little ... the simple program Riva Tuner helped me with this. So, Afterburner MSI - this application was also developed by the author of that old program, and its functionality is very similar - the visual component has rather been updated - and the rest is all in place!

So how do you use MSI Afterburner? It's really simple here ... we first need to download the application from the official website (according to the rules license agreement we must have a video card manufactured by MSI - but since no one reads these agreements with us, you can skip this point)

You can download it here -

You need to install all the components, otherwise not all program functions will work correctly, or they will not be active at all. After launching, you will see the interface of the program, we will immediately go into the settings and see what the developers from MSI have prepared for us there ... (and yes, overclocking does not mean an increase in graphics memory as many think - I don't know where such a stable concept came from ...)

And there are a lot of settings here - but in general, on the points, everything is clear what and where ... the add-on with the choice of the leading GPU was very amusing (if you have several of them - why drive then?)... there is also a bunch of useless functions like take a screenshot (as if it's convenient here) or necessary - such as mappings important information on top of all windows ... save and return back to the main program window.

There are two main sliders here - these are Core Clock (MHz) and Memory Clock (Mhz) ... The first is responsible for performance gPU, and the second for the speed of the memory on the video card ... (by the way, it is not necessary to overclock - on the contrary, you can lower the performance of the video card and reduce its heating)... Our task with you is to find such an option in which the video card will get a plus in performance and will not become a stove ... This is where the most interesting thing begins - the point is that everything at this stage is completely individual ... even if you take two identical computers - from one may have some results, while your neighbor may have completely different results.

We need to add a little performance and keep running some one in order to see the temperature of the graphics core (the maximum acceptable is somewhere around 85 degrees Celsius - if it is higher, then it is better not to mess with these sliders). And so, little by little, little by little we are identifying the golden mean!

Now you know how to use MSI Afterburner - but there is one more little trick - the fan speed control. For example, I had a powerful turbine on the 2900XT ... and I rarely heard that it worked above 70% of its capacity ... and there was overheating, so you can choose how fast the fan rotates at a certain temperature. Of course, this will probably have a bad effect on the life of the fan, but it is usually not a problem to replace it with a new one, which cannot be said about the video card itself.

Afterburner MSI: how to use it? - the answer is right in front of you ... if you were expecting a detailed description for beginners - then ask yourself a question, do you want to risk and endanger your video card? If you are not aware of all those points, then it is better not to touch them 😉

In contact with

Msi Afterburner is designed to manage Nvidia and AMD graphics cards. Its main features are as follows: controlling the frequency of the GPU and memory, changing the supply voltage, adjusting the coolers of the video card, taking data about the state of the video card from sensors and displaying them on the screen.

Also, the program, originally aimed at gamers, allows you to record videos and take screenshots. The software is indispensable for the miner, with its help it is easy to optimize video cards for long-term operation with minimal wear and tear and power consumption, or to overclock them to get the maximum return in a short time.

The program allows you to manage a group of video cards, and save up to five different profiles with settings. The software is free. The easiest way to download Msi Afterburner is from the official website.

After installation and launch, the main program window opens:

The dial on the left displays the current GPU frequency, below it - the video memory frequency.

On the dial on the right is the supply voltage, and under it is the temperature of the video processor.

Under the left dial - the button for setting the program autorun at Windows startup, under the right - the buttons for saving the profile and switching between different settings profiles.

In the middle, above the indication of the video card model and the version of its drivers, there is an advanced settings button (with a gear), a reset button to standard settings, and a button for applying the current settings (which are set using the sliders between the dials).

Some sliders may be inactive, and in order to access control of all the parameters, you need to click on the gear to go to the advanced parameters, where on the "General" tab, check the boxes in the "Compatibility Properties" column:

Now you can do fine tuning video cards. The miner is primarily interested in the frequency of the GPU, video memory, the speed of the cooler, and the temperature of the video card under load. If you want to get the maximum performance of a video card, find on the profile resources the typical values \u200b\u200bof frequency and voltage for your model of a video card in overclocking, and step by step move the corresponding sliders to these numbers.

Be careful with voltage - an increase in current causes strong heating, and if you overclock a video card, it is better to set the cooler speed to 100% in advance, and also set the temperature limit to no more than 80-90 degrees. An overclocked video card will give a high hash rate, but its lifespan will be reduced, sometimes to a year or several months.

Nowadays miners often do the opposite, and choose sparing settings in order to extend the life of the video card. To do this, you need to empirically find minimum value voltage at which the video card is able to operate at the factory frequency - this will reduce overheating. And limit the rotational speed of the cooler so that it does not overload in vain, and the required temperature balance is observed - no higher than 60-70 degrees.

Cooling fans are the only moving part in a graphics card, and they often fail if they are constantly running at maximum speed. A suddenly broken fan can cause the video card to overheat. It is also advised to choose the upper temperature limit so that it does not interfere with stable operation, but turns off the video card when the slightest overheating occurs.

All of these settings must be done with care. Do not try to set high frequency values \u200b\u200band even more voltage at once - at best, the video card simply will not start. Move the sliders to 5-10 MHz, and test the stability of the card under load with new settings.

You can check the operation of the video card by running the benchmark in the advanced settings of the program. If you see stripes or artifacts on the screen, the frequency of operation must be urgently reduced.

If you hover the cursor over any button and hold it for a few seconds, you will see a prompt with detailed description its functions:

Therefore, figuring out how to set up Msi Afterburner will not be difficult even for a beginner. And this is the necessary knowledge for a miner.

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After the end of support for Riva Tuner, MSI Afterburner was released based on it. Its functions include: overclocking graphics processors by increasing the voltage of key elements, increasing the frequency of memory functioning and graphics chip, regulating the speed of rotation of the cooler and monitoring the current state of the graphics card. How to use MSI Afterburner, and what it is, will be discussed below.

The utility monitors the dynamics of the device's temperature and is able to display warnings about exceeding the critical (set by the user) value graphics chip temperature.

Install MSI Afterburner

The program is downloaded from the Russian-language version of the official resource for its support, located at the link.

  1. After clicking on it, click "Download Afterburner" and wait for the archive with the installer to download.
  1. Unpack compressed file through archiver or file manager.

Figure: 2 - Unpacking the archive via 7Z

  1. Specify the interface language and click "OK".

Figure: 3 - Selecting the interface language

  1. In other windows, click "Next", specifying the path for installing the program.

Figure: 4 - Specify the installation path

  1. After copying and registering files, launch Afterburner.

Figure: 5 - Launch Afterburner after installation

After starting the program, the display will show its interface with the main data: current operating parameters gPU and his condition.

Stylish Afterburner design

The default skin for the program is not very easy to use, so many users immediately change it to a more user-friendly one. To do this, call the "Settings" by clicking on the gear icon in the center of the window.

Figure: 6 - Button for calling application settings

Then go to the "Interface" tab and in the third subsection "Properties of skins ..." choose a more suitable type of application design. Its language, temperature format (Celsius / Fahrenheit) and time are also indicated here.

In the "Basic" tab, select the graphics processor to be configured if a pair of video cards is used or, in addition to the integrated one, a discrete one is installed. If there are two identical devices working in conjunction, mark the option to synchronize their settings.

Fig. 7 - Selecting the default video card

The left pane contains data with numbers about the current value of the frequency of the GPU and video memory... To the right, the current temperature and voltage are visualized.

Figure: 8 - Information panel

The central part of the interface is occupied by a frame with sliders, with the help of which the regulation is carried out:

  • core voltage;
  • power limitation;
  • boundary temperature;
  • graphics core frequency;
  • memory frequency;
  • cooler speed.

Figure: 9 - Frame for overclocking the video card

Below the frame, next to the button for calling the settings window, there is a button for resetting the settings to the factory settings.

Figure: 10 - Button to reset settings

The bottom of the MSI Afterburner interface is occupied by a monitoring window with graphs of temperatures and other operating parameters of the graphics card.

Figure: 11 - Window for monitoring key indicators

The last important element of the interface is the panel for managing overclocking profiles and switching between them.

Figure: 12 - Managing presets

Simple rules for voltage control

The program allows you to adjust the voltage on the host graphics adapter. Depending on its microarchitecture and the microcircuit used, the parameter can be displayed in millivolts or as a percentage of the initial value.

By default, the option is disabled on all devices, except for branded devices (from MSI). To activate it, you need to go to the main application settings and enable the corresponding option. Several modes are available here: for reference chips, for chips from MSI and third-party graphics adapters.

Figure: 13 - Unlocking the supply voltage control function

If after activating the option it still remains inactive (grayed out), refer to your GPU manual. Most likely, Afterburner does not support the on-device programmable microcontroller, even if it does support voltage control.

Increase the value of the parameter gradually, by several percent each time, and closely monitor the temperature and stability of the video card after each change in the value. With a significant increase, the device will overheat faster and make more errors in the calculations, which is likely to lead to malfunctions of the entire system, the appearance of artifacts, etc.

After reprogramming the controller, which is carried out by clicking on the button with the checkmark, it is best to graphics card stress test, for example, using the proprietary utility Kombuster. If no deviations are noticed for a couple of hours, the indicator can be increased by a few more percent or tens of units.

Figure: 14 - Applying a new configuration

If, after saving, the core voltage changes to the standard value, try going to settings and choosing a different voltage control method, but most likely, you won't be able to adjust the value through MSI Afterburner.

Changing Peak Power Consumption

The option is not active on all devices, it works only when the technology for managing electricity consumption is implemented in the graphics adapter.

Figure: 15 - Slider for changing the maximum power consumption

Core and video memory frequency

Core Clock will help you change the maximum operating frequency of the GPU. The higher it is, the more information is processed in one clock cycle. Memory Clock - a parameter providing access to programming the video memory frequency. Depending on the device, the values \u200b\u200bcan be presented explicitly or as a percentage of the original.

It is worth increasing / decreasing parameters by a few percent or a couple of tens of units at each step, conducting stress tests after each save the settings or launch "Hard" game... In the second case, it is recommended to run RTSS, the installation of which is offered after Afterburner. The program in the overlay (overlay) mode visualizes the current number of frames issued by the video card in the game.

Figure: 16 - Adjusting the frequency of the graphics core

Effective cooling

To activate manual change of the variable, click on the gear icon next to the slider Fan Speed.

Figure: 17 - Enabling the manual control of the cooler speed

If you want the system to automatically adjust the fan speed based on the current temperature of the video card, switch to automatic adjustment of the value by clicking on the Auto icon.

Figure: 18 - Activate the automatic fan speed control

In the "Cooler" settings section, you can specify the frequency of the parameter update and achieve maximum cooling efficiency, minimizing the fan bounce.

Figure: 19 - Changing the update period for the current fan speed


In the Afterbuner settings tab of the same name, the option to turn off rendering is available unnecessary graphs and indication of the peak values \u200b\u200bof all indicators that are read by the program from the sensors. Upon reaching the specified value, the application will warn the user about the achievement upper limit, e.g. temperature.

Figure: 20 - Removing unnecessary graphs from the monitoring window


For various situations (modern games, video processing, very graphics-intensive games, working with 2D graphics), MSI Afterburner has the ability to save five different overclocking options. For games, for example, the indicators responsible for the performance of the device should be increased, and for watching movies, surfing the Internet and text editors you can reduce the power consumption of the video card.

What is remarkable, switching between profiles is carried out "on the fly" by clicking on a single icon or by using the keys assigned to it.

To add a preset, change the required overclocking settings in the central window and click on the "Save" icon.

Figure: 21 - Saving new settings in a separate profile

Then click on one of the blinking numbers to assign the current configuration to its corresponding cell.

In the "Profiles" settings tab, activation of each of the presets can be assigned to a combination of hot keys that are not used in the system.

Figure: 22 - Assigning a combination of hot keys to the activation of the list of settings

Previously, the app was equipped with features capturing screenshots and video from 3D games and supported different profiles for working in 3D and 2D modes, which allowed to save energy, but in latest versions the developers have dropped these features.

That concludes the tutorial on How to Use MSI Afterburner. And remember: overclocking a video card not only increases the risk of its premature failure, but also reduces its working life (accelerates wear and tear).