The best utilities for setting up Windows 10. Turning off unused services

  • Upgrade dieses PCs auf WindowsВ 10 mithilfe des Tools (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

    Diese Anweisungen gelten für folgende Fälle:

    • Sie besitzen eine Lizenz zur Installation von WindowsВ 10 В und fГјhren auf diesem PC nun ein Upgrade von WindowsВ 7 oder WindowsВ 8.1 durch.
    • Sie mГјssen WindowsВ 10 auf einem PC neu installieren, auf dem WindowsВ 10 bereits aktiviert wurde.

    Wenn Sie WindowsВ 10 auf einem PC mit WindowsВ XP oder WindowsВ Vista installieren oder wenn Sie Installationsmedien erstellen mГјssen, um WindowsВ 10 auf einem anderen PC zu installieren, lesen Sie den folgenden Abschnitt .

    Hinweis: Überprüfen Sie vor der Installation von Windows 10, ob Ihr PC die erfüllt. Weiterführende Informationen zu aktualisierten Treibern und Hardwarekompatibilität finden Sie auf der Website des PC-Herstellers.

    1. Wählen Sie Tool herunterladen und anschließend Ausführen
    2. Wählen Sie auf der Seite mit den LizenzbedingungenZustimmen aus, wenn Sie mit diesen einverstanden sind.
    3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Was möchten Sie tun?Jetzt Upgrade für diesen PC ausführen und anschließend Weiter aus.
    4. Nachdem Sie das Tool heruntergeladen und installiert haben, folgt eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zum Einrichten von Windows 10 auf Ihrem PC. Alle Versionen von Windows 10 sind verfügbar, wenn Sie Windows 10 auswählen, mit der Ausnahme von Enterprise. Weitere Informationen zu Enterprise finden Sie im .

      • Falls Sie keine Lizenz zur Installation von Windows 10 besitzen und zuvor kein Upgrade auf WindowsВ 10 durchgefГјhrt haben, kГ¶nnen Sie WindowsВ 10 unter erwerben. .
      • Falls Sie auf diesem PC bereits zuvor ein Upgrade auf Windows 10 durchgefГјhrt haben und das Betriebssystem neu installieren, muss kein ProduktschlГјssel eingegeben werden. Ihr Windows 10 wird spä¤ter mithilfe Ihrer digitalen Lizenz automatisch aktiviert.
    5. Sobald WindowsB 10 installiert werden kann, erhalten Sie eine Zusammenfassung Ihrer Auswahl sowie der Elemente, die nach dem Upgrade beibehalten werden. WГ¤hlen Sie G„ndern der zu behaltenden Elemente aus, um festzulegen, ob Sie wГ¤hrend des Upgrades Persönliche Dateien und Apps behalten, Nur persönliche Dateien behalten oder Nichts behalten mГ¶chten.
    6. Speichern und schließen Sie alle geöffneten Apps und Dateien. Wählen Sie dann Installation aus.
    7. Die Installation von WindowsIn 10 kann einige Zeit dauern. Der PC wird mehrmals neu gestartet. Schalten Sie den PC nicht aus.
  • Verwenden dieses Tools zum Erstellen von Installationsmedien (USB-Laufwerk, DVD oder ISO-Datei) fГјr die Installation von WindowsВ 10 auf einem anderen PC (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

    Befolgen Sie diese Schritte zum Erstellen von Installationsmedien (USB-Laufwerk oder DVD), mit denen Sie eine neue Version von Windows 10 installieren, eine Neuinstallation durchführen oder Windows 10 erneut installieren können.

    Vor dem Herunterladen des Tools muss Folgendes vorhanden sein:

    • Eine Internetverbindung. (Es fallen GebГјhren des Internetdienstanbieters an.)
    • Ein Computer mit ausreichend verfГјgbarem Speicherplatz, ein USB-Laufwerk oder eine externe Festplatte fГјr den Download.
    • Einen leerer USB-Speicherstick mit mindestens 8GB Speicherplatz oder eine leere DVD (plus DVD-Brenner) ist zum Erstellen von Medien erforderlich. Wir empfehlen, ein leeres USB-Speichermedium oder eine leere DVD zu verwenden, da sГ¤mtliche gespeicherten Inhalte gelГ¶scht werden.
    • Wenn beim Brennen einer ISO-Datei auf eine DVD gemeldet wird, dass die DatentrГ¤gerabbilddatei zu groГџ ist, mГјssen Sie eine doppelschichtige DVD (Dual Layer, DL) verwenden.

    ГњberprГјfen Sie einige Punkte auf dem PC, auf dem WindowsВ 10 installiert werden soll:

    • 64-Bit-oder 32-Bit-Processor (CPU). Sie erstellen entweder eine 64-Bit- oder eine 32-Bit-Version von WindowsВ 10. Welche Version Sie benГ¶tigen, kГ¶nnen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen unter PC-Info oder in der Systemsteuerung unter System ermitteln. Die entsprechenden Informationen finden Sie unter Systemtype.
    • Systemanforderungen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der PC die fГјr WindowsВ 10 erfГјllt. WeiterfГјhrende Informationen zu aktualisierten Treibern und HardwarekompatibilitГ¤t finden Sie auf der Website des PC-Herstellers.
    • Spracheinstellung fГјr Windows. Bei der Installation von WindowsВ 10 mГјssen Sie eine Sprache auswГ¤hlen. Um Ihre aktuelle Spracheinstellung zu ГјberprГјfen, rufen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen die Option Zeit und Sprache Region auf.
    • Windows-Edition. DarГјber hinaus sollten Sie die gleiche Windows-Edition auswГ¤hlen. Wenn Sie ГјberprГјfen mГ¶chten, welche Edition derzeit ausgefГјhrt wird, rufen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen die Option PC-Info oder in der Systemsteuerung die Option System auf. Suchen Sie dort nach Windows Edition. WindowsB 10 Enterprise ist im Medienerstellungstool nicht verfГјgbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im .
    • Microsoft Office-Product. Wenn Sie gerade ein neues GerГ¤t mit OfficeВ 365 erworben haben, sollten Sie den Product Key fГјr den Download und die Installation von Office vor dem Upgrade auf WindowsВ 10 einlГ¶sen (installieren). Informationen zum EinlГ¶sen Ihres Product Keys fГјr Office finden Sie unter Herunterladen und Installieren von OfficeВ 365 Home , Personal oder University auf Ihrem PC. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter DurchfГјhren eines Upgrades auf WindowsВ 10 auf neuen GerГ¤ten, die OfficeВ 365 enthalten .

    Wenn Sie Office 2010 oder eine frühere Version verwenden und eine Neuinstallation von Windows 10 durchführen möchten, benötigen Sie Ihren Product Key für Office. Hinweise zum Ermitteln Ihres Product Keys finden Sie unter So finden Sie Ihren OfficeB 2010-Product Key oder unter Suchen des Product Keys für OfficeB 2007 .

    Erstellen von Installationsmedien mithilfe des Tools:

    1. Wählen Sie Tool jetzt herunterladen und anschließend Ausführen aus. Sie müssen dieses Tool als Administrator ausführen.
    2. Wählen Sie Zustimmen aus, wenn Sie mit den Lizenzbedingungen einverstanden sind.
    3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Was möchten Sie tun? die Option Installationsmedien für einen anderen PC erstellen und anschließend Weiter aus.
    4. Wählen Sie Sprache, Edition und Architektur (64-Bit oder 32-Bit) für Windows 10 aus. Diese Tabelle hilft Ihnen, die richtige Edition von Windows 10 auszuwählen:

      Ihre aktuelle Windows-Edition Windows 10-Edition
      Windows 7 Starter
      Windows 7 Home Basic
      Windows 7 Home Premium
      Windows 7 Professional
      Windows 7 Ultimate
      Windows 8/8.1
      Windows 8.1 with Bing
      Windows 8 Pro
      Windows 8.1 Pro
      Windows 8/8.1 Professional with Media Center
      Windows 8/8.1 Single Language
      Windows 8 Single Language with Bing
      Windows 10 Home
      Windows 10 Pro
      Windows 10
      Windows 8/8.1 Chinese Language Edition
      Windows 8 Chinese Language Edition with Bing
      Windows 10 Home China
    5. Wählen Sie aus, welches Medium Sie verwenden möchten:
    6. Nachdem Erstellen wenden Sie das Installationsmedium mithilfe der folgenden Schritte an.
    7. Nachdem Sie diese Schritte zur Installation von Windows 10 durchgeführt haben, vergewissern Sie sich bitte, dass alle erforderlichen Gerätetreiber installiert sind. Um jetzt nach Updates zu suchen, wählen Sie die Schaltfläche „Start“ aus und gehen Sie dann zu „Einstellungen“ > „Update und Sicherheit“ > „Windows Update“. Wählen Sie dort „Nach Updates suchen“ aus. Bei Bedarf erhalten Sie zusätzliche erforderliche Gerätetreiber auch auf der Support-Website Ihres Geräteherstellers.

      Hinweis: Treiber für Surface-Geräte finden Sie auf der Seite .

    • Verwenden des erstellten Installationsmediums (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

      Vor der Installation von WindowsB 10 sollten Sie alles speichern, woran Sie arbeiten, und ein Backup Ihres PCs erstellen. Dann können Sie loslegen. Wenn Sie mithilfe des Medienerstellungstools eine ISO-Datei für Windows 10 heruntergeladen haben, müssen Sie diese zunächst auf eine DVD brennen und anschließend die folgenden Schritte durchführen.

      1. Schließen Sie das USB-Laufwerk an den PC an, auf dem Sie Windows 10 installieren möchten, oder legen Sie die DVD in das Laufwerk dieses PCs ein.
      2. Starten Sie Ihren PC neu.

        Falls Ihr PC nicht automatisch mit den USB- oder DVD-Medien startet, mГјssen Sie mГ¶glicherweise ein StartmenГј Г¶ffnen oder die Startreihenfolge in den PC-, BIOS- oder UEFI-Einstellungen G¤ndern. Um ein StartmenГј zu Г¶ffnen oder die Startreihenfolge zu Г¤ndern, mГјssen Sie fГјr gewГ¶hnlich sofort nach dem Einschalten Ihres PCs eine Taste drГјcken – etwa F2, F12, LГ¶schen oder ESC. PrГјfen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung Ihres PCs oder besuchen Sie die Website des Herstellers, um zu erfahren, wie man auf ein StartmenГј zugreift und die Startreihenfolge Ihres PCs Г¤ndert. Sollte Ihnen das USB- oder DVD-MediengerГ¤t in Ihren Startoptionen nicht angezeigt werden, wenden Sie sich an den PC-Hersteller. Er wird Ihnen erklГ¤ren, wie Sie “Sicheres Booten" in Ihren BIOS-Einstellungen vorГјbergehend deaktivieren kГ¶nnen.

        Falls Sie das Startmenü oder die Startreihenfolge nicht verändern können und Ihr PC sofort in dem Betriebssystem hochfährt, das Sie ersetzen möchten, wurde Ihr PC möglicherweise nicht vollständig heruntergefahren. Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr PC vollständig herunterfährt, tippen Sie auf das Netzschaltersymbol auf dem Anmeldebildschirm oder im Startmenü und wählen Sie “Herunterfahren".

      3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Windows installer Ihre Sprach-, Zeit- und Tastatureinstellungen und anschließend Weiter aus.
      4. Wählen Sie Windows installer aus.
    • Weitere Methoden zum Installieren von WindowsВ 10 mithilfe der ISO-Datei (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

      Wenn Sie eine ISO-Datei fГјr WindowsВ 10 heruntergeladen haben, wurde diese Datei lokal an dem von Ihnen ausgewГ¤hlten Speicherort gespeichert. Wenn auf Ihrem PC ein DVD-Brennprogramm von Drittanbietern installiert ist, das Sie zum Erstellen der Installations-DVD verwenden mГ¶chten, kГ¶nnen Sie das Programm mГ¶glicherweise Г¶ffnen, indem Sie zum Speicherort wechseln und auf die ISO-Datei doppelklicken. Andernfalls klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei, klicken auf G–ffnen mit und wählen Ihre bevorzugte DVD-Brennsoftware aus.

      Wenn Sie zum Erstellen einer Installations-DVD den Windows Disk Image Burner verwenden mГ¶chten, wechseln Sie zum Speicherort der ISO-Datei. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wählen Sie Eigenschaften aus. Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte “Allgemein” auf G„ndern Гњbernehmen aus. Klicken Sie anschlieГџend mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wГ¤hlen Sie DatentrГ¤gerabbild brennen aus.

      Wenn Sie Windows 10 ohne DVD oder USB-Laufwerk direkt aus der ISO-Datei installieren möchten, können Sie das tun, indem Sie die ISO-Datei bereitstellen. Dadurch wird ein Upgrade des aktuellen Betriebssystems auf Windows 10 ausgeführt.

      So stellen Sie die ISO-Datei bereit:

      1. Wechseln Sie zum Speicherort der ISO-Datei, fГјhren Sie einen Rechtsklick auf die Datei aus und wГјhlen Sie Eigenschaften aus.
      2. Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte “Allgemein” auf G„ndern... und wГ¤hlen Sie Windows Explorer als das Programm aus, mit dem Sie ISO-Dateien Г¶ffnen mГ¶chten. WГ¤hlen Sie dann Гњbernehmen aus.
      3. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wählen Sie Bereitstellen aus.
      4. Doppelklicken Sie auf die ISO-Datei, um die darin enthaltenen Dateien anzuzeigen. Doppelklicken Sie setup.exe, um das Setup von WindowsВ 10 zu starten.

After installing the OS from Microsoft required to carry out basic setup. On this page you will find some guidelines on how to do this.

All users have their own needs for operating the operating system. At the same time, anyone can make it both quite original and more functional. To implement the latter, Windows 10 has the necessary tools, thanks to which its configuration is carried out in accordance with the user's requirements.

In previous versions of the system, most of the parameters were placed in a separate panel or full-screen application. In the "top ten" all this was implemented in the form separate application, which can be opened as a whole window. But in order to adjust the system to your needs and preferences in functionality, we suggest using the Control Panel to a greater extent. It is also worth paying some attention to the very procedure of adjusting the system for the average user.

Optimal setup for Windows 10

First, it is advisable to talk about those system parameters that each user must make in order to make it much more comfortable for him to work with the system:
  • Make hidden files visible and show their extensions;
  • Correct file associativity;
  • Schedule a reboot after the update procedure;
  • Adjust Update;
  • Configure WLAN;
  • Decide on privacy settings;
  • Adjust applications from the Start menu.

When you periodically have to make some changes to the system, then in this case it is important to see all its directories and files. Therefore, it is worth adjusting the display of file extensions and making them all visible. Such actions are also necessary for security reasons.

You probably prefer to use strictly defined programs to open one or another type of file. For example, simply viewing a photo can hardly be called optimal using Photoshop. For this, special software is more suitable, which requires the system smaller quantity resources. Therefore, if you open a file with the wrong application, close it. And then right-click on the file itself and select the menu item “open with...”

Setting up Windows 10 is not always considered correct if it does not have the appropriate wireless network settings. Here you should choose the right encryption methods and other security items.

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties during the process, be sure to write to us in the comments, we will try to figure it out together and solve your problems.

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  • Useful programs for Windows 10

The latest version, Windows 10, was liked by users largely due to its stability.

On the one hand, not all users appreciated the changes in the interface, but it’s easy to get used to the new features.

On the other hand, even a wide range of new functionality did not relieve the owner of the need to monitor the proper operation of all functions.

Over time, when the user installs a large number of applications, the system begins to slow down.

To minimize stuttering, it is necessary to use special optimization programsWindows 10.

We will talk about the ten best applications of this type in this article.


Our top includes the programs listed in the table below.

Number in the rating Program name
1 Advanced SystemCare + Ultimate
2 Carambis Cleaner
3 Reg Organizer
4 CCleaner
5 AVG TuneUp (Performance Optimizer version)
6 Wise Care 365
7 Glary Utilities
8 Auslogics BoostSpeed
9 Kerish Doctor 2018
10 WPS Performance Station

Now let's take a closer look at each of the software products.

Advanced SystemCare + Ultimate

Advanced SystemCare + Ultimate is a collection of specialized utilities for optimizing the tenth version of Windows.

Here are tools designed for both ordinary users and professionals.

The full list of tools can be found in the screenshot below.

Some options become available when purchasing the pro version, so the presented program can be classified as shareware.

On the other hand, the basic set of functions is quite enough to monitor the state of the operating system and adjust its operation to improve performance.

If the user does not want to spend a lot of time on individual settings, it is enough to use the “Turbo” mode.

In this case, the program will automatically turn off software that is not currently in use and reduce its priority to reduce the load on RAM.

  • attractiveness of the interface;
  • powerful set of tools;
  • increased performance by activating the "Turbo" mode.
  • low level of protection against phishing;
  • lack of testing results by independent experts.

Carambis Cleaner

Carambis Cleaner is designed to scan your system for files left behind after uninstalling applications.

It is also capable of removing cache and other junk. Already during the first launch, an automatic check occurs, upon completion of which a list of all files suitable for deletion is shown.

Compared to other applications of this type, Carambis Cleaner does not delete multimedia files, but this option is present.

You can use it if software will detect duplicates.

Moreover, they are deleted by the user’s decision, and not automatically.

A distinctive feature of Carambis Cleaner is the minimum amount of internal memory for installing all components.

It also includes a large number of additional functionality.

For example, the ability to change the startup list, clean the registry, and so on.

The Carambis Cleaner program is shareware. At the end of the trial period, you must purchase a license.

But even after the stated period, most options remain available.

  • efficient work on Win10;
  • high speed computer scan;
  • possibility of scanning according to an individual schedule;
  • availability of Russian-language interface;
  • Regular appearance of new versions.


  • The duration of the trial license is only 30 days.

Reg Organizer

The Reg Organizer program was one of the first to appear on the world market. It is distinguished by its simplicity of design, which allows you to quickly find the functions you need.

The advantage of the application is the presence of advanced registry management technology. The user will be able to restore it, create duplicates, and so on.

Reg Organizer should also be used when the Internet speed does not allow you to quickly open pages.

The software is shareware, but version 8.0.4 and higher has no restrictions on functionality.

To gain access to the full package of functions, you must use a special license key. You can find it using the download link.

The menu is conveniently divided into three categories - for all users, advanced PC owners and a set of additional tools.

As a result, the likelihood of causing harm to the operating system is minimized.

But before you start using the application, it is recommended that you read the video instructions below.

  • no restrictions on functionality in new versions;
  • several categories of options taking into account the user’s level of knowledge;
  • a wide range of additional tools;
  • advanced registry management system.


  • too simple, boring interface;
  • Possible problems with desktop operation after scanning.


CCleaner has become one of the most popular programs among Windows 10 owners for a reason.

The reason is the ability to widely customize applications before cleaning.

For example, when checking browsers, you can clear the cache without affecting your browsing history, recent download locations, and so on.

The interface provides a set of basic and additional functions - for example, changing the list of startup programs, working with duplicates, system recovery, and so on.

Advanced users will be able to select files and folders that the program should not touch.

This functionality will be useful for those who use a corporate computer in the office, where it is important to save the entire history of completed actions.

The CCleaner program provides a wide range of settings for its own work.

The only drawback is the insufficiently high quality of system analysis. Some users complain about the need to rescan and clean unnecessary files.

But this minus is insignificant, since even on weak machines, repeated checking and deletion will take no more than 10 seconds.

  • several publications for clients with different target requests;
  • regular updates;
  • free version with minimal restrictions.


  • lack of a built-in reference book;
  • The user is required to have administrator rights, otherwise the program will not work fully.

AVG TuneUp

The AVG TuneUp utility package appeared several years ago. The program differs from others in the thoroughness of its testing of the entire system.

In the latest versions, the interface has been improved, making it much more convenient to use the program.

The user has three options for operating a personal computer – standard, high performance and “Turbo”.

The latter mode helps optimize computers with a small performance reserve, as well as PCs with a large number of files stored on the hard drive.

After the test, you can see by what percentage the performance has improved.

The disadvantage of the presented application is the large amount of memory and resources used for full operation.

Therefore, you should use AVG TuneUp if there is a sufficiently large amount of free space on your hard drive, and the program’s operation does not affect the functionality of other applications.

  • beautiful and convenient interface;
  • several PC operating modes;
  • detailed diagnostic and cleaning results.


  • short validity period of the trial license;
  • high demands on PC performance.

Wise Care 365

The Wise Care 365 application interface is a cross between CCleaner and AVG TuneUp of earlier versions.

The program helps you quickly scan your system for errors. It takes no more than 1-2 minutes to completely eliminate them if the hard drive is 60-80 percent full.

If it is not possible to carry out diagnostics yourself, you can select the mode in the settings automatic search and removing system errors.

In the background, the program consumes a minimal amount of memory.

To improve performance, a set of integrated utilities is provided, available in the basic version. Wise Care 365 comes in freeware mode.

After the license expires, you must use the license access code.

The downside of Wise Care 365 is its outdated interface, but for some PC owners this is even a plus, since they don’t have to spend a lot of time exploring the possibilities.

  • free working version;
  • availability of a scheduler;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • optimization of your personal computer with one click.
  • a lot of advertising in the version where the trial period has expired;
  • outdated interface.

Glary Utilities

The Glary Utilities program is popular abroad. It is only gaining momentum among Russian-speaking users.

The interface provides a large number of functionality. A distinctive feature is the ability to safely work with files.

You can encrypt them at any time by creating a unique access code.

Another advantage is the ability to check drivers for updates.

The interface is moderately complex, as the modules section contains dozens of integrated utilities.

Glary Utilities may not be suitable for users whose computers have minimal internal memory.

When working with the operating system, a copy of the changed files is created, so if necessary, you can always roll back to the previous version.

  • huge set of functions;
  • thorough disposal of waste;
  • availability of a multilingual user interface;
  • active appearance of updates;
  • efficiency of cleaning.


  • possible conflicts with antivirus software.

Auslogics BoostSpeed

The first versions of Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​began to actively appear on the domestic software market in 2012.

Over the course of several years of active improvement, the developers have added a wide range of new functionality.

Now users are given the opportunity to update drivers automatically and semi-automatically, improve their Internet connection, change startup settings and much more.

The basic package includes a defragmenter. With its help, the hard drive begins to work more efficiently.

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​provides a set of utilities designed specifically to optimize the 10th version of the Windows operating system.

Some of them are intended for use by advanced PC owners only. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to read the instructions.

The large number of options, on the other hand, is a disadvantage for those who have not previously used such advanced programs like Auslogics BoostSpeed.

Also, for full functionality during peak load, an allocation of more than 100 MB is required free space in RAM, which is quite a large amount among most applications of this type.

  • high level of efficiency;
  • presence of a built-in store for adding new tools;
  • direct communication with technical support representatives;
  • displaying information about the current load on the system;
  • reduction of processor and OP load.


  • Restore points require a large amount of free memory;
  • The trial version lasts only 15 days.

Kerish Doctor 2018

Kerish Doctor 2018 is one of the newest Windows 10 optimization programs.

It is also suitable for those users whose computers have an older version of the operating system installed.

Advanced users will be able to use Kerish Doctor 2018 Recover hard drives at a superficial level.

Compared to other competing programs, here you can get rid of “toolbars” in browsers, saving them from loading unnecessary advertising.

The interface is very clear, but the program still suffers from a large number of minor flaws.

On the other hand, the problem is solved by the constant appearance of new versions with current updates, which are downloaded either automatically or semi-automatically (with user confirmation).

  • game mode supported;
  • functioning in real time;
  • minimum requirements for personal computer parameters;
  • search for invalid hard disk partitions;
  • ability to empty the trash can.


  • 15-day license validity period;
  • long-term cleaning of the OS.

WPS Performance Station

The WPS Performance Station program cannot be called a full-fledged package for optimizing the operating system.

Essentially, this is a separate utility positioned as an advanced task manager.

It lacks most of the optional features provided by competitive software, but on the other hand, this is compensated by the minimum amount of internal memory required to store executive files.

WPS Performance Station only works on the newest versions of the operating system - 8 and 10.

If necessary, you can independently choose the optimal operating mode - high productivity and high savings of internal resources.

At its core, WPS Performance Station is more of a monitoring tool than a diagnostic tool.

  • prompt execution of user actions;
  • several PC operation profiles;
  • many useful information about the state of the computer;
  • allocation of a minimum amount of memory for executable files.


  • simple interface;
  • minimum useful functions.

The word “optimization” has now become very fashionable: they optimize personal expenses, budget expenses, technological processes and much more. On this wave, such a concept as “ Windows optimization" However, what does this mean in relation to the operating system? First of all, this is removing and disabling everything unnecessary and unused, as well as setting up Windows 10, focused on maximum performance or convenience - depending on the needs of the user.

There are many sites on the Internet that actively recommend all kinds of programs for optimizing Windows 10, speeding up the system with just one click. We fundamentally do not consider any such third-party extension. Experience shows that the use of such software in the vast majority of cases creates more problems than it solves. If at the beginning of the work of such optimizers the effect may even be noticeable, then over time the computer begins to work worse and worse, and cleaning programs no longer help, but even worsen the situation. Along with optimization, they can make many obscure changes to the operating system settings. There are often cases of outright harm from such optimizers for computer performance. That is why in our article we consider exclusively optimization capabilities built into Windows 10.

In this article we will optimize the “ten” step by step. To begin with, let us outline the main stages of the upcoming process:

  • Setting up a power plan.
  • Removing unnecessary programs and files.
  • Disable unnecessary startup items.
  • Cleaning system files.
  • Defragmentation of the hard drive.

In addition to the main steps in the Windows 10 optimization process, there are some additional steps.

  • Disable visual effects (Performance).
  • Turning off services.
  • Disable unused components.

The most radical solution, which is almost guaranteed to improve the operation of the operating system, is to reinstall it completely. But we consider this process in a separate article.

Basic Windows 10 optimization

Setting up the power supply

By default, the power supply in Windows 10 is configured for an optimal balance between energy consumption and performance. If you do not use a laptop on a battery, but work directly from the network, then it is best to set this parameter to high performance. To do this you need:

  1. RIGHT click on the menu Start and Select " Power management».
  2. Follow the link " Additional power options».
  3. Select the power plan called " High performance».

Removing unnecessary extensions

Next we'll deal with removing unnecessary applications and programs. How this is done is described in detail in the corresponding article on our website, so we will not dwell on this point in detail here. Let’s just add that at this same stage you also need to do a general cleaning on your computer - remove unnecessary user files: films, music, pictures and documents.

Cleaning autostart

At the next stage disable autorun of unnecessary programs. To do this you need:

  1. RIGHT click on the Start menu and select " Task Manager» (you can also do this the more traditional way: press Ctrl + Alt + Del and then select "Task Manager").
  2. Then, if necessary (if this has not been done before), click on the “Details” button.
  3. Next, go to the “” tab and see there all the programs that start with the operating system.
  4. You can turn off autorun of any of them by clicking on the name again with the RIGHT mouse button and selecting “ Disable».

For maximum performance, you can remove absolutely all programs from startup, but it is still advisable to do this consciously, having first read in the search why this or that extension is needed.

Removing unnecessary system files

We have already deleted our own unnecessary files. Now all that remains is to get rid of unnecessary system garbage. For example, this includes files of already installed updates, a folder with previous version Windows and stuff.

  1. Launch the utility " Disk Cleanup" The fastest way to do this is by typing search bar"cleanup" and launching the classic application (there is also a more familiar old method: open Explorer, click on “This Computer”, and then RIGHT-click on drive C and select “Properties”. In the “General” tab, select “Disk Cleanup”).
  2. Click " Clean system files».
  3. We tick all the items that appear.
  4. Click OK.

Depending on the volume of accumulated garbage, this process can take up to several tens of minutes.

Hard drive defragmentation

Now that all unnecessary files and programs have been removed from the system, you can organize the remaining ones for more quick access. It is for this purpose that defragmentation is carried out. Please note that it should only be carried out on HDDs (standard hard drives that make a little noise during operation). It is highly not recommended to do this on SSDs (silent solid state drives) - such modern storage media are designed for fewer rewrite cycles.

  1. To launch the defragmentation program, type “ defragmentation» (or, if you used the second method, return to the “Properties” window of drive C, but go to the “Tools” tab and click “Optimize”).
  2. We highlight required section or hard drive.
  3. And first, click “Analyze”.
  4. If the analysis shows that more than 10% is fragmented, then optimization should be started.
  5. Along the way, to optimize the operation of Windows 10, it’s also worth disable scheduled disk optimization.

After this, you need to be patient - depending on the amount of work, optimization can last from several tens of minutes to a couple of hours.

Replacing the antivirus program with a lighter one

We talk about this in more detail in a separate article “The fastest free antivirus for a weak computer.”

Additional ways to optimize Windows 10

If the steps taken do not contribute to the desired acceleration of the computer, then you can try some additional optimization methods computer with Windows 10 operating system.

Disabling visual effects

Smoothly opening windows, translucency effects and the like look quite nice, of course, but for a weak computer they can create a significant additional load. All these visual decorations can be turned off to at least slightly improve system performance. To do this:

  1. Open File Explorer and RIGHT-click on the “This PC” icon.
  2. In the opened context menu click “Properties”.
  3. Then on the left click “Advanced system settings”.
  4. In the newly opened window, in the “Advanced” tab, find the “Performance” item and click “Options...”
  5. By default, only the display of a shadow under the mouse pointer and the preservation of the taskbar thumbnail view are disabled here. To speed up your computer, you can turn off all visual effects - Ensure the best performance."
  6. At the same time, we still recommend checking back the “Smoothing unevenness of screen fonts” checkbox. Without it, almost any text looks very unattractive.
  7. After that, click OK.

Increasing the paging file size

You can find the page file in Windows 10 like this:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. On the “This PC” folder, RIGHT-click and select the very last option “Properties”.
  3. In the left column of the new window, select “Advanced system settings.”
  4. A new smaller window will open. In it, go to the “Advanced” tab.
  5. Under the Performance heading, click the Settings button.
  6. Go to the "Advanced" tab.
  7. Click "Edit".
  8. Enter the paging file size twice -> click "Set".
  9. Click OK in all previously opened windows.

Changing the system configuration

Press Win+R and enter msconfig, press Enter. The System Configuration window opens. Here we can speed up the process of starting the operating system a little. To do this, in the “Download” tab, click on the “Advanced parameters” button and in the new window, check the number of processors and maximum memory and select the highest possible values ​​there and click OK. You can also check the “No GUI” checkbox here. This item will allow you to speed up the start a little by disabling its visual display - in other words, Windows 10 will start up to the desktop against a black screen, without inscriptions, images and animation.

A good way to optimize the system configuration was suggested in the comments below by Alexey Kot. You need to go to the “Services” tab. Check the box below for “Do not display Microsoft services”, then disable all others and don’t forget to click OK.

Turn off unused services

Next steps to optimize Windows 10 must be done with great care. Disabling the wrong services or components can render the computer inoperable and, in the worst case, you will have to reinstall the operating system. Here it is better to follow the rule “ Measure seven times, cut once».

To disable services we do not need, we must first open their list. To do this:

  1. Click with the RIGHT mouse button on the menu Start and select the item “ Computer management».
  2. In the left tab, double-click “ Services and applications».
  3. Then click once on “ Services"We see a list of all services of the Windows 10 operating system.
  4. To disable any of them, you need to double-click on its name, and then change the startup type to “Disabled”.
  5. After this, remember to press OK.

Depending on your personal preferences, you can safely disable the following services:

  • Dmwappushservice - used to route WAP push messages.
  • Machine Debug Manager - designed for programmers.
  • Windows Search - provides indexing of all files and folders in the Windows 10 operating system, helps you find them by name (through the magnifying glass icon). It consumes a lot of resources, but it’s better not to disable it. Unless the search is never used.
  • Windows Biometric Service - designed to work with biometric data.
  • Computer Browser - creates a list of computers on the network.
  • Secondary login - allows other users to control the computer. If you are using one account, you can safely disable it.
  • Print Manager - supports printers.
  • CNG Key Isolation - produces insulation for the key process.
  • SNMP Trap - Intercepts messages for local SNMP agents.
  • Workstation - access to workstations via the SMB protocol.
  • Working folders - designed to synchronize directories on different devices.
  • Server - responsible for access to shared files on a remote server, as well as working with shared printers, faxes and scanners.
  • Service geographical location- tracks location.
  • Sensor data service - processes and stores data received from sensors installed on a PC.
  • Sensor service - manages these same sensors.
  • Client License Service - ensures proper operation Windows Store 10. If the magazine is not in use, then it is quite possible to turn it off.
  • SMS Router Service Microsoft Windows- to send messages.
  • Registration Service Windows errors- sends problem messages to Microsoft.
  • Remote registry - allows you to remotely edit the registry.
  • Fax - for the operation of fax equipment.
  • + You can turn off all services whose name mentions Hyper-V - they are used to ensure the operation of virtual machines, as well as services for the operation of Xbox Live.

Disabling the above services will not affect the overall performance of the operating system. As for the remaining items, each specific user must decide to disable them independently, based on their own needs and be sure to find information in a search engine about what they are intended for.

Disable unused Windows 10 components

Another way to optimize the Windows 10 operating system is to disable unused components of the operating system. As with services, in this case you need to act carefully and slowly.

To open the Windows Components window, click Win+R(Win is a button with an image of the Windows logo between the left Ctrl and Alt), enter the command OptionalFeatures and press OK.

The following components can be disabled:

  • Windows PowerShell 2.0 is a more modern command line option. If you rarely use the regular command line, then you are unlikely to need version 2.0.
  • Work Folder Client - allows you to synchronize folders from the corporate network to your computer.
  • Components for working with multimedia: if the built-in players are not used to play audio and video, you can turn them off.
  • XPS services (if you do not work with documents of this format).
  • XPS Viewer (similar).

To turn off components, you need to uncheck them and confirm the action by clicking OK, and then restart the computer.

If optimization doesn't help

This article discusses the most productive ways to optimize the latest operating system from Microsoft. This means that there may be other individual ways to speed things up a little more. Windows operation 10 (some of them are described in other articles on our site), but they are unlikely to significantly change the performance of the computer. Moreover, many are additional features(for example, disabling the built-in voice assistant Cortana) are closely related to other necessary OS components and may cause additional problems - such as a broken Start menu, etc. We did not consider such potentially dangerous methods as a matter of principle.

If all the steps described above do not lead to the desired acceleration of the operating system, then it is worth considering the option of a clean installation of Windows 10. Our experience shows that a clean installed system always works much faster than an optimized old one. A special increase in performance is noticeable when the “ten” is installed completely instead of Windows 10 obtained through the program free update with Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 (by the way, in this case you don’t have to worry about activation - it happens automatically, since the license is tied to the computer’s hardware).

If a clean installation does not help, then you should think about upgrading your computer. In some cases, especially good results are obtained by replacing the HDD (traditional hard drive) with an SSD (solid-state drive), at least for the operating system and programs itself. Increasing the amount of RAM (RAM) can also have a positive effect. Replacement motherboard and we are not considering the processor here, since this is almost always tantamount to buying a new computer.

Win 10 Tweaker is a small but very powerful program that allows you to completely optimize and clean Windows in a few clicks. It doesn’t show off with useless settings, and each item contains a detailed description hint. Any action is performed without external modules, using the program itself and Windows capabilities, That's why Antiviruses do not complain about Win 10 Tweaker.

System Requirements:
Windows 7 x86/x64 (+ .NET Framework 4.5.1 or higher)
Windows 8.1 x86/x64
Windows 10 x86/x64

Torrent Program for tuning Windows - Win 10 Tweaker 10.1 Portable by XpucT in detail:
If you are using a non-original version of Windows, before using the program, be sure to create a system restore point, because the program guarantees the expected result only if the version of Windows 7/8.1/10 is original and not modified.

The program does not show off its features by demonstrating useless features. Win 10 Tweaker contains only the most popular parameters and options. Many options include dozens of others to save time on selecting checkboxes, and, again, not to throw dust in the user's eyes.

Each tweak item has a detailed description-hint when you hover the mouse over it.

Win 10 Tweaker gets rid of additional modules like nircmd, self-extracting SFX archives and libraries that other tweakers need. The program contains everything you need to apply settings on the fly. If the user does not need something, the system will not be polluted with a single byte. And due to the fact that the program works fully without external software, antiviruses do not swear at Win 10 Tweaker.

Unlike other programs, Win 10 Tweaker does not save logs, does not write anything to the registry, does not create automatic restore points, and does not clog the WinSXS folder with tens of megabytes of garbage. Although the user’s attention is drawn to the “System Restore” button on the right top corner"just in case" programs.

The program does not need to save parameters and settings, since when launched it manages to scan the entire system, placing checkboxes depending on the parameters already applied, shading items that are already applied or not needed.

Win 10 Tweaker does not just roll back actions if you use a separate icon in front of the checkbox, but restores system values. This may be useful for those who do not know how to restore something that was broken by another tweaker.

The program was originally written for Windows 10, which is why it is called Win 10 Tweaker, but after several versions it acquired full compatibility with Windows 7 and 8.1.

Win 10 Tweaker not only supports both bit sizes (x86 and x64), but also combines both of them in one instance of the program. And depending on the bit depth and version of Windows, it chooses the method of working with the system.

Win 10 Tweaker includes user support. If you fail to apply a tweak, you will have access to a video instruction next to the item for which you were unable to apply the tweak. There will also be a registry icon that will allow you to move to the problematic registry branch. Also, in the “About the program” window you have the opportunity to write a message directly to the author.

Win 10 Tweaker has the fastest and most convenient system for cutting and restoring applications from the Windows Store. Absolutely all applications support deletion and recovery. In terms of convenience, appearance, intuitiveness and speed, Win 10 Tweaker has no analogues in this regard.

The program has the fastest and most convenient update system. Just check for updates in the About window and click OK for the program to instantly update and start again.

Review of the first version of the program:

Frequently given answers:
Can you do...?


And when will you do...?
The more requests similar to yours, the sooner I will do it.
To speed up the process, you can thank for what has already been done using this link.
Yandex.Wallet: 41001309784742
Bank card: 5469 6100 1147 7972

What if everything breaks down for me?
It is impossible to disrupt the operating state of Windows using Win 10 Tweaker. But even taking this into account, the program includes the functionality of creating a backup recovery point. I recommend that you use it before using the program.

Why does the antivirus find the virus?
Because you are asking this question in the wrong place. That's why he finds the virus. And when you ask this question to the creator of the antivirus, then he will stop finding the virus. Why is this so? It’s very simple - because liability for false positives has not yet been introduced and antiviruses can give out any information with impunity. But if you trust your antivirus more, then simply do not use the Win 10 Tweaker program.

I rolled back the fonts, but still...
Roll back the font, exit, after logging in, set the scale that was changed to the one you need, exit again. Remember what you do between applying tweaks and read the item descriptions. It says about scale. About the fact that you are unlikely to like changing fonts if the scale is not 100%. One way or another, do not forget what you change between tweaks.

My laptop took a long time to turn on...
Run on the command line:
powercfg -h on
Do not use the “Delete hibernation (sleep) file” checkbox in Cleanup

What's new:
Version 10.1

Now any version of Windows is fully supported
For Windows 7 users this category is completely different
Startup information is displayed in real time
Added additional junk directories from NVIDIA
Added new NVIDIA cache directories
Added additional junk files
Preconfiguring Internet Explorer
"Welcome" page disabled
Improved program shadow on Windows 7
Added full support and compatibility with Windows 10 (version 1803 build 17128)

Version 10:
Added a new Startup category (for now only for Windows 10)
The convenient list includes all champions of the system at once
(HKCU/HKLM/Startup loaders)
Just a click is enough to change the state of an object to On/Off
Hovering the mouse over an object's path shows its full path and description
In case of a large list, a scroll bar appears

Added the ability to compress Windows, gaining from 1.5 to 4 GB
additional free space on the system disk

Added support for cutting out the Store for the latest Windows 10
This means Windows 10 version 1709 build 16299.309

Added information button with useful recommendations
All video instructions are now there
A description of the hidden features will be there
In the same place, when you click on Tweeks.txt, the file is downloaded to the Desktop
Windows 7 users see another video “How to become the owner of a registry hive”

For custom settings Tweeks.txt added support for checking Shift + RMB
Below are two different options:
Return Command line into the conductor
Return Command Prompt to Explorer (Shift + RMB)
Fixed a bug with double application of Tweaks.txt

Added the ability to remove unused system languages
(removal currently only works for ru_RU and en-US Windows)
Added new logs/directories for deletion (thanks FBI_and_CIA)
Added animation of points to make it clear that the program is working

Added a large and reliable set of measures to prevent downloading Windows updates
when the Update Center service is disabled

Added check for running a copy of the program

Added the ability to include system information in a message in the "feedback" window

The ability to interact simultaneously in all windows has been improved
Child windows will overlap the main one, but will not interfere with working in it
Collapse/Expand buttons were cut out of video windows

Improved the item “Disable annoying warning when starting any exe”
Fixed a side effect that prevented Internet Explorer from preloading at startup
(It is recommended to reapply the tweak) (thanks to Boris Winebrand)

Artifacts when starting the program have been eliminated
They were clearly visible against a white background (clumsy appearance animation)
Fixed a bug that caused the program to crash during Cleaning
Fixed a bug where some people showed a negative value after Cleaning

Significantly optimized code and reduced size