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So, the author of the lyric drama "Prometheus the Unchained" himself admits that new works are based on ancient literature. Shelley refers in her work to the ancient folk legend of Prometheus, which received its classic embodiment in the tragedy of Aeschylus "Prometheus chained."

Prometheus is really a very convenient hero, in order to convey some revolutionary motives, which is why Shelley chooses him. But does he follow the storyline of the Prometheus legend? Is his Prometheus the same as in the ancient myth?

The hero Prometheus, his features, his character - Shelley likes all this. The myth of Prometheus itself is a kind of mask behind which Shelley hides her ideas. At the same time, these ideas are quite easy to read precisely because this is a myth about Prometheus - a hero who personifies struggle and nobility.

Main part

him Prometheus is just that.

“The Greek tragedians, borrowing their ideas from Russian history and mythology, observed a well-known deliberate arbitrariness when developing them. They did not consider themselves obligated to adhere to the generally accepted interpretation, or to imitate, in narration and title, their rivals and predecessors. "

So, Shelley himself emphasizes that the Greeks were quite free in the interpretation of events, and this is assessed by him positively.

"Prometheus" Aeschylus assumed the reconciliation of Zeus with his victim, as gratitude for the discovery of the secret - the danger that threatened his power from marriage with Thetis. Thetis was given to Peleus as his wife, and Prometheus was freed by Hercules with the permission of Zeus. Why does Shelley not like this particular plot?

P.B. Shelley from the very beginning rejects the possibility of a reconciliation between Prometheus and Zeus, on which Aeschylus was counting.

“If I had structured my story according to this plan, I would have done nothing but try to restore the lost drama of Aeschylus, and even if my preference for this form of plot development prompted me to cherish such an ambitious design, the one thought of daring comparison that caused if such an attempt could stop it. " So Shelley is not satisfied with empty imitation, it is not creative and not "Greek". Also, he is not satisfied with the fact that the work will be compared with the previously created one and most likely they will find the first version of the retold myth more successful.

such the denouement of the myth that Aeschylus offers: "the reconciliation of this Protector of this humanity by the Oppressor." The image of Prometheus is a type of higher moral and mental perfection, obeying the purest and most selfless motives that lead to the most beautiful and noble goals. It is illogical for Shelley that Prometheus can abandon his proud language and shyly bow before a triumphant and insidious rival. After all, the moral interest of fiction, so powerfully supported by the suffering and inflexibility of Prometheus, would disappear.

At the same time, Shelley denies the didacticism of her work, since his "task up to now has been to enable the most select class of readers with poetic taste to subtly enrich the imagination with the ideal beauties of moral superiority."

The conflict between Titan and Zeus is in P.B. Shelley is irreconcilable. We see Prometheus Shelley already chained to the rock. He reminds Zeus that he helped him win the throne. And he answered him by sending torment on him and on people. The titan does not intend to submit to Zeus, although his body is tormented by the will of Zeus by a bloodthirsty eagle, and his mind and soul are by the furies. He believes and hopes, sees his destiny "to be the support, the savior of the sufferer-man." He intends to go all the way.

Initially, Prometheus, both in the plot concept of the myth, and in Shelley, is adamant in the face of fate. However, in the myth, the titan agrees to give Zeus a secret in order to free himself. Those. actually makes a deal with Evil for his own benefit. Prometheus Shelley won't do that. Prometheus refuses to submit to the tyrant. He believes that "love, freedom, truth" will triumph, he recalls his terrible curse on the tyrant and has no doubt that the despot will fall and retribution - the endless torment of eternal loneliness - will befall him.

Zeus as depicted by P. B. Shelley appears to be the embodiment of social evil, oppression, - he tries to convince himself that everything is still calm in his kingdom, but the spirit of popular indignation undermines his power, disturbs his peace.

Monarchy based on faith

shelley prometheus unchained drama

Zeus is the opponent of Prometheus, the very tyrant who literally prevents people from living. Prometheus goes to the end - and he was able to suffer the overthrow of Zeus, his hour of reckoning came for his deed.

Researchers of the work of the English romantic argued that "the world of Zeus, torn apart by contradictions in" Prometheus, "is a universal" archetypal "image of a world living according to the laws of violence" .

Rejecting the omnipotence of Zeus, Shelley's Prometheus also takes up arms against humanity. Seized with a thirst for retribution for his weaknesses and sins, the hero himself must survive the spiritual catharsis, healed of hatred. Only then will his dream of a community of people come true who no longer know self-centeredness, submission to oppression and the thirst for compromise.

The human race is destined for an eternal spring, but for this it is necessary that people recognize love as their supreme deity, putting an end to spiritual slavery, which causes bitterness and contempt in the titan who stole fire.

The rebellion of Prometheus, endowed with true power of spirit, which allowed him to withstand all the trials sent down by Zeus (an eagle tormenting a hero chained to a rock, furies with iron wings, incinerating lightning), however, is tragic and doomed. He is driven only by the thought of confrontation, justifying both violence and evil, since there is no other way to influence the inert and cowardly human nature. By overthrowing the tyrant, Prometheus is partly like him in his efforts to radically change the order of things.

Only after the titan begins to realize his own involvement in the human family and is ready to shoulder the suffering of everyone on his mighty shoulders, Prometheus acquires the features of a true hero. Thereby, freed from hatred, Prometheus (according to the author) is freed from the power of Zeus.

The dramatic collision of Prometheus and Zeus takes on universal proportions with the romantic. Unlike the enlighteners, Shelley, like the utopian socialists, views history not as a chain of mistakes and delusions, but as a natural, albeit tragic for humanity, forward movement. The social environment plays a much more active role in their historical concepts. At the same time, not recognizing the class and political struggle and limiting the struggle for the reorganization of society to the propaganda of their ideas, the utopian socialists remained in their understanding of history on the position of idealism: “instability is this constant, noticeable for the modern reader, but imperceptible for the author, transition from materialism to idealism. " So, it is important to note that Shelley's dominant belief is that only after the liberation of mankind from social slavery will the moral "rebirth" of man become possible. So, it is already obvious that the ideological structure of "Prometheus the Liberated" is more complex than that of its fundamental principles, which is logical - literature is developing.

Audisne haec, Amphiarae, sub terram abdite?

Do you hear? Do you? This, Amphiareus, hidden under the earth?

The Greek tragedians, borrowing their ideas from “Russian history or mythology,” while developing them, observed a certain deliberate arbitrariness. They did not at all consider themselves obligated to adhere to the generally accepted interpretation or to imitate, in the story and in the title, their rivals and predecessors. Such a technique would lead them to renounce the very goals that served as an incentive for creativity, from the desire to achieve superiority over their rivals. The story of Agamemnon was reproduced on the “Athenian stage” with as many modifications as there were the dramas themselves.

I allowed myself a similar liberty. The freed Prometheus Aeschylus assumed the reconciliation of Jupiter with his sacrifice as payment for exposing the danger that threatened his power from entering into marriage with Thetis. According to this consideration of the plan, Thetis was given as a wife to Peleus, and Prometheus, with the consent of Jupiter, was freed from captivity by Hercules. If I had structured my story according to this plan, I would have done nothing but try to restore the lost drama of Aeschylus, and even if my preference for this form of plot development prompted me to cherish such an ambitious design, one thought the daring comparison that such an attempt would have caused might have stopped it. But, to tell the truth, I was disgusted with such a weak denouement as the reconciliation of the Champion of humanity with his Oppressor. The moral interest of fiction, so powerfully supported by the suffering and "intransigence of Prometheus, would disappear if we could imagine that he abandoned his proud language and timidly bowed before a triumphant and cunning adversary. The only creature of the imagination, anything like? Prometheus, is Satan, and, in my opinion, Prometheus is a more poetic character than Satan, since - not to mention? Courage, greatness and? Firm resistance to the almighty strength - he can be imagined devoid of those shortcomings of ambition, envy, revenge and thirst for exaltation, which in the Hero of Paradise Lost enter into enmity with interest. The character of Satan gives rise to harmful casuistry in the mind, forcing us to compare his mistakes with "his misfortunes and" excuse the former because the latter are beyond measure. In the minds of those who view this magnificent design with a "religious feeling," it creates something even worse. Meanwhile, Prometheus is a type of higher moral and mental perfection, obeying the purest, unselfish motives that lead to the most beautiful and most blissful


Here is an introductory snippet of the book.
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The action begins in the Caucasus Mountains, where the titan Prometheus languishes in chains in a gorge among ice-covered rocks. At his feet, the oceanides Panthea and Iona sympathetically listen to his reproaches addressed to the supreme god, Jupiter. Prometheus reminds the autocrat that he once helped him take power over the gods, for which Jupiter repaid him with black ingratitude. He chained the titan to a rock, doomed him to torment: his body is tormented by a bloodthirsty eagle at the behest of Jupiter. But this seemed to him not enough. He also hated the people to whom Prometheus gave fire and the beacon of knowledge, and now he is sending trouble to all of humanity. However, Prometheus refuses to submit to the tyrant. He believes that “love, freedom, truth” will triumph, he recalls his terrible curse on the tyrant and has no doubt that the despot will fall and retribution - the endless torment of eternal loneliness - will overtake him. Prometheus is not afraid of either physical torment or furies tormenting his mind and soul. He firmly believes in his destiny: "to be the support, the savior of the sufferer-man." The only consolation for the titan is his memories of his beloved, the beautiful oceanid of Asia. Panthea informs him that his loving Asia invariably awaits him in India.

Appearing to Asia, Panthea speaks of Prometheus' love for her. Asia indulges in memories of past love and dreams of reuniting with a loved one.

Together with Panthea, Asia goes to the cave where Demogorgon sits - “powerful darkness”, which has “no clear features, no image, no members”. Asia asks Demogorgon about who created the world, thought, feelings, crime, hatred and everything inherent in earthly life, and Demogorgon answers all questions in the same way: an autocratic God. But who then is Lord Jupiter, Asia asks, and Demogorgon says: “All spirits — if they serve evil — are slaves. / Such or not Jupiter - you can see ”.

Meanwhile, on the heavenly throne, Jupiter is enjoying his power. The only thing that irritates him is the disobedience of a person who undermines his autocratic power.

On the chariot of the Hour, the gloomy Demogorgon appears to him. "Who are you?" - asks Jupiter and hears in response: "Eternity". Demogorgon invites Jupiter to follow him into eternal darkness. Outraged Jupiter showered him with curses, but the Hour has come - he has been overthrown from the throne, the elements to which he appeals no longer obey him, and he falls down into darkness.

To everyone's joy, the Spirit of the Hour reports that after the fall of the tyrant-autocrat, great changes took place among people: “contempt, and horror, and hatred, and self-abasement in the eyes of men extinguished”, “jealousy, envy, treachery disappeared” ... Descending to earth, Prometheus and Asia hear how the Spirits of Human Reason sing the triumph of freedom and love. Wonderful visions sweep before them, and among them is the beautiful Spirit of the Earth, the child of Asia. The Earth describes an incredible transformation of the world: “... A swamp of thought that has slept from eternity, / is outraged by the fire of love ... / ... Out of many souls, a single spirit arose”.

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Summary of the drama by P. B. Shelley "Prometheus Freed"

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Percy Bysshe Shelley

"Free Prometheus"

Shelley's romantic utopian drama is written with white iambic pentameter.

The action begins in the Caucasus Mountains, where the titan Prometheus languishes in chains in a gorge among ice-covered rocks. At the feet of his oceanids Panthea and Iona sympathetically listen to his reproaches addressed to the supreme god, Jupiter. Prometheus reminds the autocrat that he once helped him to take power over the gods, for which Jupiter repaid him with black ingratitude. He chained the titan to a rock, doomed him to torment: his body is tormented by a bloodthirsty eagle at the behest of Jupiter. But this seemed to him not enough. He also hated the people to whom Prometheus gave fire and the beacon of knowledge, and now he is sending trouble to all of humanity. However, Prometheus refuses to submit to the tyrant. He believes that "love, freedom, truth" will triumph, he remembers his terrible curse on the tyrant and has no doubt that the despot will fall and retribution - the endless torment of eternal loneliness - will overtake him. Prometheus is not afraid of either physical torment or furies tormenting his mind and soul. He firmly believes in his mission: "to be the support, the savior of the sufferer-man." The only consolation for the titan is his memories of his beloved, the beautiful oceanid of Asia. Panthea informs him that his loving Asia invariably awaits him in India.

Appearing to Asia, Panthea speaks of Prometheus' love for her. Asia indulges in memories of past love and dreams of reuniting with a loved one.

Together with Panthea, Asia goes to the cave, where Demogorgon sits - "powerful darkness", which has "no clear features, no image, no members." Asia asks Demogorgon about who created the world, thought, feelings, crime, hatred and everything inherent in earthly life, and Demogorgon answers all questions in the same way: an autocratic God. But who then is Lord Jupiter, Asia asks, and Demogorgon says: “All spirits — if they serve evil — are slaves. / Such or not Jupiter - you can see. "

Feeling the hope of liberation from the tyrannical rule of Jupiter, Asia asks when the shackles of Prometheus will fall. However, Demogorgon again does not answer clearly, hazy visions sweep before Asia.

Meanwhile, on the heavenly throne, Jupiter is enjoying his power. The only thing that irritates him is the disobedience of a person who undermines his autocratic power.

On the chariot of the Hour, the gloomy Demogorgon appears to him. "Who are you?" - asks Jupiter and hears in response: "Eternity". Demogorgon invites Jupiter to follow him into eternal darkness. The indignant Jupiter showered him with curses, but the Hour has come - he has been overthrown from the throne, the elements to which he appeals no longer obey him, and he falls down into darkness.

Joy grips the gods at the news of the fall of the tyrant. On the chariot of the Spirit of the Hour, Asia and Panthea descend into the Caucasus Mountains. Hercules frees Prometheus from the chains, Prometheus is incredibly happy to see the beautiful beloved Asia, makes plans for a new joyful life for himself and the people he saved. The land tells him and Asia about its torment, when the spirit of enmity ruled everywhere on it.

To everyone's joy, the Spirit of the Hour reports that after the fall of the tyrant-autocrat, great changes took place among people: “contempt, horror, hatred, and self-abasement in the eyes of men have extinguished”, “jealousy, envy, treachery have disappeared” ... Descending to earth and Asia hear how the Spirits of Human Reason sing the triumph of freedom and love. Wonderful visions sweep before them, and among them is the beautiful Spirit of the Earth, the child of Asia. The Earth describes an incredible transformation of the world: "... A swamp of thought that has slept from the ages, / is outraged by the fire of love ... / ... From many souls a single spirit arose."

And finally, the Demogorgon who appeared before them, the embodiment of eternal darkness, announces that thanks to the Son of the Earth, the kingdom of Patience, Wisdom, Tenderness, Kindness has come. And Beauty will rule in this kingdom.

In the romantic utopia “Prometheus Freed”, the legend is dressed about the titan Prometheus, whom the supreme god Jupiter, repaying with black ingratitude, chained in the gorge of the icy rocks of the Caucasus. And he ordered the eagle to torment his body with bloodthirstiness. Once Prometheus helped Jupiter to become enthroned in the heavenly throne. And now he is receiving a "reward" for his efforts. At the feet of the titan are two oceanids - Iona and Panthea. They listen to all the cries of the titan, addressed to the tyrannical god. Jupiter fiercely hates people who are gifted with the fire of Prometheus, and sends troubles to them. However, Prometheus believes in the triumph of freedom and love, as well as in the fall, eternal torment and loneliness of the tyrant. The Titan is not afraid of the furies that torment his soul and mind. He is not afraid of physical torture. He believes in his mission to be a savior and a hope for people. Prometheus is madly in love with the oceanid Asia. Receives a message from Panthea that Asia will be waiting for him in India. In turn, for Asia, Panthea brings the message of love for the titan ocean. Our oceanis remembers Prometheus with warmth and love.

The two oceanids Asia and Panthea go to the cave, where the creature of "darkness, without face and image" reigns and commands - to Demogorgon. Asia asks about the history of all human feelings, who is the creator of the world, how thoughts, feelings, emotions were born. And thus, he learns about an autocratic God. But Asia, logically, has the next important question, who then is Jupiter? Demogorgon answers her very vaguely. And Oceanida, from all that she heard, concludes that Jupiter is the god of evil. Based on the stories of the lord of darkness, Oceanida hopes that the tyrant's power will fall. But when will Prometheus be released? And Demogorgon answers mysteriously again. Visions visit Asia.

In the skies, Jupiter revels in powerful power. Irritating to human disobedience. This disobedience greatly undermines the power of the autocrat god. Demogorgon appears on the chariot of the Hour and invites you to follow into eternal darkness, because the god of evil has been overthrown and the elements no longer obey him. The gods rejoice at the news, Hercules sets out to rescue Prometheus. Titan and Asia are insanely happy and happy to be reunited. Prometheus sadly listens to the story of the Earth about her torment, about the hour when the enemy spirit reigned everywhere on her.

The Spirit of the Hour brings the news that hatred, horror, contempt, treachery and envy are finally extinguished among people. When Prometheus and Asia descended to earth, they heard the human Spirits of Reason singing songs of praise for the triumph of love and freedom. Wonderful visions circle around them. This is the child of the oceanids of Asia, the beautiful Spirit of the Earth. The earth told about the wonderful reincarnation of the world, that humanity seemed to be asleep. Now it is awakened by the fire of love. And their souls, saturated with good, seem to merge together.

Now Demogorgon appears before them. He is the embodiment of eternal darkness. He brings the message that Kindness, Wisdom, Tenderness and Forbearance will now rule. Their rule came through the Son of the Earth.

Moscow State University



Faculty of Journalism.

Rethinking the ancient myth in the romantic concept of Shelley's poem "Prometheus Unchained"

2nd year students

Teacher: Surina N. A

Moscow 2005

Introduction - 3-4 pages

· Historical content - 6-9 pages.

· Introduction to the plot - 9-10 pages.

· Analysis of storyline differences -9-12 pages.

Conclusion -12 p.

List of used literature -13 p.

"He had the most lofty aspirations, and he was always sincere and courageous ..." L. N Tolstoy about Shelley

“Let us take a number of great names - Goethe, Byron, Schiller, Shelley, and we will once again be amazed at the capacity of their souls, amazing abundance of interests, knowledge, ideas”


Like any major phenomenon of social life, the aesthetics of revolutionary romanticism is rooted in the distant past of European literature. Assessing the importance of artistic traditions for the progressive literature of his time, Shelley wrote: “We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their roots in Greece. "

So, the author of the lyric drama "Prometheus the Unchained" himself admits that new works are based on ancient literature. Shelley refers in her work to the ancient folk legend of Prometheus, which received its classic embodiment in the tragedy of Aeschylus. This is how Belinsky expounds this myth.

“Prometheus stole fire from heaven, kindled up the hitherto dead bodies of people with heat and light; Zeus, seeing in this a rebellion against the gods, as punishment chained Prometheus to the rock of the Caucasus Mountains and put a kite to him, which incessantly tormented the insides of Prometheus, constantly overgrown. Zeus expects obedience from the criminal; but the victim proudly endures his sufferings and responds with contempt to his executioner. Here is a myth, - Belinsky concludes, - which alone is enough to serve as a source of soil for the development of the greatest artistic poetry ... ".

In the article “On the criticism and literary opinions of the“ Moscow Observer, ”Belinsky wrote that the very image of Prometheus, chained to grief, suffering, but proudly and daringly responding to his tormentor Zeus, the image itself is a purely Greek form, but the idea of \u200b\u200bunshakable human will and the energy of the soul (which is actually expressed in this form) is understandable at any time. “In Prometheus I see a man; there is suffering in the vulture, and in the answers to Zeus there is the power of spirit, willpower, firmness of character. "

The image of Prometheus is the image of a rebel-savior. No wonder Marx called Prometheus the noblest saint and martyr in the philosophical calendar.

Prometheus is really a very comfortable hero, in order to convey some revolutionary motives, which is why Shelley chooses him. But does he follow the storyline of the Prometheus legend? Is his Prometheus the same as in the ancient myth? No. Why does the author need this, is it just a desire to create a new work, and not copy Aeschylus? We will consider this further.

"Prometheus Unchained" begins with a preface by Shelley explaining why him Prometheus is just that.

“The Greek tragedians, borrowing their ideas from Russian history and mythology, followed a well-known deliberate arbitrariness when developing them. They did not consider themselves obligated to adhere to the generally accepted interpretation, or to imitate, in narration and title, their rivals and predecessors. " So, Shelley himself emphasizes that the Greeks were quite free in the interpretation of events, and this is assessed by him positively. After all, if they were not free in their creativity, then it would be "a renunciation of those goals that served as an incentive for creativity." So there would be no desire to be the best in literature and, consequently, there would not be their highest superiority over everyone else in literature. And so ... "the story of Agamemnon was reproduced on the Athenian stage with as many changes as there were dramas themselves."

So, if Greek literature is a model, "we are all Greeks," therefore, we may well behave like the Greeks. So Shelley allows herself a similar liberty in the interpretation of the myth.

"Prometheus" Aeschylus assumed the reconciliation of Zeus with his victim, as gratitude for the discovery of the secret - the danger that threatened his power from marriage with Thetis. Thetis was given to Peleus as his wife, and Prometheus was freed by Hercules with the permission of Zeus.

Why does Shelley not like this particular plot? “If I had structured my story according to this plan, I would have done nothing but try to restore the lost drama of Aeschylus, and even if my preference for this form of plot development prompted me to cherish such an ambitious design, the one thought of daring comparison that caused if such an attempt could be stopped ”. So Shelley is not satisfied with empty imitation, it is not creative and not "Greek". Also, he is not satisfied with the fact that the work will be compared with the previously created one and most likely they will find the first version of the retold myth more successful.

However, this is still not the main reason. The point is that Shelley cannot agree with such the denouement of the myth that Aeschylus offers: "the reconciliation of this Protector of this humanity by the Oppressor." The image of Prometheus is a type of higher moral and mental perfection, obeying the purest and most unselfish motives that lead to the most beautiful and noble goals. It is illogical for Shelley that Prometheus can abandon his proud language and shyly bow before a triumphant and cunning rival. After all, the moral interest of fiction, so powerfully supported by the suffering and inflexibility of Prometheus, would disappear. At the same time, Shelley denies the didacticism of his work, since his "task until now has been to enable the most select class of readers with poetic taste to refinedly enrich the imagination with ideal beauties of moral superiority."

So, the hero Prometheus, his features, his character - Shelley likes all this. The Prometheus myth itself is a kind of mask behind which Shelley hides her ideas. At the same time, these ideas are quite easy to read precisely because this is a myth about Prometheus - a hero who personifies struggle and nobility.

Therefore, Shelley chooses this image for her work, and the plot remains: the confrontation between Prometheus and Zeus, which makes the noble hero suffer. However, further differences are obvious. Before considering them in detail, it is also worth noting what it was Shelley who was trying to say with the creation of just such a Prometheus. After all, a myth is a myth, and Shelley is a representative of revolutionary romanticism, and his lyrical drama is one of the largest revolutionary symbolic works.

· Historical content.

Unlike the enlighteners, Shelley, like the utopian socialists, views history not as a chain of mistakes and delusions, but as a natural, albeit tragic for humanity, forward movement. The social environment plays a much more active role in their historical concepts. At the same time, not recognizing the class and political struggle and limiting the struggle for the reorganization of society to the propaganda of their ideas, the utopian socialists remained in their understanding of history on the position of idealism: “instability is this constant, noticeable for the modern reader, but imperceptible for the author, transition from materialism to idealism. " Thus, it is important to note that Shelley's dominant belief is that only after the liberation of mankind from social slavery will the moral "rebirth" of man become possible. So, it is already obvious that the ideological structure of "Prometheus the Unleashed" is more complex than that of its fundamental principles, which is logical - literature is developing.

Indeed, a folk legend undergoes major changes in Shelley's interpretation. He saturates it with new historical content. As an outstanding work of its time, Shelley's "Prometheus Liberated" was an expression not only of the national - English or Italian - but also of the common European experience of the liberation struggle against feudal reaction and capitalist oppression. Hence - a wide coverage of the phenomena in "The Liberated Prometheus", where the action unfolds against the immense background of the entire universe. Shelley, as if from a cliff where his hero is chained, sees at a glance the manifold sufferings of a person. “Look from the heights to the Earth, look, there are no numbers for your slaves,” he exclaims through the lips of Prometheus.

The reasons for the torment of Prometheus Shelley are historically explainable: they are rooted in the position of oppressed peoples. The spectacle of popular disasters, enslavement and exploitation, ruin, hunger, poverty of the broad working masses - this is what torments Prometheus.

See dead fields.

See, see the whole earth

Covered in blood ...

Shelley created Prometheus Liberated amid the rise of the national liberation and labor movement in Europe, which grew despite the opposing forces of reaction. This is what determined the pathos of "The Liberated Prometheus". Paphos Shelley is not the pathos of suffering, as in Aeschylus, but the pathos of struggle and victory.

Prometheus Shelley

... entered the fight

And stood face to face with insidious power

The ruler of the sky-high heights

Mockingly looking at the Earth,

Where the groans of tortured slaves

Endless deserts are filled.

He laughs at the torture and torture that Jupiter is subjected to. Prometheus draws his strength in the struggle of peoples... And the drama develops in an atmosphere of intense struggle, in which all the forces of the universe are drawn:

Here are the deceived people

I rose up from despair

In the afternoon shone bright

He wants the truth, waits for the truth,

Will is guided by his spirit.

Shelley's Zeus is the embodiment of social evil, oppression, and tries to convince himself that everything is still calm in his kingdom, but the spirit of national indignation undermines his power, disturbs his peace.

Everything is subject to my immeasurable strength,

Only the human spirit, unquenchable fire.

Still burning, skyrocketing

With reproaches, soaring to heaven,

With reproaches, with doubt, with a riot of complaints,

With a reluctant prayer - piling up

An uprising that could explode

Under the very foundations of our ancient

Monarchy based on faith

And the fear born of hell.

The finale of "Prometheus Set Free" is written in the spirit of Shelley's social utopian views. The drama ends with a picture of the liberation of humanity.

So, for Shelley, Prometheus is a hero of the tyrant fighter who was able to achieve that "the heavy shackles will fall, the dungeons will fall, and freedom will welcome us joyfully at the entrance." Zeus is his opponent, the very tyrant who literally prevents people from living. Prometheus goes to the end - and he was able to suffer the overthrow of Zeus, his hour of reckoning for what he had done came.

Aeschylus also in "Chained Prometheus" also gave Zeus the features of the Greek "tyrant": he is ungrateful, cruel and vengeful. Zeus opposes titan only with brute strength, while all nature sympathizes with Prometheus. In a number of vivid paintings, Aeschylus depicts the baseness and servility of the gods resigned to Zeus and the love of freedom of Prometheus, who prefers his torments to slave service to Zeus, despite all the persuasions and threats:

Know well that I would not change

Their sorrows for slave service.

The image of Prometheus, a philanthropist and fighter against the tyranny of the gods, the embodiment of reason, overcoming the power of nature over people, has become a symbol of the struggle for the liberation of mankind. So, for example, according to Marx, the recognition of Prometheus - "in truth, I hate all the gods" - is her (that is, philosophy) own recognition, her own saying, directed against all heavenly and earthly gods ... "

Of course, the deeply religious Aeschylus, in the conditions of the early slave-owning society, could not fully reveal the revolutionary and theomachy problems that he himself had outlined.

Thus, Shelley continues the "revolutionary theme" in his "Prometheus", only now a purely tyrannical theme is being developed, and Shelley has it clearly expressed.

· Introduction to the plot.

It seems to me rational to immediately introduce plot differences into the table, to simplify further study:

Prometheus in myth.

Prometheus Shelley.

Prometheus, one of the titans, that is, representatives of the "older generation of gods", is a friend of humanity. In the struggle of Zeus with the titans, Prometheus is on the side of Zeus, but when Zeus, after defeating the titans, set out to destroy the human race and replace it with a new generation, Prometheus opposed this. He brought people heavenly fire and awakened them to conscious life.

He hated the people to whom Prometheus gave fire and the beacon of knowledge, and now he is sending trouble to all of humanity. For the services rendered to people, Zeus also punishes the titan: he is chained to the Caucasus mountains within Scythia, where the eagle pecks out his liver, which grows again every day. Titan is suffering. However, Prometheus internally triumphs over Zeus, being the keeper of an ancient secret: he knows that Zeus's marriage to the goddess Thetis will result in the birth of a powerful son who will overthrow Zeus. Prometheus realizes that the power of Zeus is eternal, like the power of his predecessors, for this is the will of the "three-faced" moirs and "remembered" Erinyes. It is the ignorance of the future that fears Zeus, and he frees Prometheus in exchange for revealing the secret. Zeus sends his great son Hercules to the feat so that by freeing Prometheus, he glorified himself even more.

We see Prometheus Shelley already chained to the rock. He reminds Zeus that he helped him win the throne. And he answered him by sending torment on him and on people. The titan does not intend to submit to Zeus, although his body is tormented by a bloodthirsty eagle at the behest of Zeus, and mind and soul are furies. He believes and hopes, sees his destiny

He is supported not only by faith in his righteousness and faith in people, but also loveto beloved Asia.

It is Asia that goes to Demogorgon,which is interesting enough to judge the world and Zeus.

The hour of the overthrow of Zeuscame, Demogorgon is after him - and Zeus falls down into the darkness.

Joy grips the gods at the news of the fall of the tyrant. Asia and Panthea descend on the chariot of the Spirit of the Hour to the Caucasus Mountains. Hercules frees Prometheus from the chains, Prometheus is incredibly happy to see the beautiful beloved Asia, makes plans for a new joyful life for himself and the people he saved. The land tells him and Asia about its torment, when the spirit of enmity ruled everywhere on it.

To everyone's joy, the Spirit of the Hour informs that after the fall tyrant autocrat among people happened big changes: "Contempt, and horror, and hatred, and self-abasement in the eyes of men are extinguished", "jealousy, envy, treachery have disappeared" ...

· Analysis of the differences in the storyline.

1) Initially, Prometheus, both in the plot concept of the myth, and in Shelley, is adamant in the face of fate. However, in the myth, the titan agrees to give Zeus a secret in order to free himself. That is, he actually makes a deal with Evil for his own benefit. Prometheus Shelley won't do that. Prometheus refuses to submit to the tyrant. He believes that "love, freedom, truth" will triumph, he recalls his terrible curse on the tyrant and has no doubt that the despot will fall and retribution - the endless torment of eternal loneliness - will overtake him.

2) mind and soul - the furies torment.Perhaps here by the furies is meant a kind of personification of temptation, sins and passions. That is why they torment the mind and soul, that is, they overpower Prometheus, interfere with them, try to push him from his path.

3) "To be the support, the savior of the sufferer-man." He intends to go all the way.

Prometheus appears as a kind of leader (at the same time a sufferer) who will lead people to happiness and free them from the tyrant's oppression.

4) the motive of love is also symbolic. The image of Asia, as the embodiment of the image of earthly beauty, is quite important in “Prometheus Liberated. She supports Prometheus, the only consolation for the titan is his memories of her, his beloved, the beautiful oceanid. Also, it is she who is entrusted by the author with an important meeting with a certain Demogorgon.

5) The image of Zeus. He is human enough, which could not be in the myth. This is precisely the image of a tyrant who enjoys his power. The only thing that irritates him is the disobedience of a person who undermines his autocratic power. A typical image of the oppressor of the masses is created, and in contrast to it - the noble martyr Prometheus.

6) Demogorgon Is also another character in Shelley's drama. Interestingly, Demogorgon is the Greek name for the devil, not supposed to be known to mortals. Demogorgon is a "powerful darkness" that has "no clear features, no image, no members." This is something that seems to express Evil. When he comes to Zeus, he calls himself "eternity." What is it? Eternal evil? Is his existence forever? It is he who invites Zeus to go with him into eternal darkness, thus freeing Prometheus and people from the tyrant's oppression, because the hour has come to this. That is, the image of Demogorgon is the image of a just punishing Evil (which, of course, could not be in mythology), this is not the god of the underworld Hades, this is something higher that can punish Zeus.

It also seems interesting to me that the liberation of Prometheus and the joy of people and gods from overthrow is not the result of his real overthrow - it is just that Demogorgon comes for him, because the time of the reign of Zeus has passed.

The thoughts of this obscure eternal ghost are also very philosophical: the autocratic God created the world, and hatred, and love, in a word, everything that is inherent in this world; to the question of Asia - who is Zeus, he replies that “all spirits, if they serve evil, are slaves. / Such or not Jupiter - you can see. " So, this is the debunking of Zeus, he is not an autocratic God, but a spirit, or rather a completely human tyrant. Moreover, he is a slave of Evil and therefore it is Evil itself that can debunk.

7) The oppressor is overthrown. Everyone is jubilant. Descending to earth, Prometheus and Asia hear how the Spirits of Human Reason sing the triumph of freedom and love. Wonderful visions sweep before them, and among them is the beautiful Spirit of the Earth, the child of Asia. The Earth describes an incredible transformation of the world: "... A swamp of thought that has slept from eternity, / is outraged by the fire of love ... / ... From many souls a single spirit arose."

This also does not exist in the myth. Prometheus is released, but this is not the jubilation of all nature. His release is rather into the hands of Hercules, who is performing his next feat. In the myth, the release of Prometheus is the result of a deal with Zeus, the result of the highest grace. Prometheus Shelley did not stoop to this, he suffered his release.


Revolutionary romantics have repeatedly turned to the image of Prometheus, close to them with its rebellious pathos and artistic embodiment. Gorky wrote about the deeply popular basis of the myth of Prometheus: “The dispute between man and the gods brings to life the grandiose image of Prometheus, the genius of mankind, and here folk art proudly ascends to the height of the greatest symbol of faith, in this image the people reveal their great goals and the consciousness of their equality to the gods ". New in the disclosure of the theme of Prometheus by Shelley is that the main attention is focused here on creating pictures of the triumph of humanity over the forces of slavery and oppression, on showing the beauty of life of liberated humanity. This kind of continuation of the theme of Prometheus "in time" gave it a new light. The unyielding courage and stoicism of Prometheus are inseparable in Shelley's drama from the goals for which Prometheus fought Zeus.

The new that Shelley brings to the theme of Prometheus is closely related to one of the strongest sides of his social thought: his belief in progress, in the triumph of retribution to tyrants for all the torments of humanity. More fully than in any of his other works, the poet's ideological closeness to utopian socialism is reflected here, with which he is connected not only by sharp criticism of bourgeois relations, but also by his view of the historical process itself.

List of used literature.

Percy Bysshe Shelley. Methodical materialsdedicated to the work of the writer. - M .: Vsesoyuzn. b-ka in. literature, 1962

Revolutionary aesthetics. - M .: Higher school, 1963

Shelley's revolutionary romanticism. Neupokoeva I. - M .: Goslitizdat, 1959

Shelley P. B Lyrics. Introductory article. Kolesnikov B. "Percy Bysshe Shelley" .- M .: Goslitizdat, 1957

Shelley Prometheus Favorite Poems. Poems. Drama Moscow: Ed. center "Terra", 1997

About literature. M. - Goslitizdat, 1955

Introductory article by B. Kolesnikov. Shelley's lyrics. M. - Goslitizdat, 1957

Ancient Russian poems. Complete works edited by Vengerov. T. VI.-SPb.-1911

On the criticism and literary opinions of the "Moscow Observer". Collected works in three volumes. T. I –SPb.-1911

To Marx and F. Engels. Op. .t. I. - M-P: state. Publisher. 1924

Shelley. Freed Prometheus Favorite Poems. Poems. Drama Moscow: Ed. center "Terra", 1997

... "In the depths of Siberian ores." (I involuntarily remembered while writing)

Marks K., Engels F. From early works. M .: Higher school, 1956

The plot of the myth is taken from the books: "Myths of Ancient Greece." - M: AST, 2004; "History of ancient literature." - M .: Higher school, 1988 // also: http: /// prometheus. htm

Collected works in 30 volumes, v.24. M. - Goslitizdat, 1959

Like any major phenomenon of social life, the aesthetics of revolutionary romanticism is rooted in the distant past of European literature. Assessing the importance of artistic traditions for the progressive literature of his time, Shelley wrote: “We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their roots in Greece. "

So, the author of the lyric drama "Prometheus the Unchained" himself admits that new works are based on ancient literature. Shelley refers in her work to the ancient folk legend of Prometheus, which received its classical embodiment in the tragedy of Aeschylus "Prometheus chained."

The image of Prometheus is the image of a rebel-savior. No wonder Marx called Prometheus the noblest saint and martyr in the philosophical calendar.

Prometheus is really a very comfortable hero, in order to convey some revolutionary motives, which is why Shelley chooses him. But does he follow the storyline of the Prometheus legend? Is his Prometheus the same as in the ancient myth?

The hero Prometheus, his features, his character - Shelley likes all this. The Prometheus myth itself is a kind of mask behind which Shelley hides her ideas. At the same time, these ideas are quite easy to read precisely because this is a myth about Prometheus - a hero who personifies struggle and nobility.

Main part

"Prometheus Unchained" begins with a preface by Shelley explaining why him Prometheus is just that.

“The Greek tragedians, borrowing their ideas from Russian history and mythology, observed a well-known deliberate arbitrariness when developing them. They did not consider themselves obligated to adhere to the generally accepted interpretation, or to imitate, in narration and title, their rivals and predecessors. "

So, Shelley himself emphasizes that the Greeks were quite free in the interpretation of events, and this is assessed by him positively.

"Prometheus" Aeschylus assumed the reconciliation of Zeus with his victim, as gratitude for the discovery of the secret - the danger that threatened his power from marriage with Thetis. Thetis was given to Peleus as his wife, and Prometheus was freed by Hercules with the permission of Zeus. Why does Shelley not like this particular plot?

P.B. Shelley from the very beginning rejects the possibility of a reconciliation between Prometheus and Zeus, on which Aeschylus was counting.

“If I had structured my story according to this plan, I would have done nothing but try to restore the lost drama of Aeschylus, and even if my preference for this form of plot development prompted me to cherish such an ambitious design, the one thought of daring comparison that caused if such an attempt could be stopped ”. So Shelley is not satisfied with empty imitation, it is not creative and not "Greek". Also, he is not satisfied with the fact that the work will be compared with the previously created one and most likely they will find the first version of the retold myth more successful.

However, this is still not the main reason. The point is that Shelley cannot agree with such the denouement of the myth that Aeschylus offers: "the reconciliation of this Protector of this humanity by the Oppressor." The image of Prometheus is a type of higher moral and mental perfection, obeying the purest and most unselfish motives that lead to the most beautiful and noble goals. It is illogical for Shelley that Prometheus can abandon his proud language and shyly bow before a triumphant and cunning rival. After all, the moral interest of fiction, so powerfully supported by the suffering and inflexibility of Prometheus, would disappear.

At the same time, Shelley denies the didacticism of her work, since his "task up to now has been to enable the most select class of readers with poetic taste to subtly enrich the imagination with the ideal beauties of moral superiority."

The conflict between Titan and Zeus is in P.B. Shelley is irreconcilable. We see Prometheus Shelley already chained to the rock. He reminds Zeus that he helped him win the throne. And he answered him by sending torment on him and on people. The titan does not intend to submit to Zeus, although his body is tormented by the will of Zeus by a bloodthirsty eagle, and his mind and soul are by the furies. He believes and hopes, sees his destiny "to be the support, the savior of the sufferer-man." He intends to go all the way.

Initially, Prometheus, both in the plot concept of the myth, and in Shelley, is adamant in the face of fate. However, in the myth, the titan agrees to give Zeus a secret in order to free himself. Those. actually makes a deal with Evil for his own benefit. Prometheus Shelley won't do that. Prometheus refuses to submit to the tyrant. He believes that "love, freedom, truth" will triumph, he recalls his terrible curse on the tyrant and has no doubt that the despot will fall and retribution - the endless torment of eternal loneliness - will overtake him.

Zeus as depicted by P. B. Shelley appears to be the embodiment of social evil, oppression, - he tries to convince himself that everything is still calm in his kingdom, but the spirit of popular indignation undermines his power, disturbs his peace.

Everything is subject to my immeasurable strength,

Only the human spirit, unquenchable fire.

Still burning, skyrocketing

With reproaches, soaring to heaven,

With reproaches, with doubt, with a riot of complaints,

With a reluctant prayer - piling up

An uprising that could explode

Under the very foundations of our ancient

Monarchy based on faith

And the fear born of hell.

shelley prometheus unchained drama

Zeus is the opponent of Prometheus, the very tyrant who literally prevents people from living. Prometheus goes to the end - and he was able to suffer the overthrow of Zeus, his hour of reckoning for what he had done came.

Researchers of the work of the English romantic argued that "the world of Zeus, torn apart by contradictions in" Prometheus ", is a universal" archetypal "image of a world living according to the laws of violence" .

I understand this statement as follows. Zeus, the god of heaven, is the kingdom of will and power.

Armed with a formidable weapon - lightning - he was the lord of the Sky, the god of Rain, the lord of the clouds. He was more powerful than all the other gods put together. Zeus ruled everything. He was the main god and possessed personal qualities inherent in powerful fathers, kings.

And yet he was neither omnipotent nor omniscient.

Divine Zeus in all his glory appears to us as light and brings light and awareness to people. In his dark manifestation, he acts as an enemy of vitality - ossified in the rules and laws, resisting any change, afraid of any change in the status quo.

The torment endured by Prometheus did not break his will, helped to overcome the feeling of hatred for the tormentor. He believes that "love, freedom, truth" will triumph, he recalls his terrible curse on the tyrant and has no doubt that the despot will fall and retribution - the endless torment of eternal loneliness - will overtake him. Prometheus is not afraid of either physical torment or furies tormenting his mind and soul. He firmly believes in his mission: "to be the support, the savior of the sufferer-man."

Rejecting the omnipotence of Zeus, Shelley's Prometheus also takes up arms against humanity. Seized with a thirst for retribution for his weaknesses and sins, the hero himself must survive the spiritual catharsis, healed from hatred. Only then will his dream come true of a community of people who no longer know self-centeredness, submission to oppression and the thirst for compromise.

The human race is destined for an eternal spring, but for this it is necessary that people recognize love as their supreme deity, putting an end to spiritual slavery, which causes bitterness and contempt in the titan who stole fire.

The rebellion of Prometheus, endowed with true power of spirit, which allowed him to withstand all the trials sent down by Zeus (an eagle tormenting a hero chained to a rock, furies with iron wings, incinerating lightning), however, is tragic and doomed. He is driven only by the thought of confrontation, justifying both violence and evil, since there is no other way to influence the inert and cowardly human nature. By overthrowing the tyrant, Prometheus is partly like him in his efforts to radically change the order of things.

Only after the titan begins to realize his own involvement in the human family and is ready to shoulder the suffering of everyone on his mighty shoulders, Prometheus acquires the features of a true hero. Thereby, freed from hatred, Prometheus (according to the author) is freed from the power of Zeus.

The dramatic collision of Prometheus and Zeus takes on universal proportions with the romantic. Unlike the enlighteners, Shelley, like the utopian socialists, views history not as a chain of mistakes and delusions, but as a natural, albeit tragic for humanity, forward movement. The social environment plays a much more active role in their historical concepts. At the same time, not recognizing the class and political struggle and limiting the struggle for the reorganization of society to the propaganda of their ideas, the utopian socialists remained in their understanding of history on the position of idealism: “instability is this constant, noticeable for the modern reader, but imperceptible for the author, transition from materialism to idealism. " Thus, it is important to note that Shelley's dominant belief is that only after the liberation of mankind from social slavery will the moral "rebirth" of man become possible. So, it is already obvious that the ideological structure of "Prometheus the Unleashed" is more complex than that of its fundamental principles, which is logical - literature is developing.

Indeed, a folk legend undergoes major changes in Shelley's interpretation. He saturates it with new historical content. As an outstanding work of its time, Shelley's "Prometheus Liberated" was an expression not only of the national - English or Italian - but also of the common European experience of the liberation struggle against feudal reaction and capitalist oppression. Hence - a wide coverage of the phenomena in "The Liberated Prometheus", where the action unfolds against the immense background of the entire universe. Shelley, as if from a cliff where his hero is chained, sees at a glance the manifold sufferings of a person. “Look from the heights to the Earth, look, there are no numbers for your slaves,” he exclaims through the lips of Prometheus.

The universal human significance of this dramatic collision is that the reasons for the torment of Prometheus Shelley are historically explainable: they are rooted in the position of oppressed peoples. The spectacle of popular disasters, enslavement and exploitation, ruin, hunger, poverty of the broad working masses - this is what torments Prometheus.

See dead fields.

See, see the whole earth

Covered in blood ...

Shelley created Prometheus Liberated amid the rise of the national liberation and labor movement in Europe, which grew despite the opposing forces of reaction. This is what determined the pathos of "The Liberated Prometheus". Paphos Shelley is not the pathos of suffering, as in Aeschylus, but the pathos of struggle and victory.

Shelley's image of Prometheus carries the idea that only the fight against political tyranny and oppression of all kinds can save the people from savagery and death. The courageous character of Prometheus contains the real heroic features inherent in the most advanced people of the era - the features of the revolutionary republicans.

Like these best and only then representatives of the people, who single-handedly fought the oppression of reaction, the hero of the drama Shelley one on one fearlessly

... entered the fight

And stood face to face with insidious power

The ruler of the sky-high heights

Mockingly looking at the Earth,

Where the groans of tortured slaves

Endless deserts are filled.

He laughs at the torture and torture that Jupiter is subjected to. Prometheus draws his strength from the struggle of peoples. And the drama develops in an atmosphere of intense struggle, in which all the forces of the universe are drawn:

Here are the deceived people

I rose up from despair

In the afternoon shone bright

He wants the truth, waits for the truth,

Will is guided by his spirit.

The symbolic essence of P. B. Shelley's philosophical generalizations in that the image of Prometheus, a philanthropist and fighter against the tyranny of the gods, the embodiment of reason, overcoming the power of nature over people, has become a symbol of the struggle for the liberation of mankind. So, for example, according to Marx, the recognition of Prometheus - "in truth, I hate all the gods" - is her (ie philosophy) own recognition, its own adage directed against all heavenly and earthly gods ... "

Of course, the deeply religious Aeschylus, in the conditions of the early slave-owning society, could not fully reveal the revolutionary and theomachy problems that he himself had outlined.

Thus, Shelley continues the "revolutionary theme" in his "Prometheus", only now a purely tyrannical theme is being developed, and Shelley has it clearly expressed.

Overthrowing Zeus from the throne, Demogorgon utters wonderful words expressing the most cherished thoughts of the best minds of that time: "In heaven you will not have a successor." This phrase has an allegorical meaning. Under the conditions of severe censorship of that time, the poet could not write about the disappearance of violence on earth, but this is precisely the meaning he put into this phrase and that is how his contemporaries understood it. It is not for nothing that in the preface to the drama Shelley wrote: "... the author could express his thoughts with the phrase:" The whole world must be changed. "

To reveal the plan of P. B. Shelley, such characters as Demogorgon, Asia, Hercules, Earth, the Spirit of the Hour are involved in the drama.

Form Asia, as the embodiment of the image of earthly beauty, is quite important in "Prometheus Unleashed". Prometheus is supported not only by faith in his righteousness and faith in people, but also by love for his beloved Asia. She supports Prometheus, the only consolation for the titan is his memories of her, his beloved, the beautiful oceanid. Also, it is she who is entrusted by the author with an important meeting with a certain Demogorgon. It is Asia that goes to Demogorgon, who judges the world and Zeus in a rather interesting way.

Demogorgon Is also another character in Shelley's drama. Interestingly, Demogorgon is the Greek name for the devil, not supposed to be known to mortals. Demogorgon is a "powerful darkness" that has "no clear features, no image, no members." This is something that seems to express Evil. When he comes to Zeus, he calls himself "eternity." What is it? Eternal evil? Is his existence forever? It is he who invites Zeus to go with him into eternal darkness, thus freeing Prometheus and people from the tyrant's oppression, because the hour has come to this. Those. the image of Demogorgon is the image of a just punishing Evil (which, of course, could not be in mythology), this is not the god of the underworld Hades, this is something higher that can punish Zeus.

The hour of the overthrow of Zeus has come, Demogorgon is behind him - and Zeus falls down into darkness. Joy grips the gods at the news of the fall of the tyrant. On the chariot of the Spirit of the Hour, Asia descends into the Caucasus Mountains and Panthea. Hercules frees Prometheus from chains, Prometheus is incredibly happy to see the beautiful beloved Asia, makes plans for a new joyful life for himself and the people he saved. Land tells him and Asia about his torment, when the spirit of enmity ruled over her everywhere.

To everyone's joy Spirit of the Hour reports that after the fall of the tyrant-autocrat, great changes took place among people: "contempt, and horror, and hatred, and self-abasement in the eyes of men have extinguished", "jealousy, envy, treachery have disappeared" ...

The finale of "Prometheus Set Free" is written in the spirit of Shelley's social utopian views. The essence of the poetic utopia that ends the drama - a picture of the liberation of humanity.

Having suffered one failure after another in his attempts to create a utopia, Prometheus only in the final acts of the drama realizes that violence is incapable of transforming the world created by despotism into a beautiful kingdom of justice and freedom.

The acquisition of this kingdom, in which estates and nations will disappear and each person will become a full-fledged individual, endowed with creative aspirations, requires moral achievement. Prometheus set an example that will remain attractive forever.

The new that Shelley brings to the theme of Prometheus is closely related to one of the strongest sides of his social thought: his belief in progress, in the triumph of retribution to tyrants for all the torments of humanity. More fully than in any of his other works, the poet's ideological closeness to utopian socialism is reflected here, with which he is connected not only by sharp criticism of bourgeois relations, but also by his view of the historical process itself.

The poet embodies dreams of the future in wonderful poetic images:

I saw that there is no more violence,

There will be a free man everywhere

Brother will be equal to brother, all obstacles

Disappeared between people; tribes, peoples,

There are no more estates, they all merged into one,

And everyone is sovereign over himself ...

Freedom, equality and brotherhood have united nations into a single family. The unprecedented flowering of sciences and art made it possible to turn deserts into gardens, to subordinate rivers and seas to the will of the human mind, to save peoples from diseases, work became a pleasant and honorable duty of wonderful and wise people of the future. Undoubtedly, Shelley's optimistic ideas were closely associated with the poet's romantic aspirations.


In the lyric drama "The Liberated Prometheus" the important for democracy in the 20s of the XIX century was again resolved. the problem of the uprising and overthrow of the reactionary authorities with the help of physical force: Hercules, the personification of the power of the revolutionary people, frees the prisoner of Jupiter - Prometheus, breaking his chains.

The terrible events of 1819 in Spain, Italy and distant England, the extreme aggravation of the class struggle, expressed in a number of bloody conflicts (Peterloo, Tyne and Wear) - all this forced the artist to look at the nature of social relations more soberly, to depict the struggle of the forces of progress more realistically with the forces of despotism, guarding the "feudal savagery".

The concept of Shelley's creativity, proposed by I. G. Neupokoeva, deserves attention. Starting from the well-known idea that “the integrity and innovation of the 'Liberated Prometheus', the inner meaning of which was' deeply revolutionary' (Lunacharsky), was determined by the poet's historical optimism of the future society, ' the ideas of utopian socialism and radical-democratic thoughts about the possibility of social struggle were fully and poetically refracted.

"The liberated Prometheus" is the utopia of a happy future, the path to which, according to the poet, is long and difficult, full of torment and upheaval, requires heroic patience and courageous resistance to evil and lies through the spiritual elevation of humanity. The lofty structure of poetic speech corresponds to the cosmic grandeur of the plot of the drama, to the nobility of the ideals professed in it. The language of "Prometheus" is raised above the ordinary level due to intense emotionality and concentrated, sometimes even excessive imagery. Shelley's poetic speech is impetuous and impetuous; it reflects the dynamism and dialectic nature of his perception of the world.


1. All the masterpieces of world literature in a summary. Plots and characters. Foreign literature of the XIX century .: Encyclopedic edition. / Ed. and comp. IN AND. Novikov - M .: "Olymp"; ACT Publishing House, 1996.

2. Dyakonova N.Ya., Chameev A.A. Shelley. - SPb, 1994.

3. Shelley's lyrics. Introductory article by B. Kolesnikov. - M .: Goslitizdat, 1957.

4. Marx K., Engels F. From early works. - M .: Higher school, 1956.

5. Marx K., Engels F. Soch. T. I. - M., 1974.

6. Neupokoeva I. G. Revolutionary-romantic poem of the first third of the XIX century.

7. Solovyova N.A., Kolesnikov B.I. History of foreign literature of the nineteenth century / Ed. N.A. Solovieva. - M .: Higher school, 1991.

8. Shelley P. B. Masquerade of anarchy. Liberated Prometheus. / Translation: Balmont K. D - M .: Direct-Media, 2010.

Shelley's lyrics. Introductory article by B. Kolesnikov. - M .: Goslitizdat, 1957.

K. Marx, F. Engels, Soch. T. I. - M., 1974.

Shelley P. B. Masquerade of Anarchy. Liberated Prometheus. / Translation: Balmont K. D - M .: Direct-Media, 2010.

Shelley P.B., op.

Dyakonova N.Ya., Chameev A.A. Shelley. - SPb, 1994 .-- P. 97

All the masterpieces of world literature in a summary. Plots and characters. Foreign literature of the XIX century .: Encyclopedic edition. / Ed. and comp. VI Novikov - M .: "Olympus"; ACT Publishing House, 1996.

Marks K., Engels F. From early works. - M .: Higher school, 1956.

Solovieva N.A., Kolesnikov B.I. History of foreign literature of the nineteenth century / Ed. N.A. Solovieva. - M .: Higher school, 1991.

Neupokoeva I. G. Revolutionary-romantic poem of the first third of the XIX century. P. 341

Introduction Like any major phenomenon of social life, the aesthetics of revolutionary romanticism is rooted in the distant past of European literature. Assessing the importance of artistic traditions for the progressive literature of his time, Shel CHARACTERS: Prometheus. Asia. Demogorgon. Panthea. Oceanides. Jupiter. Jonah Earth. The ghost of Jupiter. Ocean. Spirit of the Earth. Apollo. Spirit of the Moon. Mercury. Spirits of the Hours. Hercules. Spirits, Echoes, Fauns, Furies. ACT ONE Scene: Indian Caucasus, a gorge among ice-covered rocks. Prometheus is chained over the abyss. Panthea and Jonah sit at his feet. - Night. As the scene develops, dawn slowly dawns. Prometheus Monarch of Gods and Mighty Demons, Monarch of all Spirits except One! Before you - shining luminaries, Countless floating worlds; Of all those who are alive, who breathe, only two look at them with sleepless eyes: Only you and me! Look from the heights to the Earth, Look, there are no numbers of your slaves. But what do you give them for their prayers, For all the praises, kneeling, For the hecatombs of dying hearts? Contempt, fear, fruitless hope. And in a blind rage you gave me, the enemy, to reign in endless triumph Over my own bitter misfortune, Over your failed revenge. Three thousand seemingly eternal years, Filled with sleepless hours, Instants of such cruel torture, That every moment seemed longer than a year, - The awareness that there is no shelter anywhere, And the pain of longing, despair, contempt - This is the kingdom where I got to reign. It has more glory, eternal and radiant, Than where you reign on a magnificent throne, Which I would not take for myself. Mighty God, you would be Almighty, When I began to share with you The shame of your cruel tyranny, Whenever I hang here now, Chained to the wall of a giant mountain, Laughing at the insolence of an eagle, Immeasurable, gloomy, deathly cold, devoid of herbs, animals, insects, And the forms and sounds of life. Woe is me! Yearning! Longing always! Longing forever! No rest, no glimpse of hope, No caress of sleep! And yet I endure. Tell me, Earth, does the granite of the mountains hurt? You, the Sky, you, the all-seeing Sun, Tell me, you can't see this torture? You, the Sea, the region of storms and quiet dreams, The distant heaven is an earthly mirror, Tell me, have you been deaf until now, Didn't you hear the groans of agony? Oh woe to me! Yearning! Longing forever! Glaciers oppress me hostilely, Pierce with the edge of their frost-lunar crystals; the chains, like snakes, Eat, squeeze to the bone With an embrace - both burning and cold. A winged dog of the dumb Heavens With an unclean beak breathing with poison, With the fires of the poison given by you, In my chest it tears my heart apart; And hordes of ugly visions, Fiends of the gloomy sphere of dreams, They gather around me with derision; Earthquakes to ferocious demons Entrusted with cruel fun - From my trembling wounds to pull the nails, When behind me the wall of soulless rocks Will move apart to immediately close again; Meanwhile, the spirits of storms, from the abyss of humming, Hurry with a wild howl the rage of the whirlwind, Run, hurry in a discordant crowd, And beat me, and whip with sharp hail. And yet I want day and night. Does the fog of a gray morning turn pale, Submissive to the light of the sun's rays, Does it rise through the dim East, Between leaden clouds, Night in starry clothes, Slow and sad-cold, - They attract seven wingless hours, A creeping lazy crowd, And between them there will be an appointed hour, He will overthrow you, the furious Tyrant, And he will force - to erase with a greedy kiss Streams of blood from these pale feet, Although they will not trample you, They abhor such a lost slave. Abhorrent? No, oh no! I feel sorry for you. How will you be insignificantly defenseless, What death will have the power to drive the Outcast in the bottomless spheres of Heaven! Your soul, torn to pieces by fear, Opens, gaping like hell! There is no anger in my words, there is a lot of sorrow, I can no longer hate: Through the darkness of sorrows I came to wisdom. Once I breathed a terrible curse, Now I would like to hear it, To take it back. Hearken, Mountains, Whose Echo of the spell of a bitter curse Scattered, scattered around, Thundering in a chorus of waterfalls! Oh, icy cold Springs, Covered with wrinkles of Frost, You trembled, hearing me, And with trepidation then sliding down the cliffs, Hastily flowed across India! You, clear Air, where the Sun wanders, Burning without rays! And you, O Whirlwinds, You hung silently between the rocks, With lifelessly frozen wings, You froze over the abyss that has died down, While the thunder, which was stronger than yours, Made the earthly world tremble with a groan! Oh, if those words had power, - Though the evil in me has now extinguished forever, Even though I no longer remember my own hatred, I still ask you, I pray, do not let them perish now! What was that curse? Tell me! You listened, you heard then! The first voice: from the mountains Many days and nights, three times three hundred centuries We were filled with boiling lava, And, like people, under the burden of heavy fetters, Trembled with a mighty crowd. Second voice: from sources. We were pierced by swift lightning fires, We were defiled with bitter blood. And they listened to the groans of the fierce carnage, And marveled at the people's backbiting. The third voice: out of thin air From the first days of being young above the earth, I shone along the heights and slopes, And more than once or twice my golden peace Was embarrassed by a reproachful groan. The fourth voice: from the whirlwinds At the foot of the mountains we were spinning for centuries, We listened to thunderous blows. And watched the river rushing lava From volcanoes engulfed in fire. They did not know how to remain silent and, in order to sound forever, We with desire broke the seal of the Silence, Surrendering to the exultant charms. The first voice But only once did the glaciers sway to the ground, When we bent with horror In response to your cry of longing. Second voice Always striving for the desert of the Sea, Only once in the darkness of time We raced the long groan of Inhuman grief. And here the sailor, at the bottom of the boat Lying in sleepy oblivion, Heard the roar of the noisy abyss, Jumped up, - and, crying out: "Woe to me!" - He threw himself into the Sea, insane, And disappeared into the black depths. The third voice Listening to terrible spells, The vault of Heaven was so torn, That between the torn curtains Sobbing echoed sobbing; When the azure closed again, Blood appeared across the sky. The fourth voice And we went to the heights of the sleeping And there with a chilling breath Bound the noisy waterfall; The ice caves fled And there they trembled in fright, Looking forward, looking back; From amazement and sorrow We were all silent, _we_ were silent, Although for us silence is hell. The Land of the Rough Rocks the voiceless Caverns Then cried out: "Woe!" The Vault of Heaven answered them with a drawn-out cry: "Woe!" And the waves of the Sea, covered with purple, Climbed to the ground with a loud howl, The crowd of winds whipped them with a whip, And the pale trembling peoples Heard a long exclamation: "Woe! Woe!" Prometheus I hear a vague dialect of voices, But my own voice of distant days I cannot hear. O my mother, why are you sneering with the crowd of your creations Above that, without whose all enduring will You would have disappeared with the family of your children Under the fury of a fierce Tyrant, How light smoke invisibly disappears, Dispersed by the breath of the winds. Tell me, you do not know - Titan, Who, in the bitterness of his burning torments, Found a barrier to your enemy? You, mountain green valleys, Springs fed by snow, Slightly visible deep below me, Shadowy forests of vague masses, Where once I wandered with Asia, Meeting life in her beloved eyes, - Why now the spirit that lives you, Abhors to talk with me? With me, who alone entered into a fight And stood face to face with the insidious power of the Ruler of the transcendental heights, Demonstratingly looking at the Earth, Where the boundless deserts are filled with groans of tortured slaves. Why are you silent? Brothers! Can you give an answer? Land They dare not. Prometheus But then who would dare? I want to hear the sounds of the spell again. AND! What a terrible whisper ran through. Rises, grows! As if arrows of lightning Tremble, preparing to burst violently. The spontaneous voice of the Spirit dimly whispers, He is approaching me, I merge with him. Tell me, Spirit, how did I curse him? Earth How can you hear the voice of the dead? Prometheus You are a living Spirit. Tell me how life itself Would say, conducting a conversation with me. Earth I know the speech of the living, but I am afraid - The cruel King of Heaven will hear me And in a rage he will tie me to the wheel Some fierce new torture, More painful than the one I endure. There is good in you, you can comprehend everything, Your love is light - and if the Gods Do not hear this voice, - you will hear, You are more than God, - you are wise, kind: So listen carefully now. Prometheus Like dark shadows, in a swift swarm, In my mind, thoughts rise and melt, And again they tremble with a terrible crowd. I feel that everything in me is mixed, As in the one who merged with someone in the arms; But there is no delight in this. Earth No, oh, no, - You cannot hear, you are immortal, And this speech is understandable only to those Who must die. Prometheus Sad Voice! But who are you? Earth I am your mother, Earth. The one in whose chest, in whose stony veins, In all the smallest fibers, up to the leaves Trembling on the ghostly peaks of the highest trees, joy beat, As if blood in a living and warm body, When from this chest you rose, Like a boiling spirit living joy, Like a cloud permeated by the sun! And listening to your voice, all my sons Raised their exhausted faces, Covered with ordinary dirty dust, And our Tyrant, cruel and omnipotent, In a burning fright began to tremble, turn pale, Until thunder struck him in defense, And you, Titan, were chained to a rock ... And now look at these millions of Worlds that rush in a circular dance, Burning with eternal brilliance from all sides: Their inhabitants, looking at me, They saw that my light was extinguished in the Sky; And the Sea arose with a prolonged murmur, Raised by the power of a strange storm; And a column of fire, unseen before, Under the wrath of Heaven rose from the snowy mountains, Shaking his shaggy head; In the plains there was a Flood - and the arrows of Lightning, Thistles bloomed among the dead cities; In the palaces the toads crawled, and the Plague fell on man and beasts, And on worms, and with it hunger appeared; And the black vered looked at the plants; And there, where before bread was basking, And where there was a vineyard and grasses, Poisonous flowers flickered, And a crowd of weeds stirred, And they sucked out my breast with roots, And my breast withered with anguish; My breath - refined air - Instantly darkened, stained with That burning hatred that arose from a mother to the enemy of her children, To the enemy of her beloved child; I heard your curse, And if you don’t remember it now, - My seas, caves, hosts of mountains, My streams, and that distant air, And winds, and countless heaps of Inaudible speaking dead people Keep it as a cherished talisman. We secretly reflect in joy, We hope for terrible words, But we dare not utter. Prometheus My mother! Everything that lives, that beats and suffers, Finds comfort in you, Flowers, fruits, and joyful sounds, And sweet, though fugitive, love; It's not my destiny - to experience this happiness, But I ask my words back, Give them to me, I pray, do not be cruel. Earth You must hear them. So listen! In those days, when Babylon was not dust, My wise son, the magician Zoroaster, Wandering in the garden, met his image. Of all people, he was the only one who saw this Vision. Know that there are two worlds: a world of life and a pale death. One of them you see, contemplate, The other is hidden in the depths of the underworld, In the foggy abode of the shadows All forms that breathe, feel and think, Until death brings them together Forever to where there is no return. There are people's dreams, their bright dreams, And everything that stubbornly the heart believes, What hope awaits, love desires; Crowds of visions, images of terrible, Sublime, and strange, and concealing Harmony of calm beauty; In those regions you hang like a ghost, Distorted by suffering, between the mountains, Where stormy hurricanes nest; All the gods are there, all the royal powers of the Inexpressible Worlds, the host of spirits, Huge Shadows, endowed with power, Heroes, people, beasts; Demogorgon, Monstrous Darkness Incarnation; And he, the Tyrant supreme, on the throne of Fire-gold. Find out, my son, One of these ghosts will utter the Words of a curse that is remembered by everyone - As soon as you call out with a drawn-out call, whether Your shadow, Jupiter, Hades, Typhon, or those mighty Gods, Lords of crushing Evil, That spread abundantly in the world, Since then how you perished, from the day that my sons moan, the reviled children. Ask, they must answer you, Ask, and in these disembodied ghosts the Revenge of the Almighty will be hammered, - Like a stormy rain, driven by a fast wind, Bursts into an abandoned palace. Prometheus O my mother, I want the evil word Not to be expressed by me again Or someone in whom there is a resemblance to me. Jupiter likeness, appear! Jonah I hid my eyes with wings, My ears are shrouded in wings, - But chu! I hear a thunderstorm, But now! Some Spirit rises. Through soft feathers whiteness I see a dark wave - And the light has gone out; Oh, only there would be no harm to You, whose pains hurt us, Whose tortures we always see, With whom we must suffer. Panthea An underground tornado hums around, The ridge of broken mountains sounds, The Spirit is terrible, like this sound, It has a purple dress on it. With His sinewy hand He holds a golden staff. Oh, terrible gaze! The fire of deep eyes was fierce, Hatred lit that torch, He definitely wants to torment us, But he himself does not tolerate evil. The ghost of Jupiter Why is the command of secret forces here, That rule over this strange world, In the rolling storms threw me A fragile empty ghost? What sounds are floating around my lips? Not so in the darkness, with pale lips, A crowd of visions whispering among themselves. And you, tell me, a proud sufferer - who are you? Prometheus Terrible Image! This is how you are, And he, the Tyrant fierce, the one whose shadow you should be. I am his enemy, Titan. Say the words that I would like to hear, although your deaf voice Will not be a reflection of your thoughts. Earth Hear all, holding back the voice of Echo, Grizzly mountains, ancient forests, A family of streams surrounded by flowers, Prophetic caves, springs running Around lush islets - rejoice all. Listening to the sounds of a terrible spell that you cannot say. The ghost of Jupiter Some spirit, enveloping me with its power, talks in me. It tears me apart like a cloud - arrows of lightning. Panthea Look! He looks with mighty eyes. The Sky darkens above him. Jonah If I could hide! Where to hide for me! He says. Prometheus In his movements, proud and cold, the Curse shines through. I see the eyes, Fearless challenge, firmness shines in them. Despair and hatred - and everything seems to be written on a scroll. Oh, speak, rather speak! Ghost Sworn enemy! Rage! Be ready to exhaust everything, madness, anger, passion; Tyrant of the Human race and Gods, - There is one spirit that is higher than the wild power. I'm here! Look! Scourge me with Frost, an ulcer of fire, Thunder with winds, hail, storm, As a messenger of horror, come, For pain, heap pain, Drive a crowd of hungry furies to me soon! AND! Do it all! You are not prohibited. You are omnipotent - you just do not own yourself, Yes, what I want. The source of troubles! You are a burden over the world. Try on a slow fire Me and all who are dear to me; Driven by treacherous malice, Reach the edge of the fatal, And I, with my head raised, Will see how you will thunder from the dark cloud. But remember, God and the King among the Gods, You, whose soul is filled with the world of torment, You who reign under the loud ringing of fetters And thirsty for kneeling, You, tormentor, I cursed, With you my hatred, She will poison you with poison, The crown in which there will be evil, will put on your forehead, On the throne of gold will sit next to you. Damn you! Know: the time will come for you, Alone you will meet the enemy Eternity, And, loving evil, you will know the power of good, You will experience the torment of infinity. Yes it will be! Do evil - and wait, Then come to retribution, - Deprived of the royal decoration, Having exhausted fury and lies, You will fall as a shameful prisoner In the vastness of time, in the vastness of space. Prometheus Tell me, O Mother, were those words? The land is your words. Prometheus I'm sorry. They are sterile. I don't want anyone to suffer. Land Oh, where to take my strength for grief! Now Jupiter has won. Revy, rattlesnake Ocean! Fields, cover yourself with the blood of your wounds! O Spirits of the dead and living, Weep in the torment of fire, the Earth will answer your groan, - Who was your protection, defeated and defeated! First Echo Shattered and Defeated! Second echo And defeated! Jonah Do not be afraid: this is only a rush, Titan is not yet defeated; But there, look beyond the cliff, Over the snowy mountain slope: The Air Ghost is in a hurry, Under it the azure of Heaven trembles, A long row of clouds is spinning; Glittering with a dear finish, His sandals are burning; Raised with his right hand As if he was threatening, - and a rod shines in it, and around the rod The light dims, then the haze flashes, - The rings of snakes play. Panthea Jupiter's herald, Mercury hurries. Jonah Is there behind him? An innumerable crowd, - Visions with iron wings, With curls of hydra, - here they float, The distant air is confused with their screams, And an angry God, frowning, threatens them. The panthea of \u200b\u200bJupiter are voracious dogs, In the roars of storms, running dogs, Which he feeds with blood, When rushing in sulfur clouds, Breaking the sky with thunder. Jonah Where are they now in a hurry Innumerable crowds? Leaving the torture of the dark hell, Feed on new sorrows! Panthea Titan does not look proudly, but calmly. First Fury A! I hear the smell of life here! Second fury Give me Just look into his face! The third fury Hope to torment Him is sweet to me, like the flesh of Rotting bodies on a dead battlefield For birds of prey. First Fury You will still hesitate, Herald! Go ahead, bolder, Hell's Dogs! When will Maya's son give us food? Who can be Good for the Almighty for a long time? Mercury Back! To the iron towers! Grind with hungry teeth Near the stream of screams and fire! You, Geryon, rise! Come Gorgon! Chimera, Sphinx, the most cunning of demons, That Thebes gave the heavenly wine, Poisoned with poison, - gave the ugliness of Monstrous love, the most terrible anger: They will complete your task for you. First Fury Oh, have mercy, have mercy! We will die now From our desire. Don't drive us away. Mercury Then lie still and be silent. - Terrible sufferer, I came to you Without any desire, against my will, I go, persecuted by the painful command of the Almighty Father, in order to perform the Invented torture of a new revenge. I feel sorry for you, I hate myself For the fact that I cannot do more. Alas, as soon as I return from you, As Heaven seems to me to be Hell, - And day and night haunts me Exhausted, tormented by your image, With a reproachful smile. You are wise, You are meek, kind, firm - but why in vain do you persist alone In the fight against the Almighty? Or do you not see, That the bright lamps of heaven, Measuring slow time, They tell you about the futility of the struggle And they will say the same again and again. And here again your Tormentor, having conceived to subject you to torture, clothed with terrible power those evil forces that in Hell they invent unheard-of torments. It is my duty to lead your enemies here, Unclean, insatiable, sophisticated In ferocity - and leave them here. Why why? After all, you know the secret, Hidden from all living beings, Capable of wiping out the power over Heaven From the hands of the one who is clothed with it, And give it to another; this mystery Our sovereign fears: Dress her in words, and let her Come to his feet, as your intercessor; Incline your spirit to prayer, and be like the one who prays in a magnificent temple, Bending your knees, forgetting pride: You know that giving and obedience Humble the wildest, most powerful. Prometheus The evil mind changes the good according to Its nature. Who has put on him Mighty power? I! And in return he bound Me for months, for years, For many centuries - and the Sun burns withered, wounded skin - And the cold of the Night snow crystals, Laughing, throws into my hair, While my favorites, people, For servants his fun became. That's how the Tyrant knows how to pay for good! Well, this is fair: evil souls cannot accept good: give them peace, - In response, you will see fear, and shame, and anger, But not gratitude. He takes revenge on me For a series of his own base crimes. For such souls, good is more painful than reproach, It torments them, wounds them, and stings, And does not let them sleep, repeating about Revenge. Does he want obedience? There is no her! And what is hidden in that ominous word? Deaf death and slavery for people. Obedience is a Sicilian sword trembling In the balance over the royal crown - He could have taken it, but I will not give it. Others let them indulge in Villainy. While it reigns, rampaging. They have nothing to fear: Justice, Having achieved triumph, will not punish, But only with compassion it will weep for its torment. And so I'm waiting. And the hour of retribution is approaching, and even, While we are talking, it has become closer. But you hear - the dogs of Hell are roaring, Hurry, do not hesitate, The sky is darkened, Your Father frowned in anger. Mercury Oh, if we could avoid: You - suffering, I - hateful punishment To be a messenger of your sorrows. Answer me, Do you know how long the Dominion of Jupiter will last? Prometheus Only One is Open to me: it must pass. Mercury Alas, you cannot calculate how many more cruel torments will come to you! Prometheus While Jupiter reigns, there will be torture - No less, no more. Mercury Slow down, dive into silent Eternity with a dream. There, where everything that Time has written down, All that we can see in our thoughts, Ages cluttered by centuries, Only a point is represented - where the Confused mind can no longer go, - To the limits where, tired from flight, He falls and spinning in the darkness, Lost, blind, homeless - Perhaps even there you cannot count The whole abyss of years that will come With a permanent, series of new, new tortures? Prometheus Perhaps the mind is powerless to count the torment - And they all pass. Mercury If you could live among the Gods, covered with bliss! Prometheus It's better for me here, - to hang in the gorge of the dead, Without knowing repentance. Mercury Alas! I marvel at you, and all the same I pity you. Prometheus Pity the submissive slaves of Jupiter, Consumed by self-contempt, You cannot pity me, my spirit is calm, A clear world reigns in it, like a flame in the sun. But what words! Call your enemies soon. Jonah Sister, look, with smokeless white fire Broke the trunk of that thick cedar Shrouded in snow. What anger Sounds in the rolling thunder! Mercury His words, as well as yours, I must obey. How difficult it is for me! Panthea Look, you see, there is a child of Heaven Runs, glides with winged feet Along the indirect slope of the East. Jonah My sister, fold your wings rather, Close your eyes: you will see them - you will die: They go, go, the birth of the day Darkening with countless wings, Like death, empty from below. First Fury Prometheus! Second Fury Titan Immortal! Third Fury Friend of the Human race! Prometheus The one who here hears this terrible voice, Titan captive, Prometheus. And you, Monstrous forms - what are you, who are you? Never before has Hell, always teeming with Ugliness, sent here Such vile nightmares, generated by the Tyrant's Mind, greedy for disgrace; Looking at these abominable shadows, As if I were becoming like the One that I behold - and I laugh, And I do not take my eyes off, imbued with Monstrous sympathy. First Fury We are the servants of Deception, torture, fear, crime of the Clawed and tenacious; always, Like emaciated dogs, That eagerly chase the wounded doe, We chase after everything that cries, fights, Lives and is given to us for fun, When the Supreme King wants it. Prometheus O many terrible creatures Under one name! I know you. And the surface of the lakes, and the groaning Echo Are familiar with the sound of your dark wings. But why should another, who is more terrible than you, Summoned your legions from the abyss? Second fury We don't know. Sisters, sisters, enjoy! Prometheus What can rejoice in disgrace? The second fury The lovers, looking at each other, From the delight of delight cheer: Equally we. And as from bright roses Air light streams, tender scarlet, On the pale face of the bowed priestess, Weaving a wreath for the feast, So from our victims, from their gloomy agony, A shadow flows and falls on us, Giving clothes together with the form, Otherwise we breathed without an image, Like our mother, the formless Night. Prometheus I laugh at your power, at the one who sent you here for a low purpose. Despicable! Exhaust all torture! First Fury Don't you think we're going to start ripping off the bone and the nerve from the nerve? Prometheus My element is pain, yours is ferocity. Torment. What is it to me! Second fury Yes, you seem to Know that we are just laughing In your eyes, devoid of eyelashes? Prometheus What you are doing I don’t think about, But I think that you must suffer, Living in the breath of evil. Oh, how cruel That imperious command by which you were created, and everything that is just as low! Third fury Did you think that we are able to live by You, in you, through you, One, the other, the third, with the whole crowd? And if we cannot darken the soul Burning inside, we will sit side by side, Like an idle clamorous crowd, That spoils the clarity of the spirit of the wisest. In your mind we will be a terrible thought, Dirty desire in the amazed heart And your blood lived in the labyrinth, Agony creeping with burning poison. Prometheus You cannot be otherwise. And I Still am the ruler over myself And I control the swarm of tortures, As you are your Jupiter. Chorus of furies From the limits of the earth, from the limits of the earth, Where both Morning and Night weaved the twilight, - To us here, to us here! You, from whose exclamations it stands on the hills, At the hour when the cities crumble to dust, You, that rush among the clouds, creating destruction, And with your wingless foot, disturbing the seas, You that drive the tornado that flashed in the distance, To destroy and drown with laughter ships, - To us here, to us here! Throw away the sleeping dead, Those that slumber the sleep of centuries; Give rest to fierce anger, Let it Sleep until the time, as in a quiet black coffin, - Will rise fresh after sleep, - The joy of your return. Throw, young minds, - In them the breath of depravity Will feed the fury of the plague. Let the madman not measure the secret of Hell by the power of his gaze; Confused by his own fear, He will be tormented twice. To us here, to us here! We run from the dark gates, Noisy Hell is howling behind, We are sailing, Thunder has intensified its roll, we call you for help! Jonah Sister, I can hear the roar of new wings. Panthea The strongholds of the rocks tremble from these sounds, Like sensitive air. Hosts of their shadows Born darkness darker than black night. The first fury A quick call rushed to us, We were swept away among the winds, From the red pastures of war; Second Fury Away from crowded cities; Third Fury Where all the streets are full of Groans of those who want to eat; The fourth fury Where blood flows all the time, Where the suffering is countless; Fifth fury Where they burn again and again, In the bright flame of furnaces, White, hot - One of the furies Stop, be silent, In a moment we will interrupt the stream of speeches, Do not whisper: If we keep it in secret, In what is the worst trouble, Then we will soon win the Recalcitrant, We We will enslave him, And now, Champion of Thought, he is still indomitable. Fury Tear the veil! Another fury He's torn, he's torn! Chorus Got up, trouble has grown! A pale star shines on her from Heaven. Have you forgotten your calmness, Titan? You will fall, You will not bear New wounds! Well, will you praise the knowledge that you awakened in the souls of people? He only managed to give them thirst - and what did you give them to drink? He gave them hope, desires, love, feverish delirium, Waters of shallow springs, - a fruitless question, - not an answer. See the dead fields, See, see, the whole Earth is covered with Blood. Here came one, with a gentle, meek and holy soul, They spoke the lips Those words that will live After the death of these lips, Will strangle the truth, The world will be gloomy and empty. You see, the distant sky is embarrassed by the Furious smoke: In the crowded cities A cry of despair and fear. The gentle spirit of the one who suffered from human tears cries: Thousands of others are ruining his meek name. Look again, look: Where are the shining lights? Like a firefly sparkles, Slightly embarrassing the summer gloom. Embers are smoldering, - around the embers A host of frightened shadows. Everyone is stroking the sides. Joy, joy, joy to us! All the ages of the past are piling up around you, Darkness is in the future, all centuries remember only about themselves, The present stretched out like a pillow of thorns, For you, Sleepless Titan, for your arrogant dreams. The first half-chorus Agony prevailed: He trembles, he trembles, From the pale brow Blood of torment runs. Let them rest a little: Here the deceived people have risen from despair, Shone brightly in the afternoon, They want the Truth, the Truth awaits, His spirit leads him - All as brothers have become again, Love is calling them children - The second half-chorus Stop, look, more people, Brother to brother, All for all, He will take a magnificent harvest Together with death, a black sin: Blood, like new wine, Wanders noisily, at the same time With bitter fear - the world is dying, Smolders, dies away - he calls tyrants and slaves to a feast. (All the Furies disappear, except one.) Jonah Sister, you hear the good Titan groaning in agony, - quietly, but terribly, - As if his chest should break: So a stormy tornado explodes deep into the seas, And groan along the coast of the cave. Perhaps you dare to look How fierce enemies torment him? Panthea I looked twice - I can’t take it anymore. Jonah What did you see? Panthea Terrible! A sad youth nailed to the cross, with a gaze filled with patience. Jonah What else? Panthea Around - the whole sky, from below - the whole earth Are strewn with a crowd of horrible shadows, Dumb visions of the death of a person, Woven by a human hand; Others seem to be the creation of Human hearts: crowds of people perish from one movement of lips and eyes; Still others wander about ghosts, To look at them - and after that it is impossible to live, We will not tempt the strongest horror, Why look when we hear moans? Fury Note the emblem: who endures evil For a person who rattles with chains, Goes into exile - he only piles up And on himself, and on him sufferings All new and new. Prometheus Soften The agonizing pain of burning eyes; Let the distorted lips close; Let no blood flow from the brow, entwined with thorns, - it interferes With the dew of your eyes! Oh, give the orbits that revolve in fear, Learn the immobility of death and rest; And may your gloomy agony Not shake this cross! And the fingers of pale hands will not play with Baked blood. I don’t want to Call you by name. Terrible! It has become a curse. I see, I see the Exalted, and the wise, and the truthful; Your slaves drive them with hatred; Others were scared away by unclean lies From the hearth of their own hearts, Mourned after - too late; Others are chained with bodies Rotting in the dungeons of the sick; Others - chu! - the crowd laughs wildly! “Chained over a slow fire. And many mighty kingdoms pass, - Float at my feet, like islands, Rooted out from the depths; Their inhabitants are all together, in pools of blood, In the mud bathed in the glow of fires. Fury You see blood, fire; you hear moans; But the worst, inaudible, invisible, Hidden behind. Prometheus Say! Fury In the soul of everyone who has experienced death, fear is born: high in spirit Afraid to see that something is true that he would not even think about; The custom rises together with the hypocrite, Like a temple where they pray to that which is worn out by conscience. Not daring About what people need to think, They do not realize what they do not dare. The good has no strength, except that which allows you to cry hopelessly. The strong do not have what they need more than anything else - kindness. The wise man is devoid of love, and the one who loves does not know the light of wisdom - and in the world All the best lives in the arms of evil. For many who are rich and have power, Justice is a dream, And meanwhile, among the grieving brothers They live as if no one felt: they do not know what they are doing. Prometheus Your words are like a cloud of winged snakes, And yet I pity those whom they do not torture. Fury Do you feel sorry for them? No more words! (Disappears.) Prometheus Oh, woe to me! Oh woe! Longing always! Forever horror of torture! My eyes, without tears, are closed - in vain: In my soul, illuminated by burning torment, I can only see more clearly all your deeds, Refined tyrant! There is peace in the grave. In the grave, everything is good, Beautiful, but I, like God, are immortal And I do not want to seek death. Oh, let, Fierce Tsar, you know how to take terrible revenge. There is no victory in vengeance. Those visions, with which you torture me, add patience to my soul, And the hour will come, and the ghosts will not be the prototype of real things. Panthea Alas! What have you seen? Prometheus There are two torments: One is to look, the other is to speak; Deliver me one thing. And listen: In the sanctuaries of Nature, the Treasured words have been introduced - that is a silent cry, Calling to the high and bright. On that call, as one man, the peoples came together, loudly exclaiming: "Love, freedom, truth!" Suddenly from heaven Fury, like lightning, fell Into the crowd of people - struggle, deception and fear - And the tyrants invaded, dividing the Prey among themselves. So I saw the Shadow of Truth. Earth My beloved son, I felt all your torment, With that mixed joy that in my heart Rises from the feeling of valor and sorrow. To give you a breath, I called the Beautiful light spirits, whose dwelling - In the caves of human minds; As birds fly with their wings in the wind, So these spirits fly in the ether; Behind our kingdom of twilight they, As in a mirror, foresee the future; They will come to delight you. Panthea O sister, look, there are spirits gathering in a crowd, Like flakes of clouds playing in the morning of spring, Fill the blue space. Jonah Look, there still, like fogs in the midst of silence, That rise from the spring, if the tired winds sleep, And they get up, and hurry along the ravine quickly and quickly. Do you hear? What is it? Music of the pines? Are the peaks noisy? Or is the lake splashing? Is the stream whispering? Panthea This is something much sadder, much more tender. Chorus of spirits Since time immemorial We do not slumber over the crowd of Human tribes, Oppressed by fate. We are the delight of all sorrows, We are the protectors of people, We grieve about them, We breathe in the thoughts of people, - In our native air; If darkness thickens there, If there will be a stormy winter after a summer day; Or everything is light again, As if at an hour when the river - Like motionless glass, Where the clouds do not melt; Lighter than free sea fish, Lighter than birds in the breath of storms, Lighter than human thoughts, Ever rushing into the azure, - In our native air We are like clouds in a spring day; We are looking for lightning and lightning, We are slow where there are no boundaries. We are for all who are firm in the fight. We carry that covenant, loving, That ends in you, Beginning from you. Jonah Still, they still come one after another, And the air that surrounds the visions, Shining like the air around the star. The first spirit Away from the fierce struggle, Where the indignant slaves met the call of the trumpet, I flew among the swells, All faster, faster, faster. Everything was mixed there, like a dream, The shadow of torn banners, There is a dull lingering groan Rushing into the dying firmament: "Death! For battle! Freedom! Death!" But one triumphant sound, Above darkness and graves, Above the convulsive hands, He moved and lived everywhere, - Gently in a fierce struggle That covenant sounded, loving, That ends in you, Starting from you. The second spirit The castle of the rainbow stood, In the sea below the shaft beat; Victoriously powerful, The ghost of the storm ran away, Between the prisoners, between the clouds, A bright ray of burning lightning Divided them in half. I looked down - and now I See, a powerful fleet is dying, Like chips - ships, Fight, rush in the distance, Here are their waves buried, - Like hell revolted around, Shone with white foam. As if in a fragile canoe, Saved, swam on a board, His enemy not far away, Weakened, walked into darkness - He gave the board to him, Himself, resigning himself drowned, But before death he sighed, There was that sigh of airy dreams, He brought me here. The third spirit At the bedside of the sage I, invisible, silently waited; The red light of the fire shone Near the pale face: That sage read the Book. Suddenly a light Dream began to flutter on the fiery wings, I learned that it was he, The same one that in the hearts of many years ago lit Inspiration and sadness, A dazzling hint, The Shadow of fire that beckons into the distance. He carried me here - Quickly, quickly, like a glance. Before the day comes, He must fly back, Otherwise the shadow will thicken In the sleepy thoughts of the sage, And, waking up, he will not drive this shadow from the darkened face all day. The fourth spirit On the lips of the poet, Like a lover, I dozed In raptured dreams; He barely breathed. He does not look for earthly negligence, Knows the caresses of other lips, Kisses of beauty, That lives in the wilderness of dreams; He loves to cherish the gaze, - Without worrying, without looking, - The glitter of the dormant lakes, The sight of bees in ivy flowers; He does not know what is in front of him, He is busy with one thought: Out of everything, he creates the Harmony of breathing shadows, Reality gives them, What is more beautiful and fuller, Than a living person, Longer lasting pale days And lives from century to century. Of the visions of those, one Dream destroyed the link, - I quickly rushed away, I want to help you. Jonah You see, two visions here From the west and from the east, The creatures of the higher air spheres, Like twins, like doves that rush To their dear nest, they float, slide, You hear the sounds of gentle chants, Captivatingly sad voices, With love in despair mixed with them! Panthea You say! The words died out in me. Jonah Their beauty gives me a voice. You see, How changeable wings shine, Now cloudy purple, then again Azure and tender gold; With a smile, their surrounding air breathes And glows, like in the flame of a star. Chorus of Spirits Have you seen the tender face of Love? Fifth spirit I flew over the desert, Like a cloud, I hurried, glided in the expanse of the blue firmament; And this ghost escaped on sparkling wings, the Star - in the brow, living delight - in carefree movements; Wherever he steps, in an instant, airy flowers shine, But I go, they follow me, turning pale, wither. Death gaped behind: headless heroes, Crowds of mad sages, sufferers of young swarms sparkled in the darkness of the night. I wandered in the shaky abyss, Until your gaze, O Tsarskorbei, brightened everything up with a smile. Sixth Spirit O native spirit! Despair lives in an unearthly darkness, Does not rush through the air, does not walk on the earth, It will come without a rustle and the breath of a wing It will inspire hope in the hearts that are higher than evil, And deceitful calm from those silent wings In hearts that breathe tenderness, it humbles passionate ardor, And the air music cherishes them then, Lulls and whispers to them about happiness forever, They call Love to themselves, - the monster of the earth, - They will awaken and Sorrow will be found in rags and dust. Chorus Let Sorrow be like a shadow with Love, Let night and day follow it, Doom rushes on its heels, White-winged horse gallops, Herald of Death, all - fire, Death to everything, flowers, fruits, The embodiment of beauty And ugly features. Let be! But the hour will strike - and you will tame the mad run. Prometheus is open to you, what will come? Chorus If the spring snow melts, If the spring ice has melted, - An old leaf falls, The soft wind dies the ear, The air is tender and fragrant, And the wandering shepherd, Triumphant for the death of winter, Already foresees and waits, That the wild rose will bloom; So it is where we breathe, Truth, Wisdom and Love, Awakening to life again, We, not sleeping in the struggle, carry That covenant, loving, That ends in you, Starting from you. Jonah Where did the Spirits hide? Panthea Only a feeling From them remained in the heart, - like a spell From the music, in those bright moments, When the lute dies down, the voice falls silent, But the echoes of a dumb melody In a deep, sensitive, labyrinthine soul Still live and wake up a long hum. Prometheus Air visions are captivating, But I feel that all hopes are in vain. One love is true; and how far are You, Asia, whose heart is before me, In the old days, open, burned, Like a sparkling cup, accepting Fragrant and light wine. Everything is quiet, everything is dead. A gloomy morning hangs over the heart with heavy oppression; I would sleep now, although with anxiety, When I could sleep. Oh, how I would like to fulfill my destiny sooner - to be the support, the Savior of the sufferer-man; And then - to fall asleep, to drown silently In the primary abyss of all things - in the abyss, Where there are no sweet negatives, no agony, Where there are no joys of the Earth and the tortures of Heaven. Panthea And you forgot that around you All night, in the cold darkness, Alone breathes anxiously, whose eyes will only close, When above her the shadow of your spirit Bends with tender solicitude. Prometheus I said that all hopes are in vain, One love is true: you love. Panthea True! I love deeply. But the dawn star fades in the east. I'm going. Asia awaits - there, in far India, Among the valleys of its exile, - Where there used to be wild cliffs, Like a frosty gorge, Witnesses of your permanent tortures, Now tender flowers breathe, Grasses breathe, forest responses, And the sounds of wind, air and water, By the presence of the re-transformed, - All the wonderful creatures of the ether, Who live in close fusion With your creative breath. Goodbye!

Events take place in the Caucasus mountains, there in the gorge - Prometheus. He is chained to a rock at his feet by two ocean daughters Panthea and Iona. They tearfully listen to his groan and speech addressed to Jupiter, the god of war.

Once Prometheus helped him to gain power over the gods. He could not even think that all the sovereign god would put Prometheus in chains and allow the merciless eagle to torment his body.

Jupiter is the god of war, he is bloodthirsty and treacherous, he sends misfortune to mankind one after another and all for the fact that once Prometheus gave fire to people. Humanity suffers from troubles, and along with it Prometheus suffers.

The prisoner of Jupiter is not afraid of torment, he believes in goodness and love. Prometheus knows what people need, so he will endure torment for the sake of suffering and needy people.

Prometheus is exhausted and there is almost no strength left for life, and only the memories of the goddess of Asia, waiting for him in India, do not allow him to perish.

Oceanida Asia sees a vision, Panthea appears to her, she talks about the sufferings of Prometheus, about what torments he suffers from Jupiter and how much he loves Asia and this love gives him the strength to live.

Asia is in despair, together with Panthea they go to Demogorgon - the spirit of darkness. The goddesses ask him for help in freeing Prometheus. The spirit of darkness agrees to help, finding hope for the salvation of Prometheus, Azhiya decides to ask when the chains will be removed from her beloved.

The spirit of darkness answers indistinctly and Asia cannot see clearly when the liberation of Prometheus will occur, only vague visions pass before her.

At this time, on the heavenly throne, Jupiter revels in power and superiority with delight. And only the disobedience of people does not give him rest.

During the triumph of the omnipotence of Jupiter, the spirit of darkness appears to him, he sits on the chariot of the Hour. Degormorgon rushed after Jupiter, he must take him to the eternal kingdom of darkness. Jupiter casts curses, but does not dare to disobey the lord of darkness and with him plunges into eternal darkness.

Jupiter is overthrown, the joy of the gods has no chapel. Panthea and Asia, riding the chariot of the Hour, descend to the foot of the gorge, where Prometheus is imprisoned. Hercules removes the shackles from him. Prometheus is released.

Asia and Prometheus are happy, they are together again, they are images of the bright and happy life of people coming after the overthrow of the despot. The Earth tells them about her suffering that she had to endure when Jupiter ruled.

The spirit of the hour arises on the chariot. He happily tells everyone about the changes that have occurred in people. Anger, envy, hatred disappeared. Goodness, love and happiness settled in their hearts.

Prometheus and Asia again see beautiful visions - the child of Asia is the son of the earth, from now on he will rule the world. The time of the reign of Wisdom, Patience and beauty will come on earth.

Picture or drawing by Shelley - Prometheus Unchained

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