Skotobaza search for private information VKontakte. What is Skotobaza? Blocking bypass methods and analogues. Search for people on social networks from Yandex

Recently, while studying the novelties of the Internet, I came across a couple of very interesting sites: this and It is about what kind of sites they are and I want to tell you in this review.

What is

Stockbase Is a service for viewing hidden photos VC. The site will be of great interest to many. By scoring the id of a page from VKontakte in the search field or simply copying the entire address, you can see photos that are hidden from view to a wide range of users. In addition, you can enter the last name and first name of the user and also see his photo. The function of finding friends is available in Stockbase. Upon entering, you will see that this site is designed in a minimalist style, there are no unnecessary details or additional services.

Here you can find not only hidden, but already deleted photos, because they all remain in the database forever. It is known that the Skotobaza site is only developing, so there are far from all users of the popular social network Vkontakte.

If you want to play a prank on a friend and make a collage of photos that, as he thinks, are inaccessible to anyone, then with the help of the Stockbase you will succeed. Or, for example, you started dating a kind of "good girl". By entering her page, you can find out if she is not hiding anything from you. However, it should be noted that the site is included in the unified register of Russia, that is, it is blocked. A lot of people are looking for a circumvention of the Stockbase blocking, and some are looking for analogs and similar sites.

It is very easy to figure out how to work on the site. But if you suddenly have a question about what kind of Skotobaza site is, watch this YouTube video:

What is - this site is a bulletin board and even more! At first glance, is an ordinary bulletin board. Since quite often on electronic boxes notifications are received, and some users are afraid to enter it, thinking that they can "catch" a virus there. In general, he does not inspire confidence in many. And in vain. Since they do not know what kind of site is and what it can be used for.

The site is similar to a social network, only it is not customary to communicate or brag about where you have been. Here is a photo of things that need to be sold. Communication between the seller and the potential buyer is carried out in the internal chat. From social networks, the site took the opportunity to add friends and watch their ads.

The website was founded in March 2014 and initially its servers were located in Ireland. The essence of the service boiled down to the following: robots collected photos posted in a shared or limited access on the Vkontakte network, copied them and posted them in the database. From there, they could be easily obtained through a search by the Vkontakte user ID number. The only way to avoid leaking photos is to give them the "Only Seen To Me" status. If the images were placed in albums to which at least one more person had access, then robots read it, and it inevitably ended up in the site's database.

In contact with


What is skotobaza and why is it needed at all

Monetizing the skotobaza website was not based on advertisers like most startups, but on "donations." If the user wanted his photos to be permanently removed from the Skotobaza, then he had to contribute 450 rubles "to help the project." After that, all information on the account was deleted from the Stockbase. Presumably forever. In fact, it was a kind of extortion, and it was immediately obvious that the site would have problems. Of course, they weren't long in coming.

Already in 2015, Roskomnadzor became seriously interested in the service, motivating its dissatisfaction with the law on the protection of personal data of citizens Russian Federation... The blocking threat was fully realized on May 30, 2015, and the site became officially unavailable in Russia. For a while, it still remained operational, and using the usual lock bypass mechanisms that affect other prohibited resources on the network, it was possible to access it.

Mirrors and analogues of Skotobaza

Apart from the main link, for a while a site mirror with a shortened address functioned: However, along with the fall of the Stockbase itself, it also turned off. Presently simplest check on gives the following: It’s not just you! looks down from here. That is, the site is really offline for everyone.

For some time the site operated, but after a while it also closed. At the moment, such services as and operate on the network, but they clearly do not reach the predecessor and disclose only publicly available information that is easily viewed on Vkontakte itself. Therefore, the efficiency of such resources is virtually reduced to zero.

In case the service resumes its work or a functioning analogue appears, it is worth considering ways to bypass the blocking of the Stockbase. They will obviously come in handy in the future, so that you can calmly visit other resources of interest.

Ways to bypass blocking sites banned in Russia

As a rule, bypassing the blocking of sites, including Stockbase, carried out by masking the IP address... That is, in fact, the computer creates the appearance that the user is visiting the site from another country. Such masking is performed using several well-known algorithms.

The first is anonymizers... These are proxies and web servers that hide the user's network address and replace it with their own. Usually these are either sites like Cameleo or Hideme. They redirect the user's request by opening the desired network addresses in a separate browser frame. There is no need to configure or install anything. You can simply enter the address of interest in the appropriate line and press Enter.

The problem is that this method significantly reduces security. In addition, anonymizers have the bad property of being permanently closed. There are very, very few truly long-term and stable services of this type among free ones.

If money is not a problem, then there are also several stable working paid anonymizers that charge users subscription fee once a year and offer advanced features in return.

The second way to bypass blocking is to install a browser plugin. Most of these tools have cross-browser support, that is, they work with Chrome, Opera, Firefox and even Yandex.Browser. There are four of the most popular plugins:

  • anonymox,
  • Browsec,
  • friGate
  • zenmate.

Plugins, like anonymizers, are divided into free and paid ones. Typically, the second type offers more servers and more speed.

The third way is using VPN server. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, which is a virtual private network. There are several proven and stable services out there. Among them are the following:

The fourth option is overlay networks... The most famous tool in this category is the TOR browser. It is a specialized assembly Firefox browser with the plugins NoScript, Torbutton and HTTPS Everywhere already installed out of the box. It uses cascade proxying as its main tool. That is, data packets are transmitted not through one proxy server, but through at least three. This algorithm makes the process of tracking data transmission extremely laborious and allows the user to effectively hide their location. Among other things, it makes it possible to visit blocked sites, including the org stockbase.

Bypassing Stockbase Blocking - Legal or Not?

It is worth considering that the State Duma adopted a law that prohibits providers from providing users with access to resources that allow them to bypass blockages. The law will come into force on November 1, 2017.

In contact with

Those who first encountered Skotobaza will be unpleasantly surprised or even outraged - this is a repulsive name for the site that stores millions of private photos of Vkontakte users. What does this resource hide in itself and is it possible to get admission to its base - further.

What is "Skotobaza"

The resource "Skotobaza", which has collected about 107 million compromising photos of users on its servers, is far from innovative. As early as 15 years ago, "LiveJournal" began to publish "for fun" frankly unsuccessful photos posted by users. "Skotobaza" was guided (yes, it was in the past tense - today the site cannot be found in a search engine, since it is closed by Rospotrebnadzor) on the content of the social network "Vkontakte".

It should be noted right away: if you have uploaded a photo to an album with a lock "Only visible to me", such an image cannot appear in "Skotobaza" in any way. But if you sent an image to your interlocutor, to a closed community, to a photo album visible only to friends or a limited group of people, then it is possible that it was already in the possession of this dubious resource.

Many, having learned what "Skotobaza" is, resorted to this resource to find out something personal about their friends, enemies, ill-wishers, to check their soul mate. The site, I must say, skillfully profited from careless users who send too personal photos to whoever does not need and where not. For a bribe in the amount of 490 rubles, you could not only permanently delete your photos from the archives of "Skotobaza", but also get some kind of guarantee that you will no longer appear on this resource.

"Skotobaza": analogues

As already mentioned, the site was closed for obvious reasons. "Skotobaza" tried to recover by moving to other domains, but in vain - access to them was also blocked. The resource does not have a "mirror" either.

To some extent, the analogue of the site was a similar resource "Burned", but it is no longer operational either. The same fate overtook a smaller copy of Poiskvk. Of course, if you "surf" in "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "Instagram", "Facebook", you can find closed groups and communities where users post personal and failed photos of their casual interlocutors and acquaintances (the same once popular groups "Chicken" and "Roosters" in every city).

Naturally, the resource of the scale of "Stockbase" will not appear instantly - it takes a lot of time at least to accumulate such an archive.

Bypass blocking "Stockbase"

After access to the resource was closed, many life hacks of the type "Skotobaza": bypassing the blocking appeared on the network. "It is believed that it is possible to see the base of photos by hiding your IP address, that is, the location of yourself and your gadget, since Rospotrebnadzor is authorized to block access only to Russians.This can be done in two simple ways:

  1. Through the Opera browser, version not older than September 2016. The good thing about this development is that it has a built-in VPN - private virtual network, allowing not to advertise the actions of the owner of the PC, seeking to get to the site "Skotobaza". The bypass is done as follows: go to "Settings" (this can be done by pressing the "CTRL + F12" buttons), find "Security", and in it the "VPN" section. Activate the mode and try to look for a scandalous resource.
  2. Through anonymizing sites... Click, if necessary, "Hide me" and enter: The resource should redirect you to. There is a drawback, and it is the following: it is not so easy to find a free anonymizer on the Internet to get into the archive of the Skotobaza website.

Bypassing the lock in this way can be done quickly with these operations.

How to use "Skotobaza"

After learning about Skotobaza, many will want to check if they themselves or their relatives and friends have appeared on this resource. It is very simple to do this: write in the window on home page required user ID "Vkontakte". If he is present in this dubious database, the system will redirect you to his photo archive.

If you believe the words of some users, then in 2017 it was no longer possible to go to Skotobaza, since its creators deleted the resource, which, apparently, no longer brings them their former profit.

How else can you find a user's photo

Having learned what "Skotobaza" is, you will probably want to use less dubious services to find a person and his photo:

  1. Yandex.Ludi system: enter your surname and first name into the search engine.
  2. Find Face service: people are searched by photo - the system recognizes a face in the image and offers profiles of similar people in social networks.
  3. Search by image in "Google" (click right click mouse on the photo - "Search for a picture in" Google "): the system will search for a similar image not only in social networks, but all over the Web.If the photo is not on the network, then drag its icon into the browser window and start the search.
  4. Similarly, you can use Yandex Image Search: click on the camera icon near the main line.
  5. Intellectual "Nigma.Ru", using the results of both "Google" and "Yandex".

What is "Skotobaza" in a nutshell - a scandalous resource that has accumulated a large collection of private photos of users of "VK". If you want to find a person or a photo on the web, it is much more advisable to use approved search engines for this.