Serious Skype conversation. Communication with a casual interlocutor. How to find out your login


You probably have sometime a personal emergency in which you needed the advice of a loved one, when you just needed to talk to your close friend who lives in a nearby house, in another city or country. And it's not just to communicate virtually, by chatting or by e-mail, but to see your own face, hear your own intonations, your native soothing voice, giving the right advice. Or if you are a boss and want to monitor a subordinate or simply consult with him face to face, and at the same time see your advisor and hear his voice. Or if you are a mother, work, want to hear the voice of your own son, but a call on a cell phone is too expensive for the price, and it would be cheaper via the Internet.

Today it is not the author's fantasy, but reality, and you can really talk and see the interlocutor, while the information will be transmitted via the Internet. All you need to do is have headphones, a webcam and special program Skype (or Skype). Today we will figure out what Skype is and how to use it.

What is Skype?

Skype (or Skype) is a program that allows you to communicate via the Internet with your colleagues, friends, relatives around the world. The program was developed by Skype Limited. The program allows you to:

    Conduct individual correspondence, exchange messages with a work colleague, just like in other programs like ICQ, QIP or Jabber.

    If you have a microphone and headphones, you can call a friend in a nearby town and just talk as if you were on the phone.

    If you have a webcam, microphone and headphones, then you can conduct a video conference, see the interlocutor, hear him and answer. We can say that this is a videophone, but in fact, information is transmitted via the Internet, and you pay not for minutes, but for the number of sent and received megabytes.

Skype (Skype) allows you to call your partner on a mobile phone, landline phone, send sms messages to a mobile phone. At the same time, you do not get up from behind the computer, choose a tariff that is favorable for you and pay less. Using Skype, you can call anywhere in the world, while calls from Skype to Skype will be completely free. In case you have an urgent business trip and you cannot open Skype, you can forward calls and text messages.

The difference between Skype and other programs (the same ICQ, QIP or Jabber) is that you can chat with one person or with several dozen people at once, whom you invite to your chat.

Just like in other programs, Skype allows you to send files, conduct notebook, receive news, go to other conferences, the topic of which is of interest to you, also allows you to search for information without closing the program using the panel google tools (the toolbar is configured when installing the program).

Developers skype programs taken care of most of the users. The program works on the most famous platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Pocket PC.

How do I use Skype?

First, you need to download the program for your platform from the program manufacturer's website ( Run the installation file skypesetup.exe, then select your language, check the box that "accept the terms of the license agreement."

The Skype icon appeared on the desktop. Before starting to work with the program, check if you have a microphone, a webcam, and headphones. Let's say you have headphones and a microphone - that's enough to get started. Launch the program by double-clicking on the Skype icon, register, choose a nickname, set a photo, enter those personal data that you would like to be available for reading to everyone.

Registration is over, the main window has opened.

The main menu bar looks like: "File", "Account", "Call", "Chats", "View", "Tools", "Help". Initially, all the program settings are "by default", so we recommend that you immediately start configuring it. Of course, you need to set up your microphone and webcam. To do this, you go to the "Tools" section, then select "Settings", in the window that opens, in the subsection "Sound Settings", set your audio device: assign a tool for audio input, audio output, call, then select the "Save" button.

To find friends, go to the "Contacts" section of the menu, select "Search for Skype subscribers", enter a name, email or nickname and search. You have found the person you were looking for, and now, without closing the windows, you can call him. To do this, right-click on the nickname of the found person, select "Call" and wait for an answer.

If you need to call cellular telephone or landline, then select the "Dial number" tab, where you need to select the country and enter the number (without the country code). Then press the green key and wait for an answer - and you will definitely get through! To send an SMS to a person from the "Contacts" list, press the right mouse button and select "Send sms".

Among available ways payment:

    Payment system Yandex-money:\u003d1214

    Diners, MasterCard or Visa credit cards:\u003dRU

    Moneybookers by credit card, debit card or bank account:\u003dRU

    Regular bank transfer.

All new functionality, updates, help, tariffs of the Skype program you can find on the manufacturer's website

We wish you successful communication! Now you can always be in touch with your work partners, close friends, relatives.


2010-06-14 10:31:16 - Sergey

it's not good to copy other people's articles

2010-08-11 20:55:59 - sofia

what if you only have headphones?

2010-09-21 19:58:40 - microb

sophia. Just listen :)

2010-10-05 12:25:11 - Ekaterina Maksimovna Vericheva

How do I install Skype?

2010-10-08 07:00:37 - tanya

how much is it in rubles

2010-10-20 20:52:47 - Kalyan

How much does Skype and its services cost?

2010-10-20 23:51:19 - Olezhik

Okay, they will definitely come up with something.

2010-10-27 08:04:40 - Alina Kalashnikova

hmm skype is just horror there is nothing incomprehensible I will use @ better

2010-10-28 13:25:04 - Shestak Oleg

Hello! Can you please tell me if it is possible to communicate on Skype with several subscribers at once, if possible, how? thanks in advance for your reply.

2010-12-09 10:04:09 - Kerov vladimir genadievich

Can this skype be installed on the grave phone?

2010-12-09 23:40:21 - san4oz993

skype program is free, and services are paid.

2010-12-19 23:10:23 - Ekaterina

can it be done like this? so that it opens some time after switching on, if possible, how? thank you in advance:)

2011-01-03 18:03:08 - Sergey Akharovich Piryulyakin

You brakes everything there

2011-01-05 23:23:21 - Alexander

find a friend by F, And city, year of birth ??????

2011-01-12 20:34:26 - Ekaterina

can I communicate on Skype if I am using a computer and a person is using a phone?

2011-01-15 20:19:23 - Nikolay

this is the same as mail ru, only the name of skype.

2011-02-04 13:28:55 - Lyudmila

I still didn't understand anything ... if I have Skype (headphones, microphone, camera) and Skype at my interlocutor what to do7 How to call, register, and find out that they are calling you?

2011-02-12 17:25:50 - Pichugin

I can't find using skype Vladimin 10 2 1963 contacting the robot confirms the correctness of the settings on the account there is what I don’t understand?

2011-02-25 00:39:12 - Camilla

I know off topic, but tell me, how to connect a webcam on a laptop? Please !!!

2011-02-27 16:23:01 - Filin Kirill Anatolievich

Hello, I would like to clarify whether it is possible to communicate with other people in the video conference mode and how? Please write either on the website or in the mail, here it is- [email protected]

2011-03-10 15:29:30 - Yura Belin

People what are you talking about ???? What a nafig Skype! (Mail), this thing, never fails ... save your money .. ha :)

2011-03-29 16:16:23 -

Kerov Vladimir, why do you need Skype on your mobile phone ???))))) Most likely, you will hardly need it there ..

2011-04-24 00:14:45 - Mikhail Kitaychik

I can't remember my password to enter SKYPE

2011-04-25 00:05:32 - VALERIA


2011-04-26 18:01:18 - Aleksashka.

Well, you guys give it. Mile, even SKYPE doesn’t suit for sending large files.

2011-05-12 12:45:15 - kurashova victoria dmitrievna 2011-05-14 16:44:33 - Victor Stadnik

Cool theme, SKYPE. Crimea, Donbass, Khabarovsk, Paris, video calls, no problem and it's free, I'm happy. Thanks to SKYPE.

2011-05-27 16:09:15 - Fedya Pupkin

Interesting, but you can't make Skype for calls to Mabila? Or did the apsos pay so as not to be ruinous?)

2011-06-13 21:27:49 - Elena

Thanks for the available (for not very literate) information!

2011-06-14 09:22:11 - Furman Tetyana Yurivna

can't use skype

2011-06-20 08:28:14 - Baluda Anri Petrovich

And if a VEB camera with a microphone and a speaker with a 3.5 mm jack

2011-08-04 09:05:09 - Kitten

Skype is a good thing. I have been in the game for a long time (online), the guys and I decided that Skype would be our connection (much better not to write in game chats, since private and clan chat rooms still read). On skype we sit in group chat (we are 7). An acquaintance of mine is sitting on Skype from her mobile phone. A second friend told me that she had installed Skype on her phone. But money falls through as if through fingers. Tell me how to install it on the phone? I want to try it anyway! But in the mail - I forget my password and login, I don't even remember when I went there the last time. If anyone has any ideas (or still know how to install it on a mobile phone), then look for me on Skype under the Skype login: - kitten222223 (and if you want to chat with me - write too, I love to chat!).

2011-09-11 04:27:36 - Lida

I understood everything, except for the cost)

2011-09-12 20:12:51 - shashki35ru

Calls to mobile and landlines need to be paid

2011-09-19 14:21:05 - Valyushka

and if there is a microphone and not headphones, but how is one "ear" that is still used on the phone, then it will turn out to communicate x)?

2011-09-23 21:04:34 - igor 2011-10-09 17:11:06 - serge

And how many megabytes in a minute of a Skype call

2011-11-12 08:57:04 - MAKINA ALINA ANDREEVNA


2011-11-24 18:13:39 - Vanyok Makarov

Click on the plus (when calling, in the middle) and select "add interlocutor"

2011-12-07 22:24:19 - olga

who worked with a tutor on skype tell me learning for future use or is it better to personally see and hear the teacher thank you

2012-01-05 19:20:39 - Teya Sharmanashvili (Karchava)

how to install skype on a grave phone?

2012-01-08 17:25:20 - Grachev Alexey Sergeevich

you can use Skype without web cam on your computer! and where he pays for Skype services

2012-01-18 16:31:50 -

and if you call from computer to computer throughout Russia, how much will it cost.?

2012-02-19 18:30:42 - elena

without a webcam, you can pay in any theremin that is in stores and on the streets!

2012-03-04 10:05:21 - nina

Thanks everyone! Thought I was the only one so dumb ..

2012-03-10 11:53:41 - sergey

people tell me if it is possible to talk through a webcam in a counter strike

2012-03-22 15:20:28 - Screamer

Some questions, but where are the answers?

2012-04-20 13:57:00 - nastya

where are the answers ?????

2012-05-21 05:08:11 - shvetsova alyona vladimirovna

how to install skype and how much it will cost in rubles

2013-05-07 23: 36: 55.319102 - minyakin konstantin eugenivit

how to make Skype calls

2014-05-06 20:30:51.947109 - 2015-03-07 14: 09: 44.449982 - Aznorov Mikhail Aznorovich

Everyone asks questions and nobody answers the question. How can you learn Skure in this manner?

In this article I would like to touch upon the topic of communication. Today, hundreds of thousands of people spend a lot of time on the Internet every day. Most of them are devoted to communication. Communication in Social networks, Skype, ICE etc.

Today I want to talk about the most common methods of communication over the Internet. Those without which many people today cannot imagine their life. We will also pay attention to the issue how to call over the internet anywhere in the world.

Let's start with social media. VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook,, etc. These sites for communication have become very firmly established in our life today. With the help of them, people communicate with each other, play games, listen to music, watch films, arrange meetings and much more. More recently, VKontakte has an opportunity to make video calls from one page to another. Also, every month there are a bunch of different innovations.

Odnoklassniki and Facebook, as well as VKontakte, are multi-user and people spend there tens of hours a week. In Russia, it is more common social VKontakte networkthan Facebook. In second place after VKontakte are Odnoklassniki.

Now let's touch on the topic of Internet calling. How can you make calls over the Internet from one computer to another? I will tell you one of the most popular ways.


Through skype programs you can call from one computer to another completely free of charge. You can also send messages and make video calls in Skype.

Call over the Internet Skype is a pleasure, no matter where your family or friends are. No need to pay bills for calls abroad. Enough internet with good speed.

Here it is for you and an option as possible call over the internet... There is a lesson on the site: if you have any difficulties, then read it.

I told you the most relevant today there are many ways of communication, in fact, there are a lot of them, such as ICQ, and a bunch of other ways!

This article on how to communicate or call via the Internet comes to an end!

Thank you all and see you!

Now I will show you how to quickly register in Skype on a computer or phone. First we will create a new account, and then we will learn how to use the Skype program.

How to register with Skype

Skype is an Internet communication program from Microsoft. Through it, you can call and correspond for free, as well as communicate by video. But in order for all this to be possible, you first need to register a new user.

Right now, I will use an example to show you how to register for free on Skype on a computer and laptop. I will do this through the official website in Russian.

On a phone or tablet, registering for Skype is the same, starting with the third step. First you need to install the application, open it and click "Create an account".

1 . We open the official website

2. In the right upper corner click on "Login" and select the item "Register" from the list.

3. We print our number mobile phone with operator code. Example: 9001112233

If you want to register on Skype without a phone number, click on the link "Use an existing address email". An input field will appear e-mailwhere you need to print your address.

Here the system offers to get new address mail. But in this case, you still have to verify your account by mobile. Therefore, if you want to register without a phone, and you do not have a personal mail, then first create it on another site. And then enter this address when registering.

4 . Create a password of eight or more characters: it must consist of numbers and English letters. Example password: 45826967s

If the password does not work, make a more complex option, including both upper and lower case letters. For example, 45826967RNs

Be sure to write down your password. Without it, you won't be able to log into Skype later!

6. Now you need to enter the numeric code, which will come to your mobile or email address, and click "Next".

The phone receives a message from an unknown number with a registration code:

And if instead of a number you indicated an e-mail, then a letter will come from the technical support service.

The letter will contain a registration code.

Don't try to use the code I showed in the pictures. You will have it different.

7. We print the symbols from the picture. The size of the letters doesn't matter.

eight . Will open skype online... Click "Get Started" and the system will start up.

If a window pops up asking to show notifications, click "Allow".

That's it - registration is complete! Now you are on Skype and you can start chatting.

How to use Skype: instructions for beginners

There are three types of Skype:

  • Browser (Skype online)
  • As a stand-alone computer program
  • As a phone or tablet app

This is one and the same program, only in different versions. And you can use all of them at once.

For example, put a computer version on a laptop, and an application on a smartphone. And use browser skype on someone else's computer.

Browser (skype online) is a version without download. It just works from the browser: from Google chrome, Yandex, Mozilla Firefox or any other program for the Internet.

Computer program - this is a skype that must first be downloaded and installed on a PC. This is handy if you intend to use Skype regularly. The program will hang in the computer's memory and as soon as someone wants to contact you, it will immediately open.

App for phone or tablet - this is the same program, but only for the mobile. It will also hang in the device's memory and as soon as someone calls or writes to you, it is immediately activated.

How to log into your skype

To enter your skype, you must first launch the program. After that, the account will either open automatically, or a login window will open, where you will need to enter your data. You specified them during registration: phone number or email, password.

How to open a program on a computer... To launch the computer version, open the Skype icon on the desktop (screen).

If there is no icon, look for it in Start - All Programs.

Usually, the program itself starts when you turn on the computer, and is always on the taskbar and in the tray.

How to open the app... To launch the application, click on the Skype icon on the screen of your smartphone or tablet.

How to open skype online... To enter browser skype, follow the link

How to find a person

You can find a person in the system by e-mail address, phone number or login. You can also search by the first and last name that the user signed up for on Skype. This is done through the search bar.

In a computer program:

In the application:

In browser skype:

How to add a contact

Contacts are like a telephone directory. You add a person there, and he is assigned to your account. Thus, you can enter a friend, relative, colleague into Skype.

To add new contact, you first need to find a person on Skype. To do this, type in the search his name or login in the system, mail address or phone number.

Then select a user and click on "Add to Contact List". A window with a request will appear. It is advisable to print who you are instead of the standard text.

Immediately after submission, the person will be added to your contact list. But next to its icon will be a small icon with a question mark. This means that the user has not yet approved the request. When he receives and accepts it, the question mark will change to something else.

How to communicate

Skype communication is possible in three ways:

  1. Call
  2. Video call
  3. Correspondence

A call is something like talking on the phone. You hear the interlocutor, and he hears you. This requires a microphone, headphones or speakers, as well as a fairly fast internet connection. Modern laptops, tablets and smartphones usually have both a microphone and speakers.

To make a call, click on the subscriber in the contact list and click on the button with the handset image.

Video call is a voice communication + video broadcast. You not only hear the interlocutor, but see him. And he, in turn, sees you. But for this you must have a special camera. It's called a webcam and is built into every modern laptop, tablet, or smartphone. For personal computer it can be purchased separately.

To make a video call, click on the subscriber and click on the button with the camera image.

For video communication, the Internet must be high-speed and preferably unlimited.

Correspondence is the exchange of text messages (chat). You write what you want to say and you get an answer. In the chat, you can send not only a message, but also a file: photo, video, document.

Use the bottom window for correspondence. Just first click on the user in the contact list.

Before starting communication, pay attention to the icon next to the user icon. If it is green with a check mark inside, it means that the person is now on Skype and will be able to answer. And if the icon is yellow, red or empty (white), it means that the subscriber is busy or offline.

How to find out your login

Login (nickname) is your Skype address, personal number in the system. It consists of English letters without spaces, may include numbers and signs. Examples of addresses: ivan.petrov, live: petrov_19, petrucho333

Where to see login... To find out the login in the program on the computer, click on your name in the upper left corner. In the item "Accounts" your address will be written.

To find a login in mobile applicationyou need to click on your icon at the top of Skype.

In the item "Profile" the name will be written in Skype.

Also, you can easily find out your Skype number through the browser version. To do this, go to under your details and click on the name in the upper left corner. A page will open where the login will be written.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Skype calls free?

Yes, calls, video calls, chat conversations, and file transfers are all free. Only the Internet is consumed.

Can I make Skype calls to regular phones?

Yes, you can call regular numbers via Skype - landline and mobile. But this is already paid. To learn about tariffs, as well as to deposit money into your account, follow the link.

Can I recreate Skype if I have already registered?

Yes, you can re-register with Skype and create another account. But for this, when registering, you will need to use other data: another phone number or email.

Can I register without a phone number and without email?

Previously, according to the old registration form, it was possible to create an account by specifying a fictitious e-mail. But now mail confirmation is required. Therefore, now, in 2018, you need to indicate your personal data: real phone or email address.

How to log out of Skype correctly?

To exit the program on your computer, click on the Skype button in the upper left corner and select "Sign out of account". If there is no button, click on the three horizontal lines at the top left ().

In the mobile application, click on your icon, then go down to the very bottom and select "Sign out".

In the browser skype, click on your name and select "Exit" at the bottom.

What if I forgot my password?

The password can be changed. To do this, go to, enter your phone number, email or Skype username and click "Next". Then click on the "Forgot your password?" and follow the instructions.

How can I contact support?

In order to contact technical support, open the "Help" section and at the bottom of the page select "Contact us".

I have not found an answer to my question

Skype or simply Skype is one of the most popular programs for communication on the Internet. With it, you can exchange text messages, make voice and video calls, and transfer files. Skype has no technical limitations. It works great on any computer and any operating systems... We have already talked about. This time we will consider this program in more detail and tell you how to use Skype.

Skype launch

Since you are interested in how to use Skype, let's start from the very beginning. After you have completed skype installation a window should open in front of you in which you must enter the login and password that you specified when registering on the Skype website. Enter this data in the appropriate fields and click on the button "Sign in to Skype".

If you have closed this window, you can always open it using a shortcut on the Desktop or by searching in the Start menu or Start windows screen 8. For those who have not yet registered, there is a button "Register new users".

After we have entered the username / password and entered Skype, the main program window will open in front of us. This window is divided into two parts. On the left side of the window there is a list of contacts, and on the right there is an empty space.

After registering in the contact list, you will have only one item. This is "Echo / Sound Test Service". This is a test (not real) user skype systems... It can be used to test the operation of the headphones.

Find contacts among Skype users

In order to start using Skype, you need to add your friends and acquaintances to your contact list. To do this, click on the "Add contact" button. You can find this button immediately below the list of contacts (lower left corner of the program).

After that, a window will open with which you can search for registered users and find your friends. You can search by email address, phone number, name, or login. Enter the data that you have and click on the "Add" button.

Working with Skype

After the user is selected, the interface for communication with the contact will appear in the right part of the program window. At the top of the window, you can find two buttons for making calls. And at the bottom there will be a field with which you can start text correspondence.

Calls to mobile and landlines using Skype

If you want to make a call to a mobile or landline phone using Skype, you need to click on the "Calls to Phone" button. This button is located above the contact list in the upper left corner of the program.

After that, a field for dialing a phone number will appear on the right side of the program. In order to make calls to real phones, you need to top up your Skype account. Calls within the Skype network are free.

One of the most popular voice communication software. Its main advantage is the ability to make free calls between users. But in some situations, for example, on the road, there is no time to create an account or remember data from a previous account, but the program is necessary. For such cases, the developers have provided a Web version of Skype online without registration.

It does not require an account or installation on a computer. Guest access works directly on the site, where you can also make calls with users. This function will also interest those who have never encountered Skype, but would like to try.

Skype Guest Access

To establish voice communication in the browser, you need to open the page and click on the oval button "Start Conversation". The system will ask you to enter your name, as soon as you do this, almost all Skype functions will open. It serves for temporary login in guest access. The name can also be entered in Russian.

Now all that remains is to add contacts and start a conversation. In the left block of the page there is a unique link that can be sent to friends for communication.

If you've used Skype before, you can easily figure out the Web version. But even a beginner will not find it difficult to master the program, because it has an intuitive interface. Through the browser, you can make calls, establish video calls, participate in chats for several hundred people, and also send any files. With the Internet version it will be possible to communicate with both registered users and people with guest access.

The system does not restrict human actions in any way, when compared with a stationary or mobile version... But in Skype without registration, there is one caveat: the guest account only exists for 24 hours. Information about this is indicated under the block with a link to communication. If you want to continue using the program in the future, then you need to go to full versionby first creating an account. You can download it directly on the guest access page. The corresponding link is located at the bottom of the browser window.

The browser version of the program has tight integration with Facebook. You can invite friends from social network to participate in a private conversation or conference, or for chatting.