Check the keyboard work online. Online keyboard check. Simple ways to solve the problem

A laptop is a mobile compact device that is the best choice for surfing the web, performing work tasks, watching movies, etc. Today we will consider one of the fairly common cases - when the keyboard does not work on a laptop.

In this article, we will consider the main reasons that can affect the inoperability of the keyboard on a laptop, and, accordingly, how to solve them.

Reason 1: factory defect

Let's start with perhaps the simplest reason for the inoperability of the keyboard, when you bought a brand new laptop in the store, brought it home, but when you start the keyboard completely refuses to work. In this case, it is likely that your laptop has a factory defect, therefore, without wasting time, we go with all the complete set of the laptop and a check to the store at the place of purchase, where you either have to return the money for the goods, or make an exchange for a working model.

Reason 2: system failure

The next most simple reason for the keyboard inoperability is system failure... As a result of a system failure, users, without bothering to restart the PC, immediately contact service centeralthough the solution to the problem is extremely simple.

Reboot the system using the mouse ("Start" - "Restart" button) or hold down the power key on the laptop and hold it until the laptop is suddenly turned off. Then try turning on the laptop and booting normally, checking the keyboard health status.

Reason 3: chip burnout

Now let's move on to much more unpleasant reasons for the inoperability of the laptop keyboard. Be sure to check the status of the USB ports and touchpad first. If they do not work, there is nothing left for you to do but contact the service center.

Reason 4: problem in the loop

If the keyboard suddenly, for no apparent reason, stopped working, but the USB ports and keyboard continue to function normally on the laptop, the problem is probably in the cable, which could accidentally come off or be damaged (especially if the laptop was opened before).

If you have some experience, open your laptop, we are specifically interested in the keyboard cable. Make sure the cable is free of oxidation and any other types of damage that will require replacement. In simpler cases, the cable could simply move away from the connection connector, and therefore you just need to connect the cable and assemble the laptop.

Reason 5: failure

Typically, the hardware laptop keyboard stops working for the most popular reason - it was flooded with liquid. The problem is that if you accidentally spill liquid on the laptop keyboard, it seems to have dried everything, after that the keyboard may still work normally for a while, but as a result, the day may still come when it will completely refuse to function.

As a temporary solution to the problem, connect a separate keyboard. But still, you should not postpone a visit to the service center, where they can diagnose the cause of the breakdown and, quite possibly, return your laptop to normal performance.

Reason 6: drivers

We are smoothly moving from hardware causes of keyboard problems to software ones.

If you are sure that the keyboard could not fail in any way due to hardware reasons, it's time to check for keyboard drivers. To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" , set the mode in the upper right corner of the screen "Small icons" and then go to section "System" .

In the left pane of the window, go to the section "Device Manager" .

In the window that opens, expand the item "Keyboards" and check if this item contains the name of your keyboard. If your item has a yellow icon with exclamation mark or there is no keyboard name at all, respectively, the problem is really in the drivers, so your next task is to install drivers for your laptop keyboard.

How and where to find required drivers, previously described on our website.

After installing the drivers, be sure to restart your computer.

Reason 7: computer viruses

If the problem is not in the drivers, you should suspect that viruses are on the computer. To check the likelihood of this cause, be sure to perform a deep scan on your computer using your antivirus or a special healing utility Dr.Web CureIt.

After removing all viruses, be sure to restart your computer.

Reason 8: features of your laptop

Quite a ridiculous move on the part of laptop manufacturers, but it still occurs. The fact is that laptops under windows managementare generally disappointing with long battery life. As a result, some laptop manufacturers have decided to optimize performance by shutting down certain devices when the battery is low.

In this case, try connecting the laptop to the network and checking the keyboard is working. If it works successfully, try to find a utility from the manufacturer on your computer, through which, most likely, you can control such a function.

If you are still having trouble solving problems related to the inoperability of the laptop keyboard, as a workaround, you can use the standard On-Screen Keyboard application available on every Windows computer, or connect a separate USB or Bluetooth keyboard.

User question ...


Help with one problem. For no apparent reason, the keyboard on my lenovo laptop B70-80. The laptop did not hit, did not flood, did not hit - just after turning it on, it does not respond to pressing some keys. What can be done?

Good day!

What is good in this regard regular computer - so this is a quick change from one keyboard to another. Unfortunately, this procedure cannot be done so quickly in a laptop.

In general, it is extremely rare for the keyboard to stop working for no reason. Most often, the user guesses what the reason is (and sometimes keeps quiet). For example, quite often the keyboard is flooded with tea, water, juice; mechanical damage, etc.

This article will discuss the main causes of keyboard failure and what you can do to restore your device to working condition. So...

The keyboard on the laptop refused: reasons

What can be done to fix the situation temporarily

I want to start the article with what temporary measures can be taken in order to somehow type some characters, press the necessary keys (which may be needed in the process of restoring operability).

  1. Method number 1 - connect a USB keyboard. So that any modern laptop has several USB ports. By the way, if the USB ports also do not work, then this is a rather bad sign, it may indicate a failed mat. fee;
  2. Method number 2 - call onscreen keyboard... It is located in the section: control Panel / Accessibility / Ease of Access Center (see screenshot below).

1) Inattention / ignorance of the user

No matter how funny it sounds, but very often the keyboard "does not work" due to the ignorance of the user. For example, how many times have they complained to me that the numbers on the keyboard are broken, that no dates are entered, etc. - but the point is that the numeric keypad works when the key is pressed Num luck (by the way, there is often an LED on or above it).

So, if this key is not pressed, when you try to enter numbers from the numeric keypad, your cursor will jump, move, and not react at all.

If numbers don't work for you, be sure to pay attention to this key!

Note: some laptop models include a numeric keypad only by pressing a key combination: Fn + Num Lock.

By the way, one more point: regarding the function keys (F1, F2, F, 3 ... F12)... On modern laptops, for any of these keys to work, you need to press the FN key in addition to it. Usually, this moment is configured in the BIOS.

The screenshot below shows the "Advanced" section dell laptop - in the item "Function Key Behavior" - it is possible to choose how the function keys will work: in the mode of multimedia buttons (decrease / increase the volume, brightness, etc.), or in the mode of normal functions (update the page, call up help, etc.) etc.).

I will not consider in detail here how to enter the BIOS and how to configure it, but I will give a couple of links to articles from which you can get this information:

  1. how to enter BIOS -
  2. bIOS buttons for different manufacturers laptops -
  3. how to reset bIOS settings -

2) Garbage under / between the keys

Dust, dirt, crumbs are very fond of accumulating under the keys of the keyboard, and in general, the keyboard gets greasy over time from greasy hands, fingers, even among rather neat users. Over time, some of the keys (usually starting from 1-2) cease to respond normally, they have to be pressed and pressed with force.

An article on how to clean your laptop / PC from dust. A link to the section of the article on how to clean the keyboard from crumbs, greasy marks and dust -

There are three ways to clean the keyboard (in my opinion):

  1. use special A USB vacuum cleaner that can gently and gently pick up most of the crumbs from the keyboard surface;
  2. use special Velcro, which, when pressed, fill the plane of the keyboard, and when you unhook them, all dust and dirt remains on them;
  3. you can blow out the keyboard with a regular vacuum cleaner (especially if it has a reverse mode), and then gently wipe it with a damp cloth moistened with soapy water.

3) Software glitch, error while loading OS

If not a single key on your keyboard works at all (and you did not fill it, did not knock, etc.), then I hasten to assure you, in more than half of the cases, the software is to blame. For example, a driver conflict occurs, at the stage of loading your OS, or some kind of virus has been picked up, etc.

The simplest and the right way - try restarting your laptop first. It will not be superfluous to try to enter the BIOS (how to do this - see this article :).

Note: if your keyboard works in the BIOS (and the fact that you entered it already speaks about it), then you probably have a reason in the software. In case of problems with hardware, the keyboard will not work anywhere: neither in BIOS, nor in Windows, nor in any other OS!

If, after restarting the laptop, the keyboard does not work again (and the keyboard worked in the BIOS), try rolling the system back to the state when it worked. Below is a link to an article on recovering Windows.

How to repair Windows 10 -

If recovery doesn't help (or you don't have recovery checkpoints) you can try. I also recommend paying attention to the drivers, about them below ...

4) Driver problem

Generally, keyboard drivers are usually installed automatically during Windows installation. But sometimes the following problems are observed with them:

  • Some laptops have a somewhat non-standard keyboard with additional. functions - and for its full operation, specials are needed. driver. If they are absent, the keyboard may not work in full mode;
  • A driver crash / conflict may have occurred on the system. This often happens with USB drivers, TV tuners, audio drivers, etc.;
  • The keyboard drivers themselves may have been damaged.

- how to remove any old or redundant driver in the system:

- programs for working with drivers: search, update, delete:

5) Acidification of the keyboard loop contacts // loop damage

If the previous steps did not help, and the laptop keyboard also does not respond to any of your pressings, I recommend checking the flex cable. The following usually happens to him:

  1. if you disassembled the laptop and disconnected / connected the keyboard, it is quite possible that the cable could simply not be inserted tightly into the socket. If this was the case, try reconnecting the keyboard;
  2. just as often it is damaged when the laptop is not carefully disassembled (the wiring in the cable is thin enough and can be interrupted with one not careful movement);
  3. the contacts of the loop, or the socket in which it "sits", could oxidize over time and not give good contact. Try to gently wipe them with an eraser (as a rule, the contacts begin to become lighter even by eye, which means you have removed the oxidized plaque).

IMPORTANT! On some laptop models, it is far from easy to remove the keyboard: sometimes it may be necessary to disassemble the entire device to the bottom! In general, usually, it is enough to unfasten a few latches with a screwdriver (see photo above), and raise the plane of the keyboard.

By the way, if your laptop is under warranty, use the service center. Your independent disassembly (including disconnecting only the keyboard) will almost certainly cause a refusal of warranty service!

6) Filling the keyboard with liquid

Some experts have summed up interesting statistics: every 50th circle above the laptop falls over on it. First of all, it is the keyboard that suffers. By the way, from my own experience, I will say that with any flooding, the keyboard suffers 100%, but other devices (under it) still have chances to stay dry: it all depends on the user's reaction speed after the incident, and the amount of liquid spilled.

In general, liquid liquids are different. Especially dangerous for iron is a liquid containing salt or sugar: tea, juice, lemonade, etc. When such a liquid gets on the contacts and metal parts of the boards, the process of oxidation and corrosion begins, which destroys (in some cases, far from immediately, but true) iron.

What to do if the laptop is flooded:

  1. turn off your laptop: you can immediately disconnect the power supply and remove the battery as soon as possible (the faster the better);
  2. then turn the device over so that liquid begins to flow out of it;
  3. dry the device for several days (earlier - the device simply will not dry out). For drying, do not use hair dryers, heaters, or other similar devices;
  4. it is highly advisable to disassemble the device and see how far the liquid has penetrated. In general, of course, if you have never done this yourself, I recommend showing the device in the service center: even if your device works after drying, the remaining liquid (especially if it was aggressive: juice, beer, tea, etc.) will slowly and surely destroy your iron from the inside, causing corrosion and oxidation.

7) Mechanical damage

In general, by and large, there is nothing to break in the keyboard, and as a rule, the breakdown is associated with damage to a specific key (i.e. 1-2 keys will no longer be pressed). Usually, this happens if something falls on the laptop keyboard, or you accidentally hit the device (for example, this could be on the road when moving the device).

In some cases, when the contacts on the keyboard board are damaged (or the button is "clamped"), the keyboard may not respond to pressing other keys and behave unstably. By the way, if you have any key pressed, you can find out if you open any text editor: Word, notepad, etc.

Button "a" is stuck

By the way, if 1-2 keys do not work for you, then you can reassign to others and use the keyboard for some time (or maybe this time will be long ?!).

To help! How to reassign one key to another (for those who do not have a button press on the keyboard) -

8) What about the laptop battery?

And the last thing I would like to dwell on in this article. In general, this is quite rare, but still I met on one "no name" Chinese laptop: the keyboard on it stopped working if the battery was discharged and below a certain minimum of 7%, apparently a kind of software was working (I hope this software doesn't become popular?) .

This concludes my opus, for additions on the topic - a big merci in advance. Good luck!

A keyboard is a set of keys arranged in a certain order that allows you to control a particular device, which in our case is a laptop. In addition, the keyboard is one of the main input devices. Of course, for tablets and smartphones it is not required, however, it is impossible to fully use a PC or the same laptop without it.

I already talked about why it might be. Today we will talk about a laptop keyboard.

Software glitch

It's worth starting with the most common problem that you can solve yourself. In this case, I want to consider a software glitch.

What does it look like? You just turn on your laptop after some idle time and realize the keyboard isn't working. The first thing to do is not to panic, as some individuals like to do. It is quite possible that the problem is trivial and it can be solved in one minute.

The first step is to restart your laptop. You can do this with the mouse or. We reboot the device or, if you wish, turn it off and turn it on again. I assure you that 60% of the keyboard will work again after a restart. It's all about a certain software glitch, which may have occurred during the boot phase of the operating system. If this method helped you, then you may not even read the article further.

If it doesn't help, then we reboot the device again and as soon as it starts loading, we try. To do this, you need to press the TAB key, and if it does not help, then F10 or DEL. One of these options should definitely work. If you managed to do this, then physically the keyboard works and this suggests that the problem is 99% not mechanical.

You need to exit the BIOS and boot the device. Most likely the keyboard won't work, but don't worry, we'll try to get it to do it. For this, it will be necessary at the time when it was in working order. I have already described how to do this on the pages of the site. Rolling back to an earlier date should help.

In some cases, you can reinstall operating system, but this, you understand, is not the most pleasant process, along with which, by the way, you can delete important information.

About drivers

Some device problems are directly related to drivers. They may, for example, be completely missing or damaged. In cases with a laptop, this moment is very relevant, since almost for each component you need to install its own driver.

Find the name of your laptop model on the case, then go to the manufacturer's website and find the drivers for the specified model. Among them, there should definitely be drivers for the keyboard. Download and install them. It is very likely that the keyboard will work after this procedure.

The problem is in the hardware

If none of the above helps, then the problem may be hardware related. Most often, the plume suffers. As the guys who have already disassembled laptops assure, getting to the loop is not a problem, besides, you can find manuals on how to do this on the network. But before you start disassembling your device, remember if it is covered by the warranty. If so, you cannot disassemble it! Take your laptop to the store where you bought it with your receipt and return it for repair (free of course). In some cases, stores find it easier to exchange a laptop for a new one than to repair it.

Let's say that you disassemble the case and get to the loop. What's next? And then you need to carefully examine it for oxidation or damage. If there are no external signs of damage, then wipe it with an eraser. I do not recommend using alcohol and other liquids, as this can adversely affect the performance of the loop.

Assemble your laptop, turn it on, and test the keyboard.

Dirt and dust

Do not forget about dirt and dust, which are very fond of accumulating under the keys. Oddly enough, the keyboard may not work for this very reason. What to do? As one option, you can remove all the keys (some models can easily do this), remove all the dirt and wipe the contacts with an eraser. If you spend this procedure impossible, you will have to disassemble the device to get to the keyboard, and this is not so easy to do, since you will have to disassemble a good half of the laptop.

If the keyboard does not work due to spilled liquid

What a sin to conceal - a laptop seems to attract liquids to itself, because almost every one of us who has this device, invariably spilled this or that liquid on him. If for an ordinary computer keyboard this most often ends asymptomatically, then for a laptop this is almost a fatal case.

If you spill something on the keyboard, you need to urgently turn off the laptop, remove the battery from it and turn the gadget so that the liquid spills out of it.

Then you need to disassemble the device. Whether it is worth doing this if it is under warranty is up to you, but this is definitely not warranty case, so no one will repair your laptop for free.

If you did disassemble the device, place it in a dry place. It is best to dry at room temperature without using an "air" technique in the form of a hair dryer. You need to dry your laptop for at least one to two weeks - be patient. Only then can you collect it and turn it on.

Mechanical problems

Mechanical problems are usually associated with the fall of the laptop or when something heavy falls on it. In this case, both one button and several buttons may not work. Less commonly, the entire keyboard. Most likely, only its replacement will help, and it is not so easy to do it yourself, so I recommend contacting a specialized service for help.

The same applies to those cases when the keyboard does not show any signs of life at all, no matter what you do with it.

The keyboard on a laptop may stop working at any minute. And while on a stationary PC this problem is solved by simply replacing a removable keyboard, with laptops things are a little different. Fixing or replacing a native keyboard is very expensive. However, if you are faced with such a problem, do not despair. In most cases, the problem is quickly resolved.

Why the keyboard does not work on a laptop: an overview of the reasons and methods of repair

The keyboard on a laptop running Windows 7 or higher may not work for several reasons. Let's highlight the most basic ones.

  • Broken microcircuit. If, in addition to the keyboard, your ports do not work, the touchpad, it is possible that your microcircuit has burned out. It is worth contacting a service center, where professionals can confirm this diagnosis.
  • The train is gone. If the touchpad is working and the ports are working too, then the cable may just come off the keyboard. Also, the plume may oxidize. Therefore, you need to find small mounts on the keyboard, gently pry them by credit card or a screwdriver and remove the keyboard.
    IMPORTANT! If you're unsure of being able to neatly detach the keyboard, don't try. You can break the latches and you have to pay a lot of money to fix the case).

The train will look like this. Disconnect it carefully and clean the contacts from oxide. Then we connect it back to the connector.

  • Viral lesion. Viruses often damage device drivers and the device stops working. It is worth running the Dr.Web curing utility to check the system and removing the trojans and other infected software found.
  • Checking and reinstalling drivers. If the keyboard does not work in windows system, reboot into BIOS and see if the buttons work there. If everything functions normally in BIOSe, it means that the drivers for the keyboard have flown off or are damaged. We reinstall them. For this we press right click mouse on the "Computer" icon in the "Start" menu and select "Properties".

In the left menu, select "Device Manager".

A new window will open. Choose "Keyboards". Expand the branch and right-click on the element. We select "Update driver".

We select "Search on this computer" (if your keyboard worked before) or " Automatic search»(If you have just installed Windows and the selected drivers are not suitable).

We follow the wizard's tips.

  • Clogged keyboard. To clean the laptop keyboard, you should use a can of compressed air, which can blow all the crumbs and dust from under the keys.

  • Flooded keyboard. If you have spilled liquid on the keyboard before. Then the corrosion process can begin. The keyboard will have to be taken to a service center for cleaning.

  • Incomplete battery charge. Some laptop models have such a feature as turning off the keyboard, touchpad and other components at a certain battery charge. Therefore, it is worth connecting the laptop to the network and rechecking the keyboard for operability.