They want to restrict access to the Internet and social networks for the Russian military. Who and why bans social networks for the military

The Russian Ministry of Defense has developed rules of conduct on the Internet for the military. Among the recommendations included the rejection of social networks and publications with geolocation reference, Izvestia reports.

The military is restricted from accessing the Internet. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has circulated recommendations on the behavior of department employees and military personnel on the world wide web. Soldiers and officers are advised to stop using the social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and other similar resources. And also - not to publish information about your service and part, and disable geolocation in phones. So far, the rules of conduct on the Web are advisory in nature, but the department is already preparing amendments to the laws that will make them mandatory.

The Ministry of Defense told the publication that the rules of conduct on the Internet were developed at the end of 2017. Now the recommendations have been sent to the troops. For ease of perception, they are made in the form of a memo, as well as visual aids, posters.

Tips for keeping classified information and safe behavior servicemen in social networks (the document is at the disposal of Izvestia). Soldiers and officers are notified that the administrators of foreign resources have full access to personal information posted there. The authors of the document remind that the publications of the military are constantly analyzed by foreign special services. Therefore, photographs and video materials attached to the terrain can "lead to the disruption of the combat mission." The military is advised to ask their relatives and friends not to disseminate information about their official activities.

The Ministry of Defense is preparing amendments to the laws "On conscription and military service" and "On the status of military personnel." Now they are going through the stage of approval in the power ministries. The amendments prohibit soldiers and officers from disclosing their departmental affiliation on the Internet, details of their activities and those of their colleagues. The guilty soldier can be brought to criminal or disciplinary responsibility.

Soldiers, officers and employees of the department are reminded that photos, videos, notes and comments on the Internet cannot be deleted. They also urge not to forget that publications that incite interethnic or interreligious hatred can cause “significant reputational damage to the Armed Forces,” and their author may incur administrative, disciplinary or criminal liability. The military is advised to keep their social media accounts as private as possible and not add strangers as friends. The memo focuses on the technical side of Internet security. It is advised to regularly update applications and not install suspicious programs. Military personnel are advised to come up with a unique password for each website or Internet service. The combination of symbols used for this should be long and complex.

Adviser to the President of Russia on Internet issues German Klimenko told Izvestia that such instructions are primarily needed for the soldiers so that they do not get into unpleasant situations.

The army is a special structure where secrecy is important, - said German Klimenko. - We know the history of how we found out with the help of various services where the guards of the American army go. Therefore, recommendations for the use of mobile phones, smartphones and other gadgets are necessary. Especially in the restricted areas.

The recommendations do not limit the personal freedom of servicemen, they only warn them about the possible negative consequences of activity on the Internet, - said Maria Fil. - It is important to emphasize that any information that gets on the Internet remains there forever.

In foreign countries, they have long been involved in the behavior of military personnel on the Internet. The Pentagon published the relevant regulations back in 2011. They talk about the importance of social networks for the military, the importance of maintaining confidential information during communication and the correct positioning of the army in the virtual world.

The military is restricted from accessing the Internet. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has disseminated recommendations on the behavior of department employees and military personnel on the world wide web.

Soldiers and officers are advised to stop using the social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and other similar resources. And also - not to publish information about your service and part, and disable geolocation in phones.

So far, the rules of conduct on the Web are advisory in nature, but the department is already preparing amendments to the laws that will make them mandatory.

At the Ministry of Defense Izvestia told that the rules of conduct on the Internet were developed at the end of 2017. Now the recommendations have been sent to the troops. For ease of perception, they are made in the form of a memo, as well as visual aids, posters.

The tips relate to the preservation of classified information and the safe behavior of servicemen on social networks (the document is at the disposal of Izvestia). Soldiers and officers are notified that administrators of foreign resources have full access to personal information posted there. The authors of the document remind that the publications of the military are constantly analyzed by foreign special services. Therefore, photographs and video materials attached to the terrain can "lead to the disruption of the combat mission." The military is advised to ask their relatives and friends not to disseminate information about their official activities.

The Ministry of Defense is preparing amendments to the laws "On conscription and military service" and "On the status of military personnel." Now they are going through the stage of approval in the power ministries. The amendments prohibit soldiers and officers from disclosing on the Web their departmental affiliation, details of activities - both their own and those of their colleagues. The guilty soldier can be brought to criminal or disciplinary responsibility.

Soldiers, officers and employees of the department are reminded that photos, videos, notes and comments that have got on the Internet cannot be deleted. They also urge not to forget that publications that incite interethnic or interreligious hatred can cause “significant reputational damage to the Armed Forces,” and their author may incur administrative, disciplinary or criminal liability. The military is advised to keep their social media accounts as private as possible and not to add unfamiliar users as friends. The memo focuses on the technical side of Internet security.

It is advised to regularly update applications and not install suspicious programs.

German Klimenko, Advisor to the President of Russia on Internet Issues, told Izvestia that this instruction is primarily needed for soldiers - so that they do not get into unpleasant situations.

“The army is a special structure where secrecy is important,” said German Klimenko. - We know the history of how we found out where the guards of the American army are with the help of various services. Therefore, recommendations for the use of mobile phones, smartphones and other gadgets are necessary. Especially in the restricted areas.

- R the recommendations do not limit the personal freedom of military personnel, only warn them about the possible negative consequences of activity on the Internet, - said Maria Fil. - It is important to emphasize that any information that gets on the Internet remains there forever.

In foreign countries, they have long been involved in the behavior of military personnel on the Internet. The Pentagon published the relevant regulations back in 2011. They talk about the importance of social networks for the military, the importance of maintaining confidential information during communication and the correct positioning of the army in the virtual world.

Society and the army make special demands on the behavior of a person in military uniform. Therefore, knowledge of certain laws of behavior is an indispensable condition for military service. When communicating with other people, there is little desire to behave correctly, it is also necessary to firmly know the rules of decency adopted in society and in a particular professional circle, to be able to apply them in practice. Studying the requirements of military etiquette allows a young soldier to better get used to the army environment, to get out of typical difficult situations that are encountered in life with dignity.

The essence of etiquette

Etiquette is a certain system of rules of conduct and is an integral part of the general culture of a person. It includes, first of all, the rules for dealing with others, forms of communication, greetings, norms of behavior in public places. In other words, this ket determines how to move, talk and how to act in a given situation.

Allocate different kinds etiquette. Diplomatic etiquette includes the rules of conduct for officials during various contacts - at negotiations, receptions, dinners, etc .; general civil etiquette is a set of rules, traditions and conventions followed by people when communicating with each other; military etiquette is a set of generally accepted rules, norms and manners of behavior of military personnel.

Military etiquette is based on the requirements of the regulations, the principles of army morality and the traditions of the Armed Forces. These rules cover the service and non-service relationships of soldiers, the forms of their address to each other, rituals, and attitude towards other people.

The behavior of a person in military uniform is, in fact, the outer side, by which others judge the reliability, inner strength and moral qualities of the army. The mother looks at the soldier, thinking that soon her son will be like that. An elderly passer-by, looking at a man in uniform, recalls the years of his service in the Armed Forces, compares and draws conclusions. Foreign guests meticulously evaluate appearance and the behavior of the representatives of the army, which frightened them for so long ...

From the history of etiquette

The human desire to behave is rooted in the ancient history of mankind. We find descriptions of the rules of behavior in a given situation in the very first written documents. So, the rules for using cutlery were held in high esteem even among the ancient Egyptians. And the ability to eat beautifully and quietly has been a hallmark of a cultured person at all times.

In Russia, a large number of literary monuments are known in which requirements for behavior are recorded. So, in "Izbornik 1076" reflects the basic moral norms that prevailed in the XI century.

The "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh" contain rules that have not lost their meaning to this day: "... eat and drink without much noise, keep quiet with your elders, listen to the smart, obey the elders, with equals and subordinates in the liking to live, talk without guile , thinking more, not to rage in words, not to swear in conversation, not to laugh excessively, to be ashamed of elders, not to communicate with bad women, lowering your eyes down, and your soul upward. "

In the XVI century. in Russia appeared "Domostroy", which prescribed the norms of a person's relationship to God, to the state and to people around him, including those close to him.

Under Peter I, the book "Honest Mirror of Youth, or Indication for Everyday Circumstance Collected from Various Authors" was published. It contained requirements for behavior in various life situations. Peter I, striving to teach Russian youth the rules of European etiquette, did not follow the path of thoughtless and blind copying, but demanded the application of European etiquette norms, taking into account Russian reality. When Pavel I mechanically transferred to the Russian army wigs with brooches and braids according to the Prussian model, Suvorov publicly expressed his attitude to this "innovation" in a chased aphorism: "Powder is not gunpowder, broccoli are not cannons, a braid is not a cleaver, and I am not a German, but a natural hare! "

Communication culture

Etiquette is inextricably linked with the culture of communication, the ability to establish proper relationships with people.

In order to study the requirements of modern etiquette, you need to imagine its structure. In textbooks you can find the concepts of "speech" and "non-speech" etiquette. Indeed, a person is often judged by the way he speaks. But speech can be both oral and written. There are specific requirements for a boss's report and speaking at a meeting, a public lecture, or a conversation with friends. It is equally important to properly prepare a memo, a report, draw up a report, write a personal letter. It also has its own peculiarities. All of them are included in the concept of "speech etiquette". He, in turn, determines one of the aspects of the culture of communication. The volume of the voice, tonality, vocabulary selection in a given situation clearly demonstrate the level of communication culture.

Non-speech etiquette also plays a very important role, especially for a serviceman. Correct and beautiful movements, gestures, facial expressions, even glances - all this is also part of the military's communication culture. Regarding the military salute, the Combat Regulations formulate the requirements of non-verbal etiquette as follows: "The military salute is performed clearly and bravely, with strict observance of the rules of the drill and movement." The charter prescribes to a soldier how to act when performing a military salute in various situations.

Other components of etiquette are politeness, tact, modesty, and good manners. Politeness is, in fact, the basis of etiquette, representing the observance of the basic rules of decency. Tact (or tact) is the ability to choose a demeanor that best suits a given situation. Modesty is a style of polite behavior in which a person does not seek to draw attention to his personality. Good breeding is understood as the presence of stable tactical behavior skills. All this taken together determines the culture of communication of a serviceman.

Modern society has developed a number of requirements for etiquette that make it necessary for any cultured person. This is humanism, general availability, systematicity, expediency, harmony, as well as the unity of moral, aesthetic and legal. In other words, the observance of etiquette should ensure the implementation of such concepts as beauty, utility, convenience, maintaining human dignity, preserving freedom and naturalness.

Etiquette is important in all areas of human communication. For a soldier, it is of particular importance in the course of official activities, in public places and in the family.

Service etiquette

Not for fear, but for conscience - this is perhaps the main requirement of service etiquette. In the best traditions of the Russian army, etiquette was organically associated with the honor of a soldier, the honor of a uniform. The concept of military honor was specially cultivated, codes of rules were published, in which the requirements for the behavior of military personnel were set out in a clear and often aphoristic form. For sailors they were called "Officer's Courtesy Rules", for dragoons - "Reminder of Honor", for Uhlans - "Instruction of Honor".

Service in the armed forces was considered in Russia just an honorable duty of every man, but also an irreplaceable school of highly moral, exemplary human behavior.

This purposeful work has not been fruitless. The best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia had a high opinion of the moral merits and behavior of the Russian soldier. The famous diplomat and poet F.I.Tyutchev wrote: "Walk through the departments of France ... and ask the inhabitants ... which soldier of the enemy troops constantly showed the greatest humanity, the strictest discipline, the least hostility towards civilians ... You can put a hundred against one that they will call you a Russian soldier. "

The basic norms of military etiquette are set out in the general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. General rule formulated in Art. 64 Internal Service Charter: “Servicemen must constantly serve as an example of high culture, modesty and self-control, sacredly observe military honor, defend their dignity and respect the dignity of others ...the relationship between members of the armed forces is based on mutual respect. "

Compliance with the requirements of etiquette by all military personnel allows everyone to feel like a member of a single team, to feel pride in belonging to it, to better realize their spiritual and physical capabilities. The Charter requires all servicemen to address each other on "you" on matters of service, and in other situations, servicemen who know each other well resort to the "you" that is more familiar to them. The Russian language knows a lot of other acceptable forms of address in an informal setting: "guys", "brothers", "lads", etc.

An indicator of extremely low culture is "the desire of some servicemen to demonstrate their authority by humiliating others. “By insulting another, you do not care about yourself,” said the great Leonardo da Vinci. The use of nicknames and nicknames, ridicule of the physical disabilities of other people are unacceptable in the army. Polite and equal relations with everyone, close friendship with some are the guarantee of the strength of the military collective in any, even extreme, situation.

It should be noted that sometimes rudeness and rudeness are the reverse side of the inability to behave with dignity and beauty. We can recall the statement by the French writer F. La Rochefoucauld: "Most young people imagine that they are natural when they are only impolite and rude."

The most important requirement of etiquette is always taking into account national characteristics in relations with other people. This is especially important in the army, where people of different nationalities jointly carry out a single task to protect their Fatherland. Art. 15 of the Charter of Internal Service requires servicemen to "cherish the international friendship of peoples, contribute to the strengthening of brotherhood between nations and peoples", and show "respect for their national feelings, customs and traditions."

History has largely changed the face of the Russian army. But even today, the majority of the population retains a firm belief: the military will not fail. People in military uniforms are in the forefront of those who liquidate the consequences of disasters, extinguish fires, and oppose banditry and terrorism.

However, it is one thing to show heroism in extreme situations, and another thing is the daily observance of the requirements of military etiquette. Some of them seem small to young soldiers and therefore unimportant. For example, a military greeting. Let's emphasize a detail worth paying attention to: if earlier this ritual was called "giving military honor", today the military regulations seem to return us to the requirements of noble knights: soul to God, life to fatherland, heart to lady, honor to nobody.

The military greeting is a knightly tradition. Meeting each other, the knights, with a movement of their hand, raised the visor of the helmet to show that the friend's face was hidden behind the armor. Raising a hand to the headdress, modern military personnel repeat this gesture, paying a debt of courtesy to their colleague in military uniform.

The younger ones greet the older ones first. If there are equals in rank, then the one who is more educated is the first to greet. Failure to comply with this requirement is by no means a manifestation of special courage or an indicator of the "experience" of a serviceman. This is just an obvious sign of his elementary impoliteness and lack of culture, disrespect for historical traditions.

Compliance with the requirements of military etiquette should be the natural norm of a soldier's behavior. This means that the main judge of his behavior must always be the serviceman himself. "Do not do anything shameful, either in the presence of others or in secret," said Pythagoras. "The first law should be respect for oneself."

Etiquette makes its requirements equally to both bosses and subordinates. Giving a moral and aesthetic coloring to the relationship of servicemen, it helps to preserve their sense of their own dignity. The subordinate, demonstrating his respect for the commander and willingness to carry out his orders, must not allow servility and sycophancy.

At the same time, the rules of elementary politeness should not be perceived as a restriction of personal freedom. A soldier must stand up if a senior in rank enters the room. This is the same etiquette norm as the need to ask the boss for permission to enter or leave the premises in which this boss is. If the boss and the subordinate meet at the door, then the subordinate must give way, not forgetting to greet him. When talking with a boss, you should not look down, speak hastily. An important indicator of dignity and self-confidence is the ability to look the other person in the eye and articulate your thoughts clearly.

Serviceman's culture of behavior

Often the violation of etiquette requirements is associated with smoking. The general rule here is this: smoking should not even cause covert irritation to colleagues. This means: do not smoke in office premises, on the go (smoking next to a non-smoking woman is especially unacceptable), choose for smoking only those places where smoking is allowed. When smoking, you need to monitor your behavior. Constant spitting, and even more so on the floor, underfoot by no means adorns a man, especially in military uniform. The Charter of the Internal Service, by the way, says (Article 17) that a soldier "must ... refrain from bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol)."

You must behave accordingly both during training sessions and at service meetings. A conversation with a neighbor, a careless posture, reading extraneous materials are evidence of the low personal culture of a soldier. All the more impolite in relation to the head of the class and to those around him will be chewing something, cutting (not to mention biting) nails, combing his hair. It is not good to be late for the beginning of the event and it is unacceptable to defiantly leave it without waiting for the end.

An important element of the culture of the individual is the culture of speech of a serviceman. It is absolutely unacceptable that the army collective turns into a kind of "school of slander". Meanwhile, foul language is often a scourge in military units.

For young people, the use of swearing, in most cases, expresses the desire to "be their own" in a certain environment, to find a common, but alas, uncivilized language; often, this is a way to make speech "smooth" when it is difficult to select "normal" vocabulary; often behind this lies the desire to look "courageous" and "independent"; sometimes it is a way to humiliate another person with a gross insult. But in all cases, this is, first of all, a vivid demonstration of the limitedness, underdevelopment, lack of culture, rudeness of the one who resorts to "unprintable" expressions.

Another important component of etiquette is taking care of your appearance. An elegant appearance is evidence of a person's respect for himself and others. And, on the contrary, sloppiness in clothes, hair, etc. - an indicator of the absence of not only moral, but, as a rule, business qualities. Although they are seen off according to their mind, they are still greeted by their clothes. Above all, an intelligent person always monitors his appearance. The desire of some servicemen to "improve" certain elements of the military uniform does not at all give them additional "chic", but only makes them funny in the eyes of others. "The beauty of military clothing lies in the equality and conformity of things with their use," said the prominent Russian military leader G.A. Potemkin.

It should be remembered that the soldier is always in sight. And not only his commanders are closely watching how neatly his clothes are ironed, his shoes are cleaned, his hair is cut. On the other hand, etiquette requires you to put yourself in order without attracting special attention of others, that is, in specially designated places for this: in the wardrobe, dressing room, and so on, and not in the auditorium or at the dinner table. If a soldier noticed any shortcoming in his comrade's clothes, then he should never be exposed to public view, and even more so ridicule, and the remark should be made quietly and unnoticed by others.

It is indecent to neither smoke nor eat on the move. Beverage bottles, ice cream papers, and the like should be thrown into the trash can. If it is not nearby, it is better to take the trash with you and wait until the trash can catches your eye.

It is very important to observe the requirements of etiquette when meeting. In order to get acquainted, you need to introduce yourself, clearly and distinctly name yourself. It is better if someone else introduces you, but this is not always possible. As a rule, the youngest in age and rank are introduced first. But when meeting, the elder (or woman) should be the first to reach out. When a man is introduced, he must stand up. It is not necessary for a woman to do this (unless she is introduced to another older woman).

One of the main indicators of a person's upbringing on the street is his observance of traffic rules. The soldier should be an unconditional example here. It is unacceptable to be impatient and cross the intersection without waiting for the green light of the traffic light, even if it seems to you that there are no cars nearby. If someone is moving towards you on the sidewalk, remember that it is customary to give way by taking a step to the right.

As you go to your due date, plan your time so that you don't have to rush. If you still need to overtake someone, it is unacceptable to push roughly. Particular attention should be paid to women, children and the elderly. Helping an elderly person cross the street, bringing a bag to a woman, keeping a child from a rash act on the street - all these are elements of the natural behavior of an educated person.

While concerned with protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as required by the charter, members of the armed forces must exercise decisiveness combined with reasonable care. Protecting the weak in a critical situation from a bully is a normal step for a soldier. Intervention in a quarrel of a drunk company is not always justified. You shouldn't provoke a scandal that can lead to a fight, even if you are a master of sports in karate.

Away behavior

Hospitality has always been a good Russian tradition. In order for guests and hosts to receive satisfaction from mutual communication, a number of etiquette rules should be observed.

The first rule is: if there are enough guests, consider their relationship with each other. The presence of a person whose invitation will be unpleasant to other guests is undesirable. It is better to invite him separately. The hosts are advised to warn the invitees about those people who will be at the meeting other than them. The invite should be a few days before the scheduled meeting. Guests must either plan their time in advance or refuse. It is impolite to refuse an invitation a few hours before the event.

It is not accepted to visit guests without a special invitation. "They go to mass on bell, and to dinner on call," says a Russian proverb. Accuracy is the courtesy not only of kings, but also of military personnel. Coming to visit ahead of schedule means embarrassing the hosts, as they may not be ready yet. You shouldn't be late, at least by more than 10 minutes: you can make others wait for you.

Those guests who come first are met by the host and hostess. Then the hostess stays with the guests, and the rest of the arriving guests are met by the owner. It is the responsibility of the host to introduce guests to each other if they did not know each other before. In the hallway, guests are filming outerwear... The recently spreading habit of bringing home slippers with you is not a norm of etiquette. Hosts can provide guests with a good way to wipe the soles of dirty shoes, but it is not necessary to ask them to change their shoes. Another important rule is to attach importance to the art of table conversation. It should be remembered that they go on a visit not only, and even not so much for the sake of food and drinks, but for the sake of human communication. The ability to give a voice to everyone who wants to, to listen to the interlocutor, to avoid discussing issues that are unpleasant for anyone present is essential for the success of the meeting.

Since the time of Peter I, great importance has been attached to the ability to behave at the table. Until now, they have retained their: the relevance of the requirements of the already mentioned book under the title "Youth is an honest mirror." It, in particular, says: "Do not grab the first dish and do not blow into the liquid so that it sprinkles everywhere. Do not drink if you eat. When you are offered something, then take some of that, give the rest to someone else. Let your hands not lie on the plate for a long time. , do not shake your feet everywhere, do not wipe your lips with your hand and do not drink until you have swallowed food. Do not lick your fingers and do not gnaw bones, but cut with a knife. Bread, putting it to your chest, do not cut, eat what lies in front of you, but far from grab.

Don't chomp over my food like a pig, and don't scratch your head. Without swallowing a piece, don't speak. Do not make a fence of bones, crusts of bread and other things near your plate. It is indecent to use your hands on the table everywhere to chatter, but to eat meekly. And with forks and a knife on plates, on a tablecloth or on a dish, do not draw or knock, but should be quiet and peaceful, straight, but not hiding to sit. "

Etiquette requires a man to pay attention first of all to the woman sitting to his right.

If you decide to leave earlier than others, you need to do so without drawing attention to yourself. But you must say goodbye to the owners and thank them.

How to behave in public places

You should come to the theater and cinema in advance in order to be able to slowly take off your outerwear, put yourself in order, if necessary, inspect the theater itself, buy a program, find your seats. The woman in the theater goes to her seat first. But she should sit to the right of the man. In the box in front are women, followed by men. The partner holds the seat of the chair when the lady sits on it.

Before the start of the performance, you should go to your place, facing the already seated spectators. Whether her passage is narrow, then seated men, as a rule, stand up. It is ugly to sit with their heads bowed to each other, or even more so to hug. Etiquette strictly forbidding the unintended violation of the silence in the auditorium: rustling of candy and chocolate bills, loud coughing or sneezing, expressing your opinion aloud, singing along to a melody, beating out time with your hand and even more with your foot. A woman should not abuse perfume. Silence and order must be observed in the museum halls. Inadmissibly loud and categorical "statements of their judgments about what they saw, especially negative ones.

After the end of the performance, you should not immediately rush to the wardrobe. It is all the more ugly to leave the hall a few minutes before it ends. If you like the performance of the artists, you should thank them for the pleasure they have given with prolonged applause.

During the demonstration of films in military units, it is not uncommon for the duty officers to call individual servicemen. This annoys the audience. Obviously, a serviceman who thinks that he may be needed during the demonstration of the film must either not go to the cinema, or sit closer to the exit, letting the duty officer know where he will be. The boss, in turn, should consider whether it is possible to postpone the call until the end of the session. If it is necessary to call a whole unit, and it will take a long time, then it is advisable to interrupt the demonstration of the film while the servicemen are leaving.

When going to a museum or an exhibition, it is recommended to take a notebook with you for notes so that your visit does not go unnoticed.

The ability to behave is clearly manifested at the disco. It is important to dress correctly, move beautifully, and act in accordance with the requirements of etiquette.

If you came to the dance with a friend, then she should be in the center of your attention all evening. You can invite another girl only when the partner has already been invited. It is impolite to address an unfamiliar girl with the offer "Shall we dance?" For this case, phrases like: "May I ask you?", "May I invite you?" or "I ask you to dance." If the lady is accompanied by a man, you need to make sure that he does not mind. The satellite confirms its agreement with a nod of the head.

A woman has the right to refuse to dance without giving any reason. A polite man is never offended by a refusal. On the other hand, a man should not refuse if a girl invited him to a white dance. If he simply does not know how to dance this dance, it is better to say it directly, and, having thanked, accompany the girl to her place. The gentleman must do the same after the end of the dance.

Life is diverse in its manifestations. A soldier is faced with situations that are difficult to foresee in advance. Therefore, it is impossible to prescribe rules of conduct for every case. There is one general principle, which almost always helps: remember about honor and act with others as you would like them to treat you.

The text is designed in an informal style and is intended not only for the military themselves, but also for their families. The latest edits made in 2016, according to the department, are due to the new technological capabilities of the network, which carry risks (among them, in particular, live broadcasts of Facebook and Periscope are named).

Although the document contains a section similar to the Anglo-American "ensuring OPSEC" (secrecy of operations), as well as a formidable list of criminal articles for disclosing state and official secrets, the main emphasis is on ensuring the personal safety of the military and their relatives.

The network is seen as an active source of threats and a habitat for vigilant enemies monitoring the inaccurate placement of sensitive personal information.

French government agencies are actively funding the development of monitoring tools and in-depth analysis of data posted on social networks. In particular, the prototypes of such systems were shown by Thales.

Screenshot from Guide du Bon Usage des Reseaux Sociaux


The German military introduced the regulation of social networks ("Recommendations for safe use") in May 2012, after a long and rather tedious controversy in the press, which boils down to the fact that it would be necessary to write something, otherwise everyone has, and we like poor relatives.

In the end, it was "something" that was written. Despite the national habit of creating multivolume "guiding documents" for each case, the "Recommendations" are extremely laconic and fragmentary even in comparison with the French ones. Nothing close to spreading american system the Germans did not even try to reproduce the standards.

Otherwise, the Germans retained complete freedom for an individual approach with this document, strictly pointing out the need to maintain confidentiality in terms of sensitive information (without specifying which, when and how exactly).


Israeli regulations are loose and fragmented, although they have been in place for a long time. They mainly concern the protection of personal data and the prevention of threats to the personal safety of the military.

Do you know when to postpone mobile phone and stop writing messages? Do you know how to navigate the modern etiquette regarding the use of gadgets and social networks? If in doubt, read the basic rules of conduct.

Don't send thank you texts

If all you want to say in your e-mail, this is a short word of thanks, it is better to refrain from writing at all. This simple rule will help you avoid clogging mailbox another person. If an answer is required from you, it should be noticeable in the text itself. If you are in doubt about whether someone is expecting a response from you, the right decision is still to refrain from messages.

Use private correspondence for conversation

If you communicate on a social network, use messages for this - do not correspond under posts or photos, clogging up the space with comments where other people will see it. If you correspond directly, you will be much more comfortable, and you will not annoy your subscribers. This rule applies to any social media.

Put your phone down

Try not to use the phone in reception areas, in lines, in a restaurant, on a train, or even more so in a public toilet. When someone tries to help you, it is extremely disrespectful to talk on the phone, so calls are inappropriate in stores and other establishments. Pay full attention to what is happening around, and put the phone aside - only then you will behave politely.

Don't check your phone every five minutes

If you are in a conversation with someone, do not check your phone every few minutes - all these notifications will wait. Try to be more attentive. If you are busy with the phone, you will not be able to build confidence in your interlocutor.

Start the conversation right

If you are chatting on the Internet, first ask if it is convenient to chat now. When you get in the way of a person, the conversation is unproductive and boring. It's always worth making sure the person can pay attention to you first.

Use free internet carefully

It is quite appropriate sometimes to use free wireless internet, but remember that public networks are insecure - scammers can attack your computer. You should behave carefully.

Respond to invitations

If you receive an email invitation, you should respond as soon as possible. It also makes sure you don't forget to reply later. React to the invitation as soon as you receive it if you want to be considered an attentive and polite person.

Watch your mail manners

Even when you write a letter, you need to remember to be polite. Do not use large print, multi-colored design or emoticons, do not attach large files to the letter. All this will allow you not to worry - you will be the perfect conversationalist on the Internet.

Know How to Express Gratitude

You can send thank you letters for invitations to a party and for gifts given and given to you personally, but never combine two topics in one letter. If you have received a gift or invitation by regular mail, it is still polite to reply with a handwritten letter.

Sometimes bragging is appropriate.

It’s okay to brag on social media sometimes, you just don’t need to be arrogant, and you should write positively not only about yourself, but also about other people. Comment on the posts of friends when they have some kind of joyful event. Then they will understand that you are not only using the social network to show off your life.

Write messages at specific hours

Work mail can be sent at any time, but messages should be sent to a certain period - from the moment one hour before the start of the working day to two hours after its end. Unlike mail, a message requires a quicker response, so sending them late at night or even at night is impolite - you are intruding on free time, to which everyone has every right.

Personalize your autoresponder

If you still have an answering machine, try not to annoy anyone with the message. The text should be short and clear so that the person who will call you can get all the necessary information.