Create a facebook account registration. Step-by-step instructions for registering on Facebook. How to register with Facebook - step by step instructions

In this material, we will try to give the most complete answer to the question of users who are poorly versed in personal computers and in world wide web: "How to register on Facebook?" But first, let's talk a little about this extremely popular social media site. networks.

Facebook is one of the largest and most popular socialsocial networks, which was created by students at Harvard Institute, led by Mark Zuckerberg 11 years ago. The project, originally called "Thefacebook", was aimed at creating a kind of website where fellow students could communicate.

Two years later, after the portal was launched, registration became available to students at the Boston Institute, and then to all students in institutions in the United States. At the same time, the registration process could only go through those users who had an email address in the edu domain.

Currently, there are over one and a half billion people registered on Facebook. It should be noted that a third of these people have their own community or group on this site.

Thanks to his development, the young Zuckerberg became a dollar billionaire at only 23 years old.

Brief instructions for registration.

  1. Open a social network in any browser at
  2. Fill in the required fields and click the "Register" button.
  3. Add your photo and personal details.
  4. Confirm your registration in the letter that will come to your email address.

How to register on Facebook - detailed instructions.

1. First of all, you need to register an e-mail in any service you like.

4. In the pop-up window, confirm your intention.

5. Now you can add a photo () for your future profile. Click on the "Add Photo" button and select it from your PC. Or skip this procedure by clicking on the "Skip" message.

6. Now go to the email you created and open the email from Facebook. Click on the link and you can enjoy your page.

Now you know everything about registration in social. the Facebook network.

At the moment, social networks are the most powerful tool for communicating, doing business or spending your leisure time. Having created his page on one of these sites, a person will discover the endless possibilities that such resources provide.

One of the most popular social networks. networks are considered to be Facebook, which is especially in demand in the West, and in our country it is still inferior to VKontakte. This article will help you understand all aspects of the registration process on this resource.

To start the registration process, you need to go to the site from a computer. Now it will open before you home page in Russian. If, for some reason, another language is installed, or you want to switch from Russian, then you need to go down to the very bottom of the page to change this parameter.

The main information is filled in on this page, so carefully monitor the correctness of the data entered. So, in this form you need to enter the following data:

  1. Name and surname. You can enter both your real name and your nickname. Please note that the first and last name must be in the same language.
  2. Phone number or email address. This field is required to be completed in order for you to be able to safely use the social network. If the page is hacked or if you have forgotten your password, you can always restore access via your phone number or email.
  3. New password. The password is needed to prevent outsiders from getting into your page. Pay special attention to this point. You don't need to set a password that is too simple, but it should be memorable for you. Or write it down so you don't forget.
  4. Date of Birth. The correct age will help protect children from content that is exclusively for adults. Please also note that children under the age of 13 cannot have their own Facebook account.
  5. Floor. Here you just need to specify your gender.

You just have to click "Create an account"to complete the first step of registration.

Registration confirmation and additional data entry

Now you can use social facebook network, but in order for you to open all the possibilities of this site, you need to confirm your profile. At the very top of your account page, a special form will be displayed where you need to click "Confirm Now".

You just need to log into your email to confirm your actions. After logging in, a sign should pop up in front of you, which will notify you that the profile has been successfully confirmed, and you can use all the functions of the site.

First of all, you can add a photo by which your friends can recognize you, or which will be the main picture of your profile. To do this, just press "Add a photo".

Then you can just go to the section "Information"to specify additional parameters as you see fit. You can specify information about your place of residence, education or work, you can also fill in information about your preferences in music and cinema, specify other information about yourself.

This completes the registration process. Now, in order to enter your profile, you just need to specify the data that you used during registration, namely your email address and password.

You can also enter the page that was recently logged in on this computer, just click on the main picture of your profile, which will be displayed on the main page, and enter the password.

Problems with registration in the social network Facebook

Many users fail to create a page. Problems arise, the reasons for which may be several:

Incorrectly completed information entry forms

Incorrect entry of certain data is not always highlighted in red, as is the case on most sites, so you need to check everything carefully.

  1. Make sure the first and last names are spelled in the same layout. That is, you cannot write your first name in Cyrillic and your last name in Latin. Also, only one word can be entered in each of these fields.
  2. Don't use underscores, characters like «@^&$!*» and the like. Also, you cannot use numbers in the first and last name input field.
  3. This resource has a restriction for children. Therefore, you will not be able to register if you indicated in your date of birth that you are under 13 years old.

Confirmation code not received

One of the most common problems. There can be several reasons for this error:

  1. Incorrectly entered email. Check it again to make sure it is correct.
  2. If you registered with a phone number, please note that you need to enter numbers without spaces and hyphens.
  3. Facebook may not support your carrier. With this problem you can contact technical support or re-register using email.

Browser problems

The work of Facebook is built on JavaScript, with which some browsers may have problems, in particular, this concerns Opera. Therefore, you can use another browser to register on this resource.

These are all the nuances and rules that you need to know when registering on this social network. Now you can fully assess the capabilities of this resource and use it for your own purposes.

It is not difficult to register on Facebook, this process is completely free. The first step is to go to the home page from any browser. Pay attention to the language of the site. If for some reason the Russian version did not open, then this case is easily fixable. The site is Russified as soon as you click the "Russian" link, which is at the bottom of the page.

On the main page, a registration window opens, which is easy to fill out by entering your data. Nobody will check the reliability of the specified data, but I would like to note that even popular people register on Facebook under their own, and not a fictitious name. The specified e-mail must be working, it is its address that will serve as a login to enter the site, and it is to this e-mail that a letter will be sent to confirm registration.

After all the data has been specified, it is necessary to come up with a password that contains, in addition to numbers, Latin letters, both lowercase and uppercase. Do not rely on your memory - you must definitely write down the password. After that, click on the green button "Registration".

Registration on Facebook does not end there yet. The next window will open, in which you will be asked to enter your e-mail password to search for friends already registered on the social network. If there is no time or desire to do this, then there is an opportunity to refuse by simply clicking on the "Skip this step" link.

However, you will have to confirm your intentions to postpone the search for friends by clicking the "Skip" button when Facebook starts aggressively promoting its recommendations. You can also click the "Skip" button in the next two steps, where you will be prompted to specify native city, educational institutions: school, university and even the current employer. It should be noted that everything can be found quite quickly, since all employers and educational institutions are indicated.

Next, you will be prompted to upload your photo for your account. If the photo is on the computer disk, then you can download and install it from there, if not, then it is easy to take a photo using a webcam. If there is no desire to perform these actions yet, then the "Skip" link is pressed again.

The last stage of registration on Facebook is confirmation of this action from the email specified in the registration window. We go to the post office, find the letter, follow the link indicated in it.

After clicking on the link, a window appears with a message about the successful confirmation of the account registration. Then you can already perform those actions for which registration was made: searching and inviting friends, communication. You can edit the page, upload photos, share videos with friends, links from other sites, schedule events, organize groups. Thus, by registering on Facebook, you can promote your business or business partners.

Registration on Facebook is quite possible without specifying your number mobile phone... But if suddenly, for some reason, access to the page is lost, then using this number it will be much easier to restore your account. So it's best not to neglect the opportunity. You can enter your mobile number in the profile section, where it is indicated contact Information... In this case, your phone will receive an SMS with a verification code, using which you need to confirm your mobile number. It is clear that not every person has a desire to make it available to all visitors to his page, in this case, setting the "Only me" mobile phone visibility mode will help.

Login to Facebook - My Page

Only after registering on the Facebook social network, your page (My Page) becomes available to you. To get there, go to the main page, enter your e-mail into the appropriate boxes (it is also the login to enter the site) and password. Click the "Login" button.

If it so happens that the password is lost or forgotten, then it is easy to restore it by clicking the "Forgot your password?" Link, which is located under the "Password" window. Next, follow the instructions.

If you go to Facebook from your home computer, and you get annoyed with the constant input of your e-mail and password, you can eliminate this by checking the box next to the phrase "Do not log out." It can be found under the line for entering mail or phone. After completing this simple action, you will be taken to your account immediately.

You have probably already heard about the most popular and widespread social network (Facebook). It already has over 800 million users worldwide. That is why, due to its prevalence, Facebook today unites the multi-million dollar Internet community on its pages. And if you have already decided to become a member of this community, then all you need to do is register on the official website of the social network. How to register on Facebook will tell you this step by step guide... You do not need to have any special knowledge for this. On the contrary, registration on the site is quite simple, does not take much time and is an absolutely free service.

So, to register on Facebook for free, you just need to have your own Internet mail, i.e. a registered email that you have access to. If you don't have it yet, we recommend using free services on the provision of e-mail (, and others).

If everything is in order with the e-mail, then you need to go to the website, or type in any search engine "facebook registration" or "facebook login" (in this case, sooner or later you will get to the official Facebook site - After all, register is there anyway) .. After that, the main page of the site will open in front of you with an invitation to register, as shown in the figure:

As you have already noticed, the registration block consists of standard fields that you need to fill in:

  • Surname
  • Email address
  • Email verification field
  • Password
  • Birthday

And it should be remembered that, as a rule, there are no restrictions for the Name and Surname fields (i.e. you can enter characters in both Russian and English or in any combination). However, in the email field, you need to enter your real email address in the format [email protected]where the first part is the name of your mailboxand the second part contains the name of your mail server (for example,,, and others).

Next, you need to come up with a password for your future account. Moreover, you should pay special attention to the uniqueness of the password. Under no circumstances should you use as a password any personal data that would be easy for intruders to pick up (for example, mobile number, date of birth, etc.). It is best to use both numbers and letters (uppercase and lowercase) and some symbols%, $, \u003d, _, and in various combinations. Here is an example of a strong and strong password: r4Wt $ _yD_% k6q1 $ _gTN4.

After you have filled in all the fields and checked the data you entered, you just have to click on the "Register" button. In the next window social network will prompt you to search for your friends using your e-mail, skype or other services. However, you can skip this step.

In the next step, you will be asked to fill in personal information about yourself. You can also skip this step.

Now it's time to remember your mailbox, the address of which you entered during registration. The fact is that a letter was sent to this postal address to confirm registration. Therefore, you need to go to your mailbox and in your Inbox you need to open a letter with the name "The last stage of registration on Facebook". When you open this email, you will see the following message:

In this letter, you need to perform the indicated actions. If you did everything correctly, then in the next window you will see a message stating that your registration on Facebook has been confirmed.

After this last step, the main page of your profile will open in front of you. Here you can start fully working with your account. For example, look for friends, chat with other users, join or create your own communities, share useful links, upload videos and music, post your photos and more.

Facebook is a social network used by over 800 million people worldwide. They see different landscapes outside the window, they write here in different languages, they have different numbers of years, they have different numbers of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and, nevertheless, they all have already registered here, and you are not yet!

This article is not to stir up a wave of complexes in readers, but if, after reading to the end, at least one righteous person decides to register on Facebook, the author's mission will be completed and he will be credited. Just in case, let's make a reservation: registration on Facebook is completely free, if you thought something like that.

Facebook registration: quick and clear

Registration on Facebook, as in any similar system, involves the input of personal data. First you need to go to facebook site ... You will immediately see the authorization fields at the top of the screen, and immediately below it there is a registration window. You need to enter the following data:

  • Last name.
  • Phone number or email.
  • Password.
  • Date of birth.

The last box is for a checkmark that confirms your agreement with all the conditions. If you wish, you can read Terms and Privacy Policyby clicking on the link.

The registration process on tablet, phone and computer looks exactly the same. After entering all the data, you need to click on the button Create an account... After that, a letter with an activation link will be sent to the mail you specified, you must click on Verify your account.

In fact, this is where the free registration on Facebook ends, but there are a few more steps to finalize the page setup:

The first step is finding friends. You can either search for them by first and last name using the search bar at the top of the screen, or you can import contacts from your mailbox. To do this, you need to choose your post service, enter the address and password and click on Find friends... For more details, see the link.

Moreover, you can log into your account only by clicking on the avatar and not enter the data for authorization. Facebook will prompt you to remember the password, in this window you need to click on OK or Not nowif you don't want to.

Next, you can see what information about you will be available to other users. You control this yourself by setting the appropriate post privacy settings... You can also add a photo or take it with a webcam. The last sub-item in the window is the search for acquaintances at the place of work or study. To do this, you need to enter a name or their email.

The second step is to enter information about yourself. Under the avatar on the left, there is a form for entering information about you. First, you will see an introductory window about the registration date and audience change (with the option Only me on Available to all). Click on the button Save.

Next, new windows will open for you, in which you need to answer various questions, among them: where do you work, in what position, in which university and school you studied, from which city. You just need to select the option you want and click on Save... All this data you can see in the tab Information, where you can edit them at any time.

The third step is describing yourself... This column is available to all users. You can describe yourself by clicking on the button Describe yourself, or add photos.

Fourth step - adding a photoif you haven't done so earlier. The profile image must correspond to the minimum size, namely 180x180 pixels.

That's all, facebook registration is complete, from now and forever you are a full user of this social network!

Errors during registration

Sometimes users complain about not being able to register with Facebook. Unfortunately, sometimes you can see the following error: “ Sorry, we cannot register you". There may be several reasons for this:

  • A fake email address was entered.
  • You are registering under an assumed name and surname, and the system has learned this from somewhere.
  • Errors can occur during registration in some browsers (except for Google Chrome).
  • You register when the site is updated.

In the first two cases, it is necessary to enter correct data. And if the reason is different, you just need to try to register on Facebook a little later.

As you can see, registering on Facebook is free and not difficult, you just need to set aside a little time. After registration, you get access to a huge amount of materials. In addition, you have the opportunity to communicate with friends and make new acquaintances!