Kerio connect mail login in the browser. Kerio Connect mail server. Automatic backup

Today, many companies are actively using email. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in this - this service allows you to quickly and cheaply exchange a wide variety of information. That is why it is used both for intracorporate communication of company employees and for their communication with the “outside world”. However, a truly effective use of e-mail in a company is impossible without organizing its own mail system.

The key element of the corporate mail system is the mail server. It is this product that provides all the necessary functionality for the exchange of letters. There are many mail servers on the market today. However, we recommend that you pay attention to Kerio Connect, which has recently released a new, now the seventh version. Why is this product good? On the one hand, it has the richest features, and on the other hand, it is surprisingly easy to administer and use.

By the way, by calling Kerio Connect a mail server, we, frankly, have somewhat sinned against the truth. The point is, Kerio Connect is more than a mail server. Today its functionality is much wider. It allows you to organize not only a corporate mail system, but also to provide general access company employees to the address book, calendars, task list, etc. That is, in fact, Kerio Connect can be considered a full-fledged replacement for Microsoft Exchange.

Configuring Kerio Connect

The core of the Kerio Connect product is a mail server. And therefore, setting it up, for the most part, comes down to just configuring the latter. Moreover, this process cannot be called particularly complicated. Any qualified system administrator can handle it without any difficulty.

The configuration process begins with setting up services that are responsible for working with various protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, etc.). After that, a list of enterprise domains is entered. Moreover, for each, you can set your own parameters and restrictions on the use of e-mail. In particular, you can set the maximum size of outgoing messages, enable automatic deletion of old messages, set up forwarding, set up a user authorization system, etc. Particularly here we can note such a feature of the product in question as a distributed domain. What it is? A distributed domain is, in fact, a kind of cluster that unites several Kerio Connect servers. At the same time, a single information space is being created, which ensures collective work with the data of all remote branches of the company, regardless of their geographical location.

The next step is to configure the SMTP server, which is responsible for sending emails. It has two modes of operation. The first is direct, when Kerio Connect sends messages on its own, and the second is using relaying. When using it, letters are sent through an external SMTP server. In addition, you can enable or, conversely, disable user authentication, restrict relaying, define the parameters of the queue in which messages are placed, etc. After that, you need to set the parameters for connecting to the Internet. By default, the computer on which Kerio Connect is installed is considered to be permanently connected to the global network. However, if necessary, the administrator can change these settings, in particular, specify the RAS service and its startup parameters.

At the end of the system configuration, additional parameters can be set. So, for example, it is possible to enable the execution of certain actions according to a schedule, specify external mailboxes from which correspondence will be downloaded and distributed to corporate accounts, etc. The system has implemented a large number of additional settings, detailed description which can be found in the help system.

The final step in configuring the mail system is setting up the domain. This includes, first of all, user input. For each of them, you can set a list of mailboxes, set rules for forwarding incoming mail to various addresses, set administration rights, set quotas for the volume of a mailbox and the number of objects in it. Additionally, you can set the rules for processing user messages. In particular, the administrator has the ability to allow sending and receiving mail only within his domain (to organize the internal mail system), limit the maximum size of outgoing messages, configure rules for deleting old letters, etc. For ease of configuration, all users can be distributed across separate groups, each of which has its own parameters.

If necessary, you can create mailing lists in Kerio Connect. Moreover, each mailing can be very fine-tuned. The administrator can set literally everything, starting with such "trifles" as the text of the welcome message sent to a new subscriber, and ending with such serious moments as the rights of self-subscription to the newsletter and sending letters to it, the appointment of moderators, etc.

Security in Kerio Connect

The term "security" as applied to a mail server is a complex concept with many different aspects. First, it is protection against external threats: spam and viruses. Secondly, protection from mail server spoofing. Third, preventing insider activities. And finally, fourthly, protection against loss of messages stored in the database as a result of various failures. All these aspects are extremely important, and they should not be neglected in any case. Fortunately, Kerio Connect has tools to protect against all of these threats.

To protect against spam, the product in question has a universal multi-component filter. When enabled, all messages (except for messages sent from trusted addresses) undergo several checks, during which they are assigned a digital score from 0 to 10. The higher it is, the more likely it is that the message being checked is spam. What kind of checks do the letters pass? First, there is a SpamAssassin filter based on a trainable Bayesian algorithm. Secondly, the system uses blacklists, and not only custom, but also public databases of spammers' IP addresses. Third, Kerio Connect implements a system of custom rules. With its help, you can set a number of conditions (some of the message fields are empty, non-empty, contains a certain substring, etc.), when fulfilled, the message will be considered or, conversely, not considered spam. In addition, the administrator can enable and configure a number of additional security tools, for example, sender ID authentication, SPF flag, and SMTP greeting delay.

Kerio Connect uses the integrated Sophos subsystem to protect against viruses. Unless, of course, when purchasing a license, you chose the option with integrated antivirus (Kerio Connect can be sold without it). In addition to it, the administrator can connect one of the anti-virus modules: Dr.Web, NOD32, etc. Naturally, this requires purchasing the corresponding product. At the same time, checking of incoming correspondence can be carried out both by one subsystem, and by two at once (in turn). Additionally, the administrator can activate the attachment filter, which allows you to block messages with certain types of files, or delete attachments and only then deliver the messages to the recipient.

Protection against spoofing of the mail server is carried out due to the possibility of using secure communication protocols (secure POP3, SMTP, IMAP, etc.). Moreover, Kerio Connect implements the ability to create, export and import SSL certificates necessary for their work.

The product in question also has an archiving and backup system. Despite the similar names, these two operations are fundamentally different from each other. Archiving provides automatic saving of correspondence with the ability to view it in the future. It can be used to protect against insiders. If suspicions arise or in the course of investigating incidents, the manager or other responsible employee can view the letters sent and received by certain users. AND backup implies protection against loss of information. This operation creates backup copies of the message store and configuration of the entire system as a whole. As a result, if any failures occur, the administrator can quickly "reanimate" the mail system.

In addition, the product under review includes a number of additional security tools. Among them there are quite original, but certainly very useful features. So, for example, one cannot fail to note the Kerio Smart Wipe function. It allows you to delete important information from mobile devices wireless... This allows you to protect data from unauthorized access in case of loss or theft of a smartphone from a company employee.

Using the mail system

In terms of using corporate mail, Kerio Connect cannot but surprise with its versatility. The fact is that it can be used to build an absolutely cross-platform system. Firstly, this server can work with a large number of clients for different operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac. Secondly, it implements the Kerio WebMail function. It allows you to organize access to mailboxes through a web interface. It is especially convenient for remote access employees on a business trip. The web interface allows them to use corporate mail from anywhere in the world where there is internet.

Of course, one cannot fail to say about the support of the product in question for a large number of various smartphones operating under windows management Mobile, Symbian, Android, iOS and other mobile operating systems. This allows companies to organize mobile workstations, whose users can work with e-mail, receive information about new events in calendars, updates to address books, tasks, etc.

Summing up

After reviewing the process of setting up and using Kerio Connect, you can verify that its functionality truly meets the requirements of the most discerning corporate users. In addition, it is easy to implement and use. No highly specialized skills are required to install, configure and maintain the mail server. you can contact partners of the 1Soft network.

Keiro Connect is a server for the exchange of documents within or between companies. It is a great replacement for the popular Microsoft Exchange product. The program offers excellent functionality, ease of deployment and administration, at a low cost. Both large and small businesses can use the Keiro Connect solution. Using the functionality of the program, you can combine several small servers into one functioning system. Thus, it is possible to manage shared databases, and to carry out the correct load distribution between servers.

The convenience of working with the program lies, first of all, in a well-organized web interface, and multi-platform support allows you to work on the most different systems... The creation of a generalized Keiro Connect system makes it possible to receive sharing to the required files. In addition, Keiro Connect greatly facilitates the work with remote offices, and the ability to work with mobile mail allows you to always be in touch with your colleagues and employees. All information uploaded to a smartphone using this program is very reliably protected, and even if the phone is stolen, the data can be deleted remotely.

Key features and functions

  • connection of one and all thanks to multi-platform and wide functionality;
  • access to data from anywhere, anytime;
  • multifunctional email client;
  • wide synchronization between devices;
  • powerful data protection system;
  • spam protection system;
  • anti-virus protection;
  • instant response to danger;
  • automatic scheduled backups;
  • recovery backup to another server.

Known to many. It has established itself as a reliable protection for user computers. Therefore, it is possible that many people in Russia have an opinion about Kerio as a company that works for the end user. To a large extent, this was true for the Russian market, since Kerio Technologies Inc. entered the Russian market in 2003. started with this particular product. But this opinion is not generally true, since Kerio is working not only on a personal firewall, but also on solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, for example, Kerio MailServer and Kerio WinRoute Firewall 6. Let's get acquainted with the capabilities of Kerio MailServer.

The main competitor for Kerio MailServer is Microsoft - Exchange Server, a heavy and expensive product, moreover, it does not work anywhere except in the environment of Windows operating systems. Kerio MailServer, by contrast, is multi-platform and works almost everywhere: Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris. The only indirect limitation for users in this plan is that users must use Microsoft Outlook (Windows) or Microsoft Entourage (for Mac OS) as their mail client. Users of other systems (or those who do not like these mail clients) you will have to use the Kerio WebMail web interface to receive mail.

However, Kerio WebMail is not much different from regular mail clients. It contains all the necessary functions for effective teamwork in an organization, while having a fairly high speed of work. The version of Kerio WebMail Mini for pocket computers supports Palm OS, Pocket PC and BlackBerry, which is exotic for Russian users. Availability of web interfaces and versions for PDA allows you to work with your own correspondence on a corporate server anywhere in the world.

In addition to being multiplatform and priced, Kerio MailServer has one more advantage: built-in antivirus and antispam filters. This is a significant addition, since this functionality is necessary for the normal operation of the mail server. Those who use other mail servers will still have to deal with the problem of viruses and spam. But only for this they will have to install additional software and solve the problem of stable and conflict-free collaboration.

The security system in Kerio MailServer consists of three components: anti-spam filter, anti-virus filter and attachment filter. All these functions are collected in one section "Attachment Filters", which makes it as easy as possible for the administrator to adjust the security level for specific conditions of the moment: during virus outbreaks, make more frequent checks for program updates, for example. The security system includes the function of cryptographic traffic protection using SSL.

Kerio MailServer has two-level and simultaneous anti-virus protection: McAfee anti-virus integrated into the mail server and the ability to connect an additional anti-virus program. The list of additional programs is not very long, but impressive in name. But we must make a reservation that the choice of the second antivirus program must be carried out depending on the OS used: not all of the indicated antiviruses are multiplatform. The use of other antivirus systems is possible, but stability and conflict-freeness are not guaranteed when they are used together with the built-in one. It should be noted that the integrated McAfee checks not only incoming and outgoing mail traffic, but also internal mail between server users, which serves as an additional barrier to the spread of viruses over the local network.

Spam protection includes all modern methods of struggle:

  • different authorization methods;
  • support for blacklists;
  • content filtering;
  • domain authentication, Microsoft Caller ID verification, and SPF authentication support;
  • protection using temporary quotas for users and artificially increasing response time when establishing an SMTP connection;
  • limiting the number of simultaneous connections;
  • spamEliminator technology developed on the basis of.

The ability to back up all inbound and outbound e-mail, address books, calendars, and other collaboration objects enhances the reliability and security of Kerio MailServer. Provided enough for the administrator flexible tools quotas for the volume of a mailbox, the size of attachments in a message and the number of messages in general.

The Microsoft Exchange monster is quite expensive for its own content. But even he, possessing powerful functionality, requires in some cases the use of third-party utilities like MAPILab products, which also require money. With Kerio MailServer, you can abandon Microsoft Exchange without losing either your mail base or ease of use. One product can replace a whole complex of software.

In addition, the use of Kerio MailServer does not require server versions of operating systems, which also reduces the cost of operation. For migration from Microsoft Exchange, the Kerio Exchange Migration utility has been created, which allows migration in automatic mode.

Kerio MailServer is pretty sysadmin-friendly. It has two interfaces for administration (with the possibility of remote administration), a configuration wizard for basic functions. The administrator can transfer to any user some of the rights to set up his own user account via the web console. For the version of the mail server for Windows and Mac, there is a utility for monitoring the operation of the program, which reflects all the parameters of the system and allows you to manually stop or restore the operation of Kerio MailServer.

An integrated mailbox is suitable for organizations with up to 250 users. To support more users, you will need to use Microsoft Active Directory or Apple Open Directory.

Kerio MailServer from Kerio is a convenient and inexpensive alternative to Microsoft Exchange. Main advantages: multi-platform and multifunctionality, ease of administration. The program is almost ideal for small and medium-sized businesses with corporate email users of no more than 250 people.

Kerio connect is a comprehensive mailing and collaboration solution for small and midsize businesses. Kerio Connect combines email, calendaring and collaboration tools with integrated anti-virus functionality, powerful anti-spam protection, mail archiving, automated backups, and a simple administration tool accessible from any standard web browser. Kerio Connect is the world's number one cross-platform solution.

Cross-platform collaboration

Manage your mail, provide access to contacts, create scheduled appointments in Outlook, Entourage, iCal, Webmail and smartphones.

Connecting everyone
Share mail, calendars and contacts, and schedule appointments on any platform. Combines the work of Mac, Windows, Linux and mobile users.

Availability anytime, anywhere
Centralized data storage in one place. Access to working documents in the office, on the road, at home.

With the Distributed Domain feature, you can schedule appointments, use the global address book, and easily manage and interact with remote branch offices. Companies with offices in different geographic locations can now take advantage of one unified collaboration system.

Flexible client settings

  • Microsort Outlook
    • More efficient employee performance
      1. Work with mail, calendars, contacts, notes and tasks
      2. Set up appointments and view whether users are busy or available.
      3. Track assigned tasks
      4. Access to updated contact information in the general address book of the enterprise (GAL - Global Address List)
    • More efficient mail

      Prevent spam with custom settings. Create centralized mail filters for mail folders in other mail applications.

    • Accessibility everywhere
      Manage private, public and public folders even when there is no connection to the mail server. Synchronization via Kerio WebMail and smartphone for easy access from anywhere.
  • Microsoft Entourage
    • Exchange mode
      Kerio MailServer supports Microsoft Entourage in two modes - in Exchange server mode for working with mail and collaboration objects, and in standard IMAP / POP3 client mode for working exclusively with mail.
    • Connecting for cooperation
      Sharing mail, calendars and contacts. Manage appointments and monitor user availability for appointments. Sharing group and shared folders. Setting up an automatic response to absence from the workplace.
    • Auto-configuration
      Connect Microsoft Entourage 2004/2008 to Kerio Connect in Exchange mode and benefit from collaboration objects. The Kerio Auto Configuration Utility for Entourage will correctly configure your account to work with Kerio Connect in just a few clicks.
  • Apple Mail, Apple iCal, Apple Address Book
    • Apple Mail
      Spam filtering control in Kerio Connect with spam / non-spam buttons in Apple Mail.
    • Apple iCal
      Using iCal 100% with CalDAV
      1. Sharing calendars in Outlook, Entourage, Kerio WebMail and iCal users
      2. Viewing the free / busy status of users
      3. Two-way synchronization with Kerio WebMail and smartphones
      4. Synchronizing the To Do list.
    • Apple Address Book
      Synchronization and search for addresses
      1. Simple synchronization of Address Book via CardDAV protocol (in Snow Leopard)
      2. Synchronize personal contacts using Kerio Sync Connector for Mac. Searches the GAL when creating a new mail message.
  • Kerio WebMail
    • Connection via any browser
      Take full advantage of shared work assets on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

      Ability to work with a special version of Kerio WebMail, optimized for smartphones and slow Internet connections.

    • Make your job easier
      1. Drag and drop function
      2. Print-ready calendars
      3. Meeting Reminders
      4. Smart search function
      5. Spell check
      6. And other…
    • Ubiquitous control
      Configuring automatic out of office reply, mail filters and custom whitelisting in Kerio WebMail. The rules apply to both the mail client and Kerio WebMail.
  • Mobile devices
    • Work everywhere

      Connect and work while on the go. Change the date and time of meetings if your flight was postponed, about which you can inform your employees via mobile mail.

    • Synchronization everywhere

      Synchronization via push email, immediate delivery of fresh mail. Automatic synchronization of mail, calendars and contacts with your mobile device. New mail, appointments, new contacts instantly appear in the mail client, on the mobile device and in Webmail.

      Data stored on Kerio Connect can be directly synced wirelessly to an Exchange ActiveSync-compatible device.

    • Data protection

      Protecting your privacy in the event of loss or theft mobile device... Wipe information from a mobile device wirelessly using Kerio Smart Wipe.

Wireless mobile sync

Direct sync with any type of smartphones. The ability to remove important information from lost or stolen mobile devices.

Work everywhere
Connect and work on the road. Change the date and time of meetings if your flight was postponed, about which you can inform your employees via mobile mail.

Kerio Connect gives you the freedom to work wherever you are using the type of smartphone you like.

Synchronization everywhere
Synchronization via push email, immediate delivery of fresh mail. Automatic synchronization of mail, calendars and contacts with your mobile device. New mail, appointments, new contacts instantly appear in the mail client, on the mobile device and in Webmail.

You can easily set up a custom view for public and shared folders... Just select the folders you want to sync with your mobile device.

Data stored on Kerio Connect can be directly

synchronized wirelessly with an Exchange ActiveSync-compatible device.

Data protection
Protecting your privacy if your mobile device is lost or stolen. Wipe information from a mobile device wirelessly using Kerio Smart Wipe.

Synchronization with Windows Mobile

* Mail
* Calendar events
* Contacts
* Tasks*

Protecting your data *
Kerio Smart Wipe using wireless connection, deletes personal data and business information from a lost or stolen device.

Synchronization with Apple iPad / iPhone

Get immediate updates
Direct forwarding of fresh mail, updating calendars and contacts data to your Apple iPad or iPhone.

Over-the-air synchronization via Exchange ActiveSync:

  • mail
  • Calendar events
  • Contacts

Protecting your data

Create a meeting / confirm consent to attend a meeting
Instant sync of calendars.

Synchronization with Symbian

Get immediate updates *
Direct forwarding of fresh mail, updating the data of calendars and contacts to your phone.

Free access at any time
Over-the-air synchronization via Exchange ActiveSync:

  • mail
  • Calendar events
  • Contacts
  • Tasks*

Connection via DataViz RoadSync or Mail for Exchange.

Protecting your data *
Kerio Smart Wipe wirelessly removes personal and business information from a lost or stolen device.

Create and participate in meeting invitations
Synchronization of calendars information and user activity in real time.

Global Address Lookup *
Access to your corporate address directory without having to enter all addresses in your personal address book.
* Functionality may vary depending on the type of device used and software version.

Synchronization with Treo Palm

Get immediate updates *
Direct forwarding of fresh mail, updating the data of calendars and contacts to your phone.

Free access at the right time
Over-the-air synchronization via Exchange ActiveSync:

  • mail
  • Calendar events
  • Contacts

Protecting your data
Kerio Smart Wipe wirelessly removes personal data and business information from a lost or stolen device.

Creation / agreement to participate in meetings
Synchronization of information from calendars in real time.
* Some features are not available on certain device models.

Synchronization with BlackBarry

  • Direct Push function
  • mail
  • Calendars
  • Contacts
  • Tasks
  • Mail folders
  • Remote Wipe function

Server sync

Kerio Connect is able to sync data with Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) for Blackberry devices using the new Kerio Connector for Blackberry. The connector is installed on a server with BES and provides wireless synchronization of mail, contacts, calendars and tasks between Kerio Connect and standard clients on BlackBerry devices.


Synchronization with the client
Don't have a BES server? Select any of the two third-party ActiveSync clients to wirelessly sync Kerio Connect with your BlackBerry device:

  • AstaSync
    ActiveSync for BlackBerry ™
  • NotifySync
    ActiveSync for BlackBerry ™

Reliable protection of the mail system

SSL encryption, anti-spam and antivirus. Reliable protection against cyber threats. Block spam with over 14 anti-spam techniques and double anti-virus scanning.

SSL encryption of mail

Kerio Connect supports SSL encryption of all incoming and outgoing messages. Regardless of whether you work through a web browser, from a mobile device, or through a desktop client (for example, Outlook), all messages are encrypted; preventing information leakage and password theft.

S / MIME protection even in iOS 5

With Secure MIME (S / MIME) support in most email clients, including those on iOS 5 devices that use Exchange ActiveSync, Kerio Connect ensures secure email on mobile devices. The S / MIME standard ensures that a letter can only be read by the intended recipient and protects the contents of the letter from being read by thieves.

Powerful spam protection.

Your mailbox overflowing with "garbage"? Spam is not only annoying but also a threat to the corporate network. Kerio Connect's built-in spam filter eliminates unwanted and potentially dangerous mail. Kerio Connect anti-spam module protects against Directory Harvest Attacks (DHA), phishing and spoofing; using Bayesian, heuristic and SURBL filtering technologies, blacklists of Internet spammers, custom black and white lists, SMTP restrictions, etc.

More than 14 methods for detecting spam
* DHA (Protection Against Directory Harvest Attacks)
* SpamAssassin (Bayes, heuristics and SURBL)
* Anti-phishing / anti-spoofing
* RBL (real-time updated blacklists of servers)
* Custom white and black lists
* Restrictions on the use of SMTP, etc.

Reducing the load on the server system
Blocks up to 80% of spam even before spam reaches the server, saving hard disk space, RAM resources and processor time.

Sophos antivirus module

Sophos's built-in antivirus engine provides uninterrupted protection against viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, and adware hidden in email traffic. As one of the most effective antivirus solutions, Sophos successfully detects all types of malware and protects against zero-day attacks, while not placing significant strain on the system.

Integrated solution from Sophos

Sophos's integrated antivirus solution provides:
* Instant protection
* Advanced scanning technology
* Simple maintenance
* Hourly update of virus signatures

Plugins to support external antivirus solutions
Use any supported antivirus solution to scan third-party email traffic antivirus program using antivirus plugins built into the Kerio product.

Possibility of double antivirus scanning
Sharing Sophos with another antivirus solution for dual antivirus protection.

Password guessing protection

If the password is "weak", then attackers can crack it by guessing the correct one. Kerio Connect allows the administrator to block suspicious IP addresses from which password guessing attempts are made, or user accounts that are under attack. You can even configure protection against password guessing in such a way that it will not apply to visits from local addresses - so as not to affect forgetful users.


Save time and money

Protect your inbox from spam filling or infiltration malicious code via mail.

Benefit from a comprehensive solution
Kerio Connect comes with anti-virus and anti-spam modules integrated into the mail system.

Integration for better protection
Better filtering for viruses and spam in incoming, outgoing and routed mail, including attachments.

Archiving mail

Allows you to easily control the mail correspondence of employees using the built-in archiving module.

Archiving mail correspondence to control the management of user correspondence

Storage of local, inbound, outbound and routed correspondence. Easy integration with third-party solutions archiving and means of writing to non-rewritable media. Use Kerio WebMail, IMAP client or third party application for audit purposes.

Learn more about Kerio Connect's integrated backup and recovery module.

Obsolete Mail Removal Policy
The ability to save hard disk space by automatic deletion obsolete elements of electronic communication.

Flexible configuration options allow administrators to set mail retention policies for individual domains and for individual users. You can add selected folders to the delete policy and set maximum term storing items, after which they will be deleted.

Automatic backup

Copying and restoring data and server settings without interrupting the mail system.

Start automatic copying on a schedule
Copying server data without having to stop the mail system. Email notification about successful / unsuccessful completion of the backup process.

System restore on another server
Restoring user information and server configuration settings to new car or on the same (due to a hardware failure).

Deleted data recovery
Recover any deleted message (including from the Trash) of each user in a few clicks.

FROM Kerio connect employees of companies geographically distant from each other get the opportunity to work together and manage resources, mail and calendars through a single collective administered server.

What's new

Kerio Connector for BlackBerry

Kerio Connect is able to synchronize data between Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) and Blackberry mobile devices using the Kerio Connector for Blackberry utility. The connector is installed on a server with BES and provides wireless synchronization of mail, contacts, calendars and tasks between Kerio Connect and standard clients on BlackBerry devices.

* BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 5
* BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express
* All BlackBerry mobile devices supported by the BlackBerry Enterprise Server

Outlook 2010 support

  • Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) now supports Outlook 2010
  • Outlook 2010 is not supported by the online version of KOC

Public and shared folders on your mobile device

  • Synchronizing public and shared folders with Exchange ActiveSync-compatible devices
  • Easy setup synchronization of the list of selected folders directly from a mobile device or via Kerio WebMail.

Support for new platforms

  • Outlook 2010
  • Safari 5
  • openSUSE 11.2
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5
  • Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Local Administration Console Support Discontinued

All the functionality of the administration console is now available through the Kerio Connect web console. Therefore, the local administration console is no longer a necessary tool and has been removed from the installation package.
  • All administration tasks can be performed through the web interface.
  • You don't need to pre-install the administration console.
  • It is now possible to connect and manage the Kerio Connect server from anywhere in the world using a web browser.

End of support for platforms

  • OpenSUSE 10.0-10.3
  • Visnetic antivirus
  • Kerio Local Administration Console

System requirements

Server Requirements

Windows / Linux

Minimum hardware requirements (1-20 users):
CPU 1GHz, 512 MB RAM, 40GB free space on disk for storing mail and backup

Operating windows systems / Linux

Microsoft Windows

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2003 (SP2)
  • Windows XP (SP3 or SP2)
  • Windows 2000 (SP4)

Red Hat Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4/5
CentOS 5.2 - 5.5

SUSE Linux or OpenSUSE
SUSE Linux 10.0-10.3 and 11.0-11.1

Debian Linux
Supported version: Debian 5.0, Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and 10.04 LTS

Minimum hardware requirements:
G4 or G5, 512 MB RAM
Mac Intel Solo or Duo, 512 MB RAM
  • Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

* Workstations and Server OS

VMware Virtual Appliance

VMware Virtual Appliance
Kerio Connect VMware Virtual Appliance is a virtualized VMware image with CentOS preinstalled. Compatible with VMware Player, VMware Workstation or VMware ESX Server.

The system requirements are the same as for a typical installation + the requirements of the real system on which the virtual machine is running.

Virtual Appliance for Parallels
Kerio Connect Virtual Appliance for Parallels uses CentOS pre-installed operating system... Compatible with Parallels 4.0 Desktop or Parallels 4.0 Server for Mac.

Directory Server Extensions

Kerio Extension for Active Directory 32-bit
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (SP4)
Windows Server 2003 (SP2, 32-bit)
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (32-bit)

Kerio Extension for Active Directory 64-bit
Windows Server 2003 (SP2, 64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

Installed on Active Directory Server for user management, import and authentication on Kerio Connect.

Kerio Extension for Open Directory
Mac OS X 10.6 Server
Mac OS X 10.5 Server
Mac OS X 10.4 Server

Installed on the Apple Open Directory server to import and authenticate users to Kerio Connect.

Kerio Connector for BlackBerry

Kerio Connector for BlackBerry can be installed on the following microsoft versions Windows:

  • Windows Server 2003 (SP2)
  • Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise or Ultimate edition)
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows 7

Web Administration

Web Administration
Internet Explorer 7 and 8
Safari 4 and 5
Firefox 3.0, 3.5 and 3.6

End User System Requirements

Microsoft Outlook

Kerio Outlook Connector (with offline caching)

  • Microsoft Outlook 2010 (32-bit)
  • Microsoft Outlook 2007 (SP1)
  • Microsoft Outlook 2003 (SP2)
  • Microsoft Outlook XP (SP3) (with KB905649)

Kerio Outlook Connector (no offline caching)

  • Microsoft Outlook 2007
  • Microsoft Outlook 2003 (SP2)
  • Microsoft Outlook XP (SP3)
  • Microsoft Outlook 2000 (SP3)

Microsoft Outlook must be installed on:

  • Windows 2000 (SP4)
  • Windows XP (SP3 or SP2)
  • Windows Server 2003 (SP2)
  • Windows Vista (Home, Business, Enterprise or Ultimate)
  • Windows 7.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher must also be installed.


Microsoft Entourage

  • Microsoft Entourage 2008
  • Microsoft Entourage 2004 SP2 (11.3.3)
  • Microsoft Entourage X

Microsoft Entourage must be installed on Mac OS X 10.3.9, 10.4, 10.5, or 10.6.

Connect Microsoft Entourage to Kerio Connect directly. No additional plugins are required.

Kerio Sync Connector for Mac
Kerio Sync Connector for Mac must be running on Mac OS X 10.4.9 or higher (PowerPC or Intel).

Web Browsers

Kerio WebMail

  • Internet Explorer 7 and 8
  • Firefox 3.0, 3.5 and 3.6
  • Safari 4 and 5
  • Safari on Apple iPhone

Kerio WebMail Mini
Any browser, including PDA browsers like palmOne Blazer v4.0.

Mobile devices

Windows Mobile Compatible Devices:

  • Windows Mobile 6.0, 6.1 and 6.5
  • Windows Mobile 5.0
  • Windows Mobile 5.0 with AKU2 (Messaging and Security Feature Pack)
  • Windows Mobile 2003
  • Windows Mobile 2003 SE
  • Windows Mobile 2002
  • Pocket PC; Pocket PC Phone Edition; Windows Mobile compatible smartphone

Palm Treo 650, 680, 700p / w, 750v, and 800w
Palm centro

  • Sony Ericsson M600i, P990i with Exchange ActiveSync 2.10 (314) or higher
  • Nokia E phones (E50, E60, E61, E65, E70) with Mail for Exchange 1.3.0 or higher
  • Nokia phones Nokia E52, E55, E72, E75, N86 and 6710 Navigator with Mail for Exchange
  • Nokia N73, N75, N95 phones with Mail for Exchange 1.6.1 and higher
  • Nokia N900 phone
  • DataViz RoadSync client

Apple iPhone and iPad

  • Apple iPhone 3G, 2.0, 3.x and iOS 4.0 and 4.1
  • Apple iPod Touch 3.x and iOS 4.0 and 4.1
  • Apple iPad (firmware 3.2)
  • iPhone Desktop Sync

* Requires iTunes 7.3 to sync with desktop on Mac OS X or Windows
* Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher is required for desktop syncing with iPhone
* Mac OS X 10.4.10 or higher is required for desktop sync with iPhone

Wireless synchronization via Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) with Kerio Connector for BlackBerry, NotifyLink or NotifySync

Universal secure mail server

Secure mail
Kerio Connect is a secure, high performance, multi-domain mail server that works with any POP3 and IMAP client on Windows, Linux and Mac.

Virus protection
For better protection against all types of malware, Kerio has developed double-scan technology: this allows you to check emails integrated antivirus from McAfee and any external antivirus engine of your choice (Avast, AVG, eTrust, NOD32, Sophos, Symantec).

Spam protection
The combination of anti-spam technologies based on content analysis (SpamEliminator) and sender analysis (SpamRepellent) enables Kerio Connect users to dramatically improve spam filtering rates, protect employee productivity and reduce the risks of spam.

Integrated web clients
The product contains built-in web clients for different types users. Kerio WebMail fully simulates working with Microsoft Outlook, and Kerio WebMail Mini is perfect for viewing e-mail on pocket computers. This flexible approach to work organization provides users with a high level of comfort, speed and compatibility, allowing you to work with the most modern web browsers, including Safari and Firefox.

Kerio Connect provides high quality teamwork for company employees. Users can share calendars, address books, and task schedulers using the most common email clients (Outlook, Entourage, Kerio WebMail). Unlike Microsoft Exchange, Kerio Connect does not require any special knowledge to install, configure and operate, thus offering small and medium businesses a much better TCO.

Convenient management
You can download, install and configure Kerio Connect in minutes, with dedicated wizards to help you easily tackle even the most complex tasks in the process. A differentiated graphical interface allows you to manage either the entire mail server as a whole, or only the settings of user accounts for different domains.

Easy migration from Microsoft Exchange
To ensure a painless, maximally simple and fast transfer of the customer's mail system from Microsoft Exchange 5.5 / 2000/2003 to Kerio Connect, we offer the Kerio Exchange Migration Tool. With this tool, you can automatically translate all user records, folder structure, messages, attachments, calendars, address books and tasks to a new, more efficient platform regardless of the presence of Active Directory.

Directory management
Kerio Connect user accounts can be managed using both the built-in database and external directory services. The product is fully integrated with Active Directory for Windows platforms and Apple Open Directory for Mac OS X Server platform.

Kerio Connect is highly scalable and can support a varying number of users from several dozen to several hundred. One mail server can provide continuous virus and spam filtering for 500 IMAP clients simultaneously without causing delays in mail delivery.