Speed \u200b\u200bup WordPress. How to speed up WordPress. WordPress acceleration plugins Overclocking wordpress

Research shows that people are not very patient when it comes to the Internet. About 23% of people don't wait for a page to load if it takes more than 4 seconds. This may seem like a pretty harsh statistic, but achieving this result is not that difficult. If you can reduce the website load time to 2.9 seconds, then it will be enough for the website loading speed to be faster than half of the existing ones. This means that even minor site improvements can lead to tangible benefits for your business. Since about a quarter of all sites are powered by WordPress, it should come as no surprise that users want to speed up their site loading on WordPress.

In this guide, we will show you how to increase your website loading speed using 9 easy ways. You don't need to be a programming guru to follow our instructions easily. Using this guide, you will not only reduce the number of users who leave without waiting for the download, but also significantly improve the SEO component of the site!

Before you start this tutorial, you need the following:

  • Access to WordPress dashboard

Step 1 - Check WordPress Speed

Before we start the process of optimizing your WordPress, we need to know how your site is in relation to others. Speed \u200b\u200bchecking is not just a formality, if your site's loading speed is already optimal then you will not need to follow this guide. There are many useful tools for testing the performance of your site. One of the most popular is the GTmetrix tool. In addition to tables with dimensions, he gives advice on how to improve their performance. However, if you would like to compare your results with those of other sites, then we can recommend the Pingdom service.

Step 2 - Removing Unnecessary Plugins and Themes

We often add new features to our site to make it modern and relevant. In WordPress, this is done with plugins and themes. Quite often, new plugins and themes replace the functionality of the original site. Over time, you may find a huge number of plugins on your site that have not been used for quite some time.

A large number of these kinds of plugins can lead to severe degradation in WordPress performance. As a basis for our future optimization process, you should remove or at least disable unnecessary plugins. Ideally, only those plugins should remain that are necessary for the full operation of your site. Check out our guide to.

Step 3 - Minify CSS, HTML and JavaScript

Minification is one of the most useful processes for increasing website speed. It consists in reducing the size of files and scripts (HTML, CSS, JS) by removing unnecessary characters, such as spaces and comments from these files.

Plugins that can help you with the minifcation process are Autoptimize and W3 Total Cache. For a more detailed discussion of the minification process, refer to.

Step 4 - Enabling Gzip Compression

In addition to minifying files, you can also benefit from a separate form of compression, also known as Gzip compression. Basically, whenever someone visits your site, resources (files) are fetched from your server. The more resources, the longer it takes to load them on the user's side. By enabling Gzip compression, you can significantly reduce the size of these resources, thereby speeding up the WordPress loading process.

Use checkgzipcompression.com to check if Gzip compression is enabled. If not, then edit the file by adding the following code to it:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / html AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / css AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / plain AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image / x-icon AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image / svg + xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / rss + xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / x-javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / xhtml + xml AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / x-font AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / x-font-truetype AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / x-font-ttf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / x -font-otf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / x-font-opentype AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application / vnd.ms-fontobject AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font / ttf AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE EFLATE font / opentype # For Older Browsers Which Can "t Handle Compression BrowserMatch ^ Mozilla / 4 gzip-only-text / html BrowserMatch ^ Mozilla / 4 \\ .0 no-gzip BrowserMatch \\ bMSIE! No-gzip! Gzip-only-text / html

You can also find a guide on this topic on your server. Also plugins like WP-Rocket can automatically enable Gzip compression on your site.

Step 5 - Optimizing Images

You might think that due to their static nature, images do not have much of an impact on site loading speed. Quite the opposite is true - high quality images have a huge impact on almost every resource on your site. However, this does not mean at all that you should give up sharp images in favor of small and blurry sketches. There are many ways to optimize your website images. For example, the WordPress plugin - Smush Image Compression and Optimization provides a convenient way to achieve higher performance without losing image quality. For more information on this topic, see the separate.

Step 6 - Splitting Long Content into Pages

Another private piece of advice you may have come across when looking for ways to optimize WordPress is pagination. This process means splitting up large content into smaller pieces so that these pieces can then be displayed separately on different pages.

Pagination is often used for the comment section because loading thousands of comments on a single page has a significant impact on server resources. In WordPress, you can easily enable pagination - just go to the section Settings, Further Discussion... Here you can specify the maximum number of comments for a page. It is recommended to indicate the average value. A small number of comments on a page can also have a negative effect, as the user may not want to constantly go to the next page to view them.

In addition to the comment section, pagination can help you split up an article. This can be quite useful for long articles, as users don't always like a lot of text. Pagination can be implemented by adding code nextpage –> into the text version of your article. WordPress will automatically detect the code and do the pagination.

Step 7 - How to Increase Website Load Speed \u200b\u200bby Changing PHP Version

This is one of the least known tips. However, it is also one of the most effective ways to increase website loading speed. Moving from PHP 5 to PHP 7 may seem daunting, but the benefits speak for themselves. WordPress performance doubles with PHP 7 compared to PHP 5; the former can handle 112% more requests / second than the latter. Moreover, WordPress gets a good performance boost thanks to PHP 7 memory optimization. That is why PHP 7 is installed as the standard version of PHP on all our shared hosting plans.

However, one important thing to keep in mind is the lack of backward compatibility in PHP 7. This means that you may not be able to use certain plugins and themes, including those that work fine in PHP 5. To check which plugins and themes are on your WordPress is not supported by PHP 7, please use PHP Compatibility Checker.

Step 8 - Using Caching Plugins

Caching is a well-known mechanism that can reduce some of the load on the server. Basically, the cache stores information that is often used on the client's system (browser, memory) so that the browser does not need to retrieve this information from the server again. Caching can dramatically improve website performance and is therefore one of the most effective methods for improving WordPress performance.

There are a ton of plugins available for WordPress that offer different types of caching, WP-Rocket and W3 Total Cache.

Step 9 - Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Thanks to the lightning speed of the internet, it's easy to forget that, in the end, web pages are on real hardware far enough away from you. And sometimes this distance is so great that it can negatively affect the response time. Most sites solve this problem with a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

When you enable CDN on your site, the client browser no longer needs to fetch every page from the server, instead some static pages are hosted in the datacenters that are closest to the visitor. This reduces the total number of requests processed by the server, which improves WordPress performance.

The choice of CDNs is huge. The most popular are Cloudflare and MaxCDN. We've prepared a separate guide for setting up Cloudflare for your WordPress site, which you can find.


In this tutorial, you learned how to increase the loading speed of your WordPress site with some tweaks and plugins. By following these steps, you can significantly increase the performance of your WordPress site.

For more WordPress tips and information on other themes, visit our section.

Hello dear readers! Today we have a very important and interesting article from the category of "wind up". How to speed up WordPressso that blog pages load 3 times faster, and the load on hosting is reduced by 2 times!

There is already an article on my blog, but practice has shown that the measures listed in it are not enough. The time that I struggled with hosting was not wasted. It gave me a reason to start optimizing my blog again. The result of painstaking work was to speed up WordPress by 3 times and reduce the load on hosting by about 2 times. Very good results considering my WP was not in such a state of disrepair. I would even say - the patient was more alive than dead. Eh, there is no limit to perfection!

I would highlight 10 of the most important steps to speed up WordPress. Let's consider each of them in detail.

1. Caching pages.

Perhaps this is the most important point that you cannot do without. The principle of operation of WP (and most other CMS) is such that blog pages do not lie on the server in a static html format, but are generated based on php code when the user navigates to it. For each user, each page is generated over and over again! This leads to an unjustified consumption of server resources and significantly increases the page load time.

The principle of caching is simple - a static html version is created for a page, which is given to all users who have switched to it and exists for a certain time (cache lifetime), after which it is updated. Physically, this page is a file in html format, which is located on the server in a separate directory.

I wrote this whole theory here with only one purpose, so that you understand the simple truth - there is no life without caching! Even if a couple of people visit the blog, there are also hidden guests such as search engine bots. Here they will definitely find fault with the loading speed of blog pages. To implement caching in WordPress, I recommend using one of the following plugins:

  • - perhaps the most popular caching plugin;
  • Super Cache - currently using.

Choose any of them. They are similar in quality and functionality.

2. Optimization of scripts and styles of wp plugins.

Each new WordPress plugin adds its own files with scripts and style, when forming the page, all of them must be connected. It takes some time. To save it, all additional style files (and scripts) should be combined into one file, which will later be connected. Don't worry, I won't force you to do it manually (although it was possible, just for fun), because there is a wonderful one.

3. Reducing the size of the style.css file.

There is a wonderful service that allows you to optimize and compress the style.css file by removing extra spaces and indents. Of course, later on, it is extremely inconvenient to work with such a file, so I strongly advise you to keep a copy on your computer in a normal, human-readable form.

In addition, if you constantly redesign your theme (like me), then over time, unused styles will accumulate in the style.css file. Such "dead" elements should be disposed of in a timely manner. To track them, I use the free Dust Me Selectors add-on for the FireFox browser. You can download it.

4. Optimization of the language pack.

There are no trifles in speeding up WordPress, you need to compress and reduce everything that is possible, even a file with Russian. I will not describe this process for a long time, because it all comes down to a banal use. Use it to your health!

5. Cleaning the header.php template from unnecessary php code.

I only strongly recommend that before any work with the database, create a backup copy (plugin). If you forgot, forgot to take a backup copy of the database and something went wrong, do not be alarmed! If you use, then there is always a fresh backup. Just roll back to it and it's izgt.

7. Testing the loading speed of plugins, removing the most difficult ones.

10. External factors.

I faced this evil recently. Its essence lies in the large number of requests from the same or different IP addresses. The main goal is to increase the load on the server to slow down the blog or completely crash it (DDos attack).

For a long time I did not even know about this problem, only the blog began to slow down and from time to time give errors. Having switched to Hostenko hosting, the blog was constantly disconnected due to the high load on the server. The technical support service did not provide any assistance, it simply offered to optimize WP on its own or purchase a VPS for a lot of money.

As a result, I moved my blog to, where they helped me identify and fix this problem, for which I am very grateful to them. The guys really work very efficiently and quickly. The solution was to ban the most active IP addresses and filter requests for some WP files.

As you can see, the load on the server has been reduced by almost 2 times, and the blog has become much faster to work.

Tell me, could you solve a similar problem on your own without outside professional help? I personally don't. So follow my example - choose a really high-quality hosting so that its technical support is able to solve problems of any complexity, and would not leave you alone with them.

In the process of working on speeding up WordPress, the blog needs to be constantly tested to identify problem areas. Perhaps the most interesting and useful free online blog download testing service is tools.pingdom.com. It was thanks to him that I tracked the connection of an unnecessary JavaScript library and revealed a couple of unnecessarily heavy pictures.

And here are the results according to the WebWait service, which my blog finally showed:

Simply gorgeous! I sincerely wish your blog to work just as fast! Believe me, this is not so difficult to achieve.

That's all for today. If you know of other ways to speed up WordPress, feel free to leave your comments. My readers and I will be very grateful to you.

Thank you friends for reading my article to the end. Hope it really helped speed up WordPress and your blog. Take care of yourself!

Is a big problem for any site. Because of this reason, sites rarely receive high traffic, have low conversion rates and often have problems with promotion in search engines.

However, if your site is set to WP, then this article will be very helpful for you. I will reveal all the secrets of how to speed up your WordPress site in 10 steps. But before we start speeding up the site, let's see what our page loading speed is?

Some great services for checking website speed:

  1. - a simple tool from Google that shows all the errors that prevent the site from loading quickly. We need it only to find out the main errors for corrections.
  2. - a fancy tool that clearly shows how each element of your site is loaded and how much time it takes. And also you will find out how users see your site in seconds.

Many people only check the speed of the main page - this is a mistake! Only 10% of visitors will see your home page, all other people will read your articles.

And articles often include additional scripts and code that also affects page loading. So check not only the homepage but also one of the latest articles.

In the WebPageTest service, be sure to click on the waterfall button to get all the data in the form of a waterfall. This will give us TTFB (first byte transfer rate from hosting) and rendering path (when the user gets the rendered site).

10 steps to speed up WordPress

1. Hosting speed - TTFB

Fast and high-quality hosting allows you to transfer megabytes of data about your site to users with lightning speed. But how do you determine the speed and quality of hosting?

Let's move on to analyzing the site speed on WebPageTest. With an arrow, I showed how long it takes my hosting to start transferring data (the first byte of information or TTFB). The time was 0.303 seconds, which is a fairly good result. Fast hosting always shows results from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds - perfect performance!

Bad hosting can start transferring data in half a second or even in a second, which is completely unacceptable! Therefore, I recommend moving the site to where the transfer is done for free.

Well, if this hosting does not suit you, then you can always look at the list where I added a special column "speed", which means "transfer rate of the first byte."

2. Setting up WordPress

WordPress for some reason transmits a lot of unnecessary information, which is why the site does not really slow down, especially with a lot of traffic. Our goal is to set up WP correctly and remove all unnecessary things.

First of all, go to the administrative panel\u003e "settings"\u003e "spelling" and uncheck 2 checkboxes. Then go to the "discussion" tab and uncheck the same two items. If desired, in this tab, you can cancel the "show avatar" item, this gives an acceleration of pages by 10%, where there are avatars.

The last thing left to do is to protect the site from various attacks that can heavily load the server and cause the site to slow down. And the site owner may not even suspect that the site is slowing down due to constant attacks.
Plugin All In One WP Security will allow you to ward off almost any threat from your site. It can prevent comment spam, change the login page, set up a firewall, protect files from hacking, protect the database, and change passwords and access to the files you need most.

Well, if you are interested in the topic of full site protection, then I recommend reading -.

I hope that this article will be useful not only for beginners, but also for professionals who have decided to significantly speed up their website. What results did I get? Initially, the site was loaded in 12 seconds, I managed to reduce this time to 3 seconds (loading subsequent pages in less than a second).

Hello dear readers! In this lesson we will talk with you about how to increase the loading speed of website pages on WordPress and reduce the load of the site on the server.

I think you will agree that work speed site is almost the most important indicator... Even if your site has the best and most useful content, but the pages are loaded in 8-10 seconds, sooner or later it will annoy visitors.

And if you add to all this a large number of site visitors, the load on the hosting server will be simply enormous.

If your site is already fast, you can use this lesson to accelerate it to the speed of light 🙂

How to speed up your WordPress site?

1. Optimize your WordPress site database

Optimizing your database is very important. If your database contains a lot of "garbage", this creates additional load on the server. Cleaning up garbage data will significantly reduce the load on hosting... We talked about how to clean up and optimize the database in.

2. Disable unused plugins

A large number of unused plugins also create additional load... Disable unnecessary plugins, and reduce the use of unnecessary scripts if possible.

3. Optimize images

Images on a website page usually take up a lot of space and weigh the most. The more compressed the image, the faster the browser can show the page to the site visitor. By optimizing images, you can significantly improve work of a web resource.

This mistake is usually made by beginners, but it cannot be ignored. Soon I plan to devote a separate lesson to this.

4. Use normal hosting

Hosting - the place where your site will be hosted, and its uninterrupted work very important. You won't get anything good from free hosting (they can only go for training), and spending on expensive ones doesn't always make sense. Therefore, I recommend choosing the best hosting based on the needs of your site and financial capabilities.

Personally i use hosting ukraine.com.ua. I have been using it for almost two years without any complaints. From the pros I can note low price, reliability and quality of services provided (+ round-the-clock support).

5. Cache your site

Caching is capable multiply the download speed Your site! About that, and you can learn from past lessons.

With the help of caching, you will significantly increase the speed of loading pages and reduce server load... Recommend to mandatory use.

6. From the world on a thread

For those for whom the above (God forbid) was not enough, I recommend the following:

  • Minify CSS and JavaScript
  • Reduce the number of casts in the database
  • Update WordPress to the latest version
  • Use VPS hosting

Friends, I wish you large attendance and stable performance site.

If you have any questions or want to share your experience in solving this problem - write in the comments!

Hello dear readers! In this lesson, we will talk with you about how to increase the speed of loading pages on a WordPress site and reduce the load of the site on the server. I think you will agree that the speed of a website is practically the most important indicator. Even if your site has the best and most useful content, but the pages are loaded in 8-10 seconds, sooner or later this will annoy visitors. And if you add to all this a large number of site visitors, the load on the hosting server will be simply enormous. If your site is already fast, you can use this lesson to accelerate it to the speed of light :) Just want to ...

Speed \u200b\u200band resiliency are some of the factors that invariably affect the popularity of your resource, because even with the best content in the world, a slow-working site will annoy readers and sooner or later you will lose them. In this article, we will optimize the most popular blogging engine - Wordpress, powered by PHP. And at the same time we will consider a few general points in site optimization.

1 Testing the current speed

To find out if anything has changed after our optimization, it does not hurt to measure the current loading speed of the blog pages first, so that there is something to compare with. There are several tools to help you do this:

Don't forget to update to the latest PHP and Apache.

3.1 Disable unused services
You can get more RAM available by disabling unused services and optimizing MySQL and Apache.
  • Remove ClamD;
  • Configure SpamD to use only 1 child process;
  • Uninstall Mailman, unless, of course, you are going to start the mail service.
3.2 MYSQL Query Cache
Since the stability and speed of Wordpress is quite dependent on the operation of the database, it is worth making sure that the settings in my.cnf match the capabilities of the server. First of all, you should set the query caching settings by adding to my.cnf the following lines:
query_cache_type \u003d 1
query_cache_limit \u003d 2M
query_cache_size \u003d 20M

For the settings to take effect, you will have to restart the MySQL service.
3.3 Compiler Cache: XCache or Eaccelerator?
The compiler cache increases the performance of compiled scripts on the server by caching them - this will help reduce the execution time of PHP scripts. It is worth trying both solutions, however, according to the results of experiments, the performance increase with Xcache is 5% higher than with Eaccelerator.
3.4 Increase the maximum number of connections on Apache
Increasing the maximum number of connections in httpd.conf will increase productivity because the server will be able to handle more connections at a time. However, you should change this parameter carefully, so as not to exhaust the entire amount of RAM and slow down the server, so always test new settings before putting them into operation. Let's install for example 150 connections:
max_connections \u003d 150

Remember to restart the Apache service to apply the settings.

4 Optimizing code and graphics

So the server is up and running and now is the time to play with the Wordpress code.
4.1 Disable hotlinks
Every time you use your server for storing images, you use significantly more resources from it. Quite often people will borrow your images by putting hotlinks on their servers. This not only takes up the channel, but also creates a certain load on the server.
Add the following code to .htaccess file by replacing example.com to your domain name to disable hotlinks:
< IfModule mod_rewrite .c >
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ $
RewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http: // (www \\.)? Example \\ .com /.*$
RewriteRule. * \\. (Gif | jpg | png | ico) $ -
4.2 Use external hosting to store images
Hosting images on external servers can significantly reduce server load. In the example below, you can see a drop in RAM usage on one of the blogs after migrating images to Amazon S3.

4.3 Compress java script code
Compressing javascript is a fairly simple task. Since it is executed every time the page is viewed, you can reduce the size of the Javascript by removing any white space. Here's a simple tool to help you do this for you - JavaScript Compressor.
4.4 Javascript at the top of the page
It often happens that the site starts loading slowly or stops altogether. another resource from which javascript is called (for example Digg badges, Tweetmeme, etc.) is not available or offline. To avoid this, place all the javascript code at the end of the page, and what for some reason could not be done - try to enclose it in an iFrame.
4.5 Use the browser cache
Browser cache by itself, of course, will not make your blog faster, but it will help reduce the load on the server by caching frequently loaded objects (styles, interface elements, etc.).
Try to paste the following code into .htaccess file:
FileETag MTime Size
< ifmodule mod_expires .c >
< filesmatch "\.(jpg|gif|png|css|js)$" >
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"

4.6 Compress static data
You can reduce the size of the loaded page by allowing the browser to receive and transmit compressed data. It will also reduce the channel load and the amount of data downloaded.
The following code in .htaccess can help you with this:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text / html text / plain text / xml application / xml application / xhtml + xml text / javascript text / css application / x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^ Mozilla / 4 gzip-only-text / html
BrowserMatch ^ Mozilla / 4.0 no-gzip
BrowserMatch bMSIE! No-gzip! Gzip-only-text / html
4.7 Use CDN for static files
If you store all images on the same domain, the browser will wait for them to load one by one. Let's say you have 12 of them on the page, if you divide them between three subdomains, they will be loaded simultaneously from three "different" sources instead of being loaded by the browser in turn from one.
You can try to transfer all css & javascript files to files.yoursite.comand images and temporary files on static.yoursite.com... Or just use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) - a large network of servers located around the world that will allow not only storing your files on different subdomains, which means downloading them in parallel, but also delivering data to the user from the server closest to him. All this will allow loading data much faster.

5 Wordpress

In this part of the article, we'll look at performance-enhancing techniques that you can apply directly to Wordpress.
5.1 Update to the latest version
Upgrades to newer versions not only address the discovered vulnerabilities, but also improve performance. For example, in wordpress 2.8, work with the database has been significantly optimized.
5.2 Disable Post Revisions
In all versions of wordpress, starting from 2.6, revisions of your articles were automatically saved every time you edit. This slows down the database and increases its size unnecessarily.
To disable post revisions, add the following line to wp-config.php :
define ("WP_POST_REVISIONS", false);

To remove previously saved text revisions, run the following query in PHPmyadmin:
DELETE a, b, c
FROM wp_posts a
LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships b ON (a.ID \u003d b.object_id)
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta c ON (a.ID \u003d c.post_id)
WHERE a.post_type \u003d "revision"
5.3 Reduce the number of requests
Remove unnecessary queries to speed up page generation. For example, the following is typical code found in all wordpress themes:
< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="< ?php bloginfo ("html_type" ); ?> ; charset \u003d " />

We can easily rewrite in:
< meta http-equiv ="Content-Type" content ="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

Already two less requests. Pretty simple, isn't it?
6 Wordpress Plugins
And finally, here are some plugins that can improve the performance of wordpress. Once all of the above is done, these plugins will help you achieve even better performance.

WP Super Cache
This is probably the best WordPress plugin. WP Super Cache creates static html versions of each page and loads them every time, thus avoiding database queries. This significantly increases the speed of loading pages and reduces the load on the server. Installation is highly recommended.

PHP Speedy WP
This plugin solves another problem outlined in this article - removing white space in CSS & javascript. However, there are some compatibility issues with this plugin with WP Super Cache, in addition, it has not been updated for a long time, so use at your own risk.

Optimize DB
The plugin allows you to optimize MySQL tables without PHPmyadmin.

Happiness to you and your cozy blazer,% username%.