Restored legion artifact. Artifacts in WoW:Legion. General information. General information about relics

What is an artifact? and got the best answer

Answer from Vitalii konev[guru]
rare item a curiosity in general

Answer from Vjacheslav Goryainov[guru]

The term is used in slightly different senses in different fields:
- In archeology, a man-made object that does not correspond in its characteristics to the era to which the place of its discovery generally dates; often of unclear purpose.
- In any scientific experiment - an experimental result (or a deviation of an experimental result, which has the properties of stability and reproducibility), the reason for the appearance of which is the influence of the means of conducting the experiment on the process being studied, defects in the methodology, the influence of a subjective factor (suggestion or self-hypnosis of the subject or experimenter).
- In the processing and reproduction of signals (optics, communications, audio recording, photography, video recording) - a defect reproducible under certain conditions, noise in a signal, image, sound recording, the cause of which is systematic interference or features of the technical means used.
- IN computer graphics- undesirable features of a computer-generated image that appear under certain conditions (transitions in brightness or color, image movement, output modes designed to speed up work, insufficiently high-quality texture compression, and so on). Outwardly they may look like moiré, color distortions, unsmooth lines, inconsistent movement of parts of the image, “gaps” between polygons, etc. See also Compression Artifacts.
- In fantasy - a unique object that has its own history and characteristics (magical, if the genre is fantasy).
- In documentary - “noise” elements on a document, perhaps not created specifically (spots, random features) and not part of the document, but making it unique.
- cultural artifact - an artificially created object that has iconic or symbolic content. Cultural artifacts can be objects and things created by people, as well as phenomena of the spiritual life of society: scientific theories, superstitions, works of art and folklore.
- clinical artifact - special behavioral disorders that arise in patients of psychiatric clinics as a reaction to a new, stressful situation in which they find themselves (often forced hospitalization, lack of meaningful activities, restriction social contacts etc.). They overlap with the main symptoms, thereby complicating the current diagnosis. To a large extent, “clinical artifacts” can be smoothed out by organizing occupational therapy and group forms of classes for patients.
- IN computer games- a rare, unique item that gives the player significant gaming advantages. Particularly common in games with role-playing elements and online games.
- In mathematics - a unique formula.
- The Artifact Library is an electronic library hosted on a hosting provided by the Maxim Moshkov Library server.
An example of an artifact.
A classic example of a cultural artifact is the transformation of the semantic content of a word over centuries of its use. An example from the history of children's public organizations is a change in the shape and image of the icon of a pioneer organization depending on political changes in Russia and historical changes within the organization.

Answer from ("(O_o)/")[guru]
An artifact (from the Latin artefactum - artificially made) is a phenomenon, process, object, property of an object or process, the appearance of which under observed conditions is, for natural reasons, impossible or unlikely. The appearance of an artifact, therefore, is a sign of targeted interference in the observed process, or the presence of some unaccounted factors.

Answer from ArtSud[guru]
An artifact (from the Latin artefactum - artificially made) is a phenomenon, process, object, property of an object or process, the appearance of which under observed conditions is, for natural reasons, impossible or unlikely. The appearance of an artifact, therefore, is a sign of targeted interference in the observed process, or the presence of some unaccounted factors.
Good luck!

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In this guide, we will look at the features of Archeology in the Legion expansion, listing all the new excavations and rare projects from them.

Archeology Changes in Legion

  • The excavation areas have become much smaller. Less running around!
  • When a character enters an excavation area, a shovel icon appears above their head.
  • Three excavation areas appear on the Broken Isles (instead of four on other continents).
  • There are far fewer regular projects, making it easier to complete achievements associated with Flawless Artifacts.
  • An archaeological building has appeared in Dalaran, where you can learn a skill, take on a quest, and display flawless artifacts.

Archeology Skill Training

Talk to Dariness the Knowledgeable in Dalaran. Buy an Archaeologist's Notebook from her to be able to conduct excavations on the Broken Isles and increase your skill level to 800.

Upgrading Archeology

Once you have learned the skill, go to the excavation site and start digging. There are 9 fragments you can dig in each area, each fragment gives 1 skill point.

Completing a regular project gives you 5 skill points. The resulting item can be packaged (Refurbished Artifact) and exchanged for boxes of old fragments and items like the Draenor Archaeologist's Magnet from traders in Pandaria and Draenor.

New projects

Highborne Artifact Fragment

  • Keystones: Ancient Suramar Scroll
  • Rare projects:
    • Starlight Beacon: You create the outlines of a field of starlight. Players who are in this field can fly.
    • Treasure of the Crown of Suramar: Useless item, sold to merchants for 5,000 gold.
    • Key of Kalindras: Unlocks a secret room in Black Rook Keep.
    • Key to Nar'talas Academy: allows you to visit Nar'talas Academy in the past. To get back, you need to reuse the key.
Starlight BeaconExerciseThis handheld device was once used by diviners to attract starlight to a small area. Lighthouses could be seen at holidays and during rituals of star worship, as well as at those moments when the soothsayer needed to get something from the top shelf.
Treasures of the Crown of SuramarExerciseThe ruling princes and princesses of Suramar wore crowns only on special occasions. The rest of the time, the crowns were kept locked up, and those who wore them were reproached for lack of taste.
Key of Kalindras There were many servants living in the Black Rook Fortress. One of them was called Kalindras, he was the caretaker of the armory and storerooms. Like other servants of Ravencrest, he fell victim to demons in the War of the Ancients.
Key to Nar'talas Academy This key doesn't fit any door. Rather, this invitation to the academy is a ceremonial gesture that means "Our doors are open to you."
Aristocratic paper knife100 fragments, 3 Ancient Suramar ScrollThis letter opener (like all such knives) was never used for its intended purpose, but it could easily be carried on one’s person as a murder weapon when carrying an ordinary dagger was, to put it mildly, inappropriate.
Antebellum Highborne Tapestry120 fragments, 3 Ancient Suramar ScrollThe tapestries, woven before the pact between Queen Azshara and the demons, were distinguished by a unique weaving technique in which for every stitch in one direction there were two in the other. Subsequently, this technology was never used again.
Bottle with myrrh50 fragments, 1 Ancient Suramar scrollThe word "world" among the ancient high-born simply meant "poison." Having lain in the ground for tens of thousands of years, this deadly liquid has lost its toxicity and can now only have a slight intoxicating effect.
Inert Leystone Amulet45 fragments, 1 Ancient Suramar scrollThere was a superstition among the highborn that the power stone could bring good luck. Amulets made from ley stone were extremely popular among villagers, careless students, and those who dreamed of someday getting out of rags to riches.
Violet glass vessel35 fragments, 1 Ancient Suramar scrollThe Highborne have had a passion for the color purple since before the War of the Ancients. Glass bowls were then in wide use; whatever was stored in them - from cereals to gold bars.

Demon Artifact Fragment

  • Keystones: Mark of the Deceiver
  • Rare projects:
    • Blood of Young Mannoroth: Unknown
    • Crystal Eye of Undravius: Look into the eye to see a world where demons were victorious in the War of the Ancients.
    • Imp Generator: An accessory with an effect that triggers randomly. Your damage and healing spells can open a portal to Mardum, from which a flood of imps will pour into your target or their opponent.
    • "Purple Hills Mac"Ari": gives 1000 artifact power.
    • Darter Tankins: teaches how to summon the pet Snaketongue Tankins
Blood of Young MannorothCreepy secretsIt is unclear why anyone - be it an Azerothian or a demon - would choose to side with Mannoroth by storing his blood in this jar.
Crystal Eye of UndraviaCorrupted ResearchThe eye of a powerful demon, well preserved in the frozen stone earth of Stormheim. Records from the War of the Ancients state that Undravius ​​was a Fel Lord who wished to destroy all life on Azeroth.
Imp Generator Under the leadership of uncooperative Mo'arg engineers, the demon hunters were able to create several such portals into Mardum. Unfortunately, the portals did not function properly and allowed more demons into Azeroth than they released.
"Purple Hills Mac"Ari" Leaving Argus in a hurry, the draenei took their few artifacts with them. This book is one of the relics that survived the flight and has survived to this day.
Snakemouth TankinsExerciseIn his world, Snaketongue Tankins commanded an army of ten million demons. Now you can command it too. Make him fight, for example, with a chicken!
Hauberk made of hounds' teeth170 fragments, 3 Mark of the DeceiverA large piece of "chainmail" breastplate, made entirely from the fangs of demon dogs. The sharp ends of the teeth point upward and inward, so if you put on such armor, it will be impossible to remove it - that is, in principle, it is possible, but only at the cost of serious injury.
Sphere of Inner Chaos140 fragments, 3 Mark of the DeceiverChaos is not the natural element of all demons, and some of them have difficulty accepting the alignment of the Burning Legion. Such demons have to carry special enchanted spheres with them, which at the right moment can cause them to burst into rage - otherwise, what kind of demon is this? Who made such spheres and what they are made of is still unknown.
Formless Abyssal95 fragments, 2 Mark of the DeceiverThe ritual of summoning an abyssal is very complex and often ends in failure. In case of failure, a small particle of the demon usually remains in the world, burning with rage and despair from its powerlessness. Many such stones remain on the fields of ancient battles to this day.
Chronicle of flayed skin85 fragments, 2 Mark of the DeceiverDifferent demons spend their time between battles differently. Succubi, for example, love to keep diaries in which they describe their daily life. These entries are usually full of nightmarish details, and the “paper” for such a diary is usually the skin flayed from a defeated enemy or prisoner.
Demon Cup60 fragments, 2 Mark of the DeceiverDemons also need to drink, and most of them prefer to always have a flask with their favorite drink. It is hypothesized that there once existed an ancient race of demon-like creatures among whom drinking flasks were considered sacred, and this custom partially persisted even after this race became part of the Legion.

Highmountain Tauren Artifact Fragment

  • Keystones: Highmountain Ritual Stone
  • Rare projects:
    • Spear of Retu: heirloom weapon (spear)
    • Shard of Skiallax: relic, binds to account
    • Spirit Eche"ro: ghostly elk (vehicle)
    • Trophy Stone Necklace: Amulet with three stone sockets

Spear of RetuExerciseRevered by the miners and smiths of Retu Ironhorn, he was one of the first tauren settlers of the Broken Isles. His followers, who settled in the Iron Horn enclave, carefully preserve their traditions of working with metal.
Shard of SkiallaxExerciseOne extremely powerful magical item was smashed to pieces by careless archaeologists, leaving only one fragment left.
Spirit of Eche"roFuneralEche'ro was the pet, mount, and combat companion of Huln Highmountain, the legendary hero of the War of the Ancients.
Trophy Stone NecklaceExerciseDrogbars have always been renowned for their skill with precious stones. Their shamans wore heavy necklaces that were passed from teacher to student.
Stonewood Bow105 fragments, 3 Highmountain Ritual StoneThe arms of this bow are carved from extremely durable wood that is as hard as stone. It is almost impossible to tighten it. Archaeologists are still arguing whether this bow was originally like this or whether the wood petrified over time. In any case, judging by the size and weight of the bow, it can be assumed that only the strongest and most experienced tauren hunters could shoot such a weapon.
Drogbar Stone Crusher115 fragments, 3 Highmountain Ritual StoneMost drogbar preferred rough, sharp-edged gems, but there were those who preferred more regular-shaped stones. Drogbars did not use conventional tools for cutting stones - instead, gems were ground in a special stone hand mill, which had to be turned for several weeks. Usually such work was performed by servants, slaves or misbehaving children.
Hand-polished firestone50 fragments, 1 Highmountain Ritual StoneAccording to custom, widows, children and grandchildren of the deceased carried with them firestones from the funeral pyre, on which the deceased was burned. better world a member of their family. It was believed that if you rub such a stone in difficult times, it will revive memories of a dear relative and give you courage and courage.
Elk bone fish hook30 fragments, 1 Highmountain Ritual StoneThe main material for making fishing hooks in those days was elk ivory. It was hard enough to make notches on it, and at the same time it had the necessary flexibility, otherwise the hook would simply break in the mouth of a particularly large fish. Many fishermen made hooks of especially bizarre shapes and believed that they would bring them good luck.
First drum65 fragments, 2 Highmountain Ritual StoneTauren hunters usually commemorated the day they captured their first beast with a drum made from its skin. Most often, such drums were made from hare or fox skins. As a rule, the hunter did not part with this drum until the end of his days.

Archeology-related quests: Rare Projects

Once every two weeks, Dariness the Knowledgeable offers special tasks to all characters who have reached level 110. These tasks involve long excavations, as a result of which you will be given a rare project.

All rare projects in the Legion are awarded by completing quests.

The excavation areas correspond to the theme of the tasks. Thus, if you need to obtain a Highmountain Tauren Artifact Fragment. By completing the This Side Up achievement, you will receive a special artifact skin.

  • Dwarf's Dream: Help Brann collect all the fragments of the Titan Relic.
  • In this guide we will tell you all about Legion artifacts in World of Warcraft. Let's give detailed information about talents and artifact relics, their appearance, power and artifact knowledge in WOW.

    Artifacts are unique weapons for each specialization added in Legion. The power of such weapons grows as the player progresses through the plot of the add-on.

    Note: made some changes to the artifact system. Main: new talents have appeared and new appearances of artifacts have become available. For minor changes, read the guide to patch 7.2 (section about artifacts).

    What you need to know about artifacts in WoW

    Basic information:

    • There is an artifact for each specialization of each class - thus, there are 36 combat artifacts in the Legion. This is an exceptionally powerful weapon.
    • The 37th artifact is related to fishing - it is a fishing rod for fishermen.
    • To receive the artifact, you need to complete the quest chain for your specialization. As the quests progress, you will learn a lot of information about famous representatives of your class.
    • The Artifact is your character's main weapon in the Legion. There is no stronger weapon.
    • Artifact Traits/Talents – Improve the abilities of your class.
    • Relics are items that can be inserted into an artifact to enhance certain talents and increase the overall level of the item (and, accordingly, its characteristics).
    • The power of the artifact grows as the Power of the artifact is gained. This unlocks new available talents and relics.
    • Artifact Knowledge is a special system that allows players to quickly obtain artifacts for the second and third specializations.
    • All artifacts of your class can be obtained through the campaign in the class stronghold.
    • Artifacts have different styles and colors that can be unlocked by performing certain actions. An artifact can be transmogrified into another weapon (see the Legion transmog guide), but you cannot give a weapon the appearance of an artifact.

    All WOW Legion artifacts + guides

    There are a total of 36 combat artifacts available in the game - one for each specialization.

    Table with all WOW Legion artifacts + links to guides for these artifacts:

    Blood DC Damn mouth Blood, Darkness, Iron
    Frost DK Blades of the Fallen Prince 2x Ice, Dark
    Anholi DK Apocalypse Fire, Darkness, Blood
    Retri fell Ashbringer guide 2x Light, Fire
    Holi has fallen Silver Hand 2x Light, Life
    Prot fell Guardian of Truth guide Light, Iron, Arcane Magic
    Arms war Strom'kak Peacemaker guide Iron, Blood, Darkness
    Fury var Valarjar War Swords guide Iron, Storm, Fire
    Prot var Earth Guardian's Shell Iron, Blood, Fire
    Surv hunt Ravenous claw Storm, Iron, Blood
    BM hunt Might of the Titans guide Storm, Iron, Arcane
    MM hunt Thasdor, Legacy of the Windrunners guide Storm, Blood, Life
    Enkh shaman Hammer of Doom guide Fire, Iron, Storm
    Elem sham Fist of Ra-den 2x Storm, Ice
    Restaurant sham Scepter of Azshara 2x Life, Ice
    Brewmaster Fu Can Life, Storm, Iron
    Weaver of Mists Shay-lun, Staff of Mists Life, Storm, Ice
    Dance with the wind Fists of Heaven 2x Storm, Iron
    Feral cat Ashhide Fangs Ice, Blood, Life
    Feral tank Ursoc's Claws guide Fire, Blood, Life
    Restaurant other Ghanir, Mother Tree 2x Life, Ice
    Balance other Scythe of Elune 2x Arcane Magic, Life
    Muti horns Longing and Sadness Darkness, Iron, Blood
    Thug Blades of Terror Blood, Iron, Storm
    SD horns Fangs of the Devourer 2x Fel, Darkness
    Demon Hunter
    Tank Aldrachi Warblades Iron, Fel, Arcane
    DD Twin Blades of the Deceiver guide 2x Fel, Darkness
    Fire Mage Felo'melorn 2x Fire, Arcane
    Frost Mage polar night guide 2x Ice, Arcane Magic
    Arcana magician Alunet 2x Arcane, Ice
    Afli lock Ult'halesh 2x Dark, Blood
    Destro lock Scepter of Sargeras 2x Fel, Fire
    Demonologist Skull of the Man'ari Dark, Fire, Fel
    Holy Priest Tuure, luminary of the Naaru 2x Light, Life
    DC Priest Fury of Light 2x Light, Dark
    ShP priest Blade of the Dark Empire guide 2x Dark, Blood

    Screenshot of the Demon Hunter artifact (glaives):

    Artifact Power in WOW Legion

    Artifact talents can be upgraded using Artifact Power. At the same time, Artifact Power is not a currency (it cannot be accumulated and spent), but rather resembles experience: by receiving Artifact Power, you unlock new talents in the talent tree of your weapon.

    The current amount of available Artifact Power is displayed above the experience bar. By hovering your cursor over it, you will see how many units of Artifact Power you are missing before unlocking the next talent.

    Artifact power in Legion can be obtained through the use of consumable items, such as a Glass of Dalaran Wine or a Brief History of the Ages.

    Items that provide Artifact Power can be obtained in different ways:

    • Treasure hunt;
    • Missions in a class stronghold;
    • PvP victories on battlefields and arenas;
    • Completing major quests or local tasks;
    • Chests for completing a series of local quests (for 4 tasks for one faction);
    • Additional objectives and bonus tasks in the open world;
    • Drop from rarities, bosses in dungeons and raids of the Legion, world bosses;
    • Completing random dungeons on normal and heroic difficulty;

    Good video about Artifact Power:

    When you receive one of these items, click on it to add Power to the artifact currently equipped on the character.

    • If you want to add Artifact Power to a weapon you have in your inventory (an artifact for your other specialization), you first need to equip this artifact, and only then use a consumable item.
    • The power of artifacts is calculated separately for each weapon. That is, if you added 10,000 units of artifact power to the current artifact, this will not affect the weapons for your other specializations.

    The amount of Artifact Power obtained from similar consumable items is can be increased with Artifact Knowledge. More details about this are written in the corresponding section of our guide.

    Every time you spend Power on upgrading artifact talents, the cost of unlocking subsequent talents increases significantly. To upgrade the first talent, you need 100 units of Strength, and then this number can reach up to 5,000,000.

    Latest video about the Power of Artifacts in World of Warcraft:

    Artifact Talents (features)

    Features (or talents) of the artifact - This special skills, which open as the artifact is upgraded. To learn each talent you need Artifact Power, and as you level up more talents on one weapon, subsequent talents require more and more Artifact Power.

    Each artifact weapon has one free talent (the very first one), which does not require resources to level up and gives you a powerful class ability. Typically, the ability from the first talent is active and appears on your ability bar, but for some classes and specializations it can be passive.

    Relic Effect #1: Item Level Up

    Each relic has a certain item level - in beta it ranged from 670 to 895.

    • The higher the level of the relic, the more item levels it will add to the artifact.
      • For example, Soul Fibril (level 805, craft) will add +31 ilvl to the weapon, and Flickering Spark of Time (level 850, drop in raids) will add +43 ilvl.
      • Relics that drop in dungeons, raids, and from world bosses, when dropped, have a certain chance of being upgraded by +5 item levels. Taking into account all difficulty options, the maximum item level for such relics is 895.
    • The starting level of all artifacts is 750, and each relic inserted into a socket increases this level. The maximum level of an artifact that can be overclocked in T19 content is 918(with three improved level 895 relics).

    Relics can be inserted into your artifact to increase the item's level. Each relic also allows you to increase the rank of one feature of the artifact.

    The table below shows the levels of relics depending on the source of receipt:

    Source Level Level boost Notes
    Regular quests and world quests 670-815 +2-33 ilvls Quest rewards scale to the player's level when they turn in the quest.
    Rewards for world quests are level 805+ (can proc upgraded ones)
    Normals 700-805+* +2-31 ilvls The item's level depends on the character's level at the time of killing the monster/boss.
    Craft 805 +31 ilvls Crafted Relics cannot be upgraded with Obliterium like other crafted items
    Heroics 825+* +36 ilvls
    Raids (LFR) 835+* +39 ilvls
    Mythic dungeons 840+* +40 ilvls
    Raids (normals) 850+* +43 ilvls
    World bosses 860+* +46 ilvls
    Raids (heroic) 865+* +48 ilvls
    Raids (Mythic) 880+* +52 ilvls
    Maximum level 895 +56 ilvls

    * Relics marked with an asterisk may be randomly upgraded when dropped. The table in this guide shows the minimum item level for them.

    Relic Effect #2: Bonus Ranks for Talents

    Each relic improves a specific artifact talent. On Wowhead, a list of such talents can be viewed by selecting the “Improves” tab on the relics page. Thus, if you want to enhance a certain talent on an artifact, you need to look for special relics.

    • The relic immediately gives an additional rank and increases it. If it was 0/3, it will become 1/4.
    • Relics do not allow you to cheat the talent system: if a relic turns a 0/1 talent into a 1/2, you will still need to level one rank to move further up the talent tree.
    • One talent can be maximally upgraded to rank 6/6. In this case, all three relics in the artifact slots should improve one talent.

    Important video about artifact relics:

    How to get an artifact in WoW Legion

    The first artifact in the Legion can be obtained at level 100.

    All classes receive their artifact through completing the introductory quest chain. In this case, you will need to use the unique abilities of your specialization.

    For example, Survival hunters will actively use traps, and Assassination robbers will move around Stormwind in Stealth mode.

    At the end of the missions, you gain access to the class stronghold, and also learn how to operate the artifact and the command table for missions in the stronghold.

    Obtaining the second, third, fourth artifact

    Upon reaching level 102, your character will be able to obtain artifacts for all specs of your class. For most, this is 3 artifacts, for Demon Hunters - 2, for Druids - 4.

    To get the second artifact, you need to return to the class stronghold and take on the quest to select an artifact. The game will then prompt you to complete a quest chain for that weapon.

    After receiving the second artifact, a chain for obtaining the third (and then, for druids, the fourth) will become available.

    Video of the chains for obtaining the artifact can be viewed at Youtube.


    • The chain for each artifact was created taking into account specialization: healers will need to heal the group, tanks will need to take on monsters, and damage dealers will need to complete standard quests for collecting items / killing monsters.
    • You can change your specialization along the chain. That is, you can make a chain for a healer in the DD spec if you kill all the enemies before they destroy your group. However, this will not be the easiest task.
    • If you have multiple artifacts, they will be automatically equipped when you change specialization. You cannot equip an artifact that does not match your current specialization.
    • Artifacts cannot be destroyed. Remember that each artifact received will always occupy one slot in your inventory.
    • Obtaining all artifacts available for your class is rewarded with the achievement Impressive arsenal .

    Artifact Knowledge

    Artifact Knowledge serves to increase the Artifact Power you gain from items over time.

    • Artifact knowledge becomes available at level 110. You will receive two tasks related to completing orders:
      • Hidden History - Recover 4 volumes of knowledge scattered across Azeroth.
      • Digging through books - complete a work order.
    • Once both tasks are completed, you can continue completing orders to obtain Artifact Data, which increases your Artifact Knowledge level.
    • At the start of the Legion It takes 5 days to complete one order for Artifact Data. However, the new addition will implement a special system that will count the number of days from the launch of the Legion, and based on this number, reduce the order completion time to 4 days, 3 days, and so on.
      • This system is designed for alts and those who will start playing long after the release date of Legion.
    • Each order for Notes on Legion Artifacts will cost 500 Order Resources (read Where to get class Order Resources in Legion).

    1.1. Main color: available by default.

    1.2 Color #2: Bring back one of the Pillars of Creation.

    You can get one Pillar of Creation through the quest chain in each of the Legion locations. Below is a list of pillars, the final tasks for obtaining them and the corresponding locations:

    Aegis of Aggramar Securing the Aegis Stormheim
    Hammer of Khaz'goroth Hammer of Khaz'goroth Highmountain
    Tear of Elune Tears of Elune, Valshara
    Fight in Style: Improved Look .

    2.1. Home Color: Complete the campaign in a Class Hall.

    In fact, you need to get the achievement Hardened for battle .

    2.2. Color #2: Unlock all Artifact Talents.

    2.4. Color #4: Complete the achievement This side up .

    The only coloring of artifacts associated with Archeology. To get it you need to collect 8 rare archaeological projects in the Legion.

    Please note: Rare finds in Legion are obtained differently than in other expansions. Every two weeks, the Archeology trainer (Dariness the Competent) will have a task, for which you will be offered a rare project as a reward. To complete quests with the Archeology teacher, you need level 110.

    3. Valiant appearance

    Achievement for all 4 options appearance: Fight in Style: Valiant Look .

    3.1. Main Color: Complete the “Balance of Power” quest chain.

    This is a fairly long chain that starts in your class hall at level 110 and has many stages. Among other things, you will need to bring 30 pieces of Blood of Sargeras (read How to get Blood of Sargeras in WOW), complete several heroic dungeons and obtain items from the Emerald Nightmare raid.

    3.2. Color #2: Complete the achievement Unleashed Monsters .

    To get the achievement, you need to kill 8 out of 10 Legion world bosses in the Broken Isles.

    3.3. Color #3: Complete a Challenge Mode dungeon using a level 15 key.

    To open this color you need to go through Mythic dungeon at difficulty level 15. You can use your own key or someone else's.

    3.4 Color #4: Complete the achievement Glory to the Hero of the Legion .

    This meta achievement requires completing 26 achievements in 10 Legion dungeons on Mythic difficulty. The achievement is common to the account, and so is this appearance for the artifact.

    4. Seasoned look

    5.2. Color #2: Complete 100 dungeons using a hidden artifact appearance option.

    5.3. Color #3: Complete 200 World Quests with a hidden appearance on an artifact.

    5.4. Color #4: Kill 1000 enemy players using a hidden artifact appearance.

    6. Sixth appearance (one of the Legion patches)

    Nothing is known yet about how to obtain the sixth appearance option for Legion artifacts. Information will appear closer to one of the next patches (7.1, 7.2, etc.)

    See all artifact appearance options for each class and specialization in the artifact calculator on Wowhead (in the “Appearance” tab).

    Artifact of the Death Knight of the “Unholy” branch:

    Hidden effects of Legion artifacts

    Artifacts in Legion can have various hidden effects.

    Here's what one of the WOW Legion developers said about it:

    "When you're dealing with items as powerful as some of the artifacts players will receive in Legion, there's no telling what mysterious things might happen."

    There are several suggestions as to what could be the hidden effects of the artifacts in Legion:

    • Hunter's Swiftness, Feral Druid: Ashhide's claws are filled with the blood of beasts, providing a 3% increase in movement speed. The effect dissipates when the druid enters combat.
    • Valkyr's Gaze, Fury Var: If the warrior kills an enemy within 8 seconds of the effect triggering, he will recover 50% of his health.
    • Ashbringer, Retro Paladin: There is a chance that the Ashbringer will instantly kill a small demon or undead near the character.
    • Summon Eagles, Hunter: When a hunter's health drops below 40%, an eagle comes to his aid for 10 seconds; fires no more than once every three minutes.

    Some artifacts can talk to their owners (for example, Aluneth for the arcane mage or the Skull of Man'ari for the warlock), and will often whisper something during adventures around the world.

    Video of the hidden effect Valkyra's Gaze (furi var):

    Cosmetic effects

    There are also some cosmetic effects associated with artifacts in the game:

    • Paladins can see demons in Dalaran using Revealing Light.
    • Air elementals in Stormheim are friendly to Elemental shamans.
    • Some classes have a special animation for the Away status (Frost DK, Druids, and Healing Shamans).
    • Some NPCs react to a character with an artifact. For example, the elven blacksmith in Dalaran admires Felo'Melorn (an artifact of the fire mages).

    Artifacts FAQ

    This section of the artifact guide contains the most FAQ about the main weapon of the Legion.

    1. How much space does the artifact take up in your bag?

    Two-handed artifacts obviously occupy one slot. But, interestingly, double artifacts (for example, Fist+Shield) also only take up one space in the bag. Agree, this is a nice space saver, especially if you collect artifacts for several specializations.

    2. How does transmog work with artifacts?

    You can transmogrify an artifact into another weapon, but you cannot transfer the appearance of the artifact to another weapon. You can use different transmogrifications for different parts of the artifact (for example, right-handed and left-handed daggers).

    3. Can you change talents, relics or the appearance of an artifact anywhere?

    Relics can be inserted into weapons anywhere. To change your appearance and activate new talents (ranks), you need to be near a special forge in your class stronghold. To redistribute talents on an artifact, you need to talk to the NPC who stands next to the forge in the class stronghold.

    4. What should I do if I chose the wrong artifact, sold my old weapon and want to level up to level 102 in a different spec?

    Your quartermaster class stronghold sells weapons, off-hands and shields level 740 for 100 gold. You can purchase them as a replacement for an artifact until you reach level 102.

    5. Is it possible to destroy an artifact in WoW?

    After completing the quest chain and receiving the artifact, you will not be able to destroy it or sell it to a merchant.

    6. How can I see the leveling of artifact talents from other players?

    In the standard World of Warcraft interface, you cannot see the layout of artifact talents for other characters, but you can see the level of the item.

    7. Will it be possible to use the acquired artifact appearances for transmog after Legion?

    Most likely, yes - all variants of the appearance of artifacts can be transmogrified after Legion (in the next expansion). In this case, it is implied that the skins can be unlocked during Legion, but after the expansion they will not be obtainable. This also applies to new forms of the druid (the appearance of the Cat and the Bear changes from the artifact).

    8. Can artifacts be used in PvP?

    Artifacts and their effects can be used in all PvP situations: arenas, battlegrounds, open world.

    9. Will Artifact Knowledge be account-wide?

    No, Artifact Knowledge will not be account bound. This system allows you to get artifacts faster for alternate specializations, but not for alternate characters.

    10. How long will it take to max out the first artifact?

    It will take several months to level up all 34 ranks of artifact talents in the WWII Legion. The developers did not provide a more precise figure.

    We can't wait to hear your opinion on the introduction of weapons such as artifacts in the Legion - we look forward to your feedback in the comments!

    If you liked the artifact guide, share the link to it on social networks.

    What is an artifact? and got the best answer

    Answer from Vitalii konev[guru]
    rare item a curiosity in general

    Answer from Vjacheslav Goryainov[guru]

    The term is used in slightly different senses in different fields:
    - In archeology, a man-made object that does not correspond in its characteristics to the era to which the place of its discovery generally dates; often of unclear purpose.
    - In any scientific experiment - an experimental result (or a deviation of an experimental result, which has the properties of stability and reproducibility), the reason for the appearance of which is the influence of the means of conducting the experiment on the process being studied, defects in the methodology, the influence of a subjective factor (suggestion or self-hypnosis of the subject or experimenter).
    - In the processing and reproduction of signals (optics, communications, audio recording, photography, video recording) - a defect reproducible under certain conditions, noise in a signal, image, sound recording, the cause of which is systematic interference or features of the technical means used.
    - In computer graphics, undesirable features of a computer-generated image that appear under certain conditions (transitions in brightness or color, image movement, output modes designed to speed up work, insufficiently high-quality texture compression, and so on). Outwardly they may look like moiré, color distortions, unsmooth lines, inconsistent movement of parts of the image, “gaps” between polygons, etc. See also Compression Artifacts.
    - In fantasy - a unique object that has its own history and characteristics (magical, if the genre is fantasy).
    - In documentary - “noise” elements on a document, perhaps not created specifically (spots, random features) and not part of the document, but making it unique.
    - cultural artifact - an artificially created object that has iconic or symbolic content. Cultural artifacts can be objects and things created by people, as well as phenomena of the spiritual life of society: scientific theories, superstitions, works of art and folklore.
    - clinical artifact - special behavioral disorders that arise in patients of psychiatric clinics as a reaction to a new, stressful situation in which they find themselves (often forced hospitalization, lack of meaningful activities, limited social contacts, etc.). They overlap with the main symptoms, thereby complicating the current diagnosis. To a large extent, “clinical artifacts” can be smoothed out by organizing occupational therapy and group forms of classes for patients.
    - In computer games, a rare, unique item that gives the player significant gaming advantages. Particularly common in games with role-playing elements and online games.
    - In mathematics - a unique formula.
    - The Artifact Library is an electronic library hosted on a hosting provided by the Maxim Moshkov Library server.
    An example of an artifact.
    A classic example of a cultural artifact is the transformation of the semantic content of a word over centuries of its use. An example from the history of children's public organizations is a change in the shape and image of the icon of a pioneer organization depending on political changes in Russia and historical changes within the organization.

    Answer from ("(O_o)/")[guru]
    An artifact (from the Latin artefactum - artificially made) is a phenomenon, process, object, property of an object or process, the appearance of which under observed conditions is, for natural reasons, impossible or unlikely. The appearance of an artifact, therefore, is a sign of targeted interference in the observed process, or the presence of some unaccounted factors.

    Answer from ArtSud[guru]
    An artifact (from the Latin artefactum - artificially made) is a phenomenon, process, object, property of an object or process, the appearance of which under observed conditions is, for natural reasons, impossible or unlikely. The appearance of an artifact, therefore, is a sign of targeted interference in the observed process, or the presence of some unaccounted factors.
    Good luck!