3g 4g external antenna. External LTE antenna. MIMO antenna for LTE. What varieties exist

In the online store GSM-Repeater.RU you can buy antennas for reception and amplification cellular signal 4G standard ( mobile communication and the Internet of the fourth generation).

In order for the 4G antenna to work (receive, transmit and amplify the signal), it must be connected to the appropriate 4G equipment. In the classical system for amplifying a 4G signal, a 4G repeater (repeater) will act as its role. If you need to amplify the signal directly on the 4G router or 4G modem, you just need to connect the 4G antenna to the corresponding connector of the router or modem (if there is one).

Which 4G antenna to buy?

In our assortment you will find 4G antennas of all possible types (circular 4G antennas, parabolic 4G antennas. Directional 4G antennas) and characteristics (with different signal gain). You can even buy unique 4G antennas with built-in Wi-Fi and Ethernet router from us. All 4G outdoor antennas have high degree protection from the external environment and temperature drops. Also in this section of our catalog you will find 4G MIMO antennas, which differ from conventional 4G antennas in separate channels for receiving and transmitting a 4G signal. MIMO technology allows 4G antennas to achieve up to twice the data rate and data transfer rate of conventional 4G antennas.

To make it easier for yourself the process of choosing a 4G antenna, we recommend contacting our specialists. In a matter of minutes, they will be able to select for you exactly the 4G antenna that will work most effectively with your 4G equipment.

LTE is a new thing for the people, first we will logically evaluate what is implemented in the standard, then move on to reading the literature. The main difference between the technology is an increase in the speed of information transmission of the Internet connection. When testing LTE in Bishkek, the download speed was 20 Mbps. Because the limit is set so as not to overload the network. Wonder at original state (early 90s of the twentieth century) LTE was not considered digital. The protocol definitely contradicted the 3G specification, and the cellular operators stubbornly refused to accept it. The group of companies, which had the honor to introduce LTE, finalized the first option, then Yota began to try to cover Belarus with the new standard, when it failed - the Russian Federation. Can an LTE antenna be made by hand? Of course yes!

LTE standard, LTE antennas

Avoid exploring the LTE jungle. Let us mention the simple facts: the speed increases faster by means of information coding, by means of modulation. The polarization is almost certainly linear, vertical (typically cellular communication). Frequencies accepted by LTE are not always followed in practice. The thesis concerns Russia. First of all, find out from the provider the wave (channel number), then start designing the LTE antenna. Today every mobile operator is broadcasting. In the Astrakhan region, LTE is distributed to antennas two or three. The frequencies are different for everyone, the numbers are changing by region, things are heading towards the fact that communication will become faster and cheaper.

We bring to the attention of beginners: for frequencies lTE operatorsThere is always a war going on between TV and radio companies. The range is not provided for free, the firm is obliged to pay. The state benefits from the abundance of LTE operators - each unfastens a fee. It is not new, large enterprises using walkie-talkies replenish the treasury with considerable sums. It's hard to say what LTE is paid for, we believe the case looks like this:

  • Radio waves are harmful to humanity. An unconditionally proven fact. They lower immunity, provoke poor health, raise body temperature. A person feels completely sick, having been exposed to radio waves.
  • Consequently, the organization must take control so that citizens are not exposed. Otherwise, the population will start to get sick, nothing good will happen. The Committee is the GRKCH, for those interested in more details, read thematic reviews of the network on health. The organization deals with the allocation of frequencies.

We believe that the fees paid by LTE providers, other users of radio channels, do not bring much profit (professionals will excuse the editorial office if we are mistaken). The money pays for the labor of people who need to pay wages, sick leave, vacation pay ... The state does not receive large profits from LTE. You shouldn't be surprised if you can't catch operators on one LTE antenna. The range is considerable.

However, today we will show you how to make an LTE antenna that can catch everyone. We'll have to sweat a little, of course. We strongly recommend reading the literature, the book of K.P. Kharchenko. 1969 release about VHF antennas. The name, perhaps, is different, we believe, stubborn readers will be able to download and read this work (pdf, djvu versions are uploaded).

LTE antenna features are limited in size. Suitable for GSM too. WiFi is higher. The LTE antenna clings to the upper TV channels if rotated so that the figure eight stands upright (rotate 90 degrees).

How to make a good LTE antenna

A homemade LTE antenna can be an ordinary rod. We propose to do something efficient. You know - some people are a little patronizing on the biquadrat. Completely in vain. In the book, Kharchenko writes: with skillful design, the product is capable of receiving waves with an overlap of the range by 2 - 2.5 times. Let's now see what's with LTE in Russia. Many are broadcasting ... they take different frequencies, let's look at Wikipedia, so as not to conduct serious research, we will try to determine the parameters for creating a technical task.

Every cellular operator does not seek to help competitors. LTE antenna КР - 14 - 2050 - JG, the gain is 14 dB in the range 1900 - 2200 MHz. SWR does not rise above 2. Well, and? Now take a look at Kharchenko's work, compare the biquadrat with a store antenna. Still think that you don't need to collect anything with your own hands? There will be problems with the connection, the equipment has no outputs for external antennas. We'll have to churn modems (a separate conversation), find other methods of equipment pairing. That Kharchenko's antenna is good, matching is relatively simple. Let's start examining the design.

For the tenth time the portal VashTechnik commemorates kind word antennas Kharchenko. Let's try again…

Let's discuss the received product. A real Kharchenko antenna is formed by three circuits. Here is a drawing of the original 1969 edition, we hope the author will not be against flagrant violation of copyright. As you can see, the dimensions are relative to the maximum wavelength (minimum frequency).

If you believe Kharchenko, the range overlap coefficient will be about 2 (up to 2.5). Nowhere in the SWR area will it be more than 2. Note that the figure eight is vertical. The polarization will be horizontal. Kharchenko suggested using the design when catching television broadcasting, the authors want to adapt to receive communication. Lay the biquadrat on its side.

It is difficult to say how to connect the contours, the author hesitates to show ... From the picture it follows: the upper largest square goes into the lower smallest, and vice versa. The middle man closes in on himself. On the contact pads, the three circuits are assembled by a bus powered by a cable. Follows from the figure, according to the text there are zero explanations. Taking readers, we turn to the search engine, we do not like unresolved issues ... Here's what we managed to find out.

Questions of designing LTE antenna Kharchenko

According to the theory, which is not easy to find in the book, the diameter of the wire of the frame should be 0.016 - 0.02 of the maximum wavelength. For television frequencies of the times of the USSR was:

  1. 1 - 5 (49 - 100 MHz) channels: 120 - 100 mm.
  2. 6 - 12 (174 - 230 MHz) channels: 34 - 27 mm.

It is difficult to find a wire of significant diameter, it was proposed to replace the round conductor with a flat one. The windage of the antenna has significantly increased, it cannot be called a positive factor, the manufacturing has become more complicated, the weight has increased, the materials have become difficult to obtain. Three contours are applied. The good news: we will work with frequencies of 750 MHz and higher, each wire with a diameter of 6 mm will reach (strip the PV). Second good news: we have found a way of editing. An unknown author took the trouble to take pictures from the book, gave a description of the process on the site http://chegdomyn.narod.ru/meny/radio/ant-xarchenko.html. Free domain, so 99% of the information comes from a tough enthusiast.

The authors were too lazy to reshoot the drawings, let's add a few words: two semicircular plates are laid on the sides of the circuit board, onto which the wire is soldered. In the corners (6 pieces in total), the frames are bridged with metal stripes. We were right about the trajectories. Follow the picture, you can't go wrong. It is not accepted to isolate the intersection of the wire; the antenna cord does not need it at all.

Antenna for LTE made by hand. How to agree, wrote in special review, which is called Antenna Kharchenko with his own hands. WiFi hobbyists have adopted the design extensively today. Sometimes the iron is placed in a plastic case, and the seam is finished with a silicone sealant purchased from a plumbing store.

The site presents antennas that have the same or similar characteristics, but differ in design: broadband, with an output impedance of 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm, MIMO 2x2 with two outputs and simple ones with one output, panel and wave channel (Yagi), with or without a hermetic box ... Also proposed whole line cables, connectors and adapters for connecting modems and routers.

All this diversity creates certain difficulties when choosing a specific antenna model, as well as cables, connectors, adapters and other equipment. The article provides recommendations on how to make a specific choice that suits your particular conditions. What are its advantages and disadvantages, what do you gain and what do you lose by making one or another choice of equipment and wiring diagrams.

It is assumed that you have already decided on the main parameters - the range of operation (3G / 4G), antenna gain, installation height, direction to base station... You must choose specific models antennas, modem / router, cables, adapter adapters, etc.

Equipment connection diagram

Let's start by analyzing your Internet needs - what equipment you have should have an Internet connection.

If you need Internet access only for a computer / laptop and a pair of mobile phones, then the connection scheme can be the simplest: antenna - modem - computer. One or two smartphones can have Internet access through a computer, which can be standard means operating system turned into a WiFi hotspot for mobile phones. Variations of this scheme - the modem can be connected directly to the USB connector of a computer / laptop and connected to the antenna using one or two cable assemblies of the required length, including adapters, or it can be enclosed in a hermetic box mounted on the antenna and connected to the computer when using a USB extension cable.

If you have several devices (computer, laptop, TV, media player, tablet, etc.) that need Internet access at the same time, then you cannot do without a router. The connection diagram will be more complex. There can also be varieties of the connection scheme - a modem in a hermetic box, a modem separately from a router and connected with cable assemblies or through an adapter to the antenna.

Thus, we see a wide variety of combinations of different options for choosing equipment to achieve the same goal - connecting to mobile internet... This diversity can be represented as a generalized scheme:

Antenna - Feeder line - Modem / router

The term "feeder line" or simply a feeder means the collection of all cables, connectors, adapters, adapters, etc. that connects the antenna to a modem or router (if the modem is built into the router). This term was introduced here for simplicity of further presentation.

When choosing equipment, they are usually guided by two alternative criteria:

(1) achievement best quality the Internet (speed of reception / transmission) with reasonable restrictions on total cost or

(2) obtaining acceptable reception quality at the lowest cost of establishing a connection, i.e., equipment.

Consider the selection of elements based on these criteria.

Antenna selection

Thus, we have identified three antenna models. We will make the final choice after determining the internal resistance. To do this, consider the choice of elements of the feeder line.

Feeder selection

Our feeder line consists of a cable with connectors and adapters for connecting to a modem. With adapters, everything is clear - you need an adapter to connect to a 4G modem. Since the AX-3000 adapter has increased losses (1-5 dB), it is advisable to choose a modem with two slots for connecting external antenna, that is, pigtails.

Now about the cable. We have several cable brands to choose from (see comparative table) .

Let's estimate the losses when choosing the two most popular brands of cable at a frequency of 2600 MHz.

As you can see, the savings on the feeder when choosing the SAT-703 are about 300 rubles with practically the same losses. Small losses (about 1dB) can occur on the modem when choosing a 75-ohm cable.

To select the final version, we will summarize our results in a table:

So, we have chosen three options for the antenna and the feeder, which have almost the same quality characteristics in terms of gain and loss, but give a spread in cost of 1200 rubles. The optimal choice in terms of price can be considered option 1 - 75 Ohm feed with 0.55 Supral plate and SAT-703 cable. Note that tuning an antenna with a feed will be no more difficult than tuning a panel antenna, since with a dish diameter of 0.55 m, the beam width is 13 degrees, which allows even an inexperienced tuner to point the antenna at the BS.

Standing Wave Ratio (SWR), this is a coefficient showing what proportion of the useful signal power is reflected in the transmission line from a certain load (antenna, modem, adapter, connector, pigtail, etc.). High frequency energy does not travel along the line like direct current; it can reflect off the load if the load or cable has different resistances. VSWR shows the quality of energy transmission from the receiver to the antenna and vice versa, the lower the VSWR, the better the radio station is matched with the feeder and antenna. The VSWR cannot be less than 1. In the field of communications, it is usually considered that if the VSWR \u003d 2 is satisfactory, the VSWR<1,5 - хорошее, КСВ<1.2 - отличное.

This article is about 3G and LTE antennas for modems. You will find out how you can amplify the signal, and whether it is worth making the antenna with your own hands.

The advantage of 4G Internet over 3G is manifested not only in connection speed. The next generation Internet also benefits from lower ping. Thus, online fighters connected to MegaFon 4G can experience a qualitative difference between generations even at the same speed. 4G connection is able to save participants in multiplayer battles from lags and increase fps by an order of magnitude.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible and not for everyone to enjoy the quality of high-speed Internet. Even buying a high-speed 4G modem from MegaFon is not a guarantee that your mobile Internet will grow wings.
But do not rush to blame the operator for all mortal sins. In some cases, he is simply powerless. This must be admitted, because what is, that is: modern technologies are still far from perfect.

In addition to banal user network congestion, a serious interference between the signal receiver and the MegaFon LTE network can be:

  • long distance to the base station (the availability of 3G and 4G networks is still an urgent issue for owners of summer cottages and residents of the suburbs);
  • potential location of the modem (height, number of storeys of the building, wall material and their thickness);
  • other interference that gets in the way of the signal: forest plantations, nearby high-rise buildings and structures, power lines.

All this affects the signal quality from 3G / LTE networks not in the best way. Is there really nothing you can do about this outrage? It is possible and necessary.

Signal amplifiers - 4G antennas and reflectors are designed to solve most of the above problems. The 4G antenna for the modem is a powerful directional signal amplifier that looks like its TV counterpart. This device helps to seriously enhance the signal strength of your device.

Antenna handmade: is battering appropriate?

Naturally, many users come to mind the question: is it possible to make a similar design for the MegaFon modem on their own.

It is understandable, for those who want to practice in applied radio engineering - making a modem amplifier with their own hands is a great chance to increase their skill, study the subtleties of selecting elements and learn new things. Of course, when making an LTE antenna with your own hands, there is a risk of not only wasted money, but also a burnt out modem.

Nevertheless, many owners of 4G modems successfully use a homemade signal amplifier in their apartments and dachas. There are many tutorials and diagrams for assembling an external LTE amplifier with your own hands on the Internet. For those who are focused on obtaining a quality result, the best option would be to purchase branded directional antennas.

The indoor version of the antenna, working with 3G and LTE MegaFon signals, are reflective-collective forms. In fact, these are not even antennas, in the full sense of the word. Reflectors (or reflectors) are not attached to the antenna output of the 3G modem. Moreover, the shape of metal reflectors, unlike antennas, is not at all fundamental, and can be arbitrary.

As mentioned above, a feature of these devices is the exceptional roominess of their use. It is not recommended to take them outside the premises, since factory, and even more so, home-made structures are not able to protect the modem from moisture and temperatures.

You should not consider a simple metal reflector a panacea for serious problems with 3G or LTE MegaFon signal. Its efficiency is about ten times less than that of an external 3G antenna. However, this design is quite capable of adding some missing stability to the modem.

Online store GSM-repeaters.ru offers to buy antennas to enhance the 3G and 4G LTE signal with delivery to St. Petersburg at a bargain price ... You can ask all questions to our specialists using the contact numbers indicated at the top of the screen.

Poor cellular coverage can cause not only a deterioration in the quality of voice communications, but also interruptions to the Internet. Areas of weak or unstable reception are called "dead" and occur in several cases.

When is it necessary to amplify the signal?

  • A fairly long distance to the operator's base station: usually residents of small towns and rural areas, owners of hotels in resort areas, restaurants located outside the city limits, and so on.
  • Natural obstacles: such terrain features as mountainous and hilly terrain, dense forests and forest shelter belts, high slopes of valleys, ravines, gullies, and so on can block the signal.
  • Architectural and structural features of buildings: signal shielding occurs due to the use of certain building materials (such as gypsum, reinforced concrete, reinforced glass, etc.).
  • Location above or below the reception level: interruptions in the mobile Internet are well known to residents of megalopolises - owners of apartments on the upper floors of high-rise buildings often face this problem. However, this issue is most acute for basements: for cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment complexes, underground parking, and so on.

However, high-speed mobile Internet, even in all of the above cases, is simple and affordable - with a 3G / 4G signal amplification system. In fact, the amplification system is a set of antennas, a signal receiver and a set of components that provide communication and well-coordinated operation of all system components.

External and internal 3G and 4G antennas

An antenna is a device for receiving and transmitting a signal from a base station to a mobile device and vice versa.

The scheme of the amplification system:

An external antenna, installed on the roof or facade of the building, receives the signal from the BS, amplifies it due to its design, and feeds it into the HF cable, which is connected to the signal receiver at the second end. In systems for strengthening the 3G / 4G Internet of receivers, as a rule, a 3G / 4G WiFi router or a 3G / 4G modem + WiFi router is used. These systems require a dedicated SIM card installed in the router, and are designed accordingly for one telecom operator.

The second family of signal amplification systems, where 3G / 4G antennas are also used, are 3G / 4G repeaters (amplifiers). In this case, the signal from the antenna is fed to the repeater, it amplifies and transmits it further along the cable to the room distributing antenna. These systems do not use WiFi, but simply take a 3G / 4G signal outside the home, amplify it and supply it to the room without conversion. These systems are designed for all operators at the same time and each subscriber works through his SIM card.

The speed of the mobile Internet also affects the loading of pages and files, and the ability to watch movies, make video calls, conduct electronic payments, work applications and much more. If the average speed of 3G mobile Internet is about 10 Mbit / s (for stationary objects and subscribers with low mobility), then 4G technologies open up even greater opportunities (if the operator has a sufficient signal level and capacity). 4G internet speeds averaged around 30 Mbps, making it an equal rival to WiFi technologies.

Based on this, the conclusion suggests itself that the 4G network is preferred for use in terms of speed. And even if there is no 4G coverage in your region yet, then we recommend not just a 3G antenna, but 3G / 4G with a reserve for the future.