AutoCAD when saving command line. Autocad missing save dialog box. Dialogue description directive

The Autodesk AutoCAD program is a very convenient and popular product that allows you to create various graphic projects for drawing, design and solid modeling.

So, you have set yourself AutoCAD program and became a new user of this program. Don't know how to work and where to start? This article will help you learn how to create drawings and show How to save a drawing in AutoCAD.

Let's start with the most important thing. Depending on the year of release of your program, the program interface will change. I will use Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 in Russian.

When you start the program, by default a document called “Drawing1.dwg” is created. Start working directly in this document. For example, draw an ellipse, a circle, or start doing your work, creating the drawing you need.

To create a new drawing, you need to go to the program menu - create - drawing.

After this, a menu will open, select the “acadiso” file in it:

A document called “Drawing2.dwg” will be created. You can also safely start working there.
In order to save a previously created document, you need to press “Ctrl+S”, or:

Now a new window opens:

Specify the folder in which you want to save the drawing. Set the file name to end with ".dwg". Be sure to indicate the file type in which you want to save the drawing. The thing is that if I save the document as " AutoCAD drawing 2010 (.dwg)", then it will not open in AutoCAD programs lower than the 2010 version. I advise you to save it taking into account the version of the year of release of the program of your partner, boss, work colleague or manager.

You can also save the file using the hotkeys “Ctrl+Shift+S”. Thanks to this method, you will have the opportunity to save the document in a different format. For example:
- AutoCAD drawing;
- AutoCAD drawing template;
- AutoCAD drawing standards;
- Other formats...

This is how you can easily save drawings in the most popular AutoCAD program.

We wish you success in your work.

Unless you belong to a special and very rare breed of users who, when working in AutoCAD don't use dialog boxes , and all actions are performed exclusively through the command line, then:

  • when running the command Open (Open), you are waiting to appear on the screen dialog box Select File (File selection),
  • and when you run the command Save As (Save as) or simply Save (Save), if the file has not previously been saved on the computer, - Save Drawing As dialog box (Saving a drawing).

AutoCAD 2017. Select File Dialog Box (File selection)

But have you ever encountered a situation where dialog box navigation when opening (or saving) a file gone missing? And instead:

  • when entering a command Open (Open) on the command line there is a request ( Name of the drawing to open),
  • and when you run the command Save (Save) a request appears on the command line Save drawing as (Saving a drawing).

In response to them AutoCAD expects to receive the name and path of the file.

AutoCAD 2017. Request Enter name of drawing to open (Name of the drawing to open)

Of course, file navigation can also be done via the command line. You can also respond to a similar request on the command line with the symbol “ ~ ", after which the screen will display what is familiar to most users dialog box navigation by file system. But for those who are not used to conducting a dialogue with AutoCAD Likewise, this method is not very convenient and can significantly slow down the workflow.

But what happened? Where did it go dialog box navigation that previously always appeared regularly when opening or saving a file, and how can I return it to its rightful place?

In fact, this problem it is solved very simply. The system variable is to blame FILEDIA, responsible for displaying dialog boxes file navigation. By default, this system variable has the value " 1 ", which turns on the display of navigation windows. But what if for the system variable FILEDIA set to " 0 ", That dialog boxes are not displayed.

Therefore, to return displaying dialog boxes when opening or saving a file, you just need to change the value of the described system variable to " 1 ", to do this you need to do the following:

  • at the command line enter FILEDIA and press the [ key Enter],
  • and then, in response to the request to enter a new value for the system variable, enter “ 1 » and confirm the change by pressing [ Enter].

AutoCAD 2017. Changing the value of a system variable FILEDIA

After this procedure will be done, the usual dialog boxes Select File (File selection) for the team Open (Open) And Save Drawing As (Saving a drawing) for the team Save (Save).

Autocad\Civil 2009, although I think it also applies to other Autodesk products, when opening/saving a document, a line appears instead of a dialog box.

To correct this, enter the command filedia and press Enter. The result of the command will be the integer "0" or "1". The next step is to enter the filedia command with the inverse of the result. That is, if there was “0”, then “1” should be entered. Press Enter and enjoy life.

Detailed description

Available in R12-2008
From the 2007ru reference:

Suppresses the display of file navigation dialogs.
Type: whole
Saved in: registry
Initial value: 1

0 - Dialog boxes are not displayed. However, in this mode, the dialog box can be forced to appear if you enter a tilde (~) when prompted for a command. The same is true for the AutoLISP and ADS functions.
1 - Displays dialog boxes. If batch file or AutoLISP/ObjectARX™ program are active, the normal prompt is displayed.

You can work with some commands both on the command line and in dialog boxes. This is useful when using scripts.

To execute a command not from a dialog, but from the command line, you must enter a hyphen (-) before the command name (for many commands). For example, the layer command on the command line will open the Layer Properties Manager dialog.
But the -layer command will output the same set of parameters and options on the command line.
The options displayed in the dialog box may differ slightly from those displayed on the command line.
Dialog suppression is useful for compatibility with more earlier versions AutoCAD and for using batch files.

The following system variables affect the opening of dialog boxes:
ATTDIA specifies whether a dialog box should be used to enter the attributes of the INSERT command.
CMDNAMES sets the display of names (English) of the current active team and a transparent team.
EXPERT specifies whether warning dialogs should be displayed.

FILEDIA controls the appearance of dialog boxes for reading and writing files. For example, if FILEDIA=1, executing the SAVE B command opens the Save Drawing dialog box. If FILEDIA=0, the SAVE B command will be executed after selecting the desired option on the command line.
The FILEDIA and EXPERT variables are useful when executing commands using scripts.

Additions (not verified by me) for 2006 and older:
If you press CTRL+0, then com. there will be no line. This is useful for those who use DIN input. In this case, the word Filedia typed on the keyboard will appear on the cursor, and not in the text box. line.
Interesting feature(documented?), even if you don’t remove the lump. line, but include din. input, invitations Filedia in com. line will NOT appear (until you press Enter).

If AutoCAD saves changes in your drawing via the command line. Or this program does not open the opening window, or it itself does not appear and does not work, and also if it disappears (stops showing) or the program issues a command line (CS) to further open the file, then it’s time to solve this problem once and for all - by making a normal save by default without command line.

In order to find out how to remove KS from the opening process, enter the FILEFIA command into it - press the Enter key, then enter the value “1” in KS and press Enter again. All!! Problem solved.

If you want to get 450% training in AutoCAD, I recommend watching my newest video tutorials.

Now, when you try to save/open a file, a standard explorer will open, in which, in visual mode, you can select the save location on your computer, as well as the file name and type.

In addition, this window can also be called when the system variable has the value “0”, that is, the open and save explorer is disabled, and you are asked to do these actions in the CS.

For example, you created new document, worked in it and after clicking the “Save” button - K C shows the path and you need to confirm it, or specify a new one, as well as the name of the drawing file to save.

The abundance of all sorts of buttons and settings can constantly confuse you. There may also be fear when opening the program for the first time. In order to overcome it and create your own first drawing or model today, I recommend starting to study my video tutorials posted.

And if you immediately place the tilde “~” icon at the point of the blinking cursor and press Enter, an explorer window will open where you can save/open the drawing in the usual way.

These instructions are suitable for all versions of AutoCAD - 2000, 2000i, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and higher.

If you want to quickly solve all your problems, both current and future, using AutoCAD, I recommend studying this.

Performing these operations through the CS is old way, which was relevant in very ancient versions of the program - R13 and lower, mainly because then the development of computers was just beginning and there were no visual modes in programs at that time. There were only black screens with white lines of information. You've probably seen these screens in old foreign films. So, then 99 percent of drawing took place through the CS, which at that time was the most important in this type of software. And now it is simply impossible to work in the old way, because now the graphical interface reigns supreme, without which it would simply not be possible to perform complex drawings, much less modelling.

This concludes this short instruction. Study it and put it into practice. But what? There's nothing to study there. Dana alone simple command and that's all.

AutoCAD is pretty complex program. This is confirmed by the fact that you can find a lot of information on it on the Internet. However, did you know that in fact it is enough to know only 20% of the tools to create 80% of the drawings and models in the program? And you can learn this after video lessons that describe the very essence without water.

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Sometimes users AutoCAD" and they complain about the disappearance of the menu File -> Save As(this menu causes a dialog box to appear Saving a drawing):

For displaying this menu dialog box in AutoCAD" the system variable is responsible FILEDIA : if it is equal 0 , a variant of the command is called SAVEAS using the command line interface:

– click Start -> Run... -> in the field Open enter regedit –> OK;

– open a branch


– find REG_DWORD-parameter FileDialog with meaning 0 , install 1 (or remove this parameter completely);

– close Registry Editor.


2. Integer system variable FILEDIA controls the display of navigation dialogs (read/write/save files). May have the following meanings:

0 – dialog boxes are not displayed. However, it is still possible to force the file dialog box to appear by entering a tilde ( ~ ) in response to a command prompt (the same is true for functions AutoLISP And A.D.S.);

1 – displays dialog boxes. However, if the batch file or program AutoLISP/ObjectARX are active, the usual prompt is displayed on the screen.

3. If the value of the system variable FILEDIA equals 0 , when running the command SAVEAS The command prompt window displays the following prompt:

Current file format: AutoCAD 2007 Drawing

Set the file format<2007>:

– set the option, press Enter;

4. For the Russified version AutoCAD 2007 variable value FILEDIA stored in section


for the Russified version AutoCAD 2006– in the section


5. Be careful when handlingRegistry! Incorrect useRegistry Editorcan lead to serious problems, including reinstalling the operating system!