A quick way to restart the Google Chrome browser. A quick way to restart the Google Chrome browser Why does Google Chrome reload the page

One of the options for updating the content of a web page in the browser Google Chrome is its hard reboot. Most users are not familiar with this functional feature of the popular Internet browser.

In a normal situation, when it comes to restarting or refreshing a page, the most common choice of the average user is to click the corresponding button next to the browser address bar visible in user interface. The alternative use of the F5 or Ctrl + R keyboard shortcuts, which perform the same actions, also comes to the rescue.

In total, Chrome includes three reboot functions. Regular, hard, and paired with clearing the cache, that is, copies of the contents of previously visited web pages stored on the hard drive. What is the difference? Let's figure it out.

The first of them is the simplest and is described in the second paragraph of this article. When executed, it uses the web browser's cache, but checks the cached files during page load to ensure that only resources with a 304 server response (Not Modified) are used. The server returns this code if the content has not changed since the specified moment.


The second is not displayed directly in the user interface of the Internet browser. You activate it using the combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + R , Shift + F5 or holding down the Shift key before activating the refresh button. In this case, Chrome will download all resources from the web page.

But the third function becomes available only when you activate the Developer Tools in the browser, using the F12 key or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I. This is a necessary condition. When you open Developer Tools, click right click mouse on the reset button to display the desired menu. Make your choice.

When is it appropriate to use the last two options? They are useful if you want all resources to load from a page. This will help while waiting for any update, development or after damage. Thank you for staying with us!

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The “Refresh Page” button in Chrome is perhaps the most popular. However, not every user knows that in this browser you can reload website pages in different ways.

Typically, we just click “Refresh Page” and it refreshes in the normal way.

But the browser functionality also allows you to perform not only a regular page refresh, but also a so-called “hard reload”. And there is a rather interesting difference between these two operations, which makes sense to talk about in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that in fact Google Chrome provides not two, but even three ways to “Refresh the Page” of a site:
  • regular update;
  • and a hard reboot with completely clearing the browser cache.

Regular update - this is exactly what we all call “ Refresh the page". The option is activated as standard by the button F5 or the key combination " Ctrl+R » from the keyboard. In this case uses the cache, but during the process of reloading a given site page, it checks cached files, but loads from the cache only that part of the content for which the server returns the code 304 Not Modified (i.e. those that “Did not change”).

Option " hard reset » site pages in custom Chrome interface not displayed. It is activated by either one of two key combinations - “ Ctrl + Shift + R " or " Shift + F5 " - from the keyboard. Or you can just press Shift, and then, as usual, click on the “Refresh Page” icon on the panel . In this case, Chrome will ignore the cache and reload the entire contents of the site page.

The third update option assumes that the browser cache will be completely cleared before reloading the page.

This option is activated from the panel " Developer Tools » browser. To do this, first open this panel ( F12 from the keyboard), then right-click on the “ Refresh the page" and in the menu that appears, click "«:

What is the point of such an operation if the browser does not use the cache during a “hard reboot”?

We answer: the option is designed for use in situations where a site page can also load additional content using or other means that are not part of the page loading process itself. This piece of content can be cached and then automatically reloaded from the browser cache even after a hard page reload.

Therefore, it is recommended to perform a “hard reset” and “hard reset with cache clearing” in Chrome when you need to completely update from the browser, and not from the cache, for example, before an update, during page development, or when the browser cache is damaged.

After making major changes to Google Chrome or as a result of it freezing, you may need to restart the popular web browser. Below we will look at the main methods that allow you to accomplish this task.

The simplest and affordable way restarting the browser, which every user periodically resorts to.

Its essence is to close the browser in the usual way - click on the right top corner by the icon with a cross. Closing can also be done using hot keys: to do this, press a simultaneous combination of buttons on the keyboard Alt+F4 .

After waiting a few seconds (10-15), launch the browser in normal mode by double-clicking on the shortcut icon.

This method is used if the browser stops responding and freezes, preventing it from closing itself in the usual way.

In this case, we will need to turn to the help of the “Task Manager” window. To open this window, type the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc . A window will appear on the screen in which you need to make sure that the tab is open "Processes" . Find Google Chrome in the list of processes, right-click on the application and select "Cancel task" .

In the next moment, the browser will be forcibly closed. All you have to do is restart it, after which restarting the browser using this method can be considered complete.

Method 3: Run the command

Using this method, you can close already open Google Chrome both before and after the command is executed. To use it, call the window "Run" keyboard shortcut Win+R . In the window that opens, enter the command without quotes "chrome" (without quotes).

In the next moment, Google Chrome will launch on the screen. If you did not close the old browser window before, then after executing this command the browser will appear as a second window. If necessary, the first window can be closed.

The Google Chrome browser has gained popularity as one of the fastest, most convenient and secure web browsers. At the same time, it is perhaps the most voracious consumer (among browsers) of resources, in particular RAM.

If for modern systems This is not a problem, but for users of more modest hardware who do not want to part with their favorite browser, there are certain difficulties.

Often they have to deal with a situation where several simultaneously open browser tabs stop responding, and they need to quickly restart Chrome without losing open tabs.

How do you usually restart Google Chrome? Most likely, you close it, and then double-click the shortcut on your desktop again. This is the traditional approach.

Google Chrome has a lot of interesting hidden functions, and now I will tell you about one of these - reboot Chrome from the address bar without losing open tabs.

How to restart Google Chrome in one click

IN address bar browser enter next address:chrome://restart. Press the Enter key. Voila! Google Chrome will reboot itself.

If you often have to reload it, then creating a bookmark would be a good idea. Now you can reload Google Crome in one click without losing your open tabs.

1. Click Ctrl+D(Windows) or Cmd+D(Mac) to add this page to your browser.
2. Now click the button "Change" and in the URL input field enter chrome://restart
3. Click "Save". The restart bookmark has been created.

You can safely restart your browser without fear of losing your open tabs, but keep in mind that any unsaved work in them (such as completed forms) will likely be lost.

That's all. By the way, I’ll tell you another secret. Enter in the browser address bar chrome://chrome-urls, and see all the Chrome features that can be accessed through similar URLs.

Sometimes it happens that Google browser Chrome on Android starts to slow down. Restarting your browser may speed things up. On a computer, just close and reopen the browser window (although the method described below also works on a computer), but what to do on devices running Android control, read below.

Standard method

Using this method, you can restart not only the Google Chrome browser, but also any other application on Android. Go to Settings > Applications Android systems, find and click on Google Chrome browser in the list. On the application management screen, click the "Close" button.

Return to your device's home screen and launch the application again.

Own function

The Google Chrome browser has its own restart function. Type the command “chrome://restart” in the address bar of your browser and click the confirm button (this command also works in the Google Chrome browser for a computer).

Google Chrome will restart, all open tabs (except incognito tabs) will reload. All logged in sessions on the sites will be saved. You may lose some data, such as completed and unsubmitted form fields on websites.