Add extensions to google chrome. How to add extensions to chrome (Google Chrome). Repairing a damaged extension

Hello, friends! In this article I would like to consider quite simple topic, to which most users have many questions. Now we will figure out where to look for extensions for the Google Chrome browser, and how you can install them.

First, before the practice, I, as always, provide you with a little theory. So that you understand why they are generally needed, maybe you can do without them.

Since browser makers cannot foresee all the little things that users might need, extensions or add-ons have been invented. With their help, you can expand the functionality of the browser, thus customizing it for yourself. For example, you can download movies and music from sites, get fast access to the mail, cloud storage etc.

You can download them both from the Chrome Web Store and from third-party sites. In the second case, these may be certain add-ons that, for various reasons, were not placed in the browser store. Be careful when downloading from third-party sources, otherwise, under their guise, you can download a virus to your computer.

Install the extension from the Google Chrome store

Let's first figure out where to look for this online store. Click on the button with the image of three horizontal stripes in the right upper corner browser and select from the drop-down menu "More tools", then "Extensions".

A page will open where you will see a list of all those installed in your browser. Scroll down to the bottom and follow the link "More extensions".

After that, you will see another page "Chrome Web Store". In it, go to the "Extensions" tab. Scroll through the list of suggestions. To see a list of everything available in a particular group, click on the "View all" button in it.

To find a specific add-on, you can use the store search or select the appropriate category.

To install an extension from the Chrome store, do the following. Click with the mouse on the one you have chosen in the proposed list.

If you used the search, then in the proposed results choose exactly from the list "Extensions". When you select the appropriate one, you can immediately click the "Install" button opposite it, or you can click on its name to view detailed information, as described above.

The fact that it has been successfully installed will be indicated by the following information window. Its icon will also appear to the right of the search bar.

If you are interested, you can read the detailed article on the website. It describes the installation in Chrome visual bookmarks from Yandex and Atavi.

By clicking on it right click mouse, you can access its various options and settings.

Installing extensions from another site

If you found something suitable on the Internet and are sure that it will not harm your computer, then now we will look at how you can install such an add-on in your browser.

Download it to your computer by clicking on the button "Download", "Download" or something like that.

Then open Chrome, click on the "Menu" button and go to "Additional Tools" - "Extensions".

Drag the downloaded file to the page with installed extensions browser.

Confirm its installation by clicking on the "Install" button.

Let's take a closer look at installing a popular add-on from a third-party site for Google chrome, and not only, The process will be slightly different from the one described above.

Find the official website of the extension on the Internet and go to the "Install" tab.

Here you will see a download button, click on it. Please note that it says "for Google Chrome" opposite it.

Find the downloaded file in the "Downloads" folder on your computer and run it by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. If the security window appears, click "Run" in it.

Then wait for the download to finish. At this point, you may need to close your browser.

We installed the required Tampermonkey add-on for to work properly. Its icon should appear to the right of the address bar.

To install the extension itself, open the next page on the Internet and click on the "Install" button. Then confirm the installation.

That's all. Now you know where to look and how to install the extension in the Google Chrome browser.

Extensions add new functionality to the browser.

Adding an extension to chrome is generally straightforward.

All work is done in the Google Chrome browser.

So, to add an extension to chrome, enter Settings and management of Google Chrome.

It's easy to find the entrance to the settings. Hover over the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner google browser Chrome. A hint will appear - Setting up and managing Google Chrome.

Click on the button with three stripes. A context menu will open (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Adding an Extension to Chrome - Settings and Controlling Google Chrome

This can be done in two ways.

The first: at context menu Settings and control of Google Chrome click Settings, then in the window that opens, click Extensions.

Second: in the context menu Settings and control of Google Chrome choose Additional tools, then in the menu that opens, click Extensions.

The result will be the same. We will get to the section with already installed extensions in chrome.

If you compare, the second method is faster and preferable, but in general this is an amateur business.

You can also log into extensions via address bar chrome by entering the address - chrome: // extensions /.

As already mentioned, here we will see all installed extensions.

To add new extension to chrome need to click on the link - More extensions .

It is located below the list of installed extensions.

There are a lot of extensions here and at first it is problematic to quickly add what you need.

To make it easier to find the desired extension, there is a line at the top left Shop Search... It will help you a lot if you know the name of the extension.

For example, to find an extension for the site's TIC check button, just enter the phrase yandex tyc google pr indicator.

The required extension will open.

Click on the button Is free... The extension verification process will start.

Then a dialog box appears New expansion confirmations.

Clicking Add to... The check is going on again and a dialog box will appear asking you to activate the added extension in chrome.

There are times when you get an error when trying to add an extension to chrome.

Then you can try adding the extension to chrome by clicking anywhere else on the selected extension, not on the button Is free.

In this case, a new dialog box will open and already in it, to add, click on the button Is free and then the process of checking and adding as usual.

Sometimes it helps.

Or, you can simply click update in the error dialog and repeat the process of adding the extension to chrome.

Usually everything ends well. A new extension is added to chrome.

You can see it immediately by going to the section Extensions.

The added extension will already be included.

So, we went through the whole process, adding an extension to chrome (google chrome).

But the way to find and add an extension can be shortened considerably.

To add an extension to chrome, you can simply type in the address bar:\u003dru

For user safety reasons google prevented the installation of unverified extensions for the Google Chrome browser. From now on, you can only install extensions from the Google Store. As for the extensions already installed from alternative sources, after the new rules come into force, they may stop working.

In this case, the user will receive a message "Unsupported extensions disabled", that is, unsupported extensions are disabled. As much as you would like it, you won't be able to turn them on in the usual way. However, this does not mean that you will have to part with your favorite and possibly even very necessary plugins. Alternative solutions can always be found. Let's see what can be done in such cases.

Method one

Google Chrome has such a useful thing as developer mode, which allows you to install third-party extensions. So, download the disabled plugin from the developer's official website and unpack it into a separate folder.

Chrome plugins are usually distributed in CRX format. In fact, this is a regular zip archive, which can be unpacked with any archiver, for example, the same 7-Zip. For these purposes, WinRAR is also quite suitable, you just need to first change the plugin extension from CRX to ZIP.

Copy the directory with the unpacked plugin or move it to a convenient place. Next, in Google Chrome, go to the extension management section, switch to developer mode, press the button "Install unpacked extension" and specify the path to the directory with plugin files.

That's all, the third-party extension will be installed without any claims from the browser.

You do not need to delete the plugin folder, as it contains important fileswithout which the plugin may stop working.

Method two

If for some reason it was not possible to install the extension in this way, try, although this is not the best option, using Canary or Chrome Developer. Both of these browsers are the same Google Chrome, only geared towards developers.

You may have one of two situations:

  • You have found a CRX file and want to install the extension from it.
  • You already had an extension installed, but it was suddenly blocked, and you want to enable it again.

CRX option

CRX file is a very ordinary archive. Therefore, it can and should be unpacked. We recommend using an archiver for this, but any other can be suitable.

As a result, you should end up with a folder containing the extension files, including, for example, manifest.json.

Now launch Chrome and go to the extensions section (chrome: extensions, or Menu - Tools - Extensions). We put a tick "Developer mode" at the very top. The button "Load unpacked extension" has appeared. It is through this button that you need to install the folder with the extension. As a result, it will install and work fine.

Option with an already installed extension

This option will especially appeal to those Chrome users who have disabled and blocked the Kaspersky Anti-Virus extension. In fact, this means that the extension is already on your computer and you just need to find and install it by hand in developer mode.

How to find it? Again, go to the section with extensions (chrome: extensions, or Menu - Tools - Extensions), where do not forget to enable the "Developer mode" checkbox. We find our blocked extension there. And we see that it has such a parameter as ID.

We copy this ID. Open Computer in windows Explorer (Start - Computer). Paste the copied ID into the search field and search. As a result, you should find a folder with the same name.

We click on this folder and inside it we see, most likely, another folder with a name in the form of a version number. It is this internal folder that we need (after all, there is manifest.json inside it?). We copy it to a secluded corner, where you will not accidentally delete it. And now we install it via developer mode on chrome: extensions as we described it in the previous version.

The only drawback of this method is that now, after every restart of the browser, Chrome will prompt you to disable this extension. Fortunately, you have the opportunity to refuse this generous offer.

Hello. I am often asked about enlargement for Google Chrome, and the questions are quite standard - where they are, how to enable or disable them, how to configure, etc. In this article, we will consider the basic configuration of extensions. When I just started using this new browser for me, I didn’t like it because it was too simple in its capabilities. But over time, he became better and better, and I could not resist not to switch to him.

Extensions for Google Chrome are called differently, they are often called plugins or add-ons, and sometimes applications. Although, apps are a separate category in the Google Web Store, which most often represent links to other websites or games and has nothing to do with extensions.

Where are the extensions for Google Chrome located?

I already wrote about where to look for extensions and how to install them in. To go to the extensions tab, you need to go to the browser menu, then select the item " Tools", Then click on the item" Extensions»:

You can go to extensions in two other ways - go to the browser history or go to its settings. In both cases, on the left you can see the History / Extensions / Settings trio. You can also right-click on the extension's icon and select Settings, if available for the plugin.

How to enable, disable, uninstall and update plugins for Google Chrome.

It's easy to disable or remove extensions. Take a look at the picture below. If you right-click on a plugin, you can choose what to do with it from the context menu.

If the plugin has settings, you can enter them by clicking on the corresponding item. For complete removal extensions from Google Chrome, you need to click on the item " Delete", To disable -" Disable". Item " Hide button"Allows you to hide the extension from the panel, but it will continue to work.

To delete hidden extension, you need to go to the extensions tab and click on the trash can icon. Here you can also change the settings of plugins and indicate whether they can work in Incognito mode or not. By default, they cannot.

Item " Settings"Allows you to change the add-on parameters, if any. There are such simple plugins that they don't even have settings. Most have them, for example, as in a plugin for translating text or an extension for customization. smooth scrolling in Google Chrome - do you want the pages to scroll smoothly?

The question often arises, how to update plugins for Google Chrome? To which I will answer you that you do not need to update them. They update themselves in the background, without your participation. It's the same with the update of Google Chrome itself - it also updates itself unnoticed in the background, which is a convenient solution.

If you have plugins are not installed from the web store, then you need to do the following: in the folder "My Documents" create a folder "Downloads". After that, everything should work. If desired, then you can move the folder for the downloaded files to another convenient location.

I would also like to add a few words about

Almost all plugins that work in Google Chrome will work in Yandex Browser, Chromium, browser and other variations of Google Chrome. Therefore, do not look specifically for plugins for Yandex Browser or the like, be aware that in most cases plugins will work in all these browsers.


1. chrome disable fps on the left - this means that you have Fraps installed. You can simply disable Fraps or change the settings so that the fps indicator is not displayed.

That's all for today, thank you all. If the article was helpful to you, the info divider in social networks with friends. If you have any questions - write them in the comments, we will find a solution.

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