What is a domain, how to choose and register a domain name. What is a domain and why is it needed, we will explain in simple words Domain name table


What is Domain (Domain name)

Site domain or Domain name of the site Is the address of a web resource on the Internet. For example, the site "What is" the domain name looks like this "www.site".

In simple words, domain Is the name of the site registered on the network, by typing which in the search or input line, you can go to the required resource. Simple and casual domain names are in high demand as they are easy to remember, which in turn helps to retain the site's audience.

Why you need a domain name and why choosing a domain is a very important part when creating a website.

First of all, it should be noted that a domain name is a kind of visually simplified website address. The fact is that each site on the Internet has its own, which looks like this: I think you will agree that memorizing such addresses and entering them into the address bar in order to get to the necessary resource is not the most convenient task. That is why there are domain names that visually replace the digital values \u200b\u200bof addresses. In simple words, the moment you enter "" in the address bar, the computer recognizes the resource location address in this name as "", and will direct you there.

Since we figured out what domain names are for, let's talk about why choosing a domain name is such an important step in creating a website. It is easy to guess that names that are simple in sound and correspond to the theme of the site will always be of higher priority. The point is that simple and laconic domains are quickly remembered by users, which in turn makes it possible to quickly find a resource on the Internet. Moreover, if the domain name characterizes the subject of the site, then this in some way affects the promotion of the site in the search results. For example, if the domain name of the site looks like this "STROYKA.XX", then the user will immediately understand that this site is dedicated to construction projects. In addition, search robots also know how to understand the meaning of words. In this case, when indexing a site, they will place it in a category related to construction.

Domain - zones and levels.

Since we have briefly figured out the names, the next step is to note that domain names include belonging to a certain zone and the level of nesting. For example, the domain name "site" is a generic second-level domain since it consists only of the names "chto-takoe" and ".net".

What is Domain Level?

For ease of understanding, examples of nesting levels can be given:

  • .net - top level (this is purely an indicator of the site's zone of ownership);
  • site - second level (one name + zone);
  • xxxx. site - third level (name + dot + name + zone);
  • nnnn.xxxx. site - fourth level (name + dot + name + dot + name + zone).

If everything is clear with the nesting level, then let's go directly to the zones. Each domain name belongs to a specific zone. In the case of the site "What Is It", this is the common international zone ".NET".

There are a huge number of domain zones, and they are divided depending on the region and subject matter. As for the regional zones, each country has its own, so for Russia it is ".RU", for Ukraine - ".UA", and for the United States - ".US". Examples of thematic zones include the following: “.AUDIO”, “.MOBI”, “.DATE” and the like. There are also international zones, among which the most popular are: ".COM", ".NET", ".INFO", ".BIZ".

Thus, when a person comes up with a name, he registers it in a specific domain zone that best matches his direction. So the business is most often registered in the zones ".COM", ".BIZ" or national ".RU", ".UA". For information resources, more suitable: ".INFO" or ".NET". Although there are no clear rules in this regard, except for areas with certain registration requirements.

How do people make money selling domains?

Some people make a living buying and selling domain names. They usually search for potentially popular but unclaimed names, then register them and try to sell them. For example, certain names tend to become popular after some important event. It can be politics, war or something else. So the person who owns the given domain name can sell it at a price that is much higher than it was at the initial purchase.

Categories: , / / from

Hello dear readers of the blog site! Before moving on to the part about, I want to make a separate article in which we will analyze the types of domains, or rather, what are the top-level domains and domain zones.

In the previous article, answering the question, we realized that a domain name consists of several domains, separated by dots, and that each domain is classified by levels.

By country and region

These domains are intended for specific languages, countries, regions and cities. They can use symbols of national alphabets.

  • .ru - Russia,
  • .ua - Ukraine,
  • .su - Former USSR,
  • .us - USA,
  • .eu - European Union,
  • .рф - Russian Federation,
  • .Moscow - Moscow,
  • .tatar - Tatarstan,
  • .tv - Taulu or international zone for TV sites. Sometimes they can overlap.

The territorial zone should be chosen if the audience of the resource is residents of one country or people speaking the same language.

When creating an information portal, blog, store, forum, company website or other in Russian, I would still recommend choosing RU. It will not only be in the correct zone, but it will also be more familiar to the pronunciation and memorization of Russian-speaking users.


gTLD - general use domains, intended for those sites that are not limited to one country, consist of two or more letters and define the scope of the site.

  • .com - websites of commercial organizations,
  • .net - providers and network organizations,
  • .org - non-profit organizations,
  • .info - for information sites,
  • .biz - for business structures,
  • .name - for personal resources,
  • .museum - museum portals,
  • .movie - official movie sites,
  • .aero - for air transport companies,
  • .pro - for professionals in their field,
  • .travel - resources of travel organizations,
  • .jobs - recruitment sites,
  • .club - clubs,
  • .fm - radio.

More often they are chosen because of consonance or because they are already occupied in the country's zone. You can do this, but it will not be right.

There are also restricted domains. They are intended only for the USA, we will not be able to register them.

  1. .edu - for educational organizations,
  2. .gov - for government agencies,
  3. .mil - for military organizations,
  4. .int - for international organizations.


There are regional thematic domain zones (second level domains), made up of a combination of ccTLDs and gTLDs. They are rarely found in Russia, but in other countries they are more widely used.

As a rule, they divide the zones of countries according to the topics of the sites.

  • .com.ua - Ukraine,
  • .biz.de - Germany,
  • .net.kz - Kazakhstan,
  • .club.tw - Taiwan.

A domain in such a zone should be registered if your site corresponds to a specific field of activity in a particular country.


These are second-level domains that are intended for a separate region of the country.

  • .msk.ru - Moscow,
  • .perm.ru - Perm,
  • .kiev.ua - Kiev,
  • .yalta.rf - Yalta.

If the site belongs to a specific city, then you can use such a zone.

Which one to choose?

Before choosing a zone, read my recommendations for choosing a domain name and basic rules.

If you have any questions or doubts about which zone to choose, then write in the comments and we will figure it out with you together.

What is a domain? A domain or domain name is a unique set of letters, numbers, and symbols that distinguishes one site from another. When composing a domain name, letters of the Latin alphabet, Cyrillic (when registering in the .РФ zone), numbers from 1 to 9, as well as hyphens can be used. Thus, a domain is, in essence, the name or name of the site. Domain length can be from 2 to 63 characters, it is not allowed to have a hyphen at the beginning or at the end of a domain.

Types of domains or domain names

A domain name consists of several parts, which are also called domain levels. Each level of the domain carries a specific function. Let's take a look at the types of domains:

1. First level domain name - is responsible for the territorial affiliation of the domain, the belonging of the domain to a certain country, or the type of organization. By belonging to territorial zones (regions), domains can be as follows:

  • .ru - Russia
  • .ua - Ukraine
  • .ee - Estonia
  • .gb - UK
  • .us - USA
  • .ca - Canada
  • .au - Australia
  • .it - \u200b\u200bItaly
  • .fr - France
  • .es - Spain
  • .cn - PRC
  • ... etc.

The following domain names are distinguished by the type of organization:

  • .com - commercial sites doing any business
  • .net - networking, telecommunications
  • .edu - educational
  • .gov - government
  • .info - information sites, reference information
  • .org - for non-profit organizations
  • ... etc.

All these types were originally invented so that the user could distinguish which area of \u200b\u200bactivity a particular site belongs to. However, over time all of these domains have gotten mixed up, and nowadays few people look at the type of organization when registering domain names.

2. Domain name of the second level Is a unique identifier for the site (site name) .. All serious web projects have a second-level domain name.

3. Domain name of the third level - this kind of domain is usually used to create mini-sites, or separate sections based on the main site, for example, a forum. Typically, a third-level domain belongs to the owner of a second-level domain. You can create an unlimited number of such domains. Examples of third-level domains can be: test.site.ru, forum.site.com. Most of the free domains are third level domains.

Thus, we can conclude that a solid project will require a second-level domain. About that, you can see in the lesson by clicking on the link. As for free domains of the third level, they can be used exclusively for educational purposes, as training. Domains of the third level are valued by search engines much less, and the promotion of sites with such names will not be very effective.

DOMAIN (on the Internet) DOMAIN (on the Internet)

DOMAIN (from French domaine - area), a certain zone on the Internet (cm. THE INTERNET)allocated to its owner (any country, international organization, region, legal entity or individual) to provide access to information posted by its owner. Each domain corresponds to the address of the server on which a specific site is located (cm. WEBSITE)... A domain is assigned a unique domain (symbolic) name. The fully qualified domain name consists of the names of all domains to which it belongs, separated by periods.
The entire space of the Internet is divided into domains, organized in a hierarchical manner. Domain levels - the number of addresses separated by periods. First-level domains include: RU, US, etc. (country code domains), COM (commercial organizations), ORG (non-profit organizations), NET (network services), EDU (educational institutions), GOV (US government agencies), INT (international organizations), MIL (military organizations), etc. etc. The first-level domain is registered and maintained by the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN - icann.org). Second-level domains are managed by companies accredited by ICANN for domain registration in dedicated zones. Domains.ru was originally registered by the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Public Networks (ROSNIIROS) in 1994, later its powers were transferred to RU-Center (www.nic.ru). Third-level domains are registered by companies that own the corresponding second-level domain. Free third-level domains are provided by: www.km.ru, www.chat.ru, www.narod.ru, www.nmg.ru, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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    The top level domain TLD in the hierarchy of the domain name system (DNS) is the highest level after the root domain. It is the starting point of reference (from right to left), from ... ... Wikipedia

    - [fr. domaine Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    Domain - is the largest structural unit of the Internet. Usually a domain is a country or other large structure. Domains can be subdivided into subdomains, reflecting different areas of interest or responsibility. Organize groups of computers on the Internet with ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Media

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    - [terne], but; m. [eng. Internet from international net international network] [with capital letter] Worldwide computer network (information communication system that unites many computers around the world). * * * Internet (from Lat. Inter between and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


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A novice website builder is one of the first to have a question about what a domain is, why is it needed, where to get it and how to choose it. It is present on absolutely any resource, you just have to look up at the address bar of the browser. The domain name is the name of the site.

Why is it needed?

As a rule, any site is located on the servers of various hosting companies. These servers, like any computer, have their own unique IP address, which consists of numbers in a specific sequence. To search for a site, you need to know this combination of numbers.

The problem is that there can be thousands of sites on one IP-address (server), and it is very difficult to find the one you need. For easy navigation on the World Wide Web, they came up with a unique name for each resource. Any site is assigned a unique domain name. This greatly facilitates the search for the required resource.

Domain name rules

This is a combination of symbols. There are certain rules for creating it:

  • The length must be between two and sixty-three characters.
  • The domain name of the site can contain numbers from 0 to 9.
  • It can have a hyphen, but not at the beginning or end.
  • It must not contain spaces.

Any name consists of several parts, which are separated by periods. Each part is domains of different levels. Typically, a site has three domain levels.

Domain levels

They are determined by how many dot-separated words the name contains. First, you need to decide on the audience of the resource and, based on this, choose a name.

For the first level, they can be divided into two types:

  1. Domains that represent geographic locations. They show which country they belong to. For example, domain.ru denotes that the site belongs to Russia, .ua - Ukraine, .au - Australia, .cz - Czech Republic, and so on.
  2. Determining the type of activity. The .org domain says that the site is non-commercial, .info - informational, .com - created for commerce.

It is worth noting that this classification is rather arbitrary; anyone can register for it. For example, a site ending in .cz may have nothing to do with the Czech Republic, and with the name .com you may not do business.

The second level domain is the unique name of the site. For example, site.ru belongs to an organization or By the way, since the names should not be repeated, during registration, a domain name check in a certain zone is necessary.

Third level - defines a resource within a second-level domain. They are mostly free, but they are not very popular with professional webmasters.

What level to choose a domain

If the project is long-term and is designed to make a profit, then you should choose a second-level domain. Yes, it is paid, but it does not cost much and eliminates the disadvantages that a third domain has. Despite the fact that it is free, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • The name lengthens, therefore, it is more difficult to remember.
  • As a rule, it is tied to a specific hosting, when changing the latter, you will have to change the domain as well.
  • Since all services are free, you cannot demand anything from the host owners. Anything can happen to the site, and there will be no one to present any claims.

The third level of the domain can be selected if the resource is created in order to try your hand and gain experience.

Also, when choosing, it is worth considering what audience the site is targeting. If in Russian, then you should choose the .ru domain zone. For international or multilingual projects, the best option would be .com.

How to choose a name

A domain name is a site, so you shouldn't be thinking about it casually.

First, the more succinct the name, the better. The name should be memorable and not too long. The name can indicate the type of activity, for example, avto.com, and it will be immediately clear what information the user will find on the page. But ivan.ru does not really reveal the topic of the site, only if it is not Ivan's personal blog. If it is an online store, then the domain must contain its name. A name that contains a keyword is fine.

Secondly, the name in the domain is mainly written in the Latin alphabet, so you need to make sure that it is displayed correctly and is readable. You should not assume that all users know English, so there may be problems with writing letters that are absent in a foreign alphabet (h, w, y, i).

Thirdly, before using in English, you must check the correctness of their spelling.

Fourth, it will not be superfluous to check the domain name to see if there are similar names in other zones. It's okay if there are any, but when this is a competing resource, the user can accidentally go to someone else's page.

Domain name registration

You need to register a domain only with reliable partners. You should carefully read the documentation and capabilities of the seller. There is no need to save, otherwise troubles may arise later. Domain registration, which costs 99 rubles, looks very suspicious, and as a result, having bought it, you may find that, for example, the administration panel is missing. Or for resale, you will need to provide a bunch of documents and perform many actions. As a result, a lot of nerves and strength will go away.