What is float value in CS: GO? All about the float property The more float the better

In modern web design, the property float used at almost every step. But despite this prevalence, not everyone understands the mechanism of operation of floating blocks, their behavior and what consequences can be from their use.

What is float?

Float this is a CSS positioning property. To understand its essence and origin, you need to turn your attention to print design. In printed layouts, the image can be positioned so that the text flows around it. This is usually called " wrap text".

In the page layout, the block that contains the text can be specified to use wrap text around an image or ignore wrapping. Ignoring text wrapping will allow words to flow over the image as if it weren't there. This is the difference whether the image is part of the flow on the page or not. In web design, everything is very similar.

In web design, an element with a CSS property applied to it float will behave like an image with text wrapped around it in a printed layout. Floating elements remain part of the flow of the web page. This is not at all the same as absolutely positioned elements, which are removed from the flow, as if in the print layout the text block was instructed to ignore image wrapping. Absolutely positioned elements do not affect the placement of other elements, and other elements do not affect their placement.

Setting a property float for items with using CSS as follows:

#sidebar (float: right;)

There are four valid values \u200b\u200bfor the property float - left, right, none, inherit... The first two, left and right indicate the directions of location - left and right, respectively. None - default value, indicates that the element is not floating and inherit instructing the element to inherit the property value float from the parent element.

What is float used for?

Besides simple example wrap text around the image, float can be used to create web layouts.

Float, also useful for small layout elements. For example, take this small snippet of a web page. If we set the property float for a small avatar image, then when the image size changes, the wrapping will change in accordance with the new image dimensions:

The same layout can be implemented using relative positioning of the container and absolute positioning of the avatar and the text in it. But in a layout implemented according to this scheme, resizing the image will not affect the text block, since elements with absolute positioning do not affect other elements and other elements do not affect them.

Reset wrap

Clear related property to property float... Element with set property clear will not move upward around an element with a set property floatbut will float down ignoring the flow. And again, an illustration that will explain everything without further ado.

In the example above, the sidebar was floating to the right of the main content block. The footer has moved to an empty spot under the sidebar, wrapping around the main content block. To work around this problem, you need to specify a value for the clear: both property of the "footer" to "clear" the wrapping around both columns.

#footer (clear: both;)

Property clear has four meanings. Both used to reset wrap in both directions. Left and Right are used to reset one direction - left or right, respectively. None is the default. Inherit may be the fifth value, but surprisingly not supported Internet Explorer ... Resetting only the left or right flow is quite rare, but it has practical benefits.

Great collapse

One thing to do with float puzzling is what effect this property has on parent elements. If the parent element contains no elements other than a float, then its height literally collapses. This is not always noticeable, especially if the parent does not have a noticeable background, but it is important to keep this in mind.

But the alternative to such a collapse is even worse. Consider the following scenario:

If the top block automatically expands to accommodate the floating element, then we get a break in the flow of text between paragraphs, without the possibility of eliminating it. If this were the case, then developers would complain much more often about this behavior of floating blocks than they do about collapse now.

Collapse should always be kept in mind in order to prevent strange layout behavior and cross-browser problems. We can solve this problem using clear after the floating element in the container, but before the container is closed.

Wrap cancellation techniques

If you are in a situation where you know where will be next item, you can use clear: both and go about your business. This is ideal as it requires no hacks or additional elements. But unfortunately, usually not everything goes as we want, and in this case, you can use the following tools.

Empty block method.

It is literally an empty block.

... Sometimes you can find the element
or any other random element, but div is the most common since it does not have a default style in browsers, does not have special function and is unlikely to be in general cSS style ... This method is rejected by semantic purists because its presence has no contextual meaning on the page and is located there only for appearance... Of course, in a strict sense, they are right, but he does his job and does not harm anyone.

Overflow method.

Based on specifying a CSS property overflow for the parent element. If this property is set to auto or hidden for the parent element, then it will expand after the floating element, effectively clearing the float around it for subsequent elements. This method can be semantically beautiful as it does not require additional elements. However, as you can see we have added a new div to use this method, which is equivalent to using a non-semantic empty block and is less flexible. It should also be remembered that the property overflow is not intended to disable wrapping. Be careful not to accidentally hide content or cause unwanted scrollbars.

Easy cleaning method.

Uses CSS pseudo-selector (: after) to remove wrapping. Instead of using the property overflow for the parent element, set an additional class for it, for example "clearfix" and use the following CSS style:

Clearfix: after (content: "."; Visibility: hidden; display: block; height: 0; clear: both;)

This uses a small piece of content, hidden from view, located after the parent element, which removes the wrapping. This method is not complete, as it needs to be expensive to support older browsers.

Different situations require different methods to reset the float. Take, for example, a grid of blocks of different types.

For a better visual integration of similar blocks, we must start new line when the color changes. We can use the overflow or light cleanup method if each color group has a parent. Or use the empty block method between groups. Three parent blocks that did not exist before, or three empty blocks that did not exist before. It's up to you to decide which method is best.

Problems with floating elements

Floating elements are often criticized for their fragility. Much of this fragility comes from IE6 and its float-oriented bugs... But as more and more developers are dropping support for IE6, you don't have to think about it, but for those concerned about compatibility, here's a short list.

Pushdown, is a symptom that an element inside a floating box is wider than this box (this usually happens with images). Most browsers will display the protruding portion of the floating element, but this will not affect the layout. IE will expand the floating box and often has a drastic effect on the layout. A typical example is an image sticking out of the main content block, pushing the sidebar down.

Fast decision Problems: use overflow: hidden; to cut off excess.

Double margin bug is another thing to keep in mind when working with IE6. This bug is expressed in the fact that if the field is on the same side where it is oriented float, the field is doubled. For instance:

We get the left margin in 40 px., instead of 20 px.

Quick problem solving: set display: inline for the floating block, and don't worry the element will remain block-based.

3 Pixel Jog (3px Jog)... The essence of this bug is that the text located next to the floating element is strangely displaced by three pixels, as if under the influence of the force field located around the floating element. Quick problem solving: set the width and height of the affected text.

IE7 appears Bottom margin bugwhen the parent is floating and its parent is also floating. The child's margin-bottom is ignored by the ancestor element. Quick problem solving: Use padding-bottom on parent instead of child's margin-bottom.

Today I will tell you about such parameter of items in CS: GO as float value or a float value. This is a decimal number up to 1. The larger this number, the more scratched the item will look like. Why is it important to find out what the float value of an item has before buying?

Look, in the Market Steam today there were two on sale at about the same price. But one had a float 0,54 and the other 0,81 .

It is immediately obvious that a rifle with a smaller float looks much more attractive. I would even say she looks worn, not battle-hardened.

There are five item states in total:

  • Battle-Scarred 1.00 – 0.44
  • Well-Worn 0.44 – 0.37
  • Field-Tested 0.37 – 0.15
  • Minimal Wear 0.15 – 0.07
  • Factory new 0.07 – 0.00

Accordingly, our AWP | Asimov (Battle-Scarred) with float value 0,57 looks like Shabby.
Resellers are also chasing after a good float value, since a good indicator of this parameter can almost double the price of some items.

So how do you know the float value in CS: GO?

If you want to know the float of items in your inventory, then csgo.exchange can help you. Go to the site, press the button to enter with Steam and wait for the site to load your inventory (the more items, the longer it loads). Then just point at the weapon and see the value.

How to view float value on the Market?

I recently wrote a review of the plugin. So, another great feature of this plugin is the definition of float for an item on the Market. After installing the plugin, a link appears next to each item "View on glws", by clicking on which you will be taken to a page where, among other things, the parameter is specified "WEAR_FLOAT".

Float is also enabled by default on skin sale sites. Such as Opskins.com.

In addition to viewing Float, I still advise you to view each item separately in the game or on the metjm.net website

Thanks for reading the article. Hope she helped you. If so, then I will be glad to any consumer goods as a donation via the link. Thanks .


The CSS float property allows an element to float by offsetting it to the left or right of the parent element, depending on which value is set. If no width is explicitly set for a floated element, it shrinks in width to fit the content.

The browser processes the code HTML document Moving from top to bottom, when code processing reaches the floating element, the browser places it first according to the document flow, i.e. below the element where it is located in the document code, then it removes the floating element from the normal flow and offsets it as far as possible to the left or right edge of the parent element:

Since the floating element has been removed from the document flow, the rest of the block elements located in the code after it are shifted in its place, as if this element was not there.

Although the floated element has been removed from the normal flow, inline content is nonetheless affected. Unlike block elements, inline content located in the code after the floating element takes into account its borders and flows around it, that is, text flows around the floating block:

Instead of a floating block with text content, you can make a floating picture. In this case, text will flow around the picture:

Document's name

Using the CSS float property, the picture was floated on the left side. The text located in the HTML code below the image will flow around the image on the right and bottom sides.

Try "

More than one float element can be placed in a row if the width of the parent element allows it. If the parent element is not wide enough, floats that do not fit in line with other floats will be pushed down.

Floating elements do not affect the height of the parent, that is, if there is some container, and there are only floating elements in it, then the height of the container will be zero. Decide this problem in the following ways:

  1. Set a fixed height - in cases when it is known what the height of the container should be.
  2. Apply the overflow property with the auto or hidden value to the container, then floating elements will be taken into account when calculating the height of the container. This method can be used when it is not known in advance what the height of the container should be.

The float property only works with block elements, so if the float property is applied to some other element type, they are converted to block type.

Note: Absolute and fixed positioned elements ignore the float property. Also the float property has no effect on flexboxes.

In modern web design, the property float used at almost every step. But despite this prevalence, not everyone understands the mechanism of operation of floating blocks, their behavior and what consequences can be from their use.

What is float?

Float this is a CSS positioning property. To understand its essence and origin, you need to turn your attention to print design. In printed layouts, the image can be positioned so that the text flows around it. This is usually called " wrap text".

In the page layout, the block that contains the text can be specified to use wrap text around an image or ignore wrapping. Ignoring text wrapping will allow words to flow over the image as if it weren't there. This is the difference whether the image is part of the flow on the page or not. In web design, everything is very similar.

In web design, an element with a CSS property applied to it float will behave like an image with text wrapped around it in a printed layout. Floating elements remain part of the flow of the web page. This is not at all the same as absolutely positioned elements, which are removed from the flow, as if in the print layout the text block was instructed to ignore image wrapping. Absolutely positioned elements do not affect the placement of other elements, and other elements do not affect their placement.

Setting a property float for elements with CSS looks like this:

#sidebar (float: right;)

There are four valid values \u200b\u200bfor the property float - left, right, none, inherit... The first two, left and right indicate the directions of location - left and right, respectively. None - default value, indicates that the element is not floating and inherit instructing the element to inherit the property value float from the parent element.

What is float used for?

Besides a simple example of wrapping text around an image, float can be used to create web layouts.

Float, also useful for small layout elements. For example, take this small snippet of a web page. If we set the property float for a small avatar image, then when the image size changes, the wrapping will change in accordance with the new image dimensions:

The same layout can be implemented using relative positioning of the container and absolute positioning of the avatar and the text in it. But in a layout implemented according to this scheme, resizing the image will not affect the text block, since elements with absolute positioning do not affect other elements and other elements do not affect them.

Reset wrap

Clear related property to property float... Element with set property clear will not move upward around an element with a set property floatbut will float down ignoring the flow. And again, an illustration that will explain everything without further ado.

In the example above, the sidebar was floating to the right of the main content block. The footer has moved to an empty spot under the sidebar, wrapping around the main content block. To work around this problem, you need to specify a value for the clear: both property of the "footer" to "clear" the wrapping around both columns.

#footer (clear: both;)

Property clear has four meanings. Both used to reset wrap in both directions. Left and Right are used to reset one direction - left or right, respectively. None is the default. Inherit may be the fifth value, but surprisingly not supported Internet Explorer... Resetting only the left or right flow is quite rare, but it has practical benefits.

Great collapse

One thing to do with float puzzling is what effect this property has on parent elements. If the parent element contains no elements other than a float, then its height literally collapses. This is not always noticeable, especially if the parent does not have a noticeable background, but it is important to keep this in mind.

But the alternative to such a collapse is even worse. Consider the following scenario:

If the top block automatically expands to accommodate the floating element, then we get a break in the flow of text between paragraphs, without the possibility of eliminating it. If this were the case, then developers would complain much more often about this behavior of floating blocks than they do about collapse now.

Collapse should always be kept in mind in order to prevent strange layout behavior and cross-browser problems. We can solve this problem using clear after the floating element in the container, but before the container is closed.

Wrap cancellation techniques

If you are in a situation where you know where the next element will be, you can use clear: both and go about your business. This is ideal as it requires no hacks or additional elements. But unfortunately, usually not everything goes as we want, and in this case, you can use the following tools.

Empty block method.

It is literally an empty block.

... Sometimes you can find the element
or any other random element, but div is the most common since it has no default styling in browsers, has no special function, and is unlikely to be in general CSS styling. This method is rejected by semantic purists because its presence has no contextual meaning on the page and is only there for appearance. Of course, in a strict sense, they are right, but he does his job and does not harm anyone.

Overflow method.

Based on specifying a CSS property overflow for the parent element. If this property is set to auto or hidden for the parent element, then it will expand after the floating element, effectively clearing the float around it for subsequent elements. This method can be semantically beautiful as it does not require additional elements. However, as you can see we have added a new div to use this method, which is equivalent to using a non-semantic empty block and is less flexible. It should also be remembered that the property overflow is not intended to disable wrapping. Be careful not to accidentally hide content or cause unwanted scrollbars.

Easy cleaning method.

Uses CSS pseudo-selector (: after) to remove wrapping. Instead of using the property overflow for the parent element, set an additional class for it, for example "clearfix" and use the following CSS style:

Clearfix: after (content: "."; Visibility: hidden; display: block; height: 0; clear: both;)

This uses a small piece of content, hidden from view, located after the parent element, which removes the wrapping. This method is not complete, as it needs to be expensive to support older browsers.

Different situations require different methods to reset the float. Take, for example, a grid of blocks of different types.

For better visual integration of similar blocks, we must start a new line when the color changes. We can use the overflow or light cleanup method if each color group has a parent. Or use the empty block method between groups. Three parent blocks that did not exist before, or three empty blocks that did not exist before. It's up to you to decide which method is best.

Problems with floating elements

Floating elements are often criticized for their fragility. Much of this fragility comes from IE6 and its float-oriented bugs... But as more and more developers are dropping support for IE6, you don't have to think about it, but for those concerned about compatibility, here's a short list.

Pushdown, is a symptom that an element inside a floating box is wider than this box (this usually happens with images). Most browsers will display the protruding portion of the floating element, but this will not affect the layout. IE will expand the floating box and often has a drastic effect on the layout. A typical example is an image sticking out of the main content block, pushing the sidebar down.

Quick problem solving: use overflow: hidden; to cut off excess.

Double margin bug is another thing to keep in mind when working with IE6. This bug is expressed in the fact that if the field is on the same side where it is oriented float, the field is doubled. For instance:

We get the left margin in 40 px., instead of 20 px.

Quick problem solving: set display: inline for the floating block, and don't worry the element will remain block-based.

3 Pixel Jog (3px Jog)... The essence of this bug is that the text located next to the floating element is strangely displaced by three pixels, as if under the influence of the force field located around the floating element. Quick problem solving: set the width and height of the affected text.

IE7 appears Bottom margin bugwhen the parent is floating and its parent is also floating. The child's margin-bottom is ignored by the ancestor element. Quick problem solving: Use padding-bottom on parent instead of child's margin-bottom.


Determines on which side the element will be aligned, with other elements flowing around it from other sides. When the float property is set to none, the element renders on the page as normal, while allowing one line of flowing text to be on the same line as the element itself.


float: left | right | none | inherit

The values

left Aligns an element to the left, and all other elements, such as text, flow to the right. right Aligns the element to the right, and all other elements flow to the left. none No wrap around the element is specified. inherit Inherits the parent's value.

HTML5 CSS 2.1 IE 9 Cr 15 Op 11 Sa 5 Fx 8


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.
Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore teugil feugat nulla facil

Result this example shown in fig. 1.

Figure: 1. Using the float property

Object Model

document.getElementById ("elementID") .style.styleFloat

document.getElementById ("elementID") .style.cssFloat


AT internet browser Explorer 6 is seeing an issue with doubling the left or right padding value for floated elements nested within parent elements. The padding that is adjacent to the parent's side is doubled. The problem is usually solved by adding display: inline to the floated element. This browser also adds a 3px padding (aka "three pixel bug") in the direction given by the float value.

Internet Explorer 7.0 or later does not support the inherit value.