What is PayPal (PiPal)? Secrets, features and benefits of working with PayPal for residents of Russia and the CIS. PayPal System Submarines: Reviews of Real Users PayPal Minuses

PayPal is one of the best payment instruments (payment systems) on the Internet. PayPal is designed to pay bills and purchases, as well as sending and receiving through Internet funds by individuals and legal entities.

Millions of people all over the world use PayPal. To pay, it is enough to have an email address and password, which is very convenient.

The peculiarities of this payment system and its advantages should be attributed:

  1. Possible payment of goods without commission.
  2. PayPal guarantees that the goods will be delivered (Money will be available to the seller only after confirming the fact of delivery).
  3. PayPal makes it possible to start a "dispute" with the seller about the problems with the order.

History of creation

Paypal Inc. It was founded by merging other companies in 2000. The aggressive policy of attracting users (payment for the user up to $ 20) led to the fact that in April 2000 already 1 million sellers on eBay took payment using PayPal.

The founders of the business - Ken Housery, Luke Nozek, Max Levchin (born in Kiev in 1975, moved to the USA, where he graduated from the University in Illinois), Ilon Mask (known as the founder of Spacex and Tesla Motors) and Peter Til. In 2002, EBAY Corporation for $ 1.5 billion acquired PayPal.

In 2011, PayPal changed the status for users in Russia. It became possible to replenish the account in PayPal with the help of a bank card, and from September 2013 - to use rubles and withdraw funds from PayPal without a commission to your account in the bank of the Russian Federation.

Registration in PayPal is described in detail in this article. Before starting free registration, you need to know the following:

  • All countries in this payment system are divided into groups. Russia refers to a group in which a one-time payment at the moment may be within up to 15,000 rubles, and the monthly limit of payments is 40,000 rubles.
  • For CIS countries, the level of the group below and the limits are less.
  • Before registration, you must pay attention to the fact that your account replenishment can be carried out only with a plastic card attached to it.

Registration begins with the selection of the country and the interface language. Next, you need to determine the type of account (account) in PayPal:

  • For business (i.e. for sellers).
  • For buyers.

Then the actual personal data is entered in a special form. The test methods used in PayPal will most likely make an account inaccessible due to incorrect or fictitious data, so enter your real data.

Unlocking is possible only to receive a letter with further instructions. Such letters are trying to fake for phishing and theft of funds, therefore it is worth carrying out all its actions from PayPal, and not with references in the letter.

Login to log in is your e-mail. It is recommended to start a separate box to work with PayPal, which will reduce the likelihood of attacks on your account in PayPal using the name of the mailbox. To restore access to PayPal account, optimally use a mobile phone, so Paypal when registering requests its number.

Tie a plastic card when registering in PayPal is not necessary, it can be done later. In any case, the binding will require the entry of the data on the map, including the confirmation code from the turnover of a plastic card.

Confirmation of the right to the account is made after the PAYPAL letter is arrived at the specified mail. Confirmation of the card link is a separate procedure. And only after its completion, the card becomes tied and it will be possible to use it in this system. Checking the card is made as follows:

  • A small amount (up to $ 2) is removed from it, which will later return to the map or PayPal account.
  • Confirm with the user of this removal and serves verification of the card tied to the account.

PayPal Commission

Before describing, listing the Commission:

  1. Payment of purchases in Russia is free. Commission in the amount of 4% only when converting rubles in currency for purchases abroad (if the seller disagrees to pay the commission).
  2. In the case of personal monetary translation in Russia using PayPal account, the Commission is not charged.
  3. Commission 3.4% of the translated amount plus 10 p. For each operation when using a bank card in it. But there is an opportunity to choose who pays the Commission: the one who sends the translation or the one who gets it.
  4. When transferring money abroad, an additional commission is charged to the previous paragraphs from 0.4% to 1.5% (depends on the country of destination).

You can save on the commissions if the currency conversion is performed in the bank emitting card.

What is the "Dispan" in PayPal?

This payment system gives 45 days for the possible start of "dispute" with the seller about the improper execution of the order (including product quality or its non-delivery). This means high protection against fraud, and if PayPal was used to purchase at EBAY auction - the warranty of the entire transaction.

When opening a "dispute", the seller's account will be blocked and with time the money will return, and in case of disappearance of the unscrupulous seller, PayPal itself will return the money.

Secrets and Features of using PayPal

When using this payment system, the quality of the client-oriented interface is impressive. To buy goods in the online store or on EBay auction, you must specify that payment is carried out using PayPal and enter PayPal registration data (login and password). The confirmation of payment, after careful study of the information presented on the screen on this purchase, will lead to the payment.

For greater security confidence, you can pay from PayPal. To do this, on the "Send Means" tab, you must easily fill out a form with information about the recipient and the amount of payment. The recipient is also identified by its login (its email).

On the next page, you can check everything and if necessary, enter a discount code, change the conversion method, send a message to the recipient with private information. Next, after sending ("Sending tools") and update the page (can go long), the payment will be executed.

Changing the conversion method (so that instead of PayPal execution of this action has begun on the bank emitatively) is easy to configure in the profile, including for all subsequent operations.

It remains to consider how to replenish PayPal account and how to transfer money to PayPal. Account replenishment is possible only with a tied plastic card by exchanging other electronic money or as a result of the receipt of funds by the seller. How profitably exchange electronic money, read here.

In Russia, sellers are focused mainly on domestic electronic money and payment systems. But over time, the number of sellers accepting payment through PayPal will only grow. This is possible to contribute to this device as "PayPal Here" (presented in March 2012). It allows you to calculate the plastic card through the smartphone on the IOS or Android platform. PayPal Commission - 2.7% of payment.

PayPal is especially relevant in Russia to pay for goods in foreign online stores or at bidding in eBay. In this area, it is practically unlternative. Gradually, more and more of our compatriots are trying to pay for purchases using PayPal.

So your market share in Russia The most popular system for online purchases will be deserved in the world. This article is intended to answer the question what is PayPal and tell about its features and advantages.

What is PayPal and how to use it - not everyone knows. The economy does not stand still. Many products and services can be obtained on the Internet. For the safe conduct of payments, for the convenience of all participants in business relations, this payment electronic system was specifically developed.

What is paypal?

The main thing in payment via the Internet - security guarantees. A person should know that his money will not leave in an unknown direction, and he will not be a victim of fraud. Paypal payment system is a system with which you can send and receive financial transfers. Her main feature is to ensure the protection of the rights of sellers and buyers. The company is a kind of electronic bank, as practically the same features on the Internet.

PayPal - Pros and Cons

In the era of boom of technological development, such a system has become simply a necessity. Like any product, PayPal service has virtues and disadvantages. With the help of the payment system, you can buy even a car in a matter of seconds without leaving home or pay utility payments. All this makes human life much easier. Consider the pros and cons of this system in more detail.

Advantages of PayPal

Paypal Wallet has a huge number of benefits, among which it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • to work with this system, you do not need additional software for the PC: you can manage a personal account from any browser and any PC;
  • high security is a huge plus: the identity of the client is carefully checked;
  • additional safety measure - Binding a credit card to a virtual account: This operation is needed to confirm the identity of the client;
  • in case of an unsuccessful transaction with money, the user receives his money back.

Cons PayPal

Any system has and unpleasant. Here and paypal account is no exception, because it has restrictions in work in the countries of the post-Soviet space. Before no longtime, in Russia to withdraw money from the account was difficult. Increased security measures, on the one hand, well, but the system independently blocks accounts with the slightest suspicions, without warnings and explanations. It is impossible to convert money to other electronic currencies.

What is paypal and how to use it?

PayPal has a very simple interface. Before starting work, you need to study the system and register in detail. After tie to a virtual account, a real card. Many sellers in domestic overlook the international level, and in Europe have long been free to use this payment system, therefore, the correct use of this device remains a pressing issue.

How to register at PayPal?

To create a paypal wallet, first you need to go through the registration process. Only these data you need to specify. Otherwise, the likelihood is great that in the future your account will be blocked. Detailed instructions include the following:

  • specify the country, select the interface language;
  • select the type of account: corporate (for companies) or personal (for use by one person);
  • next, enter all personal data;
  • at the end of registration, an email comes with confirmation.

How to replenish PayPal?

The second important question: how to replenish PayPal. In order not to replenish problems, it is necessary to bind a credit card, then the operations will be easier. You can replenish cash through the terminal, it will also be needed to create. And then tie a virtual card to the account. So get money to your personal account in the system in two ways:

  • pay money from another account in PayPal;
  • get paid for offered goods or services.

How to bring money from PayPal?

The urgent issue for many countries of the post-Soviet space was the output of money with PayPal. There is a way of removing money through another person. For example, you need to withdraw money, and to buy a certain product. Then you make an exchange: he pays for you in cash, and you pay in the store its goods from your account. This method allows you to not spend any extra penny. Someone from relatives or friends will become your mediator to receive money in this way. What is paypal and what other output options?

  1. Remove money in the office of the company. There are not so many such offices, so it's so lucky only to some citizens, but in general, it is an ideal way with minimal commissions.
  2. Bring money to the bank card. To begin with, you will need to withdraw twice the minor amounts of money and wait a couple of days. Display via or kiwi. In this case, these wallets will perform intermediaries. Operations will be faster, but will have to pay the commission.

How to pay through PayPal?

Another important point of interest is interested in how to pay through PayPal. If you need to buy a thing in the online store, and there is given this method of payment, then you only need to select it and enter your login and e-mail address. Money will be removed from the card tied to the account or from the remainder on the virtual account itself. Commissions payments recipient, not a sender.

What is paypal and what it is needed is extremely clear. Of all the foregoing, it turns out that this is a system for paying purchases and services that promotes the development of the economy in countries where it can be used to complete. The only minus is difficulties with the output of money in the post-Soviet space. Technologies are developing and, most likely, in a couple of years, and at any point of the Earth will be possible to complete the use of the system's capabilities. In any case, to use such a service is convenient and profitable.

Payment through PayPal purchases in foreign stores protects 100% of the registers of fraudsters. You can be sure that money will not go to the side, and you will stay without a product. Customer purchases are protected in such a way that until the buyer is confirmed about the receipt of the goods, the money does not come to the seller's account. In case of incident, the buyer receives his money back. The company is registered in the states as a money transfer company. It performs all banking operations and obeys a single tax system, and its work is regulated by all major laws.

The brainchild of Ilona Mask, partner of the largest shopping sites (eBay, Asos, Airbnb, Netflix, Spotify, Ozon.ru, Rambler.Kassa), service that more than 200 million people enjoy in more than 200 countries. Experts of this payment platform responded to 8 important issues, they told what the main differences between the service and why he could be trusted.

If I want to buy an iPhone in the online store, but I feel a trick, paypal will force me?

The presence of the PayPal button on the online store website is a specific indicator of the quality and conscientiousness of the seller.

If you bought an iPhone through PayPal, but it turned out to be broken or fake, the support service will try to resolve the conflict. When the buyer is dissatisfied with the quality of the goods, he can contact the seller through a special form or write and even call him. If the seller did not meet, you can open a dispute within 180 calendar days from the date of payment. If you can resolve the dispute, you can transfer the dispute to the claim. This can be done within 20 calendar days from the date of opening of the dispute. As a result, if you prove that the seller deceived you, you can appeal the transaction and return your money.

To make money on a new iPhone, you have to take part-time. Can I get money through Paypal as a freelancer and be sure that they did not deceive me?

PayPal tries to minimize the financial risks of people selling their services thanks to the seller protection program. It extends both to material goods - that is, clothing, electronics, toys, auto parts and for intangible. If you work with writing texts, site development or online master classes, the PayPal platform can be your assistant. Get the account and take payment through it for your works. If the disputes arise, the proof of the service provided by your service can be a sent letter with the fulfilled order.

Is it difficult to bring money from PayPal and turn their cash?

It is very simple. You only need to bind your bank account to PayPal account through your PAYPAL Personal Cabinet. In the output of funds, the money goes to the account within 4-5 business days. The main thing is that the bank account is ruble.

Using PayPal for free? And then what does the company earn?

Individuals who make online shopping use Paypal for free. And the main source of the company's income is the Commission she takes from shops for each online operation, as well as a commission for personal transfers from a tied bank card, or when sending international personal payments.

What else can paypal?

Another convenient function - One Touch - allows you to quickly make purchases and avoid multiple PayPal data entry without damage to security. Today it is available on desktops, but more actively develops on mobile devices.

PAYPAL also has a free return of goods. With it, you can return the goods to the seller and reimburse the cost of reverse delivery. It is valid for purchases around the world when sending goods by any delivery services, and return costs are covered within 1,500 rubles.

Can hackers hack my account in PayPal?

In the case when PayPal specialists see unusual activity in your account, they can block the score until the circumstances are clarified. At the same time, they are usually associated with the account owner directly and asked to confirm the dubious operation. The likelihood that fraudsters will take access to PayPal account, extremely small.

If we talk about phishing, PayPal advises users to follow the standard security rules on the Internet: when receiving a letter to make sure that the sender is really the one for whom it gives out, do not move on links to suspicious messages, never give your password to someone and report about suspicious cases at [Email Protected]

What security rules should I follow?

Caution Treat all emails that you get. The attackers will try to deceive you, but they are given details - addresses that differ from the originals for a couple of letters, grammatical errors and the like. Be vigilant if the letter contains a proposal that sounds too good to be true.

A person who gathered to make e-payments in Europe and the United States often appear questions about PayPal's payment system: what it represents and what advantages gives its customers. He should know that the advantages that Paypal gives, a lot - although not less than the features that distinguish it from other services. And to register in the system, it is enough to specify your real personal data and tie to the electronic wallet at least one payment card. In some cases, it may be necessary to submit documents. After this ensures access to all its capabilities.

Pluses and disadvantages of Paypal service

Among the advantages that the Paypal system gives, it is worth noting its capabilities and functions:

Among the minuses of the service, there can be strict limits for the amount of translation (both maximum and minimal) and the high probability of blocking the account, if technical support will suspect the client in fraud. In addition, the Paypal is almost impossible to exchange for the currency of other electronic wallets (only through special exchange offices).

PayPal Translation Commission is quite large - for residents of Russia, its size is 3.9% + 10 rubles, for Ukrainians and Belarusians - 3.4% + 0.3 dollars.

And another problem for the client is a restriction of direct transaction to the bank accounts of some countries, including the Russian Federation and Ukraine - banks where you can translate money from PayPal, there is no. And the user has or tie a map, or again to use exchanger services.

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Exchange and output operations in the PAEIPEL system

Knowing what PAYPAL is and how to use it, you can perform the following operations:

Another way to paypal, how to withdraw money is to transfer them to a tied bank card. Payment tool, whose binding will take several minutes, actually represents the account itself in Paipel (see). Payment of goods or services displayed on the electronic wallet in the system falls on this card.

There is such an option as to transfer money from PayPal account on PayPal using the sending function from the account account. To use it, the recipient should also be registered in Paypal.

Methods of replenishment Wallet Paypal

Returning electronic wallet in the system can be used in different ways. At the same time, the payment number is needed for each. The way to find out the PayPal wallet account number is the definition of an e-mail to which the account is registered. Electronic address and represents details that indicate when performing an operation.

You can use the option how to replenish PayPal account through the terminal. When using the devices of Russian payment systems, the means are displayed on a tied card. Abroad, direct replenishment of the wallet is possible. The tied payment card can belong to any system. For example, to Qiwi Wallet or PrivatBank.

The way to replenish the account from the phone in PayPal is also associated with bank cards. Fresh them, the service client displays funds to the electronic wallet of Paypal. Although there are other possibilities - for example, the conclusion directly through special sites collaborating with mobile operators.

The method, how to send money to Paypal to another person, can assume the use of exchangers or the same translations to the tied cards. The first option is usually more profitable, the second is the fastest.

Communication problems

If the user has such a problem when PayPal does not work, it is worth using one of the following methods:

  • temporarily disable antivirus programs;
  • clean the history of visits to web pages;

If these methods did not help, contact technical support.

PayPal as a payment service is an integral part of online trading. We will briefly tell you about the benefits and disadvantages of using PayPal.

Advantages of PayPal

New PAYPAL account interface

Payment via PayPal is a common method of calculating for transactions on the Internet, along with bank translations with a debit or credit card. It is especially relevant when purchases abroad. Ebay sellers even have to offer PayPal as a mandatory payment option. The reason for the wide use of the service lies in the rapid and simple payment process.

  • Paypal is easy to handle. To pay online shopping, you only need your email address and password. This allows you to log in to your PayPal account and confirm payment details.
  • Transactions are performed very quickly. After you made a payment, PayPal immediately inform the seller and gives him the amount. And the seller can immediately send an order.
  • PayPal does not transmit any information about bank accounts or credit cards. The seller does not need this data, because the payment will appear in the same way as its PayPal account, and from there you can already transfer it to a bank account.
  • PayPal account can also be used to send money to friends, relatives or someone else. All you need is the recipient's email address. It must also be registered in PayPal to get money from you.
  • PayPal offers "buyer protection" as a security feature. If you have not received the ordered product, or it has come damaged, and you cannot solve the problem directly with the seller, just turn on the buyer's protection. Paypal will check the purchase process. If your claims are correct, you will return your money.
  • If you send a product back and must pay postage yourself, PayPal will return these costs. You can make 12 returns per year, a maximum of 1500 rubles each. To do this, just need to activate the service in your PayPal account.
  • Paypal payments for purchases and translations Friends are free if they are held in rubles in Russia. PAYPAL account maintenance is also free for both personal and business accounts.

Disadvantages of PayPal

Phishing letter under the guise of notification from PayPal
  • PayPal accounts often abuse criminals. With the help of fake email letters, PayPal can send to fraudulent websites, on which he is invited to disclose his personal data or enter a password from PayPal. Therefore, always be careful if you receive such a letter from PayPal, and never follow the links. Come on the PayPal page directly from the browser.
  • Your transaction data in PayPal is mainly stored on servers in the United States. When registering, you sign an agreement on unconditional consent to transferring your personal data abroad. Where - PayPal does not report. Therefore, it is unclear exactly where your data lie, and what precautions for their protection are accepted there.
  • PayPal shares data with third parties. This is necessary for processing transactions or compliance with the rules of other services. There is a chance that your data will be sent to other companies to verify creditworthiness, dispute resolution and even for marketing purposes.
  • Online sellers must pay PayPal tax on received translations. If they refuse to do this, then when payments and translations in the PayPal currency will take the commission of 4% over the wholesale exchange rate.