D link dir 615 k2 firmware. Manual configuration of the Internet connection

The question is often asked: how to update the firmware on a D-Link DIR-615 K2 Wi-Fi router... A firmware update may be necessary for several reasons, one of which is unstable operation old firmware... On the Internet, one can often find user complaints about unstable firmware, which periodically resets the settings saved by the user.

According to user reviews, they are guilty of a firmware failure up to version 1.0.19, which we will install today, i.e. flash the D-Link DIR-615 router.

First, we define the revision of your router. Now we will not go into the details of what the revision means, let's just say that it can be of several versions: B, C, E, K (K1, K2), M, O.

The revision version can be found on the sticker on the back of the router, where the barcode is located. My number looks something like this:

H / W Ver .: K2 F / W Ver .: 1.0.0

Here H / W Ver .: - indicates the revision version, and F / W Ver .: - indicates the firmware version.

I have a version revision K2.

Now that we know the revision version, we go to the official D-Link website and look at the required revision.

For example, I have a revision K2, so in the window that opens on the link, click the link RevK /, and then K2 /... A list of files will open, more precisely one file and folder Old /... File 20130418_1713_DIR_615K_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin and will be the same firmware version 1.0.19 , which at the moment is the most latest firmware for the router. In the folder Old there will be old versions of the firmware, to which you can return if you do not like the new firmware. Well, now let's get down to the firmware process itself.

1. Download the latest firmware version. For the D-Link DIR-615 K2 router, the latest version is ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-615/Firmware/RevK/K2/20130418_1713_DIR_615K_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin.

2. Save the downloaded file to hDD computer and go to the web interface of your router. It is advisable to connect the router to the computer via network cablethat came with the router. Although you can just as well use a wireless connection.

3. After entering the web interface of the router, the main menu will open, at the top of which the version of your firmware will be displayed, as well as in the section Device Information:

4. Click on the firmware version and a window will open in which you will be asked to select a file with the firmware.

5. Click the button Overview and specify the previously saved firmware file 20130418_1713_DIR_615K_1.0.19_sdk-master.bin.

6. Click the button Refresh and wait for the router to reboot, after which your router will be updated to the latest firmware.


If you did everything correctly, your router will work with the new stable firmware. Firmware updates rarely cause problems, so don't be afraid that something will go wrong.

In September I decided to replace the whistle TP-Link to a full-fledged router. In the store, the manager gave a box with a router D-Link dir-615 K2... Since I am not particularly experienced in the matter of computer hardware, and there is no point in trusting brands for a long time (all the same, everything is going in China), I took what was offered immediately without hesitation.

(mine, by the way, looks exactly like this!)
I connected everything at home, began to set up - and here's the joke - the usual address did not open :) so .. I think. I began to rummage through the network (by turning off the router) and it turned out that I needed to register in the settings local network IP address ! - the rest is traditional. Thereafter opened - and I began to configure, but there were not many options for connection types, and when choosing my L2TP - in general, the router said that there are no further configuration options)) I began to dial up to technical support - this is generally a separate song (after 10 minutes of waiting, the answering machine says : no one can answer your call now - goodbye!) and so on several times. Having phoned, the manager asked what firmware I had. 1.0.0 revision K2- I replied. It turned out that we urgently need to reflash. Delivered together: 1.0.1 (DLINK_DIR_615K_1.0.1_sdk-master.bin if it is useful to someone). And it all worked.
The other day, having visited the manufacturer's website, I saw that more recent firmware versions appeared: 3 and 4 - downloaded, installed 1.0.4 - but, after that, the upload speed dropped to a minimum (instead of the prescribed 10 megabits, only one with a penny), and the download speed decreased, although not by much. Tried 1.0.3 but the result is also disappointing. Fortunately, the file with 1.0.1 - put it - and all problems with speed disappeared.

Firmware 1.0.14 has appeared - I highly recommend it to you! Devices connect via wi-fi quickly and without problems. I didn’t notice the loss of the Internet and other crashes-freezes so far. Yuzayu 14th about 3 months. Experiment within reasonable limits!
Firmware from the manufacturer here: http://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-615/Firmware/
I draw your attention - everything described above is true for DIR-615 with revision K2 !

Not affiliated with d-link!

TOTAL: there was a new firmware 2.5.4 decided to install, test. The interface is new, more modern, technological. But, something again needs to be rebooted for the router to work. I did not like it, I decided to return 1.0.14 It was not there - the router reports that any other firmware than 2.5.4 is incorrect. Then, like I started to put the previous one - ok. The router reboots, and there 2.5.4 is still there. This several times. I found the flasher, as promised - it fits perfectly with our device. Well, yes - it came up, erased the entire flash in the router, but was not able to install the firmware. After this procedure, nothing but FailsafeUI can be achieved from the device. And in this mode, no firmware is accepted. The device immediately becomes unavailable.
The final.
Not very upset, I went and bought myself a Tp-Link MR3220 v2
Nothing hangs, does not slow down, is easily configured. There is only one antenna, but the coverage area is slightly larger. There is a port for USB modems. Highly recommend and forget D-link like a bad dream!

AFTERWORD 20.10.2016
I caught my eye unfinished DIR-615 (it turns out I didn't throw it out). Somewhere on the second attempt, I successfully accepted firmware 2.5.4 and booted in normal mode.

Language selection in the router interface.

In the right upper corner, point the pointer to language and select the language of interest to us

Change of the factory password.

In the Password field, enter new Password... In the Confirmation field, repeat the new password.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router.

In the router interface, select "quick setup" and go to "Setup wizard wireless network»

  1. Specify the identifier (SSID) of your wireless home network

Then we press the button next. In the Security Settings window. 1. Choose Network Authentication: WPA2-PSK2. In the PSK encryption key field, you must enter any set of numbers, from 8 to 63. They must also be memorized so that you can specify them when connecting to the network. Recommended to use as a key serial number device (indicated on the box, as S / N ########).

Setting up an Internet connection.

In the router interface, select the advanced settings tab, select WAN in the network tab.

2. Select the connection type PPPoE.

3. In the Ethernet item, click on the following button:

4. In the Username field: (your login under the agreement)

5. Password and Confirmation password: (Your password under the agreement)

Then we press the button to save the settings

NAT when automatically obtaining an IP address (DHCP).

1. In the WAN field, click on the add button.

2. Select the type of connection Dynamic IP

Installation and configuration instructions for DLink DIR-615 K2 Internet router

First, you need to connect all cables to the appropriate connectors:

  • Nutrition.
  • Provider's incoming Ethernet cable (to the corresponding WAN port.)
  • Ethernet cable from network card at any LAN port on the router. (usually indicated by numbers.)

For Windows XP:

Go to the menu, , .

In the network connections window (Figure 1), click right click mouse on " "And select" Properties».

Figure 1. Window of network connections in Windows XP.

In the window " Local Area Connection Properties"(Figure 2) select the item" Internet Protocol tcp / ipProperties».

Figure 2. Local area connection properties.

In the window " TCP / IP Internet Protocol Properties»(Figure 3) select:

  • « »
  • « »

and click the " OK»

Figure 3. TCP / IP protocol

For Windows 7:

Go to the menu

, , , .

In the window " Network Control Center and general access »(Figure 4) press .

Figure 4. Windows 7 Network and Sharing Center window.

In the window " Network connections "(Figure 5) find" LAN connection", Click on it with the right mouse button and select" Properties».

Figure 5. Window "Network Connections" in Windows 7

In the window " Local Area Connection Properties"(Fig. 6)) select the item" Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) "(WITHOUT removing the check mark) and click on the button" Properties».

Figure 6. Window 7 Local Area Connection Properties.

In the window " Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"(Figure 7) select:

  • « Obtain an IP address automatically»
  • « Obtain DNS server address automatically»

and click the " OK»

Figure 7. TCP / IP Protocol

Further, to configure an external connection to the Internet, you need to go to the router's WEB-interface. To get there, launch any available WEB browser and enter the router's IP address in the address bar. Enter http: // and the default IP address, ( into the address bar of the browser. URL in address bar will look like: (

At the first login, you will be prompted to set a password (Figure 9) to access the router's web interface. In field " Password"Enter the password in the field" the confirmation»Enter the new password again and click the button« Save».

Figure 9. Setting the system password

Configuring internet connection and wireless network using the wizard

Your Dlink Internet router is configured for pleasant work in the Smile network!

Manual configuration of the Internet connection

Manual wireless setup

Your Dlink Internet router is configured to work over WIFI!

Manual router configuration for IPTV operation

Your Dlink Internet router is configured for IPTV!

Viewing Router Log