Connect 2 laptops to each other. How to connect two computers to each other via a network cable. Wi-Fi as a way of synchronization

Connecting two computers with a cable can be useful in a variety of situations. With a cross cable, you can working connection between two computers, between two laptops, or between a laptop and a computer. In particular, such a connection can be useful for those users who want to transfer large files from one machine to another (for example, a collection of films or music albums).

Using a cable is ideal if you want to connect two computers and don't have special networking equipment at hand. If two network cards are installed on one of the machines, then you can easily configure Internet access on this machine and on the other. If only one network card is installed on the computers, this will not work.

We will analyze in detail two connection options. In the first case, we will tell you about the specifics of setting up a connection when only one network card is installed on each computer. In the second case, the settings will imply the presence of two network cards on one of the computers (both a regular PC with two cards, and a laptop with one regular network adapter and the second wireless).

What you need to connect two computers

We do not need any special networking equipment to cable the computers. You can carry out all operations yourself using a minimum set of components.

We will need:

  • Actually two computers
  • Cross cable
  • Perseverance and a little patience

A cross cable can be easily purchased at any electronics store or radio market. Also, if you wish, you can prepare such a cable yourself, but it will undoubtedly be more difficult and longer. The cross cable pinout is shown below.

The finished cable that will be used to connect computers is shown below.

This option is most often used, since few computers (especially PCs) have two network cards installed. In most cases, a home computer is equipped with one network card. With this type of connection, both machines will not have access to the Internet. The general connection diagram is shown in the photo below.

After the physical cable connection of the two computers, you need to make some simple network settings. We will analyze the entire setup process in detail so that you do not have any questions.

To get started, go to the network control center and general access and follow the link "Changing adapter parameters".

After that, double click on the cable network connection.

Click on "Properties".

We set the selectors opposite the manual setting of the network parameters and enter the values \u200b\u200bthere as in the photo below.

Click "OK" and "Apply". On the second computer, the sequence of actions is similar, but in the IP-address field, write the value "". After such simple settings, a working connection will be established between the two computers.

To check the functionality of the created network on the second PC, press the "Win + R" key combination and enter the "cmd" command.

In the window that appears, set the command "ping". In response, a message about the successful transmission of packets should appear.

The same can be done on the first computer, just use the "ping" command. If you cannot ping the network, then you did something wrong, or the connection is blocked by antivirus or firewall.

Now let's take a closer look at the option of how to connect two computers with a cable so that you can access the Internet from each computer. To do this, one of the machines must have two network cards installed: one for connecting to another computer, the other for connecting the provider's cable. The general connection diagram is shown in the photo below.

The network settings are the same as in the first method, except for one thing. In addition to the IP address and mask, you will also need to set a gateway.

On a computer with two network cards need to set up network access to the Internet so that you can freely use the Internet on the first computer. For this purpose, on the computer with the address, go to the "Access" tab and check the box opposite the corresponding inscription. After that, it will be possible to access the Internet from both computers.


We found out how you can connect two computers using a crossover cable and how to implement correct setting connections for normal network operation. We really hope that this information will help you solve the problem of connecting two computers quickly and efficiently.

The short answer is yes, it will. Since the specified devices have an hdmi port, it is certainly possible to connect these ports with a two-way cable. Another thing is that there will be no sense from this at all.

The laptop port is designed in such a way that it can only work on recoil. Accordingly, it cannot receive a signal simply by technical parameters... However, fortunately for users, there are other ways to combine laptops.

Alternative options

Alternatives include both wired and wireless communications. Since the second type is more technologically advanced, we will first get acquainted with the wireless method of transmitting information.

The easiest way to connect laptops to a local network for file transfer is Bluetooth. It is difficult to find a laptop that does not have this module. Nevertheless, if someone is not lucky enough to be the owner of a similar model, you should not be very upset. External bluetooth module will easily solve this problem. Its price is not high, and in the event of a breakdown, replacing it is much easier and cheaper than disassembling a laptop and removing a failed unit from there.

So, to connect two laptops with Bluetooth wireless system, just a few steps are enough. First, we launch a device search on one laptop, and on the second it opens access so that the first module can detect it. After detection, we connect by entering the password. The code combination can be any, it is invented by the user himself. The main thing is to enter the same code on two devices. And that's all. Laptops are combined.

The second way is to combine into a common wi-fi network... There shouldn't be big problems here either. Open the settings window, select creation new network (home or work - depending on what purpose the network is used for), create a computer-computer network, protect it with a strong password and encryption method, and then click the "Finish" button.

The third method is LAN cable bundling. This method is less convenient, since you have to link the two devices together using outdated technology, but this does not make it less efficient. First, we connect the laptops with a cable, then call the command window with the "WIN + R" key combination (or there is the "Run" tab in the "Start" menu) and enter the value "ncpa.cp", then in the window that opens we call context menu and select "connection by local network". Find the "Properties" tab, and in the window that opens, double-click on "Internet Protocol version 4", and enter the IP values \u200b\u200band mask. On the second laptop, the whole procedure is repeated, with the exception of one moment. The last digit in the IP address will not be 1, but 2, since the second device is connected. All other numbers will match.

Nowadays, a laptop is present in almost every home, because it is the most convenient and practical type. personal computers... However, sometimes users need to transfer files from laptop to laptop, and the appropriate media may not be at hand. In this case, the best solution would be to connect two laptops to each other via a local network, and in this article we will consider all possible ways connecting mobile PCs.

So, there are two most common ways to connect and / or exchange information between two personal computers.

How to connect laptop to laptop via wifi?

The easiest way to create such a local network is to connect your laptop to your laptop via wifi. Since all modern laptops are already equipped with a built-in wifi module, you can only get by standard means operating system, and you don't need any additional software or hardware.

To connect 2 laptops by wireless it is necessary:

  • - on one of the computers (for example, from which the data will be transferred) open the "Network and Sharing Center" - "Change adapter settings";
  • - on existing network call the menu and select the "Properties" item in the presented list;
  • - then open the properties of "Internet Protocol 4 (TCP / IP)": the parameters for obtaining the "ip address" should be set to "Automatic";

Next, on both computers, open "Change advanced sharing settings" and in the drop-down list, make sure that the items shown in the following figure are active, these settings open shared access to the network).

In addition, you should disable password protection in the "All networks" section;

Now you need to create: open "Command Prompt" (Win + P next cmd) and enter the command "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d ____ key \u003d ____", where "ssid \u003d" is the name of the network to be created, "key \u003d" - this is the security key for connecting to the network;

Now all that remains is to start the network: for this, the same " Command line"With the command" netsh wlan start hostednetwork ";

The network is active, now from the second laptop, search for available " wifi networks»And connect with the network created at the previous stage by entering the security key;

To connect to the target device, type in address bar "Explorer" - double slash \\\\ +: it may look like this \\\\, the address can be found in the section "Network status" - "Information.

How to connect laptop to laptop via network cable?

The second method involves the insignificant costs of purchasing a "LAN cable" crimped in a crossover (reverse) method, and the process of setting up a local network between laptops is much simpler than the one described above. But you have to pay for the connection speed with the mobility of the local network. And the settings will really take no more than a couple of minutes:

  • - connect the laptops to each other with a "LAN cable";
  • - in the "Network and Sharing Center" open "Change adapter settings" - properties of "Internet Protocol 4 (TCP / IP). AT network connections you can also get into the command "ncpa.cpl";
  • - write in the line "ip address", the subnet mask will be determined automatically, and the main gateway can be left blank;

  • from the second computer, do the same, only in the "ip address" line specify the same as for the first laptop, but one more -;

The entire local network between the two laptops is configured. You can connect to a computer according to the same principle: \\\\ ip_address or open “My computer” - “Network” and find the laptop you need in the list.

If desired device it was not determined, check if all the checkboxes for network discovery you have installed in the "Change advanced sharing settings" section.

In conjunction with this method, you can use third party programs for transferring files from laptop to laptop: perfect for this job free program HFS (HTTP File Server), no installation required.

How to connect laptop to laptop via usb?

If these options are not suitable for you, you can use the Easy Transfer Cable adapter to connect the laptops to each other, using the “ usb ports»Laptops.

The cost of this cable is low: you will have to pay about 500 rubles for a decent proven option (for example, "Windows Easy Transfer Cable" from "ST Lab").

So, to connect a laptop to a laptop via usb, connect the computers with the Easy Transfer Cable adapter and run the Total Comander program on both PCs. Next, on each computer, open the "Network" submenu and select "Establish connection via LPT / USB port".

Now you need to choose which laptop will act as a "Server" and which one will act as a "Client" (a kind of USB flash drive).

But this way not ideal, there are also disadvantages here:

  • - the computer that will receive the file may be unavailable until the transfer is complete;
  • - errors may occur when transferring between different-bit operating systems (between 64-bit and 32-bit or vice versa);
  • - errors when transferring files between OS with different languages.

Of all the above methods, the best option for creating a laptop-to-laptop LAN is the wireless option. It is more mobile because no wires are required and there is no significant impact on the performance of laptops. In addition, when you connect a laptop to a laptop via wifi, you can connect an unlimited number of devices with a sufficiently high data transfer rate.

And so, let's get started. We have at our disposal two computers or laptops, it doesn't matter, and a router connected to the Internet. We need these two computers to exchange information with each other via a local network. I want to say right away that it doesn't matter how these two computers will connect to the router: via a cable or via Wi-fi... The main thing is to make the following settings. Everything described below runs on two computers:

1. We give our computers different names and assign them to the same workgroup. To do this, press the "Start" button and click right click on the item "Computer" and select "Properties"

In the tab "Computer name" click on the "Change" button

In the next window, change the computer name and, if necessary, the workgroup ( The workgroup of the two computers must be the same, but the names are different).

2. Right-click on the network status icon and select

Click on the left "Change advanced sharing options":

Turn on sharing and network discovery, as shown in the screenshot:

And also disable password protected sharing. If this is not done, then only computers running Windows with a password will be able to connect to such a network (how to put a password on Windows)

3. Go back to "Network and Sharing Center" and click on the item on the right side "Change adapter settings":

We choose our connection to the router. It can be either a LAN connection via a cable or a wireless network connection. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Properties" item.

Find the component Internet Protocol Version 4, select it and click on the "Properties" button.

We put the switch in position "Obtain an IP address automatically"... Click "OK".

All information on one computer cannot be accessed on another. You must share certain folders on both computers so that you can exchange information using these folders. To do this, right-click on the selected folder, select the item "Sharing - Specific Users".

We click on the one we need from two computers and we see that all our shared folders are available for viewing and editing:

We succeeded connect two computers together.

And also watch the video

If you need to connect a second monitor to a computer, but it is not available, then there is the option of using a laptop as a display for a PC. This process is carried out using only one cable and a little configuration of the operating system, but there is one very important note. Let's take a closer look at this.

Nowadays, most laptops are equipped with an HDMI-out connector, and it only allows you to output an image, not receive it. Therefore, only models with HDMI-in are suitable for connection, which are very few on the market. To determine this information, refer to the laptop manual or the manufacturer's official website. If there is no information about HDMI-in anywhere, then the model is equipped with the first connector option, which is not suitable for our purpose.

To complete this process, you need a worker system unit, HDMI cable and laptop with HDMI-in. All settings will be done on the PC. The user only needs to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Take an HDMI cable and plug one side into the corresponding HDM-in connector on your laptop.
  2. Connect the other side to an available HDMI port on your computer.
  3. If the computer does not have the required connector, you can use a special converter from VGA, DVI or Display Port to HDMI. Details about them are written in our article at the link below.
  4. Now you should start the laptop. If the image was not transferred automatically, click on Fn + F4 (on some laptop models, the switch between monitors can be changed). If there is no picture, adjust the screens on the computer.
  5. To do this, open "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  6. Select an option "Screen".
  7. Go to section "Configuring display settings".
  8. If the screen was not found, press the button "To find".
  9. In the pop-up menu "Multiple screens" select item "Expand These Screens".

Now you can use your laptop as a second monitor for your computer.

Alternative connection option

Exists special programsallowing you to remotely control your computer. Using them, you can connect your laptop to your computer via the Internet without using additional cables. One of the most popular programs is TeamViewer. After installation, you only need to create an account and connect. Read more about this in our article at the link below.

In addition, on the Internet, there are many more programs for remote access... We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the full list of representatives this software in the articles on the links below.