Home telephone from MGTS: tariffs and additional services. Cellular communication mgts: tariffs, quality of services. "Moscow city telephone network" Tariff plan 1 mgts

The tariff "My Online" from Tele2 is the middle price segment in the line offered by the operator. Suitable for users to communicate on the phone within the home region without restrictions. And also for calls to numbers of other operators, with a limit on minutes. The Internet package is designed for watching videos, surfing, listening to music and chatting in messengers, there will be enough traffic for any of your [...]

Tariff "My Conversation" from Tele2 is a budget option from the entire line offered by the operator. Suitable for users who prefer to communicate by phone within the network of their home region without restrictions. It is also possible to call the numbers of other operators, in this case the minutes are limited. The Internet package is not designed for watching movies and videos. There is enough traffic for communicating in messengers and checking [...]

Tele2 subscribers choose the My Tele2 tariff because of the ability to communicate without restrictions within the network and in various messengers. The tariff plan includes an Internet package, which is enough for checking mail and reading news. Before connecting the tariff "My Tale2", study in detail its characteristics, the cost of calls, SMS and other services included in excess of the monthly fee. You can about all this [...]

Dom.ru service has developed a personal account for the convenience of customers. This feature allows subscribers to manage services remotely in real time. Remote service provides significant time savings and an easy-to-manage acceptance space independent decisions... CONTENTS1 Features of a personal account2 Registration in a personal account using the contract number3 Instructions for entering a personal account by [...]

On this page you can find out about the tariffs for local wire telephone communication services provided by OJSC MGTS to the population of Moscow, effective from June 1, 2015

Tariff plan No. 1 (Time-based payment system)

Payment typesTariff plan No. 1 (Time-based payment system)
Subscribers - legal entities

205 RUB + 0.60 RUB for min. conversation

215 RUB + 0.60 RUB for min. conversation

220 RUB + 0.60 RUB for min. conversation

Tariff plan No. 2 (Combined payment system)

Payment typesTariff plan No. 2 (Combined payment system)
Subscribers - citizens, incl. living in communal apartmentsSubscribers - legal entities
not funded from their respective budgetsnot funded from the respective budgets
Payment for using a subscriber line with an individual connection scheme, rubles
Fee for the basic volume of local telephone connections in the amount of 400 minutes. per month with an individual connection scheme, rub.
Cost of 1 min. conversation of local telephone connections, rub.
Payment for an unlimited volume of local telephone connections with an individual connection scheme, rub.
Total subscriber payments with an individual connection scheme, per month

429 rub. + 0.58 rub. for min. conversation in excess of the base volume

439 rub. + 0.58 rub. for min. conversation in excess of the base volume

444 rub. + 0.58 rub. for min. conversation in excess of the base volume

Tariff plan No. 3 (Subscriber payment system)

Payment typesTariff plan No. 3 (Subscriber payment system)
Subscribers - citizens, incl. living in communal apartmentsSubscribers - legal entities
not funded from their respective budgetsnot funded from the respective budgets
Payment for using a subscriber line with an individual connection scheme, rubles
Fee for the basic volume of local telephone connections in the amount of 400 minutes. per month with an individual connection scheme, rub.
Cost of 1 min. conversation of local telephone connections, rub.
Payment for an unlimited volume of local telephone connections with an individual connection scheme, rub.
Total subscriber payments with an individual connection scheme, per month

The fee for using a subscriber line, a fee for the basic volume of local telephone connections and a fee for an unlimited volume of local telephone connections with a paired connection scheme for subscribers - citizens will be 50% of the total cost of these services with an individual connection scheme.
On average, the increase in tariffs for the provision of local telephone connections, taking into account the preservation of the tariffs for the provision of a subscriber line at the same level, will amount to 3.1%.
The fee for the provision of an intra-zone telephone connection to a subscriber (user) of a fixed telephone connection does not change and is RUB 1 58 kopecks per minute of connection.
The fee for providing access to the local telephone network does not change and amounts to citizen subscribers will be RUB 1,800for subscribers - legal entities - RUB 3 800
For citizen subscribers using telephone services:
- for personal, family, home and others, not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, the tariffs established for subscribers-citizens, including those living in communal apartments, are applied (tariffs are set including VAT).
- for needs other than personal, family, home and others, not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities, tariffs are applied as for subscribers - legal entities not financed from the respective budgets (VAT is charged in excess of the tariffs).
For subscribers - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, VAT is charged in excess of the approved tariffs.

Order of the Federal Tariff Service dated April 28, 2015 No. 107-s / 3 "On the approval of tariffs for local telephone services provided by MGTS OJSC in Moscow"

2015-2016 - tariffs for local wire telephone services provided by MGTS to the population of Moscow

Saving money in all its manifestations Choosing a tariff plan in MGTS

We begin our article with a question that many are currently interested in: change of tariff plans for payment of landline phones.

From February 1, 2007, across the entire territory of the Russian Federation, there was a transition to new tariff plans for telephone services. Let's consider the choice of a tariff using the example of an individual connection scheme (i.e. not a paired telephone) MGTS. Three tariff plans (hereinafter TP) have been introduced:

Payment type

Rate. plan number 1
(Time based payment system)

Rate. plan number 2

Rate. plan number 3
(Subscriber payment system)

Subscriber line fee, rub.

Basic volume of local telephone connections, min.

Payment for the basic volume of local telephone connections, rubles

Cost of 1 min. conversation of local telephone connections, rub.

Fee for unlimited volume of local telephone connections, rub.

Subscriber's total payments

individual connection scheme

125 RUB + 0.28 RUB for min. conversation

125 RUB + 104 rub. + 0.23 RUB for min. conversation in excess of the base volume

125 RUB + 255 RUB

Total minimum monthly payment

125 p. (if the subscriber does not make outgoing calls)

229 p. (if the subscriber makes outgoing calls for no more than 370 minutes)


  1. The cost of services is indicated with VAT
  2. All incoming calls are free
  3. Intercity, international and intrazonal (on mobile phones) connections, as well as calls to paid reference and service services of OJSC MGTS are paid separately.
  4. Calls to emergency phone numbers are not paid operational services: 01, 02, 03 and 04, 995-99-99 and 914-22-22, as well as calls to toll-free numbers referral services OJSC MGTS (09, 636-06-36, call center call centers).

In February, each MGTS subscriber will receive notification of the introduction of new tariff plans and invoice for January with a form for choosing a tariff plan... The notification about the introduction of new tariff plans will contain information on the number of minutes that the subscriber said for each of the months from July to December 2006. For the previous six months (from January to June 2006) information has already been sent to subscribers.

So, now we need to choose the most convenient tariff plan. Let's consider how many minutes you talk on average per month:

Cost of 1 minute of conversation for TP # 2 (Combined payment system) included in the monthly payment is 104/370 \u003d 0.28 rubles. Output: if you do not speak for more than 370 minutes on average, then it is not profitable for you to take TP # 2, because in TP # 1 (Time-based billing system) The cost of a minute is exactly the same.

If on average, you speak in the region of 370 minutes. Imagine that with TP # 1 you talked 470 minutes (i.e. 100 minutes more than included in the monthly fee for TP # 2), then you will have to pay (0.28 - 0.23) * 100 \u003d 5p more than TP # 2. If, with TP # 2, you speak 270 minutes (ie 100 minutes less than included in the monthly fee for TP # 2), then, compared to TP # 1, you will pay 0.28r * 100 \u003d 28r more than TP # 1. Conclusion: if on average you talk for about 370 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less), then it is more profitable for you to take TP # 1 (Time-based payment system), because one unspecified minute at TP # 2 will cost you 5.6 times more than one minute that you will talk at TP # 1 (meaning only overpayment compared to TP # 2).

Now, let's see in which case it is worth choosing TP # 2 and TP # 3.

Let's count how many minutes he can talk for 255 rubles. ( TP No. 3 payment for unlimited volume) a subscriber who has TP No. 2 : 370 + (255-104) / 0.23 \u003d 1026 minutes. Output: if on average you speak for more than 370 minutes and less than 1026,then it is more profitable for you to choose TP # 2.

Respectively, if on average you speak more than 1026,it is more profitable to choose TP # 3.

You can choose the tariff plan you like by signing in the corresponding field of the invoice for January. Invoices must be delivered to mailboxes until February 18 inclusive. Additional advice on the introduction of three tariff plans and the choice of one of them can be obtained by calling the MGTS round-the-clock free hotline: 8 800 505-55-55 .

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not use mobile communication or home Wi-fi, to wireless internet several gadgets of all family members are connected at once. Using the services of one company, you can significantly save money, for example, the Beeline company offers home Internet for only 1 ruble, subject to the use of a certain tariff for mobile networkhowever, connectivity is not available in all homes. The MGTS operator has similar package offers, and customers can use a home telephone, the Internet, mobile communications, and also watch cable channels.

Home phone tariffs in Moscow

Home telephones are mainly used by representatives of the older generation, so the popularity and demand for this service, if it has decreased, then only slightly. Moreover, almost every apartment has an Internet connection. Both of these services can be activated separately.

The MGTS provider offers several telephony tariffs:

Tariff planSubscription fee, rub.Call cost per minuteFree minutes to landline numbersNumber of free minutes to numbers mobile operators
Timed205 0.6 0 0
Combined429 0.58 400 0
Unlimited499 0 unlimited0
Extended625 0 unlimited100
Premium850 0 unlimited300

The minimum tariff in the line is suitable for those who speak a little (on average, no more than 400 minutes per month), the cost of a minute is only 60 kopecks, which is beneficial when compared with the plans of mobile operators with per-minute tariffication.

The combined tariff is, in fact, beneficial to those who speak for more than 400 minutes a month, but less than 500, since you will have to pay 58 rubles for an overrun of 100 minutes from the base tariff. (0.58 * 100), in this case it is easier to switch to the Unlimited tariff for 499 rubles (60 rubles more expensive).

Until February 28, 2019, MGTS held a promotion. The company offered to switch from Time-based to Unlimited tariff and get a bonus for this - 300 rubles. If you notice that you are spending about 500 rubles on communication using a time-based calculation system, it makes sense to change your plan. Extended and Receiving are suitable for those who call from landline to mobile.

MGTS provides Internet connection services using GPON technology. Optics are carried out to the apartment, which ensures high speeds regardless of the number of neighbors. The amount of the subscription fee depends on the speed of data reception and transmission.

Mobile communication from MGTS

Not so long ago, the operator began to offer mobile communication services. The line includes only 2 tariffs:

Tariffs are valid throughout the country, minutes can be spent on conversations with subscribers of any cellular operators in the Russian Federation. If the minutes included in the package are running out, call mobile numbers MGTS and MTS can also be free of charge, to the numbers of other operators in Moscow for 1.5 rubles, Russia - 3 rubles. If the number of sms is exceeded, in the home region one message costs 0.50 rubles, for subscribers in Russia - 3.80 rubles.

Package rates

For those who want to save money, MGTS offers to collect three services (Internet, mobile connection, cable TV) and get a 30% discount. There are both ready-made service packages to choose from, and a special designer for the selection of options.

Offer cost (per month), rub.Mobile tariffHome Internet SpeedDigital television
550 Smart Mini100 -
590 Smart Mini200 -
590 - 200 Base
750 Smart Nonstop200 -
790 Smart Mini200 Base
950 Smart Nonstop200 Base

Discounts do not apply to home phone numbers.

The company constantly holds promotions and makes discounts on services. So, new settlers have the opportunity to connect a landline phone for 1 rub. when connecting to the Internet from MGTS. Caller ID, call forwarding and conference calls can be used for 10 rubles / month. By connecting a package tariff for 950 rubles, subscribers can purchase a budget samsung smartphone Galaxy J3 Black for only 1 RUB / month, provided that this tariff is maintained for 2 years.

MGTS subscribers can become a member in a couple of clicks bonus program in your personal account on the official website of the provider. For every 5 rubles spent on the company's services, the program participant is awarded 1 point. You can spend the accumulated points on services and additional services, for example, get 50 rubles. to the account for 500 points, thus the cashback is 2%.