Easypay electronic money. Top up mobile account Easypay ua electronic payment system

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue the review, which are more or less popular and used in the Russian Internet. Previously, I focused mainly on Russia, because I myself am a citizen of this country, but Runet has a much larger geography, so today I want to devote a little time to describing the possibilities belarusian EasyPay .

In my opinion Izipey is closest to and with the only difference that they are focused on clients from different countries - Belarus and Russia, respectively. Negative reviews to work with less than the Russian counterpart, but there are somewhat less profitable commissions for transfers and withdrawals, however, depositing money (not in all cases) and paying for goods and services in Easy (as in RBC Money) are performed without commission.

EasyPay - why is Belarusian money better than others

In general, the Republic of Belarus turned out to be bypassed by the international attention, which did not include this country in any of its three lists (in Paypal there is discrimination on a territorial basis). Therefore, the Belarusians did not have the opportunity to officially work with them, although it could be indicated that they are Russians.

Another thing is that there is an alternative international payment system that does not distinguish between citizens of different countries and allows transfers around the world, pay for goods and withdraw money earned in other countries to plastic cards, including for residents of Belarus. And there is also one that allows you to work with it completely anonymously and does not bother with the origin of the funds spent through it.

Electronic money EasyPay is primarily focused on Belarus, although non-residents of this country can register in it. The system was designed to maximize simple ways payment for goods in online stores, utility bills, replenishment of mobile phone accounts, etc. operations.

Under certain conditions, the commission for entering and paying for goods and services will not be charged, but the withdrawal of funds or transfer to another Izipey wallet is subject to a commission (1.5% and 2% percent, respectively). All calculations are performed in Belarusian rubles.

It is noteworthy that, unlike the international systems already mentioned just above, it allows you to officially exchange your electronic units for, etc.

In addition, Izipey, to increase the security of working with your electronic wallet, offers an unprecedented way of protection... In any case, I have never seen anything like this before.

  1. Firstly, account management can be carried out either by entering the EasyPay.by website (work is carried out with the inclusion of SSL encryption) by entering a login and password (after three incorrect entries, the account will be blocked for one hour), or it will be possible to manage it by sending SMS (at the usual rate of your mobile operator).
  2. Secondly, confirmation of each payment in Easy Pay can be carried out either using the reusable control code (four digits) issued to you during registration, or using a card with a list of one-time codes confirmation (purchased separately and costs 2,100 Belarusian rubles for 30 one-time control codes).

    It is the second option that allows the greatest degree of protection of the transfer to Izipey, because it will not be possible to find out or calculate in any way the next one-time code written on your card. This method of protection is so reliable that it has been used for a very long time when encrypting messages of special state importance.

    The principle of operation is based on the fact that you are sold a card with 30 control codes, an exact copy of which is also stored in the bowels of the system. You consistently use these codes to confirm your payments, and the latter is used to activate the next card.

EasyPay Wallets have four degrees of gradation, which allows you to realize different possibilities and have different upper limits for operations:

  1. Simple - only allows you to pay for goods and services from this list, but to receive it, you will not even need to fill in the fields with personal information.
  2. Simple + - will allow, in addition to paying for goods and services, to replenish your account in EasyPay from other electronic systems (except for Yandex.Money), but for this you will have to fill in the fields with your personal data.
  3. Personal - will also allow you to withdraw funds to other payment systems, and transfer them to other wallets within the system (however, to receive this type of wallet, you will have to indicate and confirm your cell phone number).
  4. Well, if you need to realize the maximum possibilities in EasyPay, then start a Certified wallet, which significantly increases the limits of money turnover, but requires physical confirmation and signing of an agreement, which may seem inconvenient to many.

This payment system has existed for a long time (since 2004) and its owner (and creator) is the Belarusian bank Belgazprombank (hence the analogy with RBC Mani). Therefore, all methods of replenishing an account in Easy Pay through this bank (at its cash desks or from its plastic card) are not subject to commission. The same can be said about replenishment via post offices Belarus (0% commission).

All other methods of depositing money into your account and the commission charged for this can be viewed on this page (including from the personal account of the mobile phone). You will only be able to top up from other electronic payment systems (except for some reason Paypal and Yandex.Money) only starting from the Simple + wallet.

Money with EasyPay.by will be withdraw (cash out) only in Belarusian rubles and only in the Belgazprombank bank (in cash or on a credit card) and at the same time a commission of 2% will be deducted from you, or you can exchange this electronic money for WebMoney, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, MoneyMail, etc. However, the withdrawal and exchange of Izipey will be possible only for Personal and Certified wallets.

The exchange will be carried out through Roboxchange.com, which will inevitably entail additional costs. EasyPay account can be linked to your WebMoney wallet and quickly and easily exchange operations for WMR, WMZ and other title units.

Registration and establishment of a wallet in EasyPay

So, to register in Easy Pei, you will need to go through here ... On the page that opens, you will need to select the country of which you are a citizen, as well as indicate your E-mail and go through the captcha:

Next, you agree to the terms and click on the "Send application" button. A letter will be sent to the specified E-mail, where you will need to click on the link "Confirmation of registration", and on the page that opens, open the data about your password in Easy Pay and the reusable control code:

The opened data will allow you get the following features:

  1. Login and password - enter the system website and access your wallet data
  2. Greetings - understand that you are on the official Izipey website, and not on a phishing site (a fraudulent resource that exactly copies appearance original), where you will not see this greeting, respectively. A very interesting solution that allows you to significantly increase the safety of working with money by generating a unique phrase for each user.
  3. Reusable control code - with it you can confirm all your money transactions in the system. But to get an order of magnitude more high degree security, it would be better not to spare a small amount of Belarusian rubles and buy a card with 30 one-time codes.

You will need to save this data in a safe place and best of all not on your computer. I did not gloss over the passwords shown in the screenshot, because this is just my EasyPay demo account, where money will never be deposited.

To complete the registration process, click on the link below "Go to wallet activation". Here you will be asked to enter your login and password for the first time.

It is noteworthy that to protect against keyloggers (special virus programs that allow you to record the characters typed on the keyboard and fetch passwords from them) you will have the opportunity to use virtual keyboard (in general, now the problem is very urgent):

Well, for the final activation of the electronic wallet, you will also need to enter the reusable control code you received earlier (four digits):

You will be informed about the success of the activation operation and will strongly recommend filling in your personal data in order to avoid losing access to your account in Izipey and the inability to restore this access (you will lose money, in other words, and you will not be able to prove that they are really yours, which is a general trend in all payments):

In general, this payment system allows you to decide for yourself the dilemma of what is more important for you - anonymity or guaranteed access to your funds in case of any force majeure. You will need to enter quite a lot of personal data and they, of course, must correspond to reality, because when restoring access, you may be required, for example, to present a scan of your passport:

When logging into your account on the EasyPay website, pay attention to the greeting, which should be individual for each user:

All operations will be available to you on the "Wallet" tab and I think that it makes no sense to describe all this in detail:

The Easy Pei system made a purely positive impression on me - thoughtful security, pleasant and not overloaded interface, good feedback about the work of the technical support service. If, in addition, the commission on all operations were 0% (as it is now done in RBK Mani), then everything would be perfect.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site pages

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Easypay electronic money - payment complex mobile communication, services, goods on the Internet and money transfers. A resident and non-resident of the Republic of Belarus who has reached the age of 18 can register and receive a login / password. They use EasyPay from any place with Internet access.

What is this service?

From January 1, 2015, in order to use the advanced features of the EasyPay complex, the user undergoes an additional identification procedure by contacting OJSC Belgazprombank or RUE Belpochta with a passport.

Types of wallets

The EasyPay payment complex provides for the opening of 4 payment wallets: "Simple", "Simple +", "Personal" and "Certified", each of which has advantages.

Important! To receive the first 2 wallets, the user is registered and binds his number cell phone, but to open personal and entrusted EasyPay wallets, additional identification at a financial institution is required.

To access a wallet, a person installs a special electronic application on his work computer, where he sees his wallets, performs the required financial transactions.


How to fund your EasyPay wallet account:

  1. Through bank card Belgazprombank: a person binds a payment card to an EasyPay wallet and replenishes an account through ATMs or the Internet banking system.
  2. At RUE Belpochta branches, Svyaznoy stores and Belgazprombank branches, by the wallet number provided to the operator.
  3. Through payment terminals Qiwi, Partetbank, TBCPay, Alfabank, where they enter the e-wallet number and replenish the account in cash.
  4. By transferring from a mobile account (for Life and MTS subscribers).
  5. Via an exchange service from LiqPay, WebMoney, Alfa-click, Promsvyazbank or TeleMoney systems.

Withdraw funds

They withdraw money from the wallet in one of two ways:

  1. At the branch of Belgazrombank, where a person applies with a passport, having previously formed an application for withdrawal on the website.
  2. By transferring to a Belgazprombank payment card, which is pre-tied to an electronic wallet.

Payment for goods and services

To purchase goods, pay for services, transfer funds in favor of third parties, top up a mobile phone or perform any other financial transaction, the user visits the official website of the system https://ssl.easypay.by/. Then he enters the wallet number and password, getting into his personal Area, after which he enters the product catalog and selects the desired category.

With the help of the complex, the user pays for:

  1. Traffic police fines.
  2. Services cable TV, Internet providers, mobile communications.
  3. Training.
  4. Games.
  5. Products on various sites of the company that have a cooperation agreement with the Easypay payment system.

Transfer from card to card

To make a transfer from card to EasyPay card, a person must have an electronic wallet of the "Personal" or "Certified" level. You can perform the operation from the main site of the system or through exchange services that have an agreement with EasyPay for making payments.


EasyPay instant payments have proven themselves positively, therefore, the popularity of the complex is growing, citizens of other countries, including Russia, use it. Convenience of paying bills, goods and services makes EasyPay practical and accessible from any place where there is an Internet connection.

Easypay is the first electronic currency of the Republic of Belarus. This system became a pioneer in the implementation of electronic transfers using the Internet and SMS. It was born in 2004 thanks to the Belgazprombank open joint stock company and the Open Contact limited liability company. Attempts to create this payment system were made back in 2002 by the aforementioned bank. To start the full-fledged operation of the service, not only a technical base was required, but also a legislative one, with which at that time it was problematic in Belarus.

The decision in favor of electronic money was made only in 2003. The system uses the Belarusian ruble for the settlement unit. First of all, the Easypay system is most convenient for Belarusian citizens, but citizens of other countries can also acquire Easypay wallet. Initially, Easypay was supposed to become an alternative to WebMoney, the activity of which in those days on the territory of Belarus was not entirely legal. Today these are competing electronic money systems.

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Easypay e-wallet features

Money transfers from the Easypay e-wallet can be made via the Internet, or using mobile phone, by means of SMS messages.

You can top up your Easypay e-wallet account at the bank's cash desk, at the post office, through an ATM, or by exchanging alternative electronic money. The commission for transfers within the system itself is 2%, for withdrawals - 1.5% of the amount.

Monetary transactions that can be performed with zero commission:

  • Purchase of goods and services in various online stores in Belarus;
  • Replenishment of mobile accounts;
  • Payment, hosting, domain registration, Internet services;
  • Utility bills, television services;
  • Charitable contributions;
  • Purchase of tickets for cultural events.

Easypay wallet can be of 4 types:

"Simple" - provides for the ability to pay for goods and services. When receiving a wallet, it is not necessary to provide personal data.

"Simple +" - in addition to paying bills, it is possible to replenish your Easypay account using electronic money from other systems.

"Personal" - additionally has the ability to withdraw funds, as well as transfer them between system accounts. You must indicate your mobile phone number.

"Certified" - allows you to use all the features of the Easypay payment system. But an agreement must be signed.

Registration at Easypay

It is not at all difficult to register in Easypay system. To do this, on the service website, on the registration page (ssl.easypay.by/register/), you need to enter your personal data:

How to put money into Easypay wallet

The most convenient way to replenish an easypay wallet is for residents of Belarus. It remains only to choose the most suitable method for yourself with the lowest commission percentage:

Withdraw funds from Easypay

The service provides the following options for withdrawing money:

Easypay e-wallet security

Easypay system security has some very significant advantages over other systems. Moreover, the service has some unique ways to secure the cash flows of Easypay wallet holders. There are no analogues of such security measures in other electronic money systems. One of the methods used is “one-time check codes”. Their role
comes down, as it were, to an additional password for each operation. The purpose of these codes is to raise the level of security when financial transactions... Every time you use a password to log into the system, or conduct a transaction, the system additionally asks you to enter one of these codes. This method really increases the level of account security. Upon registration, the system issues a reusable IC code use, a kind of PIN. But if the user wants to use additional one-time codes, then for an additional fee he receives a card with such codes. You cannot reuse used code.