How to configure the computer to turn on when power is applied. Automatically turn on the computer when the power appears - do not let your computer be idle. Turning on the computer automatically

Today there is a sufficient amount of software with which we can control the automatic turning on of the computer on a schedule. But I want to note that the automatic turning on of the PC using programs is possible only when it is in "sleep" mode.

That is, the computer that is in "sleep mode", as it would be easier to say it, is already on. It just “wakes up” and doesn't turn on.

It turns out (I was ashamed not to know this :)), you can configure the automatic turning on of the computer on a schedule and even when it is FULLY OFF! Modern BIOSes that come with PC motherboards have settings for automatically turning on a turned off computer on schedule.

At the dawn of my acquaintance with computers (since 1995), one could only dream of such a BIOS setting. For what purposes you can use turning on the computer on the machine, you decide.

For example, from the most commonplace - using a PC as an alarm clock, turning on for distributing or downloading torrents while you are away, maintaining your computer, or even when you are at work or on a business trip, etc.

Note that the fourth computer I tested, bought 6 years ago, did not yet have this opportunity. Let's now go directly to the BIOS settings.

How to enter BIOS depends on your configuration motherboard, mainly by pressing the Delete or F2 key on the keyboard at the initial stage of the computer boot. You can see the hint on the necessary keys immediately when you turn on the PC.


BIOS American Megatrends Inc. P1.80, 05/20/2011... Go to the "Advanced" section and select "ACPI Configuration".

Turn on the “Restore on AC / Power Loss” setting in the “Power On” position.

We activate ("Enabled") the setting of auto-enable "RTC Alarm Power On".

We choose to turn on the computer every day ("Every Day") or on a certain date within the current month in the "RTC Alarm Date Every Day" settings. We configure the time to turn on the PC: "hour / minute / second" in "RTC Alarm Time".

After completing the settings, press the F10 key or the item "Save Changes and Exit" and "OK" to save the settings and restart the PC.

BIOS American Megatrends Inc. V4.3, 21.10.2009... We need the "Power Management Setup" section, go to it.

Turn on the “Restore On AC Power Loss” setting.

We activate "Resume By RTC Alarm".

We set the inclusion for every day or in a certain date months in the "Data" setting and hours / minutes / seconds in "HH: MM: SS".

We save the settings and exit the BIOS using F10.

BIOS American Megatrends Inc. 0401, 05.05.2010... In the "Power" section, go to "ARM Configuration".

We activate "Restore on AC Power Loss" to the "Power On" position.

We activate "Power On By RTC Alarm".

The settings for daily switching on at certain hours / minutes / seconds become available.

Or a specific date, hours / minutes / seconds.

If you no longer need to use scheduled automatic power on, simply disable ("Disabled") the "Power On By RTC Alarm" setting.

Unfortunately, these are all variants of BIOS versions on which I was able to test the function - automatically turning on the computer. If you have a different basic input / output system (BIOS), then you already know where to dig. And finally, I suggest watching a short video

Greetings, my dear readers.

I will tell you about one interesting feature: automatic power-on of the computer when power appears. Not many people know about it, this is understandable, in everyday life such a need rarely arises. For many of you, one press of a button is enough, and the power-on process will be launched. But what to do when the PC needs to be started without human intervention?

Mains voltage is a great excuse to work your computer

Knowledgeable experts will give you a lot of examples when such a need may arise:

  • The computer is the server;
  • It is necessary to provide round-the-clock access to information stored on it;
  • Permanently active software is used (video surveillance systems, timekeeping of employees);
  • PC works in remote access mode;

Simply put, that is what he and a computer is in order to perform the tasks assigned to him in automatic mode and without human intervention.

But, unfortunately, force majeure circumstances can intervene in the process in the form of an emergency shutdown of the power supply. The blackout period may last indefinitely, so the reserve as a unit uninterruptible power supply may not be enough.

Therefore, it would not be bad if the computer itself could turn on as soon as the operating voltage is applied to the power supply. Such a possibility, implemented at the software level, is available in modern PCs, and you can activate it by changing the settings Motherboard BIOS boards.

Since there are several types of BIOS, I will describe the algorithms for setting auto-power on for the most common of them. To begin with, let me remind you how to get into the BIOS settings menu: when you turn on the computer, press the Del, F2 keys (or others, which the system itself will tell you) several times.

Good old ADWARD-Phoenix BIOS

Let's start with ADWARD, which also has a second name (modification) Phoenix, but both of them mean one product created after the merger of development companies.

Let's start by looking for the "Power Management Setup" section, which stands for power management. Next, we find the sub-item "PWRON After PWR-Fail" and in the column opposite it change the setting by selecting "Power On" (or "Always On" depending on the BIOS version). This will be the function we need.

There is also the Former-Sts (Last State) option, in which the computer will be returned to the state before the emergency shutdown (its analog is present in other BIOS as well).

Real American System

Now let's move on to the BIOS of American Megatrends Incorporated, which is similar in many ways to ADWARD, but has some differences.

Moreover, the versions of the AMI system itself may differ from each other. But since we know exactly what we need to find, it will not be difficult to do this. And we are looking for the "Power On" (or simply "On") mode for the "Restore on AC Power Loss" setting.

And now, just depending on the release date of the BIOS AMI, you can find it in different sections:

  • In the main menu "Power Management Setup" (for V4.3);
  • The desired menu is "ARM Configuration" and is located in the "Power" tab (for version # 0401);
  • Select "ACPI Configuration" in the "Advanced" section (for P1.80 2011).

We work in comfortable UEFI

By the way, the last search route is also relevant for some UEFI BIOS, which is more modern, and more understandable for many (and in some versions it is generally Russified). But we are now interested in an incomprehensible English version.

So, having found yourself in such a BIOS, you need to activate the advanced mode: press the "Advanced Mode" key or, just F7 (Just in case, take a look carefully, and did the "System language" option appear to change the language to your native one).

  • Advanced tab;
  • Section "APM" (penultimate point, do not miss);
  • Bah, all familiar faces, our favorite (for today) item « Restore on AC Power Loss "!
  • Of course, we set the "Power On" setting for it;

So, in just a few clicks you can set the computer to turn on automatically when power appears. But in fact, you will have to make more clicks. Do not forget to save the changes made to the system (sometimes it is enough to press F10 in the BIOS for this).

If you come across BIOS versions that are not presented in this review, then I propose to study several names that mean the function of interest to us:

  • Power State Resume Control
  • State After Power Failure
  • PWRON After PWR-Fail
  • AC Power Loss Restart
  • AC Back Function
  • System After AC Back
  • After AC Power Lost
  • After Power Failure
  • Power failure
  • AC Loss Auto Restart
  • Power On After Power Fail
  • Restore on AC Power Loss
  • Power again
  • After AC Power Loss

Knowing them, you can easily find the settings you need.

Something else

If you show additional interest in the settings, you can note that by activating the "Restore on AC Power Loss" mode, you have the opportunity to set the days and times when your computer will turn on. But this option is rarely used.

This concludes my post on auto-activation. Hope I helped those who were looking for an answer to this question.

In addition, I hope that readers who know about this function for the first time will be able to use it to their advantage.

Good luck to everyone and see you soon on the pages of my blog.

Some users contact us with a problem that the computer turns on itself when power is applied. This is quite rare, but this problem cannot be ignored. Automatic switching on powering on the computer may have catastrophic consequences for the computer, such as burning the motherboard. There is also the possibility of losing valuable data on your hard drive. If you have such a problem, it is recommended to create backups data until you solve it.

How does it manifest this problem? When you plug your computer into a power outlet, the power supply and motherboard will turn on automatically, but the monitor won't light up until you press the power button on the case. Also during shutdown, you can see that the cooler and all hardware of the computer turns off, but the light on the motherboard is still on.

This problem must be resolved as soon as possible before serious damage is done to the computer hardware.

Reasons why the computer turns on itself when power is applied

  1. Defective unit nutrition. A faulty power supply could be the culprit for this problem. You can test the operation of your power supply with a paper clip.
  2. Settings problemBIOS. Check the BIOS settings on the motherboard and make sure that correct parameters start the computer. Next, we'll look at how to do this.
  3. Defective power button in the computer case. Shorting the wires to the power button in the computer case may cause the computer to turn on automatically when power is applied.

Note: If you hear beeps when turning on the computer, there is probably a problem with rAM or hard drive.


1. Test the power supply using a paper clip. The video below shows how to do this correctly.

2. Enter BIOS mode on your computer. Then open the tab “ Power", And in the parameter" AfterPowerFailure»Select« StayOff". After that, go to the " Exit", And select" ExitsavingChanges».

3. Check all wires near the power button inside the computer to make sure they are not short-circuited.

If the power supply, BIOS settings, and power button on the computer case are okay, then the problem is most likely in the motherboard. In this case, you must contact the service center.

We hope we helped you solve the problem when the computer turns on by itself when power is applied. Do not postpone solving this problem until later, otherwise more serious problems may arise, for example, the motherboard will burn out.

Recently, a computer was brought to me for diagnostics, which turns on itself when it is plugged into a power outlet. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon - from the simplest mistake in bIOS setup, to a hardware malfunction, sometimes leading to expensive repairs. First of all, in this case, you need to find out - after which the computer began to turn on on its own, without having to press the "Power" button. For example, in my case, after a lot of inquiries, I found out that the day before that the client's grandson was sitting at the PC and doing something “in the blue table”. That is, some BIOS parameters have been changed. The problem was resolved in a few minutes and the customer left happy.

Reason 1. Special function in BIOS

This is the main reason why the computer turns on by itself as soon as it is plugged into the power supply. It turns on and off in the motherboard, namely, in the "Power Configuration" or "Power Management" section. There should be a parameter called "After AC Power Lost".

Also, depending on the manufacturer of the board and bIOS version, the parameter can be named:

After AC Power Failure Restore on AC Power loss AC Power Loss Restart AC Loss Auto Restart AC PWR Loss Restart Power Again Power On After Power Fail Power Failure PWRON After PWR-Fail Power State Resume Control System After AC Back State After Power Failure

This parameter responds to the reaction of the computer when the power supply is connected to it and has several meanings:

Stay off (or simply Off) - the computer will remain off and will not react in any way;

Power On (or simply On) - the computer will automatically turn on when a voltage appears in electrical network;

Last State (or Previous State) Is the last state. If this option is selected, the behavior of the device when plugged into an outlet or when power is applied will depend on what state the computer was in at the time of the power outage. That is, if it was turned off, nothing will change, and if it was turned on, it will turn on again.

So in this way, if you do not want the PC to turn on when plugged into an outlet, set the value to "Stay Off".

Cause 2. Hardware failure

Unfortunately, in some cases, the autostart of the computer when the power appears indicates that the computer's hardware is out of order.

Broken power supply

Often on cheap Chinese power supplies there are so-called "breakdowns", in which the PC turns on from an electrical impulse on its own, without pressing the "Power" button. If you have such a power supply, then I strongly recommend replacing it before it is too late, otherwise the next stage may be a breakdown of the motherboard, and this is already a significant expense.

Damaged motherboard

This is the worst possible option and the most expensive. As a rule, spontaneous turning on of the computer (autostart) in this case means problems with the power supply. It can be found both on old motherboards due to swollen capacitors, and on new ones, due to factory defects.

P.S .: If in your house there are frequent surges and drops in the electrical network, then it is imperative to install a voltage stabilizer. Otherwise, even if you replace the components due to a malfunction, then after a short time the problem will repeat again and you will have to change the power supply or the motherboard again.

Friends, hello everyone! Today, purely by accident, I read one interesting computer setting, coupled with an uninterruptible power supply. If you remember, not so long ago we configured in the case when the UPS switched to battery power.

Now we will do exactly the opposite. We will customize automatically turn on the computer when power is applied. Moreover, in this case, it does not really matter which operating system installed on a machine (Windows 10 or 7), because nothing depends on it.

So, the first thing you should do is go to the system BIOS settings. How to enter it in detail. Further, depending on the manufacturer, the actions may be different, but the essence remains the same, so do not worry.

Specifically, in my case, you need to open the section " Power Management Setup " and in the line " PWRON After PWR-Fail " specify the value shown in the screenshot below:

Where "Power Off (Off)" - will leave the computer in a shutdown state when the mains voltage appears. "Former-Sts (Last State)" - will return the car to the state that was at the time of the network break. "Power On (Always On)" - always automatically starts the computer when the power supply is restored.

That's all, we have coped with the task. But let's dig a little deeper and further explore another interesting option called " Resume by Alarm " ... To activate it, set the switch to " Enable " :

This setting allows you to start the PC on a specific schedule, the so-called alarm clock. The trick is that in the graph " Date " you need to specify the day of the month, and in " Time " hours and minutes. The start will take place at the specified time. As you can see, everything is very simple.

Well, friends, the automatic turning on of the computer when power is applied has been studied in detail, and we can finish the article. Write your comments, ask questions, as they say, it will be more fun together. That's all for now and let's watch an interesting video.