How to get around the age limit. How to get around the age limit on YouTube. way - url editing

There are a few really working ways to learn how to get around the age restrictions on Youtube. You don't have to install any additional programs and extensions - all the methods described below work right in the browser.

1 way - change age in google account

The easiest and most universal way is to enter your date of birth in your Google account so that you are 18 or older. This can be done in the profile settings by clicking on this link:

If for some reason this method does not work (you don’t want to change your date of birth, there is no way to log into your account or there is no account at all, etc.), then there are several other methods, about them below.

Method 2 - url editing

then the video will open in full screen mode and you can watch it. The disadvantage of this method is that only the video will be loaded, no comments.

Method 3 - using the site

https: //\u003d6LZM3_wp2ps

In this case, you are redirected to the site, which will open a page with an embedded video and age restrictions will not apply.

Method 4 - embedding video on a third-party site

Another way is to embed a video on a site that has the ability to embed youtube videos. For example, VKontakte. It is enough to insert a link on your page, in a private message, a comment in a group, or as a new entry in your group, if there is one. Then wait for the contact to "pick up" the link and display the video:

Moreover, it is not necessary to send it, you can immediately watch it. Some videos may not work on third-party sites if the author has prohibited embedding videos. In this case, you will see the following text: "The author has forbidden to show (play) the video on third-party sites, to view the video, go to the Youtube site." In this case, the method is suitable.

Method 5 - using the site

Watching videos using This site is intended for downloading videos from youtube and many other sites, but the video on it can be viewed without downloading. To do this, just add before the link two letters ssso that it takes the following form:

The most reliable and secure methods are the first and second, since when using them, you do not need to go to third-party sites. The fourth method, when using which you need to insert a VKontakte link or in any other social network that supports video embedding, is also quite reliable. The rest of the methods are working and safe at the time of publication, but use them with caution - do not enter your passwords, do not click on dubious ads, do not install any updates when you go to these sites, etc. If in doubt, it is better to use another method ...

There are quite a few different videos on Youtube video hosting, but not everything is censored, so it is available only to those over 18 years old. Of course, this is absolutely correct, why should children injure their psyche by watching scenes of violence, cruelty, swear words, etc. But there are situations when you are an adult brutal man or pretty woman, you cannot watch the video, because to confirm your age you need to log into yuotobe using your account. Things can get complicated if you don't have one. But there is a way out of the situation, even several, about this in more detail in the article.

I posted a video on YouTube where I play GTA5 and marked it 18+ (\u003dUB9vlK0aZkw ). If you are not logged in with your account, when you start it, you will see a window with the error "This video may be inappropriate for some users. Please login to verify your age." There are several ways to get around it, more on that below. Naturally, these methods are suitable not only for my video, but also for any other in Yotube.

1 Way to watch videos without logging into youtube account.

Now open a blank browser page and copy the link there.

Now you can watch the video.

2 Way to bypass viewing 18+ videos on YouTube.

This method involves slightly changing the video URL. A standard YouTube URL looks like this:

Quite often, on YouTube video hosting, we come across videos that cannot be viewed in the usual way for the simple reason that the service limits their viewing by users by age group.

At the same time, the YouTube service itself strongly requires you to log in in order to confirm your age.

I believe that this limitation is correct and fully justifies itself. At least because of the fact that videos with adult content are usually hidden behind such prohibitions.

But what about those who want to watch the gameplay of a game ?! Here's how to quickly get around this ban and watch the video you want instantly. To view it, you just need to change part of the URL in the address bar of your internet browser.


By default, the video URL looks like this.

You have to replace the part:

Watch? V \u003d

to get the following URL.


This will give you full screen access to the video you want directly. That's all! You can also find a bunch of computer tips sorted by category in.

Today we will tell you how you can get around the restrictions and how you can watch restricted videos on the popular YouTube platform.

There are times when you want to watch videos on the well-known YouTube video site, but the channel owner has set a restriction on them. And if the age limits can still be bypassed by changing the age to a more suitable one, then watching videos with limited access by country or for a certain category of persons on YouTube is much more difficult.

You should immediately try the simplest workaround method (it may not work now, since YouTube is trying to remove all the shortcomings and "bugs"):

  • Go to the entry to which access is denied.
  • Click on the address link.
  • Highlight "watch? V \u003d" and remove it.
  • Write "v /" instead.
  • Click Enter.

Usually the restriction was removed by such a simple method. More on it later.

How to watch a video with limited access on YouTube - replace the desired link.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Go to the hosting site by writing "" in the address bar.
  • Enter the name of the required video. To do this, use the search box at the top of the page.
  • Click Enter.
  • In the address link, click on the link of the page with the video. It will be loaded and instead of loading the video, a restriction message will appear. It is important to log into your account.
  • Tap the video link.
  • Highlight "watch? V \u003d" in the address.
  • Replace it with "v /". For example, instead of "\u003dSLDvOfrKmNM" there should be "".
  • Use Enter. The video will be loaded and stretched the entire page completely, and the restriction will be removed.

Using this option, it is impossible to read the comments. The method does not work in all browsers, in order to achieve this goal, it is worth using Mozila Firefox or Google Chrome.

How to watch restricted videos on YouTube from your phone or PC using NSFW redirection.

If the first option doesn't help, it's worth trying the following:

  • Enter the title of the video and press Enter.
  • Click on the link. The video will reload and a warning message will appear. Log in to the web platform.
  • Tap an address to highlight it.
  • After "www." Enter "nsfw". Example: "\u003dQCQvOlqDmFM change to" https: //www.nsfwcom/watch? V \u003d QCQvOlqDmFM "
  • Enter. You will be redirected to a third-party service, thanks to which you can watch the video without logging in.

Do not forget to clear your browser cache or be in "Incognito" mode in a timely manner so that no one will accidentally find out that you are watching videos of closed content.

Unregistered users of the YouTube service quite often have to see the inscription: "This video may be unacceptable for some users" when playing a video. This means only one thing - the video contains 18+ material. To view it, you need to log in to the hosting and at the same time confirm your age. But what if you don’t want to do this, or you simply haven’t reached that age?

Of course, everyone can register their account, indicating their age, which exceeds 18 years. But more recently, Google's policy has tightened up. Now, persons under the age of 18 are prohibited from creating their own profile or changing the date without substantial confirmation - a passport photo or transfer of $ 0.30 to charity.

If you don't want to bother with all the registration manipulations that you need to go through in order to be able to view 18+ content, then there are two ways that help bypass these restrictions.

Method 1: Change the URL of the video

To start watching a video that is 18+, you can simply make adjustments to the video link. For an illustrative example, a link to the following video will be provided:\u003d6LZM3_wp2ps

If you now try to view the video to which she links, then you will be prohibited from doing this, provided that you are not logged in or your profile is less than 18 years old, showing an image as in the picture below.

But you just need to make small changes to the link to avoid this. Namely - remove "Watch?" and instead of the equal sign ( = ) put a slash ( / ). As a result, the link will look like this:

After that, the video will play without problems. This is because the changed URL refers to the video itself, and not to the page with it, thereby skipping the age check. This method will work with every YouTube video.

Method 2: Using the dedicated NSFWYouTube site

There is an opportunity to get to 18+ content on YouTube in another way - going beyond the service. There is a site called NSFWYouTube - it is, in fact, a complete analogue of its original source, with only a few differences. The design is quite different from the original, but it just does not have a ban on viewing videos containing 18+ material.

However, by going to this site, you will not be able to find what you want on it, since there is simply no video search here. It works a little differently. You need to add four characters to the beginning of the video link. Before the word Youtube enter "Nsfw" without quotes. You can see how it looks in the images below.

As a result, you will be directed to a site with the same video, but without age restrictions.


Previously, you could simply change your age in your Google profile, but today, after such manipulations, you will need to confirm your age, which not everyone will succeed due to various circumstances. But the above methods will help you avoid all the inconveniences you may face when playing videos with 18+ content.