How to disable the inclusion of programs at startup. Automatic launch of programs in Windows. Why you need to remove programs from autorun

Almost every program installed on a computer copies itself to startup, thereby degrading the computer's performance. You installed the program \u003d\u003e it created a rule for Windows to run this program every time the computer is turned on \u003d\u003e after which the computer turns on longer and if the program requires a lot of resources, it starts to slow down a little during operation, but what if there are a lot of such programs? If you do not control this process, over time, about twenty programs may appear at startup, and the computer will hardly boot in a few minutes, everything will slow down.

At the beginning of the article, we will consider how to disable unnecessary startup with built-in tools in Windows, and at the end - using the Ccleaner program.

How to remove unnecessary programs from startup:

1. If you have Windows Xp: go to "Start" \u003d\u003e "Run" \u003d\u003e write the word msconfig \u003d\u003e press the Enter key;

If you have Windows 7 or Vista (other Windows versions are below): in the search bar or in the execute menu (execute is called by the Win + r keys) write msconfig and press Enter

2. Open the "Startup" tab and uncheck all unnecessary items. For those who do not know what to leave: an antivirus is needed, ctfmon is needed (this is a language panel, it may not be in startup), also if you have a laptop, there may be programs for working with additional keys. In general, you can turn off everything except the antivirus, restart your computer, and if after restarting you do not have enough, go to this menu again and put a checkmark on the desired program. After unchecking the checkboxes - press "Apply" or "OK"

3. A window will appear prompting you to restart the computer: you can restart it immediately by clicking on "Restart", or restart later - by clicking on "Exit without restarting".

4. After restarting the computer, a dialog box will appear in which you need to check the box next to "do not show this warning again" and click "OK"

Disable autostart programs in Windows 8, 8.1, 10.

In these versions of Windows, startup control has been added to the task manager. To enter it - you need to press together the keys Ctrl + Shift + Esc (or right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager").

If you open the Task Manager for the first time, you will see only open applications, to go to the "Startup" tab - you must first click the left mouse button on "Details"

Go to the "Startup" tab, select the unnecessary one with the left mouse button and click "Disable". Also with other unnecessary programs, select them and click disable.

How to disable startup programs with CCleaner

Earlier I already wrote that the Ccleaner program is universal, it can clean your computer from unnecessary junk that accumulates while working on the Internet; from the trash that remains after installing and removing programs; clean the registry; remove unnecessary programs; manage startup; clean, etc. In general, you get the idea - the program is necessary 🙂. We also download Free, it will be enough to optimize the operation of the computer, we do not need paid versions.

After installing the program, run Ccleaner from the shortcut \u003d\u003e go to "Service" \u003d\u003e "Startup" \u003d\u003e select the unnecessary (by clicking on it with the left mouse button) and select "Disable". Also, on any unnecessary application in startup, you can right-click and select "Disable".

When you disconnect all unnecessary restart your computer. Please note that after the reboot, you can enable the same programs that you disabled (by going back to the autostart service - by right-clicking on the desired program and selecting "Enable"). In the same way in CCleaner you can remove unnecessary things from browser autoloading.

The paid version of the program costs about $ 25 and includes technical support, but you can do without it, there is a very clear interface, and with its help it is practically impossible to harm your computer. Therefore, use it, configure the autorun of your programs, remove unnecessary things and let your computer always make you happy with the speed of its work 🙂

Disabling everything unnecessary from startup does not guarantee that your computer will fly. There are many other reasons why it can slow down. If you have removed all unnecessary, and it continues to slow down, I recommend: check it for: check if there is a place on the system drive C, if it is not there try it or; check the disk for; if the problem of slowing down the computer still remains - write a detailed comment and I will try to help you find a solution. That's all for today. Good luck to you!

A number of other programs and services have this capability. This helps to optimize work with important applications, such as those that must be constantly active.

Sometimes an excessive number of self-launching programs becomes a consequence long operating time .

This happens because some applications add themselves to the startup list without the user's knowledge.

In this case, you should completely turn off the unnecessary function. Let's consider several ways to remove programs from autorun.

System startup folder

Almost any executable file can be added to autorun. The easiest way is to move it (or a shortcut) to the system startup folder.

AT Windows 7 it can be found in the Start menu after clicking the All Programs button. Towards the end of the list there will be a folder called "Startup". Removing from it means canceling autorun.

This is the easiest way to disable autorun, but not the most efficient one. Many applications duplicate this function in other system sections.

If there is a mark about autorun in another system partition, simply removing the program from the autorun folder will not help.

In addition, removing applications from autorun via the Start menu is applicable only to a specific active user.

Editing common for all users can be done in the system folder Programm Data, which is on drive C.

Having opened it, you will need to follow this path: Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup.

Using System Configuration

A more reliable way to remove or add programs to autorun is to configure OS settings.

Its use is more likely to help disable the autorun of certain programs. Now, in more detail about how to call the system configuration window, and change the startup parameters:

Important! This section may contain important system programs, without which the functioning of the computer will be unstable. Therefore, you need to carefully look at which services are enabled and which are disabled. If you are not completely sure about the functions of a particular service, it is better not to touch it.

In most cases, this is enough to get rid of the unwanted program from startup.

But the most cunning programs duplicate their location stamps in the system registry. Further, everything is a little more detailed.

Cleaning the system registry

The system registry is an important part of the OS. You need to be very careful when deleting files there, one small file deleted can lead to disastrous consequences.

Therefore, you need to try to follow the instructions below as closely as possible:

Autostart in Windows 7 allows numerous applications to load along with the operating system itself in the background. On the one hand, it is a useful tool when it comes to protecting the system in an automatic mode, for example, autorun antivirus software. On the other hand, many installed applications add themselves to startup without the user's knowledge, thereby wasting the computer's hardware resources and slowing it down. About where autorun is located in Windows 7, what should be in it, what can be disabled and how to manually add the required program or file - below.

How to open and configure startup in Windows 7

So where do you see which programs are on the Windows 7 startup list? To do this, you need to enter the "System settings" section, to open which there is a specific command. Press the key combination Win + R and enter the command "msconfig" in the command entry field.

Then go to the "Startup" tab of the same name. It is here that the entire list of applications that are launched along with the operating system is displayed. Before turning off the startup of programs, make sure whether it is worth doing for this or that application.

After the autostart setting is done, restart the computer for the performed actions to take effect.

Where is the Startup folder?

So, with the help of the "msconfig" command, it turned out to go into startup and change the launch conditions for some applications. But how to add a file or program to startup if this function is not in their own settings? For example, it is necessary that when Windows starts, it automatically boots, some text file or something else. To do this, it must be placed in the autorun folder. But where is it located in Windows 7 and how do you find it? There are no difficulties here either. Go to the Start menu and open the All Programs section. Next, we find the folder "Startup". Unfortunately, you won't be able to open it in this way, you can only get acquainted with what it contains and, if desired, clean its contents.

To get into the directory of its location in Windows 7 and enter it, you need to find out the path to it. To do this, by right-clicking on it, call the context menu, where the "Properties" item will be available. Open it and in the "Location" column copy the path to the clipboard.

As a rule, it looks like - C: \\ Users \\ Computer name \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs.

Then open "My Computer" and paste the copied path into the address bar, as shown in the screenshot below and press "Enter".

We get acquainted with its contents and, if necessary, make our own adjustments - we delete or add new applications or files.

note: in our case, the "Startup" folder contains only one program, in contrast to the above described method via the "msconfig" command. At the same time, it is worth noting that the folder contains not an executable file, but an application shortcut.

Based on this, if you need to disable any application that is not displayed in the folder, but actually loaded with Windows 7, then use the above command "msconfig" or alternative software described below. In addition, to automatically download any other application or file not included in the autorun list, just place their shortcuts in this folder.

Configuring startup using alternative software

In order to remove the startup of programs that unnecessarily consume computer resources, you can use third-party software, of which there are plenty today. One such application that provides this functionality is the Uninstall Tool. Its main task is to completely remove applications from the computer with cleaning the registry, but with its help you can also check, clean or enable autorun for applications loaded with the operating system.

Launch the program and go to the "Autostart" tab. Here is a complete list of software that can be enabled or removed from Windows Startup.

In addition, the Uninstall Tool can boast that it can be used to put any program in Windows 7 startup that does not have such a function in its settings. To do this, click on the "Add a new program" button located in the lower left corner, and select the executable file with the ".exe" extension of the required application.

note: unfortunately, with the help of the program, it is not possible to put individual files (text, graphic, etc.) into startup, as it is done by the manual method described above.

After the performed actions, we restart the computer so that the settings made take effect.

Each of us, when working at a personal computer, uses a certain set of commands. If this is your workplace, then it takes a long time to download all the necessary software. You go to the computer, turn on the power of the system unit, after loading the operating system, you start launching many shortcuts, wasting your time on this, although you could do something more useful. To make life easier in such a situation, autorun programs can come to the rescue when the computer is turned on.

What is autostart and why is it needed?

So, autorun. As the name implies, these are programs that run without your command when the operating system starts. But don't confuse them with viruses. Yes, some malicious software is capable of registering itself in autorun, but this is not at all about it. Some programs, such as Skype, are registered in autorun and it is quite problematic to remove them from there, but you can turn it off. Some programs do not write to autorun, however, they continue to pester users, appearing on the monitor when the personal computer boots, but this scourge can be dealt with.

General ways

If you are tired of turning on your computer, there are several ways to remove annoying applications. Let's first look at some of the options found in most pre-Windows 8 operating systems. These include Windows XP and Windows 7 startup programs.

The first method is best if you want to add a program to autorun, because if you need to remove it from there, it will be easier to do. The second point answers the question: from autorun.

Windows 8: autorun features

Since our beloved developers have managed to change everything here, the autorun of Windows 8 programs is also different from all previous versions of operating systems.

In addition to the above methods, the new operating system provides the user with the ability to control autorun through On the one hand, it is much more convenient, because it has become much easier to get to this utility. On the other hand, now it is available even to the most uneducated users who are capable of ruining something.

As you can see, Windows 8 startup programs are quite easy to manage. To disable or enable any program, just click the corresponding button.

CCleaner is a useful program

If you do not want to rummage through the "insides" of your machine to configure the startup of programs when you turn on your computer, you can use special applications. The CCleaner utility is rightfully the leader among the programs serving operating systems. Version 5.02 is currently available. With it, you can also program when you turn on your computer. To do this, after starting the application, go to the "Service" tab, and there - to the "Autostart" sub-item. A whole will appear in front of you in which you can configure autorun not only when the operating system boots, but also when launching individual applications (for example, specific browsers).

There are times when you need to remove some programs from autorun in the Windows 7 operating system. This is done in order to significantly reduce the consumption of system resources and increase the performance of the computer, while reducing the startup time of the operating system.

Few people know that some programs are set to start automatically after installation by default. Therefore, they must be turned off those that are not needed. But it is worth doing this with special attention, since the autorun contains utility programs, without which the system cannot work.

Disable autorun through "Start"

Experienced users could familiarize themselves with it on their own without outside help, and novice users need to go to the Start menu, then select the All Programs item and go to the Startup folder. All utilities that are in this section are launched when the operating system boots. To prevent this from happening, you should uninstall not very important applications.

Using the MSConfig program

This application does not need to be installed as it is already installed in the operating system, so you need to start and use it. To do this, go to "Start", select "Run" and register msconfig. After that, you need to click on the shortcut to start the program. Alternatively, you can use the Win + R key combination, enter msconfig and click OK.

Then in the program you need to find the "Startup" section. To disable programs that should not be launched at Windows startup, you must uncheck the corresponding boxes. It is better not to touch unknown utilities. Then you need to click OK, after which you should restart your computer.

It is quite convenient to use this program, but it is not very functional, since it is not able to disable all applications from automatic launch.

Disable autostart via registry

The first step is to start the registry. To do this, you need to press Win + R and register regedit in the pop-up window. After these actions, a window will appear with a large number of folders with unknown names. To find the folder with startup programs, you must follow this path: Computer \\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

The destination folder contains utilities that are loaded simultaneously with the operating system. Those applications that should not do this must be removed by right-clicking and selecting the appropriate item.

How do I disable autoplay using apps?

To do this, you need to use the free Autoruns utility. At the same time, the program has a wide range of functions and is able to disable all applications that are launched automatically when the operating system starts in a few clicks.

The official website of the developer contains the English version of the program, but it is not so difficult to deal with it. You need to download the archive and unpack it. Find the autoruns.exe file in the folder and run it. After that, the installer will ask you to confirm the license, which must be done.

After installation, you need to go to the Everything tab, which contains a list with all applications that are loaded automatically.
To disable unnecessary utilities, you must uncheck the boxes opposite them. There is a line under each program where you can see its description and location in the system. The Logon section contains programs that have been removed by other means.

When disabling any applications, you need to know their purpose so as not to cause more damage to your computer.