How to open the element code in the browser. How can I view the source code of a page in Google Chrome? Item "View item code" does not work

The SendPulse service is a marketing tool for creating a subscription base and converting casual visitors to your site into regular ones. SendPulse brings together the most important functions for attracting and retaining customers on one platform:
● e-mail newsletters,
● web-push,
● SMS mailing,
● messaging in Viber,
● sending messages to facebook messenger.

Newsletter email

You can use various tariffs for conducting e-mail newsletters, including free ones. The free tariff has limitations: the subscription base is not more than 2500.
The first thing to start with, when working with the e-mail mailing service ok, is to create your own address book... Set a title and upload a list of e-mail addresses.

SendPulse makes it easy to create subscription forms as a pop-up window, inline forms, floating and fixed in a certain part of the screen. With the help of subscription forms, you will build a subscriber base from scratch or add new addresses to your base.
In the form designer, you can create exactly the subscription form that most fully meets your needs, and the service tips will help you cope with this task. It is also possible to use one of the available ready-made forms.

When creating subscription forms, it is mandatory to use e-mail with a corporate domain. Read how.
Message templates will help you design your letters to subscribers beautifully. You can create your own letter template in a special constructor.

Autoreports... Content managers actively use automatic mailing. This helps automate the customer service process. There are several ways to create an auto-feed:
Consecutive series of letters... This is the simplest option, when, regardless of the conditions, several letters are written, which will be sent to recipients in a certain order. There may be your own options - message series (simple message thread), special date (letters are timed to specific dates), trigger letter - the letter is sent depending on the actions of the subscriber (opening a message, etc.).
Automation360 - mailing with certain filters and conditions, as well as taking into account conversions.
Ready chains by template. You can create a series of letters according to a given template or modify the template and adjust it to suit your needs.
A / B testing will help you experiment with different options for sending a series of letters and determine the best option for openings or clicks.

Sending Push Notifications

Push-mailings are a subscription in a browser window, it is a kind of replacement for rss-subscriptions. Web-push technologies have rapidly entered our lives, and it is already difficult to find a site that does not use push-mailing to attract and retain customers. The request script for, you can send letters either manually or create auto-mails by creating a series of letters or collecting data from RSS. The second option implies that after a new article appears on your site, a notification will be automatically sent to your subscribers with a short announcement.

New from SendPulse - you can now monetize your site with push notifications by embedding advertisements in them. Upon reaching $ 10, payments are made every Monday to one of the payment systems - Visa / mastercard, PayPal or Webmoney.
Push messages on the service are absolutely free. Payment is taken only for White Label - mailings without mentioning the SendPulse service, but if the service logo doesn't bother you, then you can use push notifications for free without restrictions.


SMTP function protects your mailings from being blacklisted by using white IP addresses. DKIM and SPF cryptographic signature technologies, which are used in SendPulse mailings, increase the credibility of sent emails, making your emails less likely to end up in spam or blacklisted.

Facebook Messenger Bots

Facebook chatbot is in beta testing. You can connect it to your page and send messages to subscribers.

Sending SMS

The SendPulse service makes it easy to send mailings based on phone numbers. First you need to create an address book with a list of phone numbers. To do this, select the "Address Book" section, create a new address book, upload phone numbers. Now you can create an SMS mailing list for this database. The price of SMS messaging varies depending on the recipient's telecom operators and is on average from 1.26 rubles to 2.55 rubles for 1 SMS sent.

affiliate program

SendPulse implements an affiliate program, within which a registered user using your link who paid for the tariff will bring you 4000 rubles. The invited user receives a discount of 4000 rubles for the first 5 months of using the service.

Possibility to look into the initial the code web pages , received by the browser as a result of a request to the server, is actually in every Internet browser. Access to the corresponding command is organized in approximately the same way, but there are significant differences in what method and in what form you will be presented with the initial the code .


1. In the Mozilla FireFox browser, open the "View" section in the menu and click the "Initial the code pages ". The same item is also in the context menu that appears when you right-click the text pages ... It is also allowed to use the CTRL + U key combination. Mozilla FireFox does not use external programs - initial the code pages with syntax highlighting will open in a separate browser window.

2. In Internet Explorer, click the File section of the menu and select Edit in Notepad. Instead of the name Notepad, another program can be written that you have assigned in the browser settings to view the initial the code and. On click pages right-clicking the context menu, which also has an item that allows you to open the initial the code pages in an external program - "View HTML- the code and".

3. In the Opera browser, open the menu, go to the "Page" section and you will have a chance to prefer the item "Initial the code "Or the item" Initial the code frame ". This selection is assigned the hot keys CTRL + U and CTRL + SHIFT + U, respectively. In the context menu attached to a click pages right-click, there is also the item "Initial the code ". Opera opens source pages in an external program that is assigned in the OS or in the browser settings for editing HTML files.

4. The Google Chrome browser has, without a doubt, the best browsing organization of the initial the code and. By right-clicking a page, you may prefer the View the code and pages "And then the source with syntax highlighting will be opened in a separate tab. Or you can prefer the line “View the code a element "and the browser in the same tab will open two additional frames in which you can inspect HTML and CSS the code any element pages ... The browser will react to moving the cursor along the lines the code a, highlighting elements on the page that correspond to this section of HTML- the code and.

5. In the Apple Safari browser, expand the "View" section and select the line "HTML View- the code and". In the menu that appears when you right-click an open pages , the corresponding item is named "View source". Hot CTRL + ALT + U is assigned to this action. the code opens in a separate browser window.

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

The source code of a site is a collection of HTML markup, CSS styles, and JavaScript that the browser receives from the web server.

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It can be compared to a set of commands given to soldiers by the commander. Imagine that the audience cannot see or hear the boss. From their point of view, the military independently performs actions. In our case, the commander is the browser, the commands are the source code, and the marching soldiers are the end result.

The site is stored on a web server that sends the page at the request of the user. A request is typing a URL in an address bar, clicking a link, or clicking a submit button on a form. It doesn't matter what language the web pages are written in, whether they include code. The end result of any server-side algorithm is a set of html tags and text.
The source code for a page is a dataset that includes:

  • html markup;
  • style sheet or file link;
  • programs written in JavaScript or links to files with code.

These three sections are handled by the browser. For the server, this is simply text that needs to be sent in response to a request.

Why we might need to study the source code

Everything that we see, we can analyze and apply to solve certain problems that arise in the course of working with the site, especially when optimizing it. By looking at the source code, we can:

  • See the meta tags of your own or someone else's site to analyze them.
  • See the presence or absence of some elements on the site: counters, identification codes in various systems, certain scripts, and more.
  • Find out the parameters of the elements: sizes, colors, fonts.
  • Find the path to photos and other items on the page.
  • Explore links from the page.
  • Find problems with the code that interfere with the process of website optimization: styles, scripts, invalid code not included in separate files.

These are basic features, but in fact, knowing how to read the code can help you learn a lot more about the page.

How to view the source code of the site

Completely in the form in which it is posted on the server, this cannot be done from the browser. But you can see all the markup by right-clicking on the page. Hereinafter, using the example of Google Chrome.

We select the option "View page code" and get the full listing in a separate tab.

It's just text that will have to be parsed to understand. But you can get interactive code using developer tools.

How to find the source code of a site page

Click on the menu icon in the browser. Most often it is located on the right and looks like three dots or stripes.

In the additional tools section, select "Developer Tools".

A window will open displaying the active state of the code. This means that when you click on the markup, the element style will be displayed next to it, and the selected blocks will be highlighted on the page.

In the "Source" tab you can view the contents of some files: scripts, fonts, images.

Checking the site certificate is available in the "Security" tab.

The "Audits" tab will help to check the resource posted on the hosting.

If the location of the panel to the right is inconvenient, you can click three dots and change it by selecting the desired item.

How to view meta tags

Every html document includes structure tags. Here are some of them:

  1. Html - whole document.
  2. Head - section of service headers.
  3. Title - page title (displayed on the tab).
  4. Body - the body of the document.
  5. H1-H6 - headers of the page text.
  6. Article - article.
  7. Section - section.
  8. Menu - menu.
  9. Div - block.
  10. Span is a string.
  11. P - paragraph.
  12. Table - a table.

Elements are intended for logical delimitation of sections on the page, if necessary, they are styled. They contain text that is somehow visible on the page. But the Head tag contains service information. Meta tags are used to indicate it. Everything that is written in them is intended for the server and search engines.

Their contents cannot be recognized in any other way.

Let's pay attention to the Link tag. It provides links to external include files. If desired, you can see the contents and save to disk. To do this, hover the pointer over the address and press RMB. Select "Open in new Tab".

The specified file will open in a new tab and can be viewed or saved.

How to view the source code of a page for debugging a script

In this case, it is most convenient to open the page on the local machine. If you only need to fix the markup, styles and scripts, then you can do it right from the folder. The html code is viewed in the same way. But JavaScript code errors can be seen in the "Console" tab. It shows a description of the error and the line number in which it occurred.

The syntactic can be seen directly in the code. The "Source" tab is intended for this.

How to view the code of a specific item

For large pages with a lot of elements, it's hard to find the code you want in all the markup. In this case, use the special command of the context menu. Hover the mouse over the fragment and press RMB. Let's select the "View Code" command.

The same window will open, but with focus on the selected object.


We told you what the page source code is. It is enough to master basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, and using convenient developer tools, you will be able to debug your own html documents.

Viewing resource code on the Internet will allow you to learn not only from your own experience, but also use real working examples. And for seo-specialists, meta tags will be useful, the information in which can say a lot about the site.

08/11/17 3.3K

All browsers allow you to view the HTML source of any web page. This article provides information on how to open the source of a page in the most popular browsers:

Introductory information

When viewing the source code of a web page, it is important to remember that information and code not processed by the server will not be displayed. For example, almost all search engines process information on a server and then display the results on a web page.

This rule applies to all server-side scripts, SSI, and code. Consequently, search engines, forums, polls, chat rooms do not display their code. Copying information from the source code can lead to serious errors or send it back to the page.

Microsoft Edge users

To view the source code for a webpage in Microsoft Edge, follow the instructions below.
  1. Open Microsoft Edge and go to the webpage;
  2. Click the icon " More»In the upper right corner of the screen;
  3. Select F12 Developer Tools ( Developer tools) from the drop-down menu that appears.

Tip: In Microsoft Edge, the DOM tool gives you the ability to interact with your source code and CSS settings, allowing you to instantly see how changes to your code affect a web page.

Microsoft Internet Explorer users

How to open the source code of a page in Microsoft Internet Explorer:
  1. Open Internet Explorer and go to a web page;
  2. Select View and Source from the drop-down menu that appears.

Tip: In recent versions of Internet Explorer, pressing the F12 key invokes the DOM tool. It allows you to instantly see how changes in your code affect a web page.

Mozilla Firefox and Netscape users

To view the source code of a web page in Mozilla Firefox, follow the instructions below.
  1. Open Mozilla Firefox and go to the web page;
  2. Press Alt to bring up the browser menu bar;
  3. Select Tools, Web developer, and then Page Source ( Page source code).

Tip: In recent browser versions, pressing the F12 key or Ctrl + Shift + I brings up the interactive developer tool. This must be taken into account before opening the source code of the Firefox page.

How to view the source section of a page

  1. Highlight a portion of the web page to view the source code;
  2. Right-click on the highlighted portion of the web page and then click View Selection Source ( Show selection source code).

Tip: Use the Firebug add-on to not only see the source of the page, but also make the necessary changes. And also see them in the browser at the same moment.

Google Chrome users

To view the source code of a web page in Google Chrome, follow the instructions below.
  1. Open Google Chrome;
  2. Click on the Customize and control icon ( Customization and management) Google Chrome, located in the upper right part of the browser window;
  3. In the dropdown menu that appears, select Additional Tools, Developer Tools (Developer tools).

Tip: In recent versions of Google Chrome, pressing F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I also brings up the interactive developer tool.

Apple Safari users

  1. Open Safari and go to the selected web page;
  2. Select the Develop menu;
  3. Select the Show page source option ( Show page source code).

Opera users

How to open the source code of a page in Opera:
  1. Open Opera and go to the web page;
  2. Click the "Menu" button in the corner of the browser window;
  3. In the developer submenu, select View page source ( View source).

Tip: If you don't see the Developer (or Development) submenu ( Developer), select More tools ( Other tools); Show developer menu ( Show developer menu). Then click on the menu button again. You will now see the Developer submenu ( Developer).

If you open any web page, it will contain typical elements that do not change from the type and focus of the site. Example 4.1 shows the code for a simple document that contains basic tags.

Example 4.1. Source code of the web page

Sample web page


First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

Copy the contents of this example and save it in the c: \\ www \\ folder as example41.html. After that, launch the browser and open the file through the menu item File\u003e Open File (Ctrl + O)... In the Select Document dialog box, specify the file example41.html. The web page shown in Fig. 4.1.

Figure: 4.1. Example execution result

Element is intended to indicate the type of the current document - DTD (document type definition, document type description). This is necessary for the browser to understand how to interpret the current web page, because HTML exists in several versions, and there is also XHTML (EXtensible HyperText Markup Language), which is similar to HTML, but differs in syntax. So that the browser does not "get confused" and understands according to which standard to display the web page and it is necessary in the first line of code to set .

There are several types , they differ depending on the version of HTML they are targeting. Table 4.1. lists the main types of documents with their description.

Tab. 4.1. Valid DTDs
DOCTYPE Description
HTML 4.01
Strict HTML syntax.
Transitional HTML syntax.
Frames are used in the HTML document.
This version of HTML has only one doctype.
Strong XHTML syntax.
Transitional XHTML syntax.
The document is written in XHTML and contains frames.
The developers of XHTML 1.1 expect it to gradually replace HTML. As you can see, this definition has no division into types, since the syntax is the same and obeys clear rules.

The difference between strict and transient document descriptions is the different approach to writing document code. Strict HTML requires strict adherence to the HTML specification and is unforgiving. Transitional HTML is more relaxed about some flaws in the code, so this type is preferable in certain cases.

For example, in strict HTML and XHTML, the tag it can be omitted or omitted in transitional HTML. At the same time, remember that the browser will display the document in any case, regardless of whether it matches the syntax or not. Such verification is carried out using a validator and is intended primarily for developers to track errors in the document.</p> <p>In what follows, we will mainly apply the strict<!DOCTYPE> , unless otherwise specified. This will allow us to avoid common mistakes and teach us to write syntactically correct code.</p> <p>You can often find HTML code without using<!DOCTYPE> , the web page will still be shown in such a case. However, it can happen that the same document is displayed differently in the browser when using<!DOCTYPE> and without it. In addition, browsers can display such documents in their own way; as a result, the page "crumbles", i.e. will be displayed in a completely different way than the developer needs. To avoid situations like this, always add<!DOCTYPE> to the beginning of the document.</p><p>Tag <html> defines the beginning of the HTML file, inside it is the header ( <head> ) and document body ( <body> ).</p><p>Document title, as the block is also called <head> , can contain text and tags, but the content of this section is not shown directly on the page, except for the container <title> .</p><p> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </p><p>Tag <meta> is universal and adds a whole class of capabilities, in particular, using meta tags, as this tag is generically called, you can change the page encoding, add keywords, document description and much more. So that the browser understands that it is dealing with the UTF-8 encoding (Unicode transformation format, Unicode transformation format), this string is added.</p><p> <title>Sample web page

Tag defines the title of the web page, this is one of the important elements designed to solve many problems. In the Windows operating system, the title text is displayed in the upper left corner of the browser window (Figure 4.2).</p> <p><img src='' height="37" width="194" loading=lazy></p> <p>Figure: 4.2. Browser header view</p> <p>Tag <title> is required and must be present in the document code.</p><p>Be sure to add a closing tag</head> to indicate that the document's title block is complete.</p><p>Document body <body> designed to accommodate tags and content of the web page.</p><p> <h1>Title</h1> </p><p>HTML offers six different levels of text headings that show the relative importance of the section after the heading. So, the tag <h1> represents the most important first level heading, and the tag <h6> serves to indicate a level six heading and is least significant. By default, the first level heading is displayed in the largest bold type, the headings of the next level are smaller in size. Tags <h1>...<h6> refer to block elements, they always start on a new line, and after them other elements are displayed on the next line. In addition, white space is added before and after the title.</p><p> <!-- Комментарий --> </p><p>Some text can be hidden from display in the browser by making it a comment. Although the user will not see such text, it will still be transmitted in the document, so by looking at the source code, you can find hidden notes.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy>");</script> <div class="rate-article"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <div class="ya-share2" data-services="vkontakte,facebook,odnoklassniki,moimir"></div> <div class="print-lock"> <a href=";"> Type</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='yarpp-related'> <h3>Related entries:</h3> <div class="yarpp-thumbnails-horizontal"> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='' 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