How to make a new tab. How do I create a new tab? How to use it? How to make tabs in Yandex

Browser Google chrome - one of the most popular web browsers in the world and in the CIS in particular. With it, you can simultaneously view multiple web pages, create bookmarks, open tabs, and more.

With the help of tabs, you view at the same time as many pages as you like. In this case, the pages do not "stick" to each other and are not lost anywhere. If necessary, you can switch between them to view another page. Working with tabs is one of the basics of interacting with Google Chrome. Let's take a look at how new tabs are created in this browser.

How to create a new tab in Google Chrome

It is very simple procedure, but despite this, there are several ways to create the required number of tabs in Google Chrome. Some of them will be of interest even to those who already know how to create tabs in this web browser.

Let's move on to consideration.

Option 1: Shortcut Keys

For the convenience of users, the creators of most web browsers (Google Chrome is no exception) have provided for the use of hot keys or a combination of them. They can usually act the same not only in the Google Chrome interface, but also in other web browsers.

To create a new tab in Google Chrome using hotkey combinations, you need to open the browser itself, then use the Ctrl + T shortcut on any tab (English layout). After that, a new tab will be automatically created and you will move to it.

Option 2: Via the tab bar

By default, tabs in Google Chrome are displayed in the top bar, which is horizontal. Plus, every tab is signed. Empty ones are usually referred to as "New Tab".

You can interact with this panel. Just click on it right click mouse in and out context menu select "New Tab". After that, the tab will be created automatically, and you will be transferred to it.

Option 3: Main browser menu

Through it, you can also perform basic manipulations. Just click on the three dots or three stripes icon (depending on the version of your Google Chrome) located in the upper right part of the screen. From this menu, simply select "New Tab".

Option 4: Standard addition

In most cases, users use this option. You just need to click on the special icon, which is located opposite the schematic image open tab... This icon is marked in the screenshot. She is responsible for opening a new tab.

As you can see, add new tab to view the web page in google browser Chrome is very simple. However, you shouldn't add too many of them, as the browser will start to "eat" more random access memory computer, which will not in the best way affect the performance of the system.

For most of us, the browser is the most popular and most frequently launched program on the computer. We use it to listen to music, watch movies, check mail, and so on. And although browsers are updated almost every week, they have enough problems. One of them is not the most comfortable work with a lot of tabs.

In fact, working with tabs is like that joke about cats. Don't like cats? You just don't know how to cook them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and use the appropriate browser functions for this. And you will not be able to understand how you lived before.

Keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)

Hotkeys are a very convenient way to manage tabs. Especially when the tabs get so tiny that it's even awkward to click on them.

  • Ctrl + Tab- switching between tabs to the right.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- switching between tabs to the left.
  • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- close the active tab.

These are just a few combinations that will allow you to quickly switch between tabs. Keyboard shortcuts exist. And some of them might force you to use your keyboard instead of your mouse to control your tabs.

Remembering open tabs

When you constantly switch between your browser and another program, chances are that you can accidentally close the browser, and then you have to reopen everything. And it is good if you remember what you had revealed. All this headache can be saved by the function of the browser, which allows you to remember which tabs were open before closing it.

Turn on this feature and thereby free yourself from unnecessary work in the future:

  • Google Chrome: Settings → Start group → Continue from the same place.
  • Firefox: Preferences -\u003e General -\u003e When Firefox starts -\u003e Show windows and tabs opened last time.
  • Apple Safari: Preferences → General → Safari opens at startup → All windows from last session.

Adding tabs to favorites

Another quick way save open tabs to work with later is to add them to a separate folder in bookmarks. To do this, right-click on a tab and select "Add tabs to favorites". The item name may differ in different browsersbut it is easy to understand that this is exactly the item you need. As a result, a folder with the site addresses you need will appear in your bookmarks. Next, right-click on this folder, select "Open all bookmarks" - all the tabs are in front of us again.

Sorting tabs by individual browser windows

Who said that all tabs should be in the same browser window? You can sort your tabs into different windows. For example, you can move all tabs that relate to one project to one browser window, and everything related to entertainment to another, and so on. Just drag a tab to an empty spot on your desktop and a new window will open. Another way is to right-click on a link or bookmark and select "Open in new window" from the list.

Selecting multiple tabs at once

You can perform various actions not with one tab, but with several at once. But for this, you first need to select these same tabs. Hold down the Ctrl key (or Cmd on a Mac) and select the tabs you currently need. That's it, now you can close them, reload them, add them to bookmarks, and so on.

Pinning tabs

AT modern browsers from good developers there is a great "Pin Tab" feature. This is very convenient if you keep a particular tab open at all times. For example, it could be a tab with Gmail or a music service. Once you pin a tab, it will be harder to close and take up less space on the tab bar. Just right-click on the tab and select the desired item from the list.

Restoring a closed tab

Sometimes it happens that you accidentally close a tab that you didn't want to close at all. The hand twitched or changed its mind at the moment of closing - anything can happen. To reopen this tab, you can, of course, go to your browser history and find this site. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T (or Cmd + Shift + T on Mac in Chrome and Firefox and Cmd + Z in Safari) to bring this tab back. Also right clicking on any tab in your browser can help you.

Tab groups in Firefox

Almost five years ago, developers added to firefox browser very cool feature called "Tab Groups" or "Panorama". She practically does the trick described above. It's about using different browser windows for tabs. Only here all this is done more beautifully, and you do not need to produce many windows. A couple of clicks, and you have already switched to work with another project, or, conversely, have fun after work. To launch tab groups, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + E or Cmd + Shift + E on Mac.

Hopefully your work with a lot of browser tabs now becomes a little easier.

Today we will create three tabs (tabs), switching between which, one by one, the contents of all tabs will be hidden or shown again.

When is it advisable to place content on the site in tabs?

The first reason is to save space on the page. The second reason is when the content of the site is heterogeneous. In most cases, both reasons lead us to use tabs on the site.

I know that novice web developers "shy away" from the native way (using Js) make similar tabs. Preferring not to delve into technical details, they grab onto the finished plugin on jQuery (see the lesson on Easytabs) or take the finished component on Bootstrap.

However, this lesson is dedicated to those daredevils who do not hide their heads in the sand, but want to understand the mechanism of switching between tabs. Especially, the lesson will be useful for students JavaScript... Taking this opportunity, I can not advise.

Show tabs

HTML code of the tab

Inside div container with class tab, create 3 link buttons (city names) with the class tablinks, in advance we will hang events on the click on the buttons and give the name of the function openCity... When you click on the button, this function will be executed, the first argument of the event will be - event.


Moscow is the capital of Russia.


Berlin is the capital of Germany.


Beijing is the capital of China.

Many novice users are wondering how to make a tab in Google Chrome and how to customize it. Still would! After all, this is one of the most frequently performed actions in the browser when surfing the web. This guide teaches you how to create new tabs in Google Chrome different waysand also tells you about their settings.

How do I open a new tab?

Click the mini-bar to the right of the open tab. Or press the key combination "Ctrl + T".

If you decide to remove the created tab, click on the "cross" icon in its field or press "Ctrl + W".

In this case, another page will appear, and the current one will not be closed.

Sometimes you need to make tabs with a Google service. This problem is solved as follows:

click services in the tabbed bar;

click the required icon (store, mail, video hosting ...);

Or in an empty tab, click the "block-menu" button: a panel with shortcuts of popular google services.

To launch a tab in a new window, use the menu options "New window ..." and "... in incognito mode" (for private visits to sites).

You can open tabs directly with your favorite sites using add-ons that install in the browser visual bookmarks... For instance, .

It is equipped with a beautiful 3D interface, in which you can create a preview of any web resources of interest.

How do I resize a tab?

Unfortunately, there are no explicit options for changing the length of the panel fields under the URL in Chrome. But on the other hand, you can increase / decrease the scale of the open page. Zaming is performed in 2 ways:

1. While holding CTRL, turn the mouse wheel: forward - zoom in; back - reduce the size.

2. Click the "lens" button on the far right side of the address bar and set the required scale by clicking the mouse. Click the Default Scale button to reset the size adjustment.

How do I customize a tab?

To open the setup menu, right-click on the panel.

Select the required command:

  • "Duplicate" - create a copy of the current page in a new tab;
  • "Pin ..." - fix the link on the panel (will open automatically on subsequent launches);
  • Mute ... - Audio playing on the web page will be muted.

Enjoy your work with Chrome tabs and comfortable using the Network!

Tabs have long been used to give the user an informational alternative at one level of the program structure. These are "modular tabs" that can still be found on various sites. For example, on the portals of Ryanair, EasyJet, AirMalta, modular tabs are used to switch between flight and hotel bookings, as well as car rental.

With the growth in the number of sites, tabs began to be used for navigation. This approach was first used by Amazon in 1998. And while he eventually ditched tabbed navigation in 2007, there are still some great original examples of tabbed navigation, both for modular switches and navigation. In this note, I ( article author - approx. translator) here is a list of 14 tips that you can use as a list of prerequisites for tabs to be the most user-friendly.

What's good about tabs?

When used correctly and tastefully, tabs become that essential element. user interface, thanks to which the site will be convenient to use. And all because:

I have compiled the following list by combining data from various sources with my personal experience... Of course, there may be other tips and tricks, but this list can still be considered the most effective if you want to make sure your tabs are really good.

1. Tabs should look and behave like tabs. Users have some knowledge and experience about how tabs should look and how to handle them. They expect behavior similar to what they are used to in reality. Deviation from the norm can be confusing.

2. Place navigation tabs at the top of the page. If they are used for navigation, then it is best to place them on top, since this is where site visitors will look for them. The location of the tabs from the bottom, side, or, what good, outside the visible part of the screen increases the likelihood that they will simply not be noticed. Always remember that users start exploring the site even before it is fully loaded. They immediately focus on the top left of the screen and expect to find at least primary navigation there.

3. Arrange them in one row. Piling up tabs on top of each other degrades the interface and complicates navigation. This tip applies to tabs at the same level. Multilevel tab navigation can be used and is good for representing hierarchy.

2000 view shows why multiple rows of tabs are bad

4. Always pre-select one of the tabs. This makes the vital tab more meaningful, especially during the first few seconds.

5. Be clear about the currently active tab. This can be achieved by changing the color, increasing the size from inactive neighbors, scaling the text of the label, or by bringing the tab to the front. Also make sure the lettering is easily visible and legible.

6. Highlight inactive tabs clearly. Make sure that inactive tabs do look like they are, at the same time they should be visible, and the labels should be easy to read so that the tab can be selected when needed.

Great example of highlighting active and inactive tabs

7. The active tab must be associated with a data area. To enhance the connection to real life, you must make the tab appear attached to the relevant data area. This is what users expect.

The Delibar app site shows an interesting approach to attaching a tab to content

8. Arrange the tabs in the correct order. You need to determine if there is a tabbing order that will make your site easier to use. It is important to put yourself in the user's shoes and be guided by his logic, not your own.

9. The tabs should be signed in plain language. This will make them easier to understand and use. It will also make it easier to predict the type of linked content.

10. The inscription should be one or two words long. Labels should clearly identify the purpose of the inlay in a maximum of two words. This will increase the likelihood that the user will make the right choice. By limiting yourself to two words, you will also be choosing the best lettering options.

11. Use case correctly. Only the first character of each word of the inscription should be written in capital letters. Just like all text on the site, it is not recommended to write the inscriptions entirely in capital letters, because they will be more difficult to read (although, thanks to the previous point, the negative effect will be minimal).

The captions on the tabs are long and entirely in uppercase (example from

12. Provide fast switching. Users expect content to appear faster when they click on a tab rather than a link. This can be achieved, for example, by preloading in the background. You can use any technique for the fast switching effect, as long as the user feels the physical connection between clicking on a tab and loading data.

13. Provide "grouping" of related tabs. If you have several tabs, then it is quite possible that you want to group related ones by meaning. In this case, additional communicationsuch as color may be helpful. However, do not rely on color alone, because some users may be color blind, while others simply will not understand what you used it for.

Using color to group tabs on

14. Don't use tabs instead of secondary navigation. While they can be used to explain where you are in the site structure and where you can go, tabs should never be used in place of so-called breadcrumbs. breadcrumbs). Breadcrumbs show the hierarchy of a site "inward" rather than "breadth", unlike tabs. Users are familiar with both interface elements and know what to expect from them. Replacing one with another can negatively impact the usability of your site.

PSDtoDNN effectively combines tabs with breadcrumbs

Approx. translator - I think the article is still relevant, and the tips outlined in it can be effectively used to improve your sites.