How to set paragraph indentation in a Word 1.25. Paragraph indents. How to make a paragraph indentation in the "Word". How to make a paragraph in a Word: ruler and its markers

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Good day, friends! Today text microsoft editor Word is the most popular in the world. The huge toolkit allows you to process texts, insert illustrations, format and much more. Millions of users use different versions editor - 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016. And in this article I would like to tell you how to make a red line in a Word, regardless of the version and location of the buttons.

This is a very important issue - writing and editing texts is impossible if you do not know how to make paragraphs in the Word. Therefore, we will tell you in more detail about the different ways of how to do this, in all the most popular versions of the program. So that after reading the note, you do not have more questions.

How to make a red line in Word 2010

Today it is Word 2010 that is the most common version of the editor. So how is the red line done in Word 2010? This can be done in several ways. I'll tell you in order, choose which one will be convenient for you.

The very first and perhaps the easiest way - use a ruler.

If your program does not have a ruler, then just click on the button on the right, as shown in the figure below, after clicking on which the ruler we need will appear.

Next, you just need to drag the top slider of the ruler, defining by the dotted line going down the border from which the red line will begin. If the red line is needed not in the entire document, but only in a few paragraphs, select them first, and then perform formatting. How to remove the red line? Use the same slider to move the border where you want it.

If you need a red line in the entire formatted document, then select all the text and drag the slider to the desired position.

Second way. Use the "Paragraph" menu. Having selected a suitable area of \u200b\u200btext, right-click on the empty sheet. In the menu that appears, click the "Paragraph" sub-item.

In the "First line" select"Indent" and enter the appropriate value. The standard for office documents is 1.25 cm, but if necessary, you can choose any other that suits you.

Third way - using the "Tab" key. It is enough to put the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph, press this button - a red line will appear immediately. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to quickly adjust the indentation - the red line in Word has the default size, which is not always convenient. In this method, there is no way to apply a paragraph to the entire text.

Finally, fourth way set suitable indents in Word. It is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but it allows you to adjust all formatting requirements for a specific user. After formatting the small text as needed, right-click on the selected text.

In the selected menu, select the "Styles" item, and then Save Fragment As Express Style... Subsequently, you will be able to easily perform formatting of all text, customizing it to your requirements, using the saved template. Which you can always choose in styles and apply to any text.

Red line in Word 2007

PC users working in Word 2007 will find it useful to know how to make paragraph indentation in this editor.

The first way - a proven line. As in word 2010, it is easiest for her to do this, everything is by analogy, these two versions are very similar. For those who do not have a ruler, click on the button as shown in the picture and a ruler will appear.

Use it to set the optimal indentation. Selecting the required amount of text, set the desired indent, both in the entire document and in individual paragraphs, by moving the top slider.

Second way. Use the dropdown menu. Select the desired area, right-click on it, select "Paragraph", then set the "Indent" item in the "First line" field and set the required value in centimeters.

Also, if you often need the red line in Word 2007 and other specific formatting requirements, you can create your own style. It is not difficult to do this, and later such a rational decision will save a lot of time.

Having set the appropriate indentation of the paragraph in the above described ways, select the desired piece of text and right-click. A menu will open - select the "Styles" item in it. In the submenu, click on Save Selection As New Quick Style.

You can then use the style you created to set the appropriate formatting for any document size. Click the "Home" button in the left upper corner, select "Styles" and select the created one. All text in the document will assume suitable indentation and paragraph spacing.

Red line in Word 2003

Today, Word 2003 is losing ground, but it is more convenient, easier to use and no less functional than more modern versions. And this editor is still used by many. Now, let's figure out how to make a red line in Word 2003?

As well as in newer versions, in Word 2003 you can use the ruler, and set the same indent on the left both in the entire document at once and in each paragraph. Only the text needs to be selected first. Or, select the desired paragraph in the text and already move the ruler in the position we need, as shown in the picture below.

Use it with the same success as described above. You can get to the paragraph formatting menu, in Word 2003 there are several options, click the "Format" button and select the "Paragraph" item. Or in a slightly different way, just right-click on the selected area of \u200b\u200btext and select the desired menu item.

Find the First Line box and select Indent. After that, it is enough to specify the required indent in the "On:" field to set the indent of the first line in the selected paragraphs.

How to make paragraph indentation 1.25 in Word

The above methods will help if you are wondering how to make a paragraph in the Word "by eye". But in business documentation, this is unacceptable - there are strict requirements, down to the millimeter, setting the rules for registration.

If you need a red line in Word - an interval of 1.25 cm (this is the indentation of the first line provided by the rules business correspondence), you can use the specific method below.

With it, you can make paragraphs with the desired distance in all versions of the Word. First of all, you need to select a paragraph or all of the text (the easiest way is to do this with a combination ctrl keys + A). After that, right-click and select "Paragraph".

Select the First Row box, set the Indent value here, and enter 1.25 cm in the box to the right. Usually this value is set automatically after filling the first field. If necessary, you can divide the text into paragraphs by setting a certain indent of the first line in the Word in each paragraph.

In the same window, you can set the indent to the right, if required by the rules of documentation. Need to set specific spacing between paragraphs? You can also indicate this indicator here.

Set the appropriate spacing between paragraphs - single, one and a half, double, or with a specific meaning. Keep in mind that the interval is chosen at your discretion, it all depends on the style of your correspondence and the requirements for the text.

Let's sum up

Now you know how to indent the Word in the most common versions of this wonderful editor. The procedure is quite simple, and thanks to the different methods of implementation, it is convenient and effective. Knowing how to set up indents and how to spacing the right size, you can easily format any text the way you want.

I hope my note helped you figure out one of the text editing options. If you have any questions or advice, write in the comments. See you in new notes.

The question of how to make a red line in Word, or, more simply, a paragraph, interests many, especially inexperienced users of this software product. The first thing that comes to mind is to press the spacebar several times until the indent looks good by eye. This solution is fundamentally wrong, so below we will describe how in text editor from Microsoft to indent the paragraph, considering in detail all possible and acceptable options.

Before starting to consider the topic, it is worth noting that the instructions described below will be applicable to all versions of the office application. Using our recommendations, you can make a red line in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as in the most "recent" packages Microsoft Office 365 and 2019. Certain items may differ visually, have slightly different names, but in general, everything is about the same and will be clear to everyone.

Important note:In office work, there is a standard for indentation from the red line - its indicator is 1.27 cm.

Method 1: Tabs

Having eliminated pressing the spacebar several times, as a suitable option for creating a paragraph, we can safely use another key on the keyboard - "Tab"... Actually, for this, it is needed in the first place, at least when it comes to working with programs like Word.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the piece of text that should be written from the red line, and just press the key "Tab"... This will indent the first line. True, have this method the disadvantage, and it lies in the fact that the paragraph indentation is not set according to accepted standards, but according to the settings of the Microsoft Office Word used, which can be both correct and incorrect, especially if not only you use this product on a specific computer.

To avoid possible mistakes in creating a red line by tabulation, it is necessary to correctly determine the parameters of this function, which we previously wrote about in a separate article.

Method 2: Paragraph parameters

As we said above, how the key will behave "Tab" when you press it, you can define it in the tab parameters, but in the context of our today's topic, this can and should be considered as a separate method.

Method 3: Ruler

The Word has such a useful tool as a ruler. It is used for marking text documents, their alignment and more. With its help, you can put a red line. By default, this tool can be disabled, and to activate it, go to the control panel in the tab "View" and put a tick in front of the corresponding item - "Ruler".

The same ruler will appear above and to the left of the sheet. Using the sliders (triangles) located on it, you can change the page layout, including setting the required distance for the red line. To do this, just position the cursor in front of the desired text fragment and drag the upper pointer of the horizontal ruler. Above is a normal version of indentation, below is an exaggerated demonstration of how this tool works.

As a result of the correct and accurate application of the ruler, the paragraph will be ready and will look exactly how you wanted it. You can find out in more detail about the features of work and the scope of use of this tool from the article presented at the link below.

Method 4: create your own style

Finally, we decided to leave the most effective solution, thanks to which you can not only create paragraphs, but also significantly simplify and speed up the overall work with documents in the Microsoft Word editor by automating this process. To solve the problem posed to us in this way, it will only take a little strain once and spend quite a bit of time, but then you will not have to think about how to apply the required formatting and format the text at all. Next, we will create our own style, which will include the desired parameters of the red line. In the future, it will be possible to bring any written text literally in one click of the mouse to the desired form.

Users at the time of formatting text in the document indent at the beginning of each paragraph. This smart solution allows you to easily read text without straining your eyes. After paragraphs are selected, the document looks more presentable. There are three ways to make a red line in Word, we will consider in more detail below.

Draw up a red line using the "Ruler"

This method requires a ruler in Word. If the default ruler is not displayed in an open document, you can fix this. Follow these steps:

To set the red line throughout the document, first you need to select the entire text fragment with the "Ctrl" + "A" key combination and mark the corresponding value on the ruler by pulling the top slider. This will add a red line at the beginning of each new paragraph.

Tab key

You can put a red line using the "Tab" key. For this you need:

Thus, you can set the indentation, even in a ready-made text task. Just put the cursor at the beginning of the line and click on the "Tab" key.

Indent using the "Paragraph" line

To begin with, you need to select the corresponding fragment of text and right-click on an empty part of the sheet. In the new window that opens, select the line "Paragraph".

Switch to the "Indents and Spacing" tab. In the subsection "Indent" under the name "First line" select "Indent" from the drop-down list.

The red line is automatically assigned a value of 1.25 cm. After the specified settings, click on "OK".

A document is easier to read and better visually perceived if the text is divided into paragraphs and is indented by the first line. When typing on a computer using the Word interface, there is no need to repeatedly press a space at the beginning of each paragraph. There are several ways to indent, each with its own advantages.


The easiest way to make a paragraph in a Word is using the key ... To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the red line and press on keyboard. Pressing the key once sets the offset to 0.5 inches or 1.25 cm, pressing twice will set the offset to 2.5 cm, and so on. Indents created in this way visually look "correct", but if you need to increase or decrease the indentation, you will have to edit the document manually.

Adjustment by eye to match the ruler

In Word 2003, 2007 and 2010, you can make a paragraph by eye. To do this, you need to use the horizontal ruler at the top of the page. If the ruler is missing, in the "View" menu tab, put a check mark opposite the "Ruler" command.

There are two ways to customize a paragraph with a ruler:

  1. Select editable paragraphs. On the horizontal ruler, move the cursor to the small triangle at the top of the "First line indent", click on it with the left mouse button and, while holding, drag to the desired location.
  2. At the intersection of the horizontal and vertical rulers, find the tab stop indicator (square) and click on it until the "First line indent" icon appears inside. Next, click on the horizontal ruler where the first line of the paragraph should begin.

Fine-tuning via the Paragraph dialog box

To fine-tune the indentation, use the "Paragraph" window. First of all, you need to select the paragraphs for which the indentation parameter is set, and right-click on the selected fragment. In the emerging context menu select "Paragraph".

In the tab "Indents and intervals" find the group "Indent", and in it the column "First line". In the drop-down menu, select "Offset", and in the "on" box, specify the value in centimeters. The default indentation is 1.25 cm.

In Word 2010, the Paragraph dialog box can also be invoked by clicking the menu on the Home tab, and then, in the Paragraph group, the square with an arrow in the lower-right corner. Then proceed as described above.

A red line in paragraphs makes the printed material easier to read. Therefore, it will be useful to find out how to do it. Since now 3 editions of Word have become widespread among users, the instruction will consist of three parts - for each application separately.

Word 2003

A good old editor that many users are used to. The application has a classic interface, so the commands are different from modern versions of programs.

Method one
Select part of the text and move the top left slider on the horizontal scale of the ruler (which should be displayed) to the desired distance.

Method two
The easiest option is to position the cursor where the new paragraph will be placed and press Tab on your keyboard.

Third method
Select a piece of text with the cursor and click the "Format" menu item, then select "Paragraph". A window will open where find the field "first line", set the value for the "indent" parameter and click OK.

Word 2007

The most popular editor today. Users are so accustomed to its interface that they are in no hurry to master new versions of the program. All functions are available immediately. There is no need to dig through the menu and memorize paths. There are several options for solving the problem.

The first way
First, notice if the item is active. If not, then display it. To do this, go to the "View" tab, find the "Show" block in the panel and enable the "Ruler" option. After that, select the entire text with the Ctrl + A command or its fragment.

When creating an indent, you only need a horizontal scale, on which 2 triangular sliders are installed on the left. By moving the top one, you can find the required distance.

Second way
Mark a part of the text and call the editing menu by clicking on the fragment right button mouse. Select "Paragraph" from the menu. You will see a window where find the "first line" field and set the value of the "indent" parameter. The system will automatically set the interval of 1.25 cm (if you want, enter your numbers). All that remains is to click OK.

Third way
If you are typing text yourself or its volume is small, you can use the Tab button. To do this, put the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph and just press the key.

The cursor must be on the starting line of the paragraph. Press Tab, and the program will automatically replace the tab character with an indentation with a distance of 1.25 cm. The only minus is that this approach is not applicable to the entire document at once.

Word 2010/2013/2016

Fresh Microsoft product. It differs from Word 2007 in an updated interface, the names of some tabs and functions.

First reception
Find the Paragraph block in the Home (or Layout) panel and click the small square button with an arrow in its corner. A window will open where in the "first line" field select the value of the "indent" parameter. The program will automatically detect an interval of 1.25 cm. Click OK.

Now after pressing Enter, the application will automatically create a red line.

Second reception
A proven method that has not lost its relevance in this word versions... First, display it. Going to the "View" tab, select the checkbox in the "Ruler" field.

If there is typed unformatted text, then mark it by clicking the "Select" button in the "Home" tab, then select "Select All". You can just use the hot key Ctrl + A.

On the horizontal scale, move the top inverted triangle marker the desired distance to the right.

Third reception
The red line can be easily done by simply pressing the Tab key. This approach is in demand only when creating a new or editing a small document, because processing each paragraph, for example, on 90 pages, is a dubious pleasure.

All of the instructions for each edition of the Word that have been reviewed may appear the same. This is partly true. But it is better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge right away than to waste time studying the issue at the wrong moment.