Jumble feedback a copy of the letter. Feedback in business correspondence. Letter of request for the provision of documents

One of the most popular elements of the site was and remains the form feedback... It represents convenient way establishing contact of visitors with the owner of the site. Many webmasters install third-party extensions for organizing a feedback form, but few people know that you can create it standard means Joomla. This is much more correct, since each third-party extension requires separate updates and vulnerability tracking. In this article, I will show you how to create an anti-spam contact form using standard Joomla tools.

Sometimes it happens that you have been familiar with Joomla for a long time and seem to know this CMS well enough, but one day you discover new opportunity, which all this time was in Joomla, but you did not even know about it. The same happens with the feedback form - it is there, but it is quite difficult to find it.

In addition to the standard contact form, I advise you to try my Wedal Joomla Callback module. It's free and allows you to download and submit a feedback form without reloading the page.

Creating a form by means of Joomla. Component "Contacts".

Tell me honestly, how many times have you tried to deal with the standard joomla componentsthat are available immediately after installing it? I don't know why, but the associations are such that these are the simplest, basic things that are unlikely to ever be needed. In fact, the opposite happens.

Joomla has a standard component called Contacts. It is easy to understand that it allows you to display on the site a list of contacts of site owners, managers, etc. You might say, "Well, why bother with the whole component when you can just create an article with the necessary contact information?" In many ways, you will be right. But, unfortunately, by doing this, you will never know that the "Contacts" component allows you to create separate form feedback for each contact person. More interesting?

On the website site you can see an example of such a form:

As you can see, everything you need for communication is available. Visitors use this form quite often. How to create it?

Component "Contacts". Add contact.

Go to "Components" -\u003e "Contacts" and add a new contact.

The following form will appear:

Here you specify the name of the contact, and select the user who will be associated with the contact. This is usually the administrator.

In field " Additional Information»You can specify some text that you want to show on the contact page.

In the "Contact details" tab, do not fill in anything.

Hide everything unnecessary in the "Display settings" tab:

In the "Feedback form" tab, we show the form:

We save.

Component "Contacts". Add a contact menu item.

After the contact is created, you need to show it on the site. To do this, create the item "Contacts" or "Feedback" in the menu and select the type "Contacts" -\u003e "Contact" for it:

After that, in the form that appears on the right, select the contact we created:

And we save.

That's all. You can look at our form on the website.

Important! Be sure to check the functionality of the received feedback form. Sometimes, due to incorrect settings for sending letters, mail is not sent. This is not an error in the contact form, but in the settingsJoomla mail service (see general settingsJoomla).

Creating a form by means of Joomla. Spam protection.

It happens that spam bots roaming the Internet find your form and, since the fields in it are standard, start sending spam to the site owners. The first time, when the form is just created, I advise you not to protect it from spam. Protection should be used only when, well, completely tormented by advertising, since spam protection complicates the form and reduces loyalty real peoplewho use it.

How to protect a contact form from spam? Joomla 2.5 has support for probably the best captcha (code from the picture) reCAPTCHA. The algorithm for its activation is as follows:

1) Obtaining keys. To get activation keys, you need to go to the page http://www.google.com/recaptcha/whyrecaptcha and click the "Sign Up Now" button. You will be prompted to log into your Google account (the reCaptcha service is owned by Google). If there is none, then you will have to register. After authorization, you will be asked to enter the site address:

And after that two keys will be generated.

The entire procedure for obtaining keys and using them is free.

2) Go to the site plugin manager and find the plugin "CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA" there.

In its settings, we see the fields for entering keys:

Enter the keys, activate the plugin and save it.

3) Go to the contacts component and open the settings:

In the "Enable CAPTCHA" option, select "CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA". We save. Done. Now the captcha will appear in our feedback form.

By the way, reCAPTCHA can be used not only in the feedback form, but also during user registration (activated in the user manager settings).

That's all. After spending 5 minutes, you can create a simple and convenient feedback form for your Joomla-site without resorting to using third-party extensions.

In contact with

Good day, friends! Today another article dedicated to CMS Joomla, or rather not the engine itself, but creating contacts with a feedback form. A feature of the Joomla feedback form is that all the tools necessary to create it are at hand, and there is no need to download and install additional extensions. The CMS is equipped with a built-in "Contacts" component, as well as an anti-spam plugin "reCAPTCHA".

Conventionally, the implementation of the set idea can be divided into several stages, namely:

Create and configure a contact.

Organization of the page output, which will contain all the necessary feedback information.

Enabling, configuring and adding captcha.

Why do I need a feedback form

The feedback form is the connecting element of the site, thanks to which users and the owner of the web project can keep in touch. It is in the feedback form that the important information (mobile number, e-mail), which allows the user to send their suggestions and wishes to the owner, or order goods

Joomla Feedback Form represents empty fields required for the visitor to enter specific data (his name, email address, subject line), after filling in, you must activate sending by clicking special button Send.

For greater convenience of visitors, it is recommended to place the feedback form in a visible place (most often it is the site header). And since we organize its output using the created menu item, it will be displayed on all pages at the location of the horizontal menu.

What information is it desirable to leave to the site owner?

Mobile number (commercial web projects, online stores).

Address (commercial web projects, online stores).

Opening hours, delivery method and possible ways payment (commercial web projects, online stores).

E-mail, Skype, etc. (blogs, business card sites, one-pages, commercial web projects, online stores).

Joomla contacts

After these steps, you will be presented with a page similar to the one below, only with empty fields. " Edit contact"Is one of three tabs in which you need to make some settings.

Name - you can specify any name you like, it will still be hidden from users' eyes.

Alias \u200b\u200bis a field that is filled in automatically, i.e. we leave it blank.

The linked user is the name that will be displayed when commenting. You can specify your nickname or leave the default name assigned by the system "Super Users".

Image - provides the ability to select an image that will be tied to this contact.

Position - allows you to set the position of the employee to which the contacts will be linked.

E-mail - is responsible for displaying the email address of the contact person.

With the rest of the fields, you will figure it out anyway, you can specify the address, postal code, mobile and landline phone number, fax, etc.

In the right area of \u200b\u200bthe screen (sidebar), select Status / Published, Category / Uncategorised, Favorites / None.

« Additional Information"- tab with text editor, in which it is recommended to write a short greeting.

You can use my greeting as a template by following the link.

« Configuring content display»- is responsible for displaying the feedback form.

Show feedback form - "Show".

Send a copy to the sender of the letter - depending on your choice, allows you to hide or show the sender a copy of his own letter.

Creating a Joomla menu item for displaying contacts and feedback forms

The next step is to go to the Menu / Main Menu / Create a menu item.

On the menu page that opens, assign a title. So we write "Contacts".

Menu item type - press the blue "Select" button, then on the page that opens, select Contacts / Contact.

Selecting a contact - this is where we need to bind the previously created contact to the menu item. Click "Select" and click on the corresponding contact.

After making the necessary adjustments, click the "Save" button. As a result, a new "Contacts" menu button will appear on your site, by clicking on which the user can find a feedback form and easily contact you.

This could have ended, if not for one thing, but! A bunch of unnecessary letters that spam bots will flood your email address with.

Protecting Joomla from spam by configuring the built-in reCAPTCHA plugin

What are CAPTCHAs? This is a protection tool that allows you to effectively deal with automatic registration and sending of letters. This is a special form in which the Internet user undertakes to perform a certain action (enter characters, answer a well-known question, or add an image from parts).

CMS Joomla acquired built-in captcha starting from version 2.5, before that you had to be content with third-party extensions. Despite the fact that Joomla uses reCAPTCHA, we will try to set up a more modern and, in my opinion, convenient version... This is how it will look after completing all the settings.

First, let's enable the plugin by heading to Extensions / Plugin Manager. For a more convenient and quick search, I recommend registering in the search bar - captcha and clicking the icon responsible for the search. As a result, you will see a similar window. Click on the cross next to the "Status" item, thereby launching the plugin and clicking on the phrase - CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA.

It's time to get the "Public Key" as well as " Private key».

To get the keys you need follow the link ... This is one of the many services owned by Google. You must have your own account... You can easily log in by entering your details that you previously used to add an RSS feed to the Feedburner service or by installing the Google Adsense code on Joomla.

Using the form that opens, you need to register the site.

Title - assign a title (let's say the name of the main page).

Select the type of reCAPTCHA - allows you to select the type of captcha - reCAPTCHA V2 - a standard form, for which you need to check the box next to the phrase "I'm not a robot"; Invisible reCAPTCHA - checking users in the background.

We put a tick next to the sentences "Accept the terms of use of reCAPTCHA" and "Send notifications to owners", and then click the "Register" button.

Well, our keys are ready. There is nothing left. Copy the value of the "Secret Key" field into the "Private Key" field in the standard reCAPTCHA plugin, and the "Key" field into the "Public Key" field.

After receiving and entering the keys, you can choose the "Style" most suitable for your site, as well as the "Size". Now you need to click "Save and close", then go along the path System / General settings / CAPTCHA (by default) and select the only value provided by the system "CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA". Click "Save" again and check the performance of the captcha by going to the Joomla feedback form.

As you can see, everything works. If you have any difficulties, let's solve them together in the comments.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon on the Stimylrosta pages.

Found a grammatical error in the text? Please inform the administrator about this: select the text and press the hotkey combination Ctrl + Enter

Hello! My name is Andrey Tyan, I am the B2BFamily Development Director. I decided to write you this short essay because I realized the following: by revealing the hidden benefits of using our service, I can really change your understanding of sales and the selling process itself for the better. And we will talk today about feedback in business correspondence. I am sure that the time you spend reading will not be wasted.

Andrey Tyan,Business Development Director B2B Family

Oh, those emotionless gray emails!

I'll start with a question: how do you understand the client's reaction to an offer over the phone or in a meeting? That's right, emotions! Non-verbal communication betrays everything. You pay attention to gestures, facial expressions, manners. How can you find out the reaction in business correspondence? No way! Most often these are just formulaic letters with Steven Seagal's emotions.

Many people perceive business correspondence as a dry exchange of information.Therefore, it is almost impossible to understand the true reaction of a potential client to an offer from a letter, unless he writes about it directly. But, as practice shows, the client answers in a stereotyped way and something like the following: "Thank you, we have received your offer. We will consider and give an answer within N time," if he answers at all. You just have to wait for the client's verdict.

Build an effective dialogue with a client after correspondence - What?

If during telephone conversation or at a meeting, the client's reaction is approximately clear: "interesting / there are doubts / most likely not", then it becomes easier to set the tone and strategy of negotiations. Business correspondence is much more complicated in this regard. It is often impossible to build a chain of business letters based on data on customer behavior and reactions, because this data simply does not exist. But at the same time, we all know that the sale should be natural - the client must understand himself that he needs it and is profitable, and not buy because he was pressured.

Imagine now a meeting, negotiations and a client with emotions Steven Seagal! Is it comfortable? Cool collaboration negotiations? But if a client listens to you, asks questions, objects - this is just the basis for starting to really sell, identify needs, clarify details, present your product based on the client's needs - what is called a real sale. But how to establish this harmonious chain of communication with the client? How to transfer all this from live communication to business correspondence?

Find out how the client actually reacted to your offer!

This is how you will see the emotions of the client in the correspondence if you know:

  • when, what time, how many times your letter was opened and whether it was opened at all
  • how was your offer viewed
  • what hooked, or vice versa, confused in your presentation, what is being paid attention to.

And if a client asked a question right while viewing a document - take such a client into circulation right away! Remember, it's important to reach out to the customer while they are hot. We have already discussed this in our article "Why Call Immediately After Viewing a Commercial Offer?"

There is a chance for live feedback in business correspondence!

A clear understanding of the behavior, doubts, thoughts of the client, for example: how carefully the client looked at your offer, whether he saw the real benefits of your product or just watched the slide with the price, the statistics of viewing will give.

An example like this:at the first contact we found out that the main thing for the client is "price-quality". He immediately announced that he would compare with competitors, was interested in discounts, and so on. Then, in the viewing statistics, we see that the client spent 20% of the total viewing time on the price slide and missed the Why Choose Us section. This means that in the next letter or call we focus on advantages, protect our price with values, or even give a discount.

Thus, it turns out that you go through all the stages of the sale shoulder to shoulder with the client. Feel his mood, catch intentions at every stage - even in business correspondence!

Know your client - lead him "by the hand" to the right solution!

My more than 10 years of experience in sales, full of bumps and fear of not fulfilling the plan this month allowed me to make next output:the communication process in sales is the ability to convey all your benefits to the client so that in his picture of the world there is a clear understanding of the need to work with you.

Understanding how carefully the client looks at your commercial proposal, what slides he focuses on, how much time he spends on viewing - this is exactly the kind of feedback that is absent in business correspondence and which can help in the sale, as we talked about earlier. Knowing this, you are already deliberately building the tactics of your dialogue with the client in such a way that you would once again reveal the full value of your proposal and make it easy for him to agree to work with you and your company.

That's all I wanted to tell you.

The time has passed when business correspondence was only an appendage of a real conversation with a client about cooperation. Now you can know when the client looked at your offer and how carefully he studied it! Then it's up to you. Sell \u200b\u200bmore, sell better and make your customers happy!

Alison Garrido is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by the International Federation of Coaching, facilitator and speaker. Helps clients in job search and career advancement by relying on their strengths... Advises on career development, interview preparation, salary negotiations and performance appraisals, and individual communication and leadership strategies. He is a founding partner of the New Zealand Academy for Systems Coaching.

The number of sources used in this article:. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

In communication on e-mailas in other areas, there are rules of etiquette and social protocol. If you need to write a letter asking for feedback at work or school, or get feedback on your written work, you should think about the wording, the structure of the letter, and also choose the right moment. This will allow you to make your letter as effective as possible. Be polite, punctual and write to the point to get the information you need.


How to ask customers for feedback

    Don't ask too many questions. Clients receive a huge number of requests to take a survey from all kinds of companies. If you want the customer to delete your email when they receive it, include a ton of questions. If you want to interest a person, limit yourself to a couple of questions.

    Ask questions that require a detailed answer. Don't ask questions that can be answered "yes" or "no." Instead of "Would you recommend us to your friends?", Ask the following question: "How would you describe us to another person?" These questions will help you get more information.

    Promise the client to respond as soon as possible. This will make the client feel that their opinion can influence something. If the person knows that they will answer him, he will write a more sincere review.

    • When responding to feedback, be honest and behave like a professional. In the modern world, due to the possibilities of the Internet, you can at one moment lose your reputation if you behave unprofessionally with people.
  1. Do not use flash graphics and other objects that will take a long time to load. If a person has a slow connection, they will probably delete the message if they realize that it takes too long to load. Remember: you need the feedback, not the client.

    Find the right font and format. The letter should look neat and professional. A letter in Comic Sans with low-quality graphics is unlikely to impress your customers. Better to use standard fonts (Times New Roman, Arial) if you don't know fonts, and give up a lot of graphics.

    Make sure your email is readable on all devices. Single-column text will be more convenient than multi-column text. The font should not be too small. The letter should be readable on a laptop, phone and tablet. Since in the modern world many people read mail from the phone, the letter must comply with this format.

    The letter will be humble. Follow your workplace rules of correspondence. Being modest will help you get feedback, but don't go overboard, or your boss may think you don't know anything about your work. Formulate the questions so that everyone can see your progress on any project or task. This will let your manager know that you are not messing around. Below are some more important recommendations.

    • You can say this: "I was working on a presentation that is needed tomorrow, and I have a question about the format. I am not sure that I correctly understand the standards adopted in our company. I attach a presentation to this letter and I will be very grateful if you look her and comment if everything is in order. Thanks for the help. "
    • Don't forget to thank the person.
  2. Talk about specific things. This will avoid common phrases that are useless. Don't ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no, unless absolutely necessary. Try not to ask a manager or colleague too many questions at once.

    Thank the person when they answer. If you are advised to work harder or if your work is not yet up to the mark, explain what you plan to do to fix it. Don't answer right away - give yourself a chance to calm down and process the information.

    • Answer no later than in 1–2 days.

How to ask for a review at work

  1. Introduce yourself. A teacher can have hundreds of students, especially if it's a university. You should include your first and last name, group number and faculty. If you are in high school and are in preparatory courses, specify the grade. This way the teacher won't have to guess who you are and it will be easier for him to write a review.

    Do not go beyond business communication. Sometimes it is difficult for students to write to teachers because they cannot decide on the style. If your instructor has already written to you himself, stick to the same style as him. It is better to formulate your thoughts like this: "I am not sure I understood the task correctly. I have a few questions about the work."

    Keep it short. Do not try to explain the entire context of your questions, unless context is necessary to understand the questions. For example, if you want to ask for an extension of the deadline for the work, the teacher may need detailed explanations, but if you just want to ask a question about the work, do not tell why you did not have time to write earlier because of your dog and why you are writing now (if only the deadline does not come very soon). Don't talk about things that don't really matter right now.

    Don't put off asking for feedback until the last minute. Your instructor is unlikely to want to help you on the eve of your test and will probably be unhappy that you didn't bother contacting earlier. If you have to ask questions at the last moment, write briefly, to the point and apologize for disturbing you. This makes it more likely that the teacher will answer you (provided that he reads the letter on time).

    Use the format agreed by your instructor. Often, teachers stipulate a specific format in which the task should be completed. For example, if a teacher asked to send your work in .doc format, do not send the document in .pdf or .pages. If you are not sure which format to use, use .rtf or .pdf, or ask your instructor.

    Ask for feedback on a job you have already submitted or your performance on an exam. Write a polite letter to your teacher. If the teacher has office hours, go to see him in person. Say something like, "I didn't do the exam as well as I hoped. Could you point out my mistakes to make it easier for me to prepare for the next exam?" As a rule, teachers are willing to give recommendations in such cases.

How to ask for feedback on a written work

    First, write to someone you know personally. If you want a detailed review, you should contact someone you know well (for example, a friend or colleague). Write the way you usually do. If you usually call the person, do so. Do not submit your work in the first letter if you are not sure that the person will agree to help you (for example, if you haven’t asked the person to read the work yet or if the person hasn’t suggested it).

    • You can include a short passage or description in the letter. It depends on whether you are writing to a friend or a colleague.
  1. Write to a specialist in the field. If you need a professional opinion, write a letter to a familiar specialist and explain what kind of project you have and why you need feedback. Don't pressure the person - just ask them politely to think. Say this: "I will understand if you do not have time for this." It might be worth asking the person if they can recommend any other expert for you.

    Do not submit your work in the first email. Most likely, such a letter will go unanswered, unless you indicate that the job will be paid. If you contact a famous person, he is unlikely to answer you, since he receives a bunch of such letters. It's better to ask friends, colleagues, teachers first. Surely they will be ready to help you and will meet you.

    Explain what kind of feedback you need. If you only want to hear positive things, say so. Explain to the person if you need detailed analysis and how general the phrases should be. Indicate whether the person needs to evaluate the style, grammar and structure of the work. This will allow the reader to understand what you need.

Healing needles and rules for writing a business letter.
How to manage the activity of your addressee.

I'll start with an unexpected question. Have you ever gotten needles stuck in you? In the amount that way from 15 to 30? And so that you do it completely voluntarily? And so that they also get pleasure and a positive health result from this?

Yes? Then you will understand what I mean.

No? This means that you still do not know about the miraculous power of the procedure under the unpretentious name of acupuncture!

I discovered this magical procedure recently, a couple of weeks ago (in an effort to raise the overall physical tone after an exhausting hot summer and on the eve of a busy working autumn and winter). The essence of the procedure is very simple: there are certain points on the human body - special centers of concentration of energy and nerve endings. It is enough to take these points under competent control, activate them - and the result is obvious! (By the way, on the face - too, I’m telling this in secret, especially for the female part of my subscribers J).

The effect is amazing: both therapeutic and cosmetic!

Impressed by this discovery, I asked myself: is it only the human body that has such points? Is it possible to find them from other objects? For example, in the body of a business letter? Could the culture and rules of business correspondence be built on such points?

Well, so that it was like this: take control of these points when writing a business letter - and the letter already "works": it achieves its goal, makes the client want to respond, etc.?

I thought about it and came to the conclusion: Yes! There are miraculous points in a business letter!

Today I will talk about only three. Those that lie completely on the surface!

Believe me, if you take control of only them, your letters will already become an order of magnitude more effective: they will be extremely clear to your addressee and will encourage him to write an answer.

So, three points of writing. I called them three points of attention: they are initially located in the field of attention of our addressee, and therefore should be in the field of our attention when we write a letter.

Two points of attention are located at the beginning of the letter.

And one at the end.

The two dots at the beginning are due to the specifics of the email.

First point - letter subject... The addressee sees her even before he opens our message.

Second point - introductory phrase. This is the first element that the recipient reads when they open the letter.

Finally, third point - final phrase... The last thing the addressee focuses on after reading our letter.

See how these points work.

Below I have given two examples of writing. The first is written without attention to points of attention. The second is with their active use.

Example 1. Subject: Business correspondence Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 From: Tamara Vorotyntseva To: Ivanova Anna Anna, good afternoon! E- mail correspondence in business ”. I processed and analyzed everyone's letters. I'm ready to meet and give personal feedback. We can do this on September 10, approximately at 17:00. I believe the meeting will take 30 to 50 minutes in duration. -- Yours faithfully,

Tamara Vorotyntseva

Example 2. Subject: Business correspondence. Feedback after training Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2010 From:Tamara Vorotyntseva To: Ivanova Anna Anna, good afternoon! As I promised, I will return to the post-training meeting. I have in my hands the letters of your employees, which they sent me after the training "E- mail correspondence in business ”. I processed and analyzed everyone's letters. I am ready to meet and give personal feedback.We can do this on September 10, approximately at 17:00. I believe the meeting will take 30 to 50 minutes in duration. What do you think? -- Yours faithfully,Tamara Vorotyntseva

Do you feel the difference, dear readers?

Hope so.

How do points of attention help us, in my opinion?

Using the first dot - "Email subject" - we draw the addressee's attention to an aspect of our letter, help the addressee quickly (without even opening the letter) understand what the message is about, and also make our letter easily identifiable in the mail our addressee in the future.

In my example, I briefly inform Anna that my letter will discuss feedback after the training "Business correspondence" (neither about payment, nor about documents, nor about any other issues on which we correspond with her, but on the rules of a business letter). In order to find out, Anna just needs to see the topic. The same topic will help Anna in the future to easily and quickly find my letter in her mail, if necessary.

Second point - "Introductory phrase" - increases the clarity of our message, makes the letter more understandable:indicates to the addressee the reason for the letter, explains the logic of what is happening.

In my case, I explain to Anna what is the reason for this letter of mine: I promised to give feedback to the participants in my training, and therefore I am writing.

Third point - "Final phrase" - encourages the addressee to perform the action we need.

The final phrase is the last thing that the addressee reads in our letter. Usually by this moment the addressee is already asking himself the question internally: what should be done? what is expected of me? And here is the most suitable time for us to clearly and clearly say about it.

In my example, I chose a fairly democratic version of the design: "What do you say?" You could use its synonym: "What do you think?" or this: "What is your opinion?"

(About variety and some secrets of the final phrases - in the next issues).

In any case, at this point we must clearly communicate to the addressee what action we expect from him.

This is how, in my opinion, the simplest points through which the energy of a business letter passes.

Dear readers, try to take control of this energy in your emails - and see how it works. I'm sure points of attention make writing structurally and meaningfully strong, and correspondence more dynamic and productive in its own way! Begin and end your business letter with close attention to three points.

Tamara Vorotyntseva

I will be glad to see you at my training E-mail correspondence in business.

Watch the mini-lecture "Three points of attention in writing"