How to open a frozen car door? Preventing doors from freezing

With the onset of cold weather, the question of how to open a frozen car door becomes very relevant. Often, when you come to your car in the morning, you find that the doors are frozen to the body and do not want to open. You need to be prepared for this unpleasant situation in advance so as not to pay with torn seals or broken locks if you try to open it by force.

How to open a frozen car door without harming or breaking anything will be discussed on this page. The doors freeze to the body due to temperature changes. For example, in the evening the temperature was above zero, the snow was melting, and therefore the humidity was high, and by the morning there was frost, so the seals “stuck” to the car body. The same situation occurs with door locks, and the locks freeze much more often, so we’ll start with them.

How to open a frozen lock

If, upon approaching the car, your central locking did not open any doors due to frost, and when you tried to open the door with the key, nothing worked, you need to take action. It’s worth saying right away that you don’t need to forcefully try to turn the key, this will only break it, which will aggravate an already unpleasant situation. A product called a “lock defroster” will help you open a frozen lock.

A lock defroster is sold in any car store; its price is about 100-150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. This product is available in a small tube or aerosol that can be carried in your pocket. When the lock does not want to open, you need to inject a small amount of defroster inside it. After a few minutes, the insides of the lock will thaw and the lock will open easily. The advantage of this product is that it contains special lubricants, and its use will not harm the lock, such as using boiling water, after which the lock will freeze even more.