Classification of requests into "informational" and "commercial." Commercial inquiries Service commercial inquiries or information

Date of publication: 03.24.2015

comments 20

  1. Rashad wrote:
    24 March 2015 at 11:50 pm

    The article is what you need, it looks like what he himself deduced

  2. Dmitry Sevalnev wrote:
    25 March 2015 at 0:17

    Igoryok, everything is cool, but:

    1. How did you define geo-dependence? There are errors in the column, say [corneal plastic surgery] on the GEO itself.

    [plastic surgery tymoshenko 2014] kind of too, well, etc.

    2. Rate according to your methodology, for fun's sake, the queries: [basketball slam dunk in the basket] and [basket of newspaper tubes master class for beginners].

  3. Vladimir wrote:
    25 March 2015 at 2:08

    What software can be used to pull all urls from the top 10 according to SY, for example, out of 1000 requests?
    What with a minimum of actions to get an exel file with urls?

  4. Bakalov Igor wrote:
    25 March 2015 at 10:40

    Dmitry Sevalnev, geo check through KeyCollector (XML output), about requests - ok, today I will try to do it.

    Vladimir, this can be done using the KeyCollector, there is a screenshot in the article that shows how the unload looks like.

  5. Bakalov Igor wrote:
    25 March 2015 at 14:51

    Dim, did: the table also indicates the "reasons" for which the URL from the top got into the commercial / information group.

  6. Alexander wrote:
    13 Apr 2015 at 21:27

    Greetings, Igor.
    A very interesting practice.
    I would like to evaluate such a check, maybe you can tell me examples of the regular parameters that matched?

  7. Bakalov Igor wrote:
    13 Apr 2015 at 22:07

    Alexander, hello. Specify what you mean by “regular examples with which parameters matched”? 🙂

  8. Vladimir wrote:
    13 Apr 2015 at 22:31

    Igor, what type of request would you include, for example, a request for "nike sweatshirts"? In the TOP10 for this request there are store sites (,, etc.) and there are sites that look like stores (,, but in fact, when choosing a product, they send a visitor to sites like and
    And what types of sites would you consider these redirecting sites to be?

  9. Bakalov Igor wrote:
    14 Apr 2015 at 10:57

    Vladimir did not specifically drive it away, but if by eye, then: - would be defined as informational, because it has adsense on it - would be defined as informational, because in the source code there are affiliate links of the form: (though I have a poor completeness here, I'm looking only for admitad and cityads)
    Lamoda, WildBerries and other stores are likely to be commercial.
    Well, further according to the method, how many commercial pages are counted, how many information pages, the value is displayed.
    Although, of course, it is debatable whether partner stores should be considered informational ... I think 🙂

  10. Vladimir wrote:
    14 Apr 2015 at 11:13

    Igor, well, of course, the presence of AdSense is a signal that speaks in favor of an information site. But is this signal alone enough to classify the page as informational? On the pages of such sites as and there are signs of both commercial sites and informational ones. Your opinion is quite logical. I haven't worked out mine yet. It is interesting to what type of pages are the PS pages of such sites.

  11. Bakalov Igor wrote:
    14 Apr 2015 at 13:47

    Vladimir, I define the type of the page binary, either commercial or informational. Of course, you can go further and calculate for each URL a value in the range with different weights for certain factors on the page. But heuristically, coming up with a normal formula for this is, in my opinion, very problematic, so here we only use machine learning, but I have no experience in this area.

  12. Vladimir wrote:
    14 Apr 2015 at 14:37

    I also think so about the binary type of pages. The issue can be mixed on another matter. I will try to torture support SEMparser, Rush Analytics and, possibly, Semyon-Yadren on the "black box" account.

  13. Vladimir wrote:
    16 Apr 2015 at 22:13

    Corresponded with the Rush Analytics support. They do not define requests as commercial or non-commercial. Do only clustering based on the top.
    Regarding the division of requests into commercial and non-commercial, they advised to create two projects and filter requests by stop words at the level of the requests themselves, without going to the search results. That is, make a list of stop words typical for information requests. Then information requests will be removed from the entire list of requests for them and only commercial requests will remain. Proceed in the same way to collect information requests.

  14. St.eV wrote:
    10 Jul 2015 at 8:29

    Thanks for the article, we decided to start excavations in this direction inside the studio.

    It seems to me that an example of commercialism is the presence of online consultants on the site, call me widgets and the absence of contextual advertising.

    Also, it makes sense to parse contacts and look for a page "about the company". But here too - not a fact. Various charities will come across.

  15. Marina wrote:
    13 Nov 2015 at 0:38

    Igor, thanks, the articles are very useful, and especially the videos on your youtobe channel.
    I have a question as a beginner: here the semantic core is collected, broken down into groups, how or where is it better to keep records, what keywords were linked to which pages on the site?
    I understand that you can just keep Excel, but if there are 10 thousand keys, it's just not realistic to search.
    For example, after analyzing competitors, it was decided to re-optimize the page - change a pair of keys, tags, etc. In the table, you get tired of looking for each key, whether it has already been used on the site, on which page and in which bundle ... After all, it is not recommended to hang the same key on several pages on the site.
    In general: is there any secret of competently maintaining such accounting and binding keys and pages?

  16. Alexander Eichhoff wrote:
    12 Jan 2016 at 12:17

    Igor, if it's not difficult, please tell me the regular expression you used to filter out the "informational" sites in NotePad ++.

  17. Alexander wrote:
    12 Sep 2016 at 23:30


    A question from a newbie to CEO is almost completely "green"

    I need 300 headings for SEO articles under the topic:

    startups, sales, smm, mlm

    What would you advise so that I could write 300 articles in these topics.
    1. How to collect the correct keys or with what?;
    2. What frequency should you first target for a young site?

    Of the tools there is KayCollector

    Thank you very much for your attention!

  18. Olga wrote:
    29 Nov 2016 at 11:50

    Hello. Tell me, how did you calculate the commercial demand? you can e-mail the formula. Because the semant. big but manually check it like that will not work.

  19. Olga wrote:
    29 Nov 2016 at 12:09

    Is it necessary to use Notepad ++?
    If so, you can help.

    When there is an estimate for each URL from the top 10, then you can get an estimate for the request itself by summing the values \u200b\u200band dividing the resulting number by 10. It is implemented by all means of Excel, it takes a long time to write, if you do not know how to do it yourself, write in the comments, I will throw off an example to your mail.

    Help if you need to start with Notepad ++, how and where to enter what. And in Excel, what values \u200b\u200bdo we sum after and divide by 10

  20. Novel wrote:
    29 Nov 2016 at 16:01

    Good day.
    How to calculate a commercial or informational request using a formula. That the values \u200b\u200bwere 0 or 1. Where about is informational and 1 is commercial. And how do we get an estimate for the query itself? What numbers do we sum up and divide by 10 so that the result is obtained by assessing the commercial request

Commercial queries are all keywords that are somehow related to commercial activities (buying, selling, orders). These are the keywords by which your potential customers can search for products or services. The most highly competitive keys, which are very difficult to advance. And at the same time, they are the most popular, because they can bring hot traffic to the site.

In today's article, we will figure out what is the difference between commercial requests and other types, and how to move through them.

Examples of commercial requests for different topics

As I wrote above, for these queries, people are looking for goods and services in Yandex or Google. The difficulty is that they can search in different ways, and it is often problematic to determine whether this is a commercial request or not. Therefore, they are conventionally divided into explicit and implicit.

What is an Explicit Commercial Key? This is a keyword that contains the words:price, order, cost, buy, sale, online store, discount, action ... For instance:

  • to buy a car;
  • car sale in Krasnoyarsk;
  • Cherie Tigo price;
  • order pizza;
  • iPhone 7 online store;
  • book accommodation in Anapa;
  • how much does it cost to promote on Instagram per month.

Those users who entered these words in the search are clearly looking for products to buy. They may not be ready to buy it today - but they are already interested in purchasing or ordering. If on your site you provide the necessary information, good prices and service, there is a high chance that a visitor will convert into a buyer (not today, then tomorrow).

But to which group should the query "granite tiles" belong? Doesn't it imply a direct interest in buying? There are no words "buy" or "price" in it.But in fact, customers can search for something in order to buy in this way - simply by entering the name of the product or service. This is an implicit sales request.

To understand what most people mean by this query, you need to analyze the results. Historically, in some niches, users searched for products in this way from the very first days, and commercial sites began to advance on these requests.

Let's check the request from the example.

In Yandex, we can see several Yandex.Direct ads on it. Some experts recommend defining commercial requests in this way: if there are advertisements for a request, then this is it. But this is not always the case, so I recommend looking at organic results as well.

In our case, sites in the top are all trying to sell something. These are product catalogs and aggregators, online stores, websites of individual manufacturing companies. Even in the page titles, we see the words "buy", "order", although they were not in our request.

If our competitors sell their products for this request, it means that it is commercial. Implicit only.

Let's take a look at Google with the same query. Maybe the picture is different there?

The sites in the top are also commercial. This is clear straight from the snippet: the title and description of the page speaks for itself.

But this situation is not in all niches. Look at the results for the query "nail extension".

"Everything got confused in the Oblonskys' house ...". In the top there are advertisements, and announcements about extension services, and a lot of informational articles on the topic “how to build nails on your own”. This is a mixed query. The search cannot understand what we want - find a master, see how it is done, or learn how to do it ourselves.

We have sorted out the types of commercial requests with you. But how are they different from all other keys?

Difference between commercial requests

People generally use search in two cases: when they want to know something (for example, “how to choose wallpaper for the living room”), and when they want to buy something specific (“buy wallpaper for the living room”). In the first case, we are dealing with an information request. In theory, the person looking for this information is planning a renovation. But he won't buy wallpaper today or tomorrow.

But in the second case - already ready to purchase, "hot customer". And this is already a commercial request.

All commercial keywords can be easily identified by three main characteristics:

  • clearly commercial semantics... As I already wrote, such a request includes the words buy, order, service, price, cost, delivery, discount.
  • city \u200b\u200bnames in the query itself... "Buy wallpaper in Kiev". This is how those people who are interested in the location of the store enter their queries. Such a request may be implicit: "taxi Kiev", "nail extension Kiev".
  • mainly ... You have already seen in the screenshots above - when I was looking for tiles, both search engines offered me to order it where I am - in Kiev and nearby. Logically, everyone wants to save on shipping. Exactly the same with nails - why should I look for a manicure master in another city?

If you are going to create and promote a commercial site - naturally, you will promote it for commercial requests. But this has its own characteristics, which are discussed below.

Promotion for commercial requests

Commercial queries are the most effective in terms of conversion. And the most highly competitive. Therefore, there are many nuances in promoting a commercial website.

Why is it difficult to rank for commercial keywords?

  • in almost all niches herehigh competition... Everyone wants to get a hot customer, and your competitors are also promoting sites for the same requests. Getting around them takes a lot of effort and can take a long time.
  • the struggle for the client and the availability of in both search engines. Ads are usually shown specifically for commercial requests. And advertising is always higher than organic search results. Most customers click on the first, sponsored links, especially since the ads look more attractive than your snippet (especially in Yandex, which likes to cut a random part of the text from the page and insert it into the description).

Therefore, it is not enough to write good content on commercial sites.For the promotion to be successful, you need:

  • work out... That is, your site should be simple, understandable for your customers, with easy navigation;
  • give as complete information as possible about goods and services... Don't your competitors write the price? Write or specify a price fork. Does everyone have a short product description ripped off the manufacturer's website? Write your own, complete, add video and photos, collect customer reviews;
  • sharpen;
  • work out in detail the structure of the site, make it as complete as possible, in accordance with;
  • competently approachexternal promotion (link promotion);
  • constantly on promoted requests;
  • work on commercial factors on the site, such as a full address and phone number, a section with prices, information on delivery, and others. This is actually a very large and interesting topic for a separate article.

A blog on the company's website also gives a lot: you grow the number of pages, and you can reinforce commercial pages with links from blog articles.

If you want to promote services or sell products online, you cannot do without commercial requests. Get ready for the fact that the progress on them will be difficult and not fast. But if you conduct a competent analysis of competitors, approach the collection of semantics and work out the structure of the site, its usability and content wisely - nothing is impossible.

Search queries are categorized into different types. See an overview of the types of SEO queries below.

Queries without and with accumulated statistics

Grouping by accumulated statistics. The search engine separates requests into requests with accumulated statistics and new requests.

From a search engine's point of view, search queries will be divided into:

  • With accumulated statistics;
  • No statistics.
Consequently, the method of promoting site documents depends on the accumulated statistical information.

The ranking of documents by requests also depends on the accumulated statistics, from which it follows that website promotion for requests with accumulated statistics is more difficult than website promotion for new requests.

Basic request types

Types of search queries:
  • Commercial and informational;
  • By frequency: high, medium, low-frequency requests;
  • Geo-dependent and geo-independent queries.

Commercial inquiries

There are commercial searches and non-commercial searches. Promotion is different.

Commercial queries are queries that are - from the point of view of a search engine - for the purpose of a potential transaction.

Examples of commercial requests:

  • House rent;
  • Apartment for sale.
But, there are also not explicit commercial requests.

Example of commercial inquiries:

  • Conditioners;
  • Furniture in Moscow;
  • Website development in Moscow.
For the most part, commercial queries in the search engine are geo-dependent.

A number of commercial requests contain commercial markers, for example:

  • Buy
  • Price;
  • Cost.
It is recommended to use commercial markers in the text of documents (commercial pages), even if such words are not included in the semantic core of the site.

Information requests

Information requests are requests, the ultimate goal of which is the consumption of information from the Internet.

Examples of information requests

  • Air conditioning;
  • Sights;
  • Embassy address.
Various factors and formulas for ranking search results are used for commercial and informational queries.

Basically, information requests are geo-independent. Promoted by content.

It is forbidden to promote commercial and information requests on one page.

You can check whether the request is commercial or not by analyzing the search engine results.

As for the promotion. The amount of text content for information documents should be between three and five thousand text characters.

Information queries are promoted in search results through the influence on host factors and the authority of the resource.

Based on the analytics of search results, a conclusion is made about which pages the request should be promoted on, and specifically the conclusion about whether to promote keywords, requests on the main page or internal documents.

High-frequency, mid-frequency, low-frequency queries

The semantic core consists of a list of search queries. Keywords are selected by analyzing services or goods and analytics of search engine statistics. Typically, search queries are different in frequency.

Types of search queries:

  • High-frequency requests;
  • Medium-frequency requests;
  • Low frequency queries.

High-frequency queries

A high-frequency query is the main key phrase or word that is requested with high frequency in a search engine.

New sites are poorly suited for promoting high-frequency queries. For new domain names and sites, you should search for less frequent searches.

Mid-frequency queries

Medium-frequency queries are high-frequency queries with qualifying phrases.

The frequency of requests is lower, usually 3-10 times lower than the popularity of high-frequency requests. Medium-frequency queries are often characterized by high conversions.

Low frequency queries

Low-frequency queries are best used by sites that have not previously been promoted in organic search results.

Low-frequency queries are driven by internal factors.

Splitting requests into groups

Grouping of requests is based on the principles of complementing requests and synonymizing requests.

An example of complementary queries:

website promotion
website promotion moscow
Example of queries for synonyms: and
office furniture
Another example:
plastic windows

Analytics of the top for overlapping results on request is effective.

The grouping occurs according to needs.

Search query analytics result

In summary, it is important:
  • General frequency;
  • Accurate frequency;
  • Competition level;
  • Page address;
  • Position in Yandex;
  • Position on Google;
  • Geo-dependence.

How to determine the relevant page for a search query

The selection of the relevant pages for promoting the query is carried out by analyzing the search results through a query with the site operator, and the page that will be at the top of the search results is the most relevant document and immediately an example of a query to the search engine to determine the most relevant page by query "query" for the site at internet

Query site:

Search query classification and grouping

The semantic core is the main promotion. This is the initial stage of work. In promotion work, classification is important.

Query classification is the distribution of search queries from the semantic core base into certain classes.

Classification objectives:

  • Determination of top-priority search queries for promotion;
  • Removing junk queries;
  • Grouping of requests.
Query grouping is the process of building a site's structure by defining queries that can be promoted on a single page.

The basic principle. 1 page - 1 user problem and viewing how the grouping occurs on competitive pages.

There are tons of services for clustering key phrases. However, clustering services based on organic search engine results are all paid because they are expensive. All except one.
Free grouping of keywords based on the results of organic search engines Google, Yandex provides a service

Website promotion includes such an important stage as the formation of a semantic core with the grouping of retrieved queries by promoted pages. And at this stage, you need to find out that there are commercial and non-commercial requests. Depending on their type, SEOs use one or another promotion strategy. There is no precise division of commercial and non-commercial requests, so each request must be considered separately.

Commercial inquiries indicate that the user wants to make a purchase or use a service. For example, if a person has a desire to buy a smartphone, then he enters the search query "buy Samsung A9". Here we see that the user has a clear desire to make a purchase. Therefore, all such requests must be contained on landing pages that offer goods and services to visitors - these can be either product cards or pages with categories.

Non-commercial queries - examples and implications

As for non-commercial requests, they can be of the following form:

  • "Which sim card is in the Samsung A9 smartphone";
  • "Samsung A9 Review";
  • "Samsung A9 Specifications";
  • "Battery in Samsung A9".

Non-commercial requests are mostly informational. That is, users are just looking for this or that information - about SIM-cards, about the capacity of batteries and much more. For these purposes, whole information portals are being created, where information on these and many other requests is published.

Non-commercial requests are promoted by the most natural links - today it is better to use crowd marketing to promote them, buy guest posts on blogs or on specialized exchanges. Links in comments (directly in their body) also work well. As for the explicit link spam (so-called temporary links), they do not give the desired results - search engines know perfectly well how users link to non-commercial pages.

Converting traffic

Can non-commercial traffic become commercial traffic? There is always such a possibility. A typical example - looking for information about the battery capacity in Samsung A9, the user may be on the verge of buying. All we have to do is give him the information he needs and convince him to buy Samsung A9 in our online store. Especially for this, blogs are created in online stores, which publish useful information about stores. As a result, people who come from non-commercial (often low-frequency) requests can become potential buyers.

Non-commercial inquiries, as opposed to commercial ones, can turn out to be low competitive and bring potential buyers almost free of charge. Therefore, you do not need to discount them and remove them from the semantic core.