Beautiful javascript css3 3d photo gallery. Image gallery in jQuery. Implementation of the page "Propose by project"

Hello! Today we will talk about the best possible free photo gallery, video and photo slider, talk about the "photo frame". Despite the fact that the script is not supported for 2 years already and the author switched to similar project it works great and continues to please the eye.

Main advantages (+)

  1. Simplicity installation, configuration and use. Besides jQuery, you will need connect only 2 files, and to display the gallery, you only need to specify links to pictures.
  2. Slightly affects speed site loading.
  3. Adaptability... Your gallery looks good on your phone, laptop, and even your TV screen.
  4. An abundance of settings and functions, connected separately, through the attributes of HTML tags.
  5. Support for touch devices.
  6. Support video.
  7. Possibility lazy loading pictures.
  8. And many, many other things that will please the sophisticated user.

Minuses (-)

  1. Lack of user support. The likelihood that your problem will be addressed or fixed is almost zero. It’s bad, but not fatal.

The first option for connecting Fotorama

This connection option is the easiest, but not the best one, it should be used only if you need to display the gallery on most pages of the site. The advantage of this option is the use of a CDN.

  1. Checking for jQuery.Go to the source code of the site (combination ctrl keys + U) → trying to find something like this:

    Use Ctrl + F for easier searching. If the coveted line is not there, then you have to include jQuery. On WordPress, this can be done by pasting the code below into the theme's functions.php file. In fact, this script is used when there are conflicts between different versions of jQuery and it acts according to the following scheme: it removes the previously registered jQuery, registers a new one, displays the script. The current versions of the jQuery library can be found here.

    You can just insert a line like this between and :

    <script src \u003d ""> script\u003e
  2. We include fotorama.css and fotorama.js.Paste the following code between tags and , on WordPress this is done in the theme header file (header.php). "" rel \u003d "stylesheet"\u003e
  3. На этом подключение галереи первым способом окончено. Как использовать написано в разделе "Непосредственно создание галереи".

Второй вариант подключения [шорткод + Autoptimize]

В этом варианте подключения файлы скрипта будут выводиться только на нужных страницах через [шорткод ]. А если вы используете плагин Autoptimize, то код скрипта в придачу интегрироваться в файлы темы. Эти нехитрые манипуляции должны увеличить скорость загрузки сайта.

  1. Проверяем наличие jQuery. Так же как и в первом варианте, смотрите выше.
  2. Скачиваем файлы фоторамы → распаковываем загружаем в отдельную папку в корне сайта.
  3. Для создания шорткода в файл функций темы (functions.php) вставляем код, расположенный ниже, изменяем ссылки к файлам на свои..js"> ";) add_shortcode (" foto "," sd ");
  4. Now, when writing an article, at the end, enter the shortcode

Create a gallery directly

Gallery is rendered by HTML code using container

c class \u003d "fotorama", the container contains the image output code or link to image ... When writing an article in WordPress, switch the editor to text mode and enter a container
c class \u003d "fotorama".

It looks like this:

Or like this (link numbering is optional):

1 3 4

Examples of Fotorama settings

Container dimensions

The block size of the photo frame is the size of the first image, other pictures are scaled in proportion to the first. To correct this situation, you can specify the dimensions manually.

There are other settings as well:

Data-width \u003d "98%" // relative width data-ratio \u003d "800/600" // aspect ratio data-minwidth \u003d "420" // min. width data-maxwidth \u003d "900" // max. width data-minheight \u003d "320" // min. height data-maxheight \u003d "100% // relative max. height data-height \u003d" 100% // relative height


Data-nav \u003d "thumbs" is responsible for thumbnails

But this method is not very effective, since the script has to load all photos at once to generate thumbnails, so it would be more rational to prepare small copies of the pictures in advance. WordPress automatically renders thumbnails, we will use them. Add -70x70 to the filename to get a link to the thumbnail (https: //site/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/27ltl9eRXk.jpg → https: //site/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/27ltl9eRXk-70x70.jpg).

By default the thumbnail is 64x64. You can adjust this parameter using data-thumbwidth (width) and data-thumbheight (height). If you need the thumbnail to have its own size, then set width parameters and the height for the thumbnail file:

HTML code + Fotorama

The photo frame perfectly handles HTML and CSS, which significantly expands the functionality of the script. Work with links, blocks, tables, paragraphs, write CSS, and more. Below are some examples of how the gallery works. If the visual part is not displayed, then click the "Result" button.

Show / Hide Examples

See the Pen ooppwb by Ivanov Klim (@DreamerKlim) on CodePen.

See the Pen aVEEVb by Ivanov Klim (@DreamerKlim) on CodePen.

Full screen mode

data-allowfullscreen \u003d "true" // in the browser window data-allowfullscreen \u003d "native" // full monitor

It is possible to add a separate large image for full screen mode via data-full:


data-autoplay \u003d "true" // autoplay data-autoplay \u003d "3000" // interval between slides in ms data-caption \u003d "One" // comments for pictures data-keyboard \u003d "true" // arrow navigation data-shuffle \u003d "true" // images are out of order data-navposition \u003d "top" // thumbnails at the top data-loop \u003d "true" // cyclic scrolling Let's try to connect everything and add a video
data-caption \u003d "One" data-keyboard \u003d "true" data-shuffle \u003d "true" data-navposition \u003d "top" data-autoplay \u003d "true" data-loop \u003d "true"> "some comment 1"> "some comment 2"> To find work you love

by Dmitry Semenov
is a jQuery image gallery and content slider plugin. It's completely responsive, touch-friendly and has modular architecture that allows you include only features that you need to optimize file size and performance.

by Andy - The Coffeescripter
A highly customizable gallery / showcase plugin for jQuery.

by Trent
Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth.

Tonic Gallery - jQuery XML Portfolio Gallery | $ 6

by Aino
Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. The aim is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices.

by CatchMyFame
The other day I went looking for a simple way using jQuery to fade between a set of images on a page. So, being a coder, I set out to create my own plugin.

by Thomas Kahn
Smooth Div Scroll is a jQuery plugin that scrolls content horizontally left or right. Apart from many of the other scrolling plugins that have been written for jQuery, Smooth Div Scroll does not limit the scrolling to distinct steps.

by Victor Zambrano -
Minishowcase is a small and simple php / javascript online photo gallery, powered by AJAX that allows you to easily show your images online, without complex databases or coding, allowing to have an up-and-running gallery in a few minutes.

by Caspar David Friedrich
EOGallery is a web animated slideshow gallery made with jQuery. It only uses basic jQuery functions and Cody Lindley's Thickbox to display larger pictures.

by Arnault Pachot
A multi-format carousel for jQuery, Non obstrusive and accessible portfolio supporting multiple media: photos, video (flv), audio (mp3). This plugin for jQuery will automatically detect the extension of each media and apply the adapted player.

The Wall - Media Gallery - jQuery powered | $ 5

by Stefan Petre
Another image gallery plugin with space effect, very light and simple plugin.

by Moreno Di Domenico
jmFullWall is a jQuery plugin for the creation of an impressive portfolio.

by Fabrizio Calderan
Mosaiqy is a jQuery plugin for viewing and zooming photo working on Opera 9+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 3.2+, Chrome and IE7 +. Photos are retrieved from a JSON / JSONP data structure and randomly moved inside the grid. All expensive animations are taken over by your GPU on recent browsers using CSS3 transitions, minimizing the CPU overhead.

by Cody
The following jQuery plugin transforms a set of images into a tiny gallery with several options. The Micro Image Gallery allows to switch between a grid view which shows a preview of the images as thumbnails and a single view showing one image only.

VION - jQuery Image Gallery Plugin | $ 7

by Malihu
A simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery framework and some simple CSS.

Hello dear readers a! In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a minimalistic, but at the same time comfortable and functional photo gallery on jQuery, or a gallery of images, as you like. The gallery has the ability to create categories, followed by filtering. It is also possible to launch a slideshow. The gallery works in all browsers, so there will be no problems with adaptation.

Two free libraries will be used to create this gallery: Quicksandand PrettyPhoto... They make it much easier to create a gallery. As always, you can see the result of the work on the demo page, as well as download the archive from the working gallery and all the source files. The only drawback, if I may say so, is the manual creation of thumbnails for large images. Otherwise, this gallery worthy of attention. As well as !

HTML markup

First, let's analyze the panel with the list of categories, this is bulleted list ul. Moreover, each element of the list must have a unique class name.


<ul class \u003d "portfolio-categ filter"\u003e
<li\u003eCategories:</ li\u003e
<li class \u003d "all active"\u003e All</ a\u003e
<li class \u003d "cat-item-1"\u003e
Category 1</ a\u003e
<li class \u003d "cat-item-2"\u003e
Category 2</ a\u003e
<li class \u003d "cat-item-3"\u003e
Category 3</ a\u003e
<li class \u003d "cat-item-4"\u003e
Category 4</ a\u003e
</ ul\u003e


  • As stated above, list items are images in the gallery. Each element of the list includes compound ones. This is the image itself, or rather its thumbnail, as well as a description. The thumbnail is a link to the main image. The rel attribute is required to invoke javascript and open the main image.

    Don't forget also about 2 important things, the data-id attribute must be unique for the li list element. The data-type attribute contains the category class, the list of which I described above. It's all about the markup.

    CSS Styles

    I will not focus on styles, since we are using a ready-made library PrettyPhotowhich is responsible for increasing the image, and there is a lot of css code. However, it is worth noting that there are 5 options for the design of the enlarged image, although ideally only 3, since in two options only the rounding is removed.

    Therefore, I will show only CSS styles for thumbnails and a list of categories.


    Portfolio-categ (margin-bottom: 30px;)
    .portfolio-categ li (
    display: inline;
    margin-right: 10px;
    .image-block (
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    .image-block img (
    border: 1px solid # d5d5d5;
    border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
    background: #FFFFFF;
    padding: 10px;
    .image-block img: hover (
    border: 1px solid # A9CF54;
    box-shadow: 0 0 5px # A9CF54;
    .portfolio-area li (
    float: left;
    margin: 0 12px 20px 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 245px;
    padding: 5px;
    .home-portfolio-text (margin-top: 10px;) a (text-decoration: underline;)

    In principle, everything should be clear with styles. To make the categories line up, the display property is set to inline. In order to give the effect of a stroke to the image, set the background color (white) and an offset of 10 pixels. The sizes of the list items are set in .portfolio-area li.


    And finally, the most important thing, for what the whole lesson is. it jQuery code... Let's start by filtering images by category.


    // Select all children of portfolio-area and write to variable
    var $ data \u003d $ (". portfolio-area") .clone ();

    $ (". portfolio-categ li") .click (function (e) (
    $ (". filter li") .removeClass ("active");

    var filterClass \u003d $ (this) .attr ("class") .split ("") .slice (- 1) [0];

    if (filterClass \u003d\u003d "all") (
    var $ filteredData \u003d $ data.find (".portfolio-item2");
    ) else (
    var $ filteredData \u003d $ data.find (".portfolio-item2");
    $ (". portfolio-area") .quicksand ($ filteredData, (
    duration: 600,
    adjustHeight: "auto"
    ), function () (

    LightboxPhoto ();
    } ) ;
    $ (this) .addClass ("active");
    return false;
    } ) ;

    Using the clone () method and the selector, we select all the children of the .portfolio-area and write them to the $ data variable. Next, we track the click on one of the categories, the li element in the list with the .portfolio-categ class. We make all categories inactive by removing removeClass ("active"), if this is not done then over time all categories will be active and filtering will stop.

    Since we click on the list item, the selector this contains the list item, that is, li, we take the value of the class attribute from it and use the split method to split the class name into several parts, the border is a space (ie, if the class was all active "then after splitting we get an array of" all "and" active "). And then, using the slice method, we select the first element of the array (in our case, "all"), and write the resulting result into the filterClass variable. If there was no space then the name of the class will not change.

    Next, we check if the filterClass variable contains the string all, then using the .find method, we select all the items with the class portfolio-item2 from the $ data array that we discussed above. The selected elements (and these are all the elements of the list, that is, all the pictures) are placed in the filteredData variable.

    Otherwise, if filterClass is not equal all, then in the variable filterData we will put not all the elements of the list, but only those whose data-type attribute matches the category class. In short, items are only of one category.

    And in the end, we transfer the resulting variable to the library jquery quicksand, which filters images. This is all about filtering.

    Now for the enlargement of the image in the popup. Everything is much simpler here.


    jQuery ("a") .prettyPhoto ((
    animationSpeed: "fast",
    slideshow: 5000,
    theme: "facebook",
    show_title: false,
    overlay_gallery: false
    } ) ;

    A click is tracked on a link whose rel attribute begins with prettyPhoto. Then the library comes into play prettyPhotoand the image is miraculously enlarged. By the way, we also pass in a few parameters. Such as animation speed - fast, slide show delay - 5 seconds, Facebook theme (there are 5 themes in total in the images / prettyPhoto folder), and also prohibit displaying the name of the image and zooming in on the mouse hover. Complete documentation for prettyPhoto can be found

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    1.jQuery gallery with page turning effect

    A similar solution can be used to display the latest blog articles or to present products.

    A unique way to display your photos as a jQuery fancy gallery.

    3. jQuery product image gallery, slideJS plugin

    jQuery plugin great for implementing a product page with multiple images. The transition between images can be carried out using thumbnails, or using the navigation arrows.

    The image is enlarged when you move the mouse cursor over it.

    5. Elegant Lightbox gallery "ppGallery"

    6. Mini-gallery jQuery "Touch-Gallery"

    7. New jQuery thumbnail gallery

    Professional jQuery gallery 2011.

    8. jQuery plugin "Nivo Zoom"

    Another quality jQuery plugin from the Nivo slider developers. Increase the image by clicking on the thumbnail.

    9. jQuery 3d Wall Gallery

    New jQuery gallery of 2011. The image strip is stretched to the full width of the screen. You can navigate between photos in three ways: using the mouse wheel, by scrolling from the top of the gallery, and using the block with thumbnails at the bottom. The gallery looks very impressive.

    The images in the gallery are randomly zoomed in and out to create a bubble effect.

    11. Unusual display of images in jQuery gallery

    Use the slider at the top to change the distance between images in the stack. When you click on an image, it rotates.

    12. "MB.Gallery" jQuery plugin

    13.jQuery gallery that stretches to full screen

    Plugin 2011. A new gallery with descriptions of images, stretching to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe browser window, regardless of its size. Thumbnails of images are implemented in an interesting way. The transition between photos is carried out using the arrows near the miniature and using the mouse wheel.

    14. Light jQuery gallery

    The plugin will automatically scan the folder and create thumbnail copies of images.

    16. Stylish gallery using jQuery and Raphael libraries

    An interesting effect when hovering the mouse cursor over a thumbnail.

    17. New version of jQuery plugin "Supersized" version 3.1

    Most recently, I mentioned this jQuery solution for creating full screen galleries. Today I want to introduce you latest version this professional plugin. The script has been completely rewritten, now the gallery is even faster, while some interesting settings have been added, for example, navigation using the keyboard, variable speed of changing images, screen size and others.

    18.jQuery plugin "Galleria 1.2.2"

    New jQuery gallery for your projects.

    The gallery pops up on the page at the click of a button. Thumbnails are displayed around the enlarged image. You can control the automatic change of images. Technologies used: jQuery, CSS, PHP.

    20. Plugin "Timer Gallery"

    jQuery gallery. Implemented automatic change of slides and scrolling of thumbnails if there are too many of them.

    Image gallery plugin in jQuery.

    22. javascript gallery for viewing on mobile devices "PhotoSwipe"

    Image gallery optimized for viewing on mobile devicesah (phones or tablets).

    23. javascript gallery with 3D effect

    24. Gallery "jQuery morphing gallery"

    New jQuery slider. Several cool animated effects when changing slides.

    25. jQuery plugin "Galleria 1.2.3"

    26. jQuery Image Wall

    An original gallery in the form of miniatures of various sizes scattered across the screen, stylized as paintings. When you click on a thumbnail, an area with an image description appears, and when you click again, the original large image pops up.

    27. CSS3 Gallery

    Interesting hover effect.

    28. Gallery with miniatures "TN3 Gallery"

    jQyery gallery with thumbnails. Implemented the ability to view in a compact window and in a window in full screen, as well as the ability to disable / enable automatic slide change.

    29. Grid of images "Grid-Gallery"

    The image grid is stretched based on the width of the browser window. Interesting hover effect: the active row and column are highlighted.

    30. jQuery Swap Gallery

    Lightweight jQuery gallery in a few lines of code.

    The demo page provides several options for drop-down mega menus, in various styles. In this menu, you can customize: drop effect, drop rate, and also make a choice between drop-out by clicking or by hovering the mouse over an item.

    31. jQuery Image Gallery

    jQuery gallery with image captions. Several slide transition effects. Navigation between images is carried out either with the help of arrows or by clicking on a thumbnail.

    The image and its miniatures are made in the form of circles.

    33. jQuery "Portfolio Image Navigation" plugin

    An original javascript solution for a photographer's portfolio. Navigation between images is carried out using the Up / Left / Right arrows and using mini-squares (imitation of movement in 2D space). You can group photos from different photo sessions in different vertical rows and navigate through them using the navigation controls. See demo.

    34. Plugin "jmFullZoom"

    Plugin for viewing images stretching to the full size of the browser window. Can be used to display portfolio work.

    35. Photo card

    Gallery integrated with Google map. You can expand to full screen by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner. Perfect for travel sites.

    36. Image gallery with thumbnails

    jQuery thumbnail gallery.

    37. jQuery gallery "Galleriffic"

    Slideshow with thumbnails.

    38. jQuery CSS3 Wave Display Effect Plugin

    Wavy presentation of images and content on a page. When you click on a thumbnail, all images are enlarged and their name appears. When you press it again, a block with a description of the photo opens.

    Many display options and settings.

    42. Plogger

    43. A simple nice gallery made in CSS, no scripts

    Looks nice and works great in all modern browsers

    You can control the automatic slide show (start / stop), switch slides using the keyboard arrows, automatically paginate slide titles, if there are many, supports multiple galleries on one page, slide captions, API support and the ability to create your own slide transition effects

    46. \u200b\u200bGallery in the form of a stack of photos

    This is how the result of the gallery that we will create with you should look like. You can watch the demo and, if you wish, download the final result of the gallery.

    Hello everyone!
    When creating a new web project, developers of all stripes are often interested in the question of how to present to their users different kinds images, whether photographs or sets of pictures. For this, the inquisitive minds of the online space, for the most part, of course, this space is "bourgeois", are looking for more and more solutions to create spectacular, colorful, and most importantly functional slideshows and photo galleries. For the most part, they are adjusted by developers to the design of the template of the web project being created, or in the form of plugins and modules for a specific site management engine. It is worth looking at modern templates for, not a single theme, with rare exceptions, is complete without some kind of plug-in slider or a simple image rotator. So it is understandable that many web developers want to get something like that in their arsenal and surprise their readers in full, effectively presenting images on their sites.

    Continuing the series of reviews of new solutions that I have begun, I decided to put together a more complete collection of interesting and effective slideshows and photo galleries that I have ever met, created using the magic of jQuery.
    I want to warn you right away that the resources that will be discussed in the review are mainly in English, but I think who needs it, they will figure it out intuitively or with the help of translators, of whom there are a dime a dozen. And if you look well, you can find descriptions of the technique for creating some galleries and sliders in Russian, since many of our web developers translate in the process of working on a particular project, first for themselves, and then post detailed descriptions of all their manipulations for free access. ...
    For example, I did the same, at one time working on the creation mechanism, at first I found in the bourgeois a suitable version of the gallery for me, translated it for a better understanding of what I was doing, and later this turned out, I dare to hope, not a bad article about using the Highslide script, with examples of work in various application variations.
    And so, enough of unnecessary lyrics, let's go directly to the review, see, read brief explanations and choose from a huge number of new jQuery plugins and scripts to implement interesting image sliders, photo galleries, slideshows on your sites: with automatic and manual change slides, background image sliders, with and without thumbnails, etc. etc...

    Of.Website | Demo

    A complete, customizable jQuery image gallery with slideshow elements, transition effects and multiple album options. Compatible with all modern desktop and mobile browsers.

    A guide to creating a jQuery-based fullscreen gallery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the shown full-screen image displayed to the side, with reflection as you move through the images using the arrows or mouse kokeshik. Large images change in slideshow style up or down depending on the transition you choose. The ability to scale the picture, which makes the image in the background for viewing in full screen mode or fit to the page size.

    Parallax Slider

    Parallax Slider an interesting solution for organizing the display of images in the form of a slide show with manual controls. Attracts the original placement of thumbnails of pictures. The official website has a complete layout for integrating and configuring the slider.

    Minimalistic Slideshow Gallery with jQuery an excellent gallery of images with elements of automatic image change, as well as with the ability to manually control the display and selection of images from a drop-down block with a grid of thumbnails. Of the minuses, we can note the lack of viewing full-scale images, but this is the minimalism of this gallery.

    It is a full-screen slideshow with automatically changing images, no mind-blowing effects, everything is simple and tasteful.

    Minimit Galleryis a highly customizable jQuery plugin with a large selection of image transitions. With the help of Minimit gallery, you can organize a demonstration of images in the form of a carousel, slideshow, a simple rotator and a simple picture flipping.

    Is a tiny (2kb) jQuery plugin that provides a simple, no-nonsense way to display images as a slideshow.

    Is a nice looking javascript gallery with intuitive controls and flawless compatibility across all computers, iPhones and mobile devices. Very easy to install and configure

    Unlike many Javascript and jQuery image sliders, Slider.js is a hybrid solution, efficient CSS3 transitions and animation based.

    This is a one page template for creating various presentations in HTML5 and CSS3.

    Diapo slideshow is an open source project. You can suggest changes or improvements if you want. You can download and use it for free, also nothing and no one bothers to use this slider in your projects. The slider is easily customizable, interesting transitions between the presented content, and you can place anything in the slider, it works pretty quickly, without any jambs.

    Is nothing more than another tool for creating slideshows on websites and other web projects. Supported by all modern browsers, horizontal and vertical animation, support for custom transitions, callback API, and more. You can use any html elements in slides, understandable and accessible for beginners, distributed completely free of charge.

    JavaScript Slideshow for Agile Development

    Implement your slideshows with this awesome jQuery plugin. A highly customizable tool so you can build your content presentation according to your requirements. A data format is used to provide easier integration with external data or data from your CMS. This is a new version and written from scratch. The developers have tried to describe the entire process of working with their brainchild in an extremely clear and intelligible way.

    - jQuery plugin that allows you to convert unordered lists into slideshows with attractive animation effects. In a slide show, you can display a list of slides, either using numbers or thumbnails, or using the Previous and Next buttons. The slider has many original animation types, including cube (with various subspecies), pipe, block, and more.

    A complete set of tools for organizing all kinds of presentations of various content on your web projects. The bourgeois guys did their best, included in the clip, almost all kinds of various sliders and galleries using the magic of jQuery. Photo slider, photo gallery, dynamic slideshow, carousel, content slider, tabs menu and much more, in general, there is a place to roam our irrepressible imagination.

    This is a jQuery slideshow plugin that is built with simplicity in mind. Packed with only the most useful set of functions, both for beginners and advanced developers, providing the ability to create simple, but at the same time very effective slideshows that are user-friendly.

    - such a simple slider built on jQuery, simple in all respects, does not require special skills, I think many will come in handy for the implementation of slideshows on their sites. The plugin has been tested in all modern browsers, including the slower IE.

    jbgallery is a kind of user interface widget written in javascript of the jQuery library. Its function is to show one large image as the background of the site in full-screen mode, several images as a slider. All view modes have view controls. An interesting solution in its own way, where it is not even standard.

    It is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for displaying your photos as a slideshow with transition effects between images (seen and more interesting). jqFancyTransitions is compatible and extensively tested with Safari 2+, Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+.

    Is a free jQuery plugin for viewing images and any other information in the form of a "lightbox". Popup with controls, shaded background and all, simple and tasteful.

    Another jQuery plugin from the Lightbox series, although it weighs in a disgraceful way (9 KB), while it has a bunch of opportunities to work with. There is a decently designed interface that you can always improve or customize with CSS.

    Already from the name it becomes clear that there is nothing fancy, we have a very simple automatic image scroller, with completely absent controls. Who knows, maybe just by its minimalism, this slider will attract your attention.

    Image rotator with different types transitions. It works both in automatic mode and on click, it is configured quite easily.

    - a full-fledged image gallery rather than just a slider. Thumbnail preview and the ability to choose the transition effect, full support for all browsers, a detailed description of the integration into a web project and free distribution.

    It is an implementation of ready-to-use slideshows using scriptaculous / prototype or jQuery. Horinaja is a kind of innovative solution, because it allows you to use the wheel to scroll through the content placed in the slider. When the mouse pointer is outside the slide show area, the change occurs automatically, when the pointer is placed over the slide show, scrolling stops.

    A feature from a series of the simplest image scrollers, although with the presence of viewing controls, respectively, works in both automatic and manual modes.

    s3Slider - jQuery plugin, creates a slideshow from an unordered list of images and can be easily implemented on any web site.

    This is a jQuery plugin that is optimized to handle large volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth.

    Vegas Background

    The Vegas Background jQuery plugin allows you to add beautiful full screen background images to your web pages, all with slideshow elements. If you carefully study the intricacies of working with the plugin, you can find many interesting solutions, of course, if only you need it.

    - a slider as a slider, no more, no less, with captions for images or announcements of articles and simple controls, using the "typing" method.

    Is a lightweight (about 5 KB) javascript for organizing image viewing. Automatic resizing and scaling of large images, allows you to view the picture in full size within the browser window

    PikaChoose jQuery image gallery version 4 is available! Pikachoose is a lightweight jQuery slideshow, with great opportunities! Integration with Fancybox, great themes (though not free) and much more are offered by the plugin developers.

    Checks the number of images in your list and dynamically creates a set of photo links in the form of digital navigation. In addition, clicking on each image will move forward or backward, and you can also flip through the images depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe click on the picture (for example: clicking on the left side of the picture will move the slides back and forth, respectively, for the right side of the image).

    Another jQuery slider that fits perfectly into any WordPress template.

    Another development of "Nivo", like everything that the guys from this studio do, the plug-in is made with high quality, contains 16 unique transition effects, keyboard navigation and much more. This version includes a dedicated plugin directly for WordPress. So for all fans of this blogging engine, Nivo Slider will be just right for the topic.

    jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly create a simple, effective and beautiful slider for images of any size.

    Piroboxis a lightweight jQuery "lightbox" script, viewing is carried out in a pop-up block that automatically adjusts to the size of the image, with all the controls.

    The creators of this gallery offer quite an original presentation of the pictures. The images are displayed as thumbnails in the form of a wave, when you click on the thumbnail, we will contemplate a medium-sized version of the picture, click a second time and you will have a large image. You can consider this an experiment, but you must admit that something new and unusual is always interesting.

    Full screen slideshow with HTML5 and jQuery

    To create slideshows and display pictures in full screen mode, the developers used the Vegas jQuery plugin already familiar to you, which contains many ideas and techniques previously described in detail in the group's articles. Attracted by the presence of HTML5 audio elements and the style of execution of transitions between images.

    Another development of the Codrops team, a full-fledged and functional image gallery, however, what's the point in describing it, you must see it.

    Picture slideshow, pictures disappear right in front of your eyes, the effect is amazing.

    Is an image gallery JavaScript framework built on top of the jQuery library. The goal is to simplify the process of developing a professional image gallery for web and mobile devices. Possibility to view in pop-up window and in full screen mode.

    Quietly, we begin to get used to it and wait for new works from the Codrops team. Please get a great picture slider with a great 3D transition effect to view pictures in full screen mode.

    Another WordPress plugin in the series of slideshow organizers. Easily integrates into almost any design and offers many customization options for experienced users as well as inexperienced ones.

    Another plugin written for WordPress will make it much easier to organize a slideshow of pictures or any other content on your blogs.

    Nice slideshow plugin for WordPress integration. Xili-floom-slideshow is installed automatically, and personal settings are also allowed.

    Slimbox2 is a well-established WordPress plugin for displaying images with "Lightbox" effect. Supports automatic slideshow and image resizing in browser window. Anyway, this plugin has many advantages over other plugins in this series.

    This plugin, widget allows you to create dynamic, manageable slideshows and presentations for your WordPress website or blog

    This WordPress plugin converts gallery-embedded images into a simple and flexible slideshow. The plugin uses FlexSlider jQuery image slider and user personal preferences.

    Is a WordPress plugin for organizing slideshows of photos, pictures from SmugMug, Flickr, MobileMe, Picasa or Photobucket RSS feed, works and displays using pure Javascript.

    A simple slider like this for WordPress and more. Nothing superfluous and cumbersome, the work is done in a minimalist style, the emphasis is on stability and speed, it perfectly connects to the blog management engine.

    In my opinion Skitter is one of the best wordpress sliders. Attracted by the stability and speed of work, not too prominent controls, transition effects and a fairly simple connection to the theme.

    Is a WordPress plugin with which you can easily and quickly organize a gallery of images on your site with the ability to view in a slideshow mode. The display can be either automatic or fully controlled with thumbnail display and image captions.

    Of.Website | Demo

    Shows all pictures for a post / page as a slideshow. Easy installation. This plugin requires Adobe Flash for the version with transition animation, if Flash is not found the slider is working normally.

    Another simple WordPress slider that shows post images and short article previews. I use just such a plugin on this blog from time to time.

    Meteor Slides - wordpress slider in jQuery, has over twenty transition styles to choose from. The author called the plug-in "meteor", probably implying the speed of work, perhaps I did not notice anything about meteor.

    oQey Gallery is a complete image gallery with slideshow elements for wordpress, with embedded video and music capabilities.

    It is a slideshow with flash animation elements for viewing images and videos on websites and blogs. You can place this slider on any website, stuff it in any size and with any content you like.

    Flash Gallery plugin turns your regular galleries into stunning image walls, with support for multiple albums per post, full screen preview and slideshow mode.

    WOW Slider is a jQuery image slider for WordPress with amazing visuals (Explosion, Fly, Blinds, Squares, Slices, Basic, Fade, Stack, Vertical Stack and Linear) and professionally designed templates.

    Promotion Slider is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to play a simple slideshow, or implement multiple zones of rotating ads on the page, because it is a highly customizable tool, you will have complete control over what is shown in the slider and how the module works. generally.

    | Demo

    New in version 2.4: support for drag-n-drop sorting of photos directly through the WordPress editor, as well as the ability to add photo links to main images. (IE8 may have bugs, works fine in all major browsers. Authors promise full support for IE8 in the future.)

    | Demo

    The final chord of this review will be this WordPress plugin, another slider with interesting visual effects for selecting and changing images.

    I look at all of the above and I am amazed that it must be a flight of imagination for human beings, and this is far from all that variegated web developers have heaped up recently on the topic of organizing images on web projects. It's great that it is now possible to bring such great solutions for creating galleries and slideshows to life.
    I dare to quietly hope that in this collection you will find something interesting for yourself, close up your own, unique gallery or slider, to the delight of your users and, of course, to your loved one, but where without that ...