How to put a padlock on a page in contact. How to limit the VKontakte page. What is this opportunity for?

So, you have started your own VKontakte page. You share your impressions, post photos, write your thoughts about something or someone. And at the same time, you expect that information about other people will be as freely accessible as yours. But here you go to the person you are interested in, and there ... "This person has restricted access to her page." And curious, and interesting, and torments the question: "Why and what is this person hiding so interesting?" In addition, another question comes up: "How to restrict access to the VKontakte page? Well, let's first figure out what it actually limits?"

What does "limited access" mean?

And this phrase means that you will not be able to see all the information on the "limited" page. By the way, it is not difficult to figure out how to restrict access to the VKontakte page. But more on that later. Now about the restrictions. This way you can hide not all information, but only part of it. Let's say you can restrict access to your photos, videos, groups, gifts, friends, and even your location (meaning a map that indicates where you live or where you are at the moment). This is often done without any apparent reasons... In rare cases, such an action is justified. For example, to hide your harsh statements about teachers from them, because social networks are now available to everyone.

How to restrict access to the VKontakte page?

To do this, as mentioned earlier, is not difficult at all. To restrict access to your entire profile, you need to take a few steps. First, open the "Settings" tab in your page menu (on the left). Then select "Privacy" and mark the option you want. If you want your entire page to be hidden from prying eyes, then select "Only me" from the list provided (this is the very first line that says "Who sees the basic information of my page"). In the same way, you can restrict access to photos, friends, music and other information. In addition, you can hide information not from all representatives of the human race, but from certain persons you dislike. How to restrict access to the VKontakte page in this case? No more complicated than the previously described procedure. Just from the list that appears, select the item "All except ..." and put the persons you have chosen there.

Black list

There is another way to save your page from unpleasant visits. There is a blacklist for this. So, this list is all in the same "Settings". Opening the appropriate tab, you will see an empty line at the top. There you need to enter either the name of the person who bored you, or a link to his / her page, then click on the "Add to black list" button. That's all! Now your page is closed from him or from them. By the way, the difference between the restriction and the black list is that the "restricted" ones can write you a message, but those caught in the "blacklist" are deprived of this right, so they will not be able to bother you from now on. At least in social network.

The social network Vkontakte has long become an integral part of our life. Every day we spend hours watching the news feed, listening to music, watching videos and, of course, chatting with friends online. However, sometimes there is a need to prohibit viewing your account or some part of it. Of course the most in a simple way will send the user to the blacklist, but then he will not be able to write you messages. And, on top of that, you are unlikely to add absolutely everyone to the black list, if, for example, you do not want someone to see your audio recordings. therefore the best way will play with the settings. How to do this will be discussed in this article. So, how to restrict access to your Vkontakte page? Everyone has their own reasons and Vkontakte kindly provides us with such an opportunity.

What is this opportunity for?

Not everyone likes it when their personal life is on display. Fortunately, it is possible to restrict access to those parameters that you do not want to show for everyone to see.
For example, you don't need everyone to view your photos and be able to comment on them, for this you just need to change the privacy settings and leave the ability to comment only to your friends. In addition, it is possible to prohibit sending you messages or sending invitations to groups to people who are not your friends. This will help you get rid of annoying spam.

What exactly can be hidden from other users

Vkontakte provides us with the opportunity not to advertise information on the following points:
1. My page.
In this section, you can hide basic information, photos and videos on which other users have tagged you, your list of groups, audio recordings, gifts, a map with your photos marked on it, a list of friends and subscribers.
2. Entries on the page
Here you can adjust which users of the Vkontakte social network will have access to the posts on the wall left by other users; who can write on your page; comment on your posts, as well as the posts of other users.
3. Contact me
In this part of the settings, you can allow or deny users or a specific group of users to write to you, invite you to groups, publics, communities and applications, send friend requests.
4. Other
Here you can mark the users of which resources can see your page. That is, will it be visible to search sites (Google, Yandex, and so on), or only to Vkontakte users.

How to work with settings

In order to open the page with privacy settings, you must click on the button located in the right upper corner... It contains a thumbnail of your main profile photo and has your name written on it. Next, a small window will open where you need to select the "Settings" item. Then, on the right side of the page, select the "Privacy" section. Then you should select the option that suits you next to the item you need. Now there are the settings set for the current period of time, but by clicking on them, a list with various options will appear, where you can choose the appropriate ones:
1.All users
2.Only friends
3. Friends and Friends of Friends
4.Just me
5.Everything except ...
6 some friends
7 some friends lists
Play around with your privacy settings to find the option that suits you best. In addition to everything else, Vkontakte provides an opportunity to see exactly how your page is displayed for a particular user. At the very bottom of the page, click on the "see how other users see your page" hyperlink. You will see your page through the eyes of an unfamiliar user, that is, a person who is not your friend. If you click on the top of the page, you can select any friend from the drop-down list and find out how she or she sees your page.

How to add a user to the blacklist

If you want a certain person to have no opportunity in principle
view your account, you can add it to the blacklist. In the "Blacklist" section of the settings, mark the link to his account. You can try to start entering his name, Vkontakte will help you and suggest possible options. Click on the "Add to blacklist" hyperlink. Having performed all these manipulations, if he goes to your account, he will not see anything except a message that you have restricted access to him. In addition, the user loses the ability to write you private messages. If there is no need for this, you can always remove it from the blacklist and the user will see all the information that you allow to see by specifying the appropriate privacy settings.

How to hide some friends

Unfortunately, with the advent of the new Vkontakte design, the ability to hide friends has disappeared.


For the convenience of users on the Vkontakte social network, there is an opportunity to hide almost any information from your page. When correct settings privacy, you completely protect yourself from annoying spam and people whose purpose is to offend you.

Today we will talk about how Vkontakte can close a page from outsiders, more precisely, how to limit access to it as much as possible - unfortunately, the functionality of the social network does not provide for the ability to completely hide the page.

To ensure that your profile information is not available to everyone, you can use the privacy settings. Ready? Then let's get started.

Select the item “ My settings"Which is next to" My audios», « Posts" And so on. In the same place, go to the " Privacyb ".

Before you will be possible settings confidentiality - for example, “ Who can see my photos" or " Who can see my audio recordings". You are free to choose whether you want to hide the selected information from everyone or give access to it to certain people: for example, “ Who can see the list of my groups» - « Only friends". There is also convenient function « Some friends»: You can choose from your friendlist those for whom you want to keep the information visible.


Also at the very end of the privacy settings page there is a separate block “ Other". We are interested in his subparagraph “ Who can see my page on the Internet».

The VK functionality provides the following options to choose from:

  • everyone;
  • any people, except for those who came from search engines;
  • only for those who are already registered on Vkontakte.

If you choose the last option, then it will be possible to find your page only through a search in the VK itself, and unauthorized users will see from the link to you that the page is available only to those who entered the site.

"How other users see my page"

At the very end of the privacy settings block, the functionality will offer you another trick - take a look at a sample of how your page looks to others. To do this, follow the link of the same name.

You will be shown your profile with restrictions and an inscription above it " Almost everyone sees your page this way. Want to know how your page sees certain person ? " If so, you just need to enter your friend's name or a link to someone's page in the field under this entry.


Even if you hide everything that was available in the " Privacy», Visitors to your page will still see the following:

  • your photo on the avatar;
  • brief information - birthday, country, language, if specified;
  • whatever is on your wall;
  • the content of the two photo albums by default is “ Pictures on my wall"And" Photos from my page».

The problem can be partially solved like this:

  • remove the avatar;
  • put a fictitious date of birth, fill in only the required fields for registration;
  • do not leave anything on the VK wall that you do not want to show to strangers - unfortunately, it is impossible to hide the entries on it, unless they were left by other people.

Black list

However, there is still one way to completely and completely hide your Vkontakte profile, but it is quite cardinal. This is a blacklist. You can send a user to it like this:

  • go to " My settings»;
  • select the sub-item " Black list»;
  • paste a link to someone's profile and click " Add to", Or on the page of the person himself under the block of videos, select" Block such and such».

The social network VKontakte contains a large amount of information about a person, if he actively uses it. Friends lists, photos, posts on the wall - this and much more can tell a lot about the user of the page, as well as allow you to find out more detailed information about him. However, all private information can be easily hidden from prying eyes using the VKontakte settings. As part of this article, we will consider the main ways of restricting access to the VK page to unwanted users.

Table of contents:

What information can be restricted on VKontakte

In the settings of the VKontakte page, a separate section is responsible for privacy. In it you can see a list of information that you can restrict access to. All information is conditionally divided into 4 sections, each of which includes several subsections:

  • My page. Here are collected privacy settings for personal information about the user, such as: photos, list of groups and audio recordings, hidden friends, gifts and stuff;
  • Entries per page.It is clear from the title of the section that it comes about the user's wall. That is, the user can control who has the right to view posts on his wall, leave comments under them, create new posts on the wall, and so on;
  • Communication with me. In this section, privacy is configured in terms of user concern. That is, if in all other sections the main goal is to hide information from prying eyes, then here the main goal is to limit notifications from other users, such as invitations to groups, applications, private messages, and so on;
  • Other. This section configures the privacy of tracking user activity. Here you can determine if the page will be indexed in search engines, as well as customize the list of your actions, which will be visible to your friends, that is, updates to various sections.

As you can see, the list of VKontakte privacy settings is large, and the user can almost completely restrict access to his page, both to unfamiliar users of the social network, and to individual friends.

Setting the privacy of the VKontakte page

Now let's take a closer look at how to work with VK privacy settings:

Having configured the privacy of the page as necessary, you can exit the settings section - the changes will take effect immediately.

Please note: On the privacy settings page, at the very bottom, there is an opportunity to view your page on behalf of other users in order to visually see what information is available to them.

How to restrict access to your VK page

If there is a goal to completely restrict access to information on your VKontakte page or actions with it for one or several users, the easiest way to do this is through the "Black List". Specific users added to the "Black List" will see when they go to your page that access is restricted for them, and they cannot do anything about it.

Adding a user to the VKontakte blacklist is extremely simple:

After that, the user will be blacklisted, and all information on your page, as well as data about your activity, will be hidden from him.

Please note: If necessary, the user can be removed from the blacklist.